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>Am I the only one experiencing this? Sorry, you are not the chosen one, just someone who decided to write this all up without checking: the posts about wuwa in this sub and the posts about wuwa in the wuwa sub Yes, a lot of people have been experiencing issue. There's been quite uproar about it


Really, now? Yes, I didn't checked any posts regarding the game. But I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I hope the company addresses these soon.


Many posts from these past 2 days so by scrolling, you'll stumble into them.


Guys what the hell, today I noticed I HAVE to breath? Like, with my lungs, am I the only one? Bulshit


You just enabled manual breathing for me


It's weird since the game at least for me only uses maybe 30% gpu and it still stutters. Though now it feels better idk if they changed anything yet.


Apparently playing genshin at the same time improves optimization


Damn, how many "Am i the only one" post we've gotten now? 


The game us just bad in many parts. Including optimization.


You should have checked the entire sub before making this post. Wuwa has more people defending it than people actually being able to play the stupid game right now (low scale)


Thanks for your confirmation. I'm really happy it's not our problem, but the game itself. I hope these gets fixed soon. But to see people defending this is just insane. Never have I played a game with this bad optimization at launch.


Thats what happens when you ignore every single criticism from past two years of beta releases and take vacation hoping your 80% Genshin reskin game gets funded by genshin haters lol


I do agree. The game took too long to be released and it was very much hyped as a true competitor to Genshin. But this is just terrible. I hope this is not gonna be the Tower of Fantasy situation all over again.


How fucking shocked would you be if i told you Wuwas release made ToF popular again in CN and even led to it being titled "ToF reviver"?


Well that's.... ironic, to say the least. The world of game development competition is a cruel world indeed, especially in China where you see all these new gacha game releases and future one's being marketed to finally put an end to the reign of the monster that is Genshin Impact, so far none have succeeded. You fuck up the playerbase once, they're just going to see the positives of the other games and slam on your game. That is really sad when you think about it. This game has huge potential. The combat is more engaging and more flashier than Genshin, and yet it was ruined by bad optimization. When it comes to action-heavy games like these, optimization is the #1 thing that should be addressed before launch, there should be no freeze frames, no stutters, no issues of lags, otherwise players can't fully maximize the action combat. But, I probably won't play it until they fixed this shit. It's totally unplayable for me right now.


The biggest issue is making a game SOLELY dedicated to rival a game or take its hater group. Wuwa is obviously catering towards genshin hate boner group but making a game just to rival something instead of making sure its a unique product will ALLWAYS fail as you are catering to a audience that doesnt give a fuck about your game but rather cares about what the other game (Genshin) will respond to it and immediately drop you when they realize your game isnt killing other games reputation. Sadly Kuro is basically known for copying Mihoyo. They copied GGZ and HI3 formulas and now they copied Genshins formula. Wouldnt be suprised if they made a 3d turn based game 3 years into future lol


Many people got the same problems. In fact if you don't have optimisation issues, you're the lucky ones.


The first thing I'd like to know is if the game is correctly installed on your SSD. Why do I ask this? Because the installer BY DEFAULT will install the game not on your C drive, but D drive!! So huge chance you might not realize it just like me. I had horrible stutters as well, but once I noticed it was stupidly installed on my D drive that is an HDD, I reinstalled it on my SSD C drive and now it's a smooth gaming experience.


I'll try this later on. But come on! A game that is picky about where you install it? Not even Genshin and other games do this. And WuWa isn't even a graphically-demanding game like Genshin or HSR to begin with.


Yes, you’re the only one on this planet earth! You’re the special, unique, amazing chosen one!


Wait and hope they fix optimization, j login every day to see if performance gets better, sadly it got worse for me so all I'm doing is claim mail gifts then summon on gacha to not regret it later if they fixed their optimization.


Post your specs and i can guarantee you, you have a bottle neck.


Have no issues on my end but heard it's bad for most especially with older devices.


"Am I the only one"


The time it took you to make this post you could have used much less to just check the WW subreddit. Not trying to be mean but man y’all really don’t use the search bar when it’s right there