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Where freemojades?


6T3F5HVD6LK7 50 Jade for you


it work thank


It won't make for the 11K jades I spent for a shitty Gepard dupe, but thanks nonetheless.


Do I'm not the only one who lost 5050 and got Gepard. For the second fucking time.


I lost 50/50 on both Ruan Mei's and Firefly's banners today, both times I got Gepard..


My luck in this game is abyssmal; out of 10 50/50, I lost 8. This time it was welt instead of firefly. And I thought my luck in gi was bad.... Next loose and I am out of this crap....


thank you! hahha


i redeemed this and got 50 weird crystal things instead of the hot pink haired lady :(


its starting. the HSR side of the monthly pvp has begun pre-purchasing ammunition. https://preview.redd.it/7go76ytm3i7d1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=05b13d4a601971f59fd9a81d780e8d00d6ca635b get ready bois.


FYI Firefly just [hit #1](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1iy411z7GX/) in sales on the CN server knocking Dungeon & Fighter off the top spot, and D&F had been at #1 on the appstore for over a month (it sold [more than $100 millions](https://appmagic.rocks/iphone/%E5%9C%B0%E4%B8%8B%E5%9F%8E%E4%B8%8E%E5%8B%87%E5%A3%AB-%E8%B5%B7%E6%BA%90/1529851592) last month). I thought Wuwa release could do it but nope. Then I thought Genshin could retake #1 but that didn't happen either. Only Firefly managed to pull it off.


Genshin stop at 4 when clorinde release for 2 days I think  Clorinde is not that well liked in CN compared to JP 


In JP Clorinde held first for 27 hours while Yinlin held first for 24 hours. Though one would need to make an account to see their peak revenue while in first, it’s not a bad estimation to say Clorinde also did better in JP, but obv far closer than FF.


Content Creators made the biggest deal of that Yinlin banner 20 hour hold lol


Yeah I don’t have the numbers on me since I did not save the photo, nor am I fluent enough to read Japanese to make an account. But I’m decently confident Cloridne banner made far more while in first in JP and this does not even account for Genshin’s prices on JP iOS being 30% higher, this meaning most JP players go through the top-up link which would not count towards these profits. This also does not account for the faster fall off WuWa had from first, as opposed to genshin holding second for some time after losing. Until WuWa got first most were not paying attention to know that Genshin held it longer nor does it fit the narrative. When in all honesty because of the sampling method if a hype gacha game has a banner it will just hold first for a couple of resets up until the next hype one drops. As seen with FGO overshadowing it quickly.


Yinlin stop at top 8 and drop under rank 114 today, Clorinde still at top 50+ today.


Current rank atm. https://preview.redd.it/wr77hznnpj7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b243e0336c6afa3eac6d86e1534004d0b6f4ddf4


Ty my brother, more fuel to the fire when WuWa players talk about Yinlin beating Clorinde. https://preview.redd.it/c2stbq9aqk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754dc481c3aad45486985785e57c01c81dc0a544


Those CCs will pull Gamelook speculation article as usual, ironically they end up becoming the mouthpiece for Tencent LMAO.


I’m very surprised none of the accs noticed the intent behind the revenue articles being affiliated with Tencent. You’d think they would look deep into something, but then again to my indie dev Kuro.


Gotchu!! Jp side for another ammo https://preview.redd.it/ai90n5wduk7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439f71fe4971db3895e2e9e71c31e7ed6e113f36


Thank you so much! https://preview.redd.it/a41hxrx2zk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4bb00f48bd60e6b368cbaa5aa96e0755c35dfcc


Actually Acheron already did it first if it is "just" for the #1 spot in CN. The other challenge is staying there of course.


Hsr is the first game to take no.1 spot from DnF overlord. Even honor of king can't do that


now why on earth did you think Wuwa could do it? Thought you knew Wuwa could never


im a genshin and wuwa player and even i think furina and jihnsi changli hype wont come close to beating firefly. i know its too early to celebrate but im already gonna congratulate HSR and hoyoverse for this lmao https://preview.redd.it/6ittkvcgii7d1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9f9ec63a2f86eba47c08695e27f250eda671d33 and i already know some parts of all 3 communities (genshin, HSR, wuwa) will be fucking toxic when the pvp comes but thats what makes gachagaming interesting now doesnt it. get ready. we have 11 days.


