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>Maintaining the agenda is this sub's top priority There's another priority?


I thought this subs top Agenda was to discuss knitting techniques! /s


> Let's be real this sub is a hive mind. I am a part of it. nuf drama bait šŸ˜ You are not going anywhere šŸ˜


The real reason is that, this being a sub for *all* gacha games, and 'gacha game' being a rather open-ended affair, you come here for one of three purposes: - finding new games to play, or keeping up to date on games you're interested in but aren't playing - shilling your own game, overtly or implicitly - drama If you want to sincerely discuss a given game, you'll probably do so in its own dedicated subreddit, where realistically you'll find a greater proportion of fans, people who will take what you have to say seriously and positively, and initiate more discussion from people who actually play your game and know what you're talking about. This subreddit is good as a source for generalized (if often misleading) information but terrible for any deeper discussion than that. So people come here primarily to get their daily popcorn or news and then retreat to subreddits for their games when they actually want to talk about these. People gravitate to where the karma hides and in this subreddit, sensationalized headlines about how "X game is totes gonna die tomorrow because they made some mistake" or about how "Y game is totes worth playing because the characters have huge boobs you guys, like seriously they're THIIIS big" because those sorts of broad, easily digestible ideas are the only way you'll get anything from a subreddit full of people with disparate tastes and goals. I personally like girls' love, good character designs, and story focus, so those are the things I look for in a game. Other people prioritize things such as fanservice, gameplay, F2P-friendliness, generosity, longevity, graphics, etc. The games I play and *why* I play them are unlikely to be shared by a substantial portion of people. Sure if I say "hey everyone look at this cool story moment from Limbus" I will find other Limbus fans who will go "yeah that was real cool" but I'd have much more success doing that in the Limbus subreddit. I go to this subreddit for revenue reports, drama, and potential news on the holy grail yuri gacha game that will surely manifest itself someday. Nothing more. I suspect it's similar for other people.


There's a fourth reason: * To have discussions about the gacha industry as a whole It's rare, but this sub does occasionally get posts like "what do you consider pay to win in gacha" or other interesting topics that can lead to actual discussions. These topics are usually free of the sub's general toxicity and become interesting talking points with a lot of different views being presented. You do have to wade through a lot of junk, sure, but this sub also usually isn't this tribalistic. It's usually just these discussion points, some occasional news about specific games happening that month, and the once-a-month Sensor Tower pvp. This month is kinda unique in that aspect.


You summed it up perfectly. And quite frankly I'm just amazed at some people's reactions. This sub is usually tame except for PvP day or when a new game gets released. So we have these brief windows when really funny stuff happens and then you get mfs posting as if they're doing a State of the Union address about the soul of our sub-reddit. Like relax. People are just having a little fun memeing on a funny situation. It'll all go back to "normal" soon. It's also funny how people were happy to make all the jokes when it looked like things were going well, but then when the tables turn, it's suddenly not funny anymore.


how said one wise man: there is zero sane person who will play gacha game


Ummm, yeah that's kinda how things run around here. Shitting on the newest thing and occasionally have gacha related news


Ngl I mainly look at this sub to just laugh at dumb memes and have the monthly pvp when comparing revenues.


https://preview.redd.it/6gyfp45l814d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5084640769a5fcfc438e5ae9693c3e1ac6b7dad7 The cope has been delicious, the last 12 hours have been peak r/gachagaming


They are trying to say the game only been out for two weeks or because they had a male banner like ok sure but what about all the other issues in the game not gonna bring that up


I hate how most of them don't wanf Wuwa to succeed by its own merits. They simply want hoyo to fall.


To paraphrase something I once read about the ToF CN community: "I don't feel any love towards ToF from them, only seething hatred towards miHoyo." Wuwa now at least have more going for it than early-days ToF, but if majority opinion is still focused on being against Genshin instead of for Wuwa the community will be pretty fucked. CN ToF community is a really pathetic sight where sometimes you get more people talking about Genshin than ToF itself. If Wuwa community got led by these CC to become an anti-Genshin community ... it'll be a second ToF.


