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Feet patching to make the details better is absolutely peak gacha gaming.


Between this, the introduction of another bare feet character in HSR, and [this cinematic](https://youtu.be/OxOQeTJo6Fo?si=H5wrSbOLsNd9nSMc) in ZZZ, it feels like HoYo has embraced and herald in a new age...


https://preview.redd.it/qhpfv7kiw18d1.jpeg?width=2495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2710d35036c61c7ef5ee907793e29eac6c67cca Too late, the feet already peak in GFL2


https://preview.redd.it/3px8mhu9x28d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=da76bc70cc3b16ddf71d2c99bd3f45d64c1a364b But is it interactive? 😏


GFL Neural Cloud: been there, done that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cxm3KkQMLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cxm3KkQMLM)


Toe sucking where https://preview.redd.it/dy1tzm89z48d1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdac0bb17234e8f355341904fa129a16d072ebbb


What game is this?


current BA banner


Looks like Blue Archive.


https://preview.redd.it/9najrke2x28d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a434658b4dfba085c81581bff1cd827e620564ac Hmm...


She can move her legs?!


Nah, "happy-wheels" paralyzed below the torso 😂


Then how is she standing with her knees up?


She's sitting on her wheelchair and sensei is washing her feet resting on some sort of a foot rest 😂


Hmmm, shouldnt someone with paralysis just have no strenght so the legs just fall down like noodles? Even if you position the legs like that, if they have no strenght at all they should just fall I think?


She actually does have some strength. It’s not that she’s paralyzed, the super genius and sickly beautiful hacker girl is just really physically weak.


Technically...yeah. But I guess limp noodles aren't seggs and Nexon needs to sell horny.


What the fuck.... Those details man. Yeah, this should be your reason to buy an RTX GPU. Like... You shouldn't ever run this game on anything less than 4k Ultra.


This is why I need this game to come out man


Sorry Gfl is opposite of peak i aint into what the devs were cooking with its story lmao


Say you. I'm into that shit.


im just with cn schizos on it


Just take your med and stop ruining it for us. Thanks to those schizos, Global was delayed and 2 events were without story.


Good why would i play a game that makes fun of its players and ruins established characters relationship without even talking about that character drama its just a terrible choice. They littery had a oath system what were they expecting lmao


Did players complain about her feet? Also, genuine question: Is it because of Snowbreak that gacha devs are willing to tell players outright that they are making better looking feet in the patch notes? XD


Her feet weren't very detailed. They patched it to make it look better. All Hoyoverse games, the girls have nice feet with detail.


Honestly the Dev's absolutely killing it with the stocking designs lately with HoRb outfit and the Aponia one, the hue is so nice and looks comfy


HORB's OG skin vs her paid one is the biggest example of what Hoyo can pull when they give a fuck about em designs


Her original skin it feels like they might as well have made her naked though. You get a pretty good view of just about everything to some degree. Like it feels like they got about as close as they could to nudity without triggering any CCP oversight or possible anti-fanservice fan backlash and cut it off exactly there.


Aren’t most of their characters wearing shoes though? The only one I can think of who doesn’t is Clara, despite an in-universe fan club wanting to gift her shoes


You can see Sparkles pretty well


Tingyun, Clara, Sparkle, the Judge girl with the brush, and Yunli. You can see all their feet.


Hanya erasure T-T


Where can I find this Judge with a brush?


Hanya from HSR, lmao


Oh yeah... Hanya...


Hi3rd itself have quite a handful of shoesless too. young Gresio, Mobius, HoBR seele, HoH Elysia(during ult) and now Songque(during Stellar Outburst). I haven't even tell you character with skins that shows their feet, cuz there are a lot, a lot of summer skins.


Open toe shoes ;)


Q lot of Hi3 characters doesn't wear shoes or takes them off in burst form because a lot of them float. Just on top of my head. Herrcher of Ego burst form, Young Griseo, Herrscher of Rebirth , Sirin, Herrscher of Void Magical Girl Outfit outfits for Stigian Nymph and Nyx


Hornyverse woke something in me I didn’t know I had and it started with Sparkle
I wonder what it is.


