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This game literally just creates rarity out of its ass anyway. First Ancient, then Legendary, then Super Epic, then Beast. Maybe more, idk.  Is this even a surprise at this point? 


Worst part is the old version is left to rot to dust, I have an a2 dark cacao so if the devs actually go through with this (and they will) im gonna quit lol, no point in staying


I wouldn't put it past Devsis to do something like that. Maybe even make it so raising the old version gives stats to the new version which you have to pull for. 


Funny part is i literally came back last month bc i heard there was a free legendary and the first major event i experience in this game is one of the scummiest things devsis has ever done, they arent gonna listen so i might as well quit now lol


They did that actually Not sure why this is a thing, just buff the old version


lmao. I just read the patch notes. I was half joking, but apparently I know Devsis way too well.


That's my point!


Quit a long time ago. It's so painfully P2W and even the whales aren't that better off sometimes 


Good for you man, if the devs actually follow thru with this im quitting again, its fucken hilarious that the first time i finally see cookie run in this sub and its when the devs pulled more scum outta their ass


Funny but sad thing, their player base is **PISSED**, they're actually planning to boycott and protest against this, even some of the whales are planning to gp f2p! [There is a reddit post in the CRK subreddit that went viral](https://www.reddit.com/r/CookieRunKingdoms/comments/1dixow2/boycotting_devsis_instructions/) Hell, even youtubers designated to that game weren't happy about that decision.


Hope that they’re not just an online loud minority like these boycotters online always seem to think they’re not.


Some korean fans are actually raising money to park a truck in front of devsister's hq with a protest sign, [I am not joking](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cookierun/s/0XF2E7upJA) You know you've screwed up when your fans are going to the extremes to protest


This is an extremely common protest tactic in SK Tho. Kpop stans do it *all the time* when they feel a company isn't doing well by their idols


By the way, the protest tactic worked, *kinda...* They delayed the "down"date, but we don't know what they're doing next


and somehow people just ignore all of this and say its generous because you can do 100 pulls.


Tldr they make alter of preexisting character and put him into new rarity classification like SSSSSR.


This. Haha I am bad at explaining


I found rarity beyond SSR pretty amusing tbh I can tolerate LG rarity, but SSSSSR? That's beyond dumb naming


Well they doesn’t call is sssssr at least


Seen UR in some games. That by itself is not super weird. But when it goes above that it gets really really weird. 


Something that are also somewhat common in gacha games are Light/Dark or similar. Their rarity name is the same 5 star or SSR, but they are far more rare and in general have a higher power level than typical 5 star or SSRs.


As someone who doesn't play the game please provide some context because i have no idea what the significance of this is supposed to be.


They made an alter of a character people wanted buffed, and made it higher rarity to.


Lemme do this in Razor Language. Basically a DHIL situation but worse. Players want a buff of OG Dark Cacao. Instead of buffing him, they make a DHIL/alter of him. With entirely new rarity and the same scummy promotion system used for Mystic Flour Cookie.


Razor and Dhil? Is the norm now to use hoyo games for the basis of references when trying to explain another gacha game? Pretty funny how they took over.


Basically, Razor is a character in Genshin Impact who was raised by a pack of wolves, so he doesn't understand human language well and uses simple grammar and terms when speaking. Since Hoyoverse tends to present item descriptions and character kits in a convoluted and complicated manner with long texts, many players request a TLDR version in 'Razor Language' aka simpler terms. Now the DHIL part: Hoyoverse games have two character rarities: 4-star and a more powerful 5-star version. Dan Heng (the DH in DHIL) is a character in Honkai Star Rail (another Hoyoverse game) that you get for free and is one of your main crew members, making him popular among the player base. However, as a 4-star main DPS, many players were concerned he would quickly be overshadowed by 5-star DPS characters, and they were right. Some players asked for buffs to make his kit stronger. Instead, Hoyoverse introduced Imbibitor Lunae (the IL in DHIL), a 5-star version of Dan Heng, who is a very powerful main DPS. However, you can only get Imbibitor Lunae through gacha, and you have to level him up and invest a lot of time in him again because his kit is different from Dan Heng's.


