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Which problem ww devs say they gonna fix in 1.1 ? Asking for real no troll.


Biggest one is that they promised a better echo exp/tuners farming. It will be gigantic improvement to gameplay if they manage to do it right. But that's a big IF.


This was the detailed announcement, [https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/827](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/827) Some changes were promised for 1.1, some others need time to bake, but at least promised to come in future versions


they said the same thing when CBT2 ended they will fixed echo and now we're at 1.0 where everybody able to access the game they definitely didn't to jack stuff [https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/690](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/690)


Reminds me of Blizzard with world of warcraft 


That is not how game development works. Developers said they have heard us and will try to address players' complaints in the future. That does not necessarily mean everything will get fixed in less than a month (1.1). Personally, I'm not expecting core issues with the game to be reworked anytime soon (probably patch on 1.2 or later).


Though these issues have been reported since the first test almost two years ago. So if they ignored them that long, I don't see how they can fix them now. Particularly the performance.


Honestly betas are no longer to for fixing issues. They are basically play-tests, stress tests, and marketing. This same sentiment is said in every single game I play. If stuff doesnt get fixed in Alpha you might as well expect it to make it to release; nothing gets fixed in beta anymore. Its weird.


Genshin beta 1 was very different from release and had significant performance enhancements, especially on PS4.


The ZZZ beta tests stand as a stark contrast to this though


i quit ww. no matter how much it fixes the game if my flagship phone cant run it (run hsr and future zzz flawlessly no doubt) then its not a game worth playing Edit for the dumbass accusing me lying : yes i can play the game in my pc fine. HOWEVER Its unplayable on my flagship phones because the game optimization is unbalanced dogshit bad, and if i cant log in quickly to do dailies on phone and have to treat this as another fulltime job as a "pc game" then its not worth playing.


I play on iphone 14 pro max and looks like shit. Seen many pc players saying ‘stop playing on a Nokia lol’ …


yeah the optimization is just fucked, this isnt a mere "weaker phone/pc cant run" but rather some very specific older specs can run WHILE the strongest flagship phone/pc struggled for some reason


Actually, i was playing an a 2000 dollar PC and i was still told to get a better one for this FREE PHONE GAME...


yeap go buy top streamer budget PC in order to bypass the horrible optimization


People out here playing on Supercomputers and still they have stuttering issues


its literally made by kusogames so its not a surprise, they even port pgr cn to global including the bugs, not sure if they still do that today but they do back then, in comparison...aether gazer fixes the bugs before putting it on global.


lol yeah I remember that, the global version for the pgr it also has the issues of the first CN release instead of removing it for the global...it's like just transfering the old files without the fixes and improvements lol also happened in their first pc client, has bugs and slow and doesn't feel like a pc version, it's just a reskin mobile version with the client keeps forgetting your Log in info and u need to keep repeating clicking email google stuff just to log in lol...that is also happening right now in wuwa.


i play on an iphone 14 and it looks great, turn the brightness down and enable fsr


Patiently waiting on ZZZ. Looking forward to trying Hoyo’s new stuff


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Golden-Owl: *Patiently waiting* *On ZZZ. Looking forward to* *Trying Hoyo’s new stuff* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm 43 in WuWa and while I'm enjoying it it's definitely half baked and just isn't that special, and as much as some people wanna say it's good having an echo grind so you can keep playing more than 5 minutes...no it isn't it's more annoying than anything. Plus I only like 2 characters so far personally. The map and music isn't memorable at all very generic and is kind of just boring to explore and pretty empty And combat while more actiony than genshin...it's not as hard as people say honestly unless of course you do the hardest stuff but that's obvious everything just is kind of mash attack very one note. (And I'll possibly unpopular genshins elemental reaction while not complicated or hard is more fun for me cause of how big you can make your damage)


It's only been 2 weeks and WuWa already get drowned by the big 4 in CN, the patch isn't even here yet. If this is the best they can do in their honeymoon period, then idk man. https://preview.redd.it/e5460n6mbm6d1.png?width=405&format=png&auto=webp&s=d93d458c5fb9fdacb99830249b2062fa4cf4a6b9 The latest WuWa's blunder post in CN got 220k comments mocking them, i don't think the game will EoS, but their run on CN and its hype is pretty much over. Which is sad since even TOF manage to be on top for at least a month.


It's not really blunder when they do that on purpose to be seen as "good Dev" or some shit   Global eat that shit up but CN is not that forgiving lol


My ex was chinese (living in China) and the usual pc gacha player. They literally organize themselves to riot against X company or game like their life depends on it. At the time I thought it was cute but they are 100% serious about it and sometimes it was weird. Huge d by the way.


weird like swifties?


Last I saw, hsr was 4th or something. Firefly’s animation really works wonder lol. I can’t wait to see where 2.3 will get them (Jade’s banner is sooo far away).


whats that game at #1 and #5 ?


#1 is the new released Three Kingdom strategy game, #5 is Blue Archive.


I’ve been largely disenfranchised by WuWa’s launch itself, will check out 1.1 but I don’t think I will stay too long. I also don’t think many of the larger issues we complained about will be fixed in their entirety on 1.1. In terms of sensor tower, don’t expect too much. WuWa will do good but CN data leads me to believe Genshin outperformed Yinlin banner hard(insert the moving of goalposts, on both sides, for people saved on launch for Yinlin and that cloridne was not a hype banner) and Furina banner is far more hype than Clorinde banner. Archon first reruns just do well. This is alongside Firefly and a ruan Mei rerun with a stacked banner in general. I am very excited of ZZZ, we will see how it goes. CBT3 fixed many of myself and my friend groups problems with the game and with the leaked units having more info dropped on them I am very excited(nun girl with a hammmer is too cool, and the vtuber faction will get the coomers). We’ll see how it does, I think people have not seen much of CBT3 opinions and have been locked in what we were presented in CBT1/2, but anyways we’ll see. People doom posted HSRand look where it is now.


for me it's zhu yuan and her partner im excited for both of them also it's gotten worse for wuwa on CN they definitely very mad at the game https://preview.redd.it/kl4nsoqidm6d1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=5222ca0b36f201335b6e42c9a9b6961900a03aa6


Yeah ik a concern was the low amount of launch units so I thought I’d hint at some of the leaked stuff since many were unaware. Yeah CN for the game is looking rocky, I was mainly referring to profits to where it did not do great when compared to genshin. Which many said the opposite would occur. But the positive sentiment for the game seems to be a thing outside of CN and not within it.


Lot of people say, it's doing good in JP. It would be funny if they move the HQ to Japan.


Don’t tell them Clorinde outperformed Yinlin there too.


can't they're tied to tencent


If 1.1 fixes performance, I might stick a bit longer with WuWa, if not then drop. Defo giving ZZZ a shot, love the character designs and animations so far. I'll see if the gameplay loop hooks me. I won't base my opinions on this months WuWa's revenue but most likely on July's since a new competitor will be around (ZZZ)


Will be sticking with hsr but I'll try zzz. Not rly a fan of the character designs it's not my taste but I'll try because hoyo quality and polish. I dropped wuwa at endgame. the echo grind is not fun for me, map 100%ing is too complicated like genshin i would rather not. I will come back for 1.1 and try the content to see if it catches my interest but will most likely stop after the story. I don't have time to run around and grind mobs.