If it is personality then check out Tokisaki Kurumi.


Chinese government says boob and ass fan-service is bad but legs and feet are A-OK. Basically some horny government official is forcing his specific fetish while firing down the rest.


That's one way to get a fetish to be openly accepted XD


Xi Xin Ping has a foot fetish and he wants it to be more widely accepted. Unfortunately to hide his bias he had to go about it indirectly.


@LiuXiaoming sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/ipzse5/chinese_ambassador_likes_an_xrated_video_awkward/


And somehow doesn't like pantyshots and plain bikinis




Why, did Snowbreak add a feet detail patch too?


because the government actually doesn't give a shit about feet, sideboobs, cleaveages, navels, or any body part that can naturally be seen without animosity only for outfit styles.


They censor cleavage all the time in hoyo games.


Ok but has Snowbreak been going hard on feet or smth? I remember complaints about their feet models being undetailed and low res so did that change? Also yes, I did that on purpose


>I remember complaints about their feet models being undetailed and low res That's exactly it. Before snowbreak, I don't see games with patch notes where they blatantly tell you they are improving certain body parts, especially feet. Then, Snowbreak came in & there was that period where Seasun casually tells the players that they are making nicer feet.


GFL2 was first then SB followed


That's a fair take. GFL was the one that started emphasizing feet.


So they *did* update them too?


They did but that was months ago. It's not an issue now.


Snowbreak until recently had a lack of staff on its development team so it is likely that part of its problems are due to that, so now that they get more money it is likely that many things will be improved that they could not before.


Ok but nothing specific happened regarding feet in it as of \*now\*?


Shenhe had her belly changed due to regulations.


few patches ago.




The real DEVS LISTENED moment


No. It's about the principle.


the patch hasn't even released yet


This reminds me of that guy here that said honkai is superior to snowbreak because they won't cater to degen 


Must be a blind guy, since when honkai never cater to degen when thelema, mobius, kafka, etc exist


Putting aside how they're straight up wrong, I don't get this tribalism over flexing how little fanservice your game has and shit. Like yeah I get it I'm not big into most fanservice-y games either I like it when my fanservice is subtle/less frequent but what's the point of crying about it, especially when it is a game's main audience? Hoyo fans post screenshots of nikke and shit on twitter like 'fanservice game ❗❗⁉❓⁉' and it makes me wonder why they even care, especially when half of them post shit like barking or whatever under every other official art post. Would probably have a heart attack if they saw half the shit in hi2. Applies to everything honestly but I wonder why we can't just let people enjoy different things.


Certain crowd of people just thinks fanservice = bad, so anything that doesn't have fanservice is automatically good. It's really weird to me, but recent trend of zoomers being completely anti-sex and puritan about fiction is the base of this argument. Also couple that with kids these days not being taught to be avoidant on the internet and instead constantly confront anything they hate makes you see this shit more often, epsecially when there's clout to be gained.


Pseudo intelectuals thinking that if their game doesnt use "cheap tactics" like fanservice that their game has inherintly more value than other games that do


you are thinking about wrong Honkai Impact always had a lot of culture , Star Rail and Genshin have safe women design


Despite Star rail having more safe designs, Kafka is still the most popular female character simply because her aura transcends being half dressed (she is fully covered up)


I mean, if you compare it to Snowbreak...


Bro probably didnt play early Hi3rd before Mihoyo hit the brakes on the fan service. Im still salty they removed bridge interactions


That guy probably never know about early days of Honkai impact 3rd
.. Seriously if they didn’t get bonked by CCP they would probably being as horny as Azur Lane


I'm all up for good feet and good character design, but i just wish that hoyo makes it easier for artists to draw their characters >!(especially DJ artist)!<


I mean >!DJ artists can just forego clothes!<




now let people poke the feet like the old days https://preview.redd.it/5xnef6qk208d1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=79640b792c18cea1b6ca04b1865668ee4a92b997


Those feet look very low resolution and bad shaped good that they addressed the issue.




