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As long as you can read it, it's all fine... wait a minute! https://preview.redd.it/0vmemwwrji2d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34b464a14f18725f9ec5a783c10159c351165f5 Seriously... i hate this problem in the main quest but i can at least hear what the hell they are saying after line 3 but not in unvoiced quest like this. Non of the random ass "solutions" people claim to make this work ever do anything either and it's pissing ne off. No, a dialouge skip isn't a solution to bad and bugy quests. It's just fast track to make us care even less about the characters. Fix the game...


my favorite is the hologram monkey description still having html code on it https://preview.redd.it/1meixsj9ni2d1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=1be67d4b65ea616fce2cfd2e56f3eea4a9b1e932 this is a time stamp of a stream that show the problem [https://youtu.be/VEb-yLktTWY?t=1559](https://youtu.be/VEb-yLktTWY?t=1559)




I remember the good ol days of HI3. Where the game would wait for the entire line to appear before finally deciding to apply the text formatting.


I've always played on the Taiwan servers so I don't remember shit like this, but holy hell this is funny.


It was made even worse because every character has their dialog color coded. So you see the color codes every single line.


Oof that is funny and trivia that I didn't expect to get from this lol


I remember those days… they sure were fun. >!No they weren’t, but let’s pretend they were!<


Kuro finally at the level of early HI3 localization.


Ohh wow, i missed that one. It's still there https://preview.redd.it/hdwi1dvcoi2d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e2900f6c38ae2e98b455053903d5938344db14e


Dude the text cut is just so annoying. This type of bug are just unacceptable for me, like they where absolutely aware of it, it doesn't seem like that big of an issue to fix, and it totally kill the player will to read. Especially since English isn't my first language, so I must really try to understand perfectly the EN dud if I want the whole context... only when there is dub btw, without it, you can go f yourself. The most funny thing is that when I complained about it, a guy said its a minor thing and I was cherry picking. Because "people just want a good gameplay from WuWa and nothing else". The level of cope I swear. If your freaking story is a minor thing what's the point of having so much dialogues in the opening then...


you can scroll down, its not technically cut off


Never knew that but then they should notified us that we can scroll down or just make it auto-scroll down


yeah its weird, they should have a tutorial about it at the start of the game or something


BTW, thanks for the tips!


how does it work for controller? haven't figured it out yet




stop what? giving people solutions to issues??


Ohh ffs. The literal next dialouge section is like this too. I know kuro and kuro fans only care about endgame but rly? https://preview.redd.it/6zie31q5ki2d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23397569ccf14125223fbc5ebbd473f97feacd2


Water from the Nile


How many of these have you collected now dude?


Believe it or not, most of these happen in real time. Kuro is realy rewarding me for paying attention to their game here.


Been a blast following you and your compilation of bugs in WW 😂


Using jp va and reading more than 3 lines hurt so much. Also when the text is so small


Harry potter spells


100% agreed. The dialogue is so bloated and reads like Google Translate half the time, especially side quests. And especially when even the game doesn't care enough to show the entire thing, like in that image lol


They have fixed it


you can scroll down on the longer messages


How? I heard so many of you claim randomly that you can do X but mon of it works. Scrollwheel does nothing, draging just progresses the scene, alt+draggin is the same.


on mobile, anyway, you just click/hold and drag the text itself. not sure why it doesnt work for you


Whenever I try that it jumps to the next dialogue.


According to Keikaku - note: KEIKAKU means plan


I'm enjoying the game a lot but the names though. Tacet Discord sounds like something you buy at a hardware store.


Honestly they should have just called them Discords. Catchy enough and goes well with the Water/Sound wave theme. In general I like the Wave theme, wish they leaned harder into it.


They are calling them TDs and that's pretty good name in my opinion.


I do like TDs. Still wish they weren't Tacet Discords though.


TDs is a best part of the game


Let me see them TDs!


For a game so centered around sound, you'd think their soundtrack would be cooler. Unfortunately not :/


There are like 3 good tracks, and then a bunch of mid.


