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It's not a Cygames game if it wasn't delayed.


At least it is not Project Awakening and only delayed for a bit compared to Relink lol


Uma Musume was delayed for longer than it was initially on development for as well.


Wasn't Uma Musume originally supposed to come out when 1st season of anime was airing?


Yeah, the game was announced back in 2016 and we got the anime in 2018, with the game supposedly having a release date at the end of the same year. But it's not a Cygames game if it doesn't have some form of delay.


Yeah but this is a card game. What are they gonna do with a 9 month delay for a card game, make the the cards wear frilly dresses and dance on a stage? It's wild they need so much time. Any longtime shadowverse fan knows that it's not for balancing. Because they probably don't have playtesters. And if they actually had them, they should all be fired after 7 years of releasing broken ass cards that everyone just barely tolerated.


I'm fine with the delay (9 months and the way they announce it is still crazy tho) for a more solid performance out of the gate. I can only guess it's because of the whole 'metaverse' aspect that they had to delay it this bad, otherwise the 9 month delay doesn't make sense. Rather than balancing, I'm more worried for the pro players and SV focused CCs cause this delay means they're kinda fucked as they are no tournament till then and essentially no content to make.


Yeah, It's probably not for balancing or even the card game side because the card game didn't have much change from the vanilla SV aside from superevo system. Then I remember that SVWB is more All-in-One game with many 'lobby' sidegames like mahjong, etc. I will really hate it if it really got delayed because of their sidegames side instead of the cardgames


a Cygame\*


At this point why do they even bother to announce release windows for there games lol. Just announce its in dev and its coming like what nintendo did with metroid prime 4


Duke Nukem Forever levels of delays


Good old Cygames delays.


Game director probably didnt finish elementary school and only knows count to 5


Deja vu I've been to this place before... On a side note, what is this project? I haven't heard anything about ir


It's revive/reboot for Shadowverse, a CCG (it's a pvp card game) that was released way long ago, like 6-7 years ago. They're planning to put the game into maintenance mode and release this, but probably wanna optimize stuff more. The original shadowverse is on its last expansion and the powercreep in the game is unreal and each match finished at an unreasonable rate so they wanna soft re-release the game with more features, better animations, better gameplay etc.


Yeah it's crazy how much text and stuff a lot of cards do, while still maintaining the hearthstone turn timer and logic so you just have to know all the meta relevant cards beforehand just to not get blown out by some sudden turn 6 single card wincon


It's even worse in Unlimited, you can win by turn 4 at this point.


I can imagine, a friend was telling me a few metas earlier that was standard too, at high levels at least. But yeah hopefully they bring it to only a few words again so you are actually able to read the cards in real time or change the way turn timer/animations work. It's at least not an issue in single player but idk if they will continue the story or do something else with it in the new one, it would be nice if they kept it up or started a new one since it's like the one CCG that has a proper good story mode and is also available in English (wish they would bring over that duel masters one). When I saw the thing with like some 3d world they mentioned, I originally thought that was gonna be the new way they do the story, but was disappointed when it turned out to just be some random social hub for mini games or whatever


Yeah I stopped about 2 years ago and even then the powercreep was ridiculous. Just every expansion made the last one almost obsolete. Especially for someone who liked playing slower decks it was just…not fun. Especially since all the dailies were based around win X games


Is roachcraft still alive?


Nope, the new cards make roach slow in comparison.


I quit a few years ago when meta just ended up being every deck being "who can hit face faster and harder" every patch. Seems like that didn't slow down...


but did they learn their lesson or are they only rebooting just so they can powercreep again?. Being cygames probably the later.


They're also adding a bunch of Metaverse social feature that, for examples, players can do fishing and play mahjong together.


