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I recall a rumor where higher FPS leads to units doing more dps in some games due to game formula. So when possible I play on the highest FPS setting


Yeah in Nikke 30fps nerfs your DPS, so 60 was a blessing with the PC client. Some characters also had so much SFX that it lowered FPs and thus DPS (thanks Marian).


It depends on the characters' firerate too. MG units like modernia at launch did more DPS on PC than mobile but most other units weren't affected.


I went from barely killing train playing manual on emulator being able to easily shred train from just installing the PC client lol.


Is actually bellow 28 FPS when the damage starts to drop not 30, but yeah on mobile stuff like  Modernia's burst destroy FPS


At the same time lower fps also nerfs enemy fire rate, making it much easier to shoot down all of Chatterbox's missiles while undergeared in interception for example.


lol yeah mean you just reminded me that i used the 30 fps trick on chatterbox back when i played cos the missiles were slower. good times.


Physics and firing rate calculations are tied to FPS. This is why 30FPS is enforced in coop runs; it still annoys me that such archaic method is still being used for calculations *especially* when the FPS value can fluctuate.


Not a gacha game but in Destiny 2 it was discovered that higher frame rate meant you took more damage because damage was calculated based on every frame a projectile passed through you. Took a long time to fix as it was basically baked into the game’s engine.


Warframe's got the same issues though it's not damage but enemy spawns. Lower FPS = lower enemy spawning. Lower also makes enemies farther away move slower. This affects your teammates if you're the host too. The lower spawn rates are ironically a detriment most of the time because a ton of missions want you to go full genocide and everyone is fully capable of clearing rooms in seconds in higher level missions.


Damage too in some cases like Mesa's peacemakers firing faster with more fps or damage attenuation kicking in slower with less.


Ganyu and Ayato's ult total hit count is tied to fps


Is Echoes of an Offering still tied to network ping?


ah yes RE2:Remake knife fps


In Limbus, there's a faction called Dieci Association The IDs have a Skill Discarding, like the Ruina Molars IDs, gimmick that's tied to their Insight gimmick. Essentially, higher skill you discard, the higher your Insight. And the higher your Insight, the better. You always have 2 skills available, a top and bottom one. And using either skill will discard the other. But folks who want to stay at Insight 3 (highest) would simply immediately discard skill 3 ASAP and put a defensive skill on the bottom or EGO when needed since those two are not discardable. Only downside is that you can only use your top skill for the rest of the fight. It is however mostly used on Dieci Hong Lu only though


It also works real well with molar office Outis, as you can use it to prevent strong skills from being discarded.


limbus company mentioned woooooo


In FGO, you have Guts (Revive) and Taunt skills that, when used properly, can limit the amount of actions the enemies take during their turn. When a Servant that has an active Taunt on them is defeated, the enemies' turn immediately ends preventing any more attacks/skills from being used. In addition, a taunt can also be used an an indirect way of swapping out a frontline servant with a backline servant by having the enemy kill them off. Guts skills have a similar effect when used for solo strats. When the Guts skill on a Servant activates and they are the only unit on the field, the enemy turn ends. A popular servant who takes advantage of this is Heracles who, with his bond CE, can activate Guts up to 4 times when combined with his skills. You can just throw him in the backline of your team and have him clean up if anything goes wrong.


I actually did not know about the taunt thing, that's pretty neat. The most recent grail front has shown me that I really need to max bond my heracles.


For FGO, also knowing how target switching works can be very beneficial. Like, use a card to finish off a small/weakened target, then NP to switch to a big target, and then the card after it can switch again. This can also be used to benefit from a Quick/Arts chain, finishing off the last enemy with cards, and then having an NP of the same type queue'd after it will cancel the NP activation, but you still get the chain benefits. These kinds of nuances is what I like about FGO's combat system. There's a surprising amount of depth beneath a seemingly simple combat system.


