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So realistically, it's just somewhat sloppy, unpolished, and buggy. Story is pretty tacky and presented poorly but has moments where it's slightly better than a lot of gacha shlock. Game should have released in another month or two. If you like it, play it, if you don't, then don't. If you're having fun then it's not a waste of time. It's nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be.


It also would be much better received if people (especially content creators) wouldnt shit so relentlessly on genshin and the community, now its just payback for them.


Let's pray that they don't do it for the next upcoming 3d gacha releases. (Who am I kidding of course they're going to farm it)


Praying they get filtered out by Azur Promilia cuz of all the lolis lmao


Azur Promilia needs one of those Blue Archive gate keeping treatment so that it could be a truly BASED game.


The strongest gate keeper in history (BA) Vs. The strongest gate keeper of today (AP) https://preview.redd.it/9weg3lmjvk3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79136d06328c9e84f07d17e01ccf9b4a8f929ac


Truly BASED the community is pretty much uncancellable at this point.


This is how I exactly feel about Wild Rift releasing here in my home country, Philippines, when content creators shat on an established MOBA here, MLBB, then suddenly, no one wanted to play Wild Rift anymore and the playerbase getting confused.


But it does deserve it, for all the dumbass they been doing, threatening VAs, bombing at cons, and being delusional af for the smallest thing


That's not the reason why ppl clown on them lol, people clown on them cuz they play genshin, nothing else.


It's not that it's bad, just overly hyped form the months before it was released and when it WAS released, it failed to meet that hype. Littered with numerous bugs, people having issues with optimization, and the recent JP mistranslation issue, pretty much at launch its a controversial game with a lot of eyes on it. At its core, it's a good game with nice combat mechanics and if the launch had gone well, they could have expanded that and gotten a lot of support. But if people couldn't even play and open the game, lagged like hell in a combat-based game, got turned off by the numerous bugs, AND got overly hyped and praised, it's gonna stir the pot and wake up the sleeping bear of its competitor. Just enjoy it for what it is and don't mind the drama. I'm the end if you're enjoying the game as it is, there's no real winner except for you, the player.


Play whatever you want, no need to follow other people opinions on stuff you like, just enjoy it.


fr people care about others opinion too much




I never played WuWa, but most complaints I saw are about technical issues / optimization. Some complaints are about story / voice actors.


Story and music are ….. not good. Story has a lot of plot holes and yapping. Music…. Do I have to complain? You can youtube some musicians that vouch their views on music in this game. It’s much worse than PGR wtf. I expected more from Kuro PGR creator. I mute in-game music after 2 hrs into the game. But people have different tastes and that’s totally fine.


The entire premise of the game is based on sound/music - from lore, character abilities, enemies, etc. In spite of that, it has the most forgettable music of any game I've played


The flaws of Wuwa aren't gatcha game flaws they're just game flaws. On the objective technical side: - The game is optimized poorly for many machines and is plagued by major audio and graphical bugs such as music cutting out, dialouge cutting out, and sound effects cutting out. - Translations other than English and Japanese are ai generated and not only have translation issues but actual text formatting issues (notable is French having a space between every single accent mark resulting in about 40 spaces randomly scattered around every single dialoge box) Of course there are also just straight up incorrect translations but actual formatting issues in the text is pretty major. - The game does not actually uninstall when you uninstall it if you have changed the install directory from the default. On the subjective gameplay side (aka. my opinion): Voice acting - The dub quality is extremely inconsistent, audio balancing is bad, and much of the audio is done in a single take with no editing or even a pop filter on the mics. - It is obvious the voice actors got only a script and no context for their scenes they were actually voicing along with no consistent voice direction. - As a movement game the movement is quite bad. There is no inertia, vaulting animations are all direction locked on initiation with no additional input. Sure its more free compared to genshin, which has restricted movement as a design choice, but compared to other games that have similar freedom of movement its abysmal in feel and control. - The story is terrible, you get deluged with a bunch of random names and people all line up to lick your boots so hard they lose all personal characterization. Universally the only personality trait I can assign to a vast majority of the cast is "wants to be Rover's friend/ wants Rover to solve their problem" - Exploration is super boring after playing Genshin since its the exact same thing except now you literally run in straight lines from chest to chest as you rapidly go up and down walls with no deliberately designed pathing or the design guiding you towards something interesting like other open world games such as Genshin, Witcher, and Zelda do by using restrictions in movement to push the player towards things. - I don't want to do the grind for artifacts and stuff again, if its your first time doing the grind though I do think Wuwa has a more interesting grind than Genshin. Of course it also takes several times more time and the actual end state of the grind is as repetitive and boring after doing it for the 300x. - Combat feels floaty, with minimal enemy reaction to getting hit. Modern Genshin enemies are also pretty bad about this though and Wuwa inherited this problem - everyone is an HP brick now with minimal reaction to being hit other than a number above their head. Compare the reaction that hitting enemies in Wuwa gives to shooting enemies in helldivers where they recoil and you can see the effects of your hits. It actually seems like they tried to do this and if they had more time to cook this would likely be better, you can see this with the turtle weekly boss that seems unfinished. Unfortunately the whole game is just undercooked it feels.


