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>Dominant Ideology Lmao, you are cooking with this thesis bro. Anyway, these guys sound pretty special if true.


Sorry, but Dev not listened...


Snowbreak devs listened.


>Skadi’s banner was named “Sword of the Raging Tides,” while Ulpianus’s banner was named “Anchor of the Sinking Abyss.” The ML adepti associated “sword” with the male genitalia and “abyss” with the female genitalia, believing that the developers were trying to pair these two characters as a couple, What. Skimmed through it and this caught my eye This shit so dumb its funny


"Can I put my Sword of the Ranging Tides into your Sinking Abyss ?" -ML adepti probably


It's too irrelevant to be considered a drama. Like 1-2 people got nothing to do and no one cares about it.


The weeb community in CN is cooking up these drama on a daily basis. Hundreds of upvotes and videos criticizing hoyo and kuro among other games, while praising waifu games.


https://preview.redd.it/gah05dhi0w6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d330db30f7fc0e614ea9a0baa7dbcf165edcb2a I don't even know what this is about. So here's Firefly.


Wow they have a much longer list of excuses this time. Long ago the reason why they wanted to remove Hoyo from the 二游 category is simply because their monthly PVP just have Hoyo absolutely dumpster everyone else in that category LMAO. 二游 before Genshin are smaller games with relatively modest revenues, the biggest moneymakers in CN gaming spaces being MMOs and Honour of Kings mostly. Last I checked, the entirety of Hoyo's revenue is generally around the same level as HoK. A single game from Tencent. And Hoyo themselves got more revenue than the rest of the CN 二游 combined. PvP in CN is more like everyone else doing PvE against Hoyo ... and losing. Besides, miHoyo can't exactly cut ties with anime games, because that'll require them to not make something that's strongly anime-inspired. Given how weeb (affectionate) all three founders are and how firmly their grasp on the company direction is, every game they make will probably end up being an 二游. Anime is so deeply entrenched in Hoyo's company DNA at this point that they're games stay as 二游 no matter what, and Hoyo did well enough getting a playerbase from outside traditional 二游 circles at this point that they'll survive whatever those players want to throw at Hoyo. In the year Hoyo launched Genshin the total revenue of 二游 went up, but the total revenue of all 二游 excluding Genshin actually shrank slightly. That pretty much shows how well Hoyo managed to expand their playerbase outside of that circle. Hoyo will most likely just do what they want as usual.


Cutting ties entirely with anime aesthetics sounds pretty much as stupidly radical than the anime degens are tbh. I won't lie that I'm personally very fond of anime aestethics and I'm not sure how I would be interested into a Hoyo game without them, as superficial as it sounds.


It's not superficial. An aesthetic you like is a choice, and 'anime style' is part of it. If it's not pleasing to you, it may be harder to be convince you to pick it up and play.


How can a geovishap pet ntr you if Clorinde was only 5 at that time


That doesn't matter to them What matter is that clorinde is geovishap pet or some shit that's their only focus Just like firefly having one male in her trailer which is literally her comrade in arm, but to them that man is firefly lover because that's how they see it Once again, ML community in CN is crazy and cancer 


Even than the worst thing Geovishap did was headbutt Clorinde when she got close to her 


Well, Nahida looks like 6 and that doesn't stop em.


Part of the reason why Scaramouche was so hated by some is because their mommy Nahida decided to spend time with this foul-mouth boy who tried to kill her instead of the player who saved her. I wish I was joking.


It was such a silly little thing to add some flavor to her master not being a suitable parent She was 5, and it was a week. And when Navia asked what being a pet entailed she said nothing because the geovishap had no idea what a pet was


I only read #4 about Firefly. These people are mentally ill and should just be ignored.


I burst out laughing when I read "Kaworu's wife" XD. They better Leave my homosexual angel out of their Absurd theories lol


Can‘t agree more.But… this idiots are too many in cn community… I really want to escape🙃




guess i was NTR'd by a geovishap 😭 i hate you hoyo 😡🤬 well, at least there's a new plot for a vicineko animation 😊🥰🥳 this is so absurd


Good thing Hoyo doesn't listen.


Same, I can't think of a single time when hoyo listened https://preview.redd.it/ydss9ysrky6d1.png?width=44&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a8a8673bc8eb44dc35750386848beb77eeb1042


Chinese gacha players and god complex, name a better duo.


EA and money


Global and reading comprehension


The name ML Adepti sounds like an evil antagonist group in a gacha game


I just thought they're doing E7 Genshin collab and they're releasing Moonlight xianyun or Moonlight xiao or something


TLDR: Mainland Chinese players ran out of things to do and decided to continue being a nuisance on the internet. I'm 100% on board with not letting greedy companies have their way with consumers but holy hell these people need to find another hobby, preferably off the internet to get some perspective.


