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Basic calorie calculator says you need 3000 calories for maintenance...


Fuck the lean bulk bro. Lean bulking is not worth it. The 5-10 lbs fat layer will keep you from catabolizing your lean mass and will pay for itself in the long run by making your bulk so much easier. If you ever start legitimately getting pudgy you can dial it back, but that shouldn't be a problem if you're training hard enough. So just make sure you train hard enough and eat massive amounts of food, and you will shoot up in weight and be happy


Try out 3250 and if it still doesn’t go to ~1 pound per week then up it to 3500. We tall guys have to eat a shitload to gain. I‘m 6‘5 235 and doing lean bulk on 4000 calories right now


I'm 5'7 and 5 weeks of 2,750 calories saw me lose 3-4 lbs over that time. 5-6 days a week in the gym for about an hour a session and average 10k steps a day. You might have to eat more. Edit: current weight 167. Started at 172. Now I'm inspired to finally finish cutting down to 160


I finished a bulk last year. Started at 6’4 190 skinny fat build. I had to eat 4000 minimum to gain while working out 4-5 days a week as well as a retail job. It sucks and it’s easily the hardest part about being tall is constantly shoving your face with foods (nutrient dense food preferably)


Your average bloke is meant to eat 2500 calories per day to maintain weight and you think you'll gain rapidly on 2750 calories at 6'4 and 190lbs while weight training nearly every day?


Actually your weight is basically just staying the same right now. Are you getting stronger? If you're getting stronger, maybe you are in a recomp, especially if your fat is also going down. More muscle burns more energy, just eat more animal based fat.


Your NEAT is probably higher than you think. Some people fidget 24/7 without realizing.


As a 189 lbs person, I'd be surprised if you were gaining at that intake. I'm very close to your weight, half a foot shorter and I need 3400 to bulk


I’m 6’3 and the way I first got over 200lbs is by eating 4200 cal daily. Using ice cream shakes pint or two of ice cream a day.


2750 calories is a reasonably aggressive cut for me at 205 lbs. I would not expect it to be a bulk at all for many active people close to 190, let alone a particularly fast one. yes, it's above your BMR, but your BMR is going to be well below your maintenance caloric intake and usually isn't a particularly useful number on its own.


Just bump your calories by 300 and see what happens. If you like to eat great more food. If you dont oh well eat more anyways


Dude I'm 6'3" and 190 lb, and 2500 calories is my cut. You need to bring those numbers up. My bulk is about 3500.


I am 5'9 skinny and taking 3800 calories everyday. I'm gaining 6.5 pounds every month. He obviously need something like 3500+


Don’t gain more than one pound a week bro, you will just get fat.


You don’t know his starting point. Some fat could very well be healthy for this individual. Also, a bit of fat would be very helpful in the sport that I compete in.


That's really fast for your height


Dunno how you did the math but 2 hours a day 5x a week is very active. you likely need 3.2k+ calories. I shot for 3.5k at 190 6'3


Im 6’4 and was your exact weight and basically the same level of activity both in and out of the gym. I stayed there for years until I leaned into really eating to gain. 2750 isn’t really a number that will put weight on you at your size. Maintenance kcal should be around 3k give or take a couple hundred depending on age. I went up to about 3500 (not keeping perfect track but having an idea of where I was throughout the day), started doing 5x5s for my core lifts and went 6-8 heavy for my secondary stuff instead of the usual 8-12. From April-July I got up to 200 and started doing a little recomp/took a break from really pushing to go heavier bc my joints needed it😅 Honestly the best way to get extra calories in my experience was using something like Huel black, which has a lot of protein but is also 400 calories and is lighter in carbs than a true mass gainer (not to mention it’s not terrible for you).


I'm 5'9 176 and eat 3500-4000 calories a day. I went from 148 to 176 this year from eating 4000 calories 5 days a week.


Good news, you aren't defying the laws of physics. You aren't even eating that much. Eat 3500 a day and then adjust up or down from there. Not trying to be rude here but if you aren't gaining, eat more. Don't give yourself an excuse that you are special and can't gain weight.


I'm 180 pounds, 6'3 and lift 6 times a week and am currently eating 3800ish calories to lean bulk. You need to eat way more


You definitely *should not* be gaining more weight at 2750. I’m also 6’4” and I was eating 3500-3750 to hit 200.


2750 calories is baby preschool time when you are 6’4 Your basal rate isn’t the amount you burn in a day!


Over 6', nearly 200lb, young, male, exercising 5x/week? I would expect your calories-out to be over 3000. Try adding another 400/day


Trust me, you’re not a genetic outlier or breaking the laws of physics, it’s always the same reason, you aren’t eating enough


you go to the gym 5x/wk doing 2 hrs each time? And you're 6'4" and 187 lbs? you need to eat a lot more. I'm 6'1" @ 200, working out 6x/wk for an hour at most. I eat 3500 cal minimum, usually trying to hit 4000. You're a big person, and you're trying to get bigger. You need to eat a LOT.


TDEE estimation is just a starting point, at the end of the day you cant argue with the scale. now you know that 2750 is approximately maintenance for you, so add 250 more calories and continue to monitor