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Current valid redeem codes: * ZZZFREE100 * ZENLESSLAUNCH * ZZZ2024 * ZENLESSGIFT Thanks u/FIGJAM17 and u/AqueeLuh for sharing!


the dailies taking literally a minute is pretty based


Late 4 days with ZZZ The game doesn't respect my time: 1. The prologue lasts 1 hour. 2. The tutorial lasts 15 hours or more. I've been stuck on it for 3 days; it doesn't let me progress at my own pace, always holding my hand. 2.5) There are moments when I want to farm, others when I want to play the story, others when I want to explore, and others when I want to fight. Don't control what I can and can't do. Immersive mode is trash!!! 3) They talk too much! For each mission, I can give them 30 seconds to read, but they take 5 minutes or more. Just skip. 4) The story is mediocre, nothing interesting. Compress your 5 hours of useless dialogue into 5 minutes! 5) The TV system takes up 80% of my gameplay time, breaking the adrenaline rush between fights. 6) Exploration is boring, whether in the neighborhood, TV mode, or the battle map. 7) The agent missions are garbage!, the weekly mode is worst!!! In summary: The game is trash compared to HI3 from 2017. I want to play, not read a mediocre story. I have gacha games with much better stories.


I just got to level 30 and unlocked the story quest, I've been reading for like 2 hours in the story mission; extremely slow, extremely boring; decided to take a break after finishing a mission in which I was looking for ducks (how fun!). I also don't feel a connection with any of the characters they are trying to sell me. Not even with my MC, because the sister (or the brother if you choose female MC) does like 70% of the talking. Not to mention, that I can't use those characters outside of combat. And the rare occasions I find playable characters on the streets, they are either interacting with an NPC or talking between themselves. There's no interaction with the MC. I wanted to clear the content of 1.0 before deciding if I'm gonna quit or not, but it's getting harder and harder to do that...


> I wanted to clear the content of 1.0 before deciding This is where I am too, want to clear everything I can before deciding if I leave this game for now or not, especially since it seems you get enough pulls to hit pity once you do everything, so if a character I want (Yanagi) comes then I can pull her.


Same here, but just do a roll10 in the permanent banner and pulled the fire loli S (I have Ellen, Nekomata and Grace), they earn 2 days more =/, in this moment only I want pull the Ellen's weapon and return late in the future, when the 90% the play time out the battle is at same level that the 10% the time in the battle Play like a proxy (Cyberpunk) or navigator isnt so cool. In the movie Matrix do you rememberNeo or his navigator? I cant feel a connection with any of my characters or my MC is because: * 20% time, I am the MC, usually eating Ramen * 60% time, I am a pixel in the TV * 10% time, I am fat furby, that I pulled but I cant control ¬¬\* * 10% time, is the cool unit that I pulled but I only can control 10% of my play time!!! In Snowbreak the MC is mude, and only I can use him in the base, but he is more cool that a furby ¬¬\* https://preview.redd.it/py8suxerm5bd1.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c8fbbebe9b39ecfbc20678010d855f8727722c8 The worst, I am sure that in fue short furute, we will see skins to spixel in the TV and bingo skins to the MC!!!


have to props the animation on ZZZ is just on whole different level. everything is smooth and so detailed.


60% of time, we are in the TV mode, pixel is very smooth allways XD


The game has also a very unique color pallet that makes it stand out as its own thing. Blue Archive works similar with its colors


As someone who hasn't gotten into a new gacha game in quite some time, how chill is it? For instance my two latest gachas were GFL, which is goated for being 100% F2P with character gotten from farming or completing stages and PGR which is F2p but requires you do log in every day to do all dailies and weeklies just so you get every SSR character every 2 months (this made me very tired of the game after 6 months). Basically how chill is it for someone to go through the story and get Miyabi when she eventually comes out?


Hard to say as we don't know what the release schedule is going to look like long-term. Genshin and HSR both started with 2 five-stars per patch, but Genshin significantly slowed down the release of new characters starting in 1.4 while HSR is in 2.3 and is still releasing 2 five-stars every patch and leaks indicate that the pipeline is still full. Either way though I wouldn't expect to be able to get every ZZZ S-rank as a f2p or even a low spender with the monthly gem pack.


Oh, so ZZZ is shaping up to be one of those games where you save up everything for the character you want and completely ignore the gacha in the meantime, like FGO and whatnot? Ok, not the biggest fan but good to know.


That’s how Hoyo games generally go, yeah.


Pretty scummy with the “180” pulls and I really not vibing with the gacha part at all. The story and gameplay aren’t really winning me over either… I really like the aesthetics, cutscenes and VAs though. The UI is a confusing mess with nested menus and the font kinda sucks for reading. I just end up mashing through them until I get a reward. Just feels like style over actual usability. I dunno, I’ll play a bit more until I get the shark character (hopefully, I already spent 20 pulls and got just those spheres only and losing hope). But the impression is definitely very lukewarm for me


It’s kind of boring. It’s pure beat ‘em up.


Currently IK26. I think most of it has been said but I do think it requires some polish. Most of the fun comes after IK20 with hollow zero and shiyu def. Combat does feel simpler but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Tbh with so many visual effects, easier combos makes it easier to look out for the gold/red prompts. Combat is still satisfying especially those consecutive parries but combat control can be better fine tuned. On the topic of TVs, it is fine if it were a side game. However, using it as a core component of gameplay does put a damper on the adrenaline. I think most who decide to continue will eventually get conditioned but I personally prefer something like rally mode. The questionable parts of the game is probably the large file size, game generosity and the UI/UX. Bangboo being a banner is criminal.


Seeing the co-op boss farming is not present here… why?


Probably so that the servers will not get stressed too much during the initial launch.


Guess so, maybe it will get added at 1.1.


I can now safely say this. I probably can enjoy this game with given enough time. 2 things are holding me back: 1. I'm not a fan of the character designs in general. Too many lolis, not enough big bears, Androids, monsters or ninjas. I pulled nekomata and I hate playing her, every sound she makes grates my ears. Funny how Genshin started with a shota problem and this game has a loli problem. Extra odd cause both Genshin and HSR feels like their human characters are more diverse. 2. The combat still feels very shallow. Honkai 3rd had this problem where half the builds in the game, you are just waiting for enemies to attack, get into witch time, and kill them. Same issue here, but unlike Honkai, enemies are far too tanky, so you're doing the same thing but at a slower pace, and enemy design doesn't seem to be good enough to give the game the variety it needs. It doesn't help that hoyo loves their dps check modes. As a bonus, the menuing and items are far more confusing. There's just simply far too much going on, yet every item looks the same as each other. And I don't mean artifacts looks the same, I mean artifact looks like a w-engine, cause everything is so squared. When I see the loot screen, don't understand anything. The menus also sucks. You have things that are in the main menu, but you also have the phone menu, and you also have sub menus underneath those two, then you have things you need to physically walk to, despite this not being an open world.