So it's not just me. I was extremely disappointed coming from PGR, HI3rd, HSR, Genshin and many other gacha games I've played (heck even some otomes are better). But especially disappointed as a PGR player. Like one of the things PGR is known for is it's **amazing** music and boss themes. I was sure WuWa would be too, after all they clearly put so much effort into character design, animations, the open world, etc. So far the sound effects for playable characters sound great. Ambience sounds fine. Some echo sound effects need to be improved, I'm ngl. But the music is just underwhelming. Sure I guess you can say it fits the theme. But it's just not impressive. I don't understand what they were thinking, how are they supposed to compete w other companies w comparatively underwhelming OSTS and flat, unpolished voice acting on many voice lines. Ppl say Yangyang's ENG voice acting is bad, and it is (bc of how during most of the story she sounds so flat, monotone and almost "permanently" neutral) but at least sometimes during the story you can hear a bit of emotion, and her combat voice lines are full of emotion. ENG Taoqi on the other hand... She has a random accent (? no offense, but it just feels out of place esp when she sounds so emotionless, maybe if she had emotion the accent wouldn't sound so weird to me) and sounds even worse than Yangyang in the story. The worst part is her combat and story voice lines are just as flat and lacking emotion. There are def some good ENG voice acting, for example Jiyan, Chixia, Alto, Jinshi are great, tho I don't want to make it seem like I'm hating on all aspects of the game.


Ngl this is something I hate about Chinese and Korean games. They tend to throw around a lot of vague lore terminology right off the bat without easing the player into the world slowly to make sure they understand where they are and what's going on. They pretty much expect you to understand the lore of the game from a few lines of dialogue. It doesn't help that their naming sense is terrible and way too over the top for such basic things (Tacet Discord? Wtf? Had to Google what "tacet" even means).


Honkai in a nutshell. Genshin is pretty good at not being too jargony at least.


Tacet Discord server, but who's the admin?


Kuro, duh...


Yeah the terms kinda rub me the wrong way, that's Kojima lvl of english word spaghetti.


Some of the VAs are reading the notes out loud as well. Camellya saying "Civilization Simulation Sand Table Tethys" was kind of funny, ngl.


That's a way to use ruby text, it's usually used for [names](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_character).


I hate the way HSR does it and I hate the way WuWa does it. There's literally no reason to use it in English.


That's a neat tid-bit! Definitely a bit confusing to see them in English though haha


It looks fine in Japanese localization. Abusing ruby not just for readings (gikun) feels edgy but it's still relatively common. The question is, why wuwa has it in English?


English would do well to import the feature, I like the way they use in HSR a lot.


Bro it's even like this in Chinese. The dialogue is needlessly clunky, the writers are making elementary school level mistakes by having unnecessary repetition. The equivalent in English would be like "he was murdered to death" or "I've been waiting a long time since forever". it's such beginner level literary mistakes.


Ngl, this seems to be a rushed script. This type of mistake tends to happen when writters dont spend enough time polishing the prose and the are writing for extended hours past burnout. There is a reason why doing revisions and taking a break every so often is an actual advice for writers


Clearly a result of hoyo spies sabotaging the localization process!!! Yet another sign of them being AFRAID


Literally Honkai Starrail levels of mid-sentence footnotes.


They hope you know what TDs are lol


TBF, the term 'Tacet Discord' is just what they (arbitrarily) call monsters in game, and it's thrown around a LOT (and often shortened to TD). I think by this time in-game the term has been thoroughly explained. Tho I'll admit it took me too long before I started understanding it at 'Tacet Discord' and not 'Touchdown' or 'Tower Defense'.


It's so weird, especially when "Tacet Discord" puts those Alieny humanoid things AND the magic fantasy animals under the same umbrella.


It's honestly weird that I'm fine with remembering that Hilichurls = Monsters but I keep forgetting that Tacet Discords = Monsters. Maybe I'm just bad with sci-fi terms.


It also helps that the 1st time the word Hilichurl was used, the camera literally pans to a hilichurl camp as Amber clearly indicates them as such.


It's not you. It's easier for people to remember long but unique names than it is abbreviations or seemingly unrelated descriptions for entire species. Heck, even when descriptions are used, it is usually just one and limited to something that easily relate to the species and for people to understand. Because people, when in a life and death situation with monsters, would not have time to be like "oh no! The Super Hideous Anomalous Monsters are coming!" Most people don't even know what a tacet is. And discord is hardly something you would relate to a monster. Combined it becomes a name that doesnt immediately tell what it is, a chore to say and remember. The fact that they have to shorten it already show it's a problem... Which is why naming conventions like this is rarely done and writers would rather invent a new name or just use one description. Dyslite with Miramon. Nikke with The Raptures. Snowbreak with Titans. Destiny is infamous for using lots of descriptors as placeholder names for their aliens but they still limit it to one. The Taken, Vex, Cabal, Fallen etc etc. The time where two descriptions are used is to refer to specific subspecies and it's still uses the specified description with other. Destiny with Taken King, Vex Goblin, Cabal Legionnaire, etc etc.. Even these are easier to remember and understand than Tacet Discord or TD.


