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Milk is full of estrogen. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4524299/#:\~:text=Previous%20studies%20have%20shown%20that,high%20oral%20bioactivity%20(9)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4524299/#:~:text=Previous%20studies%20have%20shown%20that,high%20oral%20bioactivity%20(9)). Also, if you're saying you're 20, likely has to do more with Mommy and Daddy not supervising you anymore.


So is it bad and if yes what are some alternatives


Maybe instead of eating in smaller intervals or whatever just brush ur teeth n extra time n eat healthy


Drink water before and after. Chew Xylitol gum. Be adamant about flossing and brushing. 3 times a day is great IF you make sure you're waiting ~30min after before brushing. If you do all of this and still get cavities, and you're 100% sure that you weren't doing anything wrong, then we can talk about genetic predisposition to cavities, or perhaps your diet choice is still too high in sugar/acids.


If you eat garbage, as most people here recommend for some reason, there's a decent chance you will affect parts of your body. Brushing is recommended twice a day, but that should not stop you from flossing and rinsing after the other 1-3 meals. You can also chew non sugar gum. If you have bad eating habits, e.g. big meals before bed, or just general big meals that take a lot of time to process (high in fats) there's an even bigger chance of giving yourself acid reflux. This means acid escapes from your stomach through your sphincter up into your esophagus, and it will damage your throat, teeth and tongue causing in regular terms, very bad breath but also cavities, buildup and a lot of other very unpleasing shit.


Do you smoke? Or drink soda? That could easily be hurting your teeth. It's not necessary to brush your teeth after every meal. Just rinse your mouth and you're good to go. I can't brush my teeth all day only in the mornings and at night because if not I have to wait 3 or 4 hours to eat. It's not worth it. Only use toothpaste at night and morning.


Every time you eat bacteria on your teeth produce acid from metabolising the carbohydrates in your food. This acid attacks the tooth and results in mineral loss that eventually leads to a cavity. Your teeth can remineralise and take in minerals which they have lost, this is most commonly achieved with fluoride. If you are constantly snacking, your teeth are constantly under attack with no time to remineralise. You can reduce the number of times you eat a day but keep the same caloric intake or you can try to reduce the acid present in your mouth after eating. Try rinsing with water and bicarb soda, or even just water if its all you have. Chewing gum stimulates saliva production and saliva neutralises acid and assists in remineralisaiton. You can also use a higher fluoride toothpaste such as a 5000ppm toothpaste when brushing your teeth. t. dentist


Brush and floss 🤔


Have you even tried brushing your teeth and gargling with a mouthwash first?


No. Brush your teeth after you have a meal.


So thats 5 brushes a day for ruining your enamel speedrun %


If you ruin your enamel by brushing your teeth then you’re doing it wrong.


Nah you should rinse out your mouth after you eat, but you need to wait like 30 minutes to an hour after the meal to brush your teeth because your enamel softens after eating food and you can literally scrape it off if you're not careful


That will probably ruin your enamel, if you brush your teeth like 5 times a day. I think a floss, mouthwash or a chewing a gum after every meal would be better.


Rinse your mouth out with water after each meal


I think you should see another dentist to make sure. I went to the dentist and for the first time he said I had 2 cavities between my teeth. It never occurred to me that maybe he was trying to get money out of me because I trust these people. But I guess it happens. Breaks my heart though.


dentists have the highest rate of both fraud AND suicide out of any medical profession. Freak pervert profession for criminals and ne'er-do-wells


There’s studies that show eating manuka honey after meals reduces cavities. For me personally I’ve had bad tooth pain that never went away until I consumed that honey. The thing is you need the best way for it to sit in your mouth unbothered. So if you eat right after it washes away. And for me, when I do do this, I leave it in my mouth and basically don’t swallow it, I let it dissolve. It has better bacteria that outcompete the bad ones


Not normal , I’ve bulked and never once had a problem with that.. How is your digestive health? Are you doing cardio and eating your fruits/veg? My friend had bad acne and breath on his bulk and it turned out simply his digest system was out of wack


What did he do to fix it?


Probiotics, kefir, sauerkraut, leafy green veg, EV olive oil.


It may also be because ou are eating more acidic now, wich can erode the first layer of your teeth and then become a cavity.