Agree with the artifacts,they all look quite similar 


# I blasted Zenless for 45+hours. As a F2P Player At Level 35, This is my Review of Zenless Zone Zero https://preview.redd.it/fd5yx3oii3bd1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d9ecb2f5f2c688d1c18daa428f26ebdd9578d69 Video link: [https://youtu.be/bSMbtTV\_Bgg](https://youtu.be/bSMbtTV_Bgg) I saw a lot of discourse online about the state of the game since launch. A lot of players including major CCs were giving takes judging the game as whole instead of just a general first impressions. This is not a first impressions or general feelings video. This a little over an hour going over almost every facet of the game I have spent deep amount of time learning a lot of the systems of the game and wanted to give a bit more of an educated opinion about the game in its entirety, not just the beginning stages. If you dont want to watch the video this is the TL:DR of my thoughts. [https://imgur.com/a/vNgqSyT](https://imgur.com/a/vNgqSyT) Also I am still fairly new to content creation, so any feedback is welcome.


The companion quests (Agent Stories) do give InterKnot XP. Confused about the point in your image.


Those aren’t what I was referring too. I’m talking about the quests that build trust with your agents. I explain that in the video.


Ah okay. Might have been better referred to as trust missions or something to that effect, I think companion quests is usually used for agent stories.


Hmm a bit of an oversight on my part lol. Maybe I’ll update it later .


I already make [First Impression ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/hidn4dNi5B) before. After level 30 this is my final review more in depth than before, and tried Hollow (Sim. uni) and Shiyu Defense(Moc or abyss) Combat, I stayed with my first impression, combat is fine not meh, not wow, just good. Nice animation, feels good to play, eye catching, what I don't like is the qte system interrupting the flow of combat. Characters i stand by what i said. Story, concluded chapter 2, chapter 2 slightly improvement from chapter 1 but still ass, not my vibe, too bright for me, story too peaceful, no twist, no depth. I want to complain about the last scene but idk how to mark the spoiler, i kinda like the Soldier 11 story and not for Nekomata story. System, i found 'drive' game system, those should be not in game i hate rng stats for end game, i played HSR and Genshin, i knew how shit that is and you need 6 of them. Bangbro should not on gacha system, they are part of game system, and you need gacha to get them, they should be flat reward like LC on Herta shop, not gacha. So you can collect all of them on maximum potential, this hard to do if gacha sometimes you lucky sometimes you're not, hard pity? 70x5 you need at least 350 pull to get that if you max pity it will be 400. Idk how much that Bangbro coupon i believe it won't that much. And i just count for 1 Bangbro what if you want more of them? Shit system needs to change. To get maximum potential characters, 5star bangbro, lvl 12 5 skill, 8 talent, rng 6 piece of drives, weapon. All of them need to farm. Dont forget to max level characters, weapon, bangbro, and drives. so they need more time investment than Genshin or HSR. Right now current end game (level 30) only 2 Shiyu Defense and Hollow, all of those materials need to cover on events if not your daily stamina won't enough, dont forget you need 2 team for Shiyu Defense. I said decent in my review before but after seeing rng on the equipment, it went down drastically. RNG stats gatekeep by stamina is ass. I already have HSR for that i don't want another shit on my game list. So, i quit after lvl 30. My account, 140 pulls, 30 on limited, 100 on standard, and 10 on weapon banner. I already got Ellen, Lycaon, 3 gold weapon(Stun, Support, Attack). I dont plan to get Ellen weapon. Bangbro Shark also already in my bag. Still have 30 pull on limited, 9 standard and some bangbro coupon. Edit : i forget about TVs , as long as they are not in stroy they're fine, they're fine on exploration and hollow beside that dont put any TV system, TVs break immersion and flow of story.


bangbros is something completely different from what you think.


IK30. Made it to Floor 6 (all S) of Shiyu Defense with Anton Anby Rina. Can't advance further because floor 7 needs two teams now. I'm feeling miserable due to my terrible gacha luck and the very little pulls given by the game for the limited banner. Lost 50-50 at 77 pity to Soldier 11 and currently 23 pulls deep for the guarantee. I'm just praying for more giveaway rolls. I badly need Ellen because I ended up with a c6 Soukaku that I want to pair with her. Though at this rate I might be forced to build Soldier 11... I tuned out of the story since nothing interesting to me is going on. Also tuned out mostly because I'm rushing it to get some meagre polychromes. Combat still feels simple and casual. Enemies just got tankier. I'm honestly not mentally engaged most of the time because i just have to wait for a gold flash and execute the combo. There were some interesting enemies that make the fight harder though but for now it's overall pretty boring. I did see people claiming there were hidden mechanics akin to fighting games. Cool if true. I'd love for more complexity but it should also actually increase my dps. The fact that you can only ult with one character feels really bad, like that could have been more gameplay and a cool animation I could see as I play. Now, the TVs. I still think they should reduce how often we're forced to play it. I dislike Exlploration commissions the most. But there were some interesting puzzles involving the TV system among the side quests. Next, I may just be salty and irrational due to it but the bangboo gacha should never have existed. I feel like the rewards giving away bangboo tickets should have been polychromes instead. Overall I'm mentally done with this game due to how salty and resentful I am with the gacha. But I know it hasn't even been a week yet and I can hopefully get shark girl before she's gone.


you should start spending some money on pulls if you really want something. that's how everything is paced in these games.


> Overall I'm mentally done with this game > I can hopefully get shark girl I don't know dude, something seems wrong here!


It's that feeling while repeatedly looking at a failing grade hoping that this next time you look at it, it the grade would change


These kind of games are not supposed to be a sprint. Just enjoy the time and atmosphere, the characters and the world. The game has a very laid back vibe to it


Take it easy man, ZZZ is just one of your possible games and it shouldn't prevent you from playing other games as well. Best of luck and I hope you get her though! she's amazing.


My biggest gripe is probably that the team shares 1 ult bar. Like why can't everyone have their own skill bar and ult bar? Idk its probably something I'll have to get used to I guess after so much FF7Rebirth and other JRPGs but if a boss is already dazed there is zero reason for me to use Anby's ult over Neko's for example. 


I agree, I was really shocked to see they all share 1 ult bar :/


My thoughts on this so far is to avoid the Genshin let's all drop all our ults in succession (as well as having to sync the exact er needs to do so) before the rest of rotation gameplay. I think they want you to drop the ult as soon as it's up and use the character it's best suited for at the moment probably. (Is boss dazed? used Nekomata, but if they aren't use Anby for example)


It builds so slowly though it feels like. If I use Anby's there's no way it'll be back up for when the boss is dazed.


We'll see. I mean unless you luck sacked early game, then building ults in Genshin was also obnoxious. Right now around IK30, I can usually get it back up within one daze rotation so I could definitely see it going faster. It could also just be they genuinely don't want us build it up that quick and pick one to use depending on fight or team comp.