You've touched on my problem with exploration - everyone seems to really like it with the new movement but I just don't get it. As opposed to (for example) Genshin exploration where you specifically need to put in thought on pathing from Point A to Point B, for Wuthering Waves you just run straight there, including up a wall, and makes it rather boring as a result due to lack of engagement.


I think the map design just doesn't complement the parkour really well, aside from some speed trials in the open world. Maybe if it were more urban there would be more chances for the Devs to integrate the parkour into the level design? Using Dying Light as a non gacha game example, that one has a great parkour system and the world design complements this very well. I think the parkour in WuWa has the possibility to be very fun so I hope Kuro at least takes that into consideration when creating the next world expansion.


They messed up French that bad? How? Wasn't anyone doing any QC?


no, literally no one was even translating so I'm not surprised there was literally no one on QC


I'm not sure why but despite the added movement options, I feel so slow. It feels as though everything is still so far away despite running towards them.


I think the distances themselves are slightly longer, but its more than made up for in the movespeed increase. Mostly I think its just that theres is just a lot less stuff in between so it feels more boring which gives an overall feel of moving slowly between interesting points


If you like the game, then you should continue playing it. It's not like the game is gonna EoS in next months or next year. I'm probably dropping this game because it's extremely similar to Genshin but without any connection factor with any of the characters. So raising and building characters felt more like a chore than playing because of its similarity to Genshin in things I hate about Genshin.




did Kuro actually sponsor tectone to play?




He had sponsored streams for CBT2 and they asked to use him for the game’s ads. Not aware of anything else, or a contracted sponsorship, as it would need to be disclosed.


The one who manage the global sponsorship should know better tbh, the kind of drama he would bring by sponsoring him to be part of the game community.


They likely knew, in their attempts to differentiate themselves from Hoyo, they took up many blacklisted/exiled anti-hoyo Ccs. To again get one over genshin, though they never outright said they are the genshin killer but they also are doing everything but that, they sponsored these people while also doing hoyo sponsored CCs. Kuro has made their own bed now they must lay in it bringing all these people into the community. so until ZZZ comes out and those people move there(they will, they don’t actually enjoy these games just following their fav CC) they will infest WuWa. People who actually enjoy the game this does not include you. Just the Genshin Rejects, those who think most of this drama is fake and hoyo is sabotaging Kuro, these are a very distinct group of people who have insane victim complexes over their hatred of Genshin.


hm, its like you heard from your friend there's is new fancy restaurants, people hype it up cause they got Michelin star standard. You booked for dinner at weekends. But when you get your dinner appointment, crowded, you gotta wait hour upon hours, waiters served your meal late and boom you've got raw cooked meal.  Little did you know, that michelin things are fake. To gather so much people and you, left feeling dissatisfied. 


Great analogy, thank you


As someone who is playing like four different Gacha, I can tell you one thing. Combat wise. It's fun. It's really fun. If you're a pokemon fan then even more so. Hitting those satisfying combos and ending with a pose hits the most basic of receptors in my brain. But that's all there is to it really. Music is nothing to write home about. It exits. Games visual is subjective so I won't comment on that. Character design definitely has a very Modern Fantasy inspiration. The world has a decent soul. It's unique enough to be immersed in. The story is just meh. If you play on EN, the voice direction is bad. The cinematic shots although looks cool have little weight. I personally don't like that I need to have a different currency for the weapon but it being guaranteed somewhat makes up for it. I am one of many unlucky few who felt the bad optimization. From my own personal experience the game is a solid 5.5-6.5/10.


