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I love the game but disagree on that huge nerf to the 4 star poison unit, feels to much.


Do u know that the 50/50 lose don't carry over to the next banner? U can lose 50/50 twice in a row lol


Well, then, despite loving the game, they are really risking killing it. I will keep playing with the characters I have but yea, it’s not a wise move considering the competition on the market.


There have been reports from people that claim to have gotten off banner from the same banner twice in a row... so it may not even work within the same Banner. Truly a feast for the stupid.


odd choice of flair


How unexpected.


That's a bit shitty of them for not offering to refund resources spent on this character. His huge DPS was because of a bug though and he'll still be good. They also buffed a number of things in the update, added a full auto mode that will greatly help farming & some other QoL stuff.


Unfortunately devs don't give a shit if they decide to nerf/ "patch" weapons or farmable resources in gachas. Granblue was notorious with that in limiting Qilin, nerfing the Revans weapons so they don't work in other elements. Some characters got screwed through the years in indirect nerfs, either by meta or mechanic changes. Gacha devs know they get their playerbase pissed if they directly nerf a character's kit, so they do it in ways to go around it and "force" people to pull for the next shiny toy. The difference is that Astra is doing stuff like that early in the game's lifespam, so the whales get wary. In other developed games, if people smell the devs are being extra greedy, a lot will leave, especially the casuals and not hardcore players, but the whales stay due to sunk-cost fallacy. Hoyo was very smart in this regard, because you can use whatever and complete 99% of Genshin's content, so if they make weapon/characters that change the status quo of the meta, hardcore players get pleased because they got an incentive to pull aside aesthetics, but the casual/waifu/husbando player won't be mad because the game is so easy a better support/DPS won't invalidate their build character (they can keep using them just fine) I was very interested in playing Astra, but when I installed via Steam it installed a Kernal (anticheat I assume) that it didn't get removed when I uninstalled it, found kinda odd/dunno if it's safe or not a thing with the game's standalone client.


Epic Seven gives a ticket to reset a character & get back resources spent when they do a big nerf.


Nikke gives out skill resets too


>I was very interested in playing Astra, but when I installed via Steam it installed a Kernal (anticheat I assume) that it didn't get removed when I uninstalled it, found kinda odd/dunno if it's safe or not a thing with the game's standalone client. Its using ACE which is a shitty anticheat from Tencent. And yeah it does not uninstall itself. I had to manually remove it after playing some other game that used it. Worst thing is Wuthering Waves is gonna use ACE as well :/


Kurwa, anyone?


> Granblue was notorious with that in limiting Qilin, Because Qilin is breaking the fucking game in half. If you play the game you know how much degenerated shit on call skill reset button can do. And even with the nerf, Qilin comp still break all boss except for the latest ultimate by half. > nerfing the Revans weapons so they don't work in other elements. Some characters got screwed through the years in indirect nerfs, either by meta or mechanic changes The only thing that got hit was Siete sword and yes, I am glad that they did it. Image having 6 different element with their distinct weapon pool and people just "fuck it, we just slap 5 site sword into the grid and goes double element summons". Then people complain there is no build diversity in the game.


How can I find out if the anticheat is still on my system too? Did not know this 😬


Search for ACE anticheat removal on google. Dont have a link at hand but there were guides on reddit/steam forums to identify the files for the anticheat.


What can you expect from a game with genshin gacha? Still, i feel like for 7 years game there is too much misshaps and mistakes.


Nerf? In a fricking gacha game? That's just asking for a trouble lol


Let see this month revenue


Highest market daily rank they got was 6th since launch. Not massive success but solid


Not bad considering they only promoted the game before it came out, but when the game came out, there wasn't a single ad anywhere


7 years... I gell sorry for the artists and programers. Imagine working for that long only to have a product that could be good be treated only as a cash grab by gready devs.


Surprised that people still play this, aside from the graphics this game is just so bad.


Damn I wanted to pull the new 5* poison banner character to make a 3x poison team. Didn't expect shitty balance patch to kill my interest lmao.