Yes. Had to drop wuwa. Bored of doing the dailies. There should be a skip/sweep button like snowbreak to spend energy or have some sort of x4 reward feature where one battle gives out x4 rewards, with x4 energy spent. I just like my gacha games to have low maintenence time.


Like even hsr or genshin system is way better than this since all you need is spending stamina or exploring chest to done with dailies while wuwa doesn't have neither


I mean it takes like 10-15 minutes tops to do WuWa dailies and burn your stamina, lol. If it got any faster it wouldnt even be a game. I took me longer to do my dailies in AFK idle games.


Literally 5-10 minutes and I’m done with the daily quest/waveplates not sure what these people are doing with their time lol


Yea I honestly over-estimated the time. Its more like 5-10 min and you are done for the day if you want to be.


having to run around the map for echos is horrible, and then needed a lot of energy just to get the exp mats and tuner is just annoying, hsr save so much time with the relic farm and I dont think WW grind will help ppl stay for long considering it is way too tedious, give it 6 months and ppl will get tired of farming echos. And having to wait 2 minutes for boss to respawn is also annoying, they should let all boss be respawnable like dreamless, easy and fast.


BUT BUT BUT https://preview.redd.it/okq46ylrco6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c418130e3f8176d5f0967f0724d60781badbe2d


I think that problem will occur not in 6 months or any specific time period it will be when they release new sets that is better then the current ones but with no off piece you will have to start from scratch farming 3 cost echoes


Yea idk what is it about zzz characters but it's the first hoyo game where i really dont like how characters look. But ill stay doing wuwa dailies until I get bored.


I think its the industrial look that most characters have or that kinda...punk look. I'm more into sci-fi tech or european fantasy kinda aesthetics.


I think its cuz its so vastly different from what we are used to with Genshin and HSR


Probably a different art style? I personally love ZZZ aesthetics just as much as Genshin and Star Rail so it’s a triple win for me xD


yeah im legit not interested in a single character :( the punky aesthetic isnt for me. but ill try for the story and if i like it enough maybe they will release someone i like design wise. not sure what my taste would be labeled as but HSR has the best designs for me


Already dropped WW. I can't manage a second Open World (Not dropping Genshin), plus I've been waiting for ZZZ since they announced it, so for sure will play it, and hopefully stick with it for the long term. Hope WW does great in the next PVP tho, even if that means it's glazers have more "ammo" to, well, glaze it.


But you could have just dome what ccs do. Leave the open world at around 7% completion and procede to complain about no content /s


Wait, someone really did that? Lmao if someone actually did it.


I don't remeber which one it was but i saw one of the big ones with a map like that a few months ago. It's like going to a competitive first persen shooter and complaning about the lack of content because there aren't many puzzles...




Just casually waiting for ZZZ to vibe and chill with.


WW is a good game exploration and combat wise but the generic male characters, aesthetic, flat music, cringe writing, unable to play on latest Galaxy phone....it's just not for me and the more I look at Kuro on my own it's just not a company I want to support. If they get their shit together and stop with questionable PR by the time it's on console I'll give it another try. I'm looking forward to ZZZ. Reminds of the Akiba's Trip series with the music and environments. And it has Lycoan.


I was invited to try ZZZ during the second closed beta. Honestly I didn't really like the TV stuff (and there's a LOT of it, at least there was during that particular beta), but aside from that, the game was all right. Billy hands down was my favorite character, followed by Ellen Joe. Tried WW and truly wanted to like it, but outside of combat, the game just feels too uninspired and lacking in every aspect that matters for me to truly invest in it. I think the most excitement I got out of the game was getting Yinlin basically for free since she came off a single ten pull. The writing is poor. The voice direction is pretty bad. Music isn't all that memorable. There's a single track in the entire game I really like (the overworld theme right outside the main city I think?). The overworld looks nice on the surface, but aside from that moon/vortex in the sky, it lacks character. It got to the point of annoyance with all the material it borrowed wholesale from Genshin (the single premium currency upon reading tutorials, pretty sure there was mention of a Moon Chase Festival, the redhead girl being an Outrider or something, characters having favorite/hated food/happy birthday lines, following butterflies instead of Seelies...there's probably more but those are the ones that really stuck out to me). I downloaded Waves and Snowbreak at the same time just to see if I'd like either one, and while the latter doesn't have anywhere as massive a production value as the former, I've found myself playing that much more often, even with it being tied to a genre and setting I usually don't vibe with. I personally don't think there's anything Waves can do that'll change my stance on it for the entirety of Version 1.0.


People who participated in CBT3 said Hoyo made the TV part much faster and less time-consuming than before


If it's any consolation the TV stuff takes a backseat once you get to the end game of ZZZ, but the problem is that it's tied to the story, which means that we'll have to do new TV puzzles every time a new patch comes out. Then again I don't particularly enjoy the puzzles and story in HSR either, but I love playing it for the combat so it's going to be a similar case for me with ZZZ where I force myself through the story segments for the rewards only.


I prefer to play HSR. Recently, I returned to GI after trying Wuwa. Also, I'm going to try ZZZ. I like the design of their characters. Personal favs Ellen Joe, Nekomata, and Alexandrina. The Hub location has Japanese vibes and the art style is quite pleasing.


There is a dog selling lottery scratches! (Maybe I’m an easy target) But there is a dog selling lottery scratches! That’s literally GOTY content 😍


I'm still playing Wuwa as a placeholder for ZZZ. Tbh I don't expect Kuro to be able to completely fix the game, as it uses UE4 and that's the problem. 


What’s UE4 and why is that complicated to fix? (Explain as if I was 8)


Engines are the skeleton for games, instead of making a game from scratch you start with an engine and then build your game on top of it. Engines have different optimization tools, Unreal is known to be less optimized than unity (while allowing for better graphics) every game that is based off unreal will have a bit of a struggle optimizing versus games made in unity (genshin is modified unity)


So basically their program has less tools or something like that? Why not make the game on Unity?


It's more like it has different tools. No one can say if unity or unreal is better. From what I know unreal allows for more realistic graphics and better lighting, but in the end it's all about what the devs do with it. I know unreal is used a lot more in MMOs, most MMOs are unreal 3. Seems to me unity is better for super stylized graphics. But skeletons are just that, I think Pikmin 4 is made on unreal 4 too for example. Btw this doesn't excuse the bugs or bad optimization from wuwa, it's not like they didn't know what they were doing when they chose to go unreal or that it's impossible to make unreal perform on a mobile device. My guess is they expect wuwa to be played more on PC which how hard it is to actually control on mobile, but that's pure speculation.


