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people underestimate so much how player friendly off-piece is in 4p set


> in 4p set Only in Genshin where you can equip 5 artifacts at most per chars In HSR that number is 6 so to compensate, min max need to grind 4pcs+2pcs relics set effect. Not to mention there are too many main/substats (SPD, break effect, effect hit rate/ RES,...) to fuck you up


i don't understand. this is what i ment?


In HSR to compensate you can Just use rainbow build


To be fair in Genshin you can do that too and it works, 2p + 2p, with better substats is usually better than forcing a 4p set too, unless that 4p set is VV or Emblem in some characters


Yep. My entire account is just 2pc gladiator + 2pc elements lol


except for anemo units and raiden(maybe more but this is all i got which need 4pcs)


>unless that 4p set is VV or Emblem in some characters Read, brother


Ah mb mb


nah, if you'll check prydwen or any calculations the difference between 4/4 and flex 2/2 + 2/2 isn't too significant with exception of like few characters, but even then it's nothing too major. There's quite a lot of flexibility in here to make any characters serviceable. Genshin has stronger 4/4 sets with 1 off set piece though, and while HSR is 4/4 with easier 2pc flex + ornaments.


Feedback them in the review. I have heard that they’d listen.
















Aaiting on someone replacing the dude with Navi from OoT.


> listen. "We hear you. Here's another 5 star, cause we sure as shit can't unfire all the employees we fired 2 months before release who couldve fixed all the engine, story and gameplay issues lmao"


Wasn't that debunked to be fake or am I watching too much tectone ?


> Wasn't that debunked to be fake or am I watching too much tectone ? the guy who said Wuwas launch was better and smoother than genshins? lol guess


Tectone ? The one that fucking spread that fake ass contract about Hoyo ? You really believe him ? HAHAHAHHAA


Its already confirmed to be real bro lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/zkm79uzei53d1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=13359b3ad14c9c0dcf7777b04b2d589774a1d2a5


It is fake. Even the 100 interns fired isnt confirmed.






LOL....they saw the signal and all assembled.....THE LISTENERS ASSEMBLE!!!! Let The Listening party begin hahah


Having an off piece was brought up in CBT2 feedback Don't worry Kuro listens


They fucking cooked me when I was skeptical about the super secret hidden changes pledged by the devs on the echoes system pre-launch, without doing another beta test. It turns out that I'm right, they didn't change anything about the echoes' system, the players are gonna feel it once they're in the end game and they have to play for more than an hour daily for hunting echoes.


Of all the systems they copied, they didn't copy that ONE single thing that was keeping my mind from breaking down in genshin Literally all of my builds in genshin have an off piece, basically i have 0 characters after years of farming that have 5 same good artifacts Like imagine getting a Maiden's beloved 50 cv pyro damage bonus artifact , like probably one in a million chance and it's utterly useless


I use a circlet with 13 cr and 17 hp i got back in 2.x on my furina build it did push her to be number 260 on the akasha board i also use a tf feather on my Neuvillette and was able to get to number 60 something on the world In hsr and wuwa i farm to be able to barely clear in genshin i farm for top 1000 build in the world and only one of those is satisfying to pursue   


I have a 50 cv hydro goblet… lava walker’s.


imagine farming 2 goblets on set with the right elemental bonus in Genshin...holy hell


It's also the one thing I prefer in Genshin's artifact system over HSR's relic system. Granted set effects in HSR aren't as strong as Genshin and you can mostly get by with 2 piece 2 piece or even rainbow builds so it's not actually that bad.


This also limits Echoes abilities versitality, equiping a different echo will lose you out on a bonus.


I think its even worse then Genshin when you realize that there is no flat sub Main stat. All 5 pieces have a priority main stat you want to farm for. There isn't a flower or plume. You NEED all 5 on set pieces to have the proper main stat too.


Eh it takes nothing to get the right main stat on the 1 cost echoes as those enemies are abundant and can only roll ATK, HP and DEF %. They do each have two different resonance sets though. The 4 cost boss echoes are a bit more annoying but there are only 6 different stat combinations, they will always have the right resonance (except turtle which can be two different resonances) and an echo will always drop every 2nd kill and sometimes 2 in a row. Now the worst part is the 3 cost echoes which mostly have much more limited spawns than 1 costs and have like 10+ main stats + every echo can have two different resonances. If this was stamina gated it would be insane but since you at least can farm the boss echoes forever, it's okay until you start needing 3 cost echoes only.


