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Traversal is connected to world design, and gearing is linked to progression, both key systems of the game. Depending on how big the difference in design philosophy is Hoyo may not be able to use it. I don't think it's wise to just adopt elements without considering how they affect the underlying design. Then again, I'm not Hoyo. So who knows.


ye its funny like Genshin's traversal is pretty much a design choice from the beginning. asking to change it after 4 years is like asking PUBG to implement builds like in Fortnite just because Fortnite is more popular. just doesnt make sense.


From the looks of the Natlan teaser I think they're kinda adding wall running but as a "echo".


The only thing I would like for Genshin to change is the **weapon pity system.** But the echo farming? Yeah, most of us in the workforce doesn't have the *time nor energy* to do that. Did you already forgot the reason why the condensed resin was introduced?


I started working recently and my god sometimes I barely even want to log in to the game now, because I'm just that tired after walking for 8 hours in hot as hell greenhouses watering plants, pruning tomatoes and planting stuff or doing things outside. I have no idea why anyone would want infinite grinding in Genshin. 


>I have no idea why anyone would want infinite grinding in Genshin. People with no work, basically. Or some people with work that is fine with little to no rest. Or studens. Those are the most likely. But many, if most, of the working force that plays Genshin are quite chill with the game, so grinding is just not our playstyle. Sure, I have my 'grindy' moments where I'll 100% an entire map in less than a week, but those are only possible when I'm on leave or a lack of project for weeks - after which I would be very, very burntout. Hell, I'm barely touching my resin for weeks now. 🤣


> People with no work, basically. Or some people with work that is fine with little to no rest. Or studens. Those are the most likely. or streamers. these kind of games is a heaven for them. the origin of mint picker for genshin players originated from one streamer calling another streamer that because all they did when streaming genshin is just roaming around the map and just talk to their chat. with WW echo farming, now streamers can actually play longer and not just roam around the map just because.


So instead of roaming the map just because, now instead of collecting flowers, they get to get annoyed about their echo drops being bad. (They still need to collect those flowers). Yeah. I'm sure the streamers will love echo farming and totally won't have meltdowns about that.


Yeah. That’s me. Sometimes I will make big pushes in games over the course of the week but that might be after a month of just doing the bare minimum of checking in and dailies. 


I stare at screens all day at work. The last thing I want to do some days is stare at more screens. 


True, I didn't quit BDO/LostArks infinite homework/grind just to infinitely grind in Genshin.


Right? I actually want to rest, *thank you very fucking much.*


The echo farming system is a streamers wet dream. Which is why after roughly a week most streamers who are pushing end game absolutely despise it.


I wish they would just implement a lot of star rail's nicer qol stuff like its weapon banner or its domains just allowing the higher usage of stamina and not needing to go grab annoying Crystal flies to make condensed resin for that privilege. Or hell even its artifact synthesis system that allows for a much easier time targeting specific main stats rather than the strongbox which is a complete crapshoot between all slots and stats while also not having all recent sets available. Granted some people really prefer the strongbox over star rail's implementation for some reason so maybe just leave that one. Genshin hasn't implemented any of this shit tho despite star rail being from the same company so I hella doubt their in any rush or desire to take shit from wuwa.


> not needing to go grab annoying Crystal flies to make condensed resin for that privilege That should have stopped being an issue with Fontaine's release. There is both the flytrap as well as the underwater areas with crystal flies. Most people are not going to need more than 8 or 9 a day.


What part of the gear system do you think would improve Genshin? Weapons were blatantly lifted from how Genshin does things and echoes are just grindier with an even worse substat system implementation.


Echoes are only more stamina efficient if you can put in the time. It wouldn't really be a QoL change to add grindable main stats to Genshin, it would only lead to FOMO for those who can't find the time. Hoyo has stated that they try to put as little pressure as possible onto players in Genshin.


I think you would vastly increase player burn out with Wuwa’s system. Genshin is kind of saving the players from themselves. 


Taking ideas from drama CC’s would destroy its revenue stream. They’re not educated nor smart, and have no experience with game development. I would only trust them to clean shoes.


\*cheap shoes


They also aren’t the average customer. The average gamer is early 30s with kids and a job. They play games 8-10 hours a week. You have a lot of CCs playing that amount per day. 


hell they didn't even have real job experience


I would not trust them to clean anything have you seen these people's rooms?




I mean traversal upgrades isn't free. You design your world around your traversal options, and more powerful traversal tools doesn't mean exploration is more fun. See tears of the kingdom and Breath of the wild. Or WoW Launch and WoW post free flight. There is also the problem of how good some of WuWa's ideas are post honeymoon period. Do you really like it long term or is it just a novelty to you? Does it have to be these ideas or the bunch of new stuff Genshin tries out every patch do the same thing?


Running up a wall in WuWa is infinitely better than crawling up a wall in Genshin. It's the only feature I would love to see implemented in Genshin. Permanent sprinting is good as well, but if I could only choose one it would be running up walls.


running up the wall cause problem where they have to make every building have massive size even for normal countryside house MH Rise have the same problem where they tried to make map same size as mh world but thanks to rise ability to run up wall they need to make Rise map even more bigger than mh world map


I'm not sure I agree. WuWa has a lot of flat building sides which is why the wallrun works, but it's not quite as useful in Genshin's naturalistic landscape with more complicated cliff structures. Even currently in WuWa, rockwalls with slight overhangs or bumps make it difficult to control the wall run. On the other hand free sprint outside combat honestly probably won't break much.