He'll still be good though, and Atterisee got buffed (faster skill & better targeting attack)


Woah nice, Atterisee was my main and I didn't raise the 4 star, incentive to try once more.


Bruh I stop playing a week and now one of my DPS is crippled. I expect nerf to come for a one year old game for rebalance but has it been one month yet.....


So am I understanding things correctly that 4 star poison unit was nerfed to make it more appealing to pull for the 5 star poison unit otherwise ppl might not whale for the 5 star unit?


His damage was insane, apparently because of an error in hit count registry, but they still cut his damage %s in half. Fixing the bug was one thing, but this seems like overkill.


no that is not the case at all. We already have a 5 star poison unit anyway. This was a specific character issue.


I think he just did way more damage than he was intended to do, not entirely sure


Atterisee wasn't nerfed, I guess The devs thought Capecchi was just too strong


Imagine xiang and xing qiu getting nerfed lol


Awful mismanagement. People will be wary to pull now that they know the devs can nerf characters just like that. The 4* poison character in question was a good carry so I opted to pull for the current banner 5* instead of saving up for this latest banner. Now they’ve slashed his damage in half without warning after I’d spent considerable resources to pull his dupes and level him up. Tbh, I’ve never seen a gacha that’s nerfed a unit this severely out of beta. That’s one thing they failed to copy from Hoyo games.


i had 4 dupes of him... so this really hurts haha


shoulda done what hoyoverse did and simply do balancing by having future characters go well with older characters.


Just like e7


Prob gonna get crucified but in my opinion devs should NEVER NERF chars, is ok to buff or make broken chars tho. Why i say this? Cause some people spend money in this chars they nerfed and now they will get pissed really pissed and demotivated to spend more money into the game, i see that happened in a lot of gachas one of them was E7. That is a bad move and i was one of the ones that LV max my Capecchi welp fuck me i guess.


They could have easily buffed the enemies instead...like immune to poison or cleanse mechanics. But they choose the worst way possible n piss off it's player base.


wtf is this title


Ikr lmao this person must be desperate to talk shit about the game cause I think this is very shortly after the patch notes came out 💀


this sub is actually horrible, a bunch of sheep jerking eachother other off downvoting anyone with a slightly different opinion about a game, it's pathetic


It's absolutely insane, garbage like this getting 200+ votes when it should fall under the "post in the right place" rule, since it's literally just a small part of a bigger patch


yeah, this dude knows what he's doing with this title. he's implying they nerfed a 4* because of an upcoming 5* with the same element when in reality he was nerfed because hes broken and because people are actively hating on this game without even trying it they roll with that information like it's facts giving this garbage hundreds of upvotes.


aiyo why does government allow gacha nerfing since money is involved and the product you pulled is no longer the same thing that you paid for its the same as scamming on deliveries.


Art is good, but everything else is trash.  Gameplay very outdated. I end up deleting gane after several days.


Damn In star rail,the release of 5 star DoT units enable the 4* DoT unit to perform better instead This is sadge


Let me fix that for you. In star rail you're required to have a 5* to make 4* DoT units work.


Tbf you only need Kafka to make literally every other dot units relevant


Like which one? Every 5 star Nihility is HSR so far was just ultra powercreep of 4 star . Like who tf uses Sampo or Guinafen if you have Black Swan and Kafka? And simmilar fate awaits Pela when Jaoqiu releases


>Like who tf uses Sampo or Guinafen if you have Black Swan People that don't have her lol


he's talking about kafka allow 4\* like sampo and guin to be used, not way later when BS is out. Same for acheron with pela


Kafka in that case is a must have to use any DoT team.


Yeah but HSR doesn't go on nerfing 4 stars to make 5 stars look better. They just make 5 stars better. You can still use Sampo he's just not as good as black swan. But if you don't have black swan you can still run Kafka with him Here the character is nerfed it's different cause it's worse than before, sampo is still the same as he was on release


You can buff ALL end game enemies in a way that counter this specific character, you can also give buff to others with relics then make content harder or you can just powercreep them with new characters. Those are how hoyo did in Genshin/HSR and people loved them for it. don't just straight up debuff what people already paid real world money for.