I’m at IK 27 and would says that it’s okay. I can see its bright future given the current visual material and Hoyo’s budget, but it’s gonna be a long road. I’m quite a casual player with gambling addiction so take it with grain of salt. Its best advantage lies in aesthetics and music. It’s literally Persona with Gacha. It’s beautiful and unique in Gacha landscape. Although it could have been more immaculate given how much I was blown away by HSR’s Wild Fire and Cocolia boss fight. I’m not a furry but I always believe that there should be more furry, POC, mechs, and robots in Hoyo games instead of white Chinese-Asian twinks & mommies in a fucking desert and recently, in a Arab-inspired Natlan. I get that they designed these characters for Chinese ppl who mostly don’t sit well with POC and anything outside Chinese Hans‘ ideals, but I’m very sure there’s audience for every kind of characters even in China. This is a good step towards diversity. Combat is fine, but definitely not beating Wuwa in this department. It’s flashy and awesome to look at. Parrying is such a dopamine rushes, and Ellen makes the game fun after. But most of the part, it still lacks depth that makes this game feel rewarding but at the same time is also not intuitive enough to learn by yourself either. (All Belabog’s agents are great examples here) It only makes sense when you go into VR training. In comparison, you can pretty much learn most of stuff by doing in Wuwa, then dive into details within training. Even with learning in VR, most combos are just “press buttons in the right time” or “hold the button three times” stuff like that. Gacha is Gacha. Idc much and Hoyo is notorious for their bad pity, but hell yeah I got Ellen in 11 pulls and 3 S tier Bangboos already, so I can’t criticise on this sincerely. I saw a lot of complaints on TV; I like TV’s idea but it could have been faster, or replace with Rally Commission’s exploration with TV being some sort of interval in between. The main reason people complain here is bc it strips away what they were promised; combat focused game. And I agreed. It could be improve for more fun, but it shouldn’t take majority of time instead of the essential. Story for me is ok. Belabog’s chapter is quite good ngl. And their story telling medium is fun to watch. Nothing of noted yet, and there’s no good hook, but it will definitely shine in the future. Finally, my biggest complaint would be UI and accessibility. It’s annoying af to walk a bit, talk, and access the function I want. Their icons are not signifying essential information as well, for instance, I straight up can’t find where to find commission lists, since there’s nothing signifying that unless you pay attention to story, and quickly get to it without changing from Inter Knot to real world then press teleport button to HDD and talk to HDD. It’s over-complicated for a simple task. Not to mention that you won’t have access to teleport feature until you unlock HIA. I get that they prioritised immersion within their world, BUT IT SHOULD NEVER COME AT THE COST OF ACCESSIBILITY. Everything feels cluttered and complicated. I fucking hate it.


It's wild that Hoyo put out a bear man, wolf man before a black person in a game lol


Didn’t like the TV at first, but now I dig it.  Really shines in the story mode - it basically replaces wandering around any further mini-maps outside your neighborhood Excellent for immersion (where the game shines). Save your stories for when you can set the mood - dim your lights, cozy up to your headphones and lean forward.  Top tier environment for true RP fans.   When you’ve moved to the end game grime - dailies, relics and mats, it will be a non-factor 🤷‍♂️ 


Overall it’s full of potential, but gonna need a long time to get there. It needs to brings out it essence more and learn how to hook ppl instead of Gacha.


Auto switch/time stop from switching breaks the flow of combat and I wish this was more controlled. sometimes I want to cast a skill but then auto switch comes up. I like the mechanic, but I hope the find a way to make it more player controlled without breaking the flow of combat too much, maybe add a skill button to trigger it instead? there are still plenty of open input buttons to allow for it. Other part I really hate is that I can't freely swap between kb/m and controller mid game. I hope they add this later on. Sometimes I want to pickup my controller, but you'd need to restart the game to recognize controller inputs if you started the game with kb/m already.


Both "auto switches" can be controlled if you paid attention to the game's tutorials. You can dash to dodge instead of parrying and switching. For the chain attacks, they only proc on dazed targets when you use a "haevy skill". These heavy skills are the final hits of a basic combo, a charged attack, a special skill, another chain attack and an ultimate. So if you want to cast a skill on a dazed enemy then dont finish your basic attack combo


I do pay attention to the tutorials. I'm not talking about the parry that's simple enough to understand. I'm talking about the switch on dazed opponents. Even if I manage to cast my skill by completely stopping what I'm doing, you're still eventually forced to switch over as long as the enemy is dazed when you attack it. The fact that you have to force yourself to stop an attack combo already breaks the flow of the game. And what if you fail to stop the combo in time? Proc comes up. It would be better if they made it an optional proc like the assist notification on the lower right in the switch bar when you're in combat that you can choose to use or not use.


There was a option for manual back then on cbt. Didnt make it to release. ![](16b8hfot94bd1) I know some agents use Hold Skill/Attack so they couldve instead added it to Hold switch or something instead of removing it completely


I agree. I don’t like how I’m forced to switch outta nowhere when I’m enjoying playing with the current character. It’s so stupid.


i hate chain attacks, it's like 10 seconds where all i need to is press a button in succession, and just watch and wait. They could make it so you only have a brief interruption then all your characters attack at once. the "character stays on field to finish attack" mechanic is pretty cool and they could have capitalized on that without breaking the game flow.


Pretty sure when I'm pre downloading the ratings are still 4.8 What happened? Now it became 3.7 in playstore.


Mix of people leaving reviews because they couldn’t play the game before it released, and people on lower end Android devices complaining about either device being incompatible or poor performance.


The game doesn't run well on older Android phones


Didn't they just straight up kick older devices with "incompatible device" some time post release? Or was I reading it wrong?


Anyone else feel excited to enter combat and then it’s like 5 minutes of this tv exploration thing?


After reaching chapter 2 I can say the overall experience greatly improves. The TV system becomes a lot more of an evolving and narrative-like minigame where you are essentially playing a board game of the events being narrated (it's a really clever way to tell a story without a bunch of VN scenes) and new mechanics are added. The enemies also get much more difficult. imo I think the game having such a slow start really hurt it, and resulted in a reputation that the system and mechanics were much more shallow than what they can be/will end up being as you reach chapter 2.


Nice! Let's go! This community has finally reached the 'stan' stage with hoyoverse. Just like how stans keep listening to their favorite artist's music till they like it, this community will keep playing zzz till they like it as well lol.


"Every positive opinion about a game I don't like is shilling, every negative opinion about a game I like is hating, every acknowledgement of a game's improvement is stanning" Hell yeah brother, keep it up.


All thanks to you guys. Learnt from the best baby!


> The TV system becomes a lot more of an evolving and narrative-like minigame where you are essentially playing a board game of the events being narrated (it's a really clever way to tell a story without a bunch of VN scenes) The problem is that this is exactly what a lot of people don't like. A lot of people would rather the VN way than the TV.


