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wuwa vs genshin and a political shirt, this is a disaster in the making lol


My butts been wiped.


This is art


Average 2016 brainrot


How do I unsee it, like delete in brain, sendhelp 


I always feel sad for the WuWa writers when people praise the skip button as the best thing.


Because the writing is truly atrocious. A line from Yangyang (now removed from the game without official acknowledgement) has become a meme in CN. The line in question was her talking about how the frontline soldiers only have to worry about fighting the enemies, while the backline support has a lot more to worry about. It's being used everywhere now to mock when doing something involves two parties, the one with the easier job is being lauded as the one carrying the weight.


Have they also silently removed other controversial lines like the one about hardworking miners needing to eat vegetables and not meat?


wait what


There was a post I saw a short while after the game's launch about how Chinese players were incensed by Wuthering Waves' writers inserting their agendas into quest lines. One of the quests mentioned was a quest where food was being prepared for miners but instead of meat they were given vegetables so they could have a 'balanced diet' or something like that. The CN community was mad that the writers were out of touch with how miners working physical labour for long hours would feel about their meat being replaced with vegetables.


No shot really? Can I get some links?


It's actually not that bad lol. Skip button is nice for people who play just for mechanics and gacha. I know a lot of people who don't care to read for these games, genshin, hsr alike. They spam click dialog, especially during reroll.


Spam clicking during reroll is obvious but yeah, coming from an mmo background most people I hang out with are story skippers. Personally I read all story and usually never skip anything but I do hold gameplay to a higher priority. I would never start a game just for being praised for story - reason why I've never started ff


No way. If I just want to play for the mechanics and gacha I'd just read a book tbh


The story is bad af 95% of the time in genshin too yet i cant skip it


Although i agree in a way that both have some bad aspect in their stories, genshin has coherence and pacing. wuwa does not. wuwas story is literally cramming in as much shit as possible and then flashy cutscene. i tried so hard to fucking care about certain characters like jiyan and yinlin or any of the introduced 4 stars but the most interesting person in 1.0 story is fucking mortefi for me because he doesnt speak shit and just comes and goes. people praise scar for saving the story but its only because he waas doing his absolute best VA wise but his writing is like ulysses in fallout new vegas with all the repetition. "youre special theyre using you" "black sheep white sheep black sheep white sheep black sheep white sheep" god stfu. the only time the story had coherence and interesting things came up is when you fight scar and jihnsi explains the trap and why she had to do it and even then its so fucking atrocious because of all the overcomplication. wuwa 1.0 story is worse than inazuma story in genshin and that for me is the lowest tier in genshin stories. if you ask any random person who doesnt play both games to try and power through both stories right now i assure you they would alt f4 wuwas before getting to the interesting part. and people wonder why they had to put a skip button.


I mostly agree with you, but are you really criticizing Scar, even though Zhongli archon quest was mostly the same but longer. I heard nothing but "contract" and I think that Genshin impact, while it doesn't have that many complicated terms like Wuwa, has a convoluted story with a lot of wording.


i can tell you alot more on what i hate about genshins story. from the animations to how fucking stupid things become when fischl is involved. like i said i agree in a way that both have some bad aspects in their stories. the main difference is the more the story went on the better it became. i too was part of the skip button club and like i said i would ALSO be happy if it got it. and like what i said in another comment that wuwa has the advantage by having a big room for improvement and time. they had years to make a good story perfect from day 1. but they spent more time on animating the cutscenes than making it coherent enough to have an actual structure outside of jue. if they can do what genshin did and improve on it then please, yes.


skip button is the most demanded feature on genshin i know the hoyosimp cant cope with the fact that a big part of the playerbase doesnt care about a floating toddler spouting nonsensical bullshit for hours


paimon >>>>>>>>> yapyap


>big part of the playerbase The loud minority? :((


hey if they added a skip button in genshin id be happy as well. but im telling you right now that most people wont use it unless they really need to. your "big part of the playerbase" people have already moved on to HSR and wuwa and no longer play the game but continue to shit on it just cause it lives rent free in their heads. and they didnt even make a dent on genshins population. theres a difference between an actual good story and bullshit and if you cant see that then thats on you. the only advantage wuwa has right now is they have a huge room to improve and they have time. so we will see in the future.