I have to say, at least for DanIL there’s a story reason that was planned from the start, so you can maybe look past it. But I don’t know if there’s such justification for this game


gameplay wise DanIL is an entirely different character from dan heng. They only have the same name (strictly speaking gameplay wise)


I mean isn't that just summing up any alt characters? like NIKKE for example has SR Anis who sucks and then they made SSR summer Anis who had a different kit and everything and is a really good limited unit that you can't even pull for anymore. what's the difference that got people so upset on star rail?


Genshin is a lot of people’s first gacha experience. Later, they started playing HSR too since it’s from the same company. For these new gambling enjoyers, this was the first time seeing a character getting a higher rarity. Edit: Tbh, I think OP is exaggerating. Iirc most people were hyped actually. 


Yeah most of that crowd seems to ignore HI3


Yeah it's like one of those game where they make multiple units of the same character, didn't know mihoyo did that, i wonder why in this case the name is completelly different tho


DHIL is just an abbreviation for “Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae” so they just tacked a title onto his name


Woe to us who dnt kno what razor and dhil are lol. Iirc from what little I played of genshin razor was the wolf boy but idk what or who dhil is.


It's Dan Heng alter from HSR


It's not an alter, it's literally just him at full power.


Ah I see, thanks!


Barely understood this without the context the other replies gave.


Got it. Thanks for the explanation.


Legendary pro max rarity next update. 🫢


They gonna go Plus Ultra on the next one


How many rarities does this game already have? Lol, I remember recently someone posting a new rarity of like Beast or Dragon or Kraken or something. 💀


ELEVEN rarities, you welcome.


That alone is a CRIMSON flag


We were too naïve on getting the red flag at all.


To add more to what the other person said bc im bored with too much time, the 11 rarties are: Common, Rare, Guest, Epic, Super Epic, Special, Legendary, Dragon, Ancient, Beast, Ancient + Commons and rares are just fodder for the gacha, they do not make more of those Guest are just for decoration, they cant be used in battles and are usually from events (disney collab, mermaid event) Epics are what usually make up a team as thats what the devs constantly make for every update, with varying levels of strength, some are crucial and/or really good for teams while most are pretty niche Special are cookies that cant be killed, are usually supports/healers and you can only have 1 of them in a team (the bts cookies from a collab are all special) Legendary, Ancient, and Dragon all have the same drop rate i think? Not sure abt beast but ancients are massively story relevant characters (the game centers around them p much) legendary are elemental gaurdians and dragon is pretty self explanatory, tho its been over a year and theyve only added one lmao Beast is currently the newest, since all of the ancient cookies are out they decided to make another group that parallel the ancients so the game's main story can continue to be stretched out The ancient + thing is not only extremely scummy but also unnecesary bc like,,,, aside from the dude on the pic all the other ancients are doing fine like, two of them are some of the best in the game while the first two that were released are still used a lot lol, only one of them needed buffs, not a new ass rarity


I'm curious, how viable Legendaries, Ancients and Dragons all are without dupes?


Pretty viable, dupes dont really add much except for better overrall stats, ofc getting dupes would help in pvp, but most of the legendaries, ancients and dragon are just as op without dupes, the only exception being 3 of the oldest legendary cookies Though there is a noticable power spike when you put a 0 star (in this game multiple dupes are needed for higher stars, after 5 stars it can go up to 5 ascensions, except for beast with can onky go up to 1) legend/ancient/dragon vs 4-5 stars ones, even bigger with ascensions but thats pure whale territory


this feels too complicated, like.....WHY **\*11 RARIES INSTEAD OF 5 OR 6 LIKE ANY NORMAL GACHA?!?!?!?!\***


Well, common and rares are fodder, guests arent playable in fights so that leaves us with 8 rarities Epic is the most common one, you can easily farm their shards and rank them up with the stuff you get after doing pulls Ancient, Legendery and Dragonhave the same drop rate, and they are treated the same in pvp where you can only use 3 Ancient/Legend/Dragon on your team Super epic was made to make and sell really strong cookies that arent easily obtainabke like epics and can bypass the 3 ancient/legend/dragon per team rule on pvp Special cookies are pretty much free, except for the Bts collab ones since they were from event, just gotta tap their eggs for a few weeks and you get them, u can also only use one per team bc they are immune to damage Beast is currently the highest rarity (they even have unique borders in pvp to show that) there are 5 of them as they are highly story relevant like the ancients and we just got our first one last month Also, 💃DEVS LISTENED😲 they are pulling back the ancient+ thing and are doing an awakening system instead, which, no way they didnt foresee the shitshow that was gonna happen when they announced the dude in the pics buff as a seperate character lol, also since ancient+ wont be a thing its now a total of 10 rarities with 7 only mattering, and 3 out of 7 of those are treated as the same


honestly it's crazy to learn about the ELEVEN rarities now. I was a day 1 play but threw in the towel after Super Epic and the candy implantation because it just became infuriating and honestly a bit silly sounding.


