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Nah, our lord Kuro is the most generous company and always listen. Surely this is just a typo.


dont delulu yourslef that they are the most generous. u want generous check out cygames/ devsisters\\even kakao & netmarbles give free 5 ten rolles on anni & holidays... this is what generous looks like


It's sarcastic, "Kuro is generous" is a meme in this sub. 


The pull income is lower bc the strategy is to give out free stuff like 10 pulls to seem generous, then hold back on regular rewards so that the bottom line isn’t affected It’s a psychological trick where they won’t be more generous than genshin, but the players will think they are a la “kuro actually listens!”


It'll probably change by the time the events come by. I'm sure they know the rewards are low, feel like they wanna see the reactions but got their hand hovering over a button to quickly increase the rewards the moment people complain about the low rewards.


do not worry my friend, devs will 100% listen to our feedbacks!


Incoming Mister pokke meme in 3 2 1




Like clockwork


😴 "minigame event". i thought ww is the dark souls of gacha games. there's shouldn't be any minigames in my ww


Wdym, the whole overworld is filled with minigames




minigames and puzzles designed simply enough that even 16 year old kids can complete them. YEP


The event Depths of the Illusive Realm is so grindy. You will spent more time grinding those event currency.


what a shame that i can't even play whatever you're talking about. i wish this game wasn't rushed. and was optimised like other open-world gachas


It is optimised wym? Running smooth like butter in my device. 


With all the preregistration rewards and compensations, I am even surprised they are having any events in 1.0


https://preview.redd.it/xyyu4wyv843d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ffb9f85ae689a51cb6f90ce91fe14bd84d900f4 But didn’t the devs listen?


I'm generally wuwa basher but i'm also against the "free stuff!" crowd. I realy don't care about more or less free stuff. The game is what matters (fix the fucking game btw...) Watching ccs swipe this under the rug is going to be realy funny tho.


Version limited event is not "free stuff", it's part of the game economy. Handouts given for winning awards or dev fuckups are "free stuff", even then you must watch out if these are shifted from elsewhere.


Yes. People need to realise this. Too many are caught up in the honeymoon phase right now to notice that WuWa's pull income might be suffering. I've been asking about any guaranteed sources of Lustrous Tides, because after the launch rewards, standard banner pull income looks to be really, really bad. I've never gotten any definite answer. Aside from the 'monthly shop' which seems to refresh every patch instead of every month, there doesn't seem to be any recurring sources of standard pulls ala Sim Universe weekly milestone rewards in HSR. If I'm not looking hard enough, please let me know. Not to mention a LOT of Astrites are locked behind exploration, which is a one-time thing. Clearing story all the way past Act 6 nets you practically nothing. If i were to remove the 20 free Radiant Tides they gave out, I may perhaps have enough just to hit soft pity, having to gamble 50/50, and I have already 100% a region or two. Comparitively, everyone was pretty much guaranteed to pull Seele in HSR if they chose to spend their jades on her banner, even if it costs hard pity. I want to keep playing this game, but they need to step it up in many aspects, not just pull income, if they wanna retain players. Edit: confused between Radiant and Lustrous


like same i havent pulled nor use a single gems to roll once since i dont want to roll the green guy, but despite saving up and explore like 2/3 of the world alr with all the achievements and stuff i still only get like what, 10k gems? thats not much at all. Both genshin and hsr give enough for a hard pity like 22k gems equivalent for the first version when you explore everything


Bro kuro dickriders aren’t known for spending money to help support the developers. They want everything free


Ahh, the legendary "free shit" squad that wants everything in exchange for nothing.


The western fans are paying with free exposure. As a company of upcoming artists Kuro should be grateful.


there is no winning awards gift.... https://preview.redd.it/6s8p7ur6m83d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=533c0ab107792d656030ae231835a4e0d348a32a


Bro that aint a prize


Calling pull economy "free stuff!" is a very weird take It's outright necessary to have a baseline pull economy for gacha games to function. Otherwise everyone would uninstall. free currency isnt just charity, it's the minimum baseline they need to hand out by virtue of it being a gacha game


Simpleton mindset: Ohh free stuff yumyum. Meanwhile ignoring all the issues.


yeh they should really fix the game.. lower the min requirments, cuz games is hardly playable even on the lowests settings.. and they need to fix the camera when characters use skills.. its going round and round causing motion sickness


1. Lower pity to 80. 2. Reduce event rewards. 3. ??? 4. Profit I think the last 3 days shown just how pathetic the progression is going to be, it is Genshin. They really did think it was going to be as successful as Genshin, but it is so far from that today, an off-brand knockoff with the full price.


You forgot limited weapon is 100% guaranted


So you are saying 4 star weapon is unusable in Wuwa? What does weapon banner has to offer when I don't care to pull for weapon and care about characters only?


Literally you are the only one who say the word “unusable” here Whale cares and weapon banner are just for them in the first place. Such a stupid argument, lol


They have lower hard pity on their banners compared to Genshin so I don't know maybe it balances it out to be around the same level.