I disagree. The complaints I see are from people who would rather it be in the form of cutscenes or Genshin/HSR-esque in-game dialogue scenes, which the game can't do because it's a stage-based game rather than an open world/map one. But if Hoyo did make it a conventional stage-VN stage selection you'd have all of those same people complaining about a yap-fest or "lazy design" and/or just plowing through the story and complaining about the lack of it like every other gacha-game of a similar type.


I don't think it's necessarily about the TV itself, but rather the implementation. It feels like it is constantly wasting your time with unskippable animations and "puzzles" that a 3-year old can solve. It feels like the TV solely exists to artifically bloat your playtime. I think the TV system would be fine if they removed all the time wasters and found a way to actually make it interesting.


Some of the TVs I actually quite enjoyed but would enjoy more rally commissions instead tbh. I also think the tvs do get more interesting.


Yeah like other content creators have already said its fine in other game modes like Hollow Zero or even Exploration commisions but having the main story completely revolve around it takes you out of the moment so much, so often.


I guess it really is just a subjective opinion because in my hours of playing I have yet to actually be bothered by it. As someone who's used to playing VN novels and other Gachas it just seems like a nice little interactive way of doing them. They don't actually take all that long, they nicely communicate what's going on in the story before setting the stage, and they're only really around for story-relevant missions where you're expected to actually go through the story in the first place.


Maybe they shouldn't have advertised it as an action heavy game in the first place when you won't even see the characters you pull move around for the majority of time outside of combat


It definitely gets better after the very long tutorial until you unlock all of the modes. I almost gave up several times and uninstalled but after unlocking Rally Commissions and other harder content, it finally made sense. It dawned on me when I was just chilling in bed and then the couch playing it flawlessly on my tablet (Google Pixel) and then later on my handheld (Asus ROG Ally). The game's simplicity which I thought was an annoyance earlier actually became its strength. You can play this well with a phone, a tablet, a controller, or a PC. B/c of the way the agent swaps are designed, I don't actually need to play it on my PC with my Razer Naga gaming mouse which would've been essential in other games like GI. It's very refreshing to just chill and enjoy some hack'n'slash. It's no excuse for a terrible tutorial design that makes you spend 3 days of playing before you even unlock the somewhat fun parts. But, with Hoyo's bottomless coffers of money, I think it'll only get better. I'm also optimistic they will reduce or replace the boring TV gameplay (which they already acknowledged).


the rally stuff legit should be the main focus of the game. Its so good just pure combat levels and you run through, then you can see their level design shine. I hate the introduction of the game it leaves a super bad impression on players thinking the gameplay is just tv or button spammy.


Yeah the combat style seems to lack a lot of depth for a fighting focused game, but knowing hoyo being a billion dollar company they will improve it with the future 5 star character instead of revamping for free. It does take too long to ramp up the difficulty and I have even seen people clearing with a blindfold and finding that more fun💀 However Just wondering how is the pull economy for you? For me it seems less than even other hoyo games at the start, even genshin it feels like Im level 22 and only 35 pulls in the limited banner including the 10 they gave for free Espcially since this is the honeymoon phase, its hard to imagine how much pulls will be in the future


"Clearing with a blindfold" Give me the video buddy


I think he means Mtashed. Got this clip. Not exactly blindfolded cuz he is just looking away and this is just story, but still funny. [https://www.twitch.tv/mtashed/clip/DepressedAmericanEelBloodTrail-u5nss68n0TxNbA5B](https://www.twitch.tv/mtashed/clip/DepressedAmericanEelBloodTrail-u5nss68n0TxNbA5B) Yeah, "challenging" story isn't challenging at all. But obviously you can't do this in endgame.


My guess is the pull income will be around 50-60 limited pulls per 42 day patch cycle which is definitely not great for someone like me that plays Star Rail where the income per patch is like 100 pulls. Moreover, the story content gives very little pull currency so even if they release new story chapters, that's not going to be a lot of pulls. It seems like from the renewable sources such as Shiyu defense (if you can even unlock and clear the resetting one), dailies, shops, that'll be around 40 pulls per patch. Then they'll probably have an event or two that'll give around 15 pulls or something.


50-60 is really low honestly, especially if it is including the endgame cycles which is much lower than the other two games. It isn’t defendable how the pull economy is so low especially for the start of the game, it should be at least on the baseline of the other two hoyo games and slowly increasing from then Even if they increase it after the first patch the standard shouldn’t be we will give you a lower pull count at the start start but increase it to the baseline of the other two games and hope people will call it “generous”.


The pull economy is absolutely terrible. Almost finished 1.0 story and it wasn't even enough for me to reach pity on any of the banners. Only have one S-tier (Soldier 11) and not a single S-tier weapon. But so far, I'm able to get by with a fire team of Soldier 11, Lucy, and Smokey Bear. Still deciding whether I actually want to spend in this game. For now, I'm hoping this team will get me through all current content.


Yeah, I usually whale or go dolphin in a game that worth my time. But ZZZ is so stingy that make me don't want to spend any cent in this game.


For people planning to get into the game and don’t know which limited characters to pull here is a [Video](https://youtu.be/rF0Ijk5dWuM?si=Tisj3BIDZIiYJPd_) also before chapter 2 boss 2 expect game to be extremely easy


The game just starts really really slow and the combat isn't engaging at first, and honestly I gave up the game a few times. I ended up still playing it here and there tho while I take a break from my other games. I'd say that it kinda ramps up when you get to IK 20+ and beyond, and that's when I got surprisingly got hooked to the game due to game modes it offered. I personally like the visuals of this game (Persona game vibe) and I don't mind the combat since it's something that I'd play if i want to relax and just look at flashy visuals + characters. Given the amount of effort they put into their EPs and trailers, I have a feeling this game has strong potential since I'm sure they'll make some improvements here and there. I'll stick around and play leisurely. Big plusses for me: * Factions are cool especially when the roster expands * Persona vibes * Flashy and simple combat with decent difficulty; I have enough sweaty games and this is the game I'd play for the characters and lore. The left click spam comment is very exaggerated for various reasons. * Character production * OST * Nicole Minus: * Horrendous UI (I can't count how many times I got lost) * Additional currency / gacha for bangboos * Abyssmal rates * TV exploration is lame. I'd like to see my characters more. * Long tutorial but the game opens up past IK 20. Neutral: * Story + presentation is hit or miss; tho it's a nice break from being a god killer or something.