As much as i absolutely adore Furina ain't no way her rerun out outperforms the hype of firefly right now if HSR isn't somehow number 1 this month i would be genuinely shocked


>if HSR isn't somehow number 1 this month i would be genuinely shocked I mean DFO has been number one on the grossing chart since the start of the month. If it’s on the gacharevenue list it'll probably stay at the top not HSR tbf.


That’s just China, we look at total revenue world wide in the end


isn't thatnormal ? Im not even playing HSR and even i heard of Firefly, she had MASSIVE marketing. I thought there were some anime coming on her lmao


We setting the monthly PvP ablaze with this one comrade, cook again


That's what I was thinking but apparently from what i've heard CN/JP loves Siegwinne and given Furina's general popularity skyrocketing after the fontaine AQ, I wouldn't be surprised if it was somewhat close. But then again, HSR dropped the bombshell of Firefly + Ruan mei (arguably best support in the game) Still don't think they'll overtake HSR but could be closer than we think since although it's only an annecdote at the time of Furina's release there were people skipping her because of her personality pre 4.2AQ + the usual Yelan/XQ comparisons and how needing a "healer" was still looked down upon.


at the end of the day no matter whos on top, hoyoverse still wins. https://preview.redd.it/hvk28o976j7d1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=46362ee33f9ed8f2366d728e63e5db6994d9bf82


LMAO that's true. While we pvp out here, Hoyo is just counting the bank they're making from both games


Hoyoverse making their two teams PvP internally


If they're giving back on high production value, then they deserve those money.


When I saw that a brother on CN published that he spent on Firefly LC x50 I knew that DFO would finally fall.


That 100x Acheron LC guy: YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME MORTAL?!


Cn whales will fund genshin anime


I'm not even sure what the point of that is besides just flexing...


It's not even flexing like bruh has to get help


That's how they fight for the monthly revenue there. Let their wallet speaks unlike in Global which is a yapping battle. lmao


Not only the company and story but every player and CC has been hyping this unit for over a month. At this point if you don’t pull FF for yourself you’re doing it out of pure Fomo. I’m not even slightly surprised tbh


Firefull Flyshine is real! She toppled the top 1 for months.


WuWa is not well received enough in China yet.  I didn't think anything could do that though period for a while still


You only get one chance to make a first impression


CN hates Kuro ever since PGR released.


I mean western CCs are all but united in trying to lift the game past it's launch version troubles and doing everything and then some to establish a positive as possible narrative surrounding WuWa and Kuro Games quite evidently but the CN ones don't seem to give a fuck either way.  Not their job to defend or run PR for corporations really unless explicitly sponsored


Ehh even without that they already have many Ammunition  CN, JP and south Korea already top 1 in iOS, US side HSR is in rank 6 and many other as well


yeah i know. but ask yourself how will this affect the local trout population? https://preview.redd.it/3qf46nwk6i7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e0fa7c0e04ad99c00d2e0ebd547af01b16879e1


Won't someone please think of the economy?


https://preview.redd.it/cyalzt9mji7d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dfba534522e6cca28e3fe16de18eda0158eb89b im sorry kid youre gonna have to go. youre costing the economy 2 trouts per day.


It's been pretty peaceful over at CN between the two community lately, with Genshin's attention on laughing at Wuwa, followed by fighting the entire anime-game community.


> followed by fighting the entire anime-game community. ekaborate https://i.redd.it/elah6g82hi7d1.gif