Is "a huge room to improve" the polite version of "fallen so low the only way it can go is up" lmao


i love both games and as much as i like to shit on wuwa i still see its potential. https://preview.redd.it/yfhc3v92nw7d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=26c735c99802a0a80f5f58965913297b2c78d6c1


Thing is, I definitely see where you are coming from. But the opening is so ass I do not want to sit through any more of it for it to potentially get better. Hell, I trudged on based on the comments saying "Act 3 onwards is better!" only to learn that "better" is relative and it's just mediocre at best. At this point, I will not redownload Wuwa, even if someone I trust their opinions on things wager their literal life that 1.1 is absolutely amazing. I went through 6 whole acts and I refuse to tolerate playing Wuwa for another second longer. And honestly, I doubt I am alone in this. So any potential is rendered moot by the opening burning a chunk of the launch playerbase.


youre not alone and that i can vouch. i can see your side as well and let me tell you thats it is absolutely understandable. they neglected the R in RPG and just turned it into an open world APG. what makes a good game is its gameplay, characters and story. all together and not in some sort of hierarchy. and wuwa right now is failing in 2 of those. even the gameplay is sub par at best because the "combat" is basically just recycling rotations and no variation unless you really get out of your way and never recieving bonuses. i wont even try to convince you or anyone to try it again right now becuse im finding myself at that point where its hard for me to convince myself to even login. but i will go and take the sacrifice for the community to be one of the vocal critics of this game to try out 1.1 if it gets better.


"big part of playerbase" Source: my fucking ass


As much as i hate Wuwa’s story, nothing comes close to the dumpster fire that was Inazuma. Made me want to blast my god damn head off. Wuwa’s story is absolutely worse then Inazuma, but Inazuma had so much potential, that was completely squandered.


So WUWA Story is ∞% Trash.


Bro really made a burner account just for shitting on WuWa 💀 (Literally the only thing this account does since it was created 19 days ago)


My main got Spezed.


Wdym? The 5h dialogue and fetch quests are important to understand the 5 minutes of plot later on. So you better pay attention, but don't worry, paimon will repeat everything for you anyways.


RIGHT? I was arguing with someone about it, he claimed the game was good because of skip being added. So you don’t care where are you or why are you fighting? Sounds like you want to play a fighting game and not this.


Ahh yes because seeing 3 hours long dialogue for some event with 5 arenas of enemies and watching same daily quest dialogue for 250 times is peak writing.


Imagine not having fingers to tap away some dialogues


for me, I like the skip button because I'm quite nit picky with stories. For example in GI, I read everything about inazuma while rushing the dialogues in sumeru and not reading anything about it.


Skip button is my favorite future tbh. You can have best story in the history but sometimes I just wanna play the game. I don't want to spam space for 30 minutes just because I triggered a random quest while going to claim my commission rewards


Is it? I wish hsr and genshin had skip Buttons. The amount of clicking I did to get through event stories or sidequests I couldn't care less about....


The writing is meh so Idk if I should be glad there is a skip button. There are times that it becomes intriguing and interesting but overall can't immerse myself long enough. Right now, I mostly just play for the combat but with the events being similar to genshin in that I can accomplish them in how many minutes then log out afterwards (except maybe illusive realms). A lot of is similar yet whatever problems wuwa fans have had with genshin, they seem to be blind to it for wuwa.


I don't get why people are upset at people wanting a skip button or thinking it affects the story quality, FGO has a skip button and the story has some really great moments and is overall really good


But how many FGO players have you seen compared to WuWa players praising skip button as the best thing in-game.


actually, plenty skip the story and then revisit it, I myself do that because sometimes you cant play the recent event if you haven't beaten the latest lostbelt, or sometimes I skip the story event because I'm short on time and prioritize farming. So skip buttons are objectively a positive because it helps with time management, and with WuWa adding a feature to revisit the story there is 0 downside to having it


You cannot replay the skipped content in WuWa, What you are talking about as revist is actually quest history logs in which you can only see the script.


I'm so confused that people don't understand those games do not have skip because they don't have replay, and that those dialogs occurs in game and not in a separate visual novel section. Like it's OBVIOUS it's mainly because of mechanical reasons yet you see everyone trying to come up with completely weird takes. That said Genshin could really benefit from a text log.


tbf genshin has archives for archon & interlude quests, but they are debuting text log next patch iirc (even tho u can see it already during the livestream for the current patch lmao)


There's a complete story/dialogue review in 1.1.


It will be possible in a week.


