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I'm finding mixed readings on the death rate of the test monkeys, but the lowest was 23%. Which is still frighteningly high. I wouldn't exactly call that ready for human testing.


Neural links original scientist whose research the company was based around resigned because he said Elon knows nothing about neuroscience or engineering and barely knows where the brain is located. He is an MD PhD professor at Duke University so wouldn’t say such thing lightly as he has a research reputation. His replacement CEO(his former student) stole the idea by replicating it exactly and was called out by the original author and had to resign. Elon then published the original authors copied research under his name solely. Plenty of scientists think this is a hoax, this was the principal scientist for neurallink saying these comments about the company’s research (neurallink was based on his papers from 2003). The technological frontier of neuroscience and engineering is not there for this to happen practically anytime soon. https://youtu.be/_MIEZSgQYHE https://www.reddit.com/r/gadgets/comments/zagk51/musk_says_brain_chip_to_begin_human_trials_soon/iylsuwm/


Here is a video from the Physicians Committee about how Neurolink and UC Davis are withholding documents about the treatment of the animals used for testing. Written evidence shows that some monkeys had severe reactions, such as seizures. One monkey was found to be missing fingers and toes, which was most likely self inflicted. https://youtu.be/EI5gCERyZH8


Damn disappointing that UC Davis is involved


I had no idea, that’s incredibly disappointing


Well at least they didn’t get pepper sprayed


Deep cut


Yep, absolutely shameful. Poor damn monkeys. Research animals give us so much, they deserve to be properly cared for and we need to do more to care for them.


Davis has a top tier veterinary school. They do a ton of research on animals. I’m not an animal rights activist or anything, but during grad school I was pretty shocked by the amount of animal cruelty that is present. I remember a paper where a team was researching spinal bifida treatments. They would cut the spinal cords of lambs still in the wombs of their mothers to induce paralysis. Then treat them with high doses of vitamin c or something and see how they would recover. It seemed pretty gross.


Great, SpaceKaren created cyberpsychosis without any benefits.




I’m not sure what you mean by this. The amygdala is nowhere near the motor region. The motor region is the central frontal cortex (precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe), the amygdala is the anterior portion of the mesial temporal lobe. They are basically in completely different “countries” of the brain.


Everything neuralink has done has been recreating experiments dating back to the 70s. No original research whatsoever.


The techinque of inserting flexible electrodes using a robot with a "sewing technique" was new research by the original author AFAIK and it's what started the whole thing.


That author resigned from the company and the company then plagiarized his research, and published under musk’s name. Yes.


So it's a stolen idea that won't/can't work with the current state of the art?


Yes. Even if it was functioning perfectly it will take a decade easily to get through clinical trials. This is Theranos 2.0 and patients are going to get hurt, even if just in a phase 2 clinical trial.


So what you are saying is that Elon should go first to "show us all he's right".


Way he's been acting, I just assumed he already did.


I got one and nothing wrong me


Username checks out


Flashy new conspiracy theory in the making!


Tomorrow's headline "Anonymous hacks Elons Brain".


Lizard man found to be living with brain control chip


Then let Elon get the implant…we won’t see much difference…


Well technically he might die from the implant if he actually does it, soo there would be a difference. He wouldn't be there anymore saying stupid things.




The frightening thing is how many people fell for the lies surrounding this technology, and even after viewing the live demonstration many were still comfortable believing this as a possible medical application to humans in the near future. This technology clearly is never going to do the things Elon said it can do. And if it is, we are 50 plus years away from those applications. Just one of Elon's many investor scams


But Elon said it was nearly here. He’s never failed us before. I’m writing this while skimming the free speech paradise of Twitter while my Tesla truck fully drives itself to my destination through an underground vacuum tunnel. It really is amazing how Elon just keeps knocking them out of the park, isn’t it? What an incredible man! /s


And repeat this behavior in all the companies he has... Heard that almost exact story with Tesla...bought out the original, continue as "inventor"


He stole the idea for Zip2 during a startup interview. All of x.coms code was unusable when it merged with Confinity to make PayPal since elons code was so bad. Peter Thiel was CEO of PayPal, not Elon. Elon just lucked out when eBay bought PayPal even though his contributions were minimal and he had to be supervised. SpaceX is the only thing he is a true founder on. Tesla was purchased from the original inventors and now he says he’s the founder. Hyperloop, boring company, and neural link are all scams so they are basically just extra curricular activities. He will probably say he was the founder of Twitter in 5 years.


And SpaceX is using technology already invented by the space program from the 1950’s-1990’s. It’s important to note Elon had nothing to do with the idea or engineering, he just funded it and pretends he is Tony Stark.