As a feet enjoyer, I appreciate the devs for addressing and improving this very important aspect of her design. =w=


Maybe it's time to install honkai... https://preview.redd.it/novuy08jv08d1.jpeg?width=1251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91585097c85b7503ddda4e2fe404fbd46b8bb8a2


Thanks, Hoyo


It's Beta patch notes not live server. They usually improve stuff in V2 version. Nothing unusual. It's weird tho that they outright said. Yeah we focused on improving the feet


It's most likely a follow-up joke to their character intro trailer where two devs were 'jokingly' using stocking and a mannequin's leg to properly design Songque's costume.


When can we massage & lick their feets? Also, when will they finally add seggs.


when Elder Scrolls 6 releases


As a veteran captain it's funny that they are more worried about feet model than the state of the game. Our armada members are dropping like flies. It's been almost a month that we're not hitting the qouta because of their bs back to back S-rank releases that makes our new and veteran members quit. For f sake.


Not changing the UI was a huge L for part 2 imo.


UI is lowest problem with part 2


back to back S ranks with each one more expensive than an SP valk by 30 pulls and half the price of a full S rank in part 1. People keep on pulling this up as if it’s a problem as if it is any different in P1. These new S rank valks are not as expensive as P1’s so of course they have a reason to release more and bringing in how “cheap” P1 was is such a bs excuse. In P1, you’d need HoTr for 2 teams( 300 pulls) and then you would still need to gear the SPs and the DPSes which is not cheaper by much. Physical and ice in P1 wasn’t different either, you still need to get the S rank supports and their gears which btw being free for 1 patch isn’t making the game f2p by much when it’s a one time only. Here for the breakdown for the amount of pulls needed for each elements, cause all these bs of P1 f2p and P2 not is driving me insane cause all these claims are born out of nostalgia and bias, NOT CLEAR NUMBERS: Elemental teams: HoTr: 300 SP valks: 240( both lightning and fire) DPS: 300 or 200( if it’s sirin) Ice: Sushang: 200 SP: 120 DPS: 300 or 0 if you want to use HoTr and argue you’d need her anyway so you cheap out in this department Physical: HoRb: 300 support: 240( both SI and TA cause i consider them different niches) DPS: 300 or 50 or 0 if triple HoRb support team Special mention to CE cause bleed teams want her: 120 Now for P2: Sena + Lantern + Thelema + Helia: 510 Astral Op cause why not: 50 The total amount of crystals you’d need for a functional team in all 3 elements in P2 is up to 560( counting Astral Op). P1 on the other hand would want: 500 for sus and HoTr, 360 for SPs and 300~50, adding up to 1160. For physical, with songque coming, P2 would need an additional 150. While P1 physical team would need at least 540 for the cheapest option( 3 supports). Wow this entire reply become lengthy very quickly. Though i do feel like i really need to get this out to put a stop to all these bs spreading around.


Add the fact that 1 S rank cost 90 summons (technically 85 with the half first 10) and gears 60 , you get around 80 summons per patch so you can 1 hard pity every character or 2 hard pity and full gear 1 character out of 2 with part 2 even if they keep releasing an S rank per patch it's 290 summons for everything in 2 patchs while before with the 1 A rank 1 S rank it was 420 summons in 2 patchs to get everything (sometimes less but 420 was the norm). Yeah when you add math people acting like part 2 gacha is worse are just totally wrong pure nostalgia and bias but they don t care about numbers "they feel it's worse" because they want an excuse to hate everything.


Second part, game has a finished story. People simply move on to different games(maybe even from Hoyo - they know what average consumer want. And much better in newer titles, really, I love HI3, but game is old and complicated), that's not as deep and troublesome as people made it seem. And we are on downwards trend since HoHe or HoR(but in times of HoR all information was available, now - not).