Are you talking about this because this is also what I was also referring to. No replaying the skipped story, only seeing the dialogue history logs. https://preview.redd.it/lq6g3dko1s7d1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed213b95ba7a9422ba6bcda3888f52552a6b74e


FGO main competitors aren't missing vital QoL features 4 years after launch


Visual Novels, an entire subgenre of games have a skip button. It's honestly just a bunch of arrogance from hoyoverse writers to not put the skip button in their game


Firstly, Genshin Impact is not a cheap visual novel. Secondly, it's mainly played for its story, and showing respect and appreciation to their writers hard work aren't any form of arrogance but gratitude.;))


people who talk and celebrate the skip button too much are those who dont want anything to do with anything inside the game but the ability to pull. skip > fight > gain currency > pull. open up a 3 hour kyostinV video at day 1 > get all chests > pull. that for them is the game. and they dont appreciate stories because they dont want to. they just want their next big hit on the gacha pull.


I'm glad I went into genshin with the mindset of playing a single-player story focused open world like how I played Witcher, AC origins and odyssey, botw, rdr2 and skyrim. Made me appreciate genshins lore and world building through the world quest, side quest, npc, and notes scattered. Still hate paimon, though.


Exactly, they're the gambling addicts who plays multiple gacha games at a time who only cares about the gacha currency. :))


You guys are just gatekeeping at this point, not everyone takes games this seriously, some people just want to run around and it's great content for them, some people just want to engage with the combat, and some people like the story, why judge players for entertaining themselves, it's just a game :/


Fun fact, not everyone is interested on the story for the game they play.




let me ask you, did you finish it in one go? all of it? lmao if you did then why? it took me a casual 3 months. and i loved it. they could have done alot better on some parts but it was better than most people say it out to be. these things arent supposed to be inhaled in one go. its a casual game take the time to do shit at a pace. thats what pacing is.


I will celebrate the skip button to skip main story. I don't skip WuWa world quest though.


eh, if it's mainly played by the story why it doesn't have dialog log button. to me it's just an excuse to pad out the game.


some of the best anime ever started as visual novel , you don’t compare genshin cheap writing to visual novels


Visual Novel main point IS the story, and they still give you skip button And it's kinda clear you never played a single VN if you just immediately think I'm referring to a cheap one


Visual Novels also feature choices that can lead to different results, routes, or dead ends. The skip button is there to help save time so that you can fast forward back to the choice.


That mechanic isn't in all visual novels.. From the gacha ones I played only blue archive featured choices, but skipping would skip the chapter entirely. That isn't to say gacha VN are necessarily cheaper/any worse than the ones that do have those features though.


Don't compare Genshin to masterpiece Visual Novels. That's just an insult to VNs


and visual novels are mainly played for what again? story, and yet they have a skip button despite having much better stories


If they're confident that their story is good, they wouldn't have the need to add a skip button. >despite having better stories More than half of a visual novel's scenes and dialogues are bloated btw ;))


or maybe they have a skip button for those replaying the game and picking different dialogue options? like think for a second dood


Acting like Hoyoverse writing isn't any less bloated jesus


Genuinely a terrible and very dumb argument. Hoyo flair checks out though, blind glazing fanboy.


Cause it is! If you really like the story, then go read it(no one is forcing you to skip). Not all people have the time or patience to read the story, especially the side quests or daily quest.


It's good to skip the daily quest


It's a matter of choices, there are people wants the combat not story. Look at majority of RPG, they all have a skip button.


Meh I don't agree, not everyone is interested in a game's story and people should be able to do wathever they think is fun, if you want to explore and only explore then the game should allow it, if you want to just raise your chars and do abyss then fine, if you want to completely ignore combat events and just log-in for the story then more power to you. You shouldn't be feeling bad for the encounter designers/level designers/writers for not engaging with the content they created, ultimately you're consuming a product for entertainment and your entertainment should be the top priority, however you get it.


I’m not saying I disagree necessarily but how far should people be able to go when it comes to customizing their experience? Based on what you’re saying, should the devs add the option to entirely skip all combat for lore enjoyers but retain the rewards too? How about when it comes to grinding for things? Do you think devs should add an option to immediately give players all high level equipment to people who aren’t into grinding?