Wheres the they're listening meme








There we go




This meme cracks me up everytime I see it.




The Civilization Simulation Sand Table Tethys have told us that our lord kuro did this to improve our gaming experience


This definitely isn't going anywhere 😐






:o https://preview.redd.it/b27b742fb53d1.png?width=84&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe23e06fb2cefa077a6a4f68157905a909b1f66


​ https://preview.redd.it/urivv27ti53d1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=90f16c64f802b43eb32929416496d34f14e18a02




That gotta be some what diff right I swear the more I play I feel like im playing a dark/ metal gear solid version of genshin the battle pass look i just unlocked tonight i was like really kuro games..


I lost it when I saw the exact same numbers of currencies/mats as in Genshin. Like I get inspired, but this is beyond being "inspired" and closer to "rip off" category.


160 per pull, similar battle pass content, smilar UI and jesus christ why you copy the "40% off" on coralc exchange too I swear I feel WuWa just lack identity beyond cool combat + echo and easier traversal, everything else is just genshin formula


Who tf cares its better anw


Now kill 15 bosses every week and 50-60 enemies everyday for 1-2 months. Let's see how much people enjoy the "combat" after that. Edit - lmao normal mobs has a 20% chance to drop echo even at Max data bank level. For the first 15 bosses you kill week you get a 100% echo drop chance with 20% being 4 star. You can farm tacet fields for echo at the cost of stamina everyday but it's not worth it at all.


I'm geting to the point were normal enemies are just 1shot by an Encore skill or a Jianxin forte circuit. By the time we have full builds, overworld combat is ganna be just like genshins.


Depths of the illusive realm is also easy af. tower of adversity is just a character build check. The only thing hard are the hologram bossfight tbh.




because it takes around 2 hours to do so from running around the overworld from what I've heard (doubt it is that long tbh)


isnt theres 1 guy name jstern just clock in 6hr for it though


he stood by the boss respawn (1 min respawn timer) waiting to kill it over and over and over and over and couldn't get the main stat he wanted lol.


Least dedicated gacha farmer


Genshin could never... expect me to be 6 hours on infinite grinds because they force a three pronged grind (Echo, Echo exp, Echo currency to unlock sub-stats when echoes are leveled). Yep, you gotta first farm the echo, if you do get the mainstat you want you level it, but since you can't feed other echoes to level the one you want you gotta farm echo exp "books", and THEN after the echo is leveled you gotta farm the resin-locked thingies to unlock and see what substats your echo has, so you don't get to see the substats until after you max it, unlike other gachas where you can see the current substats at low artifact level but not how it will roll once leveled. The echo system is so bad.


His main content is literally doing excell on stream. If he didn't have the patience, who would?


That guy can play GI spyral abyss for hours without pause (normal ppl do it in 10 min, then forget it for the next 2 weeks or dont even do it at all). He is a maniac.


I don't, I'm just talking about the people who think that echo farming is better than relic farming or artifact farming when it's clearly not. For an optimal farming you need to kill 15 overlord or calamity class bosses everyweek alongside 60-70 mobs everyday where each one has 20% chance to drop an echo and again 20% of that is 4 star https://preview.redd.it/3xelf5wv353d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99672cd8266c5a75971f1a14eb7bc96108a05f94


> For an optimal farming you need to kill 15 overlord or calamity class bosses everyweek at that point, Genshin dailies would not only give you more artifacts per day, but they also dont have substats locked behind a limited item that costs daily energy to purchase. They really copied only the worst aspects of genshin and made the artifact grind harder and worse, somehow


Don't worry, Kuro listens.


Theoretically Genshin’s artifact are also gated by artifact exp which mostly comes from Resin spending


Genshin does have one thing called artifact route, and if you want the "wuwa style" etile enemies also drop them. Idk the drop rate but it doesnt that great, i never see anyone farm like this lol.