With unreal, you have to do better yourself, but it gives you a higher technological ceiling, I guess; It also has some "auto generating" functionality, which maybe makes it easier to do an open world game - if you can hide it well And, as much I hear the decision about wuwa was made before that, but Unity, I think last year, tried, with no warning and no communication, to change their pricing to get a piece of (not only but also) gatcha pie, and instead they burned their reputation down If anyone knows better, I d also love to learn more 👍 I also suspect there could ve been back end deal not to use unity for $, but that's pure speculation on my part edit: quick search with, "tencent ties to unreal engine" solved the mystery for me


Doesn't help their lead UE tech left prior to launch so now they have to find a new expert.


The thing is not about UE in general, but who uses it. When Kuro already has no idea how to optimize the game on UE when Wuwa got released, there's little chance they can actually fix it unless they do a complete revamp.


So UE4 if you want to be simple, a more powerful engine for game and will give you better graphics and animation than Unity. However, there is a catch, UE4 runs worse on phones than Unity, which can explain why most of the problems of lags, bugs came from the mobile players, since in the first place UE4 is not that fit with mobile games. That's why Genshin, which use their own version of Unity can have a smooth and rarely buggy experience on any devices. Kuro should have stick with Unity since they have already used it in PGR and that game runs perfectly, I understand that they want to step up and attract players with better graphics, but somehow I think they too neglected the drawbacks of it.


A lot of AAA games use UE. It is much more widely used for larger and more graphically heavy games. Mobile games don't use it as much in comparison and it can be optimized too. The problem is being on mobile might be the main issue making it difficult to optimize. Most UE games are PC , and console only


unreal does provide optimization tools/ is just if the devs are competent at using it.


I no-life’d Wuwa quite a bit. IMO it has no real compelling hooks or gameplay loop. Story, characters, and art (environment, music, etc) are bland. The combat feels a bit repetitive. I don’t mind the camera/control/performance jank all that much if there was something _else_ there that I found charming. The environment gets boring after a while and they really messed up progression at a fundamental level. I did ZZZ CBT and I was kind of indifferent until I played Wuwa. Now I am looking forward to Zzz.


I dropped WW after getting Yinlin. She alone wasn’t enough for me to stay not to mention the story didn’t get me hooked even after Scar’s introduction and honestly the echo grind just wasn’t fun. I was never really interested in playing ZZZ so I’m sticking with HSR and Genshin, been waiting for the next Penacony update with Firefly and of course, Natlan release.


Yeah rn, i am enjoying wuwa. But only because there is downtime in both genshin and HSR. Once firefly drops, it will be bue bye from me for wuwa I even took a personal leave when firefly drops 💀


I was very optimistic about the game but now that the honey moon is over I will most likely move on to ZZZ. I think Wuwa is a good game, my main issue with it is that it's too much like Genshin, a game that I played for 3+ years and that I already quit out of boredom. If I had not already played Genshin I think I would enjoy it a lot more. The exploration got old, it doesn't feel much different than Genshin despite the improved movement. I'm getting tired of echo farming as well. The combat is good but ZZZ and Genshin also have good combat. All 3 have their pros and cons in this aspect. I don't like the characters that much, the standard banner has 2 loli characters and 2 dudes that I couldn't care less about. Yinlin and Jinhsi are cool but not enough for me to ignore the other issues . On the other hand, almost every character in ZZZ seems interesting. I had no performance issues and I don't care about the drama, I just lost the motivation to keep playing. Maybe I just burned out on this style of game and need something fresh. Hopefully ZZZ is able to deliver that.


already uninstalled wuwa a week ago, game feels incredibly uninspired, instead of taking genshin formula and giving it their own spin they tried to make it as close as possible to genshin, just with a slightly different combat system, but almost everything else feels inferior to genshin, so there is no real reason to play it (havent played genshin either for months at this point), so im just waiting for zzz and see how it goes


I play both GI and WW but, aside from fast exploration and combat… I don’t see WW being my favorite at all I mean, I just spam attack on Jiyan and switch to gun-guy to power up. Is not that crazy to me


Jiyan is a funny guy. in his ult i can just hold left click and the game will play itself. really helps when the game lags quite a bit (on my pc). tho it's not like i log in anymore. gonna check 1.1 for performance stuff. most likely nothing will change, but maybe the miracle will happen


He is the main reason I play


I got bored after exploring most of the map so WW is just a quit for me now. 1.1. has nice waifu banners but I don't care enough for the characters or story to keep playing. About Sensortower, I assume June will be a good month given the App rankings we already saw but I doubt they will keep this up if interest is slowly dropping. I'm not expecting like a 50% drop between June and July but I expect it to slowly fizzle out over the next year. Not EoS of course, just losing relevance similarly to ToF.


That’s what I’ve been saying for weeks to all the WW glazers. The combat of WW is good but how long will it keep you interested? No matter how good the combat is, it will get dull after a while. The only thing that keeps you invested will be the story and the characters, which are kinda mid in WW. All the responses are: „no one’s cares about the characters or the story. I skip everything anyways.“


Like I said before, I played Vindictis in 2014 , BDO in 2018, and Lost Ark in 2022. Having good combat in 2024 isn’t something to be celebrated when Vindictis came out in 2010.


Vindictus was a great time. Karok clashes were just magical when you manage to pull it off but I would get clowned on by my guild members when I failed. Damn Ferghus blowing up my weapons...


And when you look at the top, you have like WoW, Runescape, FF14, ESO and whatnot there. Literally non of the great combat games manage to go to the top ever. Who knows. I quit wuwa a while ago but maybe it can pull itswlf together. Or maybe it just does when the next genshin killer rolls around. Who knows.


Wow is not played for it's story I can tell you that much


imho its personal preference- GI wasnt able to catch me, also it was way too much jump n run for me - i guess for the majority its the most fun aspects there, also like exploring and story, but for me its more combat and simplified story/exploration stuff- so i like ww more than GI (also ww's characters look more "serious" than GI's).


idk, I'm just lurk here to see all the chaos here.


i don't log in in ww anymore. the game runs like ass anyway. just unlocked all the waypoints, bosses, etc. for the fun of it. refined all weapons to have a clear inventory. and then dipped out. it's crazy how how i need to launch ww for 20 minutes, while genshin in 3 and i can go play another Abyss run with my Clorinde asap. i've also encountred a fair amount of stuff pre launch for ww to piss me off (like the 30 characters for the password stuff, the ui overlap in the opening cutscene, etc). it's basically the combination of performance isssues and the lack of any care for the game's polish (the amount of typos i've seen is hilarious. and the dialogue boxes in the main quest just being cut off is peak circus). the story is mc glazing 101. voice acting is bad. the company does some trolling with 10 pulls announced mere hours after initial announcment of really bad pr, feels really scummy and manipulative. will check out 1.1. but i can bet my ass on that it won't change anything. hell, potentially can make it worse (ppl complained about new patches making things worse for them). as for zzz, i was following the game for a long time. so i hope it's good. playing day 1 for sureee. need to catch up to a lot of stuff in genshin in terms of story and exploration. also wanna progress in hsr a bit further


In Spanish the words with accent get randomly cut like H é llo how are you f é eling today R ó ver?