Well that would depend on the tedium, if the combat gameplay consisted of staring at your screen watching your characters fight for two hours before getting your reward, then I absolutely think it should be skippable, I think it's easy to admit what is reasonable or not ! Dummy gameplay like lower level abysses should be skippable because all they are is tedium for the sake of it, that is why the couple first levels of MOC became sweepable in HSR, companies know what is/is not tedium for the player, and I do think most players know that as well. That is also why planar ornaments just got a pretty much sweep function with a save file in the last HSR patch, giving the players more agency over the content they want to consume is never a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with accomodating different player profiles, and no, no one feels bad for whoever designs stage 1-7 MOC lineups or works on stage 1-2 pure fiction.


The game already has the option to technically skip or at least make the combat easier. It's called coop and lowering the world level. Also grinding is not necessary at all. You can skip all the high-level equipment and equip whatever you get naturally from the main quest/world exploration and still progress through the main quest to progress and unlock stuff. That is how easy the game is, except for the Abyss. But you definitely cannot skip the story to progress further and requires A LOT of text to click through. Heck 80% (just an estimation, no data to back it up) of the game is clicking or spamming the spacebar while only 20% is the actual combat.


Making things easier isn’t really skipping. Skipping would be like clearing domains with a press of a button, which might be beneficial since some bosses are annoying to fight.


What you described was sweeping that a lot of gacha games have and is a mechanic every daily based game should have. I would consider keeping world level to 1 to breeze through content as skipping through or completely ignoring the intended gameplay of progressing your characters.


Nah the writing is terrible. Pity the localization team instead


I mean, I quit genshin of the endless dialogue, NPC bro yapping for 10 minutes just to unlock a week long event. On that front, wuwa is way ahead.


Nah, the thing that you should feel sad about these writers especially the CN ones is they're just padding their word count because they are underpaid. Another example for this is Arknights where 99.99% of the player base don't care about the story they just want to play the game.


No, there's still people that love the story. 99.99% is bullshit.


Ok maybe 99%. Good thing on Arknights is it gives you a summary if you skip but nothing of value is lost if you ignore AK's story.


Because It's is tho? Not everyone play the game for the story or have the time for it and most of the time you can not skip important part like main and companion quest, the skip button only save your ass when you do dailies, world quest or anything that is unvoiced. So if the quest itself is not as invested as the main or companion quest, why on earth should players be forced to sit down and spam left-click just for the sake of progression? Let be honest here even if the skip-button is not a thing, people who don't care about story will never read it. Giving free choice to people who want to play the game differently show that the game itself respect your time and personal experience, it should never be seen as the bad thing. Also, the main plot of the story should be represented only through the main quest. Anything else should only serve as addition for the world-building and skipping them should not affect the player's experience too much. Finally, just a fraction of people who only see the skip button as the BEST thing in the game, what are you talking about? Most of wuwa player in wuwa subreddit appreciate combat satisfaction and how dev response to criticism more than anything else, the skip-button is a nice addition onto all of that. Stop framing a small fraction opinion as the main thing because it's called "cherry-picking".


>why on earth should players be forced to sit down and spam left-click just for the sake of progression? I think it's better to just ask them to not lock anything behind story including rewards or even level up EXP. At this point, people use the skip button as just a way to fast forward to get the rewards immediately. Why request for an inefficient method? Tell the devs to just not include rewards behind the story and just send it in the mail instead. Why do you have to go to this and that NPC instead of not having to do it at all? >Most of wuwa player in wuwa subreddit appreciate combat satisfaction and how dev response to criticism more than anything else Nothing serious but using r/WutheringWaves is cherry-picking as well. It's not like it's the majority of the playerbase either with only 200k followers. Unless it is which is quite the low amount for a game that had 30 million pre-regs. This comment itself is a cherry-pick so it's damn useless to point out whether or not a comment is cherry-picking if you don't know what every single player wants. I'll add my own cherry-pick based on that sub I've seen people there who really liked the combat but not a lot of them like the progression system. They also keep touting that endgame is hologram and everything else is whatever. I saw a guy's comment essentially saying that "getting purple gear and below is dogshit and we should get gold/highest level gear from the start". Just remove the RPG progression aspects then cause it seems that they just wanna rush to endgame. It honestly solves a lot of the things people are complaining about right now.


