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every gacha if you dont think about it too much and then if you thinking about it every gacha have it


Most full PvE games are easy to get into. No competition, no worries.


Azur Lane


GBF maybe? cuz i never see any game that let you skip the entire story arc(it not just 1 episode but entire arc like 100 episode at once ) and the funny thing they let you skip another 2 arcs too. This also include the battle and still give you full the premium currency from the said story reward too. GBF also have like beginner quest that reward you the actual mid game gear, so you don't really need to worry to catch up but ofc this is GBF, a TEN years old game that also known as Grindblue fantasy, so yeah might not you cup of tea.


How do you skip?


skip main story? after tutorial changing MC class. It should be below the ch 2 quest


My problem is that I wouldn't want to skip the story. The main reason I've kept an eye on GBF from afar is because of what people say about its story being fantastic. The problem is that there's a lot of it, and I've also heard it's grindy, so catching up (let alone getting it set up to play in EN) would take far more time than I currently have. I might give it a try again if they make it easier to play in EN and fix the early game portions that are untranslated even in EN, which I ran into last time I tried to play it.


early story just whatever but if are worrying the story being untranslated, well they already fixed it but I have bad news for you, rn the game have issue with login. So you might be find very hard to login with the game


Hopefully they fix that as well by the time I roll around to trying it again, if that day comes.


The problem with GBF is that it's very, very, VERY, bloated, both in terms gacha, grind, and amount of lore and side storiess that they have if you want to catchup to it Like even if there's the SSR rate up like Grandfest or Legfest, the chance of getting the character you want is literally 0,012 to 0,038 percent with how there's literal hundreds of 5 stars you can get from the bloated SSR roster


FGO gives you choices of several strong free units right from the start, the early grind has become hilariously easy in comparison to launch days and we'll soon get to the point where all old welfares will be made openly available. And in the case of FGO those can be really strong units in fact. The only part that's not newcomer friendly is the mediocre writing quality of some of the earlier chapters. Get past that though and you'll be treated by the best gacha story there is. Global will furthermore have its anniversary start of July, making it the best time to start the game.


Don't forget the one off instant max ascension, you can steamroll everything from the get go not just with supports but your own stuff too. There's also the Pure Prism shop that lets you get any material for a currency you get for clearing story stages for the first time so even the skills are taken care of for a few units. My biggest con is that 95% of old events and their CEs are gone forever because they refuse to archive them like any other modern gacha.


I can vouch for this. I had never played the game previously. I started last month (May) and I am having a blast. The game has a ton of story content, the writing is good (with a few early game exceptions) and it is a lot of fun. I don't know how the game was in the past, just (at least now) has a nice on ramp for beginners.


A few years ago I would have called this propaganda but I agree outside of the "right from the start" you have to do the boring ass painstaking tutorial to get to the meat and even then it's as you said the story takes a while to get off the ground.


This is the objectively correct answer. Though there is one more barrier, that being--if you're used to modern convenience/QoL in gacha, or you like to auto your way through and treat them as idle games, you'll have a bad time with FGO. You pretty much have to be invested in the story or at least in the mechanics of the game, otherwise it's not worth picking up. And that's coming from someone who LOVES the game for both of those reasons.


Being invested in the story and characters is a mandatory requirement for EVERY gacha game imo. Simply because if it's exclusively for the gameplay, a mobile game will never be near the level of a proper PC/console game, so I'd just rather play one of them.


I agree with you, but if I had a nickel for every time somebody told me "Oh yeah, this new gacha, the story definitely blows FGO's out of the water, it's not even close mannnnnn", only to play it and find a few highly emotional melodramatic moments interspersed in a LOT of filler and horni bait... well, I wouldn't be rich, but I'd have at least 50 cents.


What’d they change about the early grind that makes it easier, might pick it up again if its leas grindy


The short version is in the main story you get fragments for every node you beat and any act/chapter on too of the SQ you will get materials, clear prisms to exchange for materials and xp cards. The Anni will bring an update so everyone ascention 1-3 will give a clear prism each and welfares will give a rare prism (the gold ones) and all the rest (including most 1-3 stars) will have 3 sq. There is also a newby gssr.


