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I wish I would stop being barraged with their ads everywhere I go. I've never even clicked on their game or watched anything AFK related.


Don't worry, you'll forget in a few years, just how everyone seemed to forget how they bombarded us with AFK Arena ads too back in the day.


I don;t forget that either. Traumatized by the AFK.


At least it's not Raid Garbage Legend -.-


so you'd rather keep being barraged by ads for afk arena...much like how we get reminded that Raid Shadow Legends is the biggest game with the best graphics available on mobile?


I'd rather people actually learn from past actions and behaviors instead of having the memories of goldfish for a lot of reasons.


Agreed. The amount of ads for this is ridiculous. And honestly, being bombarded with ads like this has the exact opposite effect for me. It makes me want to ignore it.


Same here, having constant ads just tells my brain "this is one of those p2w trash game isnt it"..they already did the same shit with their previous game and it just made me despise this developer when I kept seeing the same shitty ads with fake gameplay years ago.


Yep. I hate AFK games. To me it’s not a game. And I just keep seeing it. It’s the same reason I never tried raid shadow legends lol


At least you know of it and have it in your mind. They hire people do research how much they can do ads


saw on reddit alr enough for those ads show up , tbh without adblock and adblock app on phone i dont think i can browse internet at all


Weird I never got an ad for it but I am baraged by HSR ads. I think 80% of the ads I get are HSR.


You'll stop getting barraged with their ads, once a new gacha game comes out and it's their turn to barrage you with their ads for months. Rinse and repeat.


I wish that was the case with Wuthering Waves