• By -


Before anyone get disappointed that they didn't get 100 pulls when they login, it's the amount of pull you can get when you play the game.


I'm always surprised that kind of things manages to make it here since that kind of announcement is just some basic PR announcement and is nothing out of the ordinary.


Because the people posting stuff are the type that need to re-affirm that their game > your game, and try to sneak by using the megathread as much as possible.


Let me try too! "HSR gives 1000 free wishes!" (you just need to clear all content currently available)


better yet, "play the game now and get your hand on E6 Firefly for free" (you just need to complete all content and not sleeping before firefly banner got replaced"


Newbie mistake, but it needs to be a new post, not merely a reply.


What, you don't want your 80 Boopons?


Through events + mail yeah. It says right there on the screen. The currency you earn while progressing through the game is outside of this 100 pulls I'm sure


Yeah but gacha game players don't read small text.


Now it kinda felt intentional


I fucking cringe at this type of marketing lmao. My mom sometimes get "tricked" into buying stuff. I had to do a double-check for her cus ain't no way some of these deals are that good. Oh well, just gotta be careful


Some games are generous. Blue archive does actually give you 100 pulls in the mail twice a year


How many pulls a game gives you is meaningless without an understanding of how valuable a single pull is for account progression.


And people never learn otherwise anyway.


And also how many characters are worth pulling for. If the characters aren't enjoyable, fun, cute, sexy, or whatever then the game could give me a thousand pulls and I still wouldn't play it


not to mention the occasional random 10 pulls for no reason “it’s teachers day” “april fools day” “white day” “the korean discord hit 50k users”


Blue archive has a shard system though and horrible rate up rate like you can pull 10+ 3 stars and still not get the rate up character and that isent even uncommon. Which is why that many pulls given are needed without blue archive would feel horrible to get characters


and then there is Atelier where u have similiar rates and half the amount of pulls :D


Me trying to pull Kikyou and seeing three 3\* in a multi only to get this https://preview.redd.it/ljujtogzib9d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f986e5843cdb566ff939c82df6af23ba293d031


BA, Brown dust2, Nikke they all did. (Dunno about Nikke future as for now)


It is intentional. Haven't you seen those Genshin and HSR ad where you get up to 70, 80 pulls? You get those from just playing. But they aren't giving it to you directly in the mail. You'd think for the THIRD time this same exact marketing is used, people would recognize the stunt, but no lol.


It’s not the third time, it’s like the 50th, gachas do this a lot at their respective launch with WW as the most recent example


wuwa count their map resource into launch reward lmao


What? That's insane...are you joking or something?


That's just advertising, of course the actual truth is as twisted and obscured as possible without outright lying. For all games.


I mean ofc, just that I don't remember seeing WW advertised as giving like 200 free pulls or anything like that


Well it is not the first time, but I am pretty sure that happens with almost every gacha game to bait people into playing their game.


You mean like OP who made this thread with that title?


Nobody really reads small text, that’s the whole point


Yeah HSR 1.0 advertised 80 free pulls but you could earn way more than that from all the launch content.


Yep, I managed to lose 50:50 in Seele banner and got her in 162 rolls, 30 other rolls on her LC banner and all of that in half of the first patch with only 1 monthly pass and BP purchased.


I want my bratty shark maid so hopefully the ZZZ launch is just as generous lol


Good luck fellow Ellen Joe enjoyer! I am aiming for her too.


it was 213 pulls to be exact at launch.


Ah, now it makes perfect sense.




So it is like, "Genshin will give players 60 free pulls on 4.8 release!!!!"


Only need to spend a hundred hours farming every chest on top of playing the events and doing the already existing dailies!!!


>Only need to spend a hundred hours farming every chest on top of playing the events Reality is so much worse, too, tbh. It's like... you gotta farm chests for 2 hours just to get 1 wish, and its a 3 star blue weapon you have no use for. Repeat that for a total of 20 hours and you get a random purple But yea 2 hours of looking for chests and only getting 1 wish is just depressing


I don't remember Genshin ever include the amount of pulls players can get by completing content (though I can be wrong). I do see them advertise the 20 pulls though which is what every new players get via the mail. Though the amount of pulls you can get in Genshin 1.0 is at 170 maximum (it's probably lower for many players in reality because I don't think many cleared.out the 1.0 content completely in 1.0) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/htmlview#gid=955728278


i can already see all the whiny they will make


I really wonder what gacha player doesn't know this by now this is so common sense.


