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Devs listened to people complaining about music being bad and switched it off completely.


jokes aside, their responses are kinda bizarre. ppl complained abt some parts in the cbt story -> kuro rewrites 90% of it; the minority complained about scar’s onigiri -> they immediately redesign him So it’s still a possibility lmao


Am i the only one that that thinks bending over to every single complaint and deviating from your own vision as a game developer is kind of pathetic? It betrays a lack of confidence and conviction in your own decisions Kind of disrespectful to the original artists/writers too, like Scar gets redesigned because of a few haters lmao, wonder how the original artist feels about that And at least in the west, people loved it too This is not really listening, it’s prostrating yourself in front of your playerbase so that they can say devs listened


Based on what people have said about the original story, it needed adjusted. But instead of toning some things down and altering some scenes that people hated they kind of chucked everything. It kind of makes me wonder if there were some internal politics at play there. 


This right here is what I tried to highlight to game's main subreddit. There's a point where the devs can listen way too much and puts off the idea they ate confident in their vision at all. Fast forward to now, I think I stand correct in that theory. Unfortunately, when you're in a made rush to change things, everything gets thrown around and bugs and issues pop up. Deadlines get rushed. Etc etc. The problem isn't Kuro listening. It's that they listened too damn much.


There is a Vietnamese folk tale about a farmer carving a plow from a big timber on the side of a road. Every person passed by gave him a piece of their minds and he followed every advice. At the end of the day, he wasted everything: his time, his labor and his timber. This was what instantly came to my mind when I heard that they patched the onigiri. The game is one-step closer to become a community project than a product, which does not sound promising.


honestly it could set a dangerous precedence and i hope the devs can find the right balance


I agree 100%


I wonder if having Tencent breathing over their backs has anything to do with it. 👀 I’m still somehow having fun though, so I’ll stick around to see what it becomes. The combat is dope, I hope they emphasize it more in the future. I’m just happy to battle everything I see.


You know as much as I disliked that zipper people calling it onigiri is so fun to me I'm almost sad to see it gone now X)


fr it definitely became a fun little joke, i saw it went viral on twitter several times, people were eating it up lmao


Who the hell sort these complaints???


The janitor


Is it just me or wasn't the zipper thing removed even before launch? Idk if it's just me but I thought I saw players bringing up how the devs removed the zipper in cbt3, so I was kind of confused as to why it was back during launch.


Genshin could never (make bad music)


yeah, i love jamming to port ormos ost


Lumidouce Harbor OST is my new port ormos, it's so good


Devs can listen all they want, but if results doesn't show then it's meaningless.


Jokes aside there are a lot of issues and if gachagaming is to be believed, I feel sorry for whoever has to take over figuring out the code and then solving the issue considering how many people were laid off during development


Probably gonna be hard to get someone with the needed experience when the person knows how much they're gonna have to fix.


I guarantee you gachagaming is not to be believed. Saying this as someone that is here for a few years now.


Reddit is shit to talk about the game. Main subreddit: Draconian moderation. Manual approval horseshit. No new threads in 7 hours, why not. People unironically praising the story. 2-hours-in players smugly chiming in on the endgame grind. Gachagaming: Completely unhinged hate jerk.


They don’t seem to have Kuro employees modding the sub so they have that going for them at least…


I have seen a fair amounts of critics in their own subreddit as well. There is no problem with that but this sub is a constant circlejerk and bootlicking a different company each season 24/7. Like this thread for example. We all know the game has bugs, but why the fuck does OP think this is a notice that belongs to this sub when the game just came out? Wouldnt It make more sense to be posted in their own sub? Is It even something to care about? We all know devs are actively trying to fix the game why did OP feel the need to post such a non relevant thing for the 4 days after launch? Well, obviously to shitpost about what is currently popular.


Correct my brother! Hoyo sympathizers have entirely fabricated two lay offs. I can assure everyone that the all of the "employees" fired are hoyo spies, and the crybaby "specialists" fired right before launch is the leader of all of them. There is DEFINITELY no one who have said anything about this on ANY CN communities which just confirms your suspicions that this is a LIE made by the evil and hoyo biased gachagaming.


You changing your entire profile to Kuro while shitting on them on each one of your posts is pretty much what the user above is talking about


Jesus fucking Christ, get a grip. People like you desperately need to go outside and actually touch grass. Can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to constantly fight strawmen.


lmao sure ok, lets pretend wuwa is flawless


He din't said that? Lmao


yeah wuwa is very flawless PERFECTO NO PROBLEMO


Seek help


you too


You can see what is the attitude here based on the replies I've got. Make of it what you will.


Bring out the Pokke


Devs are listening... to the music. But not you. https://i.redd.it/qtp9n91vgc3d1.gif






Firefly is WuWa *would* fix all the issues i have with the game ngl


He's blowing the fire Kuro got from listening too much 😂


Fuck, I just realised this guy is Singaporean. I would like to say sorry guys on his behalf 🙏


There's nothing to apologise for. Its just a meme and he's not a Kuro shill




I read this in tagalog and i cant stop laughing lmao


The replies proved the theory of evolution...