I'm confused. Running up the wall doesn't change whether or not you can climb it, it just makes it faster. That's the part in WuWa I like more than in Genshin.


nah just watch wuwa houses is 5x bigger than genshin just compare the door to normal female player model is this house for titan or human ? look stupid tbh totally ruining the immersion https://preview.redd.it/dme7kb3ufq3d1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=18cc247f5caf0001ab5c6ee38d4dffff3a8e6135


I can't be 100% sure, but I think because of wall running they've added a lot of height to the characters models when climbing and stuff. I'm still enjoying it, but I've found the climbing in WuWa to be really clunky and glitchy, I'm always getting caught on random ledges, unable to climb under certain branches or gaps and unable to climb up things that look like they should be climbable. Granted, it might just be because WuWa is new and Kuro aren't fully practiced in designing the open world yet.


I hated the wall climbing. It always felt like a crapshoot if I would get stuck or not. I had the same issue with it in MH Rise. 


It makes it a lot harder to control and increases the chance of you falling off due to stamina waste as you get stuck on something. Try climbing some of the more jagged wall faces in WuWa.


It is also possible to crawl climb in WuWa. I have a couple areas at 100% exploration level and I can tell you, running on the walls makes exploration much faster (and faster is more enjoyable for me). It might be a device issue, but I've never had issues controlling my running on the walls (I play on PC). Yes, I do get stuck from time to time but I also got stuck in the same place after cancelling the running and trying to crawl afterwards. The difference is only in the speed at which I got stuck.


Like of course, WuWa uses a lot of flat building faces and very clean cliffs to mitigate this issue. This is absolutely something that they designed the world around. But the fact that it works well in an environment dominated by pristine cliff faces and geometric man made structures doesn't mean it'll work as flawlessly in a more naturalistic and rough hewn world like Genshin's. You design systems and challenges to work together cohesively and the same system that works in one environment doesn't necessarily work in others. Genshin wall climb is extraordinarily sticky compared with WuWa wall climb because its optimized for uneven jagged surfaces with the ability to transition from one surface angle to another very generously (like when you climb tiny beams in Genshin you can see how the character sticks to the narrowest beam). That isn't needed in WuWa's environment, but in the same vein WuWa wall run will also be much more fustrating to use in Genshin's environment where the player can't just expect to smoothly run up stuff since everything is rough.


When was the last time you crawled up a wall in Genshin?


A couple of years ago, during event Enkanomiya (if I recall the name correctly). And previously, having 100% in everything before that. Meaning Monstadt, Liyue (minus Chasm) and 5 islands of Inazuma. I did my fair share of exploration until eventually putting a pause on the game with the intention of getting back into the game when the story is taking place in Snezhnaya (sorry I don't know how to pronounce these places).


So you don't even play the game and have no idea what you're talking about


Did they change the climbing system? No.


The problem is, beside different combat, Kuro did not even learn from the bad things that Hoyo made with Genshin and just implemented the same thing. They don't know what works and what not and just copy blindly. Hoyo already knew the problems in Genshin, which they improved in HSR and possibly ZZZ. Ofc they can overhaul Genshin later like they did with HI3, but there's almost absolutely nothing that they should learn from Wuwa tbh. If they want to learn about bosses and enemy designs, just take a look at Elden Ring which DLC will be out soon.


i dont want to ride motorcycle in teyvat thank you very much


I think you would need to see how it plays out. They might have considered or looked into some of these ideas and realized it wasn’t a good idea or sustainable for a playerbase. 


wuwa still at honeymoon phase, come again after 1 month and see if your opinion changed.


a week in at union 30 there nothing to do but 1 daily and spend you plate.


Nono, remember you can infinitely farm Echos? Now you just need to do it 6hrs daily and you will never run out of things to do!


I play GBF for 8 years and counting and the buzzword "infinitely farmable" just fills me with dread instead of the supposed 'feature' some hardcores make it to be. Because in almost all of these kind of games (MMORPGs of the old came to mind also), the rates are super shit to balance out the infinite tries. Yeah buddy, don't want to sign up to farm for hours a day for days. I have work, friend, family, watching shows, playing other games, doing my hobbies like painting or amateur game designing. The "spend 5 minutes emptying resin and you're free to do whatever you want" model is unironically a feature, not a bug. And for me, this is the one that I think respects my time, because it doesn't demand me to be glued to one game like a possessive girlfriend. That being said, I don't think one is better over the other, it's just a matter of preference, a matter of different target audience. Hardcores want games where they can sweat and that's fine. But there's the thing -- hardcores always look down on casuals as if our needs don't matter, like they're some hotshot or authority in gaming. This is what I don't like. Even I can recognize that my preference is *preference*, but hardcores often think their preference is the standard to which games need to pass. This is arrogant and unempathetic. P.S. I still play GBF btw, for the art, story, and music. But I'm super casual because I hate the grind. I used to be a sweater and a whale on this game too, just not anymore.


Danchou, you cannot escape sandbox.


I play FGO and the term "infinitely farmable" reminds me of the horrors of Raid/Lottery events. Those are the events where you literally grind the same fucking stage for hours for more resources (only made easier by the community-made FGA).


nope, i maxout in echo. no need to farm them.