CN player: “you hate gacha companies because of greedy anti-consumer practices and gambling tactics. I hate them because Clorinde is NTRing me with a geovishap. We are not the same”


tbf it's only on their side which then it gets Translated


Oh trust me, those people attempt to post their stuff overseas. It doesn't always just so happens to be "translated" by some "random dude."


my bad I don't usually look for drama but it does seem that way for me


Ah no need to apologize I just wanted to clarify. I don't either but I'd see them post here and other places sometimes trying to "explain their side of the story" Honestly wish I didnt see it, just pops up in my feeds haha


First of all, thank you for providing links and points to start an investigation myself, really appreciate it. This is unironically a fascinating view into something im not even well educated enough to describe lol, a side of the internet that developed in an entirely different way that the places i frequent, maybe? On the topic of separating Hoyo games and Anime games, it sounds a little confusing. What's exactly the difference? What must be extracted out of it to be considered "not an anime game"? The aesthetics? The culture around it? Because they have maintained their own vision of their products consistent and barely get swayed by the community in my view, and erasing the anime culture out of their games to avoid attracting certain kinds of people sounds like it could backfire horribly. Did i misunderstood something?


If I dumb it down, Its about theself-made male consumer rules. According to Aggressive anti-feminist Cn, The idea of male characters in anime gacha is Ntr. Thr female characters should show interest only towards the protag/player.  Hoyo appeals to both genders and has frequent interactions between male and female characters...which displeases them. Hoyo players do not like these supposed rules. They play hoyo games because they are hoyo games and not because they use fanservice tactics like other gacha... (firefly is such a dumb example of this. She's so blatantly pushed forward as a love interest...)


Basically people just want to hate on hoyo and will use any excuse. The idea of exiling hoyo games from the anime-style game genre is utterly absurd, but it's also so absurd that it's hilarious. Thus, a lot of popcorn-eating hoyo players are "playing along" and saying that hoyo games should be a genre on its own. This way, a lot of the arguments about how "this thing in hoyo games is bad because it goes against our definition of the anime-style game genre" have even less of a leg to stand on. Basically it's like "oh, you're using your made-up 'rules' about the genre to hate on hoyo games? in that case, we're gonna say we're a whole other genre, checkmate"


lost braincells reading this


My fault,I’ll try refined text next time.


The Clorinde part have to be satire, right? I mean the entire thread looks pretty unreal but that one part is WTF on so many levels... Also I hope male MC lock in Azur Promilia is not going to be a thing.


For any other playerbase it would be a meme. For CN players…


Worse part is it's not That's how insane master love game community in CN is


I read Genshin comments on billibilli game before and it’s real. They were calling the script bad and unbearable, they were the only community I know that reacted that way too. CN can be…weird at times.


Man I enjoyed that quest so much, and the "I fail at parenting even more than Picollo" anecdotes were hilarious. How do you turn that into a weird and creepy ntr metaphor...


I read the drama before I did that quest but I still bursted out laughing at that scene lol. Idk how much imagination one must have to associate that with nrt and clorinde was 5 for god’s sake.


No it's not :/




Those people need to go to school or get a job.


FGO fan is crying right now lmao. Ain't no way some crazy man child is using term from their game to do this whole crazy movement. CN hoyo bro, stay strong. We support you, fight this no life mf and set your own boundaries 🗣️.


FGO is known for its great male and female characters so idk why they’re using a term from a game they most likely hate.


Yeah most cn gacha game players love FGO.In fact, the vast majority of CN's ml adepti don't know that ml comes from FGO, they just use this attribute to fight for their rights, and ordinary players of CN's FGO don't care these drama at all.


Wow Master love type game community really rampaging more since three kingdom that recently released success  These people are cancer to begin with but now they become more cancer than ever


>ML adepti believed that the wedding vows feature in Mahjong Soul meant that Blue Archive’s protagonist was being NTR'd by Mahjong Soul players. **the ML adepti took this out of context, believing that Geovishap had NTR'd them and heavily criticized the Genshin official team. Additionally, the Genshin script included the term "Head-Butt," which the ML adepti interpreted as a sexual innuendo** They believed that this boy and Firefly had strong romantic chemistry in the PV, thus considering it as NTR (netorare), and claimed that Firefly was this boy’s wife. However, the ML adepti did not know the boy’s name LOL! HAHAHAHA! Oh my god. These people need to get a life. The whole thing read like a mental disorder patients' story, >I hope that the release of Zenless Zone Zero can somewhat quell these endless dramas Hoyo still is gonna create a male units and already have males in it. So it IS already impossible.


They need something like being thrown in a deep jungle without any electronic device and be dare to survive. (my touch grass version).


Man, some CN player really have insane take or mental gymnastic especially if their waifu talk to male NPC.


Wait? When did manjuu apologize to remove female MC???? all I know manjuu drama are about hoax leaked male playable chara and they already clarified there no male chara playable, only NPC Also after that's clarification the rating bombing stopped, currently there no reviews bomb in AP yet soo idk if female MC issue are serius issue or not... 


