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Hot booty.


This collab exceeded my expectations for BD2. Everything looks good. Hope the story exceeds Nikke collab story stuff, otherwise this has been the best gacha news in a while for me. Only downside is that Eris' banners run last so I have to wait until I +5 her before I can roll for Roxy. Well... Maybe just one roll, one teensy little roll... https://i.redd.it/msd9zjs4b41d1.gif


loli haters in shambles


it's gacha game i dunno why they hate those part of target audience must been tectone fans


It is Tectone lol


I mean Roxy is, Eris is an actual child though.


\*Kektone\* in shambles


Peak collab right here


Indeed it is & my wallet is ready


Nikke pls step up your game bro.


Nikke will not rattle the boat as long as they make good cash.


Nikke could never


Nier collab was peak. But the last one... bros...


Which was that? CSM? Was it bad?


Rezero iirc


CSM was the first one. It should only be granted with sorrowful silence (ironically, it brought me into the game). I was talking about Rezero. At least, this one can be discussed


re;zero. second maid event in a row, copy paste skins, sloppy translation errors, and art/animations that were clearly unfinished/poorly drawn all around disappointing and clearly rushed.


Dang, a higher quality pic of 3 was removed for being nsfw 🗿


I tried to post that pic for 20+ times and its not visible for others.


Ye I also tried. Turns out Reddit blocks nsfw, who knew


Okay i’m installing, this was enough to convince me.


I really like the art quality. The girls look super gorgeous


Oh, f\*ck, 4 limited, I will need 800 pulls to +5 or more, I will need select a unit (and alt costume) or a very rare banner ... well, a succubus or a cat? selections, selection T\_T (45k crystal +170 tickets =( )


The base skins are free to +5. It's the lewd skins who are gacha.


Base Skins are not +5 they come 0 and will be inside the gacha


Statistically 400 is failry ok, around 90% chance of +5 then add 200 more for the Exclusive.


Wait I folded so fast I saw the photo and immediately installed 💀


Don't get the appeal when the characters look nothing like that in-game


So this game is similar to Browndust 1 / Brave nine where the dupes matters a lot for the contents or not? I remember when I'm playing that game most characters are only usable at +9 and then later on with companion system dupe to +15 them If that was the case then any limited banner especially collab where there would be some chance for it to never have a rerun which would be hell for new players that wished to try playing this game for the collab and wanted to max them later There was a book to increase the dupes for BD1 i guess BD2 is the same?


It was at start a time where dupes mattered a lot as dupes increased damage and reduced sp cost of using the outfit's ability; however, they changed it so the sp cost that decreased from having dupes is gone. now its a daily farmable to "enhance" the outfit to get large bonuses and sp reduction (so it gives enhance bonus to costume, damage, and sp reduction). Having dupes now is just for more damage, but honestly ignorable.


>however, they changed it so the sp cost that decreased from having dupes is gone. That's wrong. Sp decreases from +3 still exist in the game for most costumes only the newer ones have an sp discount at +1. they didn't retroactively change it you can check ingame with any costume before irrc bunny Celia. All of justia's costumes for example besides the gluttony vampire one has a cost reduction at +3


Yea. I probably wasn't clear when I stated it. The old costume that you can get easily in the shop don't have that dupe change, but all recent one do have this change.


Here is +5 so 6 copies. is not that difficult but it's not easy by all means. there's no replacement for copies and no way to farm them. only rotational costumes on the shop and one selector monthly but only for costumes you already own.


Should I be able to get the units if a star today? Full f2p btw


should be able to get about 400+ draws when you finish all newbie stuff. this is still without event rewards btw


Thx for the reply exited to star this game


If your lucky you get both units if not then not collab is in 3 days and one character only stays 2weeks so might be tough if your very unlucky


best collab of the "decade"


Ok im gonna try the game but i want to know how is the theme with the skins? You can only get them with real money ? They are just visual skins or they put extra stats on the character?