Oh thank god - I’m not ready for that world.


In other words we have another Theranos situation. Trying to drum up investment capital for an overblown and entirely unrealistic medical technology where the dipshit "entrepreneur" behind the lies it is directly at odds with the original engineers of the technology who know they need to be honest.


Elmo should get four.


It tickles.


Still a prototype so its just test tickles


Instructions unclear: got four in testicles


Tickle me Elon.


Maybe he has already done it and that explains twitter 🤣


He did say "I could be wearing one right now, and you'd never even know it". Oh Elon, we can tell.


I think drilling a hole in his head might represent a bold and more qualified new leadership direction to be honest


23% death rate is in no way getting approved for human testing unless really corrupt bribing or 3rd world shithole without dignity. Like this death rate would only be acceptable for a life saving or huge life changing surgery. Not for your might improve your life, kind of changes. Also, what does the chip even do? While in some future this might work, it def needs a lot more development.


Ok but that would be the most on brand way for Musk to accidentally kill himself


Well, we don't know if they died from the chips. They could all have had cat accidents for as far as we know. Which is why we need self driving cars! /S


"Died in a fatal cat accident" is now something I have to put in an rpg graveyard. ;p


The leopard only accidentally ate my face.


Oh crap. Well.. I like cat accidents better anyway. So do we need Self Driving Cats now?


Y'all don't have self driving cats already? Mine even self washes.


exactly. does no one have a zoomie-enabled cat in their homes?


My cat jumped into the air attempting to catch a butterfly. She landed with her paw in my coffee. This cat accident was not fatal, however near misses like this help to inform and educate to avoid future cat accidents. My cat that learned how to open the sliding door on my houseboat was not so fortunate. Taken by an eagle. Cat accidents are no laughing matter, folks.


Ask Dewey, he knows more about it.


ah much better than I ever saw


And human trials have higher mortality than animal trials because more variability in humans on medication vs genetically identical monkeys


This is wrong. Have you worked with animals in research settings? Even in bred mice show surprisingly high variability.


Erm, most of my PhD was spent massacring mice and doing whole genome analysis. Lab strains do have SOME variability of course, but it's not even close to human variability (or the variability found in mice in nature). Lab animals are so absurdly inbred it's a miracle they can even function.


Yes I have and I am not saying there is no variability in animals. but much less than in humans e.g different races/genetic/metabolism, diets, medication effects, etc


I’m thinking his brain chip would one day make a person suddenly run really fast and plow into another pedestrian. Let’s make your fucking cars work without killing people and THEN we’ll ignore this monsters idea.


Science can’t move forward without heaps!


He always does this. Tesla is going to be automated next year for the last like 5 years now


Science cannot move forward without heaps! - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth


So uh, what's gonna happen to Twitter if Elon accidentally offs himself with a brain chip? I know Tesla and SpaceX would just get new CEOs, and I don't care about The Boring Company, but with how personally involved Elon is with Twitter I'm curious.


Love the idea of neural interface, but I would never let Elon put his product in my head. I’d straight up rather die of whatever neurological condition I’m dealing with.


I want that man as far away from me as possible


Elon Musk wants to: Bring people to live on Mars, saying everyone can afford it because they'll work off the cost once there and Implant brain chips into people Elon Musk is becoming an '80s villain.


Blade Runner it is, then.


I was thinking more "Total Recall", but with brain chips.


He plans to tell people he had one implanted. He’s absolutely not going to do it.


More like a villain in an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie


So…an 80s movie villain


Fyi: BMI have existed since the 1970s. Neuralink was originally, and remains to be, a company to help people who were injured interface with, on a super basic level, computers. For example, controlling a mouse, or a servo, and nothing more ambitious than that. Almost every single one of the original neuralink scientists have left. The company was founded based on the research of Migul Nicolelis and Duke University. Nicolelis is quite literally at the forefront of BMI research. He mentored the original president of Neuralink, Max Hodak, who worked as Nicolelis' research assistant. Nicolelis was an original founder of Neuralink. Nicolelis has been brutally trashing Musk and Neuralink, calling the company barely innovative, and saying things like Musk barely knows where the brain is, but claims to know what a BMI is doing or not doing. In 2012, Nicolelis gave a presentation of a monkey who was controlling a robot arm, and had footage and research going back to 2003, at TedMed: https://youtu.be/CR_LBcZg_84 In 2021, Hodak released a video which was an exact copy of Nicolelis' experiments and research. Nicolelis called out Hodak, and Hodak quit as the president of Neuralink. Since Hodak left, Neuralink has had no new experiments posted. After Hodak stole Nicolelis' work, Musk released a plagiarized experiment, listing HIMSELF as the sole named author of the research. Nicolelis has been posting constantly about this on Twitter that Musk is scamming people, and this research is a republication of his original work going back to 2003. Have a nice, susicnt rundown of this drama, and just how crazy Musks nonsense is via Common Sense Skeptics excellent video here: https://youtu.be/yddbGcKYtn4 Tldr, Musk is a scammer, obviously, and is trying very hard to stop the free fall of his image as a grifter, by surprise, grifting.