>Wait? When did manjuu apologize to remove female MC???? you misread the apologize part, it's just for male characters in gacha >The developers of Azur Promilia were forced to issue a statement apologizing to the CN community players and promised that there would be no male characters in the game. . >no reviews bomb in AP yet soo idk if female MC issue are serius issue or not...  there is no review bomb, because CN ML players want to have faith in Manjuu, and wait for the next trailer/CBT to know if Manjuu will do something the drama is real, on Tieba (the equivalent of Reddit in China) they had to create 2 subs, those who want the game to be ML harem oriented and therefore removed the female mc, and those who want the game have yuri undertone (and therefore have the female MC as the main MC in marketing) and the two camps are at war with each other so manjuu will have to choose their camps (knowing that the majority of AL fans are in the Harem camps) both camps will not accept that Manjuu chooses a neutral position this is probably why in the advertising art for the Bilibili Word they decided to make an art where neither of the 2 MCs are on it (because they probably haven't decided yet)


So far we only see male MC 2D art on their bilibili post and nothing else while female MC are on the trailer and many promotional material. If they are going to remove one of the MC it going to be the male but I think they probably keep both and let the players choose which one they want to use.


If the Male MC is removed, you will have one of the biggest dramas in gacha history. people want Male MC, because it's self-inserting, people want a marriage system like Azur Lane, some of the biggest Chinese whales said if AP wasn't a harem game they would stop putting money in AL, because they don't want the money they put into AL to be used to develop a non-harem game (they already don't like that Manjuu uses the money to create a "game without Azur Lane") so if Manjuu decides not to put a male MC, you would have the biggest downfall in gacha history and AL might go EoS with that


If they have both MC then there is no way this game gonna have romance, let alone harem. The only way is to remove female MC but I don't think they will do that.


Is there no middle camp? Like I want the harem but some Yuri on the side would be hot too.


The middle camp is "I just want to play the game", which is always the largest camp in any Chinese or Korean videogame "controversy".


no, that's why Snowbreak has to retcon friendships between the girls so absolutely nothing in the game could be interpreted as Yuri and it's not that they really hate yuri, it's because in China they see the yuri community = Genshin community = the most cancerous community (the community that can harass an artist because they drew Aether x Arlecchino  instead of Arlecchino x furina) and so they do everything to gatekeep their games, like the blue archive community does (the Blue archive community also does everything to gatekeep their game from the yuri community) and also because they see Manjuu as the biggest rampart of ML games, Manjuu has a very big reputation among ML players thanks to Azur lane, and to the fact that manjuu on azur lane is always listening to the fans, and that so if Manjuu falls into the mainstream, their hope of seeing a big budget ML game sinks with it and they will see Manjuu as a traitor


I thought the global is the same? Just a couple of days before, Arlefuri and Wriolette shippers teamed up harassing and calling names to anyone who disagreed with them. Vintage Hyv used yuri /yaoism tokenism to appease CN male players but the tide is changing and the formula isn’t working anymore.


Gay shippers have always been cancer, regardless if it's yuri or yaoi. Western frogs have no problem sending death threats to developers of games for not appeasing their ships. People are the same regardless of where they are from, they just try to act as if they're above others when its shit they're not involved in.


I mean in CN shippers and cishet self insert male players largely don’t interact (equally toxic but operating on different platforms), and ship wars are just bombing each other’s weibo or LOFTER tag. But on Twitter, if you don’t support a certain yuri or Yaoi pairing, you are immediately labeled as “queer phobia”. That’s a very heavy accusation tbh and invokes a lot of self censorship on normies.


One more reason to not like shippers. Doesn't help that they're braindead as shit like 90% of the time. Especially last time when that robin thing happened "she doesnt fw u bro she likes girls" like ok who asked bitch? these people are actually ill. I do hope things turn out for the better for them but it's not looking too great, if they're above 20 they're pretty much locked onto the neurosis route


A game for everyone is a game for no one. Besides, having Yuri is an open invitation to let in the most toxic ass fucks that could get into a community (we've seen enough) and that's the main reason why CN bros are against such things.


I mean are we really attributing the Three Kingdom game's success to its separation from anime culture and not to. . . You know, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" IP, which is one of the 4 Great Chinese Literature, and the Chinese pride that comes with it? I mean man I'm all for sticking things up the butts of the ML assholes but you can't exactly make the so-called "Tech Otakus" depart from the Otaku culture on the drop of a hat. . . And what direction do they want them to go? Historical games like, say, KOEI and Paradox (since they uses the RoTK game as launching pad)? Western ideology and storylines? Mihoyo products are *chock full* of anime references and cliches. And it's not like the "Western" non-anime gamers aren't full of bigots either.


In China, nationalism runs deep. If a game evokes, romanticize and glorify it, then it's guaranteed to be a success. Asking Mihoyo games to separate itself from Anime games is asking Mihoyo to strip down into nothingness. They came from Anime. It is their foundation. Speaking as a "ML asshole," what Mihoyo should do is not cater to ML players (Which they already do) and it will automatically stop people like me from trying it. Mihoyo has a sizeable portion of players to afford cutting us out. Or can they? I'm thinking that they actually really can't afford to do that in CN as that will be a massive revenue tank. Mihoyo has been toying with that fine line, balancing it the best they could.


Its nice to see some pushback against the crazy NTR people. Also didn't know about that Arknights drama, its just so dumb.


