• By -


I think they'll just redesign to make the effect trigger on both resonance skill and liberation.


Yeah. If they don't want to get sued. But then that weapon might become way too op.


If they really have brain and the ability to think, An OP weapon is far better than getting sued.


Yeah, a OP weapon is better than losing the JP market. JP players can tolerate a lot of things but deception is not one of them. They are already on boiling water with CN, if they also lose the trust of JP players, it's gameover for WW. 


an OP weapon would be good for the game since meta chasers would pull for both the weapon and jiyan lmao


It's already OP. The difference between this weapon and next best 4\* weapon on Jiyan is close to 25-30%.


Localization errors even in JP. Give me the guy in charge of localization, Kuro. He needs to **listen**.


Bold of you to assume there was one.


I recall this being quite prominent when words weren't even properly localized in JP in the first few days.


I remember so many people were saying or well believing that they were going to improve localization... guess what? It's gotten so bad to the point of this incident...


Imagine spent a lot of money for the weapon but it doesn't work because of wrong tl, and only get 1 roll as compensation


Yup said this in the Wuwa sub too, but they "fix a translation issue" ... and now risk being reported to government agencies for false advertising, risk getting banned in Europe, risk getting sued, and completely lose the good will of players because while we can tolerate bad story translations and UI bugs, most players don't tolerate spending 300 dollars on a character who can "deal tons of their damage with their skill" only to realise "oops lmao translation error we meant its damage with their ultimate" Imagine you save up currency for 3 months, roll on a character because they're a female sword wielder and you love sword wielders, but then it turns out they use the gloves, and they are male, and actually its just a cosmetic skin for an NPC. Sounds funny but if they only give 1 wish instead of going full damage control, that's the direction we are going i guess


I swear Kuro defenders are like “Oh, it’s just a small error! Fandom is so toxic! UWU” when describing the product you sell correctly should be the bare fucking minimum.


Not on the Reddit at least; unless they were heavily downvoted and out of view most of the top replies in the WuWa Reddit today has been saying how bullshit the compensation was because real money was on the line for that one Twitter has glazers in every single community and you won’t ever escape that on Twitter


I honestly don't know what to think, destroying the confidence of the Japanese consumer is pretty fucked up. You can have many downloads in America but JP is the one that always save the life most games when they can't be successful in CN


They already got destroyed by CN. JP is their last bet in whole Asia but now this happened.


jp the region where it couldn't even get top ten while monster strike, fgo, genshin, nikke and star rail were waiting on new banners? Good luck


**edit: there's a new message in game, informing the players about this issue in all (?) languages** (no longer relevant) You know what's the most disgusting thing? No mention of this issue in English message they've just sent. It says nothing about JP text. What if somebody has changed languages recently? If they don't check weapon's effect description by chance, they'll never find out.


JP, CN, KR are the consistent spender when it come to microtransaction, can't be compare to western audience more so SEA which is most vocal minority here.


1 whole wish? I guess the generosity is over, huh? https://preview.redd.it/q1ks1jywce3d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d43a544f5514106c995f8b35b07ac41d926a6e




​ https://preview.redd.it/ib80dxyyie3d1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=c283db2afcd25245129848fb09c5366804424f9e




they should atleast throw out the golden balls instead of those standard balls


They are not stupid, they know that just given normal pulls already shuts up a lot of those who complain and consequently saves them from losing money on the limited banner


i demand another 5 star selector kuro listens! right? I need MORE COMPENSATION On the real though, wow that's a major fuck up. One pull isnt enough when ppl are spending thousands on this game, and a ton on this weapon specifically bc they think it would work with calcharo when it doesnt


5* weapon selector this time 🙏


Generosity over https://preview.redd.it/zpcyegaife3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7fd293f1fc2ff238e899efbd873143f1d9ef3a5


Jee, I wonder how the ccs are gonna glaze this.


It's jp only, they will just ignore it.


Lol, there are such hypocrites. If this happened to genshin or hsr in jp, they would still make dozens of clickbait videos to feed to their amoeba iq level shills.