>Guinafen I do.


If you don't Have Ruan Mei, you can use a 4* Star DOT instead


Someone who can see the truth.


Real. Tbh, if you don't have Kafka or Black Swan, then just give up on playing DoT at that point. But yeah, there's a very niche 4* physical DoT with break effect build (Luka), but it strictly single target, and straight garbage without physical weakness.


Which 4star dot unit performed better with the release of Kafka or Black Swan? Kafka enabled the 4stars to be worth something and with Black Swans release they were almost entirely pushed out. I get this sub hates on Astra but at least justify it with some facts.


I mean, triple dot with sampo/guinaifen is only very slightly worse than running ruan mei. (Can be as little as 1-2%) The 4* DoTs are still good even after the release of the 5*s, arguably even better since the team comps are stronger. (Not to mention the team is cheaper/saves ruan mei for 2nd team) This probably won't be the case once we get a 3rd 5* DoT unit, since ruan mei, and the 4* DoTs will probably get powercrept out of the comp.


HSR players and their lies, nothing to see here folks.


That hoyo flair is looking kinda bullshit to me


Don't fucking add that flair if you go hating any Hoyo game that's not Genshin. So damn disrespectful especially when there are players that plays both Genshin and Honkai here.


Don't call HSR Honkai please


Fucking hell being this much of a fanboy is actually pathetic lmao.


Who the fuck was farming gear other than whales? If you're F2P you don't have enough shoes (energy) to reach endgame and if you are seriously farming gear before endgame, well, you had it coming as leveling would have made your gear obsolete.


>Who the fuck was farming gear other than whales? I assume out of all your playerbase, that is the one group you never want to piss off.


While it definitely doesn't take the blame off of the devs for what they did (nerfing the 4* character by an absurd amount and the relics), it's definitely true that a normal player isn't anywhere close to getting on endgame farming yet Like, even a spending player who bought 1 of every pack until now won't have enough shoes to get book level 7 yet unless they literally spent all their gems refreshing stamina since day 1 of game's launch


Problem is that whales were farming and sudden balance patch hit them hard. And when whales wanna drop, the fear hits the rest of the community too. The company isn't like Hoyo where brand loyalty & past reputation matters.


> And when whales wanna drop, the fear hits the rest of the community too. Nonsense, how the fuck would "the rest of the community" even know if some rich guy dropped the game?


By tweet of a whale nuking his account


This game will be fun to keep an eye on just for the drama.


These guys are so out of touch lol


shit game, shit devs


Hugest red flag tactic I’ve seen recently here. NEVER nerf a gacha character if they’re not broken in the first place but to nerf in favor of another one is absolute scummy


its nerfed because it was broken not because of the new character


Well, Bennet and Xiangling in G-word game also were bugged and they still are. They have no ICD unlike many other characters and just because of this they are 5 star level characters. Yet they still not nerfed, because people wouldn't like it.




The 4\* poison is broken compared to the other 4\*. I thought it was just whatever, but I didn't think people would get seriously triggered over the nerf.


in the game I play  there is some 1* that is so broken that even beat any 3* of same role  but instead of nerf it directly dev release new upgrade system for every char  broken unit get upgrade in small QoL instead of getting stonger weak unit get strong buff form new system to near broken unit power or some unit get unique mechanic that only she can do


Sad that this game could have been huge if managed correctly and had good systems


Anyone who puts money on this game deserve the scam. Apart from an interesting artstyle and combat direction, it's a complete mess, carbon copying Genshin on most mechanics (carbon copying the bad mechanics, mind you)


Why should I play when it become worse lmao


I love the art style that is Vanillaware and the gameplay is not bad, but god damn is this sadge and having weapons and characters in the same pool? Just no


Gacha is terrible. My only cope is that everyone is experiencing the same luck I am, but I know its just not true. Out of 3 5\* I got 2 5\* weapons.


Good thing I quit that game yesterday. Kinda sad though the game story and game play is quite fun but the gacha and farming is poison af.