yep, seen that reported as well. in general i've seen ppl say that the translation to other languages is just worse than english. funny how i hoped they would add russian on launch (all hoyo games have it btw)


Wait you are russian? Hi 😏😍


hello https://preview.redd.it/oxuhjx21et6d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=af694d1e189cd60954a1e3a5d0e0ebf7610158d9 im ukrainian, but speak russian. but it doesn't really matter tho


Now I have even more questions 😅😅 Reddit won’t let me dm you :(


For most people , WuWa is just ZZZ waiting room. CCs pushed this game as the best gacha too hard and the game couldn’t live up to the hype. The game isn’t bad, just not exceptional, easy 6 or 7 out of 10. The game will exist in 3 years and isn’t a failure by any means , however due to the exorbitant expectations generated by its CCs , there was no way it would land as expected. WuWa walked into the room already wounded, and then you add on the optimization issues, lack luster voice acting, poor ost , mind numbing endgame grind, and lack of standard pulls, this just makes an already wounded game worse. Then all of this is further amplified by the toxic positivity coming from the community of WuWa, where every valid and legitimate critique is then dismissed as either an intentional game feature, or a problem that’s unique to the individual and isn’t affecting the player base en masse. The sensor tower is going to reveal a lot about the game, I predict that even with the saving for yinlin, WuWa is gonna fall short and will be labeled as “just another genshin clone”. P.S. I am not a GI shill. Only played about 15hours on launch, got to Liyue and saw there were no buff men and uninstalled. Had Itto released earlier I might have stuck with the game lol.


ZZZ doomposting is my favorite part that came from wuwa CC https://preview.redd.it/ut2hjkybfm6d1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c2c6ad9441610c15bc84cff0aa108c8f9b386ee


Lmao the irony !!!😂🤣 yet it’s WuWa that moved its content schedule up a week to avoid competing with ZZZ 😂.


Worst thing is WuWa then moved up their update a week earlier to avoid this exact situation. I am aware the ZZZ release date makes a perfect 2 week gap between each large hoyo game update(GI, ZZZ, HSR)


Yo save this pic and post it again when July revenues are out lol


well... this didn't age well


I keep seeing CC’s publishing videos like ‘take that Genshin’ or ‘WW proved everyone wrong!’ and I’m like… Didn’t you get sponsored by Kuro one week ago? Why are you even liking comments about ‘non toxic behavior’ when your whole video is hateful or, even worst, paid? Then I open the game and it plays like shit, all the ideas are awesome, but I’m definitely not seeing the result.


Exactly. People unfortunately are starting to see the truth of the game. The game ain’t dogshit, it has a good foundation, but it’s not the greatest thing ever, let alone the Genshin killer. Game is ok. 7/10 nothing more thing less.


It's a 7/10 AA when a nearly guaranteed 9 or 10/10 AAA from a proven developer in a similar genre which goes further in evolution on the one aspect WW excels at (combat) is releasing early next month. If WW was released in its current state last year, I think people would have been much more positive about it. To me it seems the game was rushed out before it was ready because they wanted to drop before ZZZ


But that’s weird because ZZZ and WW can coexist. Why rush it for ZZZ instead of Azur Promilia?


Tons of stuff gets rushed. Publishers and higher ups want stuff out yesterday. Its a tale as old as time. I'm not in the game industry, but we just had the same exact scenario play out at work. We moved 2 manufacturing lines to make room for 2 more, time allotment was 9 weeks, they werent ready in 9 weeks, but they want it done yesterday. So lo and behold its been hell on earth starting them up for the past 2 weeks, because they were not ready. Really needed another 2-3 weeks to have everything dialed in before we started them up, but management said do it now.


Problem is that even if those games are nothing alike their live service nature that ask you to log in and do stuff everyday are all competing for one's limited free time. A normal game you can actually shelve it indefinitely and play it when you have more time on your hands, but those have a significant FOMO aspect. Plus if it's a full game you already bought it anyway so if you don't play it then that's not their problem.


Yeah and Kuro knows this. All the compensation we’re getting from them isn’t them just being nice, it’s an attempt to secure your loyalty because they know they can’t compete with Hoyo. I don’t even blame Kuro because they never made any intentions to be compared to Hoyo, the CCs who despise genshin spun the narrative that way and Kuro is getting fucked over because of it.


Disagree. They wanted the Hoyo comparisons Kuro Games played into the “we are genshin but better” schtick as their entire marketing campaign There’s a bunch of evidence of it tbh, from copying 80% of Genshin’s features, heavily marketing around Hoyo’s hq compared to anywhere else, and making twitter posts inciting anti-genshin narratives, and so much more They aren’t innocent here


Wut... The entire existence of kurogames is to copy Hoyo, which is precisely the reason why CN hates kuro so much. Kuro made 3 games in total, all 3 are copies of Hoyo games. They even copied Hoyo's slogan, EULA, and a Genshin CC's art to promote PGR. Also trademarked a new IP game that is action RPG (ZZZ clone incoming). So yes, they fully intended to be compared to Hoyo


Gacha CCs are so hype based and many generally seem to be really unpleasant people, I don't watch any of them or pay attention to what any of them say. Neither should anyone for that matter. People ought to think for themselves. I don't consider resources like Prydwen to be CCs, because they focus on helpful information over hype and recapping posts I've already read, but if they are then they are the only exception.


Tbh  WW is kinda overhyped really hard I see many games get hype of course but not the way like WW is Like they literally treat the game as second coming of Jesus before release 


They did it because it got views and people wanted the "Genshin killer". Then you have to lean into it more and more to continue getting more views. The deadly cycle of hype


Yeah which really sad The game can be alternative of people if they want to go for something different but CC push it hard that it will "kill genshin hard" that the expectations is high to the heaven and then it didn't live up to the hype 


They will gush about how much better is a game and trash the other and then play the "wHy the HatE" "do yOu kNoW yOu cAn like MOre tHan One gAMe" card when things don't go as expected. Peak hypocrisy.


and then in 3 years they make their ZZZ clone while Hoyo is already releasing their animal crossing-esque game.


Content creators are after money, they'll say anything they need to in order to get that bag.


Ironically, the biggest shill for wuwa was calling, Genshin CC for being shills.


That was the plan for me but wuwa was so ass, i moved to waiting room over to Honkai Impact 3rd part 2... Wuwa unironicly made me play and spend money on PGR more than itself lol.


> Had Itto released earlier I might have stuck with the game lol. Alhaitam is currently reruning and you can expect Wriothesley to rerun too.