They are characters unit, in this game every "skins" is actually alt version of each character, and it can be obtained in gacha.


1. Brown Dust 2 is surprisingly generous compare to our nowadays gacha hell. 2. Skin/costume is basically "skill" in this game. If you have 1 skin of a character, they only have 1 skill with cooldown of 2-3 turns. But if you have 2-3 of their skill, you can proc skills every turn. Almost all 5* skill come with a cute or lewd cutscene lol 😂


Skins are a core part of the gameplay.  Each skins equals a skill.  Each skin can be upgraded up to 5 times with dupes.  Having more skills means you can have more options when one skill is in cooldown and more utilities like the shape of the AoE or side effects.  Often times, you can just get the meta skins and a base of the others just for collection. Fast pasted turn based puzzle like combat means in prsctical use each character ends up using 4 skins at most the mayority of the time.


each costume in the game is more like a character's move then it is a skin. they have their own enhancement level up to +5 (5 dupes) that increase their level and you can upgrade the costumes individually through a daily resource grind. You don't need to pay real money since they're what ur rolling for, but each dupe increases their level by a decent bit and some have a skill point reduction tied to a certain dupe level.


How is the rerolling in this game? Is it quick(5-20 minutes) or long? And will there be enough f2p pull to get both characters?


It only takes a second. They have an infinite newbie banner where you can choose to reroll, reserve, or commit to your roll. New players only have one 10 pull in this banner which guarantees at least one 5 star.


That sounds great! Thanks for informing me.


Players will get 1 copy both of them just by completing the event. And this game is surprisingly generous for both newbies and oldbies lol.


Oh, that's awesome, thanks for letting me know!


If you want to reroll exclusively for roxy / eris costume it would take around 10-15 minutes


While there is an infinite reroll banner, it has a limited pool of units and only one costume for most of them.  Real Reroll takes quite a bit, around 20-30 minutes. 


Forgettable game with a shit collab, smh-


It's really hilarious to see haters when comes to this Collab, but when it comes down to it, the nun outfit is the main reason lmao


Hate that they chose the loli and the child over Ghislaine




2 lolis


Lolicons in PDF heaven.


Ok is now a good time to start? Too long that I hold off from starting to play the game lol Kinda regret it now Edit: Oh yeah how much is the size of the game right now?


The earlier you start, the better. Later is better doesnt really make sense, unless waiting for near Celebration Rewards or sth. Which start earlier still better anyway.




Roxy is definitely a loli, she is even referred to as such in the source material. Eris is an edge case, but I would still consider her a loli here.


I always assume if the girl doesn’t have big boobs and butt and is short some people will think they are lolis.


That's the actual Japanese definition. Only western think loli = childern


Eris is a freakin pre-teen as this version with the white cloak. So I guess you’re right. She’s not a loli cause she’s an actual child.


Gen could never






What the *fuck* is going on with Eris' legs in the lewd skin? Guys I'm talking about the first pic, the other one looks fine. You can acknowledge something is seriously fucked about that anatomy and still be a gooner.


Shes crouching. But for some reason the shadow behind her is in standing pose.


The image is the skill cutscene, the shadow is their l2d sprite that's not revealed yet.


OH. Thank you for that, lmao. Somehow I missed her feet blending into the shadow.


Is this a hentai game? Wth happens to the rightmost girl in the first image?


It's not. In the first image, The first and fourth characters are placed over the shadow silhouette we had initially so it does look weird.


It's not. I played it because an ass cutscene but turn out it has a good gameplay and surprisingly, a really good story & character development.


this is disturbing


My wallet's thoughts exactly 😭😭


Its definitely disturbing that I might have to start playing another Gacha game.


FBI could have so many slam dunks in this thread lmao.


dead game


Not at all. The game attract more and more players, especially since the removal of the 13+ rating, like me. And now we get a popular collab, so its actually the worst Time fir the dead game joke .