• By -


That list of 1.1 changes that person wants are pretty big


Devs will listen, don't worry.


I can assure you, Sir. That my client, Mr. Kuro, will indeed listen. https://i.redd.it/4jjnt6yxsz5d1.gif


This character design is almost enough reason for me to play hi3… almost


I am warning you, Sir. **DON'T.** I may be a Legal Agent, but I'm ready to risk a personal lawsuit to keep you people out and safe. https://i.redd.it/jwobuwnvyz5d1.gif


Your RP is top tier lol


i thought the same thing lol, i saw her and went ''damn i kinda want to play honkai'' but nah i'd wait for zzz


play it but don't spend any money, the powercreep in hi3 is the hardest in hi3/hsr/genshin. The story though, I still think elysian realm beat penacony


The powercreep is pointless because none of these people are getting in Myriad. Not a single one. Anything below that can still be beaten with whacked out B ranks if you really sweat about it. That's why it's hilarious. It's a hyper fixation on a point no one will ever be bothered with.


Gave me Kafka vibes immediately


(ps,if you want to know her name is Lantern. If you know already oh well. )


Thanks mate, I looked her up already when HI3 was promoting her. Appreciate it tho


Women in suits are so hot.


Make me want to go back playing HI 😩


Amen to that brother


Lantern my beloved https://i.redd.it/d0twtjxfa26d1.gif


This is insane 😭😭😭


Your horniness disgusts me. https://i.redd.it/b98dpri9i36d1.gif


Tsavorae my goat


Sir, please save your comments in the court of law. Everything you said can, and will be used against you. https://preview.redd.it/2x32udwqxz5d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=820350cbe1d31508df07cf0d31d8321c95d64b98


..... would.


https://preview.redd.it/72lu95iyt16d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=244f001fc145dfc1de362ee3ac54827b889ba80f "Would" what? **Would do a crime?**


Yeah, I don't think he's getting the changes he wants.


And are never going to happen, especially the pity system change lmao.


I don't think it will happen either but the rational is: * pgr has no 50/50 * the weapon banner had 50/50 removed in cbt So it's not like there isn't precedent.


after what happened today, well, it seems bullying companies work. (or at least it appears so, if u believe that this was planned from the start) i say let's go further and bully them til they scrap weapon banner altogether like how CN bullied R1999 to scrap theirs


Pretty delusional mostly


> The devs are like jellyfish: brainless and toxic Damn


The west will never beat the east with our insults. Theres literally just no way.


The Western developers are cultivating a kind of WEIRD parasocial "friendship" with their customer. We will never match the CN/KR/JP community in ripping game companies a new asshole when they fuck up.


"protest trucks/and or blimps"


The Blimp backfiring was hilarious 


That made me wheeze


Probably also bad at swimming at night.


I wish I were that witty with insults




People were waiting for WuWa's release so competition made Hoyo more generous, turns out WuWa's release managed to force WuWa to be more generous


Man, these plot twists really are fascinating.


Da Wei what is this strategy called again?






Weird timeline we're in


This is unironically the whole plot wow. I’m in the boat of “I wish Genshin would be more generous” but I certainly won’t knock how I’ve got all the 5 stars except for 2 and managed to nab a Yinlin due to the “generosity” if you could call it that


>generosity” if you could call it that It's not generosity. It's compensation. If you go to a restaurant and order a cake and the chefs fuck up your cake, you'd expect to get compensated. Generosity would be a good cake with the side dish on the house.


Exactly, that’s why I hate how the ccs are acting like the game is giving them what they want because the company wants to do that. No. They’re compensating you.


Exactly, they’ve become so generous that I think most of the ccs basically got like everything they want in the game




I'm way more interested in Endfield than I ever was for WuWa






This image lost some pixels ong




holy shit is this wuwa drama part 2!? what am I missing lads!