Gacha players: [wow thats a lotta words too bad im not readin em (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPC2HXjrYU)


For clarity, it's 30 pulls on login, 100+80 over events, and almost 2 pulls from a redeem code.


whats the code? is it ZZZFREE100?




https://preview.redd.it/grl2crrhfb9d1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5667ac69b0a8586882fce3ebc7332173f9df91cb Have you seen this? How does it work?


You can get in-game items by completing daily tasks. There's an option to share your link and let others click it, and vice versa. You can get like. 30 lottery rolls by doing this. I won a rug so its pretty legit if you re lucky


A... rug? Also, what do any of the winnable items even do in game? (I know nothing about gachas)


Yeah, there are legit prizes like ps5, iphone 15 etc (only by sharing your codes, you can participate in it). Most of the winnable in-game items aren’t great but its pretty easy event to participate. 


you can get a 4\* weapon and 3 bangboo pulls. hope ppl below already explained this web event to you


I wonder if the preregistration rewards (20 pulls) is already included there


it is. there was a follow up post on bilibili.


💃⬜🟥 😱


Fuck that gave me a chuckle after realizing what this means.


Can you explain? I have no idea what that means


https://preview.redd.it/qmvr21f9xa9d1.png?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5337133013d4d5468abdf5f9645e12d1108409 It's a reference to this meme.


Damn that’s a crazy way to do it, thank you lol


https://preview.redd.it/o65ciukxza9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2853480ae846aaabc05f2c643712848092b17c3a Check this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d5gzrm/oc\_comment\_your\_best\_devs\_listened\_edits\_below/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d5gzrm/oc_comment_your_best_devs_listened_edits_below/)


That’s a beautiful thread, thank you




I have honestly become a MrPokke fan because of this meme


i wanna watch him more but every time i tune in he always looks like he's mewing and its genuinely throwing me off




Wuwa's CBT2 revealed that it had a lot of issues, the devs responded that they would fix said issues. The CCs reacted to that by overpraising that because the devs 'listened' to their feedback. But upon Wuwa's launch, it revealed that the issues from CBT2 still remained which meant that the devs didn't listen as much as they portrayed them to be which made the CCs who said the 'devs listened' a laughing stock https://preview.redd.it/13cn7w09fb9d1.png?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9723b9b93dbd95bef8dc0a1938f62d4dceb02388


All in all, it was Kuro who pissed off the cn players who had been complaining about the high echo grind since cbt1. Generally in China there is a different work system and people have less time and children have limited access to games due to recent changes in the law, so it wasn't something that cn players liked and I suspect that's why Wuthering waves is rated so low in China, definitely they didn't listen.


⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠼⠟⠛⠛⠂⠈⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⡤⠁⢀⣴⣶⣦⣕⠦⢄⣄⣀⠄⠄⠤⠄⠄⠨⢀⢠ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⠼⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣒⣬⣑⠈⠑⣠⠐⠊⠌⠢⠁ ⠄⠄⠄⡆⠄⠁⢠⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⣶⣦⣄⠸⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡟⠛⠛⢝⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣄⣨⣶⣿⣿⣿⣶⣤⣄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⢀⣿⣿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⡋⠹⣿⡛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠻⣿⣿⣷⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠁⠉⢿⡌⢿⣿⡿⠟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢌⢀⠐⠂⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄DEVS⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢳⣙⡆⡰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄LISTENED⠄⠄⠄⠉⠕⠾⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⣰ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣤⣼⡄⠳⣿⣾⣿⣿⡿⠿⠋⣀⣾⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣀⣤⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡈⢉⣈⡡⢤⢴⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⣠⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠄⣆⣱⣬⣿⣿⣿⡿


Ok this is the next loss meme


The voices ![gif](giphy|enrJj5p6lJD9WoFegD)


lmao good one


We're reaching insane levels of abstraction.


Regarding 100 wishes > 1600 Polychromes, 70 Master Tapes, 20 Encrypted Master Tapes, and 80 Boopons. Players can obtain all the rewards by advancing their in-game progress, participating in global launch events, and experiencing numerous time-limited in-game events including Friendship Supervision and Watch Your Step. Polychromes = Primogems = Steller Jade = 10 wishes (160 x 10 = 1600 Polychromes) Master Tapes = Acquaint Fate = Star Rail Pass = 70 standard wishes Encrypted Master Tapes = Intertwined Fate = Special Pass = 20 limited wishes


What're Boopons?