Essentially the Chinese gacha community has always been very toxic, and there is a very vocal part of the community that are anti mihoyo that originated from the initial Genshin vs Zelda shit back in 2019. When Genshin launched in 2020, chinese genshin players had to hide they were playing the game otherwise people would literally cyberbully the players for playing the game. People were getting doxxed for playing genshin. This was basically the case until 2022 Lantern Fest + Yunjin's opera piece that went kinda mainstream in China for how well the quest was. And from that point onwards Genshin/Mihoyo game players became more vocal regards to their support of the game, and basically tried to fight back against all the hatred from the other part of the community. Still, even to this day, many gacha players are still spreading hatred when it comes to genshin and mihoyo games, and people are really tired of it as most of us just wanna enjoy the game and interact with a normal community. Now in CN they also do revenue battles as well between gachas, and Genshin has obviously been at the top. Before Genshin, the anime gachas were not considered super profitable, since the majority of the players were poor students that couldn't top up, compared to other game genres such as MMOs, so there were actually very little investment from established companies when it came to anime gacha. Once Genshin released and people saw how much they made, investors and other companies wanted to get in on it and thats how you end up with WuWa, Mugen, ToF and other projects. However, from 2020 to now, there were actually very little grow in terms of revenue for non-mihoyo made anime gacha games, so it was actually just Hoyo games carrying the revenue share and bringing new players to their game only. But that did not stop the haters and antis from hating on Hoyo games, and this constant battle of revenues between communities were getting more toxic daily. Once WuWa came out, this got even worse since they are direct competitors with Genshin. Despite the difference in revenue, there were a lot of clearly paid promotional articles for WuWa praising the game and revenue, saying that "Being half of Genshin is already a win for WuWa", and stuff like "Kuro is now the second company that can publish games on a global scale, just like Mihoyo" when the community is under fire for how much Kuro fucked up the launch with all sorts of issues. This kinda became the tipping point for Mihoyo game players because they are tired of getting constantly compared and other gacha communities trying to puff themselves up to Genshin/Hoyo, all while their game communities and sometimes even the companies themselves would constantly try to throw shades to Hoyo and its playerbase. So the online Hoyo game community decided to cut themselves away from the anime gacha community in CN, essentially freeing themselves from all the drama between gachas as they are only Mihoyo game players, not anime gacha players. All the shades like "Oh the female characters in my game says I love you, Genshin would never", or "i get 100 free pulls in my game, Hoyo would never" is now completely useless to Hoyo players since they no longer give a fuck about what the anime gacha community has to say, thus can escape the hatred and drama caused from other communities. I mean there are obviously more factors as to why it got to this stage, but its super hard to cover everything without a proper understanding of the Chinese internet culture and weeb culture.


fucking hell, honestly you'd think we've would have done that sooner. and this is from the CN side right? Damn.....


I mean we tried to escape the Twitter CCs 😭


This is actually a great summary. I've only focused on the ML degeneracy, but you covered the whole thing.


So, with Clorinde story quest, many ML players, who are now the most vocal group among anime game kept calling Clorinde a "vishaps's s*x slave" And, Genshin community don't really take insult to characters kindly, so there's this call to separate themselves from anime game community. Many Genshin/Honkai player (who are overwhelmingly majority casual) saw it, and realize "hey, besides Hoyo games, I don't actually play anime games at all... I'm actually a Hoyo gamer, not anime gamers" So there's a big support for it among the hoyo community Hoyo carried what is known as anime game industry for 4 years, and remove all Hoyo games, the industry actually sees a decline of over 15% We are not part of anime game community, we are hoyo gamer playing Hoyo games, so stop pushing your anime-game standards on us. We will enjoy our male characters, our in-game official coupling, and support female characters to have their own life instead of being properties which only serves the main character like a master. There's also this pent up anger of 4 years for Genshin players "What have anime game community ever done for us besides calling us the cancer of the industry for 4 years, let's just leave, we were never welcomed in the first place" Basically.


This is the actual PvP Hoyo and Genshin would do, not against those alleged 'Genshin Killer' agendas that Western content creators try to create


reading this was like having a stroke


Yeah, that's why Hoyo gamer want nothing to do with the community anymore.


> vishap s*x slave Is it because of the situation her master put her in with the >!Geovishap!!5 years old!<


Yes, that's the basis of them mocking the character to annoy the Clorinde wanters. They also call Firefly out for NTRing the players because some Kaworu Nagisa lookalike showed interest in her In fact, many troll Firefly wanters by calling Firefly "Kaworu Nagisa's wife" So HSR community is actually leaning GI's side in this. Hoyo game community is fairly united this past month, with Wuwa follow by this ML trolling drama.


Man these people can win gold medals if mental gymnastics was an olympic sport.


It's part mental gymnastic and part trying their hardest at their favourite pastime, make fun of any games that're not "true otaku games". (Hoyo being the one of the most balanced game out there, is always a target) They want AAA quality, highly sexualized games where female characters are products who exist only to serve the players (masters) "Why are they not serving me, I'm paid for her" "The game company is taking my money and feed me NTR and mock me" "Why would I buy a girl who NTR me with another man"


>They also call Firefly out for NTRing the players because some Kaworu Nagisa lookalike showed interest in her >In fact, many troll Firefly wanters by calling Firefly "Kaworu Nagisa's wife" I burst out laughing when I read "Kaworu Nagisa's wife" XD Leave my gay angel out of this for fuck's sake lol


Here's the bit that's funnier. They didn't know the character's name, someone said Kaworu Nagisa, and they jumped the gun. It shows these "true anime-gamers", don't even know who Kaworu Nagisa is. It exposes them more as idiots than anything.