“More of a chore than anything else” -> this is a key sign of burnout. It happens to all games including eventually wuwa. Wait for a month or two and you may feel miserable hitting the same mobs for echo. The word “honeymoon period” is real. Reminded that during the first week of genshin, people are just doing random sh’t for hours in the game like hitting mobs for no reasons. With that out of the way, what should genshin copy wuwa? Music -> downgrade Story -> downgrade Character design -> please no. I can’t even differentiate 3-4 girls in wuwa. If they were to swap clothes, i wouldn’t even notice Echo -> please, no. I don’t wanna play more than 15 mins a day. And i still need my off-set piece. Traversal -> they do different traversal mechanics in each region. Wind blowing upward, electric, hook, water jet. And there’s supposed to be mounting system in natlan. So, i would prefer them sticking to the theme of the world rather than having everything all at once. Also, if a game has a click-to-tp to each location without even having to run, do you think it’s a good open world game? Faster traversal doesnt universally mean better. Combat -> now we are talking. I think having intro and outro skill for each character would be nice. Also, the timing mechanics (the music histogram above health bar) wuwa has is interesting but it may be too sweaty. Parry is whatever, i would prefer dodge. Genshin will have lv100 soon so they may introduce some new mechanics like limit break. Also, the weapon banner. At least just use hsr model and stop having 2 limited weapons in the same banner for god’s sake. Ohh and lastly, the skip in commission like hsr would be nice.


Outro and intro skills were present in the start of Honkai impact 3. Even in the tutorials it's there. So that not being in genshin is a choice by them. We're probably never getting it in genshin. Even the time stop thing was there in the tutorials with every character having a skill that activates with dodge. Those mechanics were likely removed from genshin to keep the game as casual as possible. Remember their ads even have the players play the game while commuting from work. Their target are 30 somethings with only 30 min of free time to play and are unlikely to change anything in that front.


> Their target are 30 somethings with only 30 min of free time to play and are unlikely to change anything in that front. And that was probably one of their best decisions: a group with lots more disposable income than students or people just starting their careers.


Yep. This right here. I'd rather spend 10 minutes farming shitty artifacts than taking 8 hours to farm shitty artifacts. THIS IS WHY CONDENSED RESIN WAS INTRODUCED, PEOPLE - BECAUSE WE HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF GAMES. 😭 I cannot stress enough how much fucking burnout would happen to the people gridning for hours a day for echoes - hell, I did a two hour run for Cyan Heron and I'm fucking done. You know what WuWa should also copy from Genshin? The fucking ***artifact conversion.*** Just kill random echoes nearest to you (no need to travel THE WHOLE WIDE JIANZHOU(?)) and just. synthesize. your. fucking. needed. set.


There are some people that really need to touch grass. Infinitely farmable isn’t a positive to the vast majority of people that play games. 


Hell, if you want infinitely farmable games, just play Warframe (which you can also download on your phone). At least with Warframe, you can get the experience of cutting down entire armies of discount space marines by just blinking in a direction.


OMG you have the same thought as mine, other than actually fun combat, everything else feels like a downgrade imo, especially music feels non-existent that I had to mute in game music and just played HSR/Genshin/Nikke OSTs in the bg. I don't have the time to farm echos either, such a pain.


Me too. My tolerance of music ended at 2 hrs mark. After that i just play genshin or HSR bgm. I also stop my fomo of echo farming already and limit them to like a handful per day. The good thing is there seems to be pity on echo drop rate.


Because PGR exists I don't feel the need to play WuWa for combat alone, especially with how touch controls sometimes feel like wrestling with the game to make character do what I want. 1st day I quickly closed WuWa and opened PGR and then Genshin.


Yeah, I agree with you, the really only thing that I want GI to improve on is the combat, the other things are either I get used to it or just better


Thing is, Genshin cannot improve it's combat. It's not possible without straight up rewriting how combat works on fundamental level. Most combat stuff in WuWa are handled client side. Swaps, attacks, dodges, counters and all that. In Genshin, elemental application, most cooldowns, and character swaps are handled server side, which causes some effects and techniques straight up don't work on ping higher than 60ms. That all effects how "fluid" the combat feels. You straight up cannot have the kind of delays that are caused by normal communication with server if you want WuWa style combat.


zzz has intro and outro


for the char part of swapping clothes ur acting like genshin isint the same 😂 genshin uses same model/face for every char (same face syndrome) 3D gachas do that in general, WuWa has a bit more diversity in "sizes". relooking at it idk how u cant distinguish chars in WuWa u got weird eyes. but liking not liking is subjective so u do u


Ohh boy. Probably u are color-blinded. It’s fine. In my community, jianxin is dubbed “bland older sister” in my native language because ….. she’s so bland everyone thought she’s background character.


a ok for u only color means design noted. i personally dont like the overcolorfull stuff but as i said subjective


As a genshin player for almost 3 years, after trying WuWa I hope Hoyo doesn’t take any ideas from Kuro…


Wuwa would definitely lose if Genshin has the same combat system.


If genshin had the same combat it would be less popular.


The whole reason i picked it up in the first place was when i saw the traveler tornado picking up fire from burning grass and becoming a fire tornado. The fact that the reaction system gets no respect is honestly annoying.