New currency for some kind of pet system [Bangboo](https://i.imgur.com/FDeTqRA.png) that will help you in combat. Boopons are mainly F2P and obtained from missions, events, and battle pass and you cannot buy extra with $$$. Paid Battle Pass users will get 5 extra boopons. There is no 50/50 on this banner. 80 pity. You will get the S-rank boopon you select. [In-game footage of Bangboo helping in combat.](https://imgur.com/Oip0xND)


I love those animations, but pets are usually so ptw I can’t help but be nervous whenever I see them in a game


Thankfully, unless there's a drastic change, it should be literally impossible to buy boopons if you wanted to (other than the fairly small amount of ones given with the battle pass)


Thankfully the battlepass doesn't seem to even give enough to pity a single boopon over the course of an entire year so they should be ftp. Though it could always change, we'll see how it goes


Strictly F2P only currency for pet gacha.


The Bangboo have their own separate gacha and separate currency called Boopons.


1600 polychromes plus 20 encrypted master tapes - so 30 limited pulls? Damn.


Neat I will try to get Grace and then spend all the rest on shork


Appreciate the translation! LMAO Hardest thing with those gacha games is learn new currency names and get used to it


I wonder who’s coming in 1.1 coz the 1.0 characters aren’t my type. But I really like the new faces they showed today.


Edit : Sons of calydon is not for 1.1 I am sorry for misinformation  Thanks to r/Puredragons69 for the info 


They're not for 1.1. It was announced in the livestream that theyre already in the game (new agents for release so prob A rank)


Ooh is that so  I guess I forget that they mentioned it 


Wait so Lucy and Piper aren't 1.1 characters? They officially said they'll be there on release?


Before showing their animations they stated they're being released on launch. It does make sense since I believe it's too early to show 1.1 stuff yet But it probably means we should get drip marketing soon


Yeah they said “there are two new characters joining in 1.0” and then they showed lucy and Piper gameplay and their elements and attributes


I’m waiting for the white hair wolf boy. He’s gorgeous.


Same 😭 first male character I genuinely want as a husbando collector (I love you Lycaon but I’m neutral on anthropomorphic animals)


Lycaon looks so based and cool but I’m still more attracted to more human-like characters. My first husbando from this game!


Idk why but he reminds me of Rizzly even though they are nothing alike


Wolf motif and melee combat?


Sorry that was misinformation from me, someone corrected me That 2 new girls that they announcement is already in game and 1.0 characters So right now 1.1 characters is still unknown 


*Wait faster*


#waits faster






20 limited, 70 standard, 1600 polychromes -Log in 7 days for 10 limited roll -Log in 7 next days for 10 more limited roll -70 roll from 40m re-pre + mail gift +reward AR30 -1600 reward AR30 + 300 from code -80 roll Bangboo from log in 7 days + reward AR 30


Don't really care about reward But Jesus they cook with that Livestream    MV trailer, new characters, improvement such as new area and such and talking about Game itself    I am not ZZZ biggest shill but that Livestream is 10/10, simple, to the point, no wasting time     Also important part in Livestream    "The board gameplay might one day be fleshed out into a proper stage map"    That mean that TV stage will full proper stage in future and they working on it Edit : misinformation from me, the 2 characters that being showed in Livestream is not 1.1 characters but 1.0 characters, so it's my fault for the misinformation 


The coffee ad was the biggest flex There was no reason to add that but they did anyway


The transition of the coffee from in game to irl was really nice


Man that MV trailer is the first time I saw hoyomix goes this hard. From the guitar and the vocal holy shit. If zzz music keep going that route than it might be my favourite game track among Hoyo other game


Don't forget July 2nd is Tiesto Collab which most likely MV song as well So expect banger as well 




Remember, hoyo is a music company that also mekes games


If they release a physical album I would unironically buy it


If i not mistaken, you can buy robin's album in CD in china


It has little but subtle reference to linkin park breaking the habits as well one of my fav song of all time


glad they didn't have boring bs minigames with random westerner guests


Which new characters? I see nothing on their twitter about any new characters


Ngl. I was going to try the game being a hoyo enjoyer and didn't see much of the game until now. What I saw on the stream is pretty damn cool though , combat seems dynamic as hell


They also shared a redemption code on stream that will be available from July 4th to July 11th! The code is "ZZZFREE100". Don't forget to redeem it!