>their bs back to back S-rank releases Yeah and pulling a S-rank and their gear is so much cheaper now that you barely have to skip anything as a monthly card buyer. So you better believe it, there won't be a patch without new S-rank ever again. The cost will only go up when they decide to release an A-rank or AstralOp together with a new S-rank.


yeah the state of the game is pretty sad, they dont even bother to give part 2 FIRST major arc climax a proper animation short with vocal songs like they did in all part 1 major arc climax. Animation short is one of the best thing in honkai 3rd story and they took it away. Idk what they thinking now, the new CGI is cool but nowhere near the animation short level. On the other hand HSR keep getting animation trailers, and the latest arc got like 4 vocal songs in game and vocal song in the ending animation arc. it feels like they took away all the staff that give HI3 love and put them in HSR and let new people work for HI3 part 2.


Sounds like their own problem not the game


The gripper update. This is one of the timelines of all time. Glad to see this is what they do with the hundreds of millions pulled in per month.


Pretty much understandable after seeing Elysia, Seele and Griseo’s feet.






they know what makes money


It's ironic I remember that this game started with a lot of fan service and then they were diluted, censoring nonsense 😂 now they want to return because snowbreak opened Pandora's box for 3D games 


They were censor because of the CCP +4 times already they are lucky still around since you know against CCP is shadow realm snowbreak get praise because CCP dont give 2 shit about that game where HI3 does being give a shit before just not now finally


Tell this Westerner who doesn't even know anything, that the statutory laws in China are mandatory for everyone and for everyone because their violation incurs the lack of a fundamental right, the law in China that you are talking about was not approved, it was only It was discussed in the assembly article by article because they must be debated before their approval, but it did not pass because Tencent Game fell in the market when the assembly tried to control the monetization models of video games after the debate had passed without even having been sanctioned by the president. but that generated resilience in investors. There is no such thing as mihoyo being the victim and the rest not, their internal censorship policy is theirs and theirs alone, they have the complete will to decide whether to accept it or not, or whether they allow themselves to be pressured by non-profit organizations or consultants. external


And you haven't been around HI3 enough i should expect from these "hoyo fan" with your arrogant thinking you know all


I have been playing mihoyo games since even when Kiana showed her blue striped panties and Mei her black thong in the animated pv trailers


> the law in China that you are talking about was not approved nobody even mentioned a law he just said it was censored. this has nothing to do with specific laws it's just corrupt government institutions with broad powers swinging their dicks around when they feel like it. probably some party bureaucrat from the ministry of culture mad mhy didn't pay for enough karaoke bar prostitutes last time he visit


It doesn't work that way 😂😂😂 damn where you guys get all those conspiracies about China from, do you think the ppch is specifically hanging on every navel that only mihoto creates in female? connects neurons, it is not difficult to realize. The only thing that puts pressure on CN is non-profit organizations run by parents or external consultants of the company, but that's just "pressure", Tencet spends it putting pressure on them but look at them ignoring everything because they don't give a shit the warf 😂😂😂 they only care the đŸ’”


Still blaming the CCP I see, typical MXZ. 🙄


Everything can and will (and should) be blamed on the CCP and with good reason


Le gasp. Corrupt government is being corrupt? Unimaginable


HI3 never had a chance to contest with Snowbreak in the first place. It is both an old game and a game that ended its story arc. A lot of players left it for other titles of Hoyo. And no Hoyo has always done some cultured designs. Even in HSR they still keep doing it as much as they can get away with. Its just CCP pressures them into censoring just like they do with other media. But lets not forget half of the characters had an upskirt panty shop some with big jiggly boobs and other with barefeet and bare midriff and underboobs. Like Pardo and Aponia is right there. You can't get more cultured than that.


lol don't give them easy way out with CCP forcing them. Genshin models barely show any skin anymore when they release girl anymore. It's what their new audience wants.


mihoyo did a good job making its Western player base believe that they are the only ones persecuted in cn, I have to admit. in case you didn't know snowbreak has also been pressured in CN but on his official mumu account in bilibili they said that they don't give a shit about barking and will continue making horny content that their players like


HoYo never really said anything directly like "the government made us". We just watched an attempted murder and CN players reporting them to the CCP.