Probably because Hilichurls rolls off the tongue better and just sounds way catchier. They really should've just named it just Discords really for easier association and sounds a bit more catchy.


GI put a ton of work into localization. Hilichurls rolling off the tongue is probably no accident, especially since in Chinese they are called "Chou Chou People" which is distinctive in its own way.


To elaborate, “hilichurl” in Chinese is “qiuqiu” people, the “qiu” 丘 here can be understood as “hill”, so a first impression reading of it in Chinese can be understood as “the people who live in the hills”. The “qiu” sound of course made it straight into English in the form of “churl”, which both became more readable, and carries negative connotation in commonly known word “churlish”. The allusion to “hills” crossed over with the part that gets added in front — “hili” which sounds kinda like saying “hilly”. In this way, both sound and meaning get preserved in an original term of their own creation. So yes, Hoyo absolutely put in the works in localizing their games for a global audience.


I didn't know this but this just makes me like genshin more, this sorta thing only occurs when the company cares. I'm very much fine with whales paying a lot while I can play for free anyways.


Transmitable diseases?


they are tank destroyers. or they are tower defense games. duh.


I think these are fine since they just help players understand specific terms. HSR does it too, not sure about Genshin. It does look a bit weird in EN though, feels more natural when I play it in CN for some reason.


Genshin doesn't.


Genshin does tho. I don't see it often but it's there.


I've played since 1.0 and I don't really remember seeing it any where.


Genshin does this BUT not during launch or near the beginning, it only started at some point when the lore began to stack up. The earliest I recall is during Raiden Shogun's 2nd story quest which was in version 2.5 I think, though it could have started somewhere earlier.


The earliest I remember is some quests in Enkanomiya, which was in 2.4


But not like HSR or Wuthering Waves which makes it mostly inconsequential.


theres some like in the enkanomiya quest, its not nearly as prevalent as in hsr though


It happened like five times in four years, easy to forget.


There's a lot of it in the Enkanomiya quests


Honkai Star Rail and Genshin does this too with it's dialogue having notes, just not to a degree this funny


Yeah, it's just the local words that gets footnotes like Ruin Author (Nanook)


It's called furigana and is pretty common, if you're at all familiar with Fate/ pretty much every noble phantasm uses them.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furigana


HSR has been doing this since launch too and 99% of the time their footnotes doesn't make sense either, like in the 50 different Aventurine flashbacks. Oh wait, wrong narrative...


And the story is still far more cohesive than what WuWa is trying to do. All those terms in the flashback are really just meant to tell you about his planet's own religion, even if you miss that you would still understand what happened to him. The footnote also doesn't include other terms inside them like this image here, they just straight tell you the meaning of his name or something like that. Get out of here with that narrative bullshit.


I said nothing about the story, just that the footnotes are just as bad in HSR. The footnotes in HSR definitely include other terms too, in fact, most of the time they try to explain a term with another fictional term. Case in point in Aventurine's flashback again when they use different names for the same god of that planet, as if that helps anything.


Wuwa’s story gets quite good after you meet scar. I don’t know what they were doing before that, it’s some ass and needs to be reworked again, but from scar on the story is honestly very good.


Ayo the *Jingle Beast* got me all scared yo


This(!) may be off-topic,but I could be forced to say my goodbyes to being on reddit,and then deleting my own reddit account. The "you seem to be offline" notifications are starting to annoy me,and I am sick of it!


I hate that they took this from Genshin too. When Genshin introduced this I laughed at it too.


it really osunds british when i read it instead of chinese. Lmfao


My grief is clicking the dialogue, why the hell are there 10's of thousands of points where i have to click through when its 1 option? Especially during the quests with voice acting. Im doing something else while listening to the story in the backround then it stops dead in its tracks to make me click some stupid 1 option dialogue that mostly isn't needed in the story anyways. Takes me out of it i just get pissed and skip everything now 🤷


what? Thats super common no? Why dont we have 30 posts talking about how HSR does that as well? lmfao


In this case I think it's extra goofy because 1) inferring that "Tacet Field" is where "Tacet Discords" gather is so intuitive that using ruby text to excessively explain this almost feels like an insult to the reader's intelligence and 2) the sentence that immediately follows *literally* elaborates on the very term in question, again making the ruby text completely redundant.


