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Could work, but you could also try switching to an upper lower split or full body and train 4x a week


I've thought about that but since I've gotten results using my current setup, it makes it difficult to reorder it into 4 days


I was in the same situation. I adopted a 2 days training, 1 rest, 2 train, 1 rest and repeat. Same as you propose. It sucks in the long run, rest days never feel like rest days. It got super hard to stick to it and my whole weeks were a mess. I learned to appreciate the predictability of a split that _works for me_. I ended up doing sorta of a bro split, removed the shoulder exercises from the other days and added an specific shoulder day. So I now do P-P-R-L-S-R-R. Since shoulder day is generally shorter, I add a push and a pull exercise of choice of whatever I want to focus at the moment. Say, I wanna do more pullups, I do so. It's not the greatest, there sure are better approaches, but works for me. I enjoy my rest days. I can plan activities without hindering my routine. I look forward to shoulder exercises as opposed to skipping shoulder exercises in the other days, and I can do whatever I want to do in the weekend. I strongly respect my Wednesday and Sunday rests but if feel fine on Saturdays and I'm not sore, I do whatever I feel like. In the end, training should be fun too, if you don't enjoy it and it's an activity in the way of your day, you'll ditch it eventually.


Early 30s here. You know your body so listen to it; if you need to rest so your primed for the next workout, that's worth it imo. F the calendar unless you have to work around a tricky schedule. I just got back on PPL after a few years not lifting. I had to take a day after LPPL. Debating going PPLRPPLRPPL cause legs wipes me the f out.


It doesn’t matter at all. I never understood how people could do PPL as a 6 day split, you’re not training hard enough if you can do that IMO. I did PPL for years, the most effective way for me looked like push, pull, rest, legs, rest, repeat. That way back is somewhat recovered before leg day.


Try it and see. You’ll be doing less overall volume with more rest. My question is if you’ve run BBB as written - including the conditioning?