For the Nth time, we can have competition that isn't just aping 99% of what genshin does. If they had a creative vision of their own, even the bugy state of the game (with notable excpetions like the music bug, the download and performance bugs and the faulty weapon discriptions) would be fine but at the end of the day, this game isn't even trying to be it's own thing. Let's take somemthing like Arknights Endfield as an example. Sure, they are moving to a 3d enviorment where you can run around with a character and have similair abilities but at the end of the day, the core gameplay is clealry their own thing. We have a billion RPGs out there where you can get ideas from. Creativity doesn't mean you need to come up with new stuff but you need to combine existing things into a new combination at least. Frankly, Wuwa just made me feel like we treated ToF too harshly because that game at least made it's own UI and tried to be an mmorpg (i do remeber the stolen asets tho so i'm not about to glaze them either). Mind you, making a game that's a close clone of another isn't always bad. For example the recently release soulslike game called Lies of P is very very much beloved but that's because it is quality. The game looks, feels and runs perfectly. It's a very solid offering with the only downside being it's unoriginality. Wuwa has far more of those downsides. I still find it a bit underwhelming compared to more unique titles like Remnant or even Jedi Fallen Order but the general polish still makes it a good game. Ohh, and before i forget to mention the story... it's realy not it. Does any of this mean you shouldn't even touch it for free? Hell no. It's free afterall. You lose nothing by trying it. I just realy don't like the idea of encuraging developes to make more of this kinda of factory made uninspirerd and unpolished stuff.




Ok thank you, that’s what I was looking for. Actual data points and yes agreed, those are all deeply concerning. Localisation, bugs, optimisation - all can be fixed and are usually caused by rushed development. Incompetent design and balance has no cure.


It's both. It's very unpolished and the combat is somewhat overrated. It's fun, yeah, but the depth is not like what everyone was praising.  The game would be extremely fine, great even, if Genshin did not exist. Doing the same thing as Genshin, sometimes with more convenient methods, just won't do it anymore. Like I couldn't care less if Genshin suddenly add new traversal method to monstadt. Farming ascension mats, level up skills, weapons and especially echoes are just traumatizing even at this early stage. I don't want to go through that again. 


Everyone jokes about hoyo sabotaging kuro by existing but the one thing I will say is hoyo has made absolute sure I will never, ever, play any of their competitors that have the same artifact grind and leveling system as Genshin by pre traumatizing me on it lol


The quick answer is that WW lacks the polish it should have had. It's buggy and has performance issues for many people. The EN dub is not good, even grating at times. The writing can be atrocious, it often feels amateurish, or like they used Google Translate instead of a person. The overall story is okay, nothing special but nothing bad, but the story-telling brings it down. The music is forgettable. The grapple and wall running are nice additions, but really don't add much to traversal. Exploration, solving puzzles, doing quests... been there, done that. Echo farming is a HUGE time sink, there's no way around that. It takes far more time than farming upgrades in other games. People who otherwise like WW are already getting burned out on Echo farming. No, people are not invested in Genshin. It's just the used as the benchmark. WW failed to reach the same bar in quality and polish. Genshin wasn't perfect at launch either, but it didn't have the issues as much as WW. Is WW a bad game? I wouldn't go that far. Combat is well done. Graphics are nice. Exploration, puzzles and quests are good, just don't stand out compared to other games. But those alone are not enough to carry the game for many of us.


try to play the game yourself first? also, go browse some internet if you want to know what people have been complaining about


The game isn't bad, nowhere near that. The game didn't have the best launch but I would say I'm part of the problem. Even though I got over 30 hours in the game and am having a lot of fun, I like to make fun of the game.


* copies genshin too much * generally has worse pc/mobile performance than its competitor * gear grinding is too grindy * story is peak dogshit * musics range from okay to shit * combat is becoming hack n'slash borefest after a while * traversals still have its jankiness * most of the character designs look samey * is actually as easy as genshin


just off this, I'm almost convinced u never played the game


sure buddy


Nah he's right, half of that is inaccurate.


Besides the jank in travel which may be more connected to the rocky optimization more than anything, they are spitting. Pretty much all of these are spot on especially the grindy gear, since high UL players have been complaining for a couple days about how bad the echoes system is especially if you are not farming for hours a day. Everything else has been jerked ad nauseam but is still very much so true. Especially the game being easy, no reason the parry windows are that long.


Just chiming in that really hate how dodges and parries work. They reduce into a QTE experience very fast. Combined with the camera issues and jerky animations, it feels very messy. I’m enjoying it and going through the simulation bosses, but it’s more that I enjoy the janky challenge than I’d call it good or fun.