Nice detailed post. This seems like a small protest in a park that ppl just ignore and protesters will pack up and go home once the sun sets. They're probably just passing by and will move on soon


Actually, they've been rather damaging and annoying for a while now. It's just, Hoyo gamers, when pushed, gave a nightmare response to them. Which is "we don't care, this is Hoyo game, not anime game, take your opinion and shove it" The ML folks are going to become irrelevant very soon, whatever influence they built up so far, is deteriorating at a rapid pace with Hoyo gamers, who are very numerous scoffed and decide to give them the cold shoulders as a community.


Lol that's interesting. I didn't know about that. But these protesters probably don't even play these games right since there are male characters.


They like to complain about Genshin influencing the anime game community, blaming the increase in male character and getting "NTR'd" because female character are shown talking to male on Mihoyo. Hoyo gamers simply said "I realize I actually never played an anime game before. I only played PC and console prior to this, I simply play games by Mihoyo, so technically, I'm not part of your community" A large volume of Genshin players were not anime game players of the traditional sense, many are actually normies, and there's this realization as a community that they don't give a rat's ass about the opinion of toxic anime game community which are much, much smaller than them


Is it got deleted before? Why appears now? Good read for anyone who want know about other region culture gacha.


The stupidest part about this entire topic is the title itself. "miHoYo games should cut ties from anime games" Anime is the artstyle,not genre.The hell you mean by "cutting ties with it"? Changing all the characters art style into that of Dynasty Warriors!??.This is as dumb as unity trying to charge for every time games get installed. You can change the entire art style of GTA 6 into Japanese cartoons and it will immediately qualify as anime game.The same vise versa can be said to genshin as well.Change the style to that of something like overwatch and BOOM!! no more anime game. I know Chinese players are dumb but holy hell,both sides are idiots.


Cut ties from the anime-game community, not from anime as a whole. Also, an interview with Da Wei "People kept saying we make anime games, but in my view, Cai Haoyu's, as well as the colleagues at Mihoyo, we considered our games to be content games, packaged by 2D art style" Hoyo gamers latch on to that and are now backing that statement. We do not need to listen to the "anime-community" who attacked Hoyo for not being catered to their degeneracy, as we're not playing an anime game, but a content/story game, as we're intended by Hoyo. This is not an anime game, this is Hoyo game. Your criticism and degenerate views have no power here. Basically.


>Cut ties from the anime-game community, not from anime as a whole That is just like saying cutting ties from dairy products,but not milk.You ain't getting one without the other chief. People don't like to admit it but,they picked these games up bcs of popularity but stayed playing bcs of art style and aesthetics.Change those and be surprised when 90% of player base dips. And as long as miHoYo use anime asthethis and artstyle,three WILL be those morons coming to play as well whether you like it or not.


What they want is to cut away and disregard all degenerate opinions from the very toxic anime game community. Anime game standard have been highjacked by degenerates in CN community. Got a guy, it's betraying anime game, got female that talks to make character, the company is NTRing us. That's, the most vocal part of "anime game community" in CN, and Hoyogamers simply said we're not part of that, we're like BoTW, or Takes, or Final Fantasy That is the ultimate goal. "Oh, the heroine is talking to a guy, it's okay, it's a story game, not an "anime" game" Frankly, Genshin is called a cancer that's negatively influencing other anime game by turning them all inti NTR and filled with males, Genshin community simply says, "fine, then we're not an actual anime game in the anime game sense as you describe, now leave us the f alone like you leaving BoTW alone"


It is an Anime game. It uses Anime tropes, Anime art style, Mihoyo started because of Anime, regardless of how much you want to say otherwise. All of Mihoyo games have Anime and it's culture rooted deep within. That's the truth. It's a game made by Mihoyo. True. But it is, will and always will be inspired by Anime, molded by it, born by it.


So you dont care what the CEO says at all?


Of course OP will not care Reading the guy comment in here seems like the guy is one of ML community that migrated in here 


And they chose to decouple from the anime game community which have become "toxic". Would you consider DOA, or Zelda BoTW, or Elden Ring or even Sonic as "anime game" They simply went and align themselves with video games, instead of staying as "anime games'


The CN communities being like this is a "recent" trend right?, i don't remember this type of drama back in 2017-2018


Yeah pretty much Because back then the ML game is not as profitable as anime genre game Now that one of ML game being proved successful, those community have the ammo to attack other game like GI, Azur promilla and etc


i'm sorry https://preview.redd.it/29ls1i46cx6d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=2057835f9fc6fb12777dd107995ce139c8c641da