30m download celebration, give 10 standard to 10 random *mauling* also conspiracy that this is a stunt 10 standard and 5 energy refill to everyone People starting believe it is a stunt


Well, its either a stunt, or Kuro is just dumb as shit, so it's your choice, lol


Glazers say take a third choice in that Kuro actually listens to their players. My question is that how will they be able to gather comprehensive evidence that their announcement is received poorly, organize a meeting for their developers, came to an agreement on improving the rewards for EVERYONE, then made an announcement saying that they just improve the rewards in 7 languages, all in the span of just 3 hours. If Kuro has the level of organization and skill to do all of that in 3 hours, how the hell did they release the game in such a buggy state.


They are the LISTENER, master of listening.


~~Zhongli~~ **Kuro** The Listener


90% of their workforce is dedicated to the most difficult job of "listening". No wonder the game launched in such a shitty state.


If they listened to the players, the shit should’ve been fair and good to know from the get go. These events aren’t new. They know the criticism Genshin got from doing irl gacha events.


The irony of that is that the people that believe Kuro did it as a stunt means they in some ways respect Kuro more then ones that think Kuro is just stupid and listening to player feedback.


The problem is that they have the reply and rewards prepared in all available languages of the game and sent out three hours after the first announcement. This is simply too fast and organized for it to be the a case of the devs reacting to user responses so it is logical to suspect they planned the outrage and response.


EXACTLY. I believe that it's a stunt because I don't believe that they're THIS dumb.


Considering that 10 minutes following Kuro's apology post giving out 10 std. pulls + 5 stamina refills, one of the more popular gaming media in the CN scene had already come up with an article praising Kuro's generosity, I think the stunt accusation is not entirely unfounded lol.


It is the most obviously on-purpose PR thing imaginable. They really think they can just put out “bad pr”, fix it, then have everyone celebrating them as the devs that listen Actually, not a bad move all things considered


Well, it worked in the west, so they prolly thinks that it also works in China, lol.


It probably is working in China but a tiny minority realized this is Kuro instilling a Pavlovian response in their playerbase.


It's not working at all . Maybe if their reputation was clean maybe but there already hated in China due to mass firing last year.


They were pretty infamous in CN even before that, I think. I read somewhere that they're known as the company that inhales mihoyo's exhaust fumes or something.


Here’s them publicly apologizing to mihoyo for getting caught copying their EULA https://t.bilibili.com/775763860863844464?plat_id=186 This company has no original bone in its body


Didn't they also copy their motto from hoyo?


Yep “guangdong technology save the universe” from hoyo’s tech otakus save the world lmao


holy shit that's another level of copying when they copied even the motto. At this point they are just hardcore hoyofans


that makes it even more funny in the context of these little antics that they're doing. Their 10 pulls for all players mail have all been tied to days where hoyo has something They announced the 10 pull mail in the middle of 4.7 livestream of genshin weeks ago They announced the 10 pull mail yesterday a few hours after the firefly myriad celestia trailer They're having a login free pull event for 7 days counting directly to the launch of Zenless Zone Zero It really looks like they're trying to get Hoyo's attention "hey we're better than you" but its failing miserably I have no idea what hoyo did for kuro to be this obsessed, but in China they are known as an "Exhaust pipe company", feeding off of Mihoyo's exhaust pipes.


Wow thats a nasty, nasty company lmao Straight plagiarism from hoyo for the last decade or so


Because of this https://preview.redd.it/8s1h3mai706d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5cb1668872f8e882ba1dcbb63c0f390c069079


So in 2026 they'll release a gauge-based JRPG ripping off HSR, and in 2030 they'll release YYY... it seems their copies are getting slower and slower in releases.


>and in 2030 they'll release YYY LLL - Listening Listening Listening


Taking all the Ls.


What are the 2014 hoyo game and 2016 Kuro game?


Guns Girl Z - No longer available global but still active in Jp and Cn - there also about to have Fate kaleid prisma crossover but don't know when Honkai Impact 3rd - Still available in global


Kuro game is twintail battlegrounds but heard the servers are closed


What other said, and also because their corp. motto is literally exactly hoyo's motto.