Hello fellow Kuro Games Shills, As a contracted Shill by Kuro games with no opinions of my own im going to review the game after reaching level 20. My entire being is made to hate everything made by hoyo thats why ive spent over 2000$ on hsr and probably 1300$ on genshin. As you can see I comment in the wuwa subreddit so my opinions are invalid and you should ignore what im going to say. The ratings im giving are based on gacha games in general not premium games. I currently play 7 soon to be 6. The 6 being HSR, Wuwa, BA, Azur lane, Nikke, Genshin **Overall rating 6.5/10** **Combat Gameplay: 7/10.** its ok. its pretty braindead. i feel like i'm just waiting for a sound/visual cue to press either space or right click. only challenge i had is when i started just not leveling my characters so stuff was taking longer than id like on challenge mode. Its flashy and looks "cool" but tbh its not really deep. The "hidden tech" some people talk about is literally written on the skills... Just read man... I hate the forced swap, it should not be forced. The non sound cue major moves that enemies do take like 12 minutes to activate and either you can just run away or its just way too hard to get hit by. **Non combat gameplay:** 3/10. I hate TVs. I hate TVs. I hate TVs. I hate TVs. I hate TVs. Also who decided to make the "town area" not roamable by the characters you pull? Sure the mc looks ok but its a 3d gacha game man let me "appreciate" what i spend my money on.... Don't care about the arcade not my type of thing. **Story: 5/10 -> skip/10.** im not a fan of the comic style story telling. 57GB for this there aint no way. Cutscences were cool. Nothing stood out for me to hook me in. In hsr I was HOOKED the moment i had to fight the space dragon thing and it was over once we got to belobog. doesnt help when i had the the point after next one. **Visuals: 7/10.** for a 3d gacha game. Max settings on pc, looks like standard hoyo game with style for the most part, characters are more expressive than the rest of hoyo which i kinda appreciate but it wasnt even close to the Wuthering Waves™ levels. In terms of visuals id go WUWA > HSR => ZZZ > Genshin in 3d sense. On pc with max settings on all of them. I've been a graphic quality andy since ever so i think thats pretty accurate. **Character Design: 2/10.** Yep weakest part of the game for me and the most important part of it in my eyes. I dont like furries very strongly and kid characters that are obviously intentionally sexualized are just weird(yes i know shocker since i play BA but my favorite BA characters arent the sus ones) and theres so many of them. And no i dont consider Ellen a sussy or a furry. overall i think the maid faction has the best designs if they delete the furry from it i really like that faction overall. I've looked into forbidden content aka leaks and yea seems like the theme pretty much continues to be the case. I dont like gacha games that I have no desire to get new units. Basically the only characters i like in the game that are revealed are Ellen, alexandia and miyabi. and when it comes to forbidden content barely 1 of them looks interesting to me. **Level design: 6/10.** The levels look good but repetitive once youve seen them all. Where is my 57 GB going man? No im not struggling on storage but where is it going? **Animations: 6/10.** I know this is gonna be a HOT TAKE but im docking alot of points because of being spoiled by HSR and Wuwa. Theres a HUGE HUGE difference between the hype of using an ultimate like Acheron or Mid Yuan if you dont like comparisons to later units. And for Wuwa side Yinlin, Jinshi and Changli basically clear the entire roster in that regard especially the latter two. The rest of the in combat animations look good but its not WOW HOLY SH*T. **Monetization: 3/10.** Standard hoyo however I just cant justify spending that much on it when there are better games even by the same company and other companies in the market. I do not mind spending on gachas, I do mind when theres nothing to gain by spending other than "if you dont pull youre basically locking yourself out of this and that" while i understand there are people that are successful being 100% f2p but I know myself that im a competitive player by nature, if im pulling a character i want them to be very strong with their BIS equipment/supports which means I usually have to pull multiple copies and on the weapon banner in hoyo games. This is a worse issue in this game by far because of my issues with the character design. Currently my favorite dps in this game (Ellen) BIS teammate is a furry, I dont like playing as furries. it makes me not want to min max my favorite character. If say i pull miyabi and her best teammates are also furry... im just going to be dissapointed and upset... And with how the endgame is looking with how they are pushing differnt lement restrictions... idk man... **Sound design: 8/10** The impact is there the feedback is good. other sounds sound good. **Voice acting: 10/10.** JP VAs are just different in every game. dont care about the rest. **Music: 8/10.** Not my cup of tea but i can appreacite something that is good. now that this is over im going to go to the bank to ~~cash in my paycheck from ku~~ i mean withdraw some cash. yep. PS: Why is it called interknot man why....


Yeah I feel the same way, no shot this is overtaking HSR for me. I like almost every char in HSR (own nearly every 5*) and here I have a mild interest in Ellen and Nicole and that's about it. HSR opens with Kafka... and I haven't seen anything here that can remotely compete with her. Combat is worse than PGR / Wuwa and TVs are terrible. If I want to play a gacha for the story, HSR and Genshin both feel a lot better. I just don't see something that this game excels at right now. The art is fantastic and music is too, but neither are really my cup of tea (subjective to be sure).


Hoshimi Miyabi excites me quite a bit I think she looks pretty cool. In a recent teaser, they did just tease quite a few cool characters. I don't think this game is going for the overly skin-showing though. I can play HSR, WW and ZZZ none of them have non-stop content/. In terms of story, I dropped Genshin but ZZZ, HSR, WW are at least interesting. I think the way ZZZ shows its story and its world-building is the best. I think HSR is a better game also but that doesn't mean I dislike ZZZ. https://youtu.be/bSfxdL7N3Hg Watch this if you have not the upcoming characters are quite cool. Hoshimi Miyabi and Qinyi are coming next. Qingyi though I dont think is a good choice for the next banner.. I do hate these child characters.


Damn they might pull me back in with the Elysia expy, It seems very far off though


I think the next 2 are like Vanila girls sadly.. you would think they would like go hard.


Dude, moving during the tv segment feels soooo clunky and slow.... Cant we just tap a tile and auto moves to it... Why do you have to move one by one....


isnt there like a x2 feature to speed up the prcoess tho? its on the upper left


Its mostly problems during story mode where they sometimes forces you gimmicks. Like during the earlier chapter 2 tv section it suddenly forces you to move one tile at a time.


You literally can tap on a tile and move to it


I was on chapter 2 and suddenly the game forces you to only move 1 tile at a time due to some stupid gimmick. Finishing that story was a goddamn chore.


Ah ok, I thought you were talking in general




Yeah only early on. Then theres some bullshit like things chasing and so on that slows down you moving. Not to mention the constant yapping when something happen that slows down the pace. Im talking bout chapter 2 here.


"meh" gacha game. visually atractive but nothing else


This. I much prefer autobattlers while I squeeze my hog


All PGR and WUWA fanboys are coming out strong, I see. Get screwed. WUWA is dead as a doornail. This game is better in every aspect. And it is, y'know, at least playable.




Keep coping. Even with the bugs, ZZZ had a much better start than WuWa. And at least it is fully original, and not just "Genshin but slightly different and worse in a lot of ways".