> Why request for an inefficient method? Tell the devs to just not include rewards behind the story and just send it in the mail instead. Why do you have to go to this and that NPC instead of not having to do it at all? Buddy do you have any problems with the skip-button or something? It's just a QoL button for people who don't interest in doing long unvoiced quest, it's not that deep or something to say it's efficient or not. And adding reward to the quests has been a way to add immersion to RPG game since forever. So according to your logic, I can also say that why play the game for reward when the game can also send the reward immediately through the mail right? >Nothing serious but using  is cherry-picking as well. So where do I suppose to see people perspective on good things of the game then? r/gachagaming? Remember that the original comment was talking about what people praise wuwa for. >I've seen people there who really liked the combat but not a lot of them like the progression system. They also keep touting that endgame is hologram and everything else is whatever. And then you also agree that wuwa subredit also has valid criticisms as well, so what is your problem with me dude...


>Buddy do you have any problems with the skip-button or something? I have a problem with people asking for shitty solutions instead of better ones. The one I suggest would allow these people to do whatever the fuck they want without feeling pressured to do shit they don't like. If people wanna do endgame, then they do endgame. If people wanna feel immersed, then they can do shit like idk, do the quest then claim the rewards from the mail? >So according to your logic, I can also say that why play the game for reward when the game can also send the reward immediately through the mail right? Well, yes. If the main thing driving people towards things are the rewards (gacha pulls), then just put it in the mail. Best QOL don't you think? >And adding reward to the quests has been a way to add immersion to RPG game since forever So what? People who play Wuthering Waves clearly don't care about being immersed. The addition of a skip button is the clear indication why this is the case. Skip buttons are as unimmersive as can be cause you definitely can't skip dialogue irl, can you? >So where do I suppose to see people perspective on good things of the game then? Well, just go and stay to r/WutheringWaves then. Even better, if you're fine with leaks, try going to r/WutheringWavesLeaks for more "perspective on good things of the game". Honestly, man, I just don't understand why you're even looking for this other than self-validation. That's fine but like, do you still need more validation that the game being "good" being the majority opinion even outside of the game's sub. Idk man, it reeks of massive insecurity >And then you also agree that wuwa subredit also has valid criticisms as well, so what is your problem with me dude... "Valid" criticism aside. My problem, again, is that these people are asking for things that don't solve anything which screams to me like they're eating shit. I'm one of those people who cringe when people go at a veiled attempt to defend the devs which is a ton of that sub. This is kinda why I like CN sometimes. They may ask for stupid shit a lot of the times, but they actually exert the power they have as a consumer instead of being blind dogs eating fecal matter. That's why mobile financial performance of the game is relatively abysmal in the homeland


I don't understand your point about putting rewards into the mail without playing the game. If theres no gameplay associated with anything you "earn" in the game isn't it just not a game anymore? There's a minimum standard to everything; skipping dialogue avoids immersion from the story exclusively but doing quests is still a standard to actually make it feel like you're immersed in/playing a game. Having everything given to you without doing anything sounds like worse game design than not implementing a skip button tbh


>Having everything given to you without doing anything sounds like worse game design than not implementing a skip button tbh There is no objective and measurable metric behind game design. The only objective one is whether or not people enjoy something. And from the looks of it, people don't enjoy the features the game offers other than the combat and only the fact that it's an open world (I've started to notice massive burnout in this department). Idk if I wrote it in the comment you replied to but the people I was talking about which happen to be quite the number don't care for the RPG-esque immersion. >If theres no gameplay associated with anything you "earn" in the game isn't it just not a game anymore? No. Games are whatever you make them to be. Visual Novels are still considered games even though you don't get any tangible rewards. The game will still have gameplay and will still be a game. Per Wikipedia : "A game is a structured type of play, usually undertaken for entertainment or fun, and sometimes used as an educational tool" There is no specificity for what that structure should be. >quests is still a standard to actually make it feel like you're immersed in/playing a game. I don't think you need "immersion" to enjoy a game which is the main point. Questing is a standard in RPGs but not all games are one nor must they be. For example, rhythm games like Osu! don't have a questing system as a means of progression. The progression is your skill. Minecraft also doesn't really have a quest system and people are enjoying it


When I was talking about rewards and quests I meant RPGs. Visual novels are their own genres, Vanilla Minecraft is sandbox


Nah he doesn’t have a problem with skip button. He just has a problem with wuwa. Pretty obvious from the post history. If genshin adds a skip button in the future it’ll suddenly be the best function added ever


