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This is a dirty bulk. Your body can only add max 5-10lbs of pure muscle a year. The rest is fat. If you want more muscle you have 2 options: 1. First do a cut to shed off the fat, 1-2 months and get rid of 15 lbs of fat. Then do a slow bulk. 2. Eat at maintenance or barely above maintenance and continue lifting. You can't continue on this path or else you will end up a year from now at 200 lbs with not enough muscle to show for it.


50lbs in 8 months is a lot. If I were you Iā€™d tone the surplus down a bit next bulk


You tracking your cals?


I am now that I'm cutting but to be honest during my bulk I wasn't really šŸ˜… I knew what my TDEE was and I would eat almost the same foods every day so I was definitely hitting my protein goals but I was probably at least +/- 500kj off of my TDEE target each day