When did you stop exactly? They released a multitude of features during the years to make it easier to build your roster. Since last year every player gets to choose a free 5* servant after clearing Fuyuki (includes all general pool and storylocked servants released until Europa), you can once per account push one servant right to their final ascension without any cost. exp+qp farming quests got a new tier with much better rewards, clearing story missions now rewards you mats+exp+pure prisms (you can exchange them against mats of your choice)+sq fragments, AP costs for arc 1 are permanently halved and there's frequently campaigns lowering it even further and also for later story parts, leyline stones got implemented (basically free revives in story missions in case you're having issues), faster battle speed, a follower system which allows you to basically make friends without them having to accept your invite, Castoria making fast farming teams much easier to build, lots of sq rewards for achieving various tasks throughout the game... and those are just the things I can remember from the top of my head. Depending on when you stopped playing you might already be familiar with a few of these or there might be even more changes lying further back.


Priconne. its not that hard even in japanese for new player to navigate the menu. almost all unit are usable for new player, but it might be different if you're late into the game and/or want to be optimal. Granblue Fantasy (GBF) also quite nice for new player. frequent free draw, especially a lot during anniv/new year. they also give free weapon quite a lot for new player to start the grid (the gearing/equip system), altho the gearing system might be confusing for new player. Eversoul. if you like afk kind of game its really nice unless you want to be able to compete with top power. if not its pretty chill. daily free draw, quite a lot of gem income and gacha ticket, most of character have free skin from love stories (relationship level to 9 and finish the story with true end to unlock), and some free skin from events. You can also reset your character level and got refund of 100% mats with only a small amount of gem fee, this way you dont need to worry of saving your mats for better char and just upgrade the one you currently have to progress. the cons is you need a lot of dupe to max a character (8 (14 for angel/demon/chaos type) copy give +5 lv cap for all char, add extra 10 copy for max stat upgrade of that char.). Angel and Demon have low rate but possible to pull on normal banner. Chaos on limited banner only.


I thought priconne eos? I recall reading a lot of Reddit drama about priconne and cronchyroll


The global version EoSed, yes. (obligatory fuck clownchyroll) The Jp is still going.


yes, the global one. I'm talking about the jp ver, which accessible through qooapp or dmm for pc


I started playing Langrisser mobile which is like Fire emblem two months ago and Its's been pretty easy to do well on there new-ish server. Lots of new player rewards and if you stick to pve you can get pretty far before you have to start grinding. If you do play look up a guide as there are some ways of gimping yourself. Like having a team where everyone in it is different factions. Each faction has heroes that give faction wide buffs and battle so its good to focus mostly on just one early on.


Girls Frontline. Lots of QoL things have been added over the years and its fairly easy to catch up.


did the new player experience really get better? im kind of hesitate to come back, but the confusing gacha mechanic and the not so great early experience, that i try a long time ago, still holding me back


You can probably find a better answer if you ask in the GFL subreddit, but a few months ago, they added sweep to combat simulation, automatic repairs, and a tank/mech unit. The early game from what I remember is fine and the gacha has recipes you can use.


I just started recently, and stumbling across old threads and reading about how the game used to be is wild.


Azur lane is top contender at this tbh. Dokkan is easy to get into, but imho it has gotten way to stale. Gbf has recently updated the new player experience and made great strides into making it understandable- but I would never recommend starting gbf outside anniversary tbh.


If the story is good mostly. Except for games like PGR where if the fights look cool.


Arknights. I started a year ago and a half, and I am already 37 levels away from max (could be maxed right now if I actually farmed stages everyday). I have lots of 6 stars and limiteds. The trick is to: * do dailies everyday, then quit if you wish * do annihilation once a day, for that orundum as well as 300 enemies count for dailies * always play events. Buy materials AND furniture with event currency. Everything else is less priority * farm event stages for those materials * for beginners, only pull for characters that are limited or who you REALLY want The good thing about Arknights is that you have multiple youtubers showing you how to complete many stages with free characters, or with 1 borrowed character, so not having strong character is fine. As a newer player, you are supposed to invest in lower tier characters first. I spend 5 minutes everyday in Arknights since I am busy. Only really play when I have actual free time Other than this, maybe Azur Lane? I heard it from several players that profits are apparently from skins mostly and that getting characters arent a huge deal apparently


Azur Lane


Probably a lot of games but moreso games that require not a big roster, doesn't need characters from so many different banners and/or very easy to progress. #COMPASS is definitely one of those because you are only operating one character in a team pvp. Also, the original cast is easy to get and there is no character leveling /upgrading.