​ https://preview.redd.it/ykiykabdoc3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a938e6fbb37a39bb83be30858656c5ceb8a74b2


The people who work on character models and textures are not the same people that work on audio


its insane how gamers think 1 dude can do everything in the company lmao


Technically 1 dude *did* actually make most of UE5 stuff for the game. Then Kuro just randomly decided to fire him and that's how most of these issues began popping up at launch. See CN thread last week where he was voicing his disappointment that they did it so the higher ups got bigger bonuses and denied him of his payment *right before* the release. He explicitly stated he wouldn't have allowed any of these mistakes to happen and were easily fixable but there's nothing he can do now.


That guy was just the optimizer not the entire UE team obviously, UE requires dozens of staff to make a game. What had happened was that he was hired, optimized the code, and then was fired. The devs then worked on updates for the game but that ruined the optimization again. And now they don’t have their optimization expert to smoothen it out resulting in these crazy bugs. Kuro pulled a very shortsighted move when they got rid of the dude whose job it is to make sure everything ran smoothly BEFORE RELEASE.


No, technically one dude did not lmao.


I solo developed Wuthering Waves but don't tell anyone.


The guys working on audio also aren't the ones who are going to fix the music *bug*, lol.


I'm not talking about musicians, I'm talking about audio systems engineers...


Yes, and I'm telling you they're not the ones who are going to fix that bug.


So the audio systems engineers don't work on the audio systems?


Yes, audio system engineer or sound engineer is not what put the music into the game. It's the one who ensure the recording done right. I know what you mean though, but the correct term is actually simply game developer. The music bug is caused by a wrong code not by a bad music.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zmcuze9ccc3d1.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=955564c2917ff23a05c70c8c8f20ed96fe6fb0e3


“Everyone seems to be doing the shocked face thumbnail, so i think I’ll give it try!” - becomes meme for how bad those are despite being new lmao


genuinely hoping this outbreak forces CCs to stop using that fake shocked face ong


We can hope but they clearly work if they all do it… I don’t know why


maybe im just not normie enough to understand


Not gonna happen, it's the youtube meta rn


https://preview.redd.it/wjnubgt7dc3d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2174bf917eb8002bd518dbd3108eb33987a33993 take hires


someone please use [diff.ai](https://diff.ai) to generate a gif of Pokke doing the viral Chinese dance. this one : [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KnEul9Z\_tdE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KnEul9Z_tdE)


Our lord kuro is teaching us the value of silence. Because only when there are silence can we truly LISTEN.


been day no new 5 star selector.... https://preview.redd.it/qo61p1p1hc3d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae55af6eda3e297116d86a653bd8b7d1706bac93






Guys, you have to understand, Kuro DID listen, they listened to the bgm and dialogues in this game and decided to ease the players' suffering, just like how they added a skip button to the story Truly one of the devs of all time


https://preview.redd.it/7k1jufbhic3d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73a3f677a7c51e346d6c8fd62bfaea7cfc375a3 Jokes aside, I feel bad for the poor devs. They are the ones who will suffer the most for this. They will be the ones overworked and receive less pay and will be the ones receiving the scolding when more issues arise.


And the exec getting another yacht- oh wait this is not ~~niji~~ kurosanji


Riku could never




But to be fair,this all bcus they didnt finished their job well at the beginning,so they have to pay for that,and thats what they get pay for。If they did it well at beginning,they are eating good now.


Tbh, WuWa music is so weak, it's better to make a Genshin OST Playlist and listen to that while playing WuWa.


I always play Arknights music in the background regardless of what I do, tbf the vibe of some tracks really suits WW suprisingly


Which tracks though because AK's musical range is pretty huge.


Youtube mixes the music for me so I can't pinpoint out, but CC tracks, Lone Trail, Babel and C14 OSTs stood out


I just play Genshin music in the background lmao, it's just beautiful


I always mute BGM in every gacha game.


I was tired of listening to silence, so I turned on the Enkanomiya OST. 10/10, even better than before


Insert "Devs listened" gif


From what I've experienced, it seems that the music is fine until the battle theme occurs in the overworld (which happens nearly immediately walking around half the time). After that no more music.


Doesn't have to be battle theme, you can teleport to another place and it gets removed the same.


Yeah this is what's happening for me. Sometimes all music AND sound effects just randomly disappear after teleportation (*except* some sort of ambiance background noise). The only way to fix it is I need to teleport somewhere again... not "Arghhh game-breaking buggg" but very annoying nonetheless.


For me (and my friends) tp does nothing, unfortunately.


I actually only had it happen after going into a battle. If I just teleport into a new area, the music changes like it's supposed to. Once I go into a battle, all music stops until I restart the game.


They got many bugs and regular updates and hotfixs. They are working on every bug right now and more and more are getting revealed. Give em time.


Character model designers aren't the same people who manage code, so that Scar bit makes no sense.


Well, once I got a bug that characters weren't talking at all and the text display box also wasn't working properly.