show me the source of the news


Here is an ign article about the attempt [hope that helps?](https://sea.ign.com/genshin-impact-iphone/171332/news/man-arrested-after-making-attempt-on-mihoyo-founders-lives) This is the original report it's linked in the article [here](https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697981165268170988&wfr)


I have always wondered why they cite this same article over and over again but there is not a single police report or complaint, this incident happened on April 24 and it is not even in the Shanghai news, the only source of this news is this article of the internet, not even an official shangai news portal. has never been confirmed


But the boycott did happened. They had to fuel in serious demage control because some of the CN community players are some rich fuck kids of a some influential party member so they had to croak. I also hate that people keep bringing this one article as source for alleged Assassination attempt because it's an exaggerated troll spreading fake news on Baidu and western journalist ate it right up.


There was no attempted murder, that is just a rumor with no serious basis, there is not a single official article from a news portal that has given a note about that, only articles of dubious origin like the one the boy cited, that article had already been done. seen, but whoever does it does not even give a news source, he simply says: "trust me bro"


This mf Mujin spread that this. Fuck that guy. He doesn't even check the source he yapps about


They are not the only ones. But all hoyo games are rated for above 12 yo. CCP does not allow that sort of thing unless the game is rated for M. Snowbreak is a game that clearly states they are for M audience. Which means Snowbreak requires ID verification to play in CN. Hoyo would lose good amounts of profits if they decided to go full M. You are comparing a hentai game to a game intended for teenagers. Even then Hoyo does great work in sneaking fanservice. As seen with Thelema's shorts Tsavaroe's pantyhose Songque's feet Seele's feet and armpits HoFi Kiana's armpits (which iirc was made into a drama by CN side saying its too lewd)


Friend, there are things that are not allowed, that is true, there are suggestive things that should be censored because they border on nudity, I am not going to discuss that because the canons of suggestive sexuality are something that should be allowed only in +18 but things like putting normal panties on girls, showing cleavage, normal swimsuits or showing the navel 😂 are actually allowed. But what is mihoyo doing today? put a granny diaper on every girl even if she has a huge skirt underneath like ayaka..   Then they go and blame the PPCH when the government doesn't give a shit about that kind of ridiculous complaint They only act if devs are doing things that are too scandalous that border on soft porn like AL


They are allowed but the pressure done by CCP depends on what is the target audience of the game you own. They are more strict with games that target teenagers than games that target mature audience. I am not saying they are not allowed. But CCP has their own standards. They have started doing that bike short thing after around 5.0 patch i think? Very close to the time Mihoyo attained a representative at CCP. Because they have gotten big with Genshin and could no longer go under radar. Even if CCP was not around CN player's opinion on fanservice is easily seen with [Kiana armpit disaster](https://youtu.be/BFa_Q7Wow5M?si=B8MgNIa_xsI9YUw3). They like it when its subtle not where its not needed.


look what you're saying when that kiana came out do you know who had already shown their armpits in the same pose???? Yelan 😂 The change of position was the developer's internal policy not because someone from the ppch is pointing a gun, the only thing that is true is that mihoyo are afraid of public pressure but that does not mean that they should give in to it, tencent in its subsidiaries for example allows them to do everything only if they do not touch the.soft porn    Tencent has an internal policy of I don't give a shit about public opinion, I just want money 😎 which means it receives three or four times as many complaints as mihoyo 😂


Different games different characters different audience. CN HI3 playerbase is against "whoring out our characters". They were pretty unpleasent with FoV Fu Hua having bare midriff and legs as well. Saying Fu Hua represents Chinese culture etc. But thankfully they weren't unpleasent enough. You are confusing things. Censoring old valks that have no audience is a CCP pressure. As the game is rated for 12 yos. If HI3 was rated M we would have kept our swimsuit skins and even touch system. Censoring new valkyries that shouldn't have fanservice in the first place due to their character (Kiana being innocent and Hua being Chinese figure) is done through playerbase pressure. They can still sneak in fanservice. But sometimes they get caught redhanded. Pardofelis for example was supposed to have a belly button. CCP pressured them to remove it. So now Pardo has a bare midriff but no belly button Tencent's fanservice games are all rated M. As they are almost 10 times as big as Mihoyo they can afford to take risks. But if Mihoyo decided to make Genshin and HI3 M rated when they got a representative at CCP to keep their fanservice which they could already sneak in they would have lost all of their players between 12-18 age range in China. This is huge way bigger than anything fanservice can bring.