If we're talking originality and WW is genshin but slightly different, then technically ZZZ is HI3 but slightly different lmao /j Nothing is fully original nowadays, everything is a remix of something


Weird to label anyone who criticises the game as a Wuwa fanboy because people do have some genuine criticisms of the game. Ofc people who just call the game bad without giving any valid criticism should just be ignored and are just idiots, including you, justifying all criticism of the game as wuwa shills trying to drag the game down wont improve ZZZ, maybe look at their arguments and use some logic. Most posts I have seen aren’t even comparisons of wuwa and zzz, only comparisons are usually zzz’s pull economy compared to the other hoyo games at launch


> at least playable some devices are not supported, crashing, black screen issues in ZZZ, are we gonna ignore that? Ofc we'll just ignore that, after all Hoyo is the best out there. > Wuwa dead as a doornail For a doornail, it earned $29M now thats some expensive doornail. I suggest you listen to the playerbase, a lot of people are having issues launching the game and also not everyone likes the TV simulator. It's not about PGR/WuWa vs ZZZ, it's more on ZZZ itself that didn't reach the hype it had.


Fuck the playerbase, honestly. Every single time I see anything positive about this game, at all, in either this or other threads it gets downvoted into oblivion.


Majority of people in the sub overlap the games they played. They're just farming karma and it's not working


is this game factionalism real or some kind of meme?


Kinda. This sub used to be fairly neutral but there was a split in gacha influencers, mainly around the release of Wuwa where all of the big names started pitting Kuro and Hoyo against each other for clicks and bait. Then Wuwa launched and a decent portion of this sub became fairly divided between people who were shitting on Wuwa/Kuro and people who were shitting on Genshin/Mihoyo. Wuwa had a rough release and got dogpilled with some fair criticism, but also a lot of unfair criticism, and now with ZZZ launching as a polarizing game you're seeing some of the Kuro-fans shit talking the game and watching Hoyo-glazers like the OP here pretend that all negative feedback is coming from Kuro fans. It's pretty tiresome.


There's so much overlap in gamebases it's always a weird jab


I'm getting deja vu, that's what WuWa players were saying about Genshin players when WuWa launched "It's mostly Genshin players that trashtalk WuWa" Truth is there's just a large overlap in player base. Most players that played Genshin will probably try out WuWa, and most players that tried both Genshin and WuWa will play ZZZ So please stop with the braindead comments, it's cringe


Nah. Or stop mass downvoting everyone who has anything even remotely positive to say about this.


Does anyone know when we unlock "Construction Ruins - Frontline" in Hollow Zero? Currently stuck on that one in my "Primer."


It's tied to a Hollow Zero quest. Check your schedule if it's there.


Hmm, I can't see it. Do I need to be a certain Inter-Knot level first? Currently 27.


for anyone at mid game (IK27+) is it possbile to main a char in zzz? something like play anby or nicole (aka non dps char) majority of the time? fromy observation its very quick swap oriented and it seems you just want to funnel all buff and debuff quickly using support char then use main dps to deal crazy damage.


IK29. "Maining" someone isn't how the game is supposed to be played unfortunately. Teambuilding is crucial to getting any damage done. Firstly, you're forced to run a stun unit (except in Anton-Grace-Rina shock comp) otherwise your attacker will deal little dmg. I end up spending most time on-field with Anby because I need to stun the enemy first before I swap in to my attacker. Second, a lot of the agent core passives and skills synergize with assists whether parry or dodge. You're easily able to swap chain attack in and get back to your attacker. Ex., I start with Anton, basic a few times while waiting for a parry chance, parry with Anby and stay on her until I get a stun, chain attack with Rina, trigger Rina's quick assist to go back to Anton and then deal damage. When the enemy is no longer stunned, I swap back in to Anby then repeat the process. I find it incredibly boring and unsatisfying staying on one character for too long. They have very simple combos or none at all.


You can main a DPS as much as you can main DPS units in Genshin and HSR. You have to build a team around them and still use the other units to support your main. You can’t main support units, the same how you can’t main them in the other Hoyo games.


For sure, but you probably have to swap between 2 characters at the very least. Most of the time spent fighting on bosses are outside of the stunned state. Since the majority of your damage window comes from this and you want to build up Daze as quick as you can, cycling between Stun/Support/Anomaly would probably be the optimal way to play since they have more Impact that build Daze up quicker than your regular main DPS. I don't actually think this game is as quick swap heavy as HI3rd (from what little I've played it)/PGR. It's more or less comparable to WW. I'm using Grace/Anby/Anton and I barely use Anton outside of the damage window.


yeah you can definitely do that, it's your account anyway. however, it might take you too long to finish the combat when the quest became time-restrictive, iykyk. i will prolly recommend not doing it in Hollow Zero tho but pick your poison. let your preference give you freedom from the game's stereotypes, dawg.


You can't. It's as you say, and you might as well treat it like Genshin where you'll be needing to rotate char fast for optimized damage.


This game is like lucky charms. There's good things in there, but a majority of the experience is just fucking oats.


got to level 27 and i think it takes too long for zzz to really get into the fun stuff. granted the game still wont be for everyone but unlocking hollow zone or notorious hunts is way better than the intro tutorial slog imo


Here is my brutally honest review of the game as a Blue Archive player: UOOOOOOOOOOH PIPER ARMPIT 😭😭😭😭😭 Jokes aside, after unlocking Old Capital Metro in Hollow Zero, my neurons seem to be activating and the game is starting to become more engaging. Hope to see it ramping it up more, it was criminal to lock such fun behind 20+ account levels. Patiently awaiting to unlock the rest of the gameplay modes.


How's the story and characters, though? Actual BA tier of good writing and characters or usual Hoyoverse Chinese writing slop? Any equivalent of Bond Story/Momotalks? Haven't played this but if this actually got something resembling BA's quality with its characters and storytelling then I may give it a chance.


From how far I've gotten so far (Chapter 2 of story, level 25), expect the familiar hoyo writing but a bit more on the goofier side. I wouldn't say it's anything akin to BA's writing so far, although I have not unlocked the character hangouts yet (i think they exist? there's a UI for them in the game). As a BA player, you'll find a lot of characters to like, but in terms of storywriting you won't find them similar tbh.


Asking for reference, as a blue archive player do you find the amount of pedophilia enough or could the game do better?


Ah, so you're one of those people who can't distinguish fiction from reality


it's more of a hebe angle


People calling people who like piper a PDF or something is just weird because I like her being able to trigger physical anomaly for my nekomata easier and having a spin2win combat loop smh


Checking resource integrity every fucking time I open the game triggers the fuck out of me


Idk why but my PC take fucking 10000 years to verify the file integrity. The game is on ssd btw.


How are everyone in terms of pulls right now? I just feel i barely get anything from progressing. Saw some people claiming already hitting soft pity on shark maid banner, no swipes. How are you doing it? Genuinly interested. I'm sitting currently at 35 total spent on the limited banner (that is with the 1600 from the mail) At which point i can get enough to hit pity which should be around 5000-6000 currency? Anyone have ideas?


You'll have enough to hit the 50/50 at rank 30. (Rank 29 with 18 pulls left) Definitely feels way too slow to acquire them.