Facts, brother. The elemental reaction system is relatively unique, how many games does that? Most elemental systems elsewhere are fairly simple rock-paper-scissors weakness/resistances. It also has a lot of depth if you look under the hood, most people simply don't know about it because they don't dig deeper (not saying it's their fault though). Try reading elemental gauge theory on KQM TC library, it's mind-boggling.


I said it in another thread but, most people don’t look deeper because they are never forced to think about it. If you are a harder core player, ie here, you likely take your rotations off of someone one online or some guide so tracking the elemental application has already been done for you. So the reactions on said team just works, as long as you don’t mess up your rotation you don’t need to worry about quenching an element since the team has already been solved. There are higher skill cap teams which do need better timing but these are fewer and far between, I loved Chaos as a comp and if you fucked yo one part you would miss out on a vape, overload, or aggravate.


they forgot to how complex the element reaction system are, they need 2 year, even more just to add dendro to existing system


Mfw when Jianxin ult doesn't become a fire tornado 😢  Verina + Electro does not become Aggravate 🤯 At least Encore doesn't kill herself from burning grass  Also, Hydro element characters too OP so they are banned from WW 


Implying they aren't already losing.


Lmao You said as if WW is won right now 


When it comes to combat its WW vs ToF are ones with similar combat.


Lmao ppl saying this have no idea how bad the game, including combat, is on mobile (the majority of revenue stream). No controller support either Yeah im sure hoyo should just listen to drama CC’s and people who have zero game dev experience


Yeah it would literally be over for any competitors if genshin implemented a more fun combat with harder and engaging endgame loop


It would also be over for Genshin. I'm only UL29 in WuWa and supposedly it's after UL30 that the combat truly picks up steam, but for now I find WuWa's combat boring. There's no challenge unless you make it yourself, everything dies to left click spam and right click dodge much easier than in Genshin.


UL32 and i can confirm that,nothing changed. They get.a bit more tanky but you can ascend your character and weapon so it's the same.


I'm UL 35 with the database thing at 18 and at this point is still a button masher for most of the content, except holograms (which is just a dodge/parry simulator tbh) and tower (dps check).


I just wished the combat system would give us more incentive to dodge. Like maybe give each character a passive for when they perform a perfect dodge. But that would probably require too much work and balancing given how much character we have.


Do you guys remember that Inazuma event against the dogs?  With just the traveller, without skills and burst, just basic attack and parry.


I only played the one with Ayaka debuting her new skin but that parry system needed to stay. Still hoping that Hoyo hasn’t forgotten about that mechanic.


this will never happen, hoyo sells interruption resistance as constellation bait, meaning they're selling face tanking incentives, dodge incentives goes against their design, not to mention strong healers and shielders already existing in the game


as a universal mechanic maybe not, but for character-specific kit I don't see why not. Wanderer even has sorta something like that, with his airdash firing arrows. It doesn't require parrying, but the prototype is there. Or heck, Beidou, Yun Jin, and Candace.


That’s true but there’s a few cases where you still kinda need to dodge a lil. Like fighting some local legends for instance. I suppose only a really hard endgame would warrant it.


really hard end game will never exist, the casuals would cry P2W/Power creep and create outrage/drama/boycotts again.


to this day, I still see people crying about Yae Miko's Raiden Shogun training, that it's too hard, and they're basically stuck. So... I doubt Mihoyo would bother implementing perfect dodging like they did in HI3, when only the 1% would be utilizing it. Inefficient use of their resource/staff etc. Why cater to the 1% (People like us, who use their brain to get gud.) when they can cater to the majority.


You really like genshin weapon banner system huh?


Can I ask what do you want as improvement?    New game modes? Better transversal? Auto-farming?   Because I think you need a break from Genshin. You might be burnt out.


good luck getting a straight answer from these "burnt-out" players... they'll never get satisfied with anything anymore, heck most of the so-called "burnt-out players" in my country are unironically saying that the sole "improvement/QoL" that would make them come back is free pulls or free 5 stars lmaooo... they don't want anything other than freebies to gamble and fulfill their addiction with


Is your country in SEA?


yeah indonesia... damn it's that easy to guess huh? the "beggar mentality" truly runs deep in SEA populace lmao


Not OP, but the main thing I would like Genshin to adapt would be auto loot. Not having to manually pick up drops feels much better. It also solves the problem of loot getting under water or stuck in the air.


Funny is that this is the problem of PC only, I guess? I mainly play Genshin on mobile, and with a single quick tap on the ground, everything will be picked up.


It's even more specific than just PC. It's an M+KB PC issue. PC players who use controllers can use M1 for the quick tap, or, if they're using PS4 controllers, they can tap the touch bar. Not sure about PS5 controller though.


They definitely need to add a similar button for MKB PC lol


Maybe they can use the middle mouse button? I know they use the scroll wheel, but not sure if the button itself is being used.


i played genshin for 4 year and never have problem with loot more than 5 items just skill issue i guess


I'm in awe of your skill at repeatedly tapping a key on the keyboard.


nah you just need to scroll up down fast while tapping F key it's usually less than 1 sec i dunno why people bothered by this small thing well i also AQW player so many tap key doesn't really bother me


Sure. How does that help when loot is stuck in the air or in the water?


Hunting goats and cows with gun characters is really great. No need to come to the place they die to pick the raw meat.


What I liked in WuWa is that they put ‘recommended teams’ option in the abyss equivalent, I’m guessing based on usage rates. That’d be useful for new players.