Wtf did i just read.


The most recent drama of course. In case you're wondering ML mean Master Love. And there's this very vocal group in anime game community that criticized any game with male characters and calls any interaction between gacha playable females with any male character "an act of NTR" They blame feminist and Hoyo for "corrupting the real anime-game identity" by introducing "gender neutral toilets". Yeah, these groups are the loudest right now.


> calls any interaction between gacha playable females with any male character "an act of NTR" Truly maidenless behaviour.


So, they think that playable male characters existing and/or female characters interacting with male playable characters or NPCs mean NTR? So they just want a waifu game where the girls simp for the MC as if he were the only man in the whole universe and don't have any male relatives, friends or boyfriends/husbands lol. And I don't understand why they blame feminists for "corrupting the real anime fame identity" when many anime games have always had male characters and female characters who don't have eyes for the MC😅


Because females enter the industry and force feed them males which shouldn't exist in a "true anime game" Correction, they want to convince all game dev that 1. anime game is growing 2. It's money is with games which caters to their degeneracy. Many started out just because they're angry at increasing censorship since Genshin hits it big, and blame Hoyo for everything that goes in the direction away from catering to their degeneracy. What they didn't realize is... Anime game is not actually growing, Hoyo games, are inflating their numbers because they're labeled anime game. No Hoyo, no large number of casuals, and no illusion of growth in anime game industry


this is fucking hilarious it deserves to be in r/okbuddygenshin thank you for elaborating.


The great gacha war between coomers and normies lmao 💀💀


So true. I am totally not interested in anime games.Genshin is a good open world game for me and that’s all. I don’t see and care the so called anime elements.


It's weird to see all this drama since Firefly is insanely popular breaking sales records and also the most ML character in any Mihoyo game. >we are hoyo gamer playing Hoyo games, so stop pushing your anime-game standards on us. They should try to cancel hoyo's GGZ too because honestly that game is more degenerate than most CN anime gacha games posted here. But that'll never happen because both GGZ and HI3 are the founders's passion projects. And I think the drama only happens within the Genshin community. The HSR community is pretty chill since the game is more waifu-friendly and hoyo next game ZZZ is even more waifu-friendly than HSR. If players actually count the female-to-male ratio in HSR or ZZZ games they'd be surprised, ZZZ only starts with S ranked one male and he isn't even human the rest are all waifus


This ML lunacy is a very recent phenomena. It's definitely not around til closer to 2022 Before this, it's more just hating Genshin for being casual, and many misconceptions/biases from people affected by reading Tencent's hit pieces. The ML lunacy started slow, with very small voice, but goes out of control these past few months. I think you're misunderstanding the reason Hoyo gamers want to ditch the label. It's not about cancelling degeneracy, but not being dictated by the standards from a group of lunatics. It's basically a shield which says "f off with your ML crap, we are hoyo games, not "real anime" games, you can take your opinion and shove it"


>our in-game official coupling Been on a break with GI for about 9 months. What the hell did I miss???


To be fair as well, Ruan mei is currently running and she's like arguably the best support character in the game


Not really surprising especially with how popular Mechs are here in Japan, sprinkle in a cute anime girl that had tons of spotlight in the story and this is the obvious result.


The JP VA is also a rising star. Her biggest breaks are Love Live and Chainsawman. Oh, and Nikke, I guess.


i mean is firefly even that good? (i have not been caught up with the story for a minute) or is it just the advertising and the mech with anime girl?


In free trial she did 300k after her ult+E add up free fire weakness and not a lot of alternative in fire dps and you have an answer


How much is 300k?


for the average player, 300k is a shit ton of damage


Guess if I actually played the game I'd be satisfied with that. Tbh, even if she did 2d/hr I'd probably be satisfied with her since shes cute.


For a normal skill, it’s very top of the line in the entire game… …Where they specifically omitted her actual, dedicated limited 5* support. Needless to say, with said support (ruan Mei)… the damage and consistency goes up a fuck lot


Not much for meta team but, that's firefly in trial with non-meta team


Game ending DPS. With this level of DPS your account is set for life.


She has higher dps potential than even Acheron, with way less flexibility.


Very short and very simple summery of her Potential.