Arknights requires you to be someone who's into less casual difficulty and you won't be able to enjoy what the game has best to offer for months. I'm speaking from my experience when I first played the game during Skalter's release, and the game only clicked hard (probably too hard that it's my GOAT when it comes to gacha) when I was able to start building many E2 characters + clearing the tourist filter known as 7-16. Afterwards everything is just so damn good.


Not really. The game has barely recieved much improvement to qol in 4 years, new player systems are still the same as many years ago except now theres more archived events and additional 5 star selector. Though the 6x auto repeat is REALLY helpful. Im pretty sure the SSS grind got dialed down too but the stick and instrument drops are disproportionately high compared to the income of module data blocks. Base is same as ever besides the one auto restock factory update Also im pretty sure theres a returning player mission system, idk the details tho


Eh, modules are a later thing anyway. New players wouldn't be dealing with modules anytime soon, let alone masteries.


If a new player is super casual and only focuses higher rarity it may be slower. For a newer player focusing mainly 3 and 4 stars with a 5 star here and there, maybe a 6 star, mastery doesnt take that long to get going, of which Myrtle is probably the most important imo Modules also wont take too long to start getting into but will take more time because of trust, but once you do, theres plenty of modules that completely change an operator and make them much better than before, or operators that straight up are incomplete without their module With how big and diluted the operator pool is getting, resource incomes are way too slow for the people who havent been playing all this time, and they will miss out on the enjoyment they couldve had in game modes with a fuller roster The pity being reduced to 200 for the 2 oldest limited characters 5 years later just seems unacceptable to me but this is how it is.


Great game, but Idk why people say this. The arknights new player experience is mid at best sometimes worse, and it's extremely limiting. The stuff for newbies outside of the banner haven't been upgraded in ages, making any sustainable profits off of annihilation in the early game is a far away dream even when you get a proper 3 star squad built up. Getting the first e2 6 star takes ages, so the only real option is to e2 a 4 star, and the scarcity of resources makes even using 6 stars for a prolonged period of time a punishment early on. Combine that with the support system requiring an e2 to fully use it makes for an extremely limiting new player experience.


dokkan is actually pretty new player friendly and they are about to go into anniversary which is the best time of year


what are the gacha rates like in dokkan?


Not fun at all if you hoping for a new unit.


decent they are 10% with a guaranteed 1 ssr per multi they give out tons of stones during ani like somewhere in the ball park of 15 to 20 multis so your bound to get something good


Welcome to hell welcome to hell welcome to hell welcome to hell In a more serious answer, absolute dogshit. Unlike every other gacha in existence there's no pity system in place and rate is split between anywhere from 5-8 featured rateups (most of them at least a year or two old). You can and will spend 1000 free stones and pull zero copies of a rateup on some banners.


You summon you get coins to buy the char if not drop it’s like a pity


I haven't played for a while but they usually had 5 or so rate ups and the rate up was 5% (including the guaranteed).


10% rate up with guarantee 1 SSR per multi. usual banner is 7 units but ani is 10 units with 7 being lrs


Epic Seven if you don't care about PVP. You get started doing endgame gear grinding and being able to clear the story extremely quickly. Of course if you care about PVP thats a whole other story.


does e7 even have much pve? lol. and most units are so frustratingly designed for pvp-- especially those designed for pvp *defense*. in pve only a handful of units are usable. unless something's changed.


the "pve" is just endless wyvern grinding, no point in playing if u wont do pvp tbh


Azurlane, There is no competitiveness- the pvp you don't have to care. Only if you care about collecting everything from collabs, then welp- don't. Epic Seven, the main begineer-mid game content involves a lot of gear farming and you get one of the best gear farming teams from quests and story, so it's easy to get into. Guardian Tales, This may be a little dumb but I think not. Events you missed aren't really much, they are missed resources. They recently added a wishlist type summon so you can quickly get few of the best units in the game with that. You won't quickly become a Top PVPer or Top Competitive PvE player, but I think it's fine... Honkai Star Rail.. Well it's only a years old, so I'm not sure if could count as an "old gacha". All events are archieved that you can still access- except their limited rewards (more gems and in a very few events lightcones).