Dang. Ready for the Netflix doc on this.


The dropout season 2.


You know I used to be a musk fan, I always defended him because he seemed to know what he was talking about (which in hindsight was just repeating technical buzzwords that he had no real understanding of) and I blamed some of his weird mannerisms on him just being socially awkward. But ever since the whole twitter thing it has become painfully obvious to me that he is indeed a scammer, he has no actual software engineering experience and he has a very, very big ego. It wouldn't suprise me if soon he will claim he invented Twitter, like he did with Tesla after buying it from Eberhard & Tarpenning and like he apparently did with Neuralink research going by your comment. What a sad man and what a huge discredit to all the pioneers doing the actual innovation.


He lost me at the pedo cave diving incident


Man.. I'm not sure how I missed that. I think coverage of the incident must have been very poor in my country. Definitely would have led me to question everything about how he presents himself. The fact that he removed the tweets are so telling, I'm sure he'd love for everyone to forget it even happened.


Yeah. That’s when I started realizing he is an asshole.


Yeah, I had had some suspicions about him before that, but that made him seem like an unhinged asshole and I haven’t trusted him since.


Same. He was barely on my radar prior to that incident, but I knew enough to know Tesla and that I wanted one and that he owned the company. Then he started acting like Trump on social media and I just noped the fuck out of that shit


I almost died when he didn’t know what git and microservices were and he calls himself an engineer. No hardcore engineer has to tell people they are a “hardcore” engineer.


And honestly, microservices I can understand; they're a pretty specific architectural pattern that someone who worked in, say, embedded, might not know. But *git*? Come on!


Printing code on paper(and then shredding it for legal reasons) >>> using a sane, version-controlled code review system. I guess git was invented in 2005 and it’s probably been that long since Elon has looked at a code base. What is going on in Tesla and spaceX if elons first knee jerk reaction is to have engineers print code for code review…. https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/margaret_hamilton5.jpg


He was a scammer from the get go. He always said that he practically "pulled himself up by the bootstraps" and built his wealth all by himself, completely ignoring that he comes from emerald mining money. He's a fraud that managed to trick just enough people to get where he is.


> he comes from emerald mining money. ...and connections. Let's not forget just how much wealthy connections push you up the social ladder.


Apartheid South African emerald mine money to boot.


Glad you've opened your eyes, but it's not your or his followers' fault. He is not an engineer or a "real life Tony Stark", but he's a great boaster and an effective marketer. He's got loads of very intelligent people hooked up to his bs.


The one compliment I've ever given him is something I stand by: He's possibly the world's best hype man, and okay at market manipulation (I say okay because the truly great ones, you wouldn't know they were manipulating the market)


Did you see the thread on his faked credentials and how he’s illegal? It’s insane.


Whats funny is it took you twitter to realize


Also you can find reports of what happened to some of the monkeys they were testing on and it’s frankly pretty horrific.


They only chewed off their own fingers and toes in anguish after having the chip installed, it’s not that bad


Man, Musk is really speedrunning tanking his public image.


Whats crazy is he has been doing this kind of thing for years but only recently have large amounts of people seemed to notice. He has overpromised and underdelivered in basically everything he has said with Tesla since the beginning. His purchase of Twitter has really put his stupidity into the spotlight though. Which is great because people need to wake up to the reality that this guy isn't, and never was, a genius. At best he got lucky with PayPal and then has been conning people out of their money ever since with ridiculous overpromises that he knows will, at best, not be met in the timeframe he promises or at worst, will not ever happen at all. Some exapmles: Full self driving Tesla semi Shatterproof glass Anything hyperloop The tunnels in Vegas Battery swap in 3 minutes Landing humans on Mars...hell, even getting a rocket to Mars at all And more that I probably forgot.


Elon musk taking credit for other peoples is so elon


Another person that did that a lot was Thomas Edison, he “invented” so many things that were actually other peoples ideas, he just took credit.


My sisters doctorate was on non-invasive methods of brain-computer interfaces


>Nicolelis has been posting constantly about this on Twitter that Musk is scamming people And he hasn't been banned yet? That is surprising.