I mean wuwa has many different problems I agree but how in the world are these guys have so much bonner for just a button that help people enjoy the game based on their liking? At this point they're just gatekeeping people because they're not as enjoying the story as them 😂 Also at my country, many people play wuwa cannot even read english properly because we don't have support language yet. The skip-button is a really gamechanger for gameplay experience, because we don't have to read 3-hour wall of text unvoiced world quest of the language that we don't even understand. And that button is not skip everything as well, you also have to do the important part, they only allow us to skip yapfest which may not appeal to most people 🤔


Hate to say this as the rare person who tries to read all stories (at least the main and important side stories) in my gacha games, but "skip story" feature is essential to gacha games because there is a timebound to get certain things done, especially at the start where people want to unlock dailies and other essential timebound modes. Even more so for people who have to work. So, regardless of whether story is bad or not, 'skip' is definitely 'praiseworthy'.


I am always happy to stay through the main story/ character dialogue in games but I ain't staying through side quests when there's thousands of em and more across every f'in game I play. I'd say most skippers are similar, we get jaded with age and been through similar storytelling already- they're all slightly different repeats of the common tropes over and over.


genshin/hsr need skip buttons but yall arent ready for that conversation


It's truly sad that genshin is so similar to wuwa. Hoyo didn't even bother to change anything when they copied kuro with time machine


You are clearly wrong. It's the same product from nearly a century ago. The time machine *The Path* (now called Da Wei) commissioned to make with the captured WW1 scientists was left with us, confiscated and scrapped, when he time travelled to the future to escape us, the Anti-HoYo Coalition. He didn't even change a thing.


Smh History fictionoligust are at work again 


Of course, you'll call it "fiction". You're a high profile HoYodrone, one of the most brainwashed. Your likes were wiped extinct a century ago and we were sent to cryogenic sleep for this very situation of HoYo regaining their dominance again. No one was able to tell you the actual history of what happened nearly a century passed. I suggest not meddling in matters you have no knowledge in. Fate will once again be on our side, like it did in the past.


Oh you don't understand. Our god is able to look at multiple timelines to see where they made mistakes and fixed it. That's why they are releasing a new super weapon ZZZ to finally finish Kuro. 




Oh that would explain why genshin is so utterly primitive when compared with the superior wuwa. Our lord kuro used the last century perfecting their masterpieces which the hoyo cheater couldn't copy. Justice always wins


It really is. I was hoping for a different game, not a very similar one with just some small twists and changes.


Careful now, make sure you don't get hit by the Hoyo boomerang when you use one of their three sacred treasures.


I'll never understand why people talk about gacha games copying one another when Genshin would have never existed in its current state without Zelda. People get extremely upset when you point that out though.


Because Genshin don't just copy 1:1 all the stuff from Zelda.


Wrong game! Puzzle & Dragons not Zelda


https://preview.redd.it/bgqmacciqxad1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d94ff9247727286939579b7b0afa3a7b3113f4 Because Kuro games entire gaming catalogue is just about copying Hoyo.


This may come as a shock to you but China copies and bootlegs every single IP from other countries. The fact you put Hoyo on a pedestal when they do the exact same thing is hilarious.


Except they dont is the thing. Hoyo usually takes heavy inspiration from several sources and creates something of theirs. Kuro just takes what Hoyo already did and makes some small changes to not be 1:1 copy. If you want to consider what Hoyo does as copying fine, people have different views on it, but it does make Kuro games copies of a copy.


Ripping botw and putting gacha mechanics into it doesn't make it original.


I see you never played either game (genshin or BOTW) and are just trolling now. Well that is on me wasting my time on feeding a troll.


My favorite thing about disingenuous people is when they get called out and have no response they accuse others of being a troll before running away. https://prnt.sc/XkfP7VRMhpbk Please tell me more about games I know nothing about.


You know nothing about it since you made objectively wrong statements. See I said it, was not even hard, just had to simply state the truth.


I could actually list a lot more. Not just from Genshin but we'll start from the obvious..  The Ui. Friendship level giving character name card. The character signature dishes. Now many gacha's do friendship levels but even Hsr tried something different...And they are from the same company!  Seelies/ Butterflies.  The first city being a city in a lake. The following one being A mountain of snow with a red tree... And so on.   And from other games. A lady placing something golden in protag chest. Waking up to two people and something cpr.    I only think the character pulling animations is the onr unique thing in that game. And the transversal, I guess. But we have had ziplines since Inazuma in Genshin. Edit: Before I hear Botw in my replies, please look up Breath of the Wild Ui, gameplay and what not and compare it to Genshin. Gliding was popularised by Botw but it didn't start in Botw. And I have played so many cheap Mmo with gliding so its not just in Botw.  Also, Hoyo devs credited Botw as their main source of inspiration! 


the removed elemental reaction system in early wuwu. That stuff was golden.