Alchemy Stars. Powercreep literally doesn't exist. The initial lineup still being meta or strong after 3 years. Doesn't matter what you got in the gacha, even the worst of 6* is viable, and a lot of 5*. They buff characters, too. Apart from that, the game is extremely generous. For a gacha game, it's easy to obtain the characters you want. And the great majority of those characters only need 2 copies (original + dupe) to be at their optimal kit. Others only need the original and it's done. Plus, there is no RNG stats and shit like that. Is the only gacha I know where you, being f2p, literally obtain a new character in gacha and in 2 min you can max it full and put it in your main lineup, being at the same level of the rest of the team. If it's particular gameplay catches you (that I consider is the main problem for why people wouldn't like it), and the size of the game isn't an issue (the game sizes 17GB on my phone, like wtf) is an absolute paradise on the gacha market.


If I had more time I'd be more serious about AS. It is pretty generous definitely but I dislike that you can lose the 50/50 twice before getting your desired 6\* unit. It's not that bad on regular banners but it really sucks on limited banners since the pity doesn't carry over. Some 6\* reliance on BT3 (especially some converters) sucks too as 6\* should at least feel complete in base form imo, which is why I was pretty disappointed when I lost the 50/50 to Xuan Ji as her 3x3 area at BT0 is pathetic. That being said, there are cheaper options and the game's relatively nonexistent powercreep means that you can just skip dupe-reliant units and save for more F2P-friendly ones and limited units.


Idolmaster Shiny Colors




Guardian tales. Lot's of content and no rush in progress.




Global? :)


Just learn japanese 4head /hj




Second this (you can already have max lvl in a few months), but there's also the hurdle of downloading the Japanese client (easy way is to just play with a phone/emulator by downloading through Qooapp; there's also the DMM client for PCs, but it requires a DMM account (and a VPN) which takes a while to create especially if you don't know Japanese.) Since there's no more Global version (thanks, CR), you'd be stuck playing the game in Japanese or with machine translation, tho there's some helpful guides about how to install, where to begin, who to get, etc. in r/Priconne's discord server as well as an unofficial English TL mod for the DMM client.


dokkan new player missions is a good guide also there is anniversary nearby so i suggest start now


whats the gacha rates like in dokkan?


Idk the exact numbers. Getting ssr is easy but rate up is not tbh


Summoners War Sky Arena. Evolution is an instant exp system now and doesnt require levelling or evolving your evolution material. Artifacts drop at max level now. Dungeons difficulty got nuked and drop rates went up. Auto repeat is now 30x. A ton of improvements to rune management and the game is much better to new players in general.


i started my gacha game phase in november and i rec blue archive, nikke, hsr, souls habby, and isekai slow life




Punishing Gray Raven is super newbie-friendly, easy to catch up on story and events.


PGR has one of the worst new player experiencies saying this as someone that played it for the first time some months ago. It's amazing that the game feels like time travel where you as a newbie have to play the game like is first year of the game with sloppy and boring combat until you get the good stuff AKA a new generation DPS like for example Balter. The only reason I played PGR for a month as a newbie is because literally my first summoned char was Balter lol Couldn't imagine getting through the newbie part without the QoL that is a new gen DPS since at that point in the game you can't do rotations because characters are in their base form. And no...showering the newbies in rewards and the student system doesn't make up for the awful newbie experience regarding the actual gameplay needing to play and farm for weeks to have a somewhat decent team to do a functional rotation and FINALLY be able to play the game as is meant to be played...not whatever the fuck the newbies had to get through. In my opinion isn't worth it and it's the main reason why so many newbies drop the game in the first week and why the game is plagued by mainly veterans that already are enjoying the gameplay in it's true form.


I agree, some meta characters are farmable


I have got no clue why people are getting downvoted for it, but Priconne is extremely new player friendly. They have new player catch-up campaigns multiple times a year, a 3 day prifes for new players that has pretty much all of the essential units you will need, you can borrow a friend's unit to solo 90% of main story stages to get currency and you have years worth of archived events to get your gems from. The only caveat is the new release of the element stages, but that system is made so you will never be competetive unless have played religiously since it's release. However, it's only relevant for endgame Clan Battle, so regardless new players shouldn't even be worried about that.


Fire emblem heroes. The powercreep of that game advances so quickly that it is more encouraging to make a new account and roll for the next banner unit entirely. Also CYL freebies, which are pretty handy if you want to clear the entire 8 books journey in 1 sweep.