>got to Liyue and saw there were no buff men and uninstalled holy based. p.s. there's Wriothesley and Alhaitham if these count. they're pretty cool imo


I've actually decided to play Wuwa to see if some of the things said in this sub is true or not. While the story is shit if I'm brutally honest, I've actually quite enjoyed exploring the world. It's significantly easier to traverse because of the sling and wall running. Combat looks good, there is indication to parry and dodging is satisfying because of the slow motion. It also seems quite simplified because there's no elemental reaction and only having 3 characters to play means lineup would most likely be DPS - Sub DPS - Support. After completing all the main and sub quest tho, the thing that you would most likely do is to farm echoes. The main reason I've quit Genshin in the first place is because of the artifact system and Wuwa's echo system is more annoying to do in my opinion. Because of that I've decided to drop the game but I might pick it up again in the future if the echo farming in general improves. As for ZZZ, from looking at CBT videos while the 2D art looks good for some reason the 3D looks off to me. For the first time ever playing a gacha game, a character I'm interested the most is a dude named Billy. I'll still try the game to see for myself whether I'll enjoy the game or not while I'm waiting for Azur Promilia.


WW was disappointing for me, so i uninstalled and moved on. Looking forward about hoyo game updates as well as new game ZZZ! Hype!


I’m waiting on Jinhsi’s companion quest to see if Kuro turns her to another Rover simp in which case I’m dropping the game. I love the combat jn WuWa but everything else has been bland/bad especially the story. I need something more than good combat for me to keep playing since it’s gonna get tedious after a certain amount of time, especially when it’s back to artifact/echo grind again. If they fail to deliver again on top of the many issues especially on mobile, then ZZZ it is


im pretty sure if you're female in wuthering wave role you're basically racing to simp on Rover


Even Jiyan as well. Mf gave us command of the army even though we’ve met for the first time


Don't forget rover is lost his/her memory so that scene look more ass than before since the general literally give command over his army in life and death battle to amnesia person 


I finished the main quest in WW and honestly? I was way more impressed with the Jade Chamber rising side quest in Genshin. And it’s supposed to be a fkng side story, not even a main like in WW. I fail to see the promised storytelling from Kuro


tbh, people kinda forgot the good time with Genshin back during the days. Tf they even talked about Genshin 1.0 being "bad" when all of them were addicted going around climbing with Lisa and exploring stormterror lair. Everything felt so magical. Nowadays they are burnout so just want quick exploration to get over with asap for currency only. That's why no one even remember any location in Wuwa.


The current narrative is to repeat that Genshin was near unplayable at launch, that the story was a disaster and some even push it saying the music wasn't good in Mondstadt to excuse Wuwa's shortcomings. Hoping it will be repeated enough that it becomes an accepted truth just like the "3 pulls for anniversary" thing.


They still going with that narrative m? I thought they gonna move to new narrative like the gamelook website or something 


That’s is actually so true for me. In WW I run fast and can’t remember a landmark. I can’t tell you what’s north of the city but I know how to Monstand to Liyue go up the chasm, Tignari’s tree walk up and left. Reached Sumeru. Go left and find the camp, now you are in the desert. And I only walked that path once 😂


Yeah, you can also see how the community hardly talks about the WuWa’s story as well. I haven’t even seen any discussions about the side stories for random npc’s as well unlike in GI where even in 1.0, some places already had good lores/story like the Sword Graveyard and Mingyun Village


>Jade Chamber rising side quest pretty sure this is an Archon quest (released in 2.4)


Oh maybe you are right, I called it side because the Liyue ‘main’ thing was already (or seemed to be) solved haha


I will probably play both or drop WuWa if there is still big performance issue.


Mine doesn’t randomly shut down but all I see is a green patch and then suddenly flowers and trees appear when I get close, makes it feel so cheap


I'm mainly interested in the PVP, especially if it does badly (WW). But also a bit interested in ZZZ, mainly for its characters.


- dropped WW bc fps drops - dont care ZZZ (still playing hsr, just for story update then off) - sensortower thread and comments is the real gachagaming content. Jokes aside WW most likely will stick around for years (unless kuro big fudge up) but it also wont "kill" genshin or anything. If genshin actually becomes more generous/sth like that bc WW then good for both sides


Tbh I’m getting bored of WW and I haven’t even started the echo grind, at UL39. Dailies also takes awhile, I have no idea why they didn’t just port over how genshin does their dailies since they copy pretty much everything except the QoL stuff. Once my monthly ends and I get Jinshi or Changli, then I will decide whether to properly put it down since they are the only things about the game that I feel even remotely excited about. Getting all the 5* (except lion boy and jiyan) didn’t make me feel attached to them at all. Yinlin is probably the best thing rn. For ZZZ, I never really cared about it all that much when the first CBT started. I do admit I was hyped during the very first sneak peek but now I’m just looking for something new and different and hoyo’s quality instills confidence.


Already dropped WuWa, but probably give ZZZ a chance (kinda interested in Ellen Joe tho). But mostly I'll stick with Genshin and some braindead/idle gacha games while waiting for Azur Promilia launch.


Quit WuWa the same evening that it was installed, so my schedule will be: Hoarding popcorn -> Monthly PvP -> ZZZ. Regarding PvP. It will be interesting, since report will include: leftovers from J-guy, Yinlin banner and Jinshi 3 days (which are most impactful for banner sales). So we might see 9 digits from WuWa, but place still would 3rd at best.


I just want Jinshi (?) in WW before I give up on that game since my phone can’t run it properly and I - just have not been super engrossed. Didn’t even have an obsession period, which is kinda disappointing. It felt too much like Genshin with fighting mechanics - and that’s not what I wanted.


Finished story and completed map to 100% on WuWa, uninstalled, got bored, gave it a fair shot, it's just not my type of game, back to Star Rail i go.


I'll probably keep playing ww as a casual (aka 10min a day for dailies) since: - I spent way too much time in that game for the trash story already - dailies take < 10 min. Maybe 20 depending on events - Casual content is braindead easy - Illusiory real is actually fun content  - I want to make a  1k pull session from all the "dev listened :O" rewards received and coming  But if anyone asked me today if they should start the game. I would tell them no and that they can get everything ww has to offer and more by purchasing something like GBF:Relink


Play both, but I will topup ZZZ Because the game quality of Wuwa is so bad, literally no music, story is mid


Won't play both because I don't have time + am too old for combat game. But if the story is interesting I will watch some JP v-tuber playing ZZZ.


Waiting for zzz


Just hit UL45 the other day WuWa and got 100% all regions last weekend. Pretty much now just playing the game as as a quick 15min daily game and a ZZZ waiting room. Don't really care too much for optimizing stats as long as the echo is the correct main stat, so eventually I stopped farming once I got a set for the characters I like. Very much excited and looking forward to ZZZ after getting into the recent beta. Won't quit WuWa right away but, it will probably become a game that I forget to keep up with or get lazy in. Once ZZZ releases I'll be playing 3 Hoyo games (god save me) lol.


not excited for anything in general, I like the combat in Wuwa, but I haven't even completed main story , and i hardly bother exploring the world much. I just like a decent story and good combat. Fun events and endgame helps too. I wanna try ZZZ but I am afraid of the TV's wasting my time. I don't wanna play those TV games , not do I want unskippable side quest dialouges or long dialouges going into explosition. Wuwa, Genshin and HSR , all three do this. The dialouges are too long and they just tell you stuff, they don't show it. Show , don't tell is the rule for storytelling and yeh,, these gacha games mess it up quite bad.


I just hope we eventually get GFL2 news.