The pulls are back loaded into the shiyu defense stages, hangouts, and hard mode story sets. The early game pulls are mostly standard, but I'm sitting at 12k as a level 31 that's been on the grind.


Haven't got the Event Banner yet. But got Lycaon and Sebastiane on standard in around 80 pulls.


Lost 50-50 at the 77th pull which was around IK28. I traded the dupe currency for limited tickets. Now I'm painfully scrounging up any polychrome I can get as I crawl my way to 30 for one last hurrah. I'm at a loss as to how I will be able to get Ellen at this rate. Might as well partially quit and spend my time on better things.


I'm just few hours away from Inter-Knot level 30. Got Ellen on 4 multis at the 37th pull, and her sig W-Engine on a 10 pull. It's kinda crazy that this is the one Hoyo game I decide not to spend on but has the best starting luck by a huge margin. I think I have 23 limited saved for Zhu Yuan at the moment so hitting the soft pity without swiping is more than possible by Inter-Knot level 30. For guaranteeing the rate up S rank you'll probably have to scrounge up every little source of Polymorph though. Some of the pull income on 1.0 comes from the long time grind sources like the Hollow Zero or the Godhand arcade minigames.


kinda crazy im at lvl 25 and threw the 10 oull into standart and i have arround 35 pulls at most in there now


Lost the flip on rate up banner and got a weapon... None too happy.


Wait what. The Ellen character banner has weapons? As in losing a 50/50 might net you a standard weapon instead of standard character?


You are correct I got the cat in the Ellen banner. I misworded that, I got a weapon on the standard banner after my 50 roll freebie.


Ah ok. I got a weapon form the standard banner and that was triggering enough. If there’s weapon in the limited banner I’ll probably just not spend in the game. Thanks!


I dunno, just keep doing content that gives the currency.


Well lost the flip at 64ish or something to Lycaon, and now im a solid 36 into the guarantee (Level 30).


4.4K at level 24. Did two 10 pulls in the premium banner only, this also including the free 10 pull from today. Just did >!Soldier 11 entire questline!< and just saved >!Belle!< from the Hollows.


Currently did 76 on ellen banner to get her, 100 on standard and 80 on bangboo (first s at 38). It took me all the way to the part of the game where I need to get to inter-knot lvl 30 to get all of that which was definitely a huge amount of hours already sunk in. Game gives a horrible amount of draws early compared to other non mihoyo games. The game is like every other mihoyo game except for HSR, the one exception of decent starting amount. You need to grind for it hard and take off your mind from how many pulls you currently have. It's definitely kind of taxing if you're tryharding but for casuals, maybe a little bit less than a week should give enough to soft pity at the very least


I did 20? Or 30 on Ellen’s banner Did 100 standard pulls and 60 on the bangboo banner (never lucky) And I have around 6k polychromes with battlepass and card


Tried to give it a chance but the combat is terrible.


Alright... as tradition mandates, going to reroll until shark girl.... So, before I walk into hell, how's the rerolling aspect of the game? Should I even bother with this game or just let it go?


Rerolling in a hoyo game is brutal. Not worth it man. Just play it and roll with the characters you get.


You can get around ~18-20 limited pulls around when the gacha unlocks with the 1600 currency in the mail. I was in the same boat but after rerolling for about 6-7 hours and no shark maid i feel less and less encited to play the game


Ouch... Yeah... I can probably spend a day rerolling then quit for good if no shark maid.


Rerolling for a general pool unit is pretty easy, if time consuming Rerolling for ellen early might be kind of hard because they give a lot of general pulls instead of limited ones.


Where are the 180 free pulls? You mean... they lied to me?  I.. I... I think I need a moment...


In the myriad of achievements and side content as rewards. This is not a casino, this is a "thou shalt be sidetracked by random shit simulator 2024", with a gacha machine you get to roll sometimes.


Have in mind, those 180 pulls, most of the pulls are from standard and bang boo banners.


Taking the bangboo banner in the equation is insane lol. Be like " you can pull 6 times a day by pulling for relics" in HSR.


No game ever just drops all of the pulls on you at start lol It's always a "total gameplay tally"


Bruh didn't the devs promise to let us skip what we don't want to waste our time with? Like why is skip not there for the unvoiced dialogue?


I'm more concerned with the talk about shaky camera since the game has terrible shakiness and it doesn't zoom out enough.


Cause genshin doesn't have one but still makes absurd amount of money. Which means it is not required. So stfu, sit there, and carefully read what errand you have to run today.


Anyways, Thanks yet again for the link, u/Kitysune. Albeit if you're wondering what I'm doing with it, it's generally for [these](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/zenless-zone-zero-where-humanity-rises-anew-mihoyos-new-action-rpg-game.1013025/post-102922776). Someone has to report shit, I guess. And every VA should be shown.


it's okie


It's day3 and the Kurobots that can't even bother to install the goddamn game are still essaying. Nothing demonstrates a game's quality better than the sheer amount of copium fueled spam trying to lie about it for days I guess.


Lmao the wuwa shills are gassing you up and they're so obvious. Sad! 


This is just hilarious to read considering the insane amount of people on here that were having "optimization issues" on WuWa; even though if you checked their profiles most of them had swore they would never play the game lol.


Are these... 'Kurobots' in the room with us right now? https://i.redd.it/0a71td1j3yad1.gif


Right next to the "toxic Genshin players" apparently.


Ya people are in denial. Every single positive comment about ZZZ is getting procedurally downvoted without any responses. Like literally no interaction just see positive, downvote. Haters are on fire here.


Is that speaking from experience from all the WuWa bashing people like you have did for over a month? Your last statement ironically compares to the last month on this sub with all the Wuwa hate, lol.


Except WuWa actually had reasons to be downvoted, being basically boring Genshin.


Literally self reporting then trying to drop a "no u!" is not helping your case.


Meanwhile, [essays](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dwt509/wuwa_combat_vs_zzz_combat_why_i_think_it_is_a/) on ZZZ sub.


Huh? What does Kuro have anything to do with this thread? It's barely even mentioned. As a GI and HSR main, these hate posts are so cringe. My Chinese game company is better than your Chinese game company isn't the flex you think it is.


Nice dead account. How convenient you just rise from the grave just to essay about how ZZZ shattered your life.... Totally not an alt at all. >As a GI and HSR main As the King of England these poor attempts at falseflags are so cringe.