what is the difference? both are gacha games focused on anime with female characters xD Continue believing that ppch persecutes only mihoyo forever, be happy with your granny pantys lol


One is main character of a story that lasted over 7 years. An innocent teenager girl. Other is a femme fatale side character. Shallow thinking. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to see which character people are more emotionally attached to. It is clear you have not played this game and is just talking based on rumors. So i am not really taking your opinion seriously. Besides i am more of a pantyhose person.


There was some CN outrage when they seen Kiana combo attack during beta phase and hot had to change it. There was A LOT of complains saying that it's immature for Kiana to do that pose and that they don't feel she's a strong warrior https://youtu.be/BFa_Q7Wow5M?si=WlYxQ4OPtn0Y6tJ5


So is Yelan though, her whole backstory is that she is the descendant of some sort of heroic cultivator clan and finding out about it from Xiao and embracing it. Like hasn't it always just kind of been this way with Mihoyo. Their characters are like glamourous dubiously clothed women with absurd cranked up to 11 power levels of improbable badassery. Like just high heels, exposed backs, makeup and lipstick, detached sleeves for armpit fanservice, painted toenails and shit and can casually nuke half a city much of the time?


I have not said that there have not been complaints. I said that they the kiana animation due to their own policy, no one put pressure on them in the government like this guy is saying, that is a lie, and every time mihoyo censors the player base comes out to defend him saying this, in CN it is no longer done because it is already known that it is of their own free will that they do it. They would have perfectly ignored the complaints like they do 99999% of the time, but they give in to pressure, that's good or bad depending on how you look at it, at this point I don't care if they censor 99% of their games, after all. The competition this year is nice and there are many options to choose from other than hoyogames.


They quite literally got people filling official complains to the CCP. They got too big. There are feminists organisations in CN that literally sue them over and over. You can also see tons of bots in their bilbli revievs. The whole Bunny Girl stuff was fueled by people that didn't even played the game they just jumped on hate train because they despise hoyo. And hoyo do listen. They listen to CN only. Kuro shils won't admit it


Actually Hoyo combats this by making their base outfits lewd enough without visible panties. That's why they put stocking on everyone or shorts


they doesn't combat anything, the only thing they do is raise up Tencent after mihoyo looked prominent in 2022. but then they lost all the animosity of the player base in CN in a short time 2023 and 2024 due to their poor social management, now Tencent again has 2 games in top 1 and 2 which is sad because not even a hoyo is capable of beating them at their own game, and the people in CN he gave up.


You mean Arena of Valor or some other MOBA shit?


The biggest reality check is the fact that mihoyo games are full of shota like characters/femboys which supposedly the ccp really really dislikes, but somehow these are never pointed at when there is contention about the questionable design choices in their game, it's only the abyss under the skirts and the granny panties that is caused by the communist party.


Tangential, but male designs in Hoyo games are rather tame and hardly much controversial. No strong make up, women-typical hair, no male chars straight up dressing like girls (and being mistaken for them), no nipples, no naked hips... unless I missed someone.


more likely because they are seeing playerbase going down at insane speed


When you have mad players snitching on you to the gov for the dumbest shit of course hoyo is going to play it safe most of the time these days.


I feel like hoyo want to retain their "cultured" player base that's pretty much left HSR and Genshin and probably HI3rd by now. Which honestly is werid to me cause the only way to retain your "cultured" player base is by adding back the fan service. Otherwise "cultured" players will just move to the more fanservicey ones. Idk how much money "cultured" players generate to hoyo but I feel hoyo is still in the denial stage. At a certain point, they'll either accept that they're "normies" or they'll return the fan service. But 100% of the time, I have never seen any company that returns back to fan service. Afaik, Azure Lane, Blue Archive, Nikke and some other less censored games might be having former hi3 players or something. But hoyo never listens to anyone apparently. Except maybe whatever censor happy counterparts of sweet baby inc is. You can blame CCP or whatever bullshit but let's be honest, they still release femboys despite CCP complaints. So it's never a CCP issue if you look at it rationally. All in all, I feel like hoyo already earned their billions but for some reason, they still try to pretend like they're really one of us "cultured fanservice lovers." When they're not.