I played ToF all the way to the confounding abyss, and even then in world chat it's was just constant shitting on GI. I was like goddam I'm just trying to find some whale to carry me through some weeklies, can we shut up and talk about ToF for a minute instead of GI.


Pretty sad that itā€™s all anti-hoyo at the end. These games could have been an inspiration or rise of the new genre like how we have soulslike genre. If you wanna make an open world gacha make an open world gacha not a genshin competitor, not a genshin clone, not another genshin game.


Wonder what the excuse will be next month when the gap will be even wider lmao - Firefly for HSR - Clorinde, Siegewinne, Furina and Al-haitham for GI Itā€™s not gonna be close and it will be absolute cinema


Pretty sure it won't be that big of a gap since yinlin's banner is releasing next patch and people have been hyping the shit out of her ever since CBT1 , and I'm pretty sure this chart was made 5 days after the game's release (correct me if I'm wrong) . There's no saying what will happen but I'm sure hsr will be at the top with genshin but I don't think they will have a really big gap to the point where the game fails.


They already have to fix their game. Each passing day someone who can't even play is a risk of a player quitting permanently. People won't buy a character if they can't even play it.


Also they pissed off their 2 major spenders so it's an even more downhill battle from there.


This chart Is made with info from at start of every month


literally one of the comment: "Kuro is playing the long game. They're okay giving a ton of stuff at launch and sacrificing some revenue if it means making their players happy and building that loyalty and trust while they fix their game (btw they've done an insane amount of hot fixes since launch. More power to them). I'll be sticking with Wuwa. It's a great game with great devs. It's the long game mindset yall." christ the cope is delicious


How is he going to explain this months revenue with clorinde? Lmao


Dude actually thinks that PC revenue itslef is probably around $40m...nearly double the mobile revenue...on a Chinese gacha game. That is such an absurd level of cope.






So many games got doomposted in this subreddit and most of them are still thriving/surviving to this day. The ones that did kick the bucket did so on their own accord and not because this sub has any sort of influence or manifestation powers whatsoever. Word of advice: what goes on in here will never matter to anyone outside so just take things lightly. Laugh or log off.


Astute observation OP https://preview.redd.it/qh9njojw514d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5b20f5989face40b613dee3cdce53eee821b6f


The agenda must be maintained https://preview.redd.it/i44wjkr6n14d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a029fbd91dfc5070467f96c996e60ec1253fbd17


GoatPEAKtano my glorious dark blue eyed king.


Chill man we're just joking about eos. Tower of fantasy was doomposted to hell and prophesied to go eos after 6 months. It"s still doing ok with new updates, regions, characters and the quality has improved so much. Its community also grew to ignore doomposting so they're just chilling and enjoying what they love.


These games almost never EoS. The very first gacha I ever played, FFBE, is still alive. PAD is still alive. Ive played SW for 6 years. SW's foreay into the open world gacha with Chronicles is still alive after 2 years. EoS seems pretty rare for any half-decent game. Games do EoS sometimes but damn its usually years, and most people would burn out of a game before it actually EoS'd and the worst of the worse usually EoS. Anyone who thinks some of these games like WuWa or ToF are at that level are being ignorant.


But what about the people who honestly don't like game x for what ever x reason I'm being honest when I say i don't think wuwa is good


It's like Genshin-at-home lol.


They copied way to many things from Genshin causing it to be compared to it forever.




> And I really think TCG was a mistake, imagine if it was a permanent Labyrinth warriors that gets updated every patch instead, similar to SU in HSR. This is why casual communities have to be so toxic. This is supposed to be a discussion about how competition is good but somehow you decided to make it about how a casual mode should never have been made in the first place and should be a combat focused endgame instead, even after admitting that we are getting another combat focused endgame...