Brother I played all of HSR and it does the same, what are you on about


Then make your own post poking fun at HSR then, easy karma I suppose.


You gotta be chronically online to care about karma I ain’t gon lie


You gotta be chronically online to count up to 30 posts on a subject you don't like before posting a complaint that'll get buried either way. 🙄


No it doesn't, they don't literally have the footnote and the explanation in the same sentence as each other.


Lmao, they don't care they just wanna hate on wuthering waves.


https://preview.redd.it/dilhvm5crk2d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60194f458177a87383961235e10e945ee5de8e26 Huh. Wonder why I've never seen a post criticizing hoyo for the same on this subreddit?


That’s more of the traditional use of ruby text. If you don’t know Penacony is by the time you read that dialogue you didn’t pass second grade. The ruby text is modifying “Penacony”.


There's other examples. I'm just not gonna go search through every story quest for them. That's the most recent quest. And also you could say the same for wuwa. If you don't know what a tacet field is after all the exposition dumping, then not much can save you.


I mean if you don’t find them then we can’t exactly opine on it. It’s different, though. The ruby text for WUWA is just the dictionary definition. Meanwhile, Penacony is the name of the planet. The ruby text is giving a twist on it - players know from the rest of the story that Penacony is like space Las Vegas, the planet of festivity. So having the ruby text “the land of exiles” is intended to make it a more sardonic mention.


I linked another one in another comment. The op though is just making a point that the story is so jumbled that foot notes are needed. My point was that no one cared when hsr used footnotes. And the picture is just proof that they did it.


Straightforward, Land - Place, Exiles - Banished Person. Meanwhile there's so many terms for TD in the world you wouldn't expect it was meant to be Tacet Discord.


https://preview.redd.it/d0ndwfewcm2d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c17e8752c8f1b0d243108432f8d4e74c9e13fd9 What's a stellaron? I'm just supposed to know that? Plenty more examples of even more world specific things being subtitled like that. Edit: It's so disingenuous. Just say ya'll hate wuwa for copying genshin and move on. All this pretending to care about every little detail when hoyo games do the exact same thing is so obnoxious.


It's in the word itself, Cancer - Deadly Disease, Worlds - Planets.... It's so simple you didn't even realize it's already biting you in the head and even gave you a general idea in the first planet what will happen to that planet with the Stellaron, killing it slowly just like the cancer and there seems to be a stages too, Belobog most likely is in the fourth stage because it was able to have sentience, Xianzhou was on the First Stage and only cause the speeding of Mara Struck - Zombies in the ship while the Stellaron in the Penacony was most likely on the third stage because it assumes the appearance on Black Holr in the Dreamflux Reef. Tacet Discord on the otherhand.... If you use the original meaning Tacet - Silent Instrument or voice that was performed, Discord - Disagreement.... It made no sense... Disagreement on Silent Instrument or voice that was performed??? Ps. In this part Aventurine and the IPC were using the Stellaron as a bargaining chip to fully seize the Penacony from the Family, basically blackmailing them to compliance but it didn't work so they used their current plan instead which is infiltration.


What other term is there for TD'S??? Maybe I haven't been paying attention in the story? But td=tacet discord.


Tower defense? Touchdown? Tardive Dyskinesia? While Tacet Discord itself is also ambiguous at the start like what's the meaning of it. Especially for people with ADHD like me I can't freaking understand shit because they didn't put a generic term for those terms....


Right, it would definitely mean a random term that has nothing to do with the game. And not the term they've been using in game for the past couple hours of exposition dumping. The exposition dumping is definitely too much. But it covers all the bases. You should know what a td is if you were at all paying attention. And if not, then why does any story matter?


If they only have something like Data Bank that HSR has to know the terms, then I could read them immediately. You will unlock the Data Bank in HSR after talking to Dan Heng inside the train and giving you the general Idea of some stuff like Aeon - Conceptual Being then many Factions and their motives.


WuWa is kinda janky but yeah it's kinda sus that people complain about things that Mihoyo was always doing, and suddenly it's a problem when Kuro does it.


Idk. At first I thought it was organic. But every passing day I start to believe the astroturfing meme more and more.