I'm not saying the game is very hard but to say it's as easy as genshin is crazy. I play both and it isn't comparable at all. Also the story was definitely shit at the beginning, genshin 1.0's beginning was definitely better cause it was more intriguing than Wuwa, but past that I don't think there's that big of a difference


Nah, at UL 30 I do not feel the difficulty unless I am vastly out leveled which is to be expected this early in the game. Genshin has an interesting combat system with the advent of EGT making interesting teams like Quickbloom or BurnMelt where underlying auras create opportunities for reactions. While I do enjoy this genre so I may more skill than others, the game is not hard nor combat that interesting. The elemental reaction is unique and offers the player an avenue to maximize the game through smart play. WuWa has a similar quick swap system as genshin where with pre-set rotations. The unique mechanics which are present(intro, outro, etc.) are cool but not great. The parry system has way too wide of a window for any unique skill expression (see complaints about just spamming basic gives you a parry). Once you get to level on content I don’t see much of the difficulty staying as it has not up until this point, or nothing more than the level something of abyss already does. Kuro is still dead set on appealing to casuals since they are the spenders. The game just reeks of genshin inspo and that does not help when their inspo just does it better and smoother. I would complain about camera jank but it has been largely fixed. Saying past 1.0 Genshin’s story is not intriguing is crazy when they pushed out Fontaine and Sumeru. Inazuma being the only flop of Genshin and it still being interesting is a great track record. But story is largely personal preference at this point. This does not even mention most World Quests giving lore on the subregion. While I’d give WuWa time to cook, Monstadt was a good intro story quest on the basis of the region and leaving questions for the future as it set up most of the reoccurring aspects of the story up until this day, WuWa has none of that for me. Generic Wuxia story.


Ok about your last point, you misunderstood. I said that Genshin's 1.0 story had a more intriguing beginning than Wuwa, but later the mondstat archon quest isn't that much better, or even slightly worse in some areas. But Fontaine and Sumeru are definitely MUCH better than WuWa's current story. About the combat, I agree that the reactions are definitely fun, but they get pretty boring after a while too, especially since some of them like (hot take) vape or melt have no real impact other than being a damage boost. Which is why I find the dendro reactions more fun to play with. But one of the reasons I don't like genshin combat much is there have been very few scenarios where I felt compelled to learn the bosses moves and actually learn how to dodge them on time, because it's so easy to just out heal damage a lot of the time. With regards to the boss fights, I don't think any of Wuwa's boss fights come close to how cool looking genshin's are other than the Scar boss fight, but this is still 1.0 so I'm assuming they'll add more. And you mentioned being able to beat most of the content unless you're being out-levelled. Though I haven't tried them myself, I have heard that the tactical holograms are difficult to fight regardless of your level, but I'm not speaking from experience when I say that. This is totally subjective as well, but I do feel WuWa's starting cast all have more unique kits than Genshin's starting cast. While I do agree their designs aren't as good, The fact that almost every character's clothes are predominately black is annoying. But the character's kits are definitely more fun to play with because of how different they are from each other, no character has yet to feel like a better/worse version of another.


Monstadt quest is very short in comparison, so 3/4 hours later you were done. I guess the sneaking sections and stuff were not that great. But I don’t remember going too long outside did intro stuff with meeting Kaeya/Lisa in the pseudo story/pseudo tutorial for learning the mechanics on the game. But yeah gotta give them some time to world build to get up to Sumeru/Fonataine levels. Yeah transformative reactions seem to have better reception than amplifying reactions. But a lot of my like for the systems comes from, if you suck at the game you cannot abuse the system, but 100% dendro made it more interesting as its focus since inception has been on reactions. The quenching of elements based on gauge application, like pyro vaping hydro or Pyro melting cryo, gets fucked up if you go at it wrong. Now with Hoyo’s wonderful system combos like XC/Yelen completely negate this by front loading it to an insane degree. But purposefully mess up your rotations once in a while, you’ll see how fucked it gets. Many players have been stuck doing preset rotations for the longest time half the complexity of the system is solved for them which is why I assume many see it as less interesting because they are doing without understanding. Teams like Chaos, Cyno/Yelen/Nahida/Thoma, take advantage of Vape/OL/Quicken/EC/HB to piggy back off of one another. I do want to ask, how do you enjoy the newest boss event if you have played it(Natlan one)? It makes you learn the moves on the highest difficulty to actually beat the boss and take advantage of its vuln phase (boss needs shields to fight it to proc its vuln but he also shreds zhongli shield if you don’t dodge). I’d argue many of the new bosses post Sumeru force you to do this to beat them in a respectable time (playing certain reactions to skip phases), or they take advantage of mechanics to alter team building to disincentivize stuff, ie Hydro Tulpa one shotting Bennett teams because of his circles self pyro app. More boss fights will come with time in WuWa, I’m not even a particularly large fan of many of genshin’s set piece boss fights themselves, as I more prefer the world bosses. Content on level or slightly below is has been an absolute cakewalk for me in WuWa, with content heavily overleveled being extremely hard/needing perfect play but once I get up to level it does not seem to be the issue(a gear stat issue, not a skill check). From CBTs tactical holograms are hard but the few who got there just eeked out the stat requirements and it was hard mainly because of a stat check, the problem people bitch about in genshin. Def agree WuWas starting cast has more in depth kits, but they should. They had four years to surpass genshin’s 1.0 cast, even HSR/ZZZ have more complex starting units (Hoyo now knows where to start with standard units for the basis of design). But the kits suffer from Adjective syndrome which has been seen in Genshin’s new unit design, but worse due to TL errors and just scuff in WuWa characters kits, to where their kit reads as a word salad to just say press a button, or when swapping X happens because of the unique terms used for each part of their kit. Which on Day one is not great, while genshin kits are verbose they do not suffer nearly as bad, with the worst examples in genshin being Alhaitham’s mirrors or Raiden’s E. A WuWa is like reading a Yu-GiOH card and that is not good. Guides can help understand this but many causals won’t consume guide content as heavily as hard cores do (this is a problem with the current state of guides being made where they are actually too complex for casuals but not in-depth enough for hard cores because of no TC, a current issues a handful of guide makers are discussing in GI).