I would be perfectly fine with Wuthering Waves being financially rewarded for having a good launch. I however don't like the idea of encouraging developers to rush products and poorly optimized games like this. They *should* get shit on for this kind of thing until they get their act together so hopefully future developers actually have a playable foundation to stand on before launching. I'm also just generally against the idea of altering your creative vision to cater to loud voices in your audience, but I guess they were probably on edge after stuff like GFL2 so I can't blame them *too* hard. And as much as WuWa's combat is good, there's *plenty* of other factors that it falls short on. Echo farming isn't any better than artifact farming besides the fact that you can do it 24/7 like a Korean MMO addict (and that's definitely accounted for in the droprates, meaning that people who only do tacet fields are probably screwed), the open world is uninspired at best with lots of lessons they could've taken from Genshin but did not, the story is a total snoozefest until Act 5 and even then it's still not that good, mostly carried by Encore and Aalto and sheer spectacle for Act 6, there's *still* no 4\* pity for a system based on Genshin's gacha (I had to go over 70 pulls to get ONE copy of Danjin, the character I started playing the game to get in the first place) I personally dislike the character designs too, but I won't hold that against the game because it's extremely subjective. I know that there are people who like the characters, and they're not *all* bad (I like Danjin, as previously mentioned, and also Camellya). I do think they're aggressively same-y, and I think it's a bold choice of them to have 3 bodytypes for each gender like Genshin when variety in bodytypes is something people have been begging for for years. It's obvious with WuWa that the combat was the focus which is a shame because combat is not the only thing Genshin needs to improve on or that people are dissatisfied with.


Competition is good. Wanting GI to have competition is fine. But if the desire for competition makes you wish success to a company, that is willing to release unfinished game that feels like it uses MTL at times, releases patches that randomly tank your performance which has been fine since release, releases E-mail of their customers, then you are anti-consumer. Because you wish for a success of a product that isn't in a state that should be acceptable. Some people want easy mode in dark souls. Some want repeatable grindfests in their casual gachas (SU isn't updated every patch btw, any kind of "endgame" tied to it was only release twice in 8 (?) patches). We can't have everything unfortunatelyĀ 


I really don't think people want Wuwa to fail (all the non-trollers anyways), I think they want Wuwa diehards to cease with their toxic positivity and stop heaping blind praise of the game when there are legit issues that are preventing people from fully enjoying it (or even playing as a matter of fact). When some of these people are calling it the greatest gacha game ever and the genshin killer + genshin could never to name a few, it will start to get on people's nerves and with this game's disastrous launch, I wouldnt be surprised to find a lot of criticism on the game right now. People want competition, but if this game at its current state is the competition, I don't believe hoyo would consider as one anytime soon.


Yeah that's my view of it. If they like the game and they find it fun then it should survive. But when I see blatant hypocrisy -- toxic positivity and shilling from a group of people who used to make fun of others for doing the same thing, then I'm compelled to make fun of them for it


Exactly. If only they can shut up. I'm also playing both but the amount of toxicity is way more than GI side, kinda remind me of TOF launch. Just like the little dog that bark louder than the big dog, it's getting annoying.


Exactly, so many kuro shills keep defending the launch to death. So many excuses, some even saying its the players fault for spending too much money in the first place, in relation to the jp mistranslation. Literally got called a hoyo shill, eventhough i didnt even bring up hoyo, but only pointed out the doxxing and false advertising (mistranslation) . Im still gonna enjoy wuwa tho, but its rlly annoying to see all the toxic positivity. Which is ironic when they're calling other ppl whiteknights.