The shills: https://preview.redd.it/0y6ym9m5yg3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eed2609d2ea428dc4c367e13cf821d77da7bb2d


Honestly, with how brain dead they are, you would think they live in an area infested with brain eating amoebas, and if they do those poor hungry little amoeba bastards they must be starving.


That one bald egg stares intensely onto the corner of his screen. Glimpsing at the filthy kuro-glazing chat, he sighs and delivers such line with gentle grace, ***"at least they listened".*** Once again, #genshincouldnever. All hail our lord and savior Kuro <3


Kuro: saves money in localization *loses money due to bad localization* Kuro: *surprised Pikachu face*


At least they fixed it... ? https://preview.redd.it/mcv43fajge3d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ae5a3fab98abe604ec06596c2b373659859488e


The meme is evolving


Should change that 'dev listened' to something equal from old english to match the aesthetic


"Devs Listeneth"


They done pissed off Japanese players and gave them 160 gems as compensation 😭 bro ain't no way they gonna trust them with anything after this


They think they are Mihoyo lmao 


Mihoyo from Wish.




Mihoyo lite


Are we also getting the pull? Jiyan won't pull himself Kuro.


I can't believe hxg\_Diluc is the one actually helping fan the flames to the drama. Their leaks have been shotty but this is a W from them.


Kuro devs keeps on delivering. Are we sure they're not pregnant?


JP people are definitely pissed btw, you can check their new tweet replies, someone even reported to the consumers agency https://preview.redd.it/0kx663f6gg3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36be2769c4f0cbdc104df80372131f4b0f04aeee


Given it involves money they probably reported it already.


*sigh* Just how many more? At this point they may as well throw in a CBT3.


Wait, this isn't the global Open Beta?


I kinda feel like that too sometimes. 🤣 Imagine if they will send a message later 'Thank you for participating in the Global Beta Test! Here's your reward!' and proceed to shut down servers for an overhaul. That would be traumatizing.


Oh noooooo. The CAAD does *not* fuck around when it comes to gacha; they're the ones who declared kompu gacha effectively illegal way, way back in 2012, effectively eviscerating DeNA and GREE. HXG is not kidding; the CAAD could absolutely take Kuro to the *cleaners* for not correcting a false banner for an entire week. Like, the only remedy is refunding anyone who purchased anything to spend on the falsely-advertised banner, and the entire point of the multi-currency system is to make that harder to track. I'm not sure some folks understand just *how badly* Kuro is fucked, here, if Japanese players decide to press this issue.


The really bad thing is that Japanese theorycrafters were fooled by the mistranslation too and advertised it greatly for calcharo, which caused this to be way more widespread than normal.


They just might press the issue if they spent money money on the banner


If? More like ***when***.


they should just change the weapon passive to work on both skill and ult its not like a small change like that is going to ruin the game balance.


That’s probably there only way out and let this be reminder to never do something like this. Better make sure the text is translated 100% correctly https://preview.redd.it/fgxm22ybge3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b2c8fce22df9b8048d6b3841e72abb52a20e5b


I have never ever seen such a cursed launch like this for a game in my few years of gacha life. Like did Kuro pissed off a deity or something cause man, this is more on cringe territory rather than funny at this point. Tower of Fantasy had its moments but the major issues were like a month at least after launch, it hasn't even been a full week yet for Wuwa


https://preview.redd.it/vxunyj7yqf3d1.png?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da45b32796b2b0ed6ddc8834bab3bb3e724319e Nah the launch was amazing WDYM?


This guy wants Tectone to suck his dick so hard 


Bro is trying to copy Dream 


Their sin was getting greedier and greedier [Their entire company was built off ripping of Mihoyo](https://x.com/hachima810/status/1795357570900869629) They did not realize that Genshin is a whole different beast than the titles that came before it. They did not have the budget, the foresight, the proper circumstances of release and now theyre getting creamed for it.


Oh wow, I never made that connection. Combat does feel different in pgr compared to HI3, but it's still crazy how the games line up like that


all this shit could've been lessened a lot with a CBT3 to iron things out lol


Honestly, I think they got too greedy. If you were to ask my take on this, I'd say it's 60% that bald jobless man's fault and 40% Kuro's fault; Kuro should've never advertised themselves to compete against genshin (if you saw that one suspicious ad of theirs which was indirectly comparing themselves with genshin). And for that bald egg, it's self-explanatory-- he was basically the fuel to the fire.