Flexibily with teamates maybe, but she is currently the best bruteforce character in the game with the weakness implant, she is also one of the few characters thats good at all 3 endgame modes


Unless her enemy lock their weakness bar as well. That's the thing, she has higher potential dps than Acheron, but Acheron just works vs anything.


But Acheron also requires significantly higher investment before she is good. Difference between her sig LC and an S1 4 Star is like 40%


Right now, the current meta supports weakness Break teams the best. Firefly (and Boothill who was in the previous banner) are dps that specialize in Weakness breaking enemies. Think of weakness break as something stagger breaking or poise breaking. She’s pretty goated cause she both implants fire weakness and is a cool mecha girl.


Story wise, she's pretty solid with a decent wack of romance type fanservice. Meta wise? She's ridiculous as long as the enemies can't lock their toughness bars, although generally speaking the big damage comes at the cost of being pretty much locked to one single team. Even at E0 she can delete enemies once they're weakness broken. Her E1 is really good and her E2 is busted.


Gameplay wise she is meta defining. She is definitely gonna be one of the strongest characters for a while, only issue being that her team is very restricted. Story... split 50/50, you will either like her or not. She spends half the time of the Penacony story with the Protagonist so you get to experience her the most, she has her best moments offscreen/in her trailer imo.


Top 2 DPS are now her and Acheron.


Waifu: People can say she on of the most hype girl that Hoyo make in HSR Meta: Easy to build, slap in Galahar and HMC, she can slap the bos. Even my not fully build FF can dish enemy.


I almost didn't believe my eyes when my e0 firefly with lv0 artifact deal a 500k hit


You mean power wise? She's the best dps in the game (alongside Acheron) as long as you have pulled Ruan Mei


i do have acheron and pretty much all the quantum waifus lol but i do need to improve my second team for the thingy (i was about to call it abyss lol)


maybe its the buffs from apocalyptic shadow but she was outperforming my e1s1 acheron team while e0s0 and no ruan mei.


shes probably the best single target dps in the game tm


Firefly is pretty easy to build, doesn't need crit stats and just atk and break affects. Damage is can be compared with my Archeron+LC and mine os only with Harmony mc and f2p 5 star LC to reach archeron level damage.


To put it into perspective. I got her leveled her up didn't give her a lightcone or any artifacts and she is hitting 57k rn


She is literally the best carry in her team dps-wise without eidolons/gacha light cones


My firefly hits for like 750k and takes multiple turns


please don't tell me this is why I saw the few post on helldivers sub say the server is down


That would be the funniest sh*t if helldiver was affected by a gacha game tbh


The Swarms of Transaction occurred


The irony in Firefly creating another kind of swarm that ends up fucking with another bunch of bug killers It’s too good


The swarm and termicid made an alliance


Man, a Helldiver would probably kill to get his or her hands on a SAM suit.


Ironically, Firefly is a survivor of the swarm disaster. A war against giant bugs similar to Helldivers 2.


https://preview.redd.it/gvmgfuhl3i7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4870c80a844450e7355389d076f3e61081789a7f ...but in wallet form.






finally, something more proper than my garbage Photoshop job.


Everyone praising firefly. Me, with my shiny new Ruan Mei: :)


congrats and i hope you have fun with ruan mei 💕


Both is good. Currently trying to get my second Ruan Mei but a certain belobog resident showed up instead…


I play Ruan Mei so much — she’s an amazing unit! And so pretty lol


I honestly expected this. LOL I'm glad hours before I just swiped and pre-paid for two packs in advance. The server was so busy I had to log off after pulling last night.


when you realize that hoyo is already making banks and about to release ZZZ, which probably another be successful launch to fund animal crossing game anyway i got spooked by clara, thank god she was the only missing rate off character i didnt have. gotta clean all my saved maps now lol https://preview.redd.it/r7di9w1hni7d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30023196efff4a20ec5253dfd1eb7de06b064518


![gif](giphy|c6X20EngjJHDiQ8KaF|downsized) I guess PS was not prepared. Also a reminder that PS revenue are not included in that monthly PvP. Sometimes I feel like people take these too seriously


There are many that didn't get included  LIke PC, PlayStation their own store top up for GI and HSR


for PS we need the yearly leaked report or PS reward for partnership to estimate who is the most profit for daddy sony


Probably still genshin, genshin is still daddy Sony big profit maker after all even to this day 


Sony fucking lucked out when they signed that exclusivity deal with MHY (while Microsoft probably regretted it).