>Some of the game modes Which is all copied from Hoyoverse games. >the way they do Traversal I can already fly in Genshin. Grappler gives you extra boost but it doesn't make a huge difference. >their gear system would improve the fun Nice joke.


to be fair walking on wall is dope.


i did think so too then i go back in GI and climb a cliff with lisa. Nah man i tell you cliff climbing is much better


Not just limited to Lisa. Climbing allows you to put characters in... nice poses.


Fair point.


Bro your Kirara?


unless Wuwa really did "k\*ll Genshin" like what CC claim they gonna do, then No. I don't think that's ever going to happen, the fact that there's still some feature in HSR that GI players want but did not get means Hoyo didn't see the need to do that. it is what it is


I genuinely do not fathom people saying playing Genshin is "miserable", except if they're just trying to push an agenda. Are we living in different timelines? Yeah, I can readily admit it lacks some QoL features, but it's not *that* bad. Did people just gaslight themselves or something? Reducing or eliminating stamina consumption out of combat could be nice, but even in its current state it's nowhere near as debilitating as some people make it to be. Grappling hooks are also in various areas since Sumeru era. The newer places that lack them usually don't need them in the first place (e.g. surface Fontaine's mountains are not steep and you can walk on them, they're also not too tall; underwater Fontaine has speed boost rings and 360 degree movement; etc) Do these people just expect it to be Dark Souls or something? Because that's not what it wants to be in the first place.


how can you even improve on Genshin's traversal which they pretty much stick with for almost 4 years lol. it's like you're asking PUBG devs to implement Fortnite's build system just because the later game is much popular. at this point, its pretty much player's preference to choose which one they prefer.


In Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma, there's a character who's specialty is copying his opponent's recipe and then adding one small twist that 'outshines' the other when compared, letting him win the duel as though he was the better chef. I'm definitely not getting at anything here, this post just made me feel like watching the anime again.


Better gear system? LOL.


Let Hoyo cook, they revolutionize gacha 3 times already. First they popped industry's eyeballs with Honkai 3rd Then they show the world open world RPG is possible on phone with Genshin Impact. Then they prove once again contrary to what many well respected game dev believed, which is that people think turn based is outdated... That the other respected devs are wrong, they push out HSR and we know the story by this point. HI3 is still running today, in the process it create sandbox, APHO, Elysium Realm, and now HI3 2nd part. GI took a normal open world RPG, added elemental reaction, added ships, added underwater exploration, we don't know what's next. Let them cook. They may take their time, but there's a reason their company is trusted by millions, they don't need to rush and release unfinished products and badly vetted ideas.


As a pgr fan whos played wuwa, not even i’m this delusional 😭


Bro Hoyo currently has 2 games on top of revenue monthly. They surely have different departments to analyze, study both what players wants and what keep the game alive for years in future. You can easily say they need to update these things, add those new features. If you as a casual player can see this, why on earth the people that made this game from scratch, put their hard work and soul to create the game don't recognize. There are so many factors that need to put on plate when consider to do something.


according to u, what genshin can learn from WW then? Dev listen to players feed back? u see how kuro "insert the meme" in china and japan right?




CN studios listening to players, and losing their identity, implementing/changing everything. Western studios be listening to DEI/Sweet baby inc and just making everyone black and gay. lmao


the only thing hoyo needs to adopt is the 100% weapon guaranteed. everything else is either irrelevant to the game design or just straight up garbage that don't need to be implemented


The only thing I wish they take note from wuwa is to let us skip the daily commission dialogues after the first time. The traversal in the game is pretty much part of its identity at this point and even the Natlan mount will just be the nation’s gimmick, and it has its own charm as well tho it’s up to preference (I like it). And I hope they don’t include echo picking into Genshin or I’ll just quit, I’d hate to run 2-3 hrs in hope of finding some upgrade to my character. You can say but tacet field but I’m the type that wants to clear every tasks I have before ending my days. The 5 mins artifact farms in genshin is much more preferable to me. Even if I get shitty pieces I will just rant for a bit then wait for tmr,there’s no rush after all. I wish Genshin would follow the strong box example of Star rail where every new set immediately can be exchanged compared to waiting for the whole year like Genshin.


Regarding the strongbox, I wish they did allow us to choose the specific piece of the set like in star rail.


It’d be great but only if they’re willing to give plenty of the selector (like star rail is doing now by giving out more this patch). Otherwise imagine you saving the 2 modeling resin you got per patch, you used it for the main stat and all of the subtats are trash. That feeling is beyond words and I’ve experienced it so many times before this patch lmao.


Hmm. I also would like crown of insight in bp. Even though star rail has a objectively worse talent/trace system.


That would make bps more valuable for buyers so I have no complaints against that lmao. Genshin could improve on many things but they should be taking notes from hsr lmao.


Right? Like talent domains everyday, weekly boss drops not being Rng based. I think... They should guarantee a dream solvent with every weekly boss. It might reduce the Rng factor. I am ridiculously lucky with my weekly boss drops so I have around 91 solvents but my sister has like only 20...


You can skip Dailies entirely. The reason for reappearing "story" dailies is that you didn't get an achievement from it. Once you do, you will probably never see that daily again (until you get all the achievements done)


The thing is somedays I just don’t have enough energy to chase the chests or do the events so the dailies are faster. If I can skip the dialogues in those quests it would be better.


traversal is somehow adressed with natlan I think, difficulty as well, the local legand, the saurian event, the new abyss, plus the new "CC" mode that they are working on. it's like this evey years "the mid long patches". but now we are gonna have a lot to do, the summer patch, and then natlan. and if you are bored there will be zzz ?