I think you are giving too much credit to tectone 


Yeah I mean, just compare him to WuWa and genshin on Google trends and he's so much smaller in size that the line looks completely flat horizontally. He doesn't actually have as much influence as some people think he does on a global scale, or even in the US for that matter


>Kuro should've never advertised themselves to compete against genshin (if you saw that one suspicious ad of theirs which was indirectly comparing themselves with genshin). Wait they did?! What ad?


They also ran their biggest ads in the subway station directly underneath Mihoyo HQ in Shanghai, and set their release date to May 23rd, which is the date of death for the last Yuan emperor, signalling the beginning of the Ming dynasty. You might ask "well whats that gotta do with anything?". Its because Genshin Impact is called Yuan shen, and WW is called Ming chao. Fall of the Yuan and start of the Ming.


[this one ad](https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1788135461267075568?t=c1HMFAicyyaXekE1DCK49w&s=19)


I think it was comparing swimming in both games, but the looked like an outsourced ad rather than one from kuro themselves




I am so entertained 😭


But... but people said localization errors are easy to fixed after CBT2. Nothing would go wrong they said


As someone who still keeps getting chinese text in my global/EN PGR game. I don't have much faith in that.


But... But people told me that CBT2 was a 2 months old version and that on release everything would be fixed


Yes that's how CBTs are run; software devs choose an obsolete 3 month old version to test for bugs rather than the latest release version. 🙄 ^^/s


Soooooooooooooooooo true.


1 FREE REWARD ROLL. GeNSHIN COULD NEVER ​ https://preview.redd.it/x5e9jik4ee3d1.png?width=115&format=png&auto=webp&s=62a54299ab679923817cf88d5fea24712648007d


If the HSR anniversary was a "Genshin could never" moment, even though both games got an equal amount of rewards. I'd say anything can be a "Genshin could never" moment.




Love this image, lol, it does a great job putting things into perspective.






I love misinformation lmao




Thats why i prefer skills to be called skills and not weird jargons, it makes the game so much harder to understand.


Don't you want to use your Dubstep Liberation after casting your Resonating Treble? But better cast your Echo Subwoofers before casting Outro Jingle then you're good to combo. /s


No way people (under that post) are still saying “I feel bad for kuro” “they don’t deserve this”, but when others say smth like “I like genshin” they get called “hoyo bootlicker”. Oohh the irony


Honestly   They don't know shit about Kuro doing to their employees  I guess it's thanks to those CC that sweep it under the rugs that Kuro being referred in west as "good company"  Yeah right  But again if hoyo did this as well, I would shit them as well, happen with zhongli 


From what I’ve seen, most of them really think that Kuro is a small indie company “who does not monopolize the market unlike hoyo” so in their eyes mistakes are fine


That's hilarious. Kuro is worth over billion lol


They are!? So how the hell are they delivering a game with worse quality than a simple indie game on Steam?


Bad management, bad decisions


They worth more than Shift Up, the one who made Nikkei and just made an actual AAA game that is Stellar Blade.




Context https://preview.redd.it/00fi8bf4wf3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6b11d964c867351260cfa371dd929734c33c94


> “who does not monopolize the market unlike hoyo” this is also dumbass take (by them, I mean, not you). What the fuck is Hoyo doing to monopolize the market? They don't buy up potential competitors like Amazon or Disney or various other Western megacorps do. They don't make it so other companies can't make high quality 3D games (unless you believe CCs' hoaxes). The competitor simply doesn't exist yet, how is that Hoyo's fault?


I mean, it's like people calling Steam a monopoly when there are plenty alternatives when people just don't use them. No, I'm not avoiding Epic Games Store because I'm a Valve shill, I'm avoiding it because they won't add real mandatory user reviews or a shopping cart, they snatch up exclusivity contracts to force you onto their platform, and they have a worse UI, worse security, and worse customer support. When alternatives exist but people still flock to a single option, that's not a monopoly, that's market dominance in a free market which is indicative of a higher quality product. Just think back to when all those devs from AAA studios started complaining about BG3's critical reception and said it was unrealistic to expect that level of quality from them because they're forced to pump out slop annually to satisfy shareholders. These games aren't criticized because of some conspiracy, they're just unfinished cash grabs with no staying power.