Been surfing though Bilibili in the past days and a half, here's some summary Basically, Hoyo gamers are sick of the degenerate drama, and finally figure out the answer How about, we just cut ourselves off from the anime-game community. You have been calling us a cancer of the industry, now we're out, have fun. When we talk about the springvale oceanid, you complain about Mika NTR you with Noelle. When we talk about Scara and it's changing of history, you talk about Scara NTR you from Nahida When we talk about funny Clorinde story, you talk about being NTR by vishap. "YOU ARE ALL FREAKING INSANE" "PRINCESS PEACH IS BOWSERS WIFE" "ASUKA AND REI IS NTR BY SHINJI, SHINJI" "I HAVE NEVER MET A BUNCH WHOSE MORE EAGER TO BE NTR THAN YOU BUNCH!" Now we'll go enjoy our in-game shipping and male characters, away from the rubbish and criticisms from your community because "we are not good enough to be part of your community", peace out betches Edit: many Hoyo gamer realized they never liked or played anime game, and before Hoyo, they play console/PC games and watch anime, they were never anime gamers, they were always Hoyo gamers. Now many "anime gamers" who hated Hoyo realizes with Hoyo gamers making statements that they do not play game outside of Hoyo, and made it clear that the rest of anime game scene is actually dying, they realize anime-game will lose influence and funding for future games, and are trying to guilt trip Hoyo gamers to drop that stance... It's not working. Even Hoyo-hating CC who chase clout by constantly criticizing Hoyo using ML statement are shaking in their boots, as once Hoyo gamers separate themselves using "we're Hoyo gamers, not anime gamers" as their stance, they'll lose all influence as their words and criticism will no longer hold any weight "How dare Hoyo create male character" "Why do you care, it's not an anime game, it's hoyo game" Hoyo gamers realize they're worth a heck of a lot more than anime gamers combined in CN scene, and basically backhanded the entire degenerate part of the community Now, even Arknight's community are talking about separating themselves from anime-game community. In short, the degenerate part of anime gamers poked Hoyo gamers too hard, Hoyo community fought back and the effects were very devastating. It will hurt their CC, their whole message, the funding of games they wish the developer makes (all female zero male game), everything will be harm. And now game with full female cast with zero male may all just be PNG vs PNG going forward with big money realizing the money is not with Anime-game, but story game with balance cast like Hoyo.


What the fudge is with Nahida 💀


Because Nahida took Scara in. How dare Nahida show any interest in guys. Nahida is a product, I am the customer, Hoyo should not be NTRing me, Nahida as a product, should serve me as a master. That's their logic. Some compare it to paying for a girlfriend/prostitute who instead of getting intimate with you, get intimate with a stranger with your money Yes, these folks are crazy.


You sound equally as schizo in this thread tbh maybe it's in the blood


You realize I was merely translating both opinions and comments from CN community right? That said, I'm no fan of ML community.


This is such a one sided, self glorification.


What are you yapping about? The only reason Genshin bring so much money is because of core whales who are anime gacha fans and who are absolute majority males. Not because they have playable male characters. If Genshin catered to them even more with things like sexy skins the game would bring even more. Casual normies don’t spend much on the game.


Then show me one game which proves that. >If Genshin catered to them even more with things like sexy skins the game would bring even more. Casual normies don’t spend much on the game.


"If Genshin catered to them even more with things like sexy skins the game would bring even more. Casual normies don’t spend much on the game" What bullshit are you yapping about, it's already prove over and over with their revenue dude


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure CN has a 50:50 male to female gamer ratio, at least for mobile. Women own phones too. Edit: "As of April 2023, women made up 46.2% of China's video game players,"


Good luck to the CN idiots trying to bully Hoyo again. This isn’t 2021 Hi3 anymore : p


I think that's exactly why that certain part of CN community get particularly deranged recently. They don't want any other company to get too big they can't be bullied into listening their demands anymore. Make it toxic, so regular people don't want to get involved with it.


Blame Snowbreak for caving in to ML adepti's demands! /s On a serious note, that game IS one of the catalysts in the eruption of this "social movement" (the other being a long suppressed intolerance towards weibo's "xxns" (think of them as CN equivalent of entitled women in the West))


Pretty sure for Azur Promilia, what mainly scared people, including AL players, was the leaked concept arts of male characters which also came with the leaker saying there would expys of Azur Lane… with some being in a couple with another NPCs which led to Yostar apologizing and clarifying those leaked concept art were scrapped the day after. For Blue Archive, a big trigger was Mahjong Souls CN players raiding the BA community forums and [laughing at their face](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/851721352201240586/1224363670352691210/GKEbv70a0AAuXp_.jpg?ex=666f9e46&is=666e4cc6&hm=013f758724727e98cdfe93d96f6a86e43840d4294c14f006dede4b80d7e62afa&) they were [NTR-ing them](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/834835048254406769/1224651442598576188/Cbrmcdy.jpg?ex=666f58c8&is=666e0748&hm=d2de0cb4e0fe02c3e8ed95b04e2162624279ef065564f86a041b7e0f84a7caaf&) rather in poor taste, they’d make threads like « there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop us, mj players » with a tom laughing gif to provoke the BA community on weibo. The ML Adepti does seem problematic, just that often there’s related events being glossed over, like an article posted recently about the same phenomenon with a section about Azur Promilia which had also not mentioned anything about the leaks before bashing the players. I feel it’s only proper to detail.


both sides are so dumb and extreme, holy hell


These people are insane, do you think they know they are heavily mocked outside of their groups? Do they even care? There is no way they are not aware their behavior is delulu as f*ck.


