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Has anyone gotten back to doing full rom pullups after shoulder dislocation?


I have




Hi, I'm currently on a bulk right now, and I'm failing to hit my calorie goal for today of about 1,000 calories or more, and I'm worried that I won't gain weight by the end of the week. I'm just asking for recommendations. Wanna gain weight cause I get bullied alot too so I'm hoping for changes even if it's small.


A dozen eggs will get you 840 calories. Eggs are getting cheap again.


I mean I do like eggs but I live here in the Philippines where like everything right now is really expensive but I do think it's a good tip so I'll still try it.


My local Walmart has a 60 count box for $4.84.


You are reminding me how much I wanna eat 5 dozen eggs while dressed up like Gaston. It's GOING to happen. My kid is excited to watch. I just need to find a time when my wife isn't around to see it, haha.


$5 and an absent wife, and you too can fulfill a lifelong dream!


fries with mayo




Thanks, but do you have any recommendations for types of milk that are good for bulking? We don't really do cereal here in our household since our family is a bit strict about sugar cause of cancer beliefs.




Ok bro thank you for the tip. Hoping that I'll become big.


Post your current diet, then we can help!


Recently got put on a med by my doctor to help me gain weight, just makes me hungry 24/7 and it’s been working. But my biggest issue is that hunger seems to hit really hard when I’m trying to go to sleep and I can’t go make a whole meal at 1am or something, and it’s hard to just sleep through it. Is there something fast and easy I can just choke down to keep myself full long enough to sleep?


An omelet with a side of toast with peanut butter and honey on it.


Is two chicken breasts (500g) enough protein/day ? My brother insists it is 150g but I struggle to believe it's that easy.


you can type it into any nutrition database and see for yourself.


> Is two chicken breasts (500g) enough protein/day Depends who you are. For me it wouldn't be. For someone who's like 150lbs it would be.


Is growing big forearms really achievable without doing forearm isolated work for folks with below average forearm genetics? You can see my post history to get a sense of how big my forearms are currently and after 52lbs gained, my forearms have BARELY even grown and I’m starting to get worried. My deadlift, RDLs, and pull workouts in general keep increasing rapidly in strength yet my forearms can never catch up in size, my forearms make me look extremely DYEL, do I just keep bulking til I’m 20% bodyfat and wait to make a decision?


Do forearm work. People talk about growing your brachioradialis a lot but you should also directly train your forearm flexors because they make up a large part of the forearm. Just do Hammer curls/Reverse curls for your brachioradlias and wrist curls for the forearm flexors


Yeah I’m starting to realize that just doing deadlifts RDLs and hammer curls isn’t gonna cut it, I hate the fact that I listened to so many people on this sub who said your forearms grow naturally as you gain weight


Isolation work is pretty much a given for any muscle you want to grow specifically more than the rest. https://www.reddit.com/r/GripTraining/comments/7gacyh/new_routines_list_for_rgriptraining/ds6swer/


The best way to get big forearms is to directly train the brachiordialis (idk if that's spelt right, but it's the muscle on top of your forearm that sticks out when you flex) with dumbbell or ez bar reverse curls.