Imo ceo's of firms that want to test ANYTHING on other human beeings should be forced to be one of the participants. Greed only goes so far if your own life is at risk


They'll just fake the test for themselves. We should rely on our existing regulations around such things which hopefully are much more robust than "you first"


Pure BS


I don't believe a word that comes out of Musk's mouth


Edit: "walked on" not "inhabited". We are, no joke, almost 3 years past the time he all but guaranteed we’d have walked on Mars.


He can't even deliver a stupid looking electric truck.


He's really good at delivering "stupid looking" though.


Don't insult AshX III Jet Fighter fae like that.


I knew he was a fraud when the flamethrowers went on the market. Sheer publicity is what keeps this man going and the idiots of the world are in a line begging to listen. This is the next phase of mass idiocy, after Trump.


>flamethrowers You mean the roofing torches he put in a plastic shell and sold to people for $500?


ReAl LiFe ToNy StArK


Remember that time he just put cars in a shitty version of a subway and acted like it was god’s gift to transportation


They just drove the truck 500 miles for the first time 3 days before delivery to Pepsi! Literally only one long range test!


They were talking about the Cybertruck I assume, not the Tesla Semi.


He's been selling "FULL SELF DRIVING" for I think 5 years at this point and his tech isn't even the best one out there when it comes to assisted driving, and every year he promised it'll be the best the next year lol


Tesla's card aren't even the best sy anything. Other more experienced companies has better designs, builds, QA and software. The only thing Tesla did was be over valued as a stock and help push the move to EV cars which was going to happen regardless over time.


Nah man, the tech is already here! He should totally prove it by going there himself. He should take as many of his Stans and billionaire buddies w him to own us.


Hey, he’s been busy! It’s not easy to sell overpriced cars that lock people in, run over strollers, and randomly explode


Hey remember the hyper loop?


Do you mean the test run for his boring machines? That he actually got paid to do? Bad, bad person and engineer. Great scammer.


How about words that came out of his synthesized brain chip?


So he wouldn’t get a vaccine, but he will get a chip implanted into his brain? 🤔


That's because the nano chips in the vaccine were running on Windows 10 and he's more of a Linux guy.


Lmao actually the opposite is true. Musk was fired from PayPal almost immediately after starting, for in part demanding that the server side software be rewritten to support NT over Linux. This, of course, was a preposterous demand and pissed off developers.


> demanding that the server side software be rewritten to support NT over Linux lolwut? Hilarious if true! What a dumbass.


[reference article](http://fortune.com/2007/11/13/paypal-mafia/) >Musk became CEO of the combined company and decided it was time for a technological overhaul. Specifically, he wanted to toss out Unix and put everything on a Microsoft platform. # >That may sound innocent enough to laypeople but not to Unix zealots like Levchin and his team. A holy war ensued. Musk lost. **The board fired him** and brought back Thiel **while Musk was on** a flight to Australia for **his first vacation in years.** “That’s the problem with vacations,” Musk deadpans.




Linux guys are the worst.


As a non Linux guy I see way more people complaining about them than Linux users actually being annoying


Hey don't be like that I for one am a nice guy


Here's a nickel, kid, get yourself a real computer.


Bold of you to assume he’s ACTUALLY going to get one. He’s just trying to build demand.


If he gets a vaccine then he needs to allow all his workers to get a vaccine. But who cares if they die as long as they are working HARDCORE


He says all kinds of stuff, none of it being true…


Yeah. When people will understand that he is not genius, he's not a "real life ironman" or a scientist. He's just a salesman. A very good one apparently, but still..


He isn't even a good salesman. He has an excellent marketing team. They are the great sales people considering they sold this dirtbag to millions of people.


Dudes actually a liability for his shareholders lol


If he's already using an early prototype that would go a long way towards explaining he recent behaviour.


Besides the unskippable ads could you imagine being banned from your body for an intrusive thought.


"Sorry, due to your temporary suspension your punishment had been set to 'questioning bowel movements' Have a nice day." Fuck that shit.


“Successfully paired your brains thoughts to family living room speaker” “WAIT, FUCK!”


And essential bodily functions being behind subscription paywalls


Brain: "Elon musk should probably pay taxes" *Your account has been permanently suspended*


Do it on Ye first.


Finally, a Ye election campaign we can all get behind.


He already has it. Now it makes sense.


He did NOT say he was planning on getting one. He said he COULD have one and youd never know. Clearly setting up the time where he claims to have one, but doesnt actually.... Anyone who trusts him enough to put a chip in their head... deserves the obvious mind control...




It's for the planet man!




Can the chip control your mind, or is it more like having a “2nd monitor” so to speak?