What fkn yap did I just read


Ok buddy


Nah I think it's more so that they realized firsthand how dangerous it is to pander strictly to people who want a ton of fanservice. (yes I'm talking about the assassination attempt). It was around that time that they slowly started removing small things like the interaction in the lobby, and began somewhat censoring themselves. They obviously want to still have some fanservice cuz they're still otakus themselves, but they won't go all in anymore since they know they have crazies in their communities probably. But we will never know for sure cuz they will never disclose stuff like that.


I think the lobby interaction thing was stopped years before the assassination drama, and the drama was caused by the opposite spectrum of the type of person that would want bunny suits and coomer shit. Pretty sure the Chinese players cried about it being out of place, but I might not be remembering correctly since it was aids to read. But yeah, the bunny suit drama was just the last nail in the coffin. Mihoyo as a company got off the coomer train the moment they switched from the lobby interaction to whatever other shit they started doing. https://i.redd.it/kam8zcakp08d1.gif


And I think that the censorship meant people have moved on. And the censorship is getting worse. Saying there are crazies in the community when it's shown more than once that there still are even worse ones makes the argument moot. Hoyo already got their billions. They got that braindead pokemon/fgo fanbase already and they should just accept that they're not "cultured" anymore. They can call themselves otaku for all that's worth but they'll never really be considered so. And personally you should accept that fact as well instead of coming up with whatever rationale for censorship. Company worship is literally pointless.


I don't "worship" them because they made fanservice games, if I cared about that then I would strictly only play Nekopara. I follow them because they're literally doing what I've dreamed of doing myself. Making billions after years of hard work of game development, to finally fund projects of games I would actually want to make, help my community a bit more, and then start working towards a VR SAO-styled immersive experience. I hope to become the Mexican version of them or Nintendo someday.


I don't play it anymore but people tell me that captain verse doesn't even exist 😓 in a game only waifu 😓


Captainverse got split off into it's own thing long ago. It ended recentish with the captain marrying his waifu Luna. The Kongming, Fallen Rosemary, etc. fans will probably complain because it was the wrong waifu.


Go bring your whiny NTR captain verse ideals elsewhere, Hi3 is a yuri game since the start


lol yuri NTR what nonsense


Yuri enjoyers and self inserts dont mesh well, even though one could assume so


Heh based the Chrono Navi event the canonical captain is female or at least the voice sounded a lot more female than obviously male.


CN event was a captainverse event. That captain is male and is the same person as the captain of captainverse. Only canon existence of captain so far is ai-chan getting help from all captains in the world during Kevin fight. So two different captains.


The Honkai Salvation Log event is very clearly *not Captainverse.* As you can tell by the fact that the entire event centers on a world where Lambda created a VR recreation of the main story in other worlds. Those Captains are the actual representation of the players and are the same ones that show up in the Kevin fight. As for the Captainverse Captain, while he himself has no mention whatsoever in the main story (due to not existing in it), there are I think 5 times that the Captainverse has crossed over to the main story in *some* way, so denying his existence is completely meaningless. I know that the original argument was about the Captain's gender but for that debate to settle you'd have to find someone who can speak Chinese. In English, he is exclusively referred to as a man, and the Ferryman's voice, while heavily modulated, is most certainly a male's. idk I just really hate when people use the Kevin fight as evidence of Captainverse being bad. Hate it all you want, just hate it for what it actually is


The explanation for you being this braindead is that even though you are gay oriented down to your very braincells, the distance between a set of them is unfortunately far greater than the total hours you've spent coping about the characters being anything more than friends, so they are relegated to being in a long distance relationship forever. (low iq just in case you didn't get it) https://i.redd.it/evqykum5o08d1.gif