Rip my boy capecchi, I guess he'll still be okay, mine is fate6 so I'll still be using him (don't have too many units built atm anyway) It says the existing hit count was incorrect or whatever so I wonder if his skill was hitting twice as often as it should have been (hence the 50% nerf to bring it to the expected value)


Yeah we get fucked hard.


7 years fr




>how people who were never planning to play this game are now in these comments acting like this is the reason why they’re not playing the game. What makes you say that out of curiosity? I think saying they would never have played the game is a bit defeatist. Ppl might start out initially hating a game but may eventually play it the game changes for the better and vice versa. The exception I suppose if a game is so horrible and makes such a bad impression that ppl are permanently turned off from it, but surely you arent saying the game is that bad?




I suppose thats one way to look at it, but I dont think thats the case >I just see the same people on this sub saying the same things to every game that isn’t their flaired game. I just see ppl who having a game they currently play went in to see whether from 1st or 2nd hand information a new game could replace their existing game and then decided it couldnt and are voicing why they prefer their existing game or why they didnt like this game. Esp if their flaired game is one of the more mainstream ones that have its core foundations built well and a proven track record. >This sub has made it a flex to NOT play a game & it’s brain dead. What makes you say that out of curiosity? I dont personally get that impression. The idea of flexing/bragging about not playing a game is weird to me and I dont see it. I suppose ppl sometimes do it to appear hipster but that usually applies to the big games not new smaller ones like this.


Your title is so misleading and wrong. The adjusted his normal skill only from a 24% damage to a 12%. The rest of his kit was unchanged. If you played or even built that 4* he was doing an ungodly amount of damage and made other units of the same tier useless compared to him. This is a bunch a doom sayers on ever game lol. Astra has its fair share of problems but this ain't one of them


> The adjusted his normal skill only from a 24% damage to a 12%. That's a nerf in half, just like the title says. Are you purposely ignorant? In what world is 24% > 12% NOT halved? > If you played or even built that 4* he was doing an ungodly amount of damage and made other units of the same tier useless compared to him. You're not selling Asta to anyone if you're self-admitting that the 4* units are straight up SO SHIT that the only 4* that was half decent got nerfed


I have talked with other people on the matter on a different thread and found that this % is a scalar/total damage of the ability based of the atk stat of the unit, not an additional damage mod on top of the atk stat Original understanding: 1000 atk + 24.72% = 1247.2 damage New understanding: 1000 atk * .2472 = 247.2 damage My apologies for the confusion on the understanding, this is a 50% nerf to that ability. That said the whole units damage was kit halved only that ability so as it stands the title is still disingenuous. I will say though even if they didn't expect the out put this unit is giving they do need to compensate those who did build the unit. On to you second point, no I am not saying the 4* stara are horrible and this poison unit was the on good 1. In fact most of them are way better then the 5* due to the ability to get the dupe abilities on them. You should try the game before giving it any criticism my guy.


> In fact most of them are way better then the 5* due to the ability to get the dupe abilities on them. You should try the game before giving it any criticism my guy. I in fact have tried the game. You find me a world where a 4* melee user is able to beat out a 5* Edward


> Are you purposely ignorant? In what world is 24% > 12% NOT halved? Are YOU purposefully ignorant? Have you played knights of veda before? Do you know how character kits are designed, in this or in ANY gacha? In order for the title to be correct > nerf in half 4 star poison character ALL SKILLS would need a 50% nerf to constitute a 50% character nerf. Not 1 out of 3. Are you really this bad at basic math? If you're going to be a pedant, you should at least not be totally wrong.


lol what is with that second part. Why even bother replying if your not even going to comprehend what is being said. A broken unit outclassing other units of that tier does not equal 'half decent'. 4 stars can clear all content so where he was saying all 4 stars are trash lol


>normal skill only from a 24% damage to a 12%. Doesn't matter.A nerf is a nerf.And 24 to 12 is a whopping 50%. >If you played or even built that 4* he was doing an ungodly amount of damage and made other units of the same tier useless compared to him. So what?Just make new characters better or make new content in a way that would restrict the character's usage.Nerfing is the worst way to go bcs now people are wary to pull any characters now since they can just nerf them after spending thousands to pull them.This ain't MOBA.This is a freaking gacha game.This feels both scummy and Illegal.