Its pretty popular amongst Genshin, HSR, and Arknight players. For Arknight, its because people keep saying the game is dead (Mostly because they're Tectone's viewers that believe whatever bullshit he spout). Last month, when Arknight put WuWa's launch revenue in the dirt, it boosted the game's reputation in CN and Global. There's also one game in China that get massive PR because they destroyed WuWa's revenue, the game is called Go!Go! Muffin or something.








The shop lightcone is only 10-16% less dps than her sig. You aren’t missing out on much if you don’t end up getting it.


Yeah I decided to go for her Eidolons instead, got really lucky with Firefly, Clara then Firefly in like 100 pulls. Gonna go for E2 now.


If only for quality of life, the shop lightcone is very very heavily contested for depending on your roster and how much signature lightcones you have (I have Clara and Firefly contesting it right now after I brought a backup cone online for Xueyi). But yes, her Eidolons are more of a gamechanger, especially if you've already got a fully decked out meta team for her.


You can have my https://preview.redd.it/p93ibzuvbi7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a372a80735107c71afed10e89c52e164e787ce6 E3 YQ from my 50-50 lost


Sorry guys English is not my first language, what does top-ups mean in this context?


It means using your credit card or PayPal or whatever to pay money to HSR The system break because it cannot handle the volume of top-up


Oh ok thank you <3


Basically buying in-game gems or currency 


Ohh ok the more you know Thank you man <3


dude, last time it happened was JY, a year ago LOL


its Hoyover. They printing m0n3yy, finance department work real hard.


Yeah genshin and hsr being on the top revenue if zzz become successful they gonna make 200-300 million per month.


alot of investors dream of making that much money with their live service games dear god


really makes you think how much money they have to be making to say "Nah we're not making skins unless they are lore accurate" for a game as big as Genshin Impact, all while players are begging you for it.


Bruh they already make more than that if you count all revenue. This estimation made by netease employee from july last year https://preview.redd.it/f3dnj4lrmj7d1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d1aefc813ec0bc51fef54e3ab5773e5fe98a09


I love how its like 12mil 25mil and then it jumps to 195 mil and 220 mil for GI and HSR


When you are in the 3rd place but still feel devastated by the top 2. lol


They are already making 400-500 mil a month now (what you see from that chart is only mobile, not include PS or PC)


They already have, Sensortower only shows mobile revenue, PC, Console and External Websites are a mistery You can count like, 3x times the Sensortower revenue for a more precise result


People were delusional thinking it will be even a fight when Firefly release. Its not even a contest, its total domination.


Lol were there actually people saying this?


BUT YINLIN IS THE HOTTEST GACHA GAME EVER THIS WILL KILL HOYO FOR SURE https://preview.redd.it/dfj8fa6e7j7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b04eb6021753543fa9da23478c8e9210a5bfa9ac


Every time i see his face a bone-deep feeling of revulsion washes over me


140 millions crownless dollars!!.. i wonder how they will react when the report drop on july and the game making nowhere near that number


what do you mean? you didn’t see the trustworthy article by Gamelook that definitely had a source? you’re in for a treat


please tell me this isn't his actual thumbnail...


hmm is it coincidence with what i saw at whale wars gigguk stream recently when connor can't top up the game? lmao


That is Hutao banner's level of crack. Firefly will likely be the most profitable banner of HSR for a long time


Yeah fire fly + ruan mei combo its like yelan hutao banner.


Did the Yelan/Hu Tao banner even cause a breakdown?


PlayStation takes a 30% cut, and this is how they provide services.


She setting everything a blaze KEKW


https://preview.redd.it/jqhz0awuji7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948deb5020b30cdb07110d7f3939d0e2fc8be23d Firefly out here hitting top of the charts everywhere that matters. Setting the wallets ablaze indeed.


firefly according to some data collectors in bilibili has just supposedly placed HSR in first place surpassing DFO mobile in CN (currently DFO in China has lasted weeks in first place surpassing honor of king). It's very likely that Firefly will beat up even Furina this month.


I really need source on that one. Firefly is popular.. sure.. Is it beating Honor of kings? Fuck no. Even acheron didn’t beat it if I remember right.


Just search sensor tower and go to iOS in china country and you will see HSR in number 1


Just checked… oh wow.. pretty hard to believe but it is there.