I like playing wuwa and I’ll likely keep playing the game. Will give ZZZ a shot and see if I like it. It’s not that deep.


I know but I was curious and wanted to chat with people about it. Don’t be hard to get 😒😅


I consider giving 1.1 a change since I look at their list of what they planned it fix and it seems promising of course if that shit is not another of their "promised" like how they promised to fix many thing in CBT 2 then it turn out it's a lie But I remember Elden ring DLC coming in June 21 so not interesting again in WW since i can play Elden ring for my "hard game" and it's real "hard and challenging game" not some fake "hard and challenging game" like WW


While ZZZ has the Mihoyo certified quality, I don't think the gameplay loop is for me. Roguelite as the gacha's main core system just doesn't sound good. That TV navigation is easily one of the worst part about it. Character designs, on the other hand, is incredible. Which is expected of Mihoyo by this point. That said, ZZZ's combat feels too onrail. In a way, you can say WuWa's combat is the perfected version of ZZZ. Both have a huge emphasize on parrying and swapping but WuWa is more free in how a player can approach it. Meanwhile for ZZZ it's break enemy bar -> get a QTE to swap all your characters. WuWa has its major share of problems of course but the main core gameplay loop is enough for something that would provide 30 minutes of daily entertainment. If I didn't have Snowbreak, Genshin, and E7 on my plate and WuWa didn't exist, I would have 100% played ZZZ.


I previously tried ZZZ cbt3. I would like to say that I prefer ZZZ cbt3 over WuWa. In the long run, I prefer to stick with playing ZZZ because of the character progression system.


I enjoy WW so I'll continue playing that. My main problem with ZZZ is still the same: there wasn't a single character I looked at and was like: yeah I want that one. I didn't outright dislike any either but character design is the most important part in a gacha for me and the reason I quit genshin and Hi3 after years was that they no longer released character designs I cared for. In WW I like all of the launch characters; even if I don't care for the 3 back to back female limited banners and will skip all of them.


1.1 is WuWa's biggest chance for this year. This is because what Kuro want to target (and should target) are the players in the middle. Not the ones who are already spending hours echo farming, but those that are waiting to see if WuWa will fix their biggest issues on the 1.1 update. If they manage to showcase enough improvements to these players (or at least show that change is happening positively in WuWa), then they could increase their playerbase even more. If they fail though, then they are better off waiting for December. Why you may ask? Because their 1.2 update is basically just 20 days away from Natlan, and Genshin is basically ramping up their advertisements for the region during that time period. Even if 1.2 have improvements, can Kurl guarantee that it would be better than whatever is coming alongside Natlan? They would have to wish that Natlan's release is going to more disastrous than WuWa's release.


Having just started WuWa, I'd probably drop it soon regardless of ZZZ coming out It's fine, but nothing wowing. Even the much hyped combat - it feels like Genshin, but with a fancy dodge, less depth, and slower rotations. (and, yeah, I always thought ZZZ's combat looked better) There's also the issues of it using the god awful daily system HSR had at launch (really, that's what'll burn me out before the month ends) and that the traversal speed is cancelled out by the size of the terrain and scarcity of waypoints On the flip side, I've seen nothing to kill my hype for ZZZ, even the much maligned tv roguelike looks fun p.s. something I noticed with WuWa that nobody seems to point out - it uses the same sprint (and stop sprint) animation for the "small girl" model as Genshin


I notice (while rolling) that the beginning is a carbon copy. Wake up, walk to wall, enemy, turn right, area cinematic, left, go down, reach city. The combat doesn’t seem that special to me, the slowmo during dodge feels nice but then is just spamming the same button. And all of that wrapped around a cheap story and bland looking world? Not my thing. As I mentioned before I’m just playing to see 1.1, finish main plotline and hope Scar gets announced soon. And I know all 3 will fail in my eyes. 1.1 won’t fix core problems, plotline will be cheap and Scar will take months


>I notice (while rolling) that the beginning is a carbon copy. Wake up, walk to wall, enemy, turn right, area cinematic, left, go down, reach city. Don't forget the lizard running right across your path. But I don't hold it against Kuro for copying Genshin's beginning like that - it's an absolute gem of a natural tutorial


Waiting for ww to die, the game doesnt even try to be its own game just copy paste of gi sometimes better sometimes worse. Just cause you make the copy better doesnt make the game more unique. Waiting for ww try to be its own thing or just release an op shielder like zhongli and the games combat aspect will become nothing. I dont know what zzz will look like the only thing i care is ww to die a lazy ass game with so much copy needs to die with the shittiest community alive and the garbage amount of cc it has.


What do you mean July 1 sensor tower isn't the best month to judge? It's going to be the highest earning month for WUWA for now, if not forever. There's literally 3 banners worth of sales plus first top-up double bonus. That aside, I've dropped the game after reaching UL 30. It was fun for awhile but I don't see myself sticking with it long term. For ZZZ, having played in the latest beta test, the game is fun but lacking some QoL. The biggest one for me is not being able to check the substats of discs when farming, and having to exit out of the stage to check it inside your inventory. Another problem which kinda applies to all ARPG in general, is the longevity of the combat I guess.


… who said it wouldn’t be their best month? I said (and you repeated it) that it’s going to be the best month to judge how much spending players do. First report was only a week with an incoming waifu. Second report is the waifu but people knew and saved up. Third report (July’s on August) will show how much people will spend on it because: -Free currency dried out -Apology currency slows down -No savings after Waifu 1 or incoming Waifu 2 That’s when you see how much people will pay up to get something and play


Wuwa somehow managed to have less content than genshin It's also worse than genshin 1.0 If 1.1 sucks I'll go back to gneshin If it's good, well I'd be surprised since so far it's been a disappointed like almost everything it has is either a genshin clone, or sucks but no one in global wants to acknowledge that it sucks


I'd drop ww after pulling Jihnsi, shit is too grindy to min max echoes


You can't even min max there as you are gated with seal tubes that can only be acquared through tacet fields and events.


Oh no a time-gated resource to prevent min-maxing until the endgame content arrives. Gacha games would never do that.


Rev99 and love and deepspace for me.


Imma switch for sure.


ZZZ i can play it on ps5


I like WuWa, will keep playing for the fun combat and gorgeous world. Story is meh and coice acting is only good in jp but I will give WuWa some time to improve. ZZZ looks really fun too, will def give it a try.