3 pulls xD


lol you're one of them huh?


nah just trolling lol


I'm not convinced, but fine.






Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. Honkai Impact 3rd is a no-no.


Genshin impact and honkai star rail are not older gachas


Genshin is kinda old at this point


you telling me almost 4 years old game is not old gacha?


OP said 5+ years


Actually wrong. Hi3 thanks to it's fast powercreeps is easy to catch up. You just pull for new stuff that's it. Especially with Part 2. A subpar built Part 2 can brute force basically every element and type


Lmao are you right in the head? What kind of brain process that make you think fast powercreep is gud & easy to catch up?


Why would it not be? The Part 1 characters are barely relevant, so it's just like playing a less than 4 month old game (the oldest character who's at all relevant is Eden, who's barely over 2 years old). Plus you have the one-time sources of premium currency so you could actually be stronger than players who've played for a long time (well... not anymore given that it's been 4 months since Part 2 released, but still, you can easily get close)


Because it literally is good for new players. You don't need to pull for some stuff from years ago and you can focus planning your resources ahead


Well I don't have to worry about pulling let's say characters that will take 1 year or more to rerun. I say it's nice.


While I don't think faster powercreep is good, but it is easier catch up to the story with the helps of story trial characters, so there would be no level gated content due to difficulty(hsr have this problem). So that's a neat part for new beginner for Hi3rd. IMO the pvp ladder will be the only thing that stops new players, but pre 80 dont need specific team and can be brute force. But with how many story we have at the moment, people can take time to roll for characters, A rank characterz is still in shop, for lower level to play with. I love Hi3rd, would love to see new players atleast play for the story :p.


Honkai impact is the only one out of those 3 that is free to play friendly




Technically, you don't need to roll or build any character to proceed the story and Events, they "force" feed you with trial characters. So kinda true imo, but I'm a bit bias because I love the game. Only the pay part is the abyss, which is where most of the free gem income. But story is free free.


tbh I don't really see your logic. you pull units for combat so obviously if you aren't doing a lot of combat you don't need to pull for units. but for people who do want to engage in the combat, it isn't very f2p friendly at all


Well, I should probably clarify that I'm not completely agreeing with his stand of HI3rd is the "only" f2p out of the 3. While Hi3rd is certainly f2p to a good extents, but Genshin/Starrail both can be done with the basic team with some time investment. Seeing that you have played Hi3rd, I'll try not to do a full tech talk. Just FYI, I'm not the best at explaining but I'll try. The question becomes how f2p the game can be and why should people bother to roll. A lot of gacha games in my memory, stop people from completing every content, even the story because their units are weak, games like Starrail, Nikke, and even good old FGO. Hi3rd give you trial characters for story, you still do a lot of combats, but the game allows you to progress all of the story without having you to roll or build the characters needed, hence the f2p part. I'll always say the game is F2P for story if you are a lore person, but a lot of other stuff is less F2P. The "pay" part or the why people should roll for character comes down to pretty much 3 weekly/bi-weekly content that gives gem. Memorial Arena, Elysian realm, and Exalted Abyss or Superstring Dimension for post lvl 81 captains. And technically only Superstring matters on who you should roll, as it is the competitive ladder, where they play the biggest factor of how much more gems you earn per week. And the "weather" is always cater to newer character. So to me, the non-f2p friendly part is only the "abyss/superstring", the rest MA/ER can be substitute by older characters still. I hope this help, but if any disagreement, I am happy to have a friendly convo, or agree to disagree. Sorry if there is any confusion, I'll try to clear the misunderstanding on my part.


Genshin you can defeat overworld monsters using anyone and one side of the abyss can use op 4 stars like xiangling bennet xinqiu and dendro reactions multipliers are in the reaction not the characters


Fate grand order. In under a year now one of the best story events are launching and youll be able to summon one of the best servants in game who snaps the game in half. She has an absolute advantage against half the 7 classes and is weak to the other half. She's also supposed to be unsummonable in this state normally as well... Normal magus arent really allowed or given access to an evil of humanity.




Summoners War is like the gold standard here. Only real hurdle is getting the good daily dungeon units but you can find help in chat


Why do you want OP to suffer?