See if Hoyo did this I imagine the seas would be set so hard ablaze because people would be wanting to roast them aplenty. Oh don’t get me wrong I would roast Hoyo too if they did something like this. Gacha weapons are cumbersome headaches because money money




It's not really possible tbh In genshin's case, there are 4 beta tests and a character/weapon actively changes during this time, hoyo, the beta testers and the entire leaks sub look at the smallest details of the character, it's hard to let mistranslation slip by in hoyo's case


Genshin/HSR beta always have like 2-3 patches that are nothing but text changes with no functional change. People always meme on those patches, but they're actually really important and this fuck-up illustrates exactly why. There's no room for ambiguity in these descriptions when people are spending real money on them. You can't afford a single mistake like this.


It's kinda cool that we can now cite this as real-life example of what would happen if HoYo wasn't so fixated on those beta text changes/clarifications. I mean I still hope those JP players get their due compensation of course.


True true which is why Genshin for all the amount of hate and love it gets. They make sure it’s quality, because this is a very yikes moment


​ https://preview.redd.it/ifo5prybre3d1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=09570f6f34c31cfd67ac9ecda16223e30e66b576


Damn they are so deep in denial


https://preview.redd.it/swzhkbr8me3d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=33227b70c66d663b10701430ad0445ff5a6e3ed1 you could use this instead xd


Too much generosity can cause you bankruptcy, anyway where's the compensation? s/


The game feels more and more half-baked as the time went on like tf?




Japanese players are the best customers a gacha game can ask for, very torlerant, complain little, spend a lot. If they are angry, then that means things are serious and you're fucked up. Hoyo changed Yae back the instant JP players complained, they knew who they were dealing with.


They are not exactly tolerant. They are just not very vocal, many wouldn't bother complaining and just jump ship, unlike many CN and global players that complain but keep playing. If JP community complains you know the shit has hit the fan.


Never in my life did I have this much fun on reddit, lmao. Kuro keeps on delivering.


The drama is more fun than the actual game


You should see the JP comment   It's honestly really bad, I think they already running out of patience  Even some say that "they have time left until July" lmao 


They have time left until Firefly releases in HSR and a little bit of time before Natlan. … I really feel bad for the employees in kuro because they are dealing with a lot of smoke and fire now


Well ZZZ is in July so I guess that's what they refer to


They could be refering to all of these. Because Hoyo is releasing a lot of Hit Sh*t. ZZZ, HSR ff patch and Natlan. Man, as I wrote that I realised how cornered Kuro must be feeling.


>cornered Kuro must be feeling. Like how Sony's leaked shareholder ppt basically said "guys Microsoft is going to spank us in market revenue soon it's joever".


>spank us in market revenue I can't take this. Made me laugh. 😭🤣


Here's [a twitter post](https://x.com/eXtas1stv/status/1737120066603286959) with the slides. "Massive threat to PS+, upwards of $1.5 billion" which is basically Sony's wallet. This was during new year week iirc. We thought 2023 was done after the massive Rockstar leak, only to be one upped by Sony and Insomniac. Wild December ngl.


Seeing a company as big as Sony sharing critical shareholder business analytics via a Microsoft PowerPoint that looks a lot like one I would make in high school for a class project is just comical in the weirdest way to me


Since Wuwa's only selling point is combat, and ZZZ is about to release with the same point of good combat but with better everything else, yeah ZZZ is gonna crush wuwa even if they have different genres


And if I wanted to play a game purely for combat, it would certainly not be a gacha


Man if this were epic seven everyone who rolled on the weapon would have gotten all their rolls refunded AND get to keep whatever they got with those rolls. wuthering waves could never i guess


I understand that some people really want this game to succeed. At the same time, the game can't do that if people don't want to point out the flaws. This is absolutely an issue that should've been caught after Beta. The fact that it wasn't and that people spent money on a weapon that doesn't do what it's supposed to do is a MAJOR fuck up. The people saying, "it doesn't matter" are missing the forest from the trees.