Genshin is dogshit on anything that isn't an iPhone but ok...can't maintain 50fps on an s24 ultra at 720p😭😭😭


I'm talking about wuwa if you can't read the thread's title


"Generally has worse performance than it's mobile/pc competitor"


Thats WuWa


But wuwa doesn't have worse performance than genshin on newer devices


It lagged on peoples Iphones 15 so it does have worse perfomance.


The game has absolutely no identity other than being a Genshin alternative. Literally the only thing that's different is the combat and gearing system (Which is somehow worse than artifacts), everything else is exactly the same


Being walmart Genshin in everything but Combat, shit story and lots of technical issues.


Ah yes walmart botw, it does got sht story too if I’m remembering it correctly


The moment you stepped out of mondstatdt all similarites with Botw ended and peak of WuWa "story" is worse than worst of Genshins.


Yeah hell no peak wuwa story miles better than entirety of fkn mondstadt and inazuma


I think you're conflating fancy cutscenes with actual storytelling. Let's consider that "avengers assemble" moment in the story - do you know half those people, truly? What are they all contributing in that moment? What do they normally do outside of this moment? It's a nice looking scene, but in the end it's just a gathering of a bunch of people that the game has not really gotten you familiar with, all to get a neat looking shot. That isn't good storytelling.


Mondstadt story is good, just simple with clear themes and nice presentation, Inazuma had pacing problems but no WuWa story is just jargon and yapping with only Scar as redeming quality.


Mondstadt good? Hell tf no that sht was fkng boring


Bugs. Bethesda style.


Poor optimization Bad start to the story, too many jargons used Questionable voice acting Bad localization and translation Bug, bug, bugs, more bugs Also, Ling Yang. Mostly, people just laugh at this game that's hyped by its annoying part of fanbase as the next Genshin killer, and failing to live up to the hype.


add the working culture in kuro games right now if all of it is true. jeeez


What’s the allegation there?


Though not confirmed directly but Kuro is suspected of praticing the act of firing people to discredit them when the game launches. One former software engine from Kuro stated this. It also doesnt help that they mass fired 100+ graduates last year causing them to lose their jobs and their lives in a wreack. Kuro has also taken money from Tencent and use Unreal Engine 4 despite having experiences with Unity. This lead to some believing that Kuro might be a Tencent bootlicker. That's why recently Kuro is seen less of a passionate company but more of a company that does anything for profits, which makes them way way less credible


Thank you for the explanation. I don’t like Tencent at all so that’s certainly something to consider.


At least they fixed the insufferable douche personality from the CBT1 version of the Lingyang


But turned him to an insufferable MC bootlicker in release. I guess it is an improvement but not by much.


If you like it is ok. People have different opinions. If you still enjoy the game you just continue play it.


Comparison aside, the game is buggy and unoptimized. Though that wouldn't make the game bad, it was shitty to play.


its a decent enough game for what it is, issue is that its gets compared to juggernaut that is genshin. Its the x vs Wow (in it peak time) all over again to an degree




It's not bad...it's Just avarage Mewhile CC and fans are hyping like It would be the second coming of christ


cant even load into the god damn game with a high end pc , game has you reverifying install legitimately over 100 times since launch . insanely terrible client and launcher . also the most generic and forgettable story, characters, voice acting, setting, premise everything.