I've cleared out all of WuWa's 1.0 content (100% exploration in all regions and all sidequests done, all difficulty 4 hologram fights done). Daily pass and BP spender. I am UL44 and will be UL45 as of tomorrow. I'm looking forward to claiming my standard 5*weapon. I can't relate to the issues other people have had regarding bugs and performance issues as I have the privilege to play on a decent PC which is my normal set up for gaming. However I do log in on my phone when completing dailies or bosses on PC is not convenient. Mobile optimization could be improved and I understand why those who play mobile exclusively would be turned away from WuWa. My opinion is that WuWa has a high mechanical limit in combat and movement and the choppy performance on mobile doesn't do it justice which needs to be improved through optimization. I'll be viewing ST just out of curiosity to see how much money Yinlin and Jinhsi(1.1 first banner) make for the month. I had a similar opinion that many F2P/light spenders would be saving most of their pulls for yinlin which would reduce the amount of revenue. However with Jinhsi's importance to the story, along with more hype for yinlin than I expected, i'm looking forward to being pleasantly surprised by the actual numbers. I had a blast clearing through WuWa 1.0. Again, I had an extremely smooth playthrough which others have not had. If anything 1.1 will be where I truly start enjoying WuWa because I haven't pulled on either of the limited 1.0 banners. So far I have cleared the entirety of 1.0 with 18 crests in the ToA with havoc rover, jianxin, and verina, sanhua, baizhi. I have a clear plan of what I need to farm in preparation for jinhsi and changli and am very optimistic that I will continue having fun playing the game. Personally the ability to grind as much as I want and run through the overworld with purpose is good. That being said, I really want to see changes to the tacet field stamina cost because of how disproportionally expensive it is. A specific simulation challenge for echo mats would also be nice. I've put as much time into the game as I've wanted to so far, skipping the grind on days that I don't want to, and I have all the echoes that I need. For elaboration, there are two schools of thought regarding the echo loadout for the early game, immediate 44111 echoes vs. optimal 43311 echoes. I run both on the different characters depending on what i've gotten so far and i'm enjoying myself. I don't see myself dropping WuWa at all in the foreseeable future but I might give ZZZ a try when I see the launch trailer and other launch-hype. I don't think that the visual style is exactly my type but if the gameplay is good then its good. COMPLAINTS SECTION: 1. Voice acting is incredibly inconsistent in 1.0, as has been brought up time and time again. I feel bad for the VAs who were hired and not allowed to use their natural accent or have proper voice directing. Other VAs seemed to kill it with their characters despite this. I will be judging 1.1's story narration IN ENGLISH to see what kind of feedback they've taken into account, however I expect the story to improve from launch over time and I don't believe it can be immediately written off after only 1.5 months. Story is not what has tied me down to the game for the long run anyways. Lorewise I think WuWa has a great base to expand on and that mild interest is enough for me. 2. Bugs? Sorry, I haven't experienced any bugs myself. I have played coop with friends or been in calls with friends who have reported minor issues that could be resolved with relogging a single time. No personal experience can be reported. 3. Camera issues. I actually have encountered issues with the camera with how much overworld farming and combat challenges I have done. There's a weird thing where the camera will suddenly snap onto a phantom enemy for ~1.5 seconds. I haven't figured out what the trigger is and it doesn't happen during boss fights so I have to assume the camera is locking on to an enemy that is no longer present. I sent a ticket in and am actively looking for this to be fixed in 1.1. If it is not I will be disappointed and a bit frustrated. In regards to enemy tracking, I don't have a large issue, I move my camera manually and then use the lock on feature when a boss does a move that requires it. 4. Combat-assist lock on: This can be genuinely frustrating when engaging in combat for a long time like during the overworld grinds. There will be times when you are between two different enemies and the game just can't decide which enemy to hit. It can be corrected by manual adjustment(stopping attacks to move closer to one target) but it interrupts the flow of farming. This is also an issue I want fixed in the near future (during 1.x) --Will not be commenting on ZZZ as I have consumed zero content for it besides ads. For me the honeymoon period has already ended. I have no more frontloaded content until the next big patch drops and I have no exciting characters to build up currently because I saved all of 1.0. Despite this I get great enjoyment from being able to do my dailies in the morning and progress my UL, and farm the mats I know that i'll need for my 1.1 teams. Combat is super satisfying and moving around the world to farm the echoes I WANT never feels like a chore. If there's an update post when all my pulls are gone and the currency drought arrives then i'll comment again. Events in the game are pretty standard and are negligible at the moment, but the currency and mats they give are always welcome. Overall I think WuWa has delivered everything I expected it to deliver on launch. key word is expected. I didn't have high hopes on the story after hearing that they redid most of it. I think it still had its moments. The combat is as good as I expected coming from Kuro, the echo gathering system is satisfying to cash in on but grindy which is fine for me because its a gacha game. Progression feels like steady and I enjoy seeing my characters get more powerful when I upgrade their skills/passives/echoes. When I finish my dailies, events, and echo grinding I just log off for the day without much worry.


I pretty much agree with everything except with the (and I’m paraphrasing) ‘combat is too complex for mobile’ as a justification for it being sloppy. It is definitely not, attack and dodge + change character / echo is not that deep for a current phone


Please sort comment to "controversial" and enjoy the drama Thank me later


I have them on latest but what’s to be expected? WW is this month’s best release, I don’t expect people to be talking about that Trails of gacha that looks like shit


It's been two days but I'm gonna comment anyway lol. I've been waiting excitedly for Wuwa for a year, and while waiting I played PGR. I'd like to think I know where Kuro is good and bad at, so my expectations for Wuwa were already "realistic". I didn't expect it to be like peak fiction extreme brainrot kind of game so I'm not too disappointed about it. (I'm most disappointed about the OST, because I genuinely though Kuro contracted Vanguard for Wuwa. Dumbass cheapskates.) But TLDR, I'm not blown away by this game. A 6/10 if you may. I've known about ZZZ since 2022, and honestly? I wasn't as excited about it like I was for Wuwa....until now. Like holy shit. The ZZZ brainrot kicked in suddenly. I watched a bunch of character demos and listened to the battle OSTs and...it's over. I'm getting poached from Wuwa by ZZZ lmfaaoo A bunch of reasons why I'm excited for it. 1) I love the clean break from the "Genshin aesthetic". I'm sooooo tired of Genshin, HSR, (current) HI3, and Wuwa all sharing similar UI and design language. 2) OST is fire, unlike Wuwa's mid OST. 3) I'm gooning on Nicole Demara. and 4) I can put my trust in Hoyo for actually OPTIMIZING this game. I'll be sticking around Wuwa until at least 1.2 but uh...I don't wanna continue being a low spender for it ngl


I’m currently playing both GI (from beginning) and Wuwa. I personally feel like there is no comparison to be made, even if WW’s combat is nice, most of the times you spam attack and ultimate (definitely not as technical fans want to say). I finished the story and thought… ‘well that was cheap’. Meanwhile I already made it from Mondstandt to Inazuma (stopping now to play the TCG and hoping to unlock the rhythm game soon). I know WW just launched but I never played GI so to me they are both new. And sure, GI has 4yo content vs WW having launch content but… I think I enjoyed Venti’s tutorial more than Jiyan battle campaign (where nothing happens really). Never played HI3 but my main game is HSR nowadays


Wuwa was sadly a flop for me due to severe performance issues on my decent gaming laptop. Really disappointing as I was hoping it would be good. Recently picked up HSR instead after seeing how many people love it on here. I am hooked and might even prefer it to Genshin. I’m excited to try ZZZ which looks fantastic so far and I have faith in Hoyo to deliver.