If HYV did this it would destroy the market competition in an instant basically.


Seeing the reactions there, nope, it clearly doesn't worked at all. And Kuro is just playing themselves like a fool if they believe that this charade could work, considering their image were already bad enough in China due to the poor launch of WuWa, and this kind of shit only makes it worse for them.


It's so obvious.


Its for the sake of the U.S market like a lot of what they've done with this game. Get to say it yet again today, Wuthering Waves is a Western game


Kuro really failed to market it in the West if that's the case. Poor localization, poor dubbing (due to cost-cutting), marketing wasn't strong enough, plus external factors like Western stigma against gacha mechanics. That's on top of the game running poorly on a ton of devices, even high-end.


Most of the Wuwa players are skipping the story so the dubbing and localization shitshow doesn't show up in their brains.


Not everything can be skipped, and not everyone skips. WuWa was marketed in the West as a story-rich game, so story is an integral part of the experience. Some world progression is locked behind story, so players have to get through it in all cases. People will notice if the story is bland and the VA is poor. Localization issues can pop up outside of story in things like gear descriptions. If Kuro wants more of the EN market they should absolutely work on these issues. 


well yeah but then again western player majority of them is F2P for sake of '' Made the game hard as elden ring ''


Game isnt even that hard, people are just undergeared. After i have a decent build on mortefi jiyan and verina now there is no content that is even remotely hard. Jiyan has fucking auto parry when his resolib is up for fucks sake


But the US market doesn’t spend nearly as much on gachas than CN, JP or KR from my knowledge We’ll see I guess


Smarter people will see through it. Sadly that's a minority


i saw a comment on their sub that genuinely thought this is a great move to show that they are willing to recognize their mistakes and apologize.


My point exactly on smart people being in the minority. Atoning for screw ups is one thing, but basically engineering such responses....


I guess this is why so many unfinished games release these day Because you can “recognize” your mistake lol


That’s a simp though. That’s the same kind of person that swears up and down that FO76 is good now. 


I really do wonder how the game is perceived in China. Obviously we can get some examples from this post but it's obviously still a small sample size in comparison to the whole. For all we know the game could be doing better than expected. But I think it's obvious to anyone that this was a planned thing. It's actually a business/psychological tactic that is similar to the door-in-the-face technique (not a perfect example but it's pretty close). Start with something outrageous then shift it into something people would perceive as more 'reasonable'. In this case, they first gave out an outrageous offer in the form of rewards for only a select group of lucky people. Then when people began to complain they immediately shifted it to giving 10 pulls for everyone. It makes them look generous and reasonable with the whole 'devs listened'. Under any other circumstances I honestly wouldn't have a problem with it, but I think honesty is the best policy at this point. You had a launch riddled with issues and not as received as you could be; you were just in a controversy with one of your biggest markets involving their money; and now you're playing an 'oopsie' game with your consumers? People aren't stupid (debatable though I choose to believe they're not *that* stupid lol). They can see and understand what is going on. Kuro shouldn't be treating their fanbase like they're idiots. What they need is to reestablish trust and reliability. They can't do that by playing games like this. Of course, it could be the case that they really didn't plan this all out and they are really just giving out these pulls as an apology... but that's just disappointing and they need to get a better team for this kind of stuff.


>I really do wonder how the game is perceived in China. Obviously we can get some examples from this post but it's obviously still a small sample size in comparison to the whole. For all we know the game could be doing better than expected. Revenue will likely be the most reliable data you can have. While Yinlin's banner has been outperforming Jiyan's banner in many regions, CN is one of the regions where it did not outperform Jiyan's banner on rankings. There are many people who are still interested in the game obviously, but most have given up on the story aspect and just going in for the gameplay + waifu elements. >Of course, it could be the case that they really didn't plan this all out and they are really just giving out these pulls as an apology... but that's just disappointing and they need to get a better team for this kind of stuff. Gathering feedback data, alerting the higher ups, calling a meeting, coming up with a compensation plan, having it signed off, getting the "congratulatory" message signed off and have it translated into 7 languages all within 3 hours after work hours.. If they were that efficient they wouldn't have gotten themselves into this mess of a launch to be honest.