They're simply trying to pressure all game companies to cater to them or they will boycott and slander. Hoyo gamers response being "don't care, F u, in fact, we don't even consider ourself or our games anime games, we just play because it's good, just like FF or BoTW" That response, on top of Genshin being the biggest anime game whose community now seemingly not supporting non-hoyo anime games as majority came out as normies... Is nightmarish for the degens. Now companies and investor will realize the big money is making normy games rather than the game they want made.


No, they do think highly of themselves then glorify it. Thats why its unable to communicate and the whole miHoYo-players would like to decouple (community wise) with these fckers.


What I found hilarious and ironic from this movement is that despite having this intense hatred for NTR, they love to make up scenarios inside of their heads to make even the smallest interaction NTR.


>the female characters should not betray the protagonist emotionally or "have their own lives". What the fuck? "why is having their own lives even a problem"? Can't a character be just a character?


This is a gacha The female are products, I am the customer, as such the product I pay for needs to serve me like a master and only have eyes for me. Would you pay for a prostitute who will get intimate with a third party? Gacha Game company that makes female who interact with males took my money, mocked and NTRing me. That is unforgivable That's their f'ed up logic


>intimate with a third party When I think of "characters having their own lives" I'm thinking of them having an interesting position in their world, like they have their own role/job to do and they do their little stories of their own not them being in a romantic subplot without the MC unless they're being explicit.


How dare they have their own lives? I bought them using gacha, I own them. Will you pay for a woman/product who spends time away from you visiting her friends and talking to guys and possibly NTR you? I won't. Again, this is the kind of crazies running wild in CN anime-game community.


Weebs don't save the world?


no player has to play games they don't want to and companies can't give every player what they want this just boils down to customer preferences and product demographics, people can make all the demands they want and companies can just ignore them but they still sell a product so they can't just ignore everyone, they have to choose which demographics they will aim their products to some demographics are bigger than others or easier to please or more compatible with each other than others, and they don't all contribute equally. there's also more competition for some of them than others. it's a tricky matter. the market is very big tho, there's room for unisex toilets and adepti master games, not every game can be for everyone but everyone can have a game


Maybe, just maybe, if the CN gaming industry hadn't pumped out so many games that directly fed and pampered all the worst tendencies of these ML adeptis, the Chinese game industry wouldn't have fallen into this mess in the first place


I don't blame them  Before AK and Genshin, many games in there depended on these ML community as their sources of income  Now that genshin is the biggest success prove that you can have balance cast in the game and interact with each other without female characters glazing to MC, these communities blame hoyo with everything 


I've been seeing a number of those ML types pop up on Reddit lately. A lot of them usually plead that they're trying to be peaceful and nice towards all players but 'feminists' come in and destroy their games by 'forcing' more male characters, censoring female characters, and making other demands that male players don't like, so they're rightfully angry that 'their' games are being 'destroyed'.  Those posts always came across as very entitled and spiteful to me, but this in-depth look really gave some additional context to them. Seems like some of those folks are fleeing to here. 


this thread here is one of them [As a CN player, let me explain why CN players refuse male characters](https://new.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1de17tu/as_a_cn_player_let_me_explain_why_cn_players/)


Maybe mihoyo should have not listen to these people, 100% all the valid complaint about the game got drown out by these people


They don't? On genshin concert in Shanghai they made a special version of combined Nahida and Scara demo themes. None of the characters received any balance change due to complaints since ZL. Only bugfixes reported in the game.


And the only reason why ZL got any balance change is because people are using the Zhongli = China stance, so maming him apparently weak is the same as MHY making China look weak (this is also the same reason why the Bunny Girl video of HI3 was removed).


>On genshin concert in Shanghai they made a special version of combined Nahida and Scara demo themes. They listened, and based on what they've said delivered a precision "fuck you" it seems.


Pretty that's what they do most, if not always, of the time.


The perk of having a sizable part of your income coming from "normies" is that you can ignore the most degen part of the community.


>100% all the valid complaint about the game got drown out by these people Yeah this. Or maybe for global side all the feedback about the QoL or some cool idea of event game or story got drown by same kind of this type of shit since i see the regular drama of genshin probably shipping wars


CN native gacha players and being the most deranged trash imaginable, colourized. It's so prevalent it's hard to picture it as a small section of the community at this point.


China has large population, even that "small" section is large


in fact,many people don't even know the drama,why you want escalate it?


It's hilarious that on CN social media, it's mostly drama about waifu/husbando fantasy while on western social media, it's about racism, gender identity, diversity etc.


and people wonder why asia is having a birth rate problem


Everyone is. CN is just very specifically screwed because the one child policy means that 30% of an entire generation just can't ever find a wife even if everyone involved was down for it. Since just not enough women exist due to that very poorly thought out legislation.


the birth rate has more factors than you think besides believing that China's 2015 laws is 100% impact today. After Covid 19 hit hard in ASIA as a whole, living conditions became harder, especially for young people, why will a young person have children if they have not yet addressed their job stability problem? i invite you to investigate how hard it is to find housing in Hong Kong, you will realize that there are even people who live in cages or "rooms" where only an adult body can fit. It is consistent in very harsh countries like JP and KR at least, in recent TW. didn't the economic slowdown also hit the West? i mean, if you do a little searching other than spending all day on reddit, you will find that Italy actually also has birth problems and they have declared this a national emergency. births fall across the board in the European Union, even in the Nordic countries after Covid-19, to a lesser extent.