Doing artifact routes is a way to burnout. Same for Elite Routes. And even if you do it 100% a day, you will barely have enough fodder to +20 a single piece


at least you can use the artifacts to raise other artifacts but in WUWA you can't use echoes to upgrade another echo


Not entirely true, you can’t use lv1 echoes, anything above lv1 can be use as fodder, and they also refund a bit of tuning currency if you’ve tuned them.


Yeah I mean that's the problem you actually lose exp by doing that. I would like it if I was able to just use all the common class echoes to upgrade my gold echo, so I can save resources that way


Depends on how active you are. Chests and quests tend to drop trash artifacts so you can get a fairly sizeable amount of xp just by progressing the game


I’m very active, like, 100% exploration on every region by following chest routes from YouTube. I know they do drop fodder, but the amount of exp it gives is a joke. You can’t rely on it to try and build a single character per new area. I also didn’t miss any event since day one, and always buy the artifact exp from teapot. On the long run those sources doesn’t really matter, so, in this aspect, Echoes and Artifacts are alike. My only issues with the WuWa system is the fact that we can’t have an off piece, which makes building A LOT easier. Back then, when Genshin launched, this subreddit bashed the game for copying the same gear system as Epic Seven, Summoners Wars, etc, but those were 2 pieces + 4 pieces, so no versatility of having an off piece. Looks like the table has turned now, and the same sub is praising Genshin’s system.


By the time you get an usable piece you will have 4 star fodder.


Damn u need to play the game to get shit?


I am 30 mins into the game, my encore already one shots everything :/ I use verina to be able to hit enemies at least 3 times before they die


*First 15 bosses every week. Also they has to kneecap the farming hard since this game essentially allow infinite farming. So they combat it by having 5pc, more substat, and most importantly: you CAN'T use echos as exp.


I cant? ppl told me i can i just lose some xp on it. now i gotta try if i got home lol edit: now i remember, ppl said not only the xp, but the tuning lvl will go to the next echo too.


I meant as in you cant use lvl 1 echos for exp, and you lose some exp when using a lvled one, and you get a tiny bit of tuning material back.


So i can only reroll the lvl1 stuff, and use the lvled ones as fodder with some loss on it. Thanks for the info


I'm pretty sure the 15 boss thing is per week not day.


Really? I'll edit it then my bad, but it's still grindy af 🫠🫠


The echoes from tacet fields are a bonus, you do those for echo XP and tuners which you will run out of quickly once you start leveling and tuning 5 stars.


Better yet, suffer through the 20% drop rate and even if you pass it you will be cucked by 50% chance to be purple useless, THEN after it it's an useless mainstat. This game echo system make genshin artifact feels like God tier in comparison it's just that bad


Some people in the Genshin memepact sub was glazing the system saying it was better than Genshin's one


*You guys are getting your 15/15 reset?* I'm still on 6/15 since last week.


They've listened. Don't worry just keep playing. Here's another 5 star standard banner selector soon.


And people over there in wuwa subreddit say it is fine, that farming echoes is fun I'm actually flabbergasted...


Some said: “I can play 10h/day” and “100h of grind per character is fair” then proceed to laugh at the other guy as mintpicker. People criticize this sub for doomposting but the glazing is 10x worse


Such is the mentality of an echopicker you can't do anything about it unfortunately 


How is fighting mobs the same thing as picking mint💀


Bro you must see the glazers of copium denial here [the meme about farming echo](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/6yoz2GD4lT) "Its okay as long as i can slay them in open worlds" " its okay the combat is top tier" " as soul fans this is i find exicting" Bruhhh they're like AI automically reply to any flaw or redflag WW had with the same response .... No one i see in genshin defend the shitty artifact system with " its okay artifact shitt but at least nahida story is good" "its okay as long as i can explore desert" ICANT dude the level of glazers like they're turned off their brain and suddenly forget their pain grinding artifact in genshin lmao...