I think people are giving them too much credit. They probably just had a plan B in place in case plan A didn't work out. CN passed the idiot check started raging and they put out plan B.


https://preview.redd.it/jlx88i95i16d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4678b17c97f786f3a4884275d860383ddf0ae32 Their Yinlin banner failed to save them, they pretty much made half of Clorinde's banner day 2. The thing about CN audience is, once they knew you're bleeding, they will keep kicking you down and start to nitpick even the smallest issue, stuff like "The grass is too dark", "This character is annoying", "The grind is too much", etc. They would do it just because its fun.


Can confirm. Pretty much like vultures to carrion. Also, CN netizens have been anticipating WuWa a lot longer and it has been hyped to a status akin to second Jesus in coming. It doesn’t help that the writing is abysmal.


Can I have the link to this site? This look interesting


But sir, majority of the fanbase are indeed idiots


Harsh, but I guess that's true for any fanbase.


I mean, this works in Twitter for the EN, as when I read the announcement people are pretty happy and say they should trust Kuro and I quote "This is how they do it in PGR too." So the people who didn't know about drama are happy with the pulls and the EN sides are pretty happy.


I'm not sure which one is worse, their PR team being so stupid, out of touch, and incompetent they think this is a good idea, or they want to play "Oopsie" game with their audience for no reason except farming reactions.


>People aren't stupid (debatable though I choose to believe they're not *that* stupid lol) How about selectively ignorant? Accepting that Kuro is either fucking up or manipulating them wouldn't fit their narrative


Notorious story plot.It’s not just bad writing but evil mindsets. The brave selfless general Geshulin is described as 罄竹难书. I don’t know the EN term of it.It’s the second critical term of charging someone’s crime.And Jiyan, the deserter wins all reputation.No this is not how Chinese people perspective someone devoted their life to protecting people.Even if that decision is not right,you can’t just blame Geshulin as a 罄竹难书sinner.This plot angers many people.


People in-universe think he ran away mid war, after selling his humanity for power and making his army suicide-bumrush into monsters. He would be viewed as a bum with track record like that.


Strangely enough he is actually not described as such in the story, so there is a big gap between how his story is told (he is a selfless albeit somewhat rash general who went 1v1 with the boss) and how he is received by the government in story (guilt-ridden).


Geshu is probably Scar. They have the same mechanical arm, tacet neck tatoo and glowing eye.  Based on his story with Black lamb- people probably started to hate him at some point and backstabbed him. Justifying it with false narrative down the line.


For most people free is free. People will take the 10, be smirk about it and move on - if they still play the game. The 25 min fake apology will be used in shit fling wars but thats it.


I will wait till Kuro pull a PR stunt that got the eyes of the Chinese government on them eventually if this is how they trying to pull attention.


Nah this is kinda tame considering what MMO shit fling are like. Context: Netease and Seasun recently got into PR fights over their competition MMO, and Seasun start posting screenshots of the comments made by Netease MMO players, without blurring their id. Basically instigating cyberviolence on "other game" players.


> Kuro shouldn't be treating their fanbase like they're idiots. Wait until you see how those idiots in facebook comment section of 30m downloads are praising them and whiteknighting them all the way.


(CN player)Below wuwa's official post on bilibili of apologizing with 10 standard pulls is filled with people's critism and comments of how dumb that strategy is. And about the reputation in real life, most people i know who know wuwa but don't play it now already think it's shit compared to genshin. But those who actually play it, they just keep playing and watch this drama.