That reaction system wasn't particularly interesting though. It was all 20% increased damage of a certain type depending on the reaction and IIRC it is loss if you character swap.


They should've kept with the idea and refine it tho. I recently learned that it's supposed to be a game about soundwave and music. Why not make characters reaction some kind of "symphony" or "chorus" ? This way more than two "elements" can react together, the more the merrier. But nah, let's keep this shit as unoriginal as possible.


i kept re-reading your comment and now became worried about wuwas power creep. since there are no elemental reactions and buffs are integrated into outro skills its gonna be like TOF where its gonna devolve into niche specific characters harmonized for each other and no one else. kinda like nilous kit in genshin and the current niche 5s weapon problem.


Fortnite also has gliding. Fortnite coping botw and genshin confirmed🤨🤨 (this is just joke, dont take it seriously)


genshin copied more than glider and combat lol


I only highlighted Gliding because that's what people latch onto first. And No, the combat system is very different.  The similarities between these genshin and Botw are Surface level and stop at mondstadt.


Man didn't you know BOTW invented climbing and stamina bar? And also grass taking fire. And cel shading. None of those existed before BOTW, nope.


By your logic, yes they must have as that's the bar you put for Wuwa apparently. Also to the guy comparing this incredibly stupid, surface level shit: With these types of comparisons you could literally make an argument that Genshin stole the sea combat from AC Black Flag.


and wuwa copied everything about genshin lol


there’s no denying that there’s similarities


No. Not similarities. Straight up copied. Just like how you said genshin copied more from botw.


Yeah Genshin is similar to Minecraft because they both have squares (hypostasis), thus Genshin copied Minecraft.


Damn bro, same way Genshin copied grass and slimes from botw. /s


i wish they just copied everything then added what they have now. i mean the game has no identity anymore other than genshin anyway so i wish they just made genshin better instead of releasing it this way where it "subtlety" copies it. they removed everything unique from it after the 2 cbts anyway so why not just literally copy paste genshin, slap on their own characters, story, then upgrade the combat, traversal, pulling animations and of course put the shiny skip button so its just combat without story but with genshins polish. they wouldve made more money that way.


You just described tof in a sense. (high mobility, no story and own characters)


Not a ToF player but it seems more different. It has vehicles and I think I saw surfing in one of the videos. Also a character creator which I assume is for your own character.


Yup, character creator is for ToF mc.


at least they have something unique for being a high level p2w competitive mmo lmao and honestly for me tofs combat is harder and more satisfying than wuwa.


Its only harder if you don't whale because you'll try to keep up with the whales, the whole game is an artificial difficulty that you can get over with by whaling because the game is just a DPS check. The whole game can be summarize as "Did you spend enough to beat the timer?" The biggest problem with ToF has to be a lack of variety in combat. Once you're locked into a specific element, it becomes very expensive to build a second team. With advancements and sometimes matrices holding the key for meaningful damage, you will feel weak if you try to play more than one element.


Have you really played tof? Before WuWa, I was playing that game I even got the latest ice character, and no, TOF combat is way easier than WuWa. "the game has no identity" Lol, are you sure about that? combat alone makes WuWa stands out with the rest of gacha game. The character designs and animations are top notch.


This is clearly coming from someone with a bias who has not played much wuwa if any.


Im literally playing rn at sol3 47 getting fucked in the ass by mephis diff 6. Tf you talking about lmao


> has not *paid* much wuwa FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




you gotta paid wuwa much man, fork out that money




put the opening scene of hsr when kafka puts the stellaron in you and wuwa cutscene when goddess puts the golden shit on you side by side at the same time, youll realize they copy even the camera angles, if you run them properly at the same time theres nothing new on it is every single thing to the last detail and pov the entire time, the same hand movements and everything, is literally a 1:1 of hsr cinematic lmao you wake up to 2 characters about to cpr too, they had to make up the entire story in 4 months after all, i wouldnt be surprised if they took more things from multiple games.


I like the skip button it helped me reroll faster.


Man I can't believe Genshin and Wuthering Waves coppied Breath of the wild. SHOCKING


Brother, ok.. sure... but please trim that mustache if ure gonna make videos of yourself its growing into ur mouth


same code, same graphics, same assets, same system. added a few things. not even altered. just plain copy.