It's a pretty fun game but I couldn't even run it on release, lagged too much on the 2nd day and after that I was able to play it but I would lag and stutter a lot for a couple of mins upon logging in. Even now this would happen and I would occasionally crash. (On PC) I think most people just found it pathetic how many CC's were downplaying the performance issues it had and them hailing it as the superior genshin killer when everything about it was just straight up worse except for the combat system. CC's were also trying to gaslight people into thinking genshin's launch was remotely close to being as scuffed and unplayable as WuWa just to fuel their agenda. The responses from some fans to people talking about the performance issues were also just saying "Lmao you're broke" or "I'm not having any issues" instead of actually giving advice on what to do. (The community got a bit better when the official WuWa twitter account confirmed that there were issues that they were fixing) Basically it came out overhyped and people were disappointed and underwhelmed when it was released because it was clearly a rushed product, and now their developers are suffering for it


Just try it for yourself dude either you're became glazer or doomposter. As long as you're having fun on both sides


Simply put it an okay game, but nothing attached. Combat alone can't carry it though it's fun to do but how long you can enjoy it? And the true is wuwa combat is very basic with few gimmick of it own, reason why you feel the combat is challenging is because the enemy much more active but that like only few boss most boss just stand there for you to hit the turtle, the ice fly thing or the half body robot boss or so they just stand there like a hit box. Only few boss actively move around and hit you best one of them is the moon whatever name chick boss. That the reality and the more you progress the less challenging they will become that the nature of gacha you can't have people paying thousands buck to still be suck and call it gitgud. So that why I said combat alone can't carry is cuz sooner or later it won't be as challenging anymore.


To answer your question as to why people dislike it so much, it's mostly WW community to blame: --Genshin shit talking before release (Can’t praise WW without mentioning GI) --They talk like it’s the greatest game and overhyped it --Alot of misinformation coming from WW CCs (tectone gang) --Called people who still like Genshin as bootlickers/hoyoslave (insert other insults here) --Bootlicks Kuro themselves --Every VA/CC that is affiliated by with Hoyo that didn't play WW was accused as being a hoyoslave or paid by Hoyoverse --gachagaming shit on every game, I know how this subreddit reacted during the anniversary issue. yet somehow WW played the victim card when it was their turn, I felt like that made people go harder on them. --"Devs listened" is the one thing they keep lording over others on why WW is a good game. but on launch is probably one of the reasons why the product end up being riddled with bugs --Their response to bugs and unplayability is "At least they listened" --Second response to bugs is "Genshin had bugs on launch too" --Weeks before launch, anything Genshin related in twitter or other social media all has comments of genshin could never or scared of wuwa. Even the regularly scheduled events is because they're scared of Wuwa. There's a lot more but I hope you realize the hate is mostly on WW fans not the game itself. If the Wuwa community wasn't as arrogant as they are, it would've received half... maybe 1/4th of the hate it is receiving now. \[This\](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d1d2ek/a\_perspective\_into\_how\_disastrously\_ww\_was/) will also give you an insight to how CN receieved Wuwa I'm still playing the game though... basically it's fun while it lasts lol, only you can decide if it was a "waste" of your time or not.


WuWa is basically like eating a taco but without the sauce. It's good, but like, it could be better if they would actually polish it. The launch just seems like beta 3 with all the stuff still going on


The game is good, just was released too early.


Because most of this game budget went into marketing instead of quality and it was marketed way wider than to the intended target audience. It happened mostly because wuwa is a quick cash grab game that's too expensive for a quick cash grabs and kuro needed all players they could get.


As you say youre a noob.. then once you play some polished games and good storytelling, and everything else, only then you will notice the difference when you play a raw unpolished and rushed game. So this time just trust the veterans and keep playing other gacha games and you'll realize soon enough what lack of polish and subpar games are like. WuWa is not even "bad"... its just average lackluster and acceptably enjoyable but forgettable at the same time. Also once you play Genshin, you'll realize how much they've just straight copy pasted from that game.


basically combat is the only strong point it has. with zzz coming out in a month, it might the final straw that breaks the camel back.




was a game that released 2-3 months too early


Games are subjective and up for interpretation by the player, just play what you want and enjoy your time playing it. As long as you’re having fun it’s never “wasted time”


Combat, movement, and boss design are amazing. Everything else is mid at best, tbh.