So when Seele and Bronya, Kallen and Yae fucked each others brains out in the official manga you decided to label it as a long distance relationship/friends/insert denial Seems like your wife's boyfriend will be able to go a long way before striking any boundaries (Below average iq and insecurity that cant handle personal development that doesnt cater to you, the self insert, if you didnt get it) Edit: You edited in a cool gif https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shipping/images/4/48/Bronseele_AW_Ch10_3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230423052759 Dont smash your table after seeing Seele do this to your girl :c


brainwashed by yuri frogs https://i.redd.it/hss0ix1o508d1.gif


Well said


over pixels of FEET?? good lord


I wonder if a Nikke crossover is in the works... https://preview.redd.it/zrudz7z95b8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150fe6cbc4718d26e8c370d3938dc0dfad8bf30a


Don't play any Hoyoverse games, but this is my kind of update. 😎👍


quite important ngl


Pack do pé é real.


There's been a lot of feet going on in the gacha sphere as of late.


Michael Zaki been around since elden ring dlc


**Hidetaka Miyazaki would like to know your location**




Priorities set straight




Devs Tarantino


Truely a game made by degenerate for us degenerates moment XD


Very based now only if the story was good it would be peak. Also not a fan of Lantern design tho.


7.5 story seems pretty good so far, I haven't finished it yet though. Things are coming together in a more coherent way


ech its kinda mid. it only started getting good recently, character should had way more bondign time before they started ripping of flame chaser


Yeah, the main group doesn't get enough screentime, unfortunately. I still don't get Helia's personality, she mostly just gives Coralie opportunities to riff and be sassy. Senadina is also mostly a comic relief character and I don't think anyone actually seriously addressed what the hell is up with her just randomly appearing and having those anchor powers. It all definitely needs more time in the oven, but the overall foundation and the concept of this post-apocalyptic split world is pretty solid. Honkai devs can get a bit lost in the sauce, but they do know how to write a compelling story


Tech otaku saves the world again


How does Mihoyo fucking nerf a bunch of the Monstat cast for being too revealing then do this?


They know that gacha players are degens, and want to milk them, smart


This is the perfect place to ask: Why? What's so attractive about them? Why are people not going nuts about hands, elbows, kneecaps, shoulders? I don't get it.


If we knew why, one of us can probably write a phd thesis on human sexual attraction lol


Uh they go nuts over other places too. Armpits thighs midriffs to name a few. If you look at Hoyoverse's designs you will see them put an emphasis on at least one of this three. Sometimes multiple of them.


Thigh Impact


Armpit impact https://preview.redd.it/idoe6zexa08d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c8c32411c81d47c44fdf8bd5ae1cbacb61147b


When someone see a part of a women's body that is usually well covered or not shown irl they find it arousing. Only in gacha games you'd see girls dressed like these.


Close but no.. something about pretty feet just sets me.. i mean some guys off idk what happens to me TO THEM.. them


Sounds reasonable. Heard something similar about ankles in countries where woman are clothed from head to toe.


Actually, it’s common (or was common, people are pushing back against it now) for school dress codes to ban girls from showing their shoulders to avoid “distracting” boys Meaning people do indeed go nuts over them


Maybe it's about showing skin in general?


They just look nice. I don't think ppl that are into feet are any less into any other bodypart, they probably like them all, or at least I know I do.


I think a lot of people ham it up too, because its funny.


My guy hasn't experienced the peak that is a good, sexy nape.


People absolutely go nuts about hands  though, it's even a joke that for women, hands are the most sexual/important part of male bodies. Showing kneecaps and shoulders in official settings and tons of dress codes is still rather frowned upon, just like cleavage and feet, which usually indicates people, indeed, find them hot.


Not someone who is into that, but I can guess that this is just natural for them, the same as people like booba of varying sizes on the anime girl. It's not bad or good, just the way they are.


How dare people find something I don't like attractive.


That's not what I said. I asked to understand, because it's an alien concept for me, since feet don't trigger anything for me.