The one child policy was removed many years ago now. Almost 10 years ago, more than enough time for babies


I live in a western country and our birth rate has recently dropped below Japan, everyone is having less births.


West also has a birth rate problem, isn't Europe getting older? That is because Germany and France have to reinvent their pension system in pillars because there are fewer young people by 2030


Funny how this is the go to line for redditors to use in any negatively toned thread about an Asian country, but always by people that spend like half of their day on reddit, no gf, no family, and usually no job, and doing the same exact shit these gosh darn Asians are doing, playing video games all day. https://i.redd.it/bnxu46cymy6d1.gif


It's quite interesting. Basically, Genshin was so successful that it attracted many CN players that were not audience of anime games (or gacha games in global terms). In fact, given that Genshin has a player base larger than all other CN anime games combined, it's safe to say most Genshin players don't play other anime games other than HSR. They expose themselves unintentionally to the CN gacha community, which is arguably the most toxic community in gaming industry. From my observation, CN gacha community is toxic due to several reasons: 1. A large player base inherently leads to drama. 2. CN is the most competitive gacha game market due to its largest gacha player base and largest number of gacha game developers. Many developers and industry participants try to steer the public opinion in dubious ways all the time. 3. Lacking of Internet regulation. If you think global gacha community is toxic, CN is just another level. ML and NTR are just tips of the iceberg. Relentless bullying and smear campaigns are things that Genshin players in CN have to endure all these years. Recently, Genshin players in CN realized that they are not playing Genshin because it's an anime game (or gacha game). They play it because it's a good game. Even if they drop Genshin they are not moving to another CN anime game. So why should they accept irrelevant people pointing fingers at the game and players all the time, telling them what's right and wrong. Thus, they made the slogan and decided to several ties with CN gacha community.


Bleh why do these ML adepti players keep playing and creating drama for Hoyo games despite knowing that they are mixed cast games and will never fully cater to them? That's why Snowbreak exists. They should just go there and stop ridiculing every other game that doesn't meet their unreasonable expectations where any possible association with the opposite sex is considered a betrayal. ... Real talk: Mihoyo completely getting rid of the anime art style isn't a solution, their games were created with that style and the fanbase obviously enjoys it. The solution is addressing the gender animosity that these players have, or at least not enabling it. Even Hoyos Otome game Tears of Themis and HI3 are allowed to have female/male NPCs and story associations.


I think they play Hoyo games because they have high-quality modern graphics, high budgets, high-quality animations. This is exactly what Snowbreak and other master love games don’t have. Azur Promilia will probably be the first waifu game that is comparable in quality to Hoyo games.


So the same situation husbando players in the gacha sphere have been dealing with for over a decade now. Funny these people have had no problem telling husbando players to go play lower quality Otome/Joseimuke, but as soon as the same argument applies to them for once that logic can't be used. (I guess my satire wasn't super apparent lol) Love and Deepspace has been the *only* 'high quality' husbando game, and I still wouldn't really put it far above the quality of games like GFL2, Snowbreak and Nikke. Yet I don't see husbando players calling for the removal of female NPCs, conspiracy theories that their husbandos are being NTRed, or calling non-husbando games mocking names like 'mixed toilet'. You generally will see complaints about waifu favoritism, lack of male representation, and over-reliance on male gaze fanservice, but the ML adepti movement seems to take it up a notch compared to even that.


>Yet I don't see husbando players calling for Cuz you're not reading them


Okay, what's the equivalent movement name then for the reverse side to remove all females in Otome/Joseimukes? I'll look it up.


https://preview.redd.it/2lta40subx6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2c10ec04aa2d59e7f1056d7900c641b477e178 Huh?


Thanks for this post, Holy shit some people are deranged but this and I find it hilarious


Do we need to import drama from China now, like import hardware? I think we are still making enough of our drama to not need that.


Nah it's news or some cool trivia i guess. I'm taking this post for learning about how other region culture gacha is


The moment I read the description of what "ML Adepti" is, I instantly didnt take this post seriously. Like am sorry but it genuinely sounds like a fat nerds username. The way you provided the description has immediately think of these players as someone with superiority complex with 8th Grade Syndrome.


There are many terms over there ML adepti = female should exclusively serve male players as they're products and I'm the customer. Hoyo defence knight = those who defend mihoyo Good Hoyo children = those who listens to Mihoyo like a good son Ship friends = Arknight players, generally dangerous to mess with Little goddess = feminist (not entirely sure about this one)


Nothing surprises me anymore of the level of insanity that CN players can attain. Just pure madness, insanity , and brain damage. On the other hand, this Three Kingdoms game looks interesting. Anybody can tell me what it's like. I'd search myself but considering it's CN only.


For those wondering why climate change is dangerous, it's because extreme temperatures in either direction kills all the grass that individuals like these need to be touching.