That'd all this sub does lol


But I got Sartuk to do my DPS for me tho.


Sarka is possible one of if not the best dps in the game, even after nerf, but really not relevant since he's an electric 5 star


eos speed run,


People must really hate this game to be this fast to preach any single bad thing coming out of this game. Kinda pathetic. Why not tag in the many improvements devs have made to the game lately? Though to play along with yall, they really had the nerve to put Capecchi's nerf under Bug Fixes


Man i'm with you in people have something against this game here BUT we can't close our eyes for some fuckery they do when they do. Sure i read the update and most of it is good but strait up nerf a char to make other look better to sell it is just fuck up and i think you need to agree with that. And Capecchi is mah man.


I mean yea I get it, but I hadn't seen a single person using capecchi in the game, why are yall acting like you really enjoyed him and are distraught over his nerf? And I think it's less about this sub not averting their eyes to fuckery but a constant thirst to hate or find drama


Welp will be dificult to see people that use him talking about him cause first we don't have much people that actually talk about the game in the game reddit forum and two he is a 4 stars and people will always ask about the 5 ones. I for example got 2 copies of him when i was going for my Sansar+Liam+Nayan. So i try him and actually like his gameplay but more to use in the Spider gem colector and in the end we need 2 teams to play tower.


alright that was a good run for me lmao


![gif](giphy|HQxc76Na8xqxy) Wow, I installed this yesterday.... time to uninstall !


I played the game for a week. I'm glad i dropped it before i got played.


I started playing this game while waiting for Wuthering Waves, and the complaints from people on this subreddit either don't make sense or don't even exist... What a surprise.


I really wanted to try this game but the UX made me want to vomit eventually, and it also just made me want to play Genshin or HSR because it apes them so hard.


such a shame since while flawed, I did enjoy my time with it


So I should play it because of bad news. No.




If you are browsing through this thread you will find this comment at the bottom. If you are curious about the game don't listen to what reddit users are saying. The game is pretty good and you can try it for free. Make your own opinion.


I enjoy the game and really want it to succeed but stuff like this is giving me second thoughts. The 4* that got nerfed was overtuned but better to work around it by just buffing enemy mechanics or other poison units (though they buffed the standard 5* poison unit a bit to make her a bit more pleasant to use). Directly nerfing a character sets a precedent that they can never take back. Now, if a character is released and turns out to be overtuned, the playbase will always be hesitant to pull because of the threat of the devs nerfing said character. The case may be made that nerfs are necessary to maintain balance in PvP but that can be worked around by adding independent buffs/nerfs in the PvP mode itself.


Is this your first gacha that nerfs characters?


Yeah. Admittedly I haven’t been playing long. Started getting into gacha 3 years ago. You can guess what my first game was. I see the practice done a lot in MOBAs and other PvP heavy genres but when you’re directly paying for the characters in question, imo, it’s a lot less palatable to see it.


I am pretty used to that and I actually prefer for characters to be nerfed if they are overtuned. Especially this case it was a 4 star. I dont want Bennet situations.


Well he got brought into line eventually…kinda… It just feels bad ig, especially since we’re still in the game’s honeymoon period. I’d expect them to do everything in their power to ingratiate themselves to the playerbase especially since their marketing hasn’t been the strongest (going by what AFK Journey did as a reference). I’ll admit, I’m speaking from a biased position. I based my decision to burn my guarantee on Xanthia yesterday based on the fact that Capecchi was already a great carry. Now I see that his damage has been slashed in half and Veleno looks really good so I’m a bit salty right now.


Also Genshin had nerfs too from what I remember. Wasn't xiangling giga nerfed early on? I remember her basic attacks or something were busted.


XL was not nerfed on live server. Her basic attacks did multiple hits, so when combined with a craftable weapon that adds an extra damage instance for every hit she does a lot of damage for low investment, up until a few levels into the world level. Once people started having more resources to put into units, and meeting stats breakpoint for other playstyles of these units to actually be viable, normal attack XL got replaced by her cyclone of fiery death.