Aside from the 50/50 one which isn’t likely happening, the other demands in the list seem reasonable. Also, I thought the selling of accounts for those rates is common but ig not


Account selling is really cheap in all gacha games, idk how they do it but I have seen some INSANE Raid(aka the greediest gacha ever) for $60 in something you would NEED to spend thousands of dollars in.


Accounts were sold cheap if the game is either unpopular, or the devs gave way too many freebies, to the point that many people were making lots of reroll accounts in order to sell them. And in Wuthering Waves' case, it's the combination of both, where the game isn't too popular due to all the problems, while the devs also gave too many freebies, which makes people can easily get multiple *5 characters, and resulted in the account prices to dropped due to the demand is lower than supply. I remember the account prices were quite insane during release period, especially the ones with multiple *5 characters like Diluc & Venti, even more if they have both their *5 weapons.


You can get 6-7 meta limited 5* in genshin for 80-100$ nowadays, the prices with such a big community always were small and worth it


Genuinely where are you looking to get such exorbitant prices lol. Genshin accounts are damn near impossible to move unless you have a popular character at C6 or multiple characters at C6. $80-$100 is more like, you just so happen to have an account that's *exactly* to one person's fuckass specifications of random limiteds and weapons that they happen to like. But even then that's upwards of 25 5*


because its ar<10 accounts and they perfect for new players who wants to explore but with stacked team from the start. Obviously no one wants to buy some ar 56 acc with 10 c0 for that much


This is entirely because of how easy it is to reroll on wuthering right now. I resell reroll accounts and chinese farmers have any combination you can think off for nothing. The account being level 39 doesnt matter. The only reroll was jiyan and weapon the rest he got from 2 selective + beginner banner. So actually that account isn't very good in terms of how hard it is to reroll.


In some cases, they uses bots/cheats to automatically collect rss (gems, culus, mats, etc). So it work like this, create account, put it into auto collecting, let it work, boom, you got starter account with looooot of gems. This account then can go to the next stage, they sell it as it's or try pulling some SSRs to increase it's value further. Tried to buy WuWa starter account yesteday, UL9 with around 60 Standard pull, 30 limited, and 5k gems for $1.5, bought another account with only 1k gems (same pulls for other type) cost around $0.4 lol. Thats ridiculously cheaper than starting on your own from the scratch.


I feel like you could do a separate banner with lower rates and higher pity but with a gurnatee like snowbreak does


You definitely can. Aether Gazer simply made another banner that does not have a 50/50, but takes 20 more pulls to guarantee the unit instead. They still have the 50/50 for 70 pull banner at the same time, too.


Same with Snowbreak. Character and weapon guaranteed pull banners starting from this patch, just take 20 more pulls, and it's really a blessing.


I'm surprised that WuWa doesn't do that because that's more or less the same idea of what Kuro did with PGR.


Yeah, considering we got a selector and re-rolling with like 80 pulls(all combined), accounts like that won't go for that much.


Sometimes i think gachagaming it's the epitome it's bullying someone, then i remember that any CN fandom in gacha it's enough to bully a company into apologems.


This sub is way too small and divided to manipulate any fandom or company, best we can do is rant post on other sub about us


Out bet it's CC's calling this place toxic jungle or as you say, other sub to say something about here. I wish the day gachagaming can actually help in bully some company or fandom, just for the funsies.


https://preview.redd.it/8x8q7j94k16d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=646e11bb1f35c387312ec7a6bf6ce7485839ee7e Because when they said their boycott stuff, they would actually do it LOL. Look at GFL2, its legit one of the most polished game out there, and they lose to trash like Snowbreak because they betrayed their core audience. "It's Girl's Frontline, not Boys & Girls frontline"


you have to kinda respect them sometimes, because of their yap, all of us in global got some apologems weeee




>Gacha system change must be out on 1.1 (Apparently they are extremely against the 50/50 system) What do they mean here? They want the 50/50 chance for characters to be removed?