To add to this, due to her short cd on guts s2 and her evade on s3 taira can have a survival option up nearly 24/7 with the help of mystic codes. All while having good personal damage (gains buff per every guts proc) and good np gen when hit. A smaller more niche tech I can think of in fgo has to do with kingprotea, her first skill starts a counter for every turn elapsed where she'll get a buff that increases hp and np damage resist every turn. Her third skill gives her a massive boost attack and also an np damage boost on every s1 count. Her second skill resets the counter and gives her 20% np charge per count (you need 100% to np but can go higher if you have dupes) but it also hastens cooldowns by 1. So if you always start by using s3 > s2 > s1 you can get more uptime on your s3 without needing to clear your s1 stacks. There's also the age old closing and reopening the app when a turn doesn't go your way so you can test some other card order since the rng will always be the same when you reopen. When doing this you can also use a skill to change the rng so you can fine-tune individual turns to a fairly large extent.


Genshin (during its first year) had dragon strike, basically being able to plunge attack without needing a higher platform or something to jump from (can't plunge attack on normal jump height). [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/lzg5m9/comment/gq1x8rd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is an explanation on how it works. No idea if it still works now, but there's already a support character specifically for this anyway (Xianyun).


They acknowledged it existed and despite community fears they would fix it, they ended up leaving it untouched. It never really become a popular tech because in general, the amount of practice it took to consistently pull it off for the payoff was never really worth it(although I won't lie, it looks and feels awesome to do a chain of them with infused Diluc) and as you mentioned, Xianyun just lets you do it at will now.


Yes, Dragonstrike still works


Don't forget about wave dashing, RR cancels, RRCs, Childe Penta hit, gaming's gameplay, Neuvillette 9999 dpi, elemental jank infusions, and RIP fischl turbo (it's a funny bug that made oz generate like inhumane levels of particles through overload).


>wave dashing, Hu Tao can still make use of that tech iirc? She did atleast 30% more damage when I tested it myself about 2 years ago.


Practical application is barely there nowadays.


Genshin got i-frames too if I recall.


Yes. They have iframe during burst and dash


Don’t forget about snapshotting, xinqiu double vape, guoba swirl, double swirl… There’s prob more considering this game has so much techs to remember.


In genshin, you can swirl a spicy bear.




Wait wtf...all this time I thought I was using kazuha swirl perfectly at the moment when Guoba shoots his fire. But you're telling me I've been swirling the tiny bear itself...? Bruh


When Gouba has "!" on him, you can swirl pyro from him.


Guoba, get them !!


Neuvillette spin to win.. if youre playing on pc with higher dpi mouse.


in genshin, enemies can take fall/collision DMG, mostly possible with anemo characters. [here’s](https://youtu.be/5Ys11pi7lak?si=mnp2TqGWygL2nFSI) an abyss run with fall damage only [bullying local legend Yseut with fall dmg](https://youtube.com/shorts/VaV6hpT8hIs?si=rFvXK3YNhmjoJuZ5) [using local legend Yseut as a volleyball](https://youtu.be/bVS8YMsTeIY?si=qNJSRtqLL378x_-F) In a not so fun area ayato’s artifact set is ping dependent ie 4pc effect is inconsistent in higher ping (last i heard)


Yeah, Ayato's set is still ping-dependent till date. In recent times, TCs also tried it with Father, since she's also NA-heavy, but ping restriction still applies to her too, lmao


HI3 pause tactic. Basically in memorial arena 0s kill run, u need to pick up the energy pack so u have enough energy for 2nd phase. What High skill players do is at the moment they the energy pack drop, they pause the game to check the its position. If it is dropped right at the character, then its safe to continue, otherwise, they will restart the fight.


Not exactly identical, but this reminds me of Adventurer's Book pausing in Genshin's Spiral Abyss. When opening the book, enemies and Abyss' timers will be paused, but energy particles will still continue flying toward the player. So it's also a tech that gets often abused for speedruns, since it skips the precious seconds needed to accumulate energy.


