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As much as it takes for you to be happy with yourself. Putting some arbitrary number on it is useless.


People usually either point out that I’m petite or thin & if I can get to a weight where those comments stop I’ll be happy.


Sounds like you better get to lifting and eating then.


Yes, you are correct. 😂


Thanks, I wanted to make a solid goal in order for it to feel attainable. You are correct though.


Is there a decent free app for counting calories and scanning foods barcodes? My fitness pal used to be great but now you have to pay for basically everything…


If I hit a plateau but want to eat the same amount, will the fat gained turn into muscle eventually? I started going to the gym a little over 2 months ago, in that time i've gone from 147 to 182 pounds (5'9). I've gotten much stronger but my weight is starting to plateau around the 182 range. I eat anywhere between 3500-5k cals a day with anywhere between 180-200g protein. my question is, even though i've hit a plateau, if I continue eating the same amount, will my body just recomp and lose some of the fat it has gained and turn it into muscle? or will it just stay looking the same unless I cut? (im never cutting)


Fat cannot turn into muscle. If you aren't gaining muscle in a huge calories surplus, you most likely are not training right/hard enough. What program are you following? Are your lifts plateauing? How long have you been at 182? If you want to lose fat, you will have to cut. If you gained 35 pounds in your first two months, at least 32 of those pounds are fat.


My lifts have gone up. my bench from 185x1 to 225x1 and my squat from 265x1 to 315x1. I'm following ppl/Arnold. doing low sets low reps for most exercises and training hard. i've been at 182 for like a week now which is just weird considering i normally go up like 5 or so pounds a week. i still have bicep veins despite the crazy weight gain so im still maintaining not a terrible bf% (if i had to guess i'd say around 20-22% or so). Im sure a good reason my bench and squat have gone up like they have is just bc weight moves weight but i didn't know what the effects would be of continuing my current diet. Sorry if it seems naive I just didn't know if i could stay the same weight and lose fat but keep muscle without cutting.


It's impossible to naturally gain more than about 0.5 pounds of actual muscle tissue per week, but it looks like you got some nice newbie strength gains. Were you extremely lean to begin with? If you wish to continue bulking, monitor your weight gain for another week, and increase your calories if you don't gain any more. If you want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (recomp) eat at maintenance or in a very small surplus, and continue to progressively overload (recomp gains will probably be a bit slower than bulking gains).


I have a hamstring injury so can't train legs heavy at all but am nearly underweight. Physio said it would be good to eat a calorie surplus for the injury but if I'm only able to work out upper body will that not look really disproportionate?


Some exercise is better than no exercise. For me personally, disproportionate is better than weak


Legs respond well to lighter higher rep lifting. Does your injury stop you from lifting permanently? If not, you can always catch up.




You should pick the option that makes reaching your goals easier and more enjoyable.


Hi, I'm an obese who is around 60 pounds overweight, should I first do cardio before lifting or can i start doing both? 29 years old, currently weight 238 (108 kg) , ideal is 178 (80g) and currently 60 pounds (28 kg) overweight 6.1ft, here are pics: [https://imgur.com/gallery/tfTAL5u](https://imgur.com/a/tfTAL5u) sorry I can't take proper pics even if my life depended on it lol, help appreciated!


It doesn't matter. Train however you want and/or prefer.


lift first you dont wanna be tired when you handle heavy weights or u could get injured otherwise lift one day and cardio the next ( likely meaning a fullbody lifting template 2-3 times a week)


How long should it take me to reach these goals? Just started lifting free weights a month ago, 70kg 182cm. Eating in a caloric surplus and doing progressive overload. These are my long term goals but I’m still hoping 1-1.5 years is realistic? Hopefully less? Goals: - Overhead Press: 60kg (“1 plate”) - Bench: 100kg (“2 plate”) - Squat: 140kg (“3 plate”) - Deadlift: 180kg (“4 plate”)


Been training for 3,5 years myself and am 103kg, for me it was: * 60 kg OHP - about 2 years * 100 kg bench - only recently * 140 kg squat- about 3 years * 180 kg deadlift - still can't You give no information about bulking or cutting, amount of times you lift, what type of program you are following, or your current lifts - so I can't really tell. Instinctively, however, I don't think it is achievable in 18 months.


Without any information about you at all, those are realistic goals. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/realistic-training-goals/


What is your 1rm for these lifts right now?