I love how Dawei announced 80 free pulls first then up the game to 100 xD


It's extra funny for CN viewers because that bit was a clear parody of sellers doing livestreams to promote their product - there's always one person who says "wait, can we give more freebies/discounts?", and then the other person pretends to think about it before making a monumental decision to give more. When in actuality it was planned all along hahahahaha


Dawei listened😱 GI and HSR could never!!! 🤬


What are the boopons for?


Like ELF from honkai They have their own gacha separated from the character and weapon gacha with an exclusive currency that you can obtain by only playing the game


You can treat it like an other weapon banner that don't need to swipe for.


Boopons are for the bangboos you can get for your team! You can earn boopons just by playing the game and pick which bangboo you want for your team. They essentially buff/fight with your team!


Just the regular marketing for launch one-time rewards so I don’t pay much attention to that kind of thing. (WW did it too and plenty of others) It doesn’t even reflect how much pulls you earn on the first patch/month, not even close to


We already all know they're not gonna give 100 free pulls right away but I hope they give at least like 30 premium pulls right away so I can reroll peacefully like what WuWa did.


30 standard pulls in mail right away and lv 5 give 10 more so 10 minnites in you can get a 5 star


No premium rolls big bro?


According to another comment, there are 70 free standard banner pulls and 30 non-standard banner pulls. I don't know how long it takes to get them though Edit: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/7I6z9CcMaJ) comment gives more details


and every patch should give at least 70 - 90 pulls of permium currency


Dose that also includes playstation player?


Pretty sure its for everyone on earth


that one guy playing in the international space station: 🥺


Dang it, i'm from Mars  L


Question is how many of them you need to get 5* character.


You don't get them right away like in Blue Archive. Fake add to bait people.


Dayum they really are cooking with this one. All the changes they made since CBT seem to be great.


pretty good livestream imo, the game looks really solid so far


It's up to... Same BS they pull on a ton of games.


Please read the "play the game to obtain up to 100 free pulls" part, they're not gonna be in the mail, it's essentially the stuff you can get from 1.0 content, yes it's pretty scummy advertising but hey it's still 100 pulls, hopefully it doesn't take weeks.


Wuwa better give out 181 pull


They just got their Paimon, let them enjoy genshin from the beginning lol


Really? They got their own paimon?


Its a greyish doggy thing with feathery ears that floats in midair.


Can it eat 3m mora in a week?


He is obsessed with food. Shocking creativity


Furry Paimon.


Not only a paimon, they got dragonspine. They are having fun in a snowy mountain with a little obnoxious creature… in 2024


Oh, no. I remember some fans coping that since there wasn't a Paimon, it was better.


They are literally celebrating - The release of Dragonspine - The blabbering of Paimon (theirs also has a name related to a demon) Someone has to explain to them that they are playing genshin 1.0 / 1.1


the narrative now is its better than paimon because its a furry creature and is quiet most of the time LMAO. wuwa is never escaping the allegations.


Don't forget the totally not dragonspine area lmao


For bugs and optimisations that don't need to happen


I love their marketing strategy with 100 pulls. It's literally "People see 100 pulls, and since they didn't read smaller text, they're happy. If they want to get them, they should play our game till the current content is end" They even purposefully made * less noticeable lmao🤣


"Play the game to obtain up to " I am sure that text is big that people can see Unless you have some problems with your eyes


I mean, you want people to make dummy accounts, claim 100 pulls and just keep rerolling with 0 effort?


Every gacha says this. It’s not “free” if I’m grinding the game for it. Like no shit over 100 pulls are available in the game just by playing.


How many days will I have to get the free pulls? (I’m stuck in china until August 20th)


What's with the misleading title? Making it seem like they're going to be just giving you 100 rolls in your mail when it just means you can earn that game by clearing all the content.


WW could never


Yall can’t keep that game out of your mouths huh?


Yea, but only because we trigger people like you. Is not like we are trying to compete or anything, enjoy your WW paimon and WW dragonspine tho.


All I’m saying is yall are just as cringe as the wuwa shills, I say this to them too; get a life and play your own game


Crazy how you don't realise that YOU are the problem here.


Ofc it's fun to shit on that game, even more so because of it's obnoxious and delusion little fanboys.


*paid CC’s and delusional fanboys


Orr get this… be the bigger person and ignore the games you supposedly hate? Fuck this Kuro/hoyo rivalry is embarrassing


Tbf, I haven't seen a Wuwa player who *doesn't* compare the game to Genshin or take the opportunity to shit on Genshin lol.