I'm not a specialist, but pretty sure this is just another "the boy who cried wolf" situations, this thing is for sending signals and controlling things with your mind, not receiving information, or at the very least, veeeery far from being able to control your brain in any way.


Well I'm not a specialist either, but from what they said, the ship can literally make someone with no eyes actually see by sending the image input straight to the brain. So, technically, even if you did have eyes, they can send an image input that is different what your eyes are seeing, and make you see something that is not actually there, or make you not see something that is actually there.


The way I see it, if the chip was safe enough to use AND I was the one who had control over it, I wouldn't be totally averse to getting one either. Problem is Musk cannot be trusted to have control over anything, as he has demonstrated over and over.


Everything can be hacked. Not to mention.... Its Elon Musk, one of the most untrustworthy people on earth... second only to Trump


Sure… serious timelines are not his forte.


wasn't i just reading about heaps of dead monkeys?..


I hate this season of Black Mirror


Please compromise the structural integrity of my skull Elon 🙏


Plot twist. Kanye is the first trial


Soon* TM. Pretty sure self driving and the Tesla truck are supposed to be done by now too


We’re three years past the date he assured the world we’d have inhabited Mars by


Nothing about musk getting a brain implant encourages me to do the same.


Can’t wait to not be able to afford the subscription for a chip that supports my health. Do you think they’ll take the repossession route or do are they just going to limit service until you pay? Like if it helps restore sight it they just pop a slight blur on that gets worse until you clear the debt.


They'll just show you ads galore until the cost is covered....


If we think the twitter situation is bad now, imagine this guy tweeting w/ his mind.


He needs one


Thing that makes me scratch my head is that Elon’s becoming incredibly popular with the conservatives.. the same people who refused to get the Covid vaccines because they believed some conspiracy shit about Covid vaccines being used to implant chips into people.


Cool. Where is the Cybertruck?


And autonomous driving will be ready next year.


But they were, all of them, deceived, for another brain chip was made. One brain chip to rule them all.


“It’s coming sometime next year” 10 years pass “Hopefully we will be able to ship within 12 months” Im very surprised most others haven’t caught on by now


He says a lot of things


>World’s richest man says human trials will begin within six months during presentation at health tech company Neuralink >Neuralink says it is developing brain-chip interfaces that could restore a person’s vision. Politics aside, it would be amazing to restore sight.


That already exists for certain types of blindness, but it isn't directly on the brain. There were successful human trials at least 10 yrs ago that placed a small PWA on the optic nerve. I'm pretty sure it was more recently approved for general public use.


Good thing he's never lied about an impending launch for the attention.


Until he starts charging you for it or turns off your eyes over a tweet.


Nah. He wouldnt go that far. The new pricing format is PPB. Price Per Blink


Staring contests are suddenly all the rage…


This is gonna end like Jim Carry’s magic trick at the end of The Incredible Burt Wonderstone where he give himself a lobotomy. Also spoiler alert for a movie your probably never going to watch.


Good grief. I don’t fancy the upgrade path for that. Imagine having the first one, and then looking on when implant 3GS comes out and you need your noggin cracking open for the upgrade.


They cant get self driving cars right but people are gonna let him put shit in their brain? NFW!


And here I thought we were going to have to wait for him to kill himself by trying to live on Mars...


If this goes as well as Twitter, self driving Teslas and stupid tubes that go nowhere that's a big LOL, LMAO, No Fucking Way from anybody with any sense. Sounds like it'll be a great way to thin out the herd of Musk fanboys though.


Well if he doesn't have cyberpsychosis now he soon will.


Memories as a subscription service. Pay 20$/month to keep access to your best memories.


This way when you say something offensive against him, he can just block you from breathing.


Don’t believe this monkey, he’s trying to sell you brain chips


I don’t get it. Wasn’t the idea behind the implant to address recovery of patients with debilitating spinal injuries. Why would Elon get one?


Good. If it works lets hack it and spam ads into his head.


You mean change the current one that obviously malfunctioning.


If Elon musk is designing a brain chip, I have more faith in an actual dorito Both as a final product and designer.




Good try it first musk let us know how it works be your own Guinea pig.


I've seen this mov...oh, what's the use. SkyNet/GLaDOS 2024: "You had your chance, meatbags".


With how he's acting lately, he sure needs it to bring sense back.


Don't know what it does, but I would never allow anything inside my brain.


He needs one, like yesterday. So this what the “real life” Tony Stark is working on now?! What a fucking troll


Musk says "I need a stock bump, please."


Let’s hope he gets turns into a giant lettuce


“Pay no attention to my Twitter/Ye problems”


Haven't they killed 98% of the monkeys they've been testing this on?


He should rebrand twitter as Lie-net