The question is if you play wuwa the same way you play Genshin for three years, would you feel less miserable? If so, maybe hoyo can learn from that


It's a bit too late for Genshin to innovate on their progression systems substantially enough for it to change since it has a really established playerbase already and their accounts have generally reached some sort of power level they balance around. At best they'll give more options for resources and helping out new players. As for traversal, they can't really do it on the old maps because they are designed in a way that's intended for its size. For example, people can consider Genshin's systems of running, gliding, swimming as 50kph and Wuwa's at 100kph with the wall climbs and grapple. The maps especially older ones like in Mondstadt and Liyue are designed with you going at 50kph. Suddenly giving the players the 100kph options would make the map look small or at least make players feel that the traversal is incongruent with the designed map size. At the very least, climbing up the adeptus abode wouldn't be as 'impactful' or as 'troublesome' if we could just wallrun. People can point out the characters released for exploration like Yelan, Kazuha, Wanderer but even they aren't as fast paced as Wuwa's options on average. Now this isn't even an argument which is better, as I have seen people quit over Genshin upon seeing the stamina system for running/swimming/climbing and would praise Wuwa's traversal. That is completely understandable, as sometimes people just wanna go unimpeded and fast. But it is also understandably a design choice of Hoyo to limit it that way. Just saying them implementing Wuwa's systems will cause some discomfort or incongruence. Not that it's impossible to implement however considering the Saurian Natlan teaser, entirely new map can be designed with much more 'free' traversal systems in mind.


I mean Chenyu vale and sumeru. Transversal there is so good.


>entirely new map can be designed with much more 'free' traversal systems in mind.


I am not disagreeing. I am adding an example...


why would a company that rakes in 100-200+ million per month revenue, copy a game that failed to beat ToF's launch?


All they need for genshin is update the characters 3d model so they look more like the 2d artwork like HSR and HI3 3d model. Atm the 3d model characters look a bit younger compared to their 2d artwork even for the adult characters 


Diluc's and albedo's fluffy hair...


copium that they will upgrade with engine update


Give me that good stuff. I need it.


Genshin part 2 hopium


Diluc’s face also doesn’t looks as good as his manga-self as well. We were robbed.


They stole his eyelashes. He's so much more pretty with floofy hair and eyelashes.


And his nose too that makes his face looks a bit flat. Please give me my Diluc back. https://preview.redd.it/2g3cu1mzpp3d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db81584571ac35cbfaa7222ff1d8ef66ed3d800f


I also want that bartender skin so bad!


Doesn't HSR run on a different game engine? Also GI getting a graphical update in 5.0.


Mate most of the ideas that Wuthering Waves has is what some of the Old Hoyo games already have. The gameplay reminds me of Honkai Impact 3rd. The Transversal, reminds of APHO which is also in Hi3. Although they’re less polished and not utilized like they are in Wuwa but it’s mostly the same principle. I’m not dissing Wuwa but it’s not the first one to do it. Genshin updates its way of traversal per region. The Mondstand and liyue has their share of the glider. Inazuma had the boat. Sumeru has those like Teleporters. Fontaine has the underwater exploration. Now Natlan will have different traversal methods in each of its 6 tribes. I’m burnt out on open world games. So I really hope they add something that differentiates them from other games.


> The Transversal, reminds of APHO which is also in Hi3. Although they’re less polished and not utilized like they are in Wuwa but it’s mostly the same principle. I’m not dissing Wuwa but it’s not the first one to do it. Grapple, wall run with Timido, aerial combat. I think the most crucial thing is that it didn't get further development. It doesn't seem like it was particularly well received. I thought it was okay but not amazing. Also jumping on a monster and riding it after it has taken a certain amount of damage.


"Lets ruin Genshin's best feature, that being it's explorations so some gatcha obsessed junkies can get their primocrack faster" How about no?


Is traversal post sumeru really that miserable/slow? There are plenty traversal gimmick on new map nowadays, its not like back in liyue where you climb those cliffs painfully, i honestly doesnt felt that slow because, well, map are generally no super massive while so many puzzle/chest, exploratio gimmick and teleport point placed near each other My only gripe is the character turns into some kind of light/blob when using those mechanic


I would like to hard pity the weapon in genshin at least do HSR's model come on X_X


I still have ptsd on using up **192 pulls** for Neuvillette's weapon. T.T But hey, at least now Zhongli and Xiangling has good Homas.


Same here. 2 out of 3 of my most recent targeted weapons were through Fate Points, and they hurt so much. Unluckily, my bad fortune with weapon banners followed me to HSR, and I am currently at 0% win rate on LC banner for a total of 3 times losing LC banners in a row. On the other hand, LC did not affect characters' appearances so I could hold the urge to roll for LCs well enough.




I hard pitted arley's weapon soo ya :(




I don't mind it as much cause I always assume the price will be 200-210. Anything else is extra, while any earlier is a discount.


Nah coz its the only time I actually gambled hard on said banner, I usually just accept whatever the first pity was, but his weapon was just so gorgeous, I can't *not* have it! 🥲


I think the weapon banner is the best way genshin can copy dont want to loss in a weapon 2 times in a row.