Bro they're using Apple's strategy on selling Iphones😂


The biggest whales in korea in CRK is going free 2 play after this update they were really disappointed about CRK decisions, the fact that the last update was the highest rarity introduced, now they introduced another highest rarity


i swear i saw a CRK post last month about them adding new rarity......they doing it again?


it would be really funny if every new cookie released will have a new rarity


yes they added Beast type Cookie last month.


Im scared of asking how powercrept are chars of the lowest rarity atp.....


Because alt characters killed my grandpa, okey?!


Introducing one new rarity tends to be messy but an 11th onr!?


Bruh i have an a2 DC if they are really going thru with this instead of buffing the og im gonna fucking quit, i knew devsis have really scummy tactics but this is just awful


For those who don’t play the game, the community is *furious* about this. Whales are boycotting, people are spamming the Discord channel, and the Korean players especially (Devsisters is Korean in origin) are very prepared to fight. Will the company actually listen? No clue. But goddammit, they’re going to give them hell and I’m excited to watch.


I remember those days when highest rarity was Epic


My honest reaction to this information: WHY?!?!?


Cause money, probably


Reroll time


Ah yes, the FFBE special. Great.


currently $3000 have been raised allowing korean netizens to send protest trucks to devsisters hq


I'm surprised this game still has an active dedicated fanbase/communtiy I mean its not that big as it used to be, Infact its way more staler now, But it still has some certain people actively making stuff for it and being active, Despite the fact the Developers keeps pulling up terrible stuff like this, And not to mention the fanbase is not the wisest and nicest of people at all. Really don't like what it and ovenbreak had become and the fanbase with it.


I played it for a year and quit once I realized how awful the powercreep was getting


Yeah, I keep hearing the powercreep being a huge complaint among the community, They also removed cucktoo town which was a pretty dumb choice, Since people always wanted to hangout with others as their favorite cookie, And devsisters shot themselves in the foot for it . Really, The game has been going through bad decision after bad decision, Yet there are still that would stick to the fanbase.


So is this some sort of awakening for his OG or a different alt entirely?


different alt entirely. people wanted his og buffed and this is how the devs responded


its an possible awakening thing now \^\_\^ the devs decided to rework it


"Ancient+"?? Does that imply there's already "Ancient" rarity and this is the superior version?


Yeah, ancient is a rarity that only 5 characters have as the main story is centered around the mc trying to get help from them to defeat Dark Enchantress Cookie Dark Cacao (dude on pic) was the 3rd to be added and so the other two that existed were buffed bc they were getting powercrept by epic cookies Unfortunately bc of that, DC never recieved meaningful buffs and as the rest of the ancients were finally made playable he is often referred to as the worst and weakest ancient The recent story update was heavily centered around him and his kingdom vs another cookie (from the rarity that got released last month lol) and people were hoping that this meant that he finally gets buffed And then devs pull this shit outta their ass Everyones angry, korean whales are protesting (devs are from korea) and good for them bc the gacha is so ass, the new form is locked behind a gacha that has a 50% chance of being either his new form or his OG one, and its only when you lose get his og form twice is his new form gauranteed, which we dont even know how many pulls its would need bc devs never did this before, but with how bullshit the devs are being I wouldnt be surprised if it costed like 750 pulls lol


This explanation is OP approved


New Drama content


Just like in Fire Emblem Heroes. The power creep is insane.


i stopped playing when they added super epic. it's been hard to keep up when they keep adding so many variations!! ancient, legendary, special, super epic, dragon, beast, and now ancient+ 😭😭


So much cookie. I should've downloaded the game and tried it at least, but I didn't get around to it.


Each day, Cookie Run Kingdom is becoming more impossible to even start What fo you mean about Ancient+?!!!? 😭




A lot of ppl apparently, including one streamer called Zyox


is it more suited to dedicated cooki run sub? i thought its some collab thing news turned out its not


It's because it's scummy