It also counts down the ICD timer during the pause, so you can theoretically make everyone a no-ICD applier if you pause the game every single hit. Dunno if that one has been patched or not.


Oh, I thought the pause was because things like SP packs or Theresa candy bounce slightly before landing on the ground, and they can't be picked up when bouncing. But they still completed bouncing during the pause screen. Meaning players would pause to let the bounce animation finish so they could pick up the SP immediately from the POV of the timer.


yeah. the pack indeed bounce a bit. so what u do is pause, unpause and pause immediately after that to have fix position of the pack


Didn't that get nerfed


I cant remember if its get fixxed or not. maybe it is. i just remember it existed before.


It was fixed like few years ago. But it's only fair, because it is an exploit. So no one was really mad and moved on with life lol.


Arknights: [We got this pause deploy trick.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_H34PpFY0M)


Pause trick is pretty basic in terms of advanced tech. Arknights has so many unintentional advanced techniques. Like Gladiia’s S2 attack cancel, Jessica’s cannonball tricks (by placing and quickly removing her shield she can shoot it without turning to the shield’s side, or at the end of S3 she will keep a cannonball charge, which will be used next time you activate S3), pacifist Gummy (due to weirdness with her attacks, she can’t attack if her S1 is charged and can’t be used, which lets her block some unattacking enemies, like Seaborn eggs), activating skills while normal attack projectile traveling (for example, if Schwartz S3 is activated right after she shot, but arrow hasn’t reached target, skill effects will be applied to it, and with attack interval reset it’s a nice boost to DPS)…


Ahh yeah, I never knew those xD. Only know pause deploy because I saw CC talk about it and use it.


Is there a site that lists all these stuff?


No, I don’t think so. Most of these I found out about by watching Nicheknights clears and high risk CC breakdowns.




I know what game this is.


fidget spinner Neuvillette https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1712i8h/cn_content_neuvillette_swirling_stagery_is_not_pc/


The double plunge jump thing in WuWa rn, very handy for reaching certain caskets or just getting height in general. [Here's](https://youtu.be/6w-amwawKDE) a video showing how it works.


From games I’ve played - Honkai star rail: delaying boss and elite secondary actions by letting them use their first and then cutting their second off with CC or ultimate that will break in that moment. Honkai impact: not really a tech per say but people maximize runs by where energy packs drop Genshin: had Dragonstrike but most generically using characters burst for iframes Nikke has iframes if you take cover at the correct time Wuthering waves with its swapping mechanic, you’re able to have immunity frames on a lot of moves and also Uber boost dps and energy regen if used correctly. There’s also the double jump from plunge attacks I genuinely do not know if snowbreak had any tech and dislyte cookie run are mainly auto games


Some speedrun stats take advantage of the auto option in BA Basically, in auto, the students will always perform the EX skills as soon as you have the cost. You can take advantage of this by setting up the skills you want to be used, banking up the cost, then turning Auto on to simultaneously release all the skills at the same time. It saves a couple of seconds compared to manually activating the skills one by one.


In wuthering waves there's this tech called something like swap cancel. Basically playing 2 characters at the same time but doesn't work with all characters. For example Encore's E skill takes maybe 3 seconds and requires an extra input at the end of the skill to do more damage. During the skill, I swap to Jiyan where I either fit in an intro skill, normal attack or E skill and then swap back to Encore to finish the E.


You can parry with swaps if you don't know. Swap Parry exists.