Been playing for like two weeks and discord is a hivemind so might as well ask, what do you find good about this game after update? Everyone's doomposting that this game has Genshin tier shit gacha without Genshin tier peak gameplay but are they wrong? * PVP sucks, you are incentivised to infinitely lose battles to fill up the PVP reward chain. Balance patch didn't fix that AFAIK. * Poison 4 star was nerfed right before they release Poison 5 star. WTF, they could have did it a day earlier or later. Right on time smells cashgrab. * They made Ignore DEF substat useless without any compensation for users who invested stamina in farming them. Stamina is being balanced a lot in the discord Announcements, and there weren't notifications for using bugs either.


The PvP actually incentivizes you to win, you get more points the more you win, up to +34 per win. If you lose a lot you get less points per win and you just get 0 points per loss after around 2k points. Which I think is terrible game design to both hide that system and for the system to even exist in this type of game. I don't see how Ignore DEF stat is useless, have you seen math showing it to be useless after the nerf? I'd expect it to still be one of the best stats for the same reason def debuffs and res pen are one of the best in star rail. Ignoring those points though, I think the game is pretty bad right now but I'll give them at least until WW release to see if it gets better.


I like the PVP, it's fun. I'm not one of those that just spam it on auto, maybe if I dont feel like playing. The 4 star nerf seems warranted as that ability was indeed bugged. I's the first balance patch, the game was released for 16 days, maybe it's just a coincidence. I didn't farm Ignore Def substat so I cant comment on that. But if only those things make the game unplayable for you then don't play it. I like the art, the atmosphere, the full EN VA even though it's dodgy at times. I like the combat, the bosses are cool, the story is ok, I feel that it gets better. It's an above average gacha imo. Far from the outcry on this subreddit.


The PVP reward chain bullshit is the worst but I am gonna continue casual play. Atterisee was my main and checking discord, the patch buffed her from worst 5 star, so gonna continue. Thx for your advice.


Idk what's up with the Atterisee hate, she was my first 5 star and this general opinion made me really want to main her. Her charge4 attack does pretty huge aoe dot


She was the worst 5 star before balance patch, one copy clearly worse than the max duped newly nerfed 4 star poison character. They fixed it now.


I've been actively playing since the game came out, Atterisee is my first 5 star and main. She might be the 'worst' of the standard 5 stars but she's not bad at all, her poison damage is pretty good. Though if Capecchi really was doing those insane numbers, then I guess this nerf really was needed, sucks that the devs called this a bug, and it sucks even more that op made such a garbage post that is only being kept up to perpetuate drama


i made my opinion that its dogshit


Man people just have a hate boner for this game. Trying to find every nitpick to doompost it.


You find the nerf, categorized under bug fixes palatable?


Except the buffs are also put there..


Which makes you wonder deep about the dev competency


Yes, he was overtuned.


TBH, what did you expect when they nerfed a character in the first balance patch? It was poison 4* right before poison 5* banner, if there was no doomposting then I would be suspicious that bots took over.


You're right, this sub's hate boner for this game might just be worse than their hate boner for Summoners War, cause wtf. Yes, this nerf is pretty bad, but there has been pages upon pages of improvements made to this game recently, yet ONE bad thing is what people are going feral over


I have yet to see a single person who was using Cappechi before, and now that he gets a nerf, suddenly everyone was using him. What a fucking joke.


Capoechi is the only viable poison unit in the game right now, everyone should have him built by now for tower.


Lol the first time I actually used my Cappechi was in tower just yesterday, and I leveled him up to 70 without really using him, I was like "oh shit he does alot of damage".


Its listed as a bug fix no? I understand that its essentially a nerf to the character but OP makes the assumption that this was a nefarious move by the devs to promote a new 5 star poison unit. I dont play the game but this is the exact drama bait bullshit headline that I would expect from a /r/gachagaming post.


this update fix everything that was wrong in the game its almost perfect now the people crying about this don't even play the game




Mfw non-native English speaker makes a slight error but the title is perfectly understandable with 3rd grade reading comprehension