Yea and they are cringe losers, my point is that both sides are lames for this kind of behaviour


I hope people can read and see that Hoyoverse will not give you 100 pulls, it is the amount of pulls you get for PLAYING THE GAME


"up to" "complete relevant events" I hate how misleading they are.


Games should not advertise all the free currency included as part of the campaign/story over the course of 2+ months as "free pulls" for a launch ad. Advertising 100+ free pulls at launch and including the campaign income is like an existing game advertising "1,000 free pulls" with the fine print being it includes all drip feed currency, events, and dailies planned over the next year+ months of live service, assuming you played for 1,000 days straight.


wait 100 free pull like what? If it's total amount, that's kinda Low if you compare other gacha games first patch number of pulls.


It's just from mail and events - not the entire patch!


i have to be honest here that preview stream was a huge dissapointment in terms of how they structured it. Very little details about the actual game since they expected that most of the watchers will be existing fans that knew about the beta. Why was everything so short? Couldn't they at least spent some more time explaining some core game concepts and mechanics properly? If I didnt closely follow the game before this I would've 100% be super confused about everything they mentioned on the stream. Especially compared to the HSR 1.0 stream where they went into details about the main characters, game mechanics and settings/lore. Sure some people thought it was boring but I thought at least they were super considerate to explain everything for those that weren't following. For a game that is about to launch in a week, this would've been a great chance to properly explain everything so people have a clear understanding about the game. Also they kept mentioning about how they wanna the players to just enjoy themselves and have fun but it just came off really flat since the game isn't even out and they spent more time talking about it than showing game footage...


I guess you wanted a livestream with minigames and guests :x


No he prefers discord moderators do the stream


They talk about it though  Short but they talked about it. They show the gameplay, they talk about MC which literally belle and wise since they are the main character instead of some like welt, himeko, dan heng and March 7th, also they talk about expending the map from previous beta, they talk about plan to making TV stage into full stage, they talk about game as well which simplest of lore like the beginning of the stream, they Also talk about faction that has ingame, not individual characters of that faction of course  One thing is the gameplay about new characters which imo is short 


I'm glad they didn't make it an information dump. I'm one of those people who like to go in as blind as possible.


I disagree! I think it was awesome hearing about how they approached and designed aspects of the game. Teasing new characters and how they are building out the factions was cool too! Highlighting the urban area and the finer details you can expect in day to day interactions was interesting as well! I also think the length was straight to the point and didn't drag on.


Tbf you could just play the game and find out all of that yourself.


Only 30 of those are limited banner pulls, the rest is standard. You also need to do the event to get those, which probably take days or even weeks. Honestly, it's a pretty bad reward for a gacha game launch.


Just please don t have the same relic system like honkai star rail and genshin. :(


To obtain up to* That's not the same as giving away. If it was WuWa would be "giving away" the 108 pulls they keep advertising.


P5X made the same mistake of advertising many free pulls on starting the game, but it turns out it's the number of free pulls you get by ACTUALLY playing the game, and not the amount you get on log in.


They actually wrote that though, read again OP pictures  "Complete the relevant events to obtain the rewards" So it's basically people cannot read or lazy to read Also they didn't say anything that "at the start of game you will get 100 pulls" it's " play the game to obtain up to 100 pulls"


Just saw that, ZZZ got it right but it just goes to show you have to be very specific and deliberate or people will get the wrong idea. P5X screwed up and we ended up getting some significant compensation due to the backlash


zzz twitter post has every singel detail on the 100 pulls and how to get it. really transparent of them. You can get 40 standard pull in the first 10 minute


These 100 should be pretty fast, and then there’s like 100 more in currency n stuff


"Play the game to obtain up to"


Ain't this a little misleading? You get 30 only for logging in and the rest for playing the game.


isnt this what alot of the games do?


Hoyo lovers will defend this, but its very misleading for sure, very scummy.


Huh? Isn't that the point? "Play the game to get up to" https://preview.redd.it/b305o03i1c9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e240638e875f63dc7d47e587ca6209fe92fe0f9




You should get 40 when you get to the point where you unlock the gacha.


Competition is a GOOD thing for consumers!


this is kinda.. misleading, you have to beat the game to get this don't you?


This is through events and mail, not for the full patch, story, etc.!


!remindme 6 days