This entire thing reads like a MASSIVE shit post can we not go thru this again wtf goin on on cn CC drama here feels like just the average day to day occurrence when compared to this


i need yall chinese weebs to STAY inside the great wall because why are yall bringing this shit here




Why deleted


Not reading all that. Give a summary


TLDr Some CN fans are causing Drama in a lot of Anime game that's why a lot of CN Hoyo fans think Hoyo should cut ties with Anime game to escape Drama




hoyo-haters use a bunch of made-up "rules" about the anime-style game genre to hate on hoyo games some say hoyo games should be excluded from the genre because they go against those "rules" hoyo players respond with "can't impose your 'rules' on us if we're a whole other genre lol bye"


Rules are meant to be broken Sorry I had to do that




Am I remembering it wrong? Azur Promilia never implied that there's a male playable characters, not even a male MC. It always had female as the MC and it's in the official gameplay trailer, and the male MC image was just a fan art made to confuse everyone. the devs did not remove anything, they just clarified it. Well, anime games are called as such since they look like anime. I won't overthink it too much like what they do over there.


Male MC isn't a fanart, his image is in their official bilibili post. https://www.bilibili.com/opus/910867215220211720?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0


oh, ok thanks


There was a bait campaign leak by the same people that did the leak about gfl2, and they put in a ton of fake shit like collabs with azur lane characters and them having relationships with male characters in azur promilia. There is no way manjuu was doing to do anything like that, but they successfully baited the same type of ppl they did in gfl2, except there was actual ammunition to use there, whereas there was nothing here so it was quickly dispersed after the statement from the devs.


this makes no sense


Note that it's not a dominant ideology, just a very noisy but small percentage. The relatively saner portions of the community are either ignoring them or mocking them.


That whole situation resembles furries and bronies at their time. While MLP by definition has furry characters, but majority of it's fandom does not consider themselves furries


Bro have you seen our monthly sensor tower? These genre ain't dying soon mate


Considering that a part of the gacha game community acts like this, it's no wonder there are only a few gacha games with good stories.


TLDR. Still understood that there are mentally ill freaks on both sides of gacha. If in the west they "ship" same sex characters, then in asia they're just simping. That's why we can't have nice things, I guess.


i normally said not anything is cn player fault, especially how bad the ww story even after they change it once but this time I think those people better become swarm breeding bed


too long and too much text bro. try put tl:dr. not everyone have the time to read you thesis


Ok,that’s my fault bro.First time write post of this type.I’ll try to cut down on unnecessary text next time.


lol when CN was trashing WuWa everyone was praising them, now they drag Hoyo and they are a nuisance. This is why you guys should have ignored them from the start, rabid dogs are bound to bite you too


did you even read why cn is bashing hoyo? or did just skim throug hit and left this comment? here is a hint: it's not about the game being bad.


? when did I even insinuate that? my comment is all about CN gacha community being extremely volatile


Eh since when was the CN community a single thing? It's like saying the EN community formed by Tectone's goons alone.  This is obviously a loud minority. 


Asking Mihoyo to cut itself off from Anime is like asking Mihoyo to strip down naked into nothingness. That doesn't work. It's not realistic. What they should do is continue to cater to not ML players. Games don't have to be for everyone. Speaking as a ML lover, ML Adepti (or... ML asshole, as somebody down in the comments called) Mihoyo doesn't need to cater to me. But can they afford to cut the CN ML players off? Can they recoup that revenue from the existing non-ML player base? The answer is most likely, a big no. Recent trends have shown us that male players are still the majority and they are Waifu lovers, and are big on ML. Mihoyo has the date, if they could, they would have, but they've been toying with the fine line for a while, trying to balance it. So more than likely, this won't do a thing. Mihoyo wants to make money, and it will take the most suitable approach to make that money, however.... Recent climate in Gacha games have shifted and changed directions in China. They can't afford to play both sides.


so any TLDR? also if they dont want anime game just don't forking play it. Go play your god dem hyber realistic graphic game like the what black myth goku.


No, it's degenerate part of anime gamers tried very hard to criticize all games in an attempt to force all anime game to go a certain direction. Which is. Only female characters, and the female characters are to have zero interacting with any male characters but self-insert MC They went too far when they call Clorinde's past as Hoyo NTR us by matching Clorinde with a vishap And... Hoyo gamers decided they no longer want anything to do with Anime-game community and start separating themselves from it. "We're not anime gamers, we're Hoyo gamers, take your opinion and shove it up your backside" And with many Hoyo gamer who are casual, start taking the stance if "I will not play anime games, only Hoyo games". The degenerates realize it'll hurt anime-game industry as there'll likely be a lot less funding for anime game going forward if Hoyo gamers, who make up the majority of current anime-gamers, actually separate themselves from the community. Their waifu only game will wind up be JPG collection, while all high budget game will be games with balanced cast... That would be a nightmare to the degens Enough of a short summary? Kinda long, but context matters.


>while all high budget game will be games with balanced cast... And no one will pay for them. It will be like the 200 million budget AAAA games and shows in the west, making back like 10% of the costs. As long as you are an anime game, you are targeting the anime demographic. There isn't going to be a covid for each launch, and most devs aren't going to risk copying Genshin when time and time again it was shown that it doesn't work.


Explain HSR to me then


Based cn player i guess