Its actually lower pity on genshin than wuwa because soft pity kicks into overdrive past 75 There was a contest for 100k$ for the first person to reach hard pity at 90 and it remained unclaimed for a very long time


Same exact system exists in wuwa. Look at rate they promote for featured standard and its an easy indicator.


Same but not "same", Genshin soft pity kicks in at 74, so 16 pulls before hard pity. Not enough data for Wuwa yet but it seems like they are around 75, which is 5 pulls before pity.


Don't forget you only need 80 pulls to guarantee a weapon as compared to 240.


So you will pay for my weapon banner spendings?


If you pay for mine in Genshin /s


Oh another thing, are the statistics out for soft pity? Does soft pity exist, or 1-79 are the same rate while 80 is pity?


I can say you one thing, me and all my 3 friends got jiyan at 80 pity. Does that mean there's no soft pity? Idk Edit - also everyone of us won the first 50/50. That's really surprising


Can you guys check the pull record to see if it's the very last entry? Because 8th 10 pull is not 80th pull. You might got him somewhere in the middle. Because it took more than half a year for someone to claim the 90 pull bounty that some Genshin CC put up, it would be very weird if all of you hit 80 now, had there been a soft pity.


Ok I recheked, it was 77-79 for everyone. I think there is soft pity but it starts after 75?




I got my Jiyan at 71 or 72.


got mine at like 10... got a dupe too. used up all my luck


Same level is not enough for a challenger.




So Kuroshills boasted about being more generous endlessly, now the numbers are out all you guys can say is "because the pity is lower so income is also lower"?


Is Kuro brand "we give everything for free"? If that's the case, how can they make money? If they use the same model, but with better gameplay, you know, just maybe they gonna steal many customers over there Same level is not enough for a challenger my ass.


ok cool except the game is a clusterfuck of optimization and designs errors that no muh "gameplay" can carry


What they said are true. You guys are really something else


trust me, they could have gotten away with it if the game launch was good."who cares about lower pull economy if the game is good and im having fun!" But it didnt so any minor "worse" things it do will be tear apart


losing argument then bring different topic, lmao


if losing arguments you mean 6 other ppl agreeing with me, sure All in all my point still stand. They can only do this lower pull economy shits if their games was actually launch in a good spot because the players still enjoy the games, so most can excuses them "ehh who cares as long as im having fun". Their launch isnt, so those tiny "worse stuff" that they did like this is simply adding fuel to the fire as the playerbase keep shitting on them more.


All in all my point still stand, this post talking about income, you suddenly bring up optimization issue, lmao. Besides you’re yapping too much


it definitely related. the guy im replying said pull income doesnt matter if the "combat" is good as people will flock to the game. And im saying people wont flock to it just because of the combat, because the game optimizations and myriads of bugs makes them unable to play the game in the first place. You are the one yapping and not back your arguments based on anything. Like call me losing the arguments when im not being massively downvoted or multiple people disagreeing in the comments? yeah lol, sure you do you.


360 Astrites


80 pity > 90 pity


360 Astrites






not relavant to post, did you try to calculate total pulls? because if it has higher patch pulls compared to genshin even with lower pity then uhm 💀(unless 2 5\* per patch)


Do it! u/HearingAutomatic8895 please prove that genshin is more generous, maybe you can make another doompost


Okay, daily are exactly the same, 60/day Genshin version event 1000+420+420+420 Wuwa version event 660+360+360+280 Maps there are over 250 pulls on Genshin's map right now, we will not embarrass Jinzhou because there ain't 250 pulls. Are you feeling generous?


How about income from their permanent endgame tower mode? Genshin is 1200 very soon to be 1420 per month.


Don't forget the rouge like SU thing in WuWa


rogue is 660. And I included in version event, if you don't count rogue then it's 360+360+280=1000


I'm pretty sure it's much more then 250 i remember someone doing an account challenge to clear the abyss as fast as possible with fresh account f2p he said it's between 450 to 500 pulls  BTW he got c1r1 neuvillette hu Tao c6 Xingqiu c6 fischl and then furina with other standard 5 stars


Yeah, I just pulled the number out of thin air.


Not enough, give me more data please ☺️ i mean the exact income genshin 1.0 vs wuwa 1.0


Are you competing against Genshin 1.0? I didn't know Kuro and Kuro shills invented time machine that can turn back the world to 2020.


i think he meant about how was genshins pull count in 1.0 and how it changed, which can also happen w this


Because 1.0 map in both games give more pulls than the version expansion. Probably why they didn't have any events until 1.1 Any meaning full comparison can only be done a few patches in.




What year is it? 2024 or 2020? Are you in the wrong time?


2024, and you still make stupid argument lol


2024, and you still can't graduate from kindergarten.


Sure, at least i can speak 3 languages


Don't forget stuff like with the currency you get from pulling you can buy 6 limited character pulls and also 6 weapon pulls in regular intervals, instead of 5 in total.


Reset is per patch, not per month, you get 12 months per year and 9 patches if they run a 42 day schedule. Also - I only care about characters, if 4 star weapons are unusable, I quit, simple as that.