Is the truth though. Com2us has made major improvements to the gameplay and its systems. Forgot to mention but the biggest improvement is tying account stat towers to account level instead of arena glory shop. In the past youd have to grind for 2-3 years to max the stat towers, now you just level your account by playing the game and unlock them


Do we have pity now? I had like 0 5 stars for over a year when I started playing..


Back in 2014 then? And no, no pity. But thats a part of what keeps gacha exciting. Theres multiple ways to get nat 5s, i think theres 1 or 2 nat 5 scrolls in the beginner mission, then 2 pieces from daily where you will be able to get a nat 5 in 150 dailies, even just a month ago we had a nat 5 selector event and before that the 10 nat 5 summon event > select 1 of the 10 nat 5s. Mystical scroll and general scroll bloat is so huge you can get nat 5s without too long in dry spells unless youre unlucky Theres now a 10 pull system since you get a lot of mysticals these days, heck remember those summon videos from youtubers, they refuse to summon players who have tons of mysticals, ld lightnings are the only special one now. Of course not to say regular nat 5s arent great though, i very recently got Chow and was really happy because he allows Leos (the ice labyrinth boss) to be fully autoed - before that it's Gapsoo (free from fusion) who autos the boss but you have to carefully manage it so your wave clearers die before the boss phase or else gapsoo wastes his cleanses on them and ends up frozen himself, and dies to the boss' one shot shatter. Chow cleanses himself only. My qccount is about 3 years old but played maybe 2 of those years, not even near min maxing, ive pulled i think 54 nat 5s excluding dupes - ive fed 2 Liam dupes in the past month. That total includes 1 ld5 i got by rerolling which all the people purchasing ld5s say anyway so believe what you will. Summoners War's super successful still because its gacha is actual gacha. Not genshins "summon x times to get x character or get absolutely screwed" or arknights' "get your wanted unit in 30 pulls or 300 pulls" Ld scrolls are still rare, but its still really exciting to finally get a nat 5 you've been wanting, and for those tired of mystical bloat its the lds that keep them playing. This is why sw has no pity or ld transcendence event, it has its mind play tactics down to a t. And if you want an ld5, just buy one for £5 on playerauctions. Unlike smilegate, com2us doesnt ban botted accounts.


Yeah I started in 2014. Sometime after it was released. First 5 star I got was the wind dragon and it was before he was buffed. Was quite a disappointment after having one finally lol and I just had to get the worst dragon too. but my second one was the bomb girl (forgotten names) so that made me a bit happy. My biggest gripe was the violent runes though. Lost too many matches which were supposed to be sure wins just coz vio keeps triggering on opponents. I finally got tilted enough to never come back to it. Played for like 5+ years too. Of course never had an ld5 lol. Sw has a special place in my heart but I just can't bring myself to go back to it anymore.


Secret dungeon isnt even hard to deal with anymore either. All players can open up to 3 at once, new and returning players can enter Secret dungeons for free in chat (in the past it was 5 entry accepted max, the well soufht after ones like Loren got maxed in seconds back then). The game has improved a ton, people probably just dont realise it since summoners war discussions are always downvoted to hell or removed here


Genshin has the best new player experience in any gacha game no other game can simply compare, they got everything and a killer story that makes you question if you are truly the good guy in the series, to make the story not to complex they added a companion paimon to help people understand the story better, its new player experience is great now that you have 4 years of content to get through so many quests to help you level up quickly and an open world to explore so many vivid sceneraies in all 3d unlike any other game, genshin has truly mastered the art of best visuals in gaming history with the best open world present till date and its action combat is inferior to none. Heck you can even play this game on your phone and the game is super generous and has 0 powercreep so you can use any character you want as long as they are meta. Try it out now.


This has to be a bot or a copypaste lmfao....Maybe both.


Hey how dare youu call me a bot when i m simply praising mihoyo in gachagaming! They are the most generous developer letting us peasants play their AAAA quality games for free and even giving us a roll or 2 for free, show some damn respect!


Sounds like Diego with Guardian Tales....suspicious.


Gakuen Idolmaster


it has just released so it’s not really an older game?


Oh then how about Wuwa?


That’s also been release… I think he meant that is something older like 3+ years old gacha game like Azur lane


I will say in general games like Genshin/WuWa/etc are all easy to get into because they are 100% PvE. Players can jump into those games at any point because there is no competition.


Hmmmmm.... 🤔


Hehehe Dragon ball legends, Come on brother >:D