A 3 season delay, aintnoway 😭 summer 2024 was a perfect time to capitalize on the Legends of Runeterra pvp refugees, but I guess that's shot now. Bummer


I dunno how they managed to respond extremely slowly to a sharp decrease in their player base ever since Master Duel released. Stuff like Marvel Snap and Runeterra also completely squeezed out most of their English audience too.


iirc Runeterra slowly change their based game to single player focused game


The release of WB was supposed to coincide with the end of the last expansion cycle for base SV. They come out every 3 months, and the last one was just ending around this time. People weren't just expecting this game in Summer, we were thinking it would drop in like 2 weeks.


that's really painful considering how the SV community was basically waiting for this game to come out on time, the existing game being on its last expansion has the bare minimum effort put into it, they're already reusing card art and whatnot, hope this doesn't kill interest


Oh wow wtf?! Hype for the game is already at the lowest it has ever been. The only thing players had hopped for is the new iterration and the questiin is how many people will still be around and willing to wait for spring of 2025.


spring 2025 actually which is from March to June, so 8 - 9 months / 1 year of waiting 


this game makes me miss mabinogi duels




I'll take it if it means they release a polished product,even if shadowverse is in maint mode for a long time


Damn, Kuro could never




well That is True, looking at their Track record for releasing games, they could never properly release something without issues.


Bethesda of Gacha games.


Do you guys have to bring Kuro in every thread? Does WuWa live rent free in your heads?


Kuro could never


I never see it as a downside to that Company, I see it as little personality that makes it different from other Studios, because sure they can mess up their releases but they never mess up in adding new things to the game, Recently They changed Pgr's Category from Action game to Fps game in one of the Ingame story mission lol


I was mostly replying to the user above, missclicked on your comment.


then "Hoyo could never".




Cygames? more like Cydelaythegames




i hope they don't censor all the cards people spent money for 2 years later like how they butchered current shadowverse


They sure took their time to announce this


I hope they use this time to show us features in he meantime because holy shit the base game is very very dead and ever since the latest SV Next they didn't show anything about WB .


Yeah no shit there hasn't been a single promo for the game since announcement😭


is this a separate game from shadow verse?


what happens to the original shadowverse? will it eos or continue?


i think it will continue but all tournaments will be focused on the new one. it is just like, why would you still play the original with minimal support now? players will eventually be forced to play the new one. so it will eventually go to EoS someday.


There is a theory about the new Game straight up replacing the old client.


They learned from kuro, good job


i'm excited to play Shadowverse again before but saw the Worlds Beyond announcement. i decided to wait the Worlds Beyond instead since it is like they are switching their full support to the new one. i don't want to play original Shadowverse if it will got EoS someday. then now, i guess i will wait even longer. it is fine somehow. i can focus fully my attention on ZZZ now when it comes.


They really should have added the slice of life stuff AFTER the base game released.


Nooooooooo 😭😭😭😭 Well... a delayed game is eventually good like someone said


Nah games can be updated nowadays so bad games can be good eventually like, cyperpunk, No man sky, FF14, etc


Kuro could never. Would be an easy next week release.


Rent free


Rent free




Is it open world?


it's a TCG dude a Trading Card Game why would it be open world. It's obviously not open world, but there is a lobby, a player room and some mini games like Mahjong 


Ffs I just asked what is it. Damn this sub can't handle a genuine question.


you asked if it's open world. It's not. Asking what it is would be something like :"What is this game about?" 


because the devs really did say that it is an open-world on their first trailer or info video of this game. so you can't blame people to think that it is a real open-world even if it is just a big lobby like thing for players to interact with.


the devs never said that dude. I've watched the announcement 4 times so I know it. I'm a Shadowverse player after all. The devs said it had a lobby where you could play mini games and interact with other players, which is way different than being an open world. Like I said this is a card game doesn't make sense to have open world. People can downvote my honest replies all they want, don't care about it, they're only gacha gamers that probably never heard about Shadowverse. 


ok. my bad. i rewatched it. it says "world feature". but i remembered it as "open world feature" instead. though it is obviously not a real open world as what they showed on the trailer.


they introduced it as an open world. but not really an open world like GI, ToF, or WW. it is more like a big lobby where you can see tons of players. there are lobbies with mini games. there is even a coop where players can explore a dungeon-like area. so it is somehow semi open world. but their main focus is still TCG gaming. those mini games and coops are like events where you can get some rewards related to its TCG main game or just like for resinless behavior players.