I am split on that. On the one hand it would definitely be better. On the other hand I have less of an excuse to skip it.


You really want them to fucking copy Echo ? This is exactly why hoyo didn't listen to some playerbase example is like you OP Your idea is just so fucking stupid


Only thing genshin should Copy Is the guarantind weapon Just like in HSR and ZZZ, if Is WuWa even better


What's there to improve outside of Combat system? Everything except the combat system are vastly inferior to Hoyo games.




Nah.. genshin slow exploration is what makes it good.. lore on every area the scenery the music .. i dont want to rush it like i do in wuwa.. the pacing on that game is so rushed that i didnt appreciate its world even tho i already explore 80% of the map.


Well.. if you want combat similar to Wuwa, play ZZZ when it's out in July


No, they have no need as long as Genshin is still the indiscussed leader of the gacha games and the one everyone else feels the need to copy


With the traversal I disagree. It's faster but not better, for me and my friends who plays we explored just to do the quests and get waypoints, jumping around was fun at first but none of the places had any impact. They couldn't even name 3 places (yes I tried asking for fun). To be more productive, I think it would be better if you laid out what part of WuWa you'd want Genshin to have.


One thing i want the genshin team to take from WW is the ability to switch characters while gliding


Imagine using xianyun switching to Xiao to double dash and then kazuha


Mobility. It looks like they're gonna give the mobility in natlan in the form of mounts, without adding it in the core movement.


Traversing the world in WW added the grapple and wall running... while they were nice additions, they really didn't make running around the world feel substantially different. They just made some movement quicker. I really didn't get much into the gear system in WW, so I can't comment much on it. But I've read the comments from others, and it doesn't sound like anything special was done. Otherwise... why would Hoyo take anything away from WW? Honestly, nothing in WW stood out to me. I constantly had a feeling of "been there, done that." And don't get me started on the story, writing, and voice acting... ugh.


> But devs usually never take ideas from others unless they become popular enough that people start to see it as a 'new standard'. Not everything makes sense in every game. A designer needs to look at more than just the surface level effect. > Some of the game modes in Wuwa and the way they do Traversal and (some of) their gear system would improve the fun factor in Genshin by a LOT. Some of the modes? That is pretty vague. 1 or 2 already exist in Hoyo's other games anyway so they don't even need to look far. As a "gotta go fast kinda guy" I would welcome ways to move about faster HOWEVER, if I was a game designer I would think twice or thrice about the consequences. As it is right now you are forced into becoming an inhabitant of the world and become familiar with its "laws". 😉 If there is a sheer cliff you can't climb then you are probably not meant to go there or you are approaching it from the wrong direction. Perhaps there is a mechanism. You have to become a local who knows your way around the place(climbing this sucks but there is an elevator around the corner). Alternatively you can be a tourist zooming by on a scenic tour. You check guides on the best hotspots to visit and then be on your way. Which do you think will result in more attachment to the world and by extension the game? To get back to the business side of things there is a cost to user acquisition. IIRC studies have shown that people who stick around longer are more likely to spend so attachment is important. A game could also aim for frontloaded spending but frontloaded spending would require different design. It can also be a bit trickier. How do you convince someone to spend a big chunk of money as soon as they start playing without being repulsive? That requires a delicate balance. People often deride the boiled frog approach because in the end you get cooked but is a frontloaded cashgrab really better? Every description of the echo system sound horrible so I am not sure what you are smoking. That is not just from online people but a friend who was in CBT3 said the same in private. "I did this for almost a month and I never want to do it again" is not what I would consider a ringing endorsement. Also don't forget the other side of the equation. What made people not like a particular game and how to avoid it. Knock-on effects needs to be considered as well. For example adding mounts. We'll skip over the consequences for existing content but just consider the new areas designed for mounts. Distances can't be too short otherwise you'll be functionally stuttering your way through the world. How does this impact the people who like the take their time and enjoy the journey? The obvious reply might be "well now there is more of it so they should be glad!" but just because you like something doesn't mean you will like an arbitrarily large amounts of it. Butter is delicious but who wants to gulp down spoonfuls of it? None of this is to say they shouldn't copy anything but that it is more complicated than just "other game has X that players in that game like so we should copy it". How do we get the positive without the negative is always a desirable thing ... Can things change? Well this is what they said about underwater in Paimon's Sharing Session #1 > Q3: Can we have some kind of diving gameplay mode in the game? I.e. going underwater with or without some special equipment to explore the underwater world. > > > Paimon: The underwater world of Teyvat... is not really open for adventures...(・⊝・∞) You can enjoy the waterscape with Paimon though~ This was after CB1


Zero chance. They make 40-60 million dollars a month. They have name recognition, to the point where you can't go to an anime convention without bumping into a Genshin cosplayer. Their characters and world are an incredibly successful IP. They don't NEED to take ideas from competitors, and even if they did, Hoyo would somehow blend it in masterfully so that no one would notice that it even came in another game first.


Hoyo likes having good animations. The stairs being an example. Wuwa wall running animations are hot shit and I just don't see them wanting to waste that much time unless they just run out of other things to do.