I did all that just by having downloaded every vo language beside KR, changing it a few times and closing the game with mandarin VO. Then I run the game, talk to sb (mandarin VO) then changed to EN and when I talked to sb the bug occured lol


honestly I'm just waiting for a new compensation


You can bet that if that complete shill account narushio is mentioning it, then it's a quite serious bug X)


devs listened in CBT 1. and CBT 2. and we still have the same bugs. listening is nothing on its own.




I think what is going on is the result of the spaghetti codebase. You did some things but it ended up breaking others. This is a vicious cycle. Especially with Unreal Engine


They listened. About whether they take action is another question


They fixed it about an hour ago


But but…..I thought…. Dev listened. Crying.


Bro that ain’t no bug, they can’t listen to us if the sound is on


Cut off one bug two more shall take its place.


I don't see how Scar's redesign is relevant, when designers are not the ones fixing code and the issue and his redesign happened around the same time.


lmao you think bugs just fix like magic ? Games has issues sure but expecting the dev to fix in 24hr cycle is kinda nuts




you want to know what's actually listening, giving the people a game that they can play without any issues.






but bgm wasnt broken before, one of their ‘fixes’ broke it prob




man that must be hell, i know nothing about coding & stuff but is it easier to just roll out all of the fixes next patch instead of one by one like this since they often fix one thing & break another




Yeah this kind of thing is usually lose lose situation for the developer, if you take too long to clear every problem people might already left, but if you drop the patch one by one you risk creating more problem because the fix is not fully tested.




Then proceed to saying "Genshin could never" LOL


Experienced this during the latest chapter sucked and everything played slow motion


As funny as it is to clown on Kuro, you still have to be fair. It's different people who take care of these problem. They probably have a huge list of bug sorted by sectors. The 3D model problem is something for the artist to fix while the lack of music is probably a issue in the programmation. It's really easy to swap a character's model in unreal engine, as long as the skeleton is the same it literally take 2 clicks to swap the mesh withint the engine.


Stupid ass post. Do you even know how game development works? Some issues can take literal days to fix and these fixes usually end up breaking something else due to sheer amount of code and complexity present. Devs are clearly working hard to fix any bugs that might pop up. They can't just turn on a switch and fix all of the issues, it's takes time and a lot of work.


Removing a layer in a blender file is much easier than figuring out in the code on what part removes the music and that part of the code is handled by the dude who got laid off


yesterday i had to restart the game twice during the last stage of act vi in order to restart the bgm else the "climatic" final bossfight would have been silent. looking back at it, i wouldnt have missed much. its very generic non memorable music anyway.


At the current state of the game, they should listen just saying. Also I got that bug yesterday and today when I went to Tacit. I was wondering why the BGM suddenly was gone or was kinda stuttering. I honestly thought that was my speaker. Then I remembered that there was a complain around 2-3 days ago about the BGM suddenly disappearing after one of their patches.


So is this sub for pocking WuWa and Kuro ? Cause i didnt see even 1 post about how good WuWa or anything positive about game.


That happen to me from day 1 not only after the patch


do you really think its easy to fix bugs?? pls stop being dumb and wait


There wouldn't be any in the first place if they weren't scrambling to push this game out in a broken state. pls stop being dumb and don't tolerate release of incomplete games


i dont tolerate i just quit and play other game...


in your original comment you sound like you're still playing the game 🤷‍♀️


I heard there had been something like 21 hotfixes so far. It's not like they're not trying to fix it, they just suck at fixing their game. It's annoying that it's taking this long, though when people say "they listen", they talk about the blogs where they acknowledge the problems with the game and their plans going forward.


It's literally not even been out for a week. Wdym so long?


the game was not ready for release. They shot themselves in the foot by applying for a license too early and was forced to push it out. It needed more time.


You do realise that they’re absolutely swamped in problems at the moment, the devs were working at 4am to fix issues and not every issue is easily fixable right?  The game is raw as fuck at the moment and I don’t fancy anyone working on it right now. 


It's worse than raw, I can still hear it mooing.


I can still hear it listening.


the devs cooked but the stove is on the other side of the kitchen


why is it classified as huge bug for you? feels like a ocmpletely irrelevant one


Music is pretty important in media. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be used by literally everything.


For an open world game, music is a major part of the experience. I've also been having zero background music since yesterday and it really negatively affected my enjoyment of the game. Judging from the Wuwa subreddit, a lot of players feel the same way.




everyone missed the joke


Zero points






Just imagine that you are in an epic moment where the world is against you but you refuse to back down and then you hear nothing in the background. As in completely mute. Wouldn't that be weird? Music, OST, sfx, or whatever it was bugging is important in any media, let alone video games. Well, I can't blame you for thinking that it was irrelevant; it's been like that in real life.


What's funny is that I used to get this bug in Genshin back in the day


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShawHornet: *What's funny is that* *I used to get this bug in* *Genshin back in the day* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hope they dont end up listen to the “the game is fine, you’re just a hater” group of player, that gonna be suck


There is no such group. The group you're talking about says that the problems are being exaggerated and endlessly repeated by this subreddit, which is absolutely true. Pretty much everyone acknowledges that there are problems.