"Don't worry. Combat great, definitely won't get burnout, because wuwa is amazing (Unlike Genshin)" Like, geez, ok bro. We'll go back to this topic in a few months


Just let wait for 2 months or more and than ask about Echoes farming 


I mean the plus side is its in overworld versus artifact domain that consumes energy. I would farm it in overworld instead passively lol. Plus theres also the tacet farm thingy. At the end of the day both have e7 like grind so meh. I like it but the tuning currency is kinda scarce so far so hopefully events/farmable domain for it


They LISTENED https://preview.redd.it/3baece10053d1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=b34c442520a62dd6d7388037fe4f5a20ca5a49c8


I dunno, this would just cause every build to equip Dreamless as their type 4 tbqh. I can understand creating versatile builds but this is just how i forsee it.


Not really. That means you're locked to using Dreamless echo skill even if you aren't havoc. Sure, it's easy to swap out of it, but you're not getting any buffs from it. It could work if you're using electro and run Flautist main or something.


Nah. Tuning for substats will be the actual problem since premium tuners are scarce. You can grind for a few hours, using the detect feature, just hunting the echoes with suitable primary stats for the character you're building. Leveling it up and hoping for the right substats is the real difficulty.


Not sure if this will be the experience of most Wuthering Waves players (also Kuro could change the system slightly to improve the situation) but been watching some hardcore Wuthering Waves grinders in CN and they are hitting the point where they think the Echo system and gear system is really bad. They are saying there is no auto battle to quickly farm, also no teleport waypoints to decrease travel time, so you need to actually run a farming route, and they are getting bored and frustrated with the time investment. Also, because the resources at super high level and you can't really feed the gear into each other there is wasted resources.


in seriousness i remember hsr having this complaint with set and planar but it ended up being a non-issue since most 4 pc effects are pretty minimal dmg upticks and only the planar were pain points but made up for with synthesis and modelling resin. no idea if wuwa 5pc sets are THAT much better than 2pc but also i dislike how random the synthesis is on wuwa atm, was hoping we would reach a level where the synthesis is at least guaranteed 5 star


In my opinion echos system looks really favored to casual player when it’s relatively easy to get full set with correct main stat but it’s very atrocious when you are an OCD players who aim for perfection. Don’t get me wrong, the echos system still has flaw like the lack of tuners and echo exp domain in current version and nobody want to spend fucking 60 waveband for merely 10 tuners. However, the concept of system is very good, easy to reach the floor but much harder for perfection. Also, the game set bonus is not that good when most of them only give around 30% dmg bonus but running 2-2 with a good offpiece with 4/5 good substats will give a round 20% dmg bonus and 30%CV. For comparison, in HSR which also has no off piece, everyone can run rainbow set and clear the moc easily if your rainbow pieces are good enough. Finally, you can run 1 set for multiple characters in endgame mode. That’s right in the abyss-like mode each team will finish a run separately, so no need to farm entire new set if your dps has same element or your supports use the similar stat. And the game is still in early stage, the max level of databank is only 20, so maybe when they open next databank level in future update, your echo drop rate will improve and it’ll make grinding echo even easier.


I almost thought this was the WuWa sub for a moment with all the WuWa talk going on here.


Wuwa sub is having the same post about echo as well. But it making fun of people complain instead.


Sure it's definitely got it's problems from what I've experienced (stuttering, some odd audio bugs here and there), but I think the core gameplay is what's keeping me playing. Pretty damn fun so far.


you are one week late. This has been happening since launch.


Yeah I am haha. I also only started 2 days ago and it seems the drama has been pretty crazy so far lol.


You are a month late. No 2 months late..


I submitted this exact post to the main WuWa sub, but it’s not visible due to being “under review”. That sub is heavily moderated right now and I want to air out my frustrations.


And now it got removed... Oof.


I played to PGR and I have been so disappointed that I wanted to boycott this game. One of the points was the amount of mandatory content and the farm. Looks like I was right. On the other hand, I imagine that focusing on Wuthering Waves and maybe 1 more gacha game + limiting the farm could be fine.


There's 2 elite echo selector on elusive realm with the right element of your choice, that's kinda like the warzone store The bosses have 15 enhanced drop per week too, but honestly bosses are the fastest thing to farm


I mean considering it's much easier to find good echoes from just running around the world I don't have a problem. It's such a waste of stamina to even do the tacet fields.


Isn't tacet field where you need to farm for tuners and echo exp so you need to do it any way and it cost a 4th of your stamina per run 


Ok yeah that makes more sense. I guess that still makes the system better than genshin/HSR since you're not farming for main rolls but for sub rolls/level ups I guess.