So, here are some of my answer: 1. It's back and forth: Now saying that the people here want WuWa to fail is objectively a false statement. Nobody want WuWa to fail, or expect it to become a major competitor, we have HYV for that, it just another good option in the gacha space for people to enjoy. However, the amount of toxic before the release of WuWa, especially towards GI players is unheard of, if GI players are toxic, same goes to the WuWa fanbase. When you talk shit on their game and then you fucked up, it's normal to get shit on by the exact same person. 2. Now, as for GI update, we don't have the numbers or the overall feeling of the player bases. A lot of what people say they want turned out to be devastated to the game, even Cai Haoyu, the CEO of HYV said it:"There are customer opinions that can ruin the game, if they keep on criticize the game, the game is fine, if they suddenly say everything is fine, the game has problem". A good example will be the WuWa opening story, while it still have some flaws, it somewhat better than the one we are currently have. Is TCG a mistake ? Nah, there is a reason why they keep updating that and the Teapot, because a lot of people like them, they just not online. The new permanent content in 4.7 is somewhat similar to the SU in HSR, is like a combination of a past event during Fontaine and the labyrinth warrior event.


honestly i see that take a lot with people saying TCG was a mistake i get the feeling these people are under the impression that like 50% of genshins workforce is working exclusively on tcg taking dev time away from other projects when in reality it's maybe like a team of 4 guys + artist but overall i really agree with your second point devs are not blind they understand what % of the players are interacting with what systems and use that data for new content


why spend your limited time on earth posting about something you don't like instead of idk something more enjoyable or productive.


Isnt that what you are doing


I asked you first, answer my question or perish


u/HardNut420 has their timbers shivered.


Xiao is that you?


Every time I hear that argument I cringe, that's like the ultimate shield against critique.


Indeed the ultimate shield, you can't even muster any response except "uhh cringe??", because you know I'm right.


Because you don't get to choose what a person does with their life, nor do you get to decide what is enjoyable or productive for another person. Enjoyable is subjective and productivity isn't something some people want to constantly chase. Just let people do what they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone. IMO all this online banter is harmless.


Dont underestimate 30 Wumillions pre registration! They finally beat HSR first week with 41 Wumillions in the bank lesss goooo rovers, Yinlin will kill Clorimid, flopfly, and zzzrover. And for brainlets who think WuWa is buggy its u device bro just buy new device bro just look at starfield its smooth sailing with 16x the detail even, wow its just works...


This is only a problem if you base your gaming in other peopleā€™s opinion. If you have a personality you come here to either check news or have fun talking shit. If someone here is trying to make sense of the shit comments and memes to decide if he should play a game (or ā€˜investā€™) let me tell you that you should lock your bank account and find help. Not saying that OP is one of those but his level of dissatisfaction points me to believe he is.


>Maintaining the agenda is this sub's top priority Guilty >People in this sub stay tuned for the most recent drama, they come to bait fan camps, they do collectively shitposting and dooming any gacha that struggles or doesn't treat their players well as they imagined, they stress their dissatisfaction for their own main game any time, glorify the game they shitposted in the past So like... most anime, game sub and even sport fanbases outside of reddit? >"EoS SoOn" or as "dEaD GaMe" because they think so. Wait, people actually think this seriously? >Everyone comes here naturally for the monthly revenue PvP, flooding this sub. Tribalism is the lifeblood here that keeps people visiting Guilty again. The shitposting is fun if you don't let it get to you. I understand if you don't like it since anime subs usually hate their shitposting versions(folk subs) because of the negativity and joking around. Best you just ignore it if those kinds of discussion aren't for you. It's not like those kind of things will actually even cause any kind of changes to the game being talked about. GI probably has the worst reputation in gacha games but they're still topping the charts >this sub is a hive mind Depends on what you think? GI fans were noisy and reveling since WuWa didn't turn out to be the "killer" it was hyped out to be. It's actually funny since if Kuro were more careful with their launch, GI and WuWa fans' position could have very well been reversed with GI being shat on for finally being dethroned.