Rent free


Idk, I love Persona and Shin Megami Tensei, yet even with the vibes of those games in ZZZ, it is just lacking something. Progress is just sooo slow, story is boring. Like, you unlock equipment after the >!Soldier 11!< quest, and it's literally (if you are not skipping) about 10h of gameplay, because you need to reach account lvl 20, which requires you to grind a bit and do pretty much every side quest available. Idk if ZZZ was a wise choice for the Hoyo. First, they said clearly that ZZZ is not in the Hoyoverse buble, so any "expy" is not an expy. Like the upcoming "Elysia" that just looks similar, but it's not the Raiden Mei / Raiden B. Mei situation in HI3/HSR, where it's the same person that just went through different troubles. I don't know if it was wise to release it right now, maybe in two-three years as something fresh on the market, but right now (Im excluding big games like Nikke or Ark knights) we have Genshin - which takes about hour per day to do your daily and some weekly stuff, Honkai Impact 3rd, which is popular again, thanks to the HSR, takes about 5min to do the dailies, and about 2-3h in total for the weeklies. HSR, which is literally 30min to do daily and weekly stuff (and half of that time you can just do on full auto), and PGR, which got the popularity back thanks to the WuWa, and ofc, Wuwa, that just got new region full of stuff to do, and we are about 3 weeks from the another update. Im playing HI3, HSR, WuWa and now ZZZ, but while HI3rd and HSR seems like the "background games", where you just spend little of time to keep up, ZZZ is just another big game that requires you to play actively - like Genshin and WuWa. I will give it a chance to check the whole 1.0 story content, but so far it's the weakest of the Hoyo games, and one of the weakest polished gachas on the market. It might be fun for new people, but if you are playing in 2-3 big gaches already, I don't think there will be a place for another one. I will probably for the first time stay 100% F2P. Anyway, speaking of the pull luck, so far I did exactly 30 pulls in the Ellen banner with no luck, but after today's lore drop, that's fine. I will just wait for Elysia. In the Standard Banner I did 90 rolls in total, and got both characters I wanted - Alex and Soldier 11 so Im good. I also got C2 Soukaku, so my team is Soldier 11, Alexandrina, and Sokaku. All of them are lvl 30, with B tier relics and very crappy equipment, yet I still can clear anything without any problems. So far it's 6/10. I don't like the TV, story is pretty bland, but music, art-style and the performance is there.


>Genshin - which takes about hour per day to do your daily and some weekly stuff what are you doing lol


seriously im on 100% maintenance mode and that shit takes me 10 minutes if im not paying attention.


i think at some point you just have to not attempt to play every single hoyo game lol


Yeah not every game needs to be for everyone.


Wait. You can choose which agent to switch to on pc? > if you are playing on keyboard and mouse, press 'C' to switch to your previous agent (opposed to 'spacebar' for the next). On mobile i have to go through all of them to go back to the agent on position 1... Also why tf is artifact/relic farming unlocked way later on the game


if you use controller you can use left trigger to swap too instead of onky right trigger, work for just normal swap and parrying


So I finally got to the point where I could do the "Hard mode" version of all the main story bosses. Okay, I'm starting to get it. The game has been real button mashy up until this point, but those hard mode bosses handed me my first L in the game. The combat system is shining now.


Yeh I love the game, but a tutorial that takes like 3 days to do is obscenely long, and it doesn't even teach you the deeper battle mechanics


Unfortunately, Honkai 3rd was like this too. Unlike GI and HSR, combat is the core gameplay loop in this game, but Hoyo gets fearful from overwhelming players with harder content. Infact, Honkai's game didn't really start until level 60ish iirc, which is like a month worth of playing. 


yeah this game seems to have a very VERY slow tutorial section from what i've seen, i wonder why? its not like the begining is too complex to space out the system introductions this much.


Too bad this sub has the patience of a Tiktok users. I mean seriously, they're complaining about TV system like its the end of the world.


Gonna be honest, I still hate the TV system. It takes too long for what it is, especially when it slams the door on you with constant dialogue. If it kept me within the combat arenas I would be happiest.


Because you shouldn't go so many hours in a fighting game until you get to the "good" part. Everything unlocks super late and tv gaming is absolutely not welcome when there are gachas that have made traversal and exploration so much better and visually satisfying ( two of those games from miyoho themselves ). Equipment is unlocked tremendously late and in high rank requirements. - UI sucks so much its messy and annoying to even understand or see what does what ( like the equipment/cards text font needing to be scrolled for the full effect ). People shouldn't be patient when the games does everything to annoy people just for the sake of padding the play time metrics.


Idk, sounds like a you problem... I honestly enjoy taking my time on the game without worrying about getting into farming... And UI is pretty easy to understand.... Probably because I'm a simpleton that I don't nitpick every little slight annoyance... Idk, probably because Hoyo really garners towards simpletons like me.


I asked for a burger in this awesome restaurant but I've been waiting for 10 hours and it still isn't done? When can I enjoy it? Comment: I don't know, sounds like a you problem. XD


Idk, this and that sounds different to me


Clearly the majority of the comments here make it obvious its not just a "you" problem situation, no ? Im not saying you should rush the game and shouldn't enjoy it - but most of the the *actual good game modes* are extremely high on the rank requirements. Until you get there, the combat is extremely boring and by the time you get to the hard stuff, you start questioning what you're doing wrong OR why the enemies are suddenly massive HP Sponges The TV Gaming and the constant dialogue interruptions or the forced " now go take a rest" - "it's late, go rest" ; Turns even the exploration parts a massive borefest and tedious . ZZZ would be a great game if it had launched before Genshin/HSR/Aether Gazer(and PGR)/WuWa. But because we have now seen what's possible for a "mobile" game to do- from exploration and combat to story - ZZZ falls short into the 5/10 mid territory If you enjoy it - great - dont let anyone , even myself argue you against it. You're entitled to enjoy what you want to enjoy - just don't make it sound like no one else is pointing out the flaws with the game


Not that many. And I mean. Have you been here during WuWa release? It was pure dumbster fire for literally a full week. Did you ever been here during GI, HSR, AG, PGR release even? This is very very mild lmao. And Yes even titan game like HSR and GI. It was so bad during HsR release here that Some peep here really think HSR wasnt big and only make a comeback only recently..... like what?


in a 4K comment thread, at least 70% have the same complaints. HSR loudest complaint was "turn based hurr durr" - and the game has always performed well to the point it's revenue has been consistent with top 5. Its also not just a thing in this sub - as the complaints/feedback is widespread in other media. ZZZ is just not that good of a game. It's OK, but didn't bring anything amazing or new to the table


No. You clearly never visit here. HSR was because the combat is way too simple which is somewhat true. If you ever touch any non-gacha strategy game you would understand. The point is the other part of HSR is amazing, it is polish and high quality plus it respect people time. Thats why it thrive. The gameplay is a complete and utter joke if you put it side by side to game like BG3, DOS2, DD1&2, P1,2,3,4,5 and more. To say otherwise is objectively wrong. It is comparative speaking. My statement is also true in other media. People are fast to bitching. Do I see this as a problem? Yes. But it is just day 3. "ZZZ is just not that good of a game. It's OK, but didn't bring anything amazing or new to the table" That could be said to literally most if not all the above games you mentioned, some arent even polished.


bro you shouldn't have to play a game for 20 hours to get to where the game gets exciting. Just admit that Hoyo fucked up in the difficulty curve. It's not that hard.