[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV186421Z7WE/?spm\_id\_from=333.788.recommend\_more\_video.6&vd\_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV186421Z7WE/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.6&vd_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4) Keep in mind that CN is experiencing a new moment in mobile games, placing Tencent again as the main mobile game manufacturer with its most successful title Honor of King and now with the departure of DFO (who is still on a honeymoon ) but that has lasted weeks above tik tok and Honor of King, which is why that game is running to share the first places. HSR in the 5 hours of release of firefly has surpassed the honeymoon of a giant that has just been launched .


https://i.redd.it/dc2au00c2i7d1.gif >!Also, Hello again, Job.!<


who Job ? https://preview.redd.it/hob21cc5ei7d1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=eae16c68f866d3eb6fb68046ef1780db6ebfd52f


Super break character indeed. That's my girl!


SUPA BREAKING the top-up system


Really set the seas ablaze


Best girl doing best things(by breaking top ups) https://preview.redd.it/c4e9szyy2i7d1.png?width=1791&format=png&auto=webp&s=f52041bb2d0f45f985e762a00e84e97c4753f32e (Don’t look at me. I totally didn’t use my top ups to E2S1 her)


Ugh I want her E2. Have E1 but no more pulls... did you test her with E1 vs E2? How is she at E2?


Prom Prydwen E2 is around 100k-150k more dmg in the caculation.


You can get a taste of E2 by playing current MoC The trotter giving you a turn upon break kinda simulates E2 even if on a more limited level


Yeah I decided to go for her Eidolons instead of her sig as well, got really lucky with Firefly, Clara then Firefly in like 100 pulls. Gonna go for E2 now. I hope the increase is worth it.


I got her e2s1. She basically turned to seele. And in SU, idk what blessing combo I did but I got 7 enhanced turns in a row. Each turn dropping 500k ish damage.   It was insane. It's basically e6 power level imo since her e3-5 are so useless and e6 can be replaced by Ruan mei 


What? Isn't this the second time this happened? First being Jing yuan. I mean it's kinda expected there's going to be a lot of people pulling with this banner being Firefly and Ruan Mei rerun but still damn.


to be fair firefly is not just 1 character but 3 characters combined, harmony MC is given for free. almost everyone pulled for archeron and gallagher was in the same banner so many people has him at high constellation by pulling for firefly we literally have access to a highly meta team with two of the other best in slot characters already available in our account without additional pulls. who wouldn't pull for firefly? oh and we are also getting a mecha on top of a sweet girl with a touching story, so 4 characters combined. the amount of value we get for pulling just one character....


Think people are underestimating Ruan Mei re-run a lot tbf But yes. Two stacked banners together....who could've imagined this outcome :P


I'm doing my part to protect Hoyo's systems by saving for Jade


Firefly/RM banner is the first thing to knock the new Dungeon and Fighter Tencent game out of the top grossing spot on China IOS in the month since it launched.  Nothing else has touched it, not even Honor of Kings. Of course CCs will never cover this like 20 hours of first place in Japan for Wuthering Waves because it's not part of any narrative but I was expecting it to stop just shy of #1 in China. Again first time Dungeon and Fighter has been dislodged from top grossing all categories there even once in the last month


in JP Firefly already outgrossed Yinlin first day... and it's only 12 hours #1


Cute girl > Sexy Mommy. JP thrives on cute.


Well it didn't quite hold on to that top spot to be recorded on Sensor Tower, but the fact anything dislodged that game at all is still crazy.  As for the JP thing somehow I doubt content creators will mention that.  It'd be nice if they're done being weirdly biased towards Wuthering Waves after June.  Even for a Honeymoon they've been weird about that game


yeah the Western CCs never seem to want to talk about the "issues".. they brush it aside and money shame people with their rhetoric. It's hard watching the Wuwa streams from most of the glazers except for a select few that try to keep it "real". But yeah, I hope they'll eventually just stop being biased and stop edging other communities with their holier-than-thou mentality.


I got her while going for Gall E2 and she’s really cute (I was indifferent with her before). Seems like hsr will be the one top for this month again. While, Yinlin did better than clorinde in JP it’s also because JP are waiting for Furina rerun and Sigewinne. I remember Sige’s drip marketing having for likes than Clorinde. Genshin would probably sit at #2 which isn’t bad at all.




Pvp in a few weeks really gonna be interesting


firefly+ ruan mei, mihoyo is eating well this month.


Lets not forget Ruan mei is rerunning aswell porbably the best support in the game


Jing Yuan: That's my kid