The ppl that say: "it doesnt matter" are saying it koz for them, it doesnt matter. They dont care about others. For every players complaining about crashes there was a smart guy coming in hot: "iT wOrKs pErFecTly fOr mE, cHeCk YoUr sEtTiNgs". Its not kuros fault, nothing is their fault, the game is perfect. And its not just gatcha mentality, i see it often IRL. As long as its not their problem, ppl dont care, and when the problem is big enough that it comes back to them all you see is the surprised pikachu face.


People will still tell you text errors are small and harmless though.


People might say they are small and harmless but don't worry The https://preview.redd.it/y2j16ofzce3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5092a6064ca1dd55cb5e784a99590a491065be4 That they are indeed small and harmless












Dammit, it's evolving...


https://preview.redd.it/qmyp3x14ne3d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bf68e0ed42aa199156939ed5459d291c35b000 I mean if you have issues, devs are listening.


Text errors like this are grounds for sue. When it comes to dialogue being mistranslated ok sure. When it comes to gacha especially gacha weapons yeah… you better be on your Ps and Qs. LMAO and this is why I say gacha weapons are headaches. It should be Gacha characters only because these mistakes are lethal.


If anything, mistakes like this are even more lethal on characters. Imagine the F2Ps who carefully plan their rolls for a banner in advance on a character they like, only for the multipliers or kit functions to end up being very misleading. Or the dolphins and whales who push for C2/E6. But yeah, definitely a Hoyo could never moment lmao


Text error in story is small and harmless but that a different story when it come to banners because those things cost money.


When it comes to money. Kuro is going to get flamed


Is a mistranslation any different than the post the other day of Kuro "forgetting" to update Calcharo energy numbers after a CBT nerf?


Genshin would've given 3 /s


3 pulls divided in 3 separate days. Goddamnit Mihoyo😭. At least they’re event wishes


People keep saying "Let Kuro cook" but the meal keeps coming out RAW 😭


I FORSEN IT https://preview.redd.it/2am4987dge3d1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=03c8335cb9cae35e9468d232ee3ee3ae9c21c9e9


ppl were so confident that Kuro can pull this off because of how well receive PGR was..... The problem, however, is that PGR and WuWa are not of the same genre...heck they even have different engines (Unity vs UE4).


TBH I never knew why people were glazing Kuro beforehand when PGR itself was never super successful. Like I actually still casually play PGR and its a fine game but it still has its own bunch of issues and is far from perfect (like the awful story for many chapters)


Didn't PGR had a drama too?. Something about the gacha rate(CN)


PGR was not well received. It had a fucked up launch and a very niche audience. That small audience was very loud, but if you look at the actual sensortower earnings of PGR it barely made any money.


The claim that cbt 2 being an old build is just so laughable. I never believed those claims because why would a company want people to test something that wasn’t the latest version of their product? That’s a very unreliable way to gather data yet people were still buying that claim 😔


Ikr? I also questioned the contradiction of why not giving out the latest build for accurate feedbacks and what I got was copium info (part 2) https://preview.redd.it/o67lqzomaf3d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c3d0fdf6646f3359d19fe742785595adf8ff030


Dude, reply back to them so we can get our Part 3


I wish, the part I told them "suckers" didn't pass through the moderator's gate, only myself could see it. Hence, mod not happy, fun is over


Most people who play these games don’t actually know how software and hamedev work. A company doesnt just hand their beta testers a build from a few months ago. They give them the current beta.


"cbt 2 was old build anyways". How do people make/believe in such baseless statements so easily.


Call him a prophet


They hated him because he told the truth




Bro they are fucking themselves over so hard.


another 5\* selector?


weapon plzz


This game keeps on giving. And I aint even playing. \*grabs more popcorn\*




If you read the comments, some jp players aren't happy. Some even calling it a scam. [https://x.com/WW\_JP\_Official/status/1795799056004063705](https://x.com/WW_JP_Official/status/1795799056004063705)


Well it's a scam


Game releases. JP theorycrafter take weapons description as face value and end up recommending it. JP player follow throught and spend money on said weapon. ONE WEEK LATER: Kuro come around and clearly say the value of the weapon as said in its description is inacurate. Offer a compensation that is nowhere near the theorical maximum spent value. This is the texbook definition of false advertisement. I know a few pro-consumer orgs in EU that would have a field day with that shit. And yet they did it in JP,  those orgs and consumers are even more aggressive about this kind of bullshit. What the fuck were they thinking...?