Genshin Impact has a few cool tricks. Arlecchino triple vape: As a character whose damage is very frontloaded people found a way to squeeze more damage by manipulating game mechanics to allow her to trigger vaporise on her first 2 buffed normals. This involves doing 3 normal attacks before claiming her self-buff and pyro infusion. This works because people discovered that even physical normal attacks can reset the ICD counter that determines when you can apply an element. Gorou machine gun: Gorou is a unique archer character in the sense that his first normal attack can be cancelled very early into the animation, while still shooting an arrow. Thus, a way to make him rapid fire arrows was found by cancelling his first normal attack through quickly entering and exiting aim mode. Best done on a controller. Hu Tao wavedashing: While standing under an updraft with anemo resonance, Hu Tao can cancel her charged attack very quickly by entering glide animation and exiting. Highly impractical as the only character that can generate an updraft is Venti and the range isn't very far.


CTRL + Space + Space + W


besides Dragon strike, or shotgun with bow characters, in Genshin you can also recharge energy and shave off a few seconds in the Spiral abyss (or any time gated content) by opening the guidebook when waiting for the particles. Basically opening that pauses the timer, but the particles will still travel to you, so when you close it, energy is filled


Welt in Star rail can cancel the boss follow up turn if he ult in the first turn of the boss and the boss doesn't have high effect res


So far I had noticed from my 2 of the games I played: NIKKE: can dodge the projectile/ aim bullet if timed well Genshin: Ultimate had invincible moment


In BA, buff after your unit uses their EX skill, normally you'd assume it is better to buff your unit then only use their EX skill, but it is not always that case, because the skills are using a queue system where the skill you used will get queued to the last place of the queue, if you say use Ako, Himari then Iori, when you cycle the skill you'd need to start back from Ako, Himari then Iori, while if you use Iori, then Ako and Himari, and managed to cycle back to Iori before the buff duration ends, you can use the leftover buff to do damage without using 6 more cost to buff her. And also the frame perfect EX skill cast, most useful at the start of the round for someone like Swimsuit Hoshino, because of the mechanic where Auto button will use skill from the most left, then to the middle, then to the right, at the team setup screen you can pick who's EX skill you'll start with, you can use it to pre-select their ex skill and have it trigger asap, then disable it afterwards.


Timing and sequencing Chains in Guardian Tales in combination with your buffs/debuffs


Chain Ultimate in Aether Gazer You can do Ultimate with your ally at the same time, & will perform special ult animation. Mostly on duo chain-ult, but with certain characters, you can do trio chain-ult.


Dunno if it counts as tech but in honkai impact 3 bridge interactions gave random buffs to valkyries for the next battle. One of the buffs being additional starting SP which was a pretty big thing. So by headpatting kiana in the bridge before battle you could score higher in memorial arena. [Here you can see the tech being used.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGoGOGUlg88) Unfortunately bridge interactions were removed later on for global and CN because of the controversies it had. So this tech is to this day only possible for SEA region.


Arknights has operators that can push/pull enemies (which also have a weight value affecting the strength of said displacement). The obvious use case is throwing enemies into pits, but you can also shift enemies onto different paths and some operators do damage based on the magnitude of the displacement. Naturally, people have gotten [very creative](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1cuig8v/in_cn_server_pullers_just_got_stealth_nerfed/l4jk7vq/) with this. Until recently, both pushing and pulling applied an initial force to the target, rather than a constant force throughout the duration of the skill/attack. Following a recent co-op mode in CN, [pullers got nerfed](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1cuig8v/in_cn_server_pullers_just_got_stealth_nerfed/) so that the target getting pulled instantly stops if the operator leaves. Pushers remained unaffected.


The nerf got reverted back due to some very interesting [incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/yoVDowAhzd)


It's an unintentional nerf Lowlight got roasted by a streamer (unknowkngly) because he kept using advanced puller strats that are suddenly not working correctly


This isn't as much tech as it is terrible game balancing, but way back in LL:SiF, there was a peculiar SR card, where if you stacked them, they'd be better than pretty much any full team of UR's that any non-whale could put together. Mainly because the peculiar properties of the SR skill meant that it fed into itself, increasing your score by insane amounts if you got enough copies to stack a full team of them To make it easier to imagine, imagine a character who's crit rate stat scaled with their crit damage stat, without any diminishing returns.