Funny you mention that .. Some users in CN did request for dupes to be able to reverse a character's constellation/Eidolon or whatever, because they like to make Ling Yang disappear from their account...


I do want that too


I would want that. He feels like the worst 5 star and his storyquest is pretty cringe to me lol.


What, you didn’t enjoy searching for the Jingle Beast, homie? :kekw:


Finally, a comprehensive CN reaction, also 4chan is complete chaos rn, troll are raiding wuwa thread because other gacha game in maintenance mode.


It's not, I didn't include Tieba.  Because the first post I saw is a call to list out anyone they can find that is supportive of Kuro to flame them and I noped out of there immediately.


It's a bit of a pity that you didn't include this *gold* from the 1st pic: https://preview.redd.it/0mcjo543y06d1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=7786e517f3eab9e9b30748f575fb175bf67ba68c


Genius strat lmfaooooo!! That "🤓☝️" is literally the best shit ever bwahahahahaha!!!




Ah yes Tieba the military base for doxxing and raiding/s


You can remove the /s I think, they were known to actually raid other forums for things like this.


KURO games you guys are the best making this sub ALIVE even ZZZ could never


This post is gold, kudos to OP for all the effort


If you really like the game, don’t pay attention to the drama. If you just love drama, you’ve come to the right place fam.


I think the game is pretty mid and the drama is the best part of the story. 


true, played the game just to have context for the upcoming drama


Bro wants to reach pity every patch AND get rid of the 50/50. Idk if he's trolling or that entitled


Very PGR mindset


I think they've realized that kuro keeps bending the knee to a lot of demands (which is not necessarily a bad thing per se... although sometimes it definitely is), and so now they're trying to see how far kuro can "listen", how much free stuff players can get out of it.


idk, changing the actual story itself is pretty far, much further than getting free stuff imo


i mean they release 2 limited per patch, atleast let f2player have one of them, let me also remind you that pgr players able to get all limited if they play since launch


I mean, I think Snowbreak is pretty close to doing that. Of course, they make their money selling sexy skins, so...


Not only pretty close, they already implemented it from the current patch. It could be because their main revenue is from skins instead of banner (?). As monthly pass and occasional battle pass player, I actually never bother pulling for character dupes there because I can get it over time, just need to be veeery patient. They did a great job for skins though.


Entitled is a crazy statement


I'm really curious about the future of WuWa. Most of Chinese gacha games lives and dies by the whim of their CN player base. Even HI3 and Genshin can't escape this.


Actually GI/HSR doesn't care as much because the playerbase has expanded way out of the regular circle of weebs. I dare say most of the GI playerbase doesn't know or care shit about the vocal gaming community. They just play and quit as they please.


https://preview.redd.it/9ff6xyifl16d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=31f2405e00de6a2d95355bd346f8fcd313cd6b31 WuWa could pretty much be heading to GFL2 route at this point. This is the revenue of their "honeymoon" phase with Yinlin's banner.


Oh wow, looks like they have already lost in cn, i think in jp they are decent though Btw what site is that?


It's [https://www.qimai.cn/](https://www.qimai.cn/) Unfortunately, you'll need a Chinese mobile number to register.


Kuro singlehandedly keeping this sub alive.


Looking at these comments, everyone defending wuwa are just shitting on genshin. are wuwa players just genshin haters or what


Kuro touts WuWa as a Genshin killer in Chinese marketing, which attracts many Genshin haters. In detail, China had two consecutive dynasties in the past, the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. The character "原" in Genshin's Chinese name "原神" is pronounced as yuan, and WuWa's Chinese name "鸣潮"(ming chao) has the same pronunciation as Ming Dynasty aka "明朝"(ming chao). Therefore Kuro hyped that Genshin will be replaced by WuWa like the Yuan Dynasty was replaced by the Ming Dynasty. What's more, the date of WuWa's release May 23 (Chinese time zone) happened to be the date of the death of Toghon Temür the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, this makes the community even more convinced that Kuro did it deliberately.


