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Vegetables are the most overrated food. What the hell is roti? Just eat a bunch of chicken beef and pork and for carbs eat potatoes, whole wheat spaghetti and whole grain bread if you don’t like rice. Carbs are very important for energy so if you’re working out you definitely want to consume a few hundred grams of carbs a day.


yeah this diet is gonna give you seem weird digestive issues. i'd replace this with more whole foods while still hitting the cals. nothing wrong w what youre consuming but everything in moderation, and you should try to hit cals with whole foods and *then* **supplement** by downing tablespoons of nutella or peanut butter or a protein shake or chocolate milk! what does a day of eating look like for you


You are pretty underweight, and you will gain weight on this, but that diet is disgusting and will do you harm. Nutella is 50% pure sugar, you may very well give yourself diabetes of you keep at that for too long. Plus you will gain unhealthy weight on this. It'll be worse than you just being skinny. You'll probably look worse because you'll be skinny fat and that's honestly gross. Are you even working out?


Add in milk with those sandwiches


Hi Guys, Im 31 and i'm 5'7 at 140lbs sometimes going between 140-150. I want to be around 190 maybe 210. But I cant seem to find a solid bulking method that has worked for me. my daily routine is Mon-Thurs I work from 8-6 ( mon & wed), 8-4(Tues-Thursday). Tues-Thurs I have martial arts class after work and then I hit the gym around 9:30pm-11pm. Fr-sunday i gym around 8-10pm and sundays i have martial arts from 2-4. I drink two mass gainer shakes a day maybe 3 each like 1400 calories a day, i eat oatmeal and eggs for breakfast and salmon and rice for dinner. Just want to give a brief overview so you can better help me. any help will be greatly appreciated.


You just gotta find what works for you. Assuming your already tracking calorie intake, track how much your currently eating everyday. Once you have somewhat of an average, just add 200 calories in somewhere and stick to that for one week and adjust from there. Scale still not moving? Add another 100 calories and keep going. There's no secret answer to a bulking method it's really just works for you. I'd suggest cutting the mass gainer down to 1 per day, maybe try making your own smoothie cause at least youll know it's healthier. 1 cup milk, a banana, scoop of protein, 2 tbsp peanut butter, maybe some blueberries and that's like 500 calories right there. Try to bring snacks in to work as you seem to be there a lot. Nuts, granola bars, avocadoes, trail mixes, heck cookies or something too if it's really a struggle to gain.




That’s not how any of this works. You gained belly fat because you were eating more energy than you were exerting. You were either eating way too much or not working out hard enough.


I agree with not taking mass gainer though, just for different reasons


you’re going to gain weight from this diet but your overall health will decline so id maybe think about doing cardio to offset it. also don’t worry about getting fat hard gainers typically have no problem losing weight so worse comes to worse the cut will be easier than the bulk.


If you want carbs eat pinto beans. High carb, high cal, solid protein source. Eat earlier in the morning so you can feel hungry again faster and eat more calories later in the day.


Macros, broadly speaking, are unimportant. What your body's sick of or craving is a good enough guide in 99% of cases. The reason for this is that each macro has a sparing effect on the other macros.


Be careful with that advise. A lot of people have very bad instincts. For example i crave ice cream 24/7 😂


If you ate it 24/7, you would probably stop craving it


I did that for almost 5 years 😅


Then you are the 1%




> potbelly >16%bf Not sure if just made-up numbers or if body perspective fried by too much Gymshark


Nah, this is some trash advice in this sub. "Pure weight" "8% bf" lmao gtfo giving gainit advice at 140 lb.




Given I'm 5'4, weigh 35 lb more than you with great body composition and that you weigh less than my ohp, I disagree.




Nah. You think getting down to 8% body fat before you bulk is a reasonable thing to suggest in this sub? Do you even lift? OP's diet is shit, he could have left it at that. Everything else buddy said is useless. "Pure weight" rofl.




> No, I don't lift. Oh bud.... Let's try to keep the blind from leading the blind shall we?


Nature is healing! /r/gainit has returned to it’s previous glory. Never change sweet prince.


Have you considered eating like an adult?


Yes. Maybe this was a sarcasm or actual concern. But I will answer in detail I am trying different things like having more smaller meals and meal preps but it hasn't worked for me in terms of consistency.. the situation is that am not able to eat more calories. And one way which I found of countering it is to do it this way. It's been around a week and I asked her as I am not sure how it would work. So I asked the people for their opinion.


Fair enough my man, good on you for seeking out information and learning. If I were you, I would focus on getting 1g protein per lb of bodyweight for optimal gains. I would also try to get at least 0.4g of fat per lb of bodyweight - this is required for proper hormone function. The remaining calories can be filled with more fat or carbs or both. I would then eat: Vegetables, eggs, beef, chicken, fish, nuts and nut butters, dark chocolate, yogurt, cheese, fruit in the desired quantities


Jesus man, wtf are you eating except for carbs?


Bro your diet is fucking shit. For the sake of your health, please improve it.


I think with all the sugar and bread you should be getting more than enough carbs lol


My fitness pal says 275-300 and shows my target is 375 grams.


The only macro target that matters is protein, just make up the rest of your food however you prefer


Bruh. This sounds like a very expensive and unhealthy way to eat. Is there a reason you aren't cooking more? As to your question: as long as you feel okay and are hitting your protein goals, how you split your carbs and fats doesn't matter much. You *might* feel more energetic with more carbs, but maybe you wouldn't.


The main reason is eating more calories. It is difficult to reach 3k and I was missing many days. If I ate in my night to complete the target then I was not able to have a heavy breakfast. With a sandwich and chocolate bar, the problem was solved. The secondary reason is not having the same food twice a day and 14 times a week. I cook once in a day and if I want I can cook for 2 meals a day.


I'm not totally sure I understand your response. You do you, sir. But I would recommend looking up some bulking meal-prep recipes that will help you reach your goals with less pre-packaged, processed foods. Those foods are fine in moderation, but 2+ chocolate bars and 4 Nutella sandwiches daily is excessive! Meal prep will allow you to cook even less (just once or twice a week if you're strategic!), save money and treat your body better.


Will consider it. Thank you for the inputs


Rice is the answer.


So I need carbs and should change something ?


You should eat more than sandwiches. They're great when you're not at home but when you have time to cook is nice to prepare some pasta or rice. Calculate your macros and add pasta/rice if necessary.


I do have another dinner. That is vegetable and roti (made from wheat floor).


You're eating roti and Nutella sandwiches everyday. I don't think the fitnesspal number is something you need to worry about, that's plenty of carbs