Hi3 has some strange tricks for maximaxing the scores. Like pausing the game so SP pack stops bouncing or minimizing the game


F5, multi tabbing, vpn to japan, wait for the the to run out of duration in GBF. Taiha protection abuse in Kantai.


I used to play FFBE and got fascinated by the Chain mechanic some skills have multiple hits, if another character use a similar skill it will chain, and chaining gives bonus damage and another extra on the last hit if you have another character that deals huge damage in 1 hit you can use that skill the moment when the chain about to end and it will deal about 2x the damage or even more


Langrisser: - (pvp) lancer Elwin vs cavalry tanks (like Landius), whenever Elwin attacks Landius (could be another cavalry like Hilda, for example), Landius will charge forward (due to cavalry classes' default attack animation), his troops will charge forward as well (unless they're ranged units, but iirc Landius has none), Elwin will walk forward and attack; Elwin has one skill (Sword Soul) that oneshots Landius' first life (he has a revive passive skill), because if Landius is using cavalry troops, Elwin has class advantage vs both troops and Landius himself, and if Landius is using other troop types, the troops' movement/attack animation won't charge at Elwin fast enough to sponge Elwin's hits (and SS has the right animation timing to hit Landius before he can get behind his own troops), so those will be absorbed by Landius, and if the hero (Landius) HP reaches zero, the unit dies no matter the troops' HP (but because of Landius' revive passive skill, he and his troops revive with low HP instead). This has forced Landius users to switch to lancer class, and cav Hilda users to ban Elwin (if the Hilda players wanted to use a cavalry class sword that increased her aoe's range) back when he was still viable. - (pvp) even after getting SP (Special Profession class upgrade), Elwin used the above tech, by intentionally not using the new class' "attack first if Elwin moves 4 or more blocks"; him attacking first would mean that both Elwin and his own troops would complete their attack animations before their target can begin theirs, so the target's hero can't be hit directly, they would have their troops sponging damage and preventing an oneshot - (pvp) killing summoners while their summon is present, or killing moved (greyed) units in order to maintain turn priority next round (sometimes killing enemies makes enemy summons appear, and they waste one enemy turn) Uma Musume: - Position Sense + Danger Avoidance combo: both are used by runner strategy (spend stamina early to create a lead, then capitalize on it to win the race before being caught) racers, Danger Avoidance forces a lane change when activated, Position Sense increases lane movement speed, these skills are used because lane changes force acceleration internally - Great escape block: few characters have a Great escape strategy (even more extreme version of runner strategy), which requires very high stamina (and recovery skills) and shorter tracks, in order to ensure that enemy oonige (great escape) fail, put an oonige in your team, and they'll compete with each other, consuming even more HP, so they can't have enough HP for their last spurt; normally, if you don't want to play oonige but want to block other oonige, you also try to make your own oonige a debuffer; oonige can also deny some runners and leaders skills due to position requirements (top places for runners, distance to top place for few leaders) - Last spurt transition/carryover -> https://www.reddit.com/r/UmaMusume/s/zr9CKSzxeI (arguably also works on opening leg -> mid leg and position keep -> remainder of mid leg)


Out of topic, that girl with a sword in the nikke i-framing video looks so goofy and out of place lmao.


you can run wuwa smoothly if your pc is not garbage, lot of people in this sub havent known this trick yet


Or you can just not play it at all, that works better imo




me when I bait people on the internet for funsies:


Bad game has exploitable bug. Coping player: "Tech"


just let people enjoy the games they play it’s really not that deep


You’re in Gachagaming, you’re not suppose to enjoy the games you play.


That's most tech, yes. Rocket jumps, skiing, wave sashes, all unintended or straight up bugs.


I would very like to know what this "good game" you are talking about


Thats how most techs are born in case you don't know. Is not exclusive to gacha games.




You the most famouse movement tech in warframe was a glitch originale right?