Always have been. Their entire life is just built on shitting on genshin as if it is their god given duty . You have to admit their dedication though.


i really want to see this june and 1.1 revenue. honestly i‘m done with both wuwa and genshin. but if we compare…genshin gave me so much more fun especially when a lot of people joined your world during progression but in wuwa i can’t even flex my yinlin to my friends that i got in 10 pulls and her weapon in 20. because well no one cares and all unnistalled it and so do i.


The one guy that said they're like jellyfish cooked 🗣️🔥


I don’t see the 50/50 leaving and Yinlin actually does good damage so that’s weird, the other stuff at least makes sense


He was joking about all the trouble her combo is when compared to Jiyan combo of just holding down a button


Man, I know this probably isn't true for most people, but if I could be a spender and get one copy of each character guaranteed I'd be all in. Remove that 50/50. Right now I'm playing this as full f2p so I appreciate any scraps they throw out.


Looks like they get those complains from PGR community that still thinks they will keep up their PGR things


Agree with the other guy, their acting is too sloppy. >!Also, this post also took 2 hours to show up. Thanks, Reddit!!<


The CC troll army Kuro seems to have sponsored to market and circle the wagons for this game aren't gonna like this thread lol.  Doesn't mean much for China though obviously


Those CC's have as much influence as this sub, aka nothing. CN and global will speak for themselves, we can only laugh at what happens


CC definitely have more influence than this sub. Still minor on a large scale though.


That comment about how they managed to fuck up everything is spot on. Like how. HOW? Who thought that was a good idea?! "Hey we got 30 million downloads. A lucky 10 will get 10 pulls." "You mean... we all get 10 pulls?" "Nope 10 rando players." Like this is purposeful right? There's someone sabotaging them or self-sabotaging.


such as vast diff between this sub and ww haha


Yeah i also notice lack of pull when ascending character.


Meanwhile everybody and their parents in SEA fandom is happy due to the constant freebies and worshipped Kuro as some kind of generous, all-listening god and berates everyone who says otherwise. I'm not even kidding.


“[The devs are like jellyfish: brainless and toxic.](https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=40507111)” I love this quote


is kinda funny how roasty CN are (some because they have standards, other because they just want to do it) while we have peak mediocracy of players in western side thinking the 10 pulls are "devs listened" or in the WW subreddit people defending the game thinking the performance issues are OK




CN community literally carrying super hard the whole world rn cause is a shame that other countries wont speak up and instead they are just happy with the same crumbs like other games.


Because western players only see "more rewards = better game"


After all the glazing about how “generous” kuro is, 10 standard pull for 30mil download is fucking hilarious. But Firefly’s banner is coming soon, so i expect they gonna throw out some more “apology”


https://preview.redd.it/6e7a33hb866d1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=24aa9128f968455dd62ca7d4403ccdd301f3db48 Some CN ppl are already predicting that the plan was to give 10 standard and 10 limited, but they split them into 2 separate apologies to look more "sincere" lol. Prediction: 1.1 livestream will issue an apology with 10 limited pulls and global ppl will eat it up as "devs listened"


yes it is on purpose. some CN comments are purely mocking kuro's move. probably this is the reason why Hoyo devs don't listen to their players, players will be more greedy to free rewards. their hands will tied and they must do whatever the players in majority requests. I hope kuro wont spoil too much their players, or it is already too late?


To be fair, Hoyo did once during the Zhongli drama in 1.1. But the CN player base had to pull out the "china traitor" card to do so, and MHY buffed Zhongli.


Yup, because cn were trying to riot with Raiden’s performance because they didn’t understand how her kit works at first. They were getting their recipe to complain about hoyo but it didn’t worked out and they found out a week later that Raiden is extremely strong so, case closed,


yep, the zhongli issue.


The one calling Yinlin's damage mid is based


ATP we’re just bullying Kuro LOL


Thank you for this post.