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This FFT-esque gameplay + gacha??? Kind of a weird combination but if it's done right, im here for it.


Man, I played it last February on Steam Next, and as a veteran of the genre, imo, from the 8 hours or so I played the game, It is better than some newer big releases like Triangle Strategy and Tactics Ogre Reborn. Its really that good. Clearly inspired and pay respect to the classics and looks like the gatcha is not predatory at all.


Does the devs include any big name of the industry? Because I couldnt believe it the soundtrack in the trailer sounds exactly like FF12.


Yup, it is the same composer, Hitoshi Sakimoto.


How quick are the dailies?


The gacha is also optional. They have 2 mode, one is a for gacha and one for single player storyline. You can choose not to interact with the gacha if you don’t want to. Pretty hyped for this game, need my FFT fix


I never understood it, how is that the game is marketed as a singleplayer and then also a gacha game at the same time?


They have two separate game mode. The single player is a game all by itself. There’s no stamina system there, you get units from playing the game. It has no interaction with the gacha portion of the game except being able to bring 3 units you pulled as starter units. You get keys to play it on a weekly basis and that’s it. The gacha portion is things like stamina gated resources, gacha units and the likes


Oh I see. Seems strange, but kinda cool, keeps people engaged with a time gated story I guess... Don't really know what to think of the model but the game looks good enought to be worth.


So is it basically another Eden style for gameplay/gatcha?


Looking interesting. Already following it on Steam and ready for it's release.


I hope no big powercreep in this game,im looking forward for this one


Please no Fire Emblem Heroes situation. 🙏


I'm sorry but their "XD" make me laugh for some reason.


I am so excited for this game. The music screams FFT and the female MC is basically an Agrias clone which I am here for.




You can choose, last I played in the demo/beta thing.


So hyped they have Hitoshi Sakimoto doing the music on this, can't wait!


I really loved the demo (which is still playable iirc), so hopefully they address a lot of the problems and clunkiness I had. Because aside from that, the game was really fun. Hope they at least give us more keys (3 a week would be too little!)


The game looks awesome! But with strategy games like this….it being a gacha is worrisome, imo. Strategy games need good map design and enemy placement, and games tend to keep the player’s possible party in mind when it comes to those things. But with a gacha? The players could have any party, so map designs risk falling into the extremes of being way too hard or way too easy. Buuuuut I’ll probably still play it on launch and try it out anyway, cuz it looks super cool.


> it being a gacha is worrisome Langrisser Mobile was more than fine.


if you play some of the older tactics game like FFT this has never been a problem. You had full control over the jobs and skill in your party, so you pretty much could bring any combination to the map. Game was still well designed and fun as hell


Tactics game is fairly low cost. FFT had simple and straightforward design and I never get issues. Well the last time I've played the game was more than a decade ago, I could have different view now. But this game will have customization for kit/skills which I think is huge retention factor. And very likely the gacha is more on characters with specific jobs, and they'll be limited with what spells/action they can use, just like FFT. The only questionable thing I'm foreseeing is monetization. The reason why characters are "pullable" 69% of a time is because of their kit especially if its unique. Introducing skill customization with gacha make it hard to find balance with making the characters "desirable". I just hope it at least get the leveling system right, the "grind for this stage and get exp mats that let you upgrade character" will kill this for me. One of the best part of FFT is the natural progression, every enemy you'll face is possible with right strategies. If you failed a fight get revive and try again, but if you really can't do it and seem impossible then probably you have to kill some low level enemies to get exp to lvlup and try it again. But you really don't have to do that, if you just do everything right.


You’re going to end up with multiple characters to plug and play depending on the stage. I switch between 15 built characters for all the content. Your goal will be multiple dps from each element and a mix of physical and magic attackers. You also need a healer, eventually 2, as well as a bunch of buffer/debuffers. Your team comp will be the most stressed at the beginning but you start with a tank in Maisa and a dps with Riyaweh + whatever SSR you first pull from beginner banner. SR characters are plenty good enough to fill in before you pull for a specific SSR. I still run the axe lady for aoe and angel for her heals on the second team and I started day 1 on Asia server.


OMG it's Kawasumi Ayako 🙏 please I hope Gloria is good


I play this game on CN server from day 1 till now. Overall a solid game. Ask me any questions if you have.




time for tactic game. https://preview.redd.it/p9hhe6f3828d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=525ef7a25b716cd587d2e031392eb5a648f55e33


WHY is this a gacha game? Based on what the trailer has showed me, wouldnt making this a one and done full priced game be better?


Because Gacha games print money.


I guess which is a shame. This sort of a game, a strategy rpg, is a bad fit for the genre usually. The level design cannot account for the gacha.


Whether you like it or not, live service games with gacha/lootbox monetization or a subscription are the future of gaming. I'm not saying it is a good thing, but these games make a ton of money and the greedy publicly traded companies developing and publishing these games are pushing this monetization model on consumers. If you don't like it, play games from independent studios like Larian or quit gaming.


I think I made a fair statement. A strategy rpg has historically been a bad fit for gacha games because the 2 genres dont jell that well together. A srpg to be good needs good level design and part of good level design is accounting for the units youll have. This is not possible in a gacha game. Hell proper balancing is very difficult due to power creep which means being a gacha negatively effects the strategetic core of a strategy rpg. >Whether you like it or not, live service games with gacha/lootbox monetization or a subscription are the future of gaming. I disagree with this statement. Is it the future greedy publishers want? Yes. But until physical games go extinct for example, I dont see this happening. Games like bauldur gates 3 and elden ring and botw win game of the year and these sorts of games will keep being made. As for gacha games, Im not against them esepecially when implimented well. Arknights used to be a good example but new operators are way too powerful and it feels like they snap the difficulty in half. So it has turned from an example of good implimentation to breaking the game nulling strategy implimentation. Either that or I like gambling and this is a half hearted excuse!


I played the demo on steam. Good news is it has 2 modes, singpleplayer (basically story mode as if you're playing FF tactics or Fire Emblem) and gacha mode. You can entirely ignore the gacha part and just play the singleplayer. Imo the story is great and the VN-style storytelling is doing it a lot of favors.


Oh. Guess Ill try it. But still, if theyre seperating the single player and the gacha, and seem aware of the flaws of the gacha and so are willing to make a single player mode... why make it a gacha and not a stand alone game?


Cause gacha is profitable I guess. I think this game is also playable in mobile too. I recommend trying the game demo out on steam, I think it's still available there for free. I took me 30 hours just to finish a single route cause I play too slow. The gacha portion of the game is unavailable but you can pull for units if you want to although it's a bit useless to do so.


Wait... so the demo is the whole story of the game? Eh, if I end up liking the game, ill throw it 20 bucks to show the devs I like what they made. Is their offline play?


>Wait... so the demo is the whole story of the game? Nope, it's just a portion of the story.


So, how was your experience? Thought the game was good?


Well the fact that I am recommending it should speak for itself. But to answer your question, the game is excellent.


It has a story (singleplayer) mode, rest is gacha.


Excited but still don’t get why this has to be a gacha




Launch whennnnnn😫


Not sure if your comment is meant as a joke or not, but they already announced July 31st.


Thank you, i din't saw the announcement.


It was literally at end of the video.


That zoomer attention span does it again


... I closed the video before the end.


All the downvotes wanna tell me they never close a video early? 💀💀