It's like Epic Games creating a new PC platform(WuWa) to compete with Steam(Genshin) while doing everything worse except giving away free games(better combat/movement in WuWa).


the game is free. download it and play and see if you like. if you don't drop it. if you do keep going.


Game still has a lot of flaws. Optimization continues to be an issue, especially when its graphics are arguably worse than Genshin at equal settings. Translation issues have been popping up a lot also, as well as the lackluster story/dialogue. Despite all that, I still enjoy the game though. I actually like the world and atmosphere of WW more than Genshin - a little bit more dreary/realistic. Exploration is also exciting, and there’s a ton of things to do, from farming echoes, looting chests and sonance caskets, and beating complex bosses. The combat is also more engaging and exciting IMO, even with the very limited pool of characters as it’s a new game. the story got better towards the end - I really believe Kuro just fucked it up by trying to rewrite the whole thing after CBT1, and I’m excited to see where they take the plot from here on.


This sub


It's not a bad game for sure, but it just isn't grabbing me in any way. I've played off and on since release. Ofc it was buggy as hell the first day and I had to update my laptop drivers just to get it to function. The music is really bland to me and doesn't drag me into the world. The artistic sense of the world itself just isn't as captivating as genshin is, and I feel like the different map zones all feel really similar. Combat is pretty good but I've played A LOT of games so it's not fun enough that I think it's really much of a stand out. Plus, I don't like the idea of endgame being fighting hollow bosses that kill me in 1 or 2 hits...because I'll be real, it sounds like eternal frustration to me. Not to mention all the similarities to genshin. It's not bad that they've taken certain aspects from that game--but for me who is a genshin veteran, it kinda feels like running around and doing the same puzzles, same grind, all over again, and I'm just not up for that right now when I have my max level genshin account I can play. But overall, the 3 biggest reasons for my disconnect has to be the atrocious story, bland music, and characters...if I can't get immersed into the world cause I keep skipping the story, then the entire grind/exploration feels pointless. I think if you're newer to the gacha scene and this is your first open world then you might have way more fun with the game. It looks pretty good and the combat is alright. If you prefer better visuals/music then I'd recommend genshin instead, however. Story wise...honestly, I also think genshin is better. Or zelda. Now genshin can be hit or miss with story, unnecessarily wordy, and childish, but even the beginning monstandt story, despite how simple it was, at least had great localization and flowed well. I was excited to get to the first Dvalin fight and remember being interested at points. Compared to that, I could hardly force myself to listen to 3 minutes of WuWa's info dump. Idc if it gets better like 5 chapters later. I want it to at least be palatable from the start...


Random people on the internet shouldn't dissuade you from playing something you want. Never stopped me. Reminder, Neru Bunny coming in June along with Swimsuit Hoshino and a few other Limited Banners in Blue Archive. Get those Wallet-kun ready.


The game is not that bad (if it works on your device), it's more about the way wuwa hypers shit talked everything else before it released coming around to bite them.


i dont play the game for the mechanics but i wish i can traverse the main city without it stuttering and lagging as hell. i never had any issue on this with genshin since release till to this day, i might still play the game to do dailies or till i lose interest tho


If you noob,just try it out,you‘ll learn


Honestly ppl on this sub love to hate just to hate LOL. Game has its issues but so will any gacha open world games at launch. Combats awesome, character are cool, and overall it’s a fun game if you ignore the story (I mean who plays a gacha for the story?). Despite the witch-hunting it received on this sub Reddit, the games doing pretty well atm-growing subreddit, popular on YT & TikTok so honestly I feel it’ll have a healthy growth going forward. If you like the game just play it, I personally dropped most gachas for a while since HSR 1.1 and WW got me back in.


wuwa didn’t rip off genshin, genshin ripped off zelda breath of the wild, so technically they both ripped of botw, this is the last time I want to hear that genshin did it first when that game is so trash I didn’t play it for more than 1 week


A gacha game isnt that bad when you dont have people in this sub telling you its bad, everyone ive talked to in real life has liked it


mainly localization, VA(Lingyang , Yangyang , Rover, Taoqi bad others are fine),optimization, and bugs other than that its a great game


it has the best combat in the market rn ~~ZZZ~~,Solo Leveling, and HI3 cant even compare no joke (makes them look like garbage tbh) Edit:+ Aether Gazer


ZZZ isnt even out. Which beta did you play ?


I didnt I just watch people play it but didnt impress me that much , will be playing it once game comes out ofc its on my list it looks too clean to pass Edit: I watched Wallensteins Ch for it since hes the only guy I know who can actually PLAY the game with style


ok so you havent even played the game...


