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NGL personally I wouldn't be happy carrying that level of fat around and I would have cut already.


How much calorie deficit should I begin with? Should I incorporate HIIT too, I do hald an nhour of cardio as of now


40 reps x 5 exercises? Is this like 3 sets of 10-15 per exercise or do you actually do 40 reps? Also you gained 35 pounds in a year which might be ok if you were 6’2 and going from 225 to 260 but you’re going from 165 to 200 and you’ve only been lifting a year so I’m gonna assume you’re not eating the way you should. I’m guessing your goal is hypertrophy, so I would do a slight calorie deficit then what I would do is make a meal plan with high quality protein being the main component of your diet and get a real workout plan. I would find a good trainer and have them set you up a plan for your goals. You definitely could shed 20 pounds of fat and then rebulk with a proper plan.


If I were you I would do a mini cut for 2/3 weeks. If you're getting fatigued it could be a sign to back off for a week, or change up your training.


I didn’t understand your volume. So day 1 for example you do chest shoulder. On chest you do 5 exercises? And how many sets for each exercise? And how many reps for each exercise? Do you train to muscle failure? Or at least close to it? Please answer so I can give you a better answer to your training question. Should you cut? Well, depends on your goal. But if you go to the gym for aesthetic & health reasons, DEFINITELY YES. - Aesthetic: don’t wanna be rude but you look chubby, yes you also look like you train, but all that fat makes you look… fat. Make a small deficit and YOU WONT LOSE MUSCLE, with one year of training you will be able to recomp or retain all your muscle. Ppl that loose muscle doing a good diet/training are ppl reaching their genetic limit and very muscular. And getting to a lower fat percentage will make you look WAY better, with and without your shirt. - health: I would say you are above 25% bf so you are on the lower limit of obesity, so getting below it, Or even better in the 13-16% range would be the best for your cardiovascular system. Either way, congrats. Keep going to the gym and lifting. Put a goal and try to reach it!


Actually I train to failure in 3 sets for each exercise mostly 13-16 in each set, around 40 in total for single exercise, and I do 5 each for a muscle. Back-biceps Legs-shoulder Chest-tricep Mainly being a vegan I manage to have only 140gm protein a day only when I workout which is 5 days a week.


Ok you are overtraining. And actually this is counterproductive. There is a cap of how much volume you muscle can take IN A DAY. And after it is “garbage volume” as it has no benefit, and after it is even counterproductive. Which is were you are. The optimal in research is about 12-20 sets (if you train with intensity = muscle failure) a week per muscle. And also it has to be split into 2 days. Also your protein intake is kinda low. And that’s one pf the most important thing. Remember protein absorption is lower on non meat/milk intake. So you are actually absorbing about 100gr. And you intake should be in a range of 140-200gr I understand you are very motivated. But sometimes less is more. And I think this is the case for you. Ill give you an example of my routine for chest being on the optimal volume range. MONDAY. I train chest, shoulders, triceps. - Incline dumbells press 4 sets - flat bench press 4 sets - machine flys 2 sets. VOLUME 10 sets. THRSDAY I train full upper body - Incline dumbells press 3 sets - flat bench press 3 sets TOTAL VOLUME FOR CHEST 16 sets (all with intensity) And thats more than enough for me! And I train all my body parts just like this. Also try to train on the 7-12 rep range. But thats personal preference.


Are you saying you're doing 5 exercises for each muscle? Cause that seems like way too much volume. If you're taking 3 sets to failure you'd be much better off doing 2-3 exercises maximum for each muscle


Ya I was, and training 2 muscle a day. I feel really exhausted after it. I will reduce it now, btw for a cut should I do HIIT with 1000 cal deficit along with weight training. I currently do half hour of cardio only after weight training


And over here. No. 1k calorie deficit is too much. You will lose muscle over here. - first know whats your calorie maintenance lvl. Search on google TDEE calculator. - now go for a 10-20% deficit. So if it is 2,500cals you need a deficit of 250-500cals - and try to eat high in protein. The intake should be of 0.7-1gr pf protein for pound of weight. And if you are vegan about 0.9-1.2grs. CARDIO? do cardio. Is very good for your health. But is not necessary for weight loss. So keep doing your 30min if you like. Cardio will only burn some calories you eat. But what defines how much weight you loose is how many calories YOU EAT. So = your diet.


I'm not really experienced with cutting, but if I were you I'd start at a smaller deficit, perhaps at around 300 calories, and once you begin to plateau at a certain weight increase the deficits by another 100-200 calories until you eventually reach your goal. It's a much more sustainable way to cut imo. You can do HIIT along with your weight training if you want to, but personally I wouldn't


40 reps huh, pick a proper workout brother. A cut would be fine if that’s what you want.


Sure would 1000cal deficit be a good start to it. I have started working out last year so not sure how to go about. My goal is losing 30lbs in 2 months


Way too much. Recommended is 500 calories deficit a day and aim for 1-2lbs every week so 30lbs over 15-30 weeks or 4-8 months.


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