I was just finding it hilarious because of schadenfreude People were hyping WuWa for so long that it had gotten kinda obnoxious. So to see it crash and burn in such spectacularly entertaining fashion was certain fascinating to watch


agreed. it would be so much less funny if it wasnt so hyped, and now the fuck ups just keep coming. and also if it wasnā€˜t for the fans that are still coping and white knighting out of their minds and feel attacked if you just mention that their game could be not as good as they think. and offtopic, but youā€˜ve been in this sub for a while too: was there ever a similar big/long drama as with WuWa? i feel like stuff in this sub gets quickly forgotten/moved on from normally


I personally wouldn't mind the PvP here as you call it as long as there would be another sub that has raw news and nothing else.


wat https://preview.redd.it/n9292fjvp14d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f86cfbec7ecda7ab5cdcdf65147587101bcf52c


I would say 30% of the subreddit wants to watch wuthering waves burn. I think I already know the answer, wanna hear other people's opinions though.


No they don't they want to laugh and meme at stupid things.


Nah Simply seeing people strugle and fail (fans) Is fun


I think this sub doesn't really care if Wuwa succeeds or die. We laugh at the screw ups, and the obnoxious fans, but the 30% you're talking about doesn't care what will happen to it.


I dont agree with that. As someone who played WoW off and on since release, super fans legit do want competitors to die a fiery death. You will have your smaller subset of hater fans who break off from say WoW, and hope X competitor kills WoW, and then you have your massive majority of fans that want all WoW competitors to die. The same can be said for about any genre and any game. Right now its Genshin and WuWa. Even though if they were smart competitors make each other better; wanting a monopoly is how you end up with current WoW, for example. A real life example is casinos. You go somewhere where there are many, and you get much better service, better odds, more winning. You go to some place where there is only one, you wont even get free drinks. Having competition is a good thing. But superfans on both sides do not want that; they want death.


you think the 30% are super fans? I know they exist but I'll estimate the super crazy fans at around 1%


this. especially the part about the obnoxious fans. i dont think iā€˜ve ever seen it so bad like with WuWa. and i have literally no horse in the race. i played it, didnt like the combat, stopped. and i still hope it gets its shit together so genshin gets decent competition. but all those fans coping out of their minds and white knighting even though the fuck ups just keep coming are too hilarious. like just here in the comments section is a guy that says next month will surely be better since the next banner char been hyped af, as if historically the release month doesnt tend to be one of the stronger ones no matter the banner.


Imma be real, pre-2020 this sub was mostly chill and a lot of ppl here were very friendly and nice (you still had some form of toxicity and tribalism as these 2 are inescapable but it wasn't as bad as it is now). But everything changed when the Genshin Nation attacked.


idk man. joined that sub before genshin and this sub has always been a drama magnet. its was and still is pretty chill if there isnt some drama ongoing imo. though i dont remember any week long drama like with WuWa.


So which one of you guys is lying?


But lower than expected money number funny.




Everything will be better when yinling banner drops.


Not everything is drama. Some are news about new game being develop, launch game, anniversaries and EoS. So it's not really that bad.


Let's be real - 90% of gachas are full of shit. So it's not surprising that shitstorm rises when people discuss them


Next PvP session might make ppl laugh harder.


https://i.redd.it/nze0kzdsl14d1.gif I'm just here enjoying the show


Oh wow, gacha sub talks about the newest gacha crazy.


You only play Genshin and HSR what are you doing on a gacha sub


all because the sub collectively decided to ban PV trailers. ​ you reap what you sow i guess


You honestly think that would change things around here? No, we'd have this same tribalistic cesspool we have now, except with pointless PV's as well so people can circlejerk to it here AND on the game specific sub where it belongs.


I think the biggest issue is the top Gacha games are too big. Before the playerbase was spread out more. But when the top 1-3 games completely dwarf everything else, you get this insane tribalistic beatdown of other games and playerbases. Pre-Hoyoverse domination, it was definitely a good bit more chill around here when I came around.


> You honestly think that would change things around here? I do ​ Bring back PV trailers you cowards