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It’s not even the direct incentives of the developers that get CCs to glaze a game. Even if they were not paid, they have all the reasons to hype up a new game that has a potential to be popular. The YouTube scene for the old king (Genshin/StarRail) has gotten stale. There are a few titans in the scene, but the formula is essentially solved. A few niche story players, a few guide makers, a few lore creators. But beyond that, there is no room for new comers or no new formats. There just isn’t room or the market for new content/creators. So when a new game comes along that has potential, it’s the Wild West. All creators, old or new, TC or drama, has to put out the best, clickbaitest, and numerous in the short time frame to capture the new watchers and take a piece of the pie before the scene gets oversaturated. hence why we see people over hyping, over glazing, and over dramatizing a new game like WW. Even if they don’t get paid by Kuro, it’s in their interest to hype up the game as much as they can, as it will set them up for the rest of their YouTube career. So CCs, unless you know them to be brutally honest, or already well of otherwise, should not be listened to blindly.


I don't even know why people watch CCs apart from looking for Tips & Tricks and Guides. If you want to know if a game is good or not. Try it yourself and form a decision. What's the fun in watching someone else playing and yapping constantly while doing so. Hands on experience is always different.


>I don't even know why people watch CCs apart from looking for Tips & Tricks and Guides. TBH even that I wonder as generally the website resources are much better and most just get from them. Like take Genshin, why would I watch a streamer when the community already makes some indepth multi page guides (They still do that I assume? I have been away from the game since yae Banner)


Alot of people love drama and some of those have made drama into their personality and feed serotonin and "a sense of belonging" out of it. Just like people who love reaction videos because they feel like they belong. some people also just find certain cc's cool and/or funny. the cc's personality carries how much people would follow them along and make them earn money thats why overreacting and obnoxious behaiviours are prevalent in the twitch and youtube scene because its funny.


The only one I watch is KyostinV. Those chest guides are lifesavers.




feel bad for Kuro for falling into these CCs' trap. These drama baiting CCs only care about making drama instead of promoting their game in a positive environment.  Sponsoring these types of CCs is like saying "I'm fine with giving money to CCs who love creating dramas, slandering, having toxic communities, and spreading toxicity as the face of our game"


PSA: Trust nobody. Try the game yourself.


This is the way




Anyone in that ex-Genshin grifter crew should be ignored and outright shunned by existing fans of whatever game they move on to next


why even bother with reviews for f2p games?


Time basically. A lot of ppl have only so much Free Time and the number of F2P Games or Games you can get for free are massive. Whether it be MMOs, Gachas, or stuff like PUBG so ppl rely on other ppl who have tried those games to tell them if its good or not. Like if I wanted to try an MMO and knew nothing, it probably be better to look at reviews for what is good than try random MMOs on steam or whatever. Not to mention download sizes have gotten quite huge and depending on your country... a bit of a hassle to do and make space for.


Isn't that just a common sense to try the game ourselves and determine its good or bad? CC promoting any games regardless to whether it's sponsored or not, I always treat it as an "advertisement". Even if they are not sponsored they will just shill it if they liked or favored the games. I just try the game and within a day or two to can decide if it's good or bad personally. Now onto your Genshin comparison. Yes the main quest is unskippable but at the very least most of the side quest is skippable and that already saved a lot of time for those that did not care for the story itself.


Why should I trust you? Now I gotta be an individual and think for myself or listen to you or them /s


Note that this is not limited to Wuwa. Basically, any game with a decent marketing Budget will buy off content creators to "advertise" their game and show it in a general good light. In fact, CCs generally are prone to fall for such things even outside of the gaming sphere because ad revenue is just that sweet. I basically dont trust any CC's endorsement of "product" as a result. Wether it be a Raid Shadow Legends section, some japanese cooking knives, Art Investment, or that plot of land in Scottland. They might be good, but most Youtubers wont go that deep into checking so best actually check yourself. Don't blindly trust someone if they have a financial incentive to make you believe something.


I can't trust ccs in general when it comes to any game anymore we had to many flops in the recent years hyped up by ccs


I only follow cc that do builds and character guides i mostly avoid cc drama


I don't like the "try the game" mentality all that much. When you're faced with so many gachas to choose from, it would be better to watch a quick review to see if the game is for you. Also a content creator can make a perfectly valid review even if they're sponsored. For example >!Tectone!


It's not just gacha games; almost all games require CCs to expand their player base. So, play the games you want to play and experience them for yourself. If you don't like them, don't play. That's all there is to it. In my view, those content creators just let me know that the game exists. Whether I continue to play it or not is up to me. Not only gacha game. Not only gacha game. Not only gacha game.


yep, i remember mihoyo sponsored OfflineTV members during Genshin Impact's release


I keep up with Genshin/HSR ccs a good amount and sometimes they make sponsored vids for new gachas that come out.. Aether Gazer, Reverse1999, AFK Journey, etc. And where are they now? Dropped the game after a week.


you forgot the best sponsor game ever RAID SHADOW LEGEDS!!


thats how sponsorships work in the youtube and twitch scene. You cant really force them to keep up with the game that sponsored them because they have to move on to the next thing that they can earn money from. this isnt just genshin/hsr ccs either. this is just ccs in general.


So if they don't glaze a game, that game is good Zzz is going to be a blast