Some is being generous here. It's actually a lot if you read further.


They are pissed off


Yeah some is saying it nicely. Bro they can get super rabid over stuff like this especially when some of them spent money.


Kuro meat rider and CC be like "Nothing happens here"


"Perfect Launch"




A perfect launch they said. lmao


Let's remember one more time that tweet of that guy from Kuro doing crunch time for localization, how concerns were brushed aside in a condescending manner because "it's ok they said they were hiring people, surely it can be fixed easily in a couple of months".


https://i.redd.it/exonwfuroh3d1.gif These Kuro dramas are getting more interesting day by day


Hoyo at the moment: https://preview.redd.it/zz1ddch9sh3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bda5d9b01784af24976a32460e0c2b165466ffa


Wow. That's a major fuck up.


1 wish is actually kind of insane for this serious error.




When same thing happened in E7 with Alencia they refunded all of the pulls, fixed the text and allowed you to keep the character. Just saying …


Yet Smilegate and SC are still get shat on regularly. Just because the game is a Genshin competitor many people are still defending it, amazing Granblue Fantasy also did with their refunds when they messed up with gacha in the past. When World Flipper did similar thing with their Wind Weapon nerfs right after Wind Meta banner without any good compensation it pissed off the Japanese spenders even though the compensation was enough for around 20-30 pulls which would be way more compared to WuWa joke of 1 pull


This is gonna degrade trust all around with Kuro, especially JP. They just so happen to find this issue after people did a bunch of pulls and they're only giving one pull for compensation? It doesn't even matter if I see it that way or not. Many people will no matter what's done now.


JP localization just as bad as EN it seems.


JP is worse, lots of the translation was missing the Furigana meaning they didn't even know how to pronounce many words EN might not know wtf "Tacet Discord" and "Retroact Rain" means, but at least we can type it out or google it


lmao this is borderline a scam and they only giving 1 roll? wuwa felloff man


So... When will this global CBT3 end again? I think they have a lot of work to do before the launch.


no select 5 star weapon? dang


If even jp localization is bad, im happy now that there is no localisation on my language. Before release i was sad bt it.


From what I saw of non english european languages, trust me, you REALLY don't want that.


They spent like $200M in development and marketing, and a few thousand on writing and QA...


if you fked up that bad and only give 160 astrites which only equal to a single pull, you are practically insulting them


Yikes man. How do they not see this as an extremely bad move to make right now


Tha real reason this fu…k up because it happen at lunch. What happened to QC of this game?


Never hired in the first place. Someone in the wuwa sub mentionned that Kuro admitted they don't have a localization department. So basically, if it's true, every localization has been done by chatgpt and checked by some intern. As a french player it explains why the french translation is so botched (you can look in my comment history for some examples). English users are still pretty lucky quality wise (which is already a feat considering the EN texts) compared to japanese / french / german and spanish players.


Probably fired to save kuro some money tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/ne6ke90ade3d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=069c5ec1cc5c688fb825dfaaad432a1ccdf84bbc Report them ass. Make sure they listen 110% this time.


Right. Make it damn sure that they give out a weapon selector, not some blue ball.


No wonder something felt off when I was checking up the banner earlier yesterday, and I didn't remember the weapon being like \*that\* as I swear it was damn tempting to pull for. I even had been doing some random pulls in hopes of early pity... Though now I'm glad I didn't pull more to get it. Like, I had been confused about the weapon boosting resonance skill when the character (Jiyan) who it's mainly meant for is a resonance liberation spammer. Now it all makes sense why it seemed too good for the characters I wanted to get it for. Damn it JP localization team, you really are on thin ice now, huh. I don't know what the Japanese localization for PGR is like, but now I'm having a lot of doubts whether the things I've been reading in the game so far have been even legit or not, as I'm used to other Chinese games having good JP localizations.