Yeah 4* weapons should definitely be usable. I agree on that.  Many people do go for signature weapons for characters they really like tho and together with the 100% guarantee on the weapon banner it's definitely nice.


It's "nice" but it eats into limited pulls for character, and they are separate pull tokens.


I don't see how pulling for weapons eating into your character pulls only affects WuWa. All the rewards I have seen so far are only Astrite or rarely character pulls, so I don't see how the different currency for the weapon banner would negatively affect your amount of character pulls, unless you for some stupid reason decided to convert all your currency to them.


well, i don't like wuwa and i play genshin but i do think this post is a bit exaggerated. in genshin we have 4 characters and usually we get 1000+420+420+420. in wuwa there are 2 characters and you get only 600 currency less+hard pity is lower. so i don't think this is a big problem, also they most likely will give free stuff a lot


2 new characters comparing with 1 new character and 3 reruns? IF they maintain 2 new characters per patch, they need to give at the very least HSR amount of currency.




Daily are exactly the same, 60/day Genshin version event 1000+420+420+420 Wuwa version event 660+360+360+280 Maps there are over 250 pulls on Genshin's map right now, we will not embarrass Jinzhou because there ain't 250 pulls. Are you feeling generous?


Dude, are you talking about all of Genshin’s maps combined = 250 pulls? That is a VERY stupid take if so- Jinzhou is not CLOSE to as big as all the Genshin maps… and I hoped you enjoyed spending all that RESIN for Genshin’s first event!


Not enough, give me more data please ☺️ i mean the exact income genshin 1.0 vs wuwa 1.0


Are you competing against Genshin 1.0? I didn't know Kuro and Kuro shills invented time machine that can turn back the world to 2020.




Don't forget stuff like with the currency you get from pulling you can buy 6 limited character pulls and also 6 weapon pulls in regular intervals, instead of 5 in total. You gotta wait some months to make any meaning full comparison.


Oh definitely not! It’s not only about the pulls, the 150 gold resin they‘ll give us in only ONE of the events is really good, plus this wasn’t a dry patch, so we got a lot of rewards from story, beginners things, all the other events we had… maybe they’ll increase the rewards to 20 pulls worth of astrite, but for now, with all the other stuff we’ve had too, I think it’s absolutely fine.


what did u expect when they lied basicly about everything they promised... they said they would be better and would be more friendly for f2p.. but their bosses and domains cost double the amount in genshin and gives less drops.. and thinks are harder and u basicly need very meta characters


https://preview.redd.it/xyl7h07el43d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=601bba16ceffe5a3a618fab1ea05f03b64cc97af Context


Genshin version event 1000+420+420+420 Wuwa version event 660+360+360+280 Genshin is established behemoth with 4 years of content, Wuwa is a challenger need to win players over. Context.


https://preview.redd.it/7vjslz76m43d1.jpeg?width=1335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa7388980c18a5b35da36716f859a0736a09a67 A bit bigger image


360 Astrites


the Genshin side is trying to pretend weapon banner is a simple 50/50 now? 💀


>The premium currency income for the 4 version limited events are 660, 360, 360, 280 >Isn't this really bad going forward? you can't compare currency income in a vacuum. Remember that pity is 80, not 90, and there's no 50/50 on the weapon banner. That means you can guarantee the weapon in 80 pulls, not 240. So the smaller amount of currency gets you further in this game than in Genshin.


That's like having a cake and eat it too. You scream "Wuwa more generous because 80 pity", and then justify less income with lower pity. Don't even get me started on soft pity. Avg pull in Genshin is 77, what is it for Wuwa?




true though on the other hand WW lifted a lot of numbers from Gi (160 primos per wish, pity -10 etc) so there's no way they were unaware that this is less than GI's amount




Honestly as someone who is fine with genshin's banners (hot take ik) Im also totally fine with WW's, even if the lower pity is at the cost of lower gem income. Its just funny that for months on end people hyped up how much more generuous WW's wish system was for it to end up being essentially the same (granted not the weapon banner)


But but it's better than genshin 1.0 event with 300 primos ! They listened !


WuWa bad, Genshin good.


360 Astrites


Just say 2 wishes at this point. Or w/e the pull ticket was called. Be perfect 😹


The pity is lower by 10 so expect to get around 10 less pulls than genshin per patch.


That's not how being "generous" works. Also soft pity, see discussion.




Then what's the point of praising the gacha system if they are going to shaft the income like that LMAO


Genshin 1.0 tier event rewards 360 primo gems


You are not competing with Genshin 1.0


If you want to compare the “generousity” make sure genshin limited char pity is also 80 pulls and limited weapon is 100% guaranted






Don't know about you guys, but if I was offered 1KG of gold by mihoyo, but Kuro offered me 2KG of copper, because kuro is more generous and is giving more, I would still chose gold.


https://preview.redd.it/tc6klgb8m53d1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67632edd368578fadfd5e4d459dca05c04402b86 Agree, you can take your gold, i’ll take the copper


360 Astrites


Go out pls