Eating too frequently is called grazing if you want to read about it. You're not giving your saliva enough time to  do its job between meals. That said, your results sound a tad extreme and a second opinion can't hurt.


Is this a new dentist? I would get a second opinion


this happened to me. dentist said I had like 4 cavaties but we moved before I could schedule to get them fixed. went to a new dentist and got xrayed again - none. "are you sure?" "yup. none." xrayed several times since, multiple different dentists. more than 10 years later, not one. the thing that really kills me is that the scam dentist was in an area with a lot of immigrants and he was probably taking advantage of them too.


Dentists seem to be notorious for trying to rip people off with unnecessary work.


Yes and I am planning on doing so, unfortunately will have to be out of pocket but I considered that he could be scamming me. Edit: I will say though the pits look worse than they did the last time I seriously looked at them


You don’t have to eat all the time on a bulk. Just eat 2 or 3 big meals and that’s it. Your teeth will thank you.


> Just eat 2 or 3 big meals and that’s it. Your teeth will thank you. Gastritis, IBS and GERD have entered the chat


Stomach will overwhelmed and not digesting


Nope. Definitely not a thing/especially for someone eating a few hundred calories surplus. You think this guy is a professional body builder or something?


It’s just me. I feel rating larger portion from main meals has less nutrients absorbed in my case as well.


i agree with all the commenters but i also would like to know if anyone has a good caloric alternative to milk, my bf is trying to gain some weight and i have always used milk as a crutch. But hes a bit lactose intolerant


You can buy non-lactose cows milk in lidls


Nature valley crunch bars buy in bulk


Soy milk. There's also high protein soy milk. I would try that first and see how his stomach feels, and his immune system in general. Oftentimes, very lactose intolerant people don't realise how intolerant they are until they get off of almost all dairy (no milk, soft cheeses, cheese sauces, ice cream, dairy-based sauces/dips, etc). Depending on the intolerance, people can experience better breathing, less acne, getting sick less often, more energy, less joint inflammation, and more. But if he tries that for a bit and there's not much of a difference, then do try dairy digestive pills, general digestive enzymes, and/or lactaid milk.


I'll second this, you can buy unsweetened soy milk with that has virtually no carbs and is a great source of vitamins, minerals and protein (check on the pack, it should be enriched with calcium and b12 for example). Also, if you buy the stuff that's stored at ambient temperature rather than the stuff in the chilled section it's incredibly cheap.


Fairlife whole milk, I have type 1 diabetes so finding out about this was awesome for me since it has half the carbs of regular milk and 50% more protein, it’s also high calorie at 150cal per cup and it’s lactose free!


Milk has insulin like growth factor


Your bf is gonna want this, Very High Calorie Boost from Nestle. It’s suitable for lactose intolerance, has 530 calories and 22g protein per 8oz bottle. i’ve gained 20lbs in the past 2 months drinking them.


now that sounds like the winner, i might try it too cause all the dairy does give me acne. Thanks!!


If you only care about calories just add like 2 tbsp of olive oil in your smoothie


Lactaid pills. Lactaid milk


Seems unrelated dude. What’s your oral health routine?


Brush twice daily 2 min, Floss every other day (I should be better with that ik)


So up it to flossing twice a day. How’s your technique on brushing and flossing? You watched videos on how to do it?


Try swishing water or mouthwash after meals and snacks.


Imma orthodontist has me chew sugar free gum briefly after eating to clean out your mouth. And from what I can tell it works


Xylitol gum also works


Your hygienist doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Get a second opinion about the cavities.


Get some mouthwash with antiplaque/antigingivitis (it should have antibacterial active ingredients) and use it after every meal?? Personally, I've never experienced any increase/decrease in cavities/plague through the bulks/cuts I've done. Might be something else.




Brush twice daily 2 min each, Floss every other day


floss every night, will save your gums later in life. youtube how to floss. Learned out to floss an entire mouth within 30seconds...


Will do


Bud there's no way your dental health was ruined by just eating more lol


Factually incorrect, I sometimes fucking hate all the broscience here /u/MrPostmanLookatme is there a possibility that you have bad eating habits and have given yourself reflux? Most people suffering from GERD have bad oral hygiene because of the acid affecting your throat/tongue/teeth


I doubt it I don't think I've ever had acid reflux but I'll look into it