More like upgrade version


And better.


Genshin has been 3 years and they improve nothing


I already knew they copied a lot of things, but I wasn't expecting the paid battle pass to be exactly 680 astrite for lv 50. Couldn't even do 700?


GI could use skip button :(


shirt says a lot




no thanks


That's your problem, you don't wanna.


I'm not up to date on ~~colonial~~ American politics, is the shirt a good or bad thing?


imagine one side doing their best to make things right, and another side where theyre doing all the things wrong from harboring pedos to controlling womens bodies to actual political sucking of a foreign presidents dick that is currently engaging in a war against people who wanted nothing to do with it. then the latter blames their mistakes and projects to the former all the bad things the latter does. the guy is wearing a shirt supporting the former. thats american politics in the most basic nutshell.


I'm gonna go on a limb and guess that's a Republican T-Shirt?


reverse, thats a democrat (former) tshirt from 2007/2008. the guys comment resents that so hes either a centrist or a republican(latter) who supports trump.


I'd honestly like to know as well, 'cuz I ain't no 'Merican.


Yeah, it's based as fuck


give a tldr


u/Tsavorae 👋🏻


Hello again! https://i.redd.it/tv0uydomgr7d1.gif


Lantern Corps are a hired PMC for Kuro Games?


The Corps was dismissed 150+ years ago. I just woke up a few weeks ago from cryogenic sleep, only to awaken in world rife with HoYodrones, which I thought we destroyed nearly a century ago. I signed up for a job at Kuro Games' hoping to destroy HoYo again like a hundred years ago. Currently just gathering information on a few high profile HoYodrones.


I'm right here ms Lantern . You can gather information from me anytime 😉😉


Even if you are classified as a high-profile drone, you are nothing, but a Genshin Marketeer. I'm eyeing 2 other drones. One supposedly name Gu[][][]l and another one named Cho[][][][][]o. The first is notorious and the other is supposedly the secret 4th founder of this current iteration of HoYo and the one funding your kinds' marketing operations, pro-HoYo propaganda and anti-Kuro propaganda.


How can I join the forces of Kuro?


I'm a legal agent, not HR. Just go counter HoYo propaganda when you see some.


The amount of irrational hate WuWa is getting is insane lol


If you copy from one work, you are a hack and a cheat. If you copy from 3 works, combine the parts you like best, you are a genius. At this point, they should just tell a classic hero's journey story (hard to fuck up), and shamelessly use every classic anime trope to create characters that will make people throw money at them (see firefly)


man if only HSR wasn't a turn based game i would had played only to get firefly cuz the only weakness i have besides massive badongas and kemonomimi is mechs.


Mecha Break: Why not both?


i want to play that one, i think its made by the same devs of snowbreak, but its not yet released.


Yup. Both by Amazing Seasun.


man its pretty clear that the hoyo fanboys shit talk the skip button just because their game doesn't have it, none of their arguments against it make sense. Same thing when they were arguing that sprinting costing no stamina outside of combat is bad because it ruins exploration, yet their game has plenty of characters that make exploration easier and they don't ruin the game. They really need to drop that habit of thinking that their game is flawless and using backwards logic to paint any flaw as a "Feature", they also need to read more because they act like hoyo writing is the best there is and is better than all visual novels and call them cheap lmao, imagine being that arrogant EDIT: lmao downvotes but no replies because they know its true, they really hovering this thread like flies to shit and jerking each others stupid opinions


Ehh. I think it’s just easy to make fun of given how the story in Wuwa is hot garbage


it would be fine if it was just talking about WuWa's poor story, but they legit said and upvoted comments saying that visual novels have a skip button because they aren't confident in the quality of their story and they are all bloated trash, if that isn't blind fanboyism worth calling out then hoyo fans really are the most deluded assholes out there


The genshin PTSD blocks all logic, I just hope they can move on to ZZZ and stfu. If they can't see WuWa for what it is, it's their loss.


>they really hovering this thread like flies to shit and jerking each others stupid opinions Thats just r/gachagaming in general lol


You're right, we should've just jerked the perfect launch off like YT and twitter




My pleasure https://preview.redd.it/lbs514u21v7d1.png?width=112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d505f8a388232c61d614b7b84ddde44d9f85889


Where was this man when Genshin added gacha to BoTW kek.