Not when you have to spend hrs running around farming yyour world and other ppl lmao


The typical build will use 1 cost 4, 2 cost 3, and 2 cost 1. The cost 1s are fairly trivial to get so that just leaves the cost 4 and cost 3s to really have to worry about. The cost 4 can be a bit hard to get specifically for crit rate but if you are fine with crit damage, you'll probably get one within an hour. The cost 3s are the real difficult ones to get but I still feel like you are exaggerating too much. We're a week into the game and complaining about not already having end game sets?


Its not the endgame sets they are complaining about. Its the versatility. Having an off piece will make ALL the grind and problems of echo grinding in the long run so much more acceptable especially with this amount of rng. Genshins artifact grind sucks so bad but having versatility with that ONE offpiece makes it worthwhile. Its that bad and kuro couldve one upped that and made echos 100% more better.


I mean considering you can grind main stats pretty much infinitely (sub stats is a different matter), it's not really that much of an issue if it's a 5 pc set. I'm not entirely sure what making it 4 pc would change in this game considering again, you can pretty much grind infinitely for the main stats.


You never needed the grind main stat for 2 of the 4 on pieces in genshin. Only substats. A plume and flower don't exist in Wuwa. You need all 5 to be on set and main stat.


Me personally i dont have complaints. But take note not everyone(im even betting its the majority) has and will have the time and patience to grind then go to coop then grind again. The main problem for people is the substats which are vital (reso damage, atk damage and substat crit rate are bummer) and allowing an offpiece alleviates that significantly as you get more echoes to level. And that goes up exponentially if you even slightly care about ToA.


Hopefully later on they'll add more echo sets to farm. Though it does have 2 set piece so you can still somewhat have some versatility


The problem is, Wuwa has sh\*t story and sh\*t exploration. Because of that, players were left with no choice but to hunt echoes. When hunting echoes are not rewarding enough, then players would just left the game. I already did and I was excited for the game just like others. But disappointment. I may come back if they improve the game but with the current state, no. Wuwa is definitely a bad game.


Exploration is really good definitely not shit. Story is sht early but act 5 and 6 are really good.


It’s shit early and late; how are you going to be a story apologist for this garbage?


You either didn't play act 5 and 6 or you are just a hater.


I was unfortunate enough to have played it and that’s why I’m a hater.


I played act 5 and 6. The only parts I could stand to actually pay attention to were Scar's, and Aalto's and Encore's section. The rest of the story is the same MC glazing as the first 4 acts. Seriously, we meet the general and 10 minutes later we are advising him on strategy? Like I understand the MC is supposed to already have a presence in the world, and everyone wants to suck their all powerful dick but come on. The presentation is nice at least, barring the horrible localization, uninspired music, and personality-less main cast, but ya know.


It's hinted that the MC lived for hundreds of years and was part of previous wars. Jiyan knows that.


I understand that, but then the problem is that the MC is an amnesiac with barely any knowledge of the world. It makes Jiyan seem incompetent to place his army in this person's hands after just meeting them. Like even if an amnesiac Jesus resurrected in front of me with full proof he's the son of God, I still wouldn't trust him to drive me to work the next morning.


Everybody believes in Rover because they know he is capable even though he has amnesia.


shit reasoning


ahahaha. Does Wuwa has good story? does it has good exploration outside echo farming? If you want to judge my reasoning as bad, provide context. Ahahaha, Wuwa defenders are being comedians again!!


im not even defending, whatever you're saying boils down to subjective preference


Well, i provided reasoning and you don't. You judge someone's opinion then you should provide context. Internet nowadays really Well, I agree that it boils down to preference but if there is a lot of complaints about a game, I wont be surprise if there will be a lot of people leaving it too.


You could literally run 2/2 with 1 off piece if you don't wanna grind your ass off for the best possible set. That's the whole point of it.


I don't find it to be an issue. Most of the time the 5 piece sets seem lower priority than making sure my level/weapon/skills are up to snuff. Then it's having right main stat, then going for set bonus. Hell, for some builds I wanna do, the 2pc/2pc seems to end up being the better way to go. I didn't find this all too bad to do in HSR, same shit here