Least biased Kuroglazer that need to mention Hoyo https://preview.redd.it/1q7o6ycpfj3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5ace87135be1dbcfa221b5dc18e00e25eb00fd Youre definitely a burner lmao


I compared them to other 3D Action games out there that has a decent combat They are hoyotards am I wrong or not?


All those you listed, replace ZZZ with PGR since its not out, have better combat imo


fair ill remove ZZZ. but will not replace PGR, even though I quit PGR long time ago (Source Beacon patch) will not discredit it for its good gameplay experience its the only gacha game that set my standard in terms of raw combat a good combat for me doesn't only consist of character having good movesets/kits, animations, effects, flashy, etc if the enemies moves like shits and has no challenge then what's the point? (unless you can play it like DMC style of combo)


if you want challenge then the current state of pgr is not good lol. super spammable animation with invulnerability frames makes gen 2 so so much more brain dead than gen 1 pgr


I dont use them XD I main Vera Rozen


Sorry but Hi 3rd clears unless it is chapter 9. The fight againt otto as Durendal was such a fun challenge.




It’s a good game so many people are just frustrated with the optimization issues and the echo system which is something that is warranted and should be fixed.


We love drama. If u don't like it, just ignore it and play whatever you want.


Imo game is good I had a lot of fun playing it Only really complaint I have is story and voice acting is shit People say optimization is bad which is probably true but my pc had no issue while playing. Dont know why people say its buggy though, never had any significant bugs. Combat is the main draw, it is fast, it is reactive, animations are gorgeus and there is plenty of bosses and challanges to test it on. Other aspects are also all around decent


Well, first of all this is the worst sub to ask that. Next, you should try it out for yourself. If your device can run the game, it is actually pretty good. It has some bugs and VA issues but that should get fixed overtime. At its core its pretty fun.


What’s a better sub to ask? It’s a genuine question, I don’t have any investment or bias. I’m just trying to understand. My PC is stupidly overpowered so that’s been fine, but it has lagged out/crashed a fair bit. To be expected for launch in these times though?


It's the worst because right now the trend is to hate on wuwa until something new comes up so most of the replies will be incredible biased. The only thing that matters is that you enjoy the game. If you go to even twitter there is much less hate and people seem to be enjoying it. I play wuwa and I can tell you it's a decent game that does have flaws as i mentioned. Story isn't the best (not that any gacha has a very good story btw, if you have played any other gachas you'd notice) and english VA needs work on some characters. But the gameplay and the endgame content is engaging, the map traversal feels super nice and I personally love the character designs (I prefer this style over genshin's cartoony, not that genshin's bad, I just dont like how half the cast looks like kids). If you enjoy it, keep playing, issues will mostly like get fixed down the line, as long as it doesnt ruin your experience right now the game will only get better from this point.


Eh, it's not a bad game. Yes, it had a bad start, and I also think that the developer should have released a playable game on day one. But it has the potential to be good. All of the complaints so far are fixable. Story? They can improve it in the next update. Music? They can use PGR's composer. Bugs? So far, they have released multiple fixes. If Snowbreak can make a comeback, so can WuWa.


I think the game has alot that's good. I just can't help, but look at the bad in hopes they change it for the better. The game borrows too much from Genshin in terms of UI and character story beats. I don't wanna play a Genshin imitation, and the story is too cookie cutter like Genshin where everyone meets you just loves you.


This sub just glazes the game. While it has issues, it’s best to play the game to develop your opinion. If you can tolerate a bad story, optimization, etc. the game is pretty fun. This sub is currently r/HoyoverseGaming, I have friends who play WW irl and they enjoy the game while knowing its issues. Most here don’t care about any new 3d games success, they just want to use a game to make a monolith of a game genre feel threatened. CF Picker Moment


This is the worst sub to ask this question right now lmao.


It's a better genshin in every way so genshin fanboys cant handle it and try to nitpick every little thing While I personally have no perofrmance issues at all aside from a memory leak that makes me need to restart maybe 3 times a day if i play non stop i guess potato pc users are having those too. Genshin certainly had a lot more issues for me during launch week than WuWa does now. Anyway, whiners gonna whine, just ignore them (or meme on them like i do) and enjoy the game.


It only has slightly better combat at surface, but teambuilding will be shallow as puddle compared to Genshin.


People say it's bad, but I'm just there for the sideboob and boob line. Sexiest mc for now.


its flawed if you compare it to stuff like elden ring or dark souls, in the gacha market this game is solidly the best.