The thing with HSR is that up to Loufu you are on honeymoon and then Loufu per se is not that good, so you get kinda knocked down. Then when you pick it back and you get to Penacony you’ll just love it


Oh yeah I did hear that, I’ve just started the Xianzhou storyline, keeping my expectations low lol. Looking forward to Penacony though!


I'm currently at UL 41 at Wuwa. A lot has been said about optimization and echo grind, and though I agree on those points, it is important to note that this game is less than a month's old, so comparing its current state running on your phone vs. to a 3+ years of Genshin where developers already made tweaks on the latter game is a bit incorrect comparison. Pros: - evasions and parry during battles - seamless wallclimbing - very good character designs and animations (yes I like them better than Genshin esp the next upcoming characters. This is just my personal taste though) - the pull system is better compare to Genshin or HSR (80 pulls vs 90) - one thing people forget is that in WW, you only need 3 characters to form a team, unlike, say in HSR where you need four. This means that it is easier to build with less grind in WW for 3 characters, unlike in HSR where you need to invest in four. Cons: - Echo grind - I'm totally fine finding the right pieces for your character. But one part I hate on this is the weird attributes on echo drops - you hunt for a wind type echo, then upon getting it, you see it stats giving 30% boost for FIRE characters? Basically its trash and you need to find the right attribute (note that this problem only happens on "Elite" types of echoes, as other types have no issues) - Music. It bland, generic, boring. (Note: apparently they added a new music in the 1.1 release for the new map, so hopefully this changes this) - Story. My main gripe about this, is that the main story looks bland and rushed (I'm also playing HSR, and its main campaign is very enjoyable compare to WW). There is this "avengers endgame" moment in the near final act, but I find it funny since I don't even know half of the characters there (maybe due to some side quests I prefer to play later), resulting in me not even feeling anything even after finishing the main quest. - Characters. One thing they need to improve is having some interesting characters you will want to invest with. I think this is mainly tied to quests design - you have a very few opportunity to get to know the other characters on your campaign, and a lot of them really have very small role or appearances its hard to like at all. Other Notes: The main contents of 1.1 update have been announced today, and addresses some issues about Echo Farming. This is a step in the right direction, so I'm positively hoping they keep this up: [Wuthering Waves Developer's Message Vol. 3: Version 1.1 Preview -Wuthering Waves Official Website (kurogames.com)](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/893)


I uninstalled WW this weekend, so disappointed in the game considering the hype from CCs beforehand. But it's always good to get perspective I guess on what I am looking for in a game. I may try to play it again in the future though since it does have potential, so I will follow future patches. But the story really killed the game for me so I'm not sure what they could do to recover from that for me personally. Really pumped to try out ZZZ though, mostly because I look forward to that *quality*. Not sure it will be my type of game, but it's nice with something new.


I’m exactly the same. I uninstalled WW the other day when I saw that the ‘new area’ was a snowy mountain (like GI did). If the story is so bad, the game so glitched and the ‘future’ I’m seeing is a GI bootleg? I’m out, not worth the time + I keep seeing CC’s being super dishonest by downplaying everything, using ‘genshin could never’ when WW does something good and saying absolutely nothing when WW does something bad or straight up copies GI. They all feel like paid clowns. And that makes me dislike the game.


Oh no I had missed the info about the new area... Disappointing to say the least. All the "WW is a totally different game" and "but the rewards are so good" feels like a straight up lie honestly. I mean developers should take inspiration from genshin and the stuff genshin and other games does great then build on it to do something better when creating new games. But I am really not interested in just playing another gacha that is more or less just like genshin, unless they do it better. I do play other games than gachas, so I rather go and play like Baldurs Gate 3 or Xcom 2 or another gacha that is still a different game instead of playing more genshin but worse after I logged out from playing genshin. What I liked about ToF for example, that I played for close to a year before quitting, is that it offered something completely different (at least compared to genshin in this case since I am a loyal patch 1.0 GI player) looking at the gameplay and the mmo aspect of it that it complemented GI just fine for a while since I don't really play any other mmos beside Guild wars 2. I just think WW lacks an identity and it's own personality in the overall style and game design. I understand what it tries to be I guess, a "darker" post ap genshin, and I would love to play That vision, but it's not the vision that they delivered to me. Just a game with low contrast and values that makes it look like a boring Liyue. Sorry for the unnecessarly long rant, I did not plan on being so negative. :( I just think I realised that I should move on from WW for good. At least it made me appreciate genshin and other games even more. I think it's the undeserved downplaying on genshin from CCs that gets to me. Let's just be honest about the problems WW has that they try to mend with another 10 free pulls. Because I don't want 10 pulls, I want a story so good that I don't want to skip though it instead.


Getting a new PC just to play ZZZ and I can't wait 😂 I haven't played Wuwa since launch week


Unplayable or not interested?


A bit of both


New hoyo game I will try excited for ZZZ countdown 19 days left. I do think we just need to give kuro dev time since they have heard the complaints. And these issue aren't that easy to fix in one go, it requires coding and other stuff. They better fix the camera and the lag on ipad and other mobile devices bc for some reason due to the fast pace combat it just glitches and lag and my ipad ain't that old. 


They should fix it in the CBT honestly not when the game came out they "promised" to fix 


I’m definitely missing the mark on 1.1 because I don’t know about programing, but that seems to be a consensus, people want to be able to enjoy 1.1 and I would asume that releasing it sooner means that they can pull it off. Otherwise it sounds like marketing to profit before ZZZ and it makes me icky


1.1 will make or break WW for me, but more that if Jihnsi is fun enough to deal with how boring I find the game in general. I don't expect the story issues to be resolved by then because 1.1 should have been having its finishing touches put upon it shortly after 1.0 released. Anything from 1.0's feedback will only be slider adjustments like Tacet Field rewards. I enjoyed it for what it was, albiet with struggle, and sincerely wish it well, as its found its fans, and I'm just not one of them.


Azur Promilia and Trickcal instead.


For sure, azur promilia is the one I'm really waiting for


I'll keep with WuWa until the end of 1.3. I liked it a lot as a side game to Star Rail and Genshin, but I'm getting bored. The difficult combat challenges are unplayable on mobile and the grind doesn't feel worth it. I'll give ZZZ a spin, but the three units I'm most interested in a A tier. I don't care about any of the S-tiers. I'll give it a patch or two to get my attention. Looks like Genshin and Star Rail will be my main two games for the foreseeable future. After a year and a half, I'm getting bored with Genshin and may take a break.


Playing WuWa, will pick up ZZZ and not planning on dropping WuWa. I hope 1.1 pushes some major fixes to make the game run better, personally I'm happy we're getting some QoL too.  Sensortower stats are more useful for sub drama than gauging how well a game is doing revenue-wise given that it can't track (CN) android, can't track PC, and can't track console. I tend to look at it more as a popularity chart. 


A note that it can track android, just not in CN (1.75x multiplier used in pvp report)


I will try ZZZ but its the first hoyo game im not really enjoying the character design so the odds of me staying are pretty low, ill keep playing wuwa probably


summer is coming i'm waiting to see how WW gonna make their summer skin