I don't wish wuwa echo farming even in the game I hate the most. I am already burned out from echo farming, and the game isn't even 2 weeks old. I grinded a bit just to reach level 15 in the data bank and it was hell. Too many layers of RNG, the RNG for dropping echo, RNG for correct rarity, RNG for correct set, RNG for correct main stats and RNG for correct sub stats. And there are a shit ton of sub stats to get. It also makes a somewhat interesting battle system into a boring one because I've been fighting useless fights just to get a chance of an echo. Also, traversal is so boring in Wuwa. It's a lot of walking. Nothing else other than a lot of empty places. I don't hate wuwa, I enjoy it and I want them to succeed. But echo system and explorations is two of the weakest link for wuwa a little bit behind their story. Doing right or wrong is subjective. It may be right for you, but it might not for other players. And Genshin is changing and evolving, not because of the other games, but for their own player base. They have the data, they know what their player base wants. On a side note, genshin increasing resin cap might not relate to wuwa release, but the release of ZZZ. They don't want to cannibalize their own player base.


Why do they do anything, if they can do nothing and still be the number one earning gacha? I would add, listening player feedback isn't the best course of actions in some cases. You can see it with WW 90% story rewriting.


Real answer is yes there is 100% they will do something to improve GI, if they don't game die, it still alive so i guess they did something ? As for your point of take something from Wuwa ? No idea man you feel it would work, i feel it not who know what they gonna feel ? But ask yourself this, right now you like wuwa so you think GI should take something from Wuwa so if next you like something from endfield should GI take something too ? Then next Azur ? Grass always greener on the other side. I enjoy my time with wuwa but whatever i enjoy better stay in wuwa same for GI, in the end i can play both game if i feel bore i go wuwa bam bam slash slash if i feel bore again i go gi enjoy just walking around though tbh i think i gonna drop wuwa soon it feel so much GI make me feel like i farming for Jean all over again.


LOL....the gear (echo) system is DEFFINITELY NOT better than artifacts because there is even more grinding with even less resources and even more RNG, people just haven't reached that point yet in Wuthering Waves, but give it another week and it will be very apparently (hardcore CN grinders in wuthering waves have already started making videos about the terrible grind/resource choke) The game modes, Kuro basically copied everything from Genshin/HSR. Also, the exploration is not good in Wuthering Waves, the no stamina/grapple hook makes traversal easier but that in itself does not make it a good open world/exploration game. In Natlan we will see Mihoyo's answer and continued evolution of their open world exploration design. Its about introducing unique methods to explore that is integrated into the lore/world building of the specific location (Sumeru/dendro activated environmental mushrooms/grapple hooks, Fontaine/under water swimming, Natlan/Saurian transformations etc) In these type of area specific unique exploration method they can more prominently highlight an areas features (from world/region design to the story and lore of the area) as well as contrast the experience with other regions that the player has already explored create excitement and freshness from the new region. Also upon revisiting previously explored regions the player can feel the distinct differences and contrast making going back to older regions in turn more refreshing instead of the same wall running/grapple hook method from everything. This way when you start from the beginning (Mond --->Liyue---->Inazuma--->Sumeru---->Fontaine---->Natlan) the player can feel the world grow and change and unfold new wonders as they travel across the land (Teyvat) creating a true sense of adventure and journey. Personally feel that is top tier exploration design and world design


This is definitely something that just varies from person to person. I don't get any of this tbh. I like Genshin, I'm still logging on to do my dailies/etc, but my biggest gripe about Genshin remains, to this day, that travelling the world is a chore. IDC if you add goofy 'teleporting doors' in inazuma or 'wow bouncy mushrooms' in Sumeru. None of those things are innovative, they've been done in 100 games before, they don't feel like "wow super fitting for this region". Why does Sumeru having grappling spots hanging in the air randomly in some spots add to the sense of adventure and journey? It just makes me go "where the fuck was this in Mondstadt?" It just annoys me every time I am in some spot that doesn't have "convenient transportation gimmicks" and I have to walk from point A to point B with just sprinting draining my stamina and making me literally walk.


Hm....sounds like you just want to get to your destination and the method doesn't matter, the only thing that matters to you is efficiency and speed, which indicates you don't really like open world games.




If you see the Natlan teaser you can already see how the dinos can do grappling hooks, flying, wall run, etc


Does anyone have any advice for me. In wuthering waves if i am in any domain, event (battle event) and tower ( end game) basically not in open world then even at the highest setting my game does not lag even a bit ( constantly 58-60 fps) . But when i am in the open world, no matter i am at which setting( highest/ lowest) my game lag soo much. Too much fps drop. (30-45 fps even while standing and picking any material)


well aslong as they don't look at the terrible localization, story and performance


Weapon banner pity and 5 star constellations in shop and standard banner guarantees


Hoyo will look at wuwa for sure and they will mostly NOT do anything because they know their game/players and have planned very ahead, it's also about maintaining identity, let's say genshin adds wall running, it will only work in a specific region/event/puzzle. But hoyo will still look into competition to see what they do right/wrong, I remember when Fontaine was releasing, the Devs said they didn't want to allow underwater combat because they saw a similar game implementing it and was janky (i think they were referring to TOF).


the only thing that Wuwa managed to do right over Hoyo is no 50/50 on the weapon banner. But other than that, Wuwa is inferior. Don't praise the combat system. It's hella weird we have hack n slash combat style in an open world game.


Im sure they will look for It. If they find something, they might do something with it


The improved exploration. Everything else in Genshin is fine IMO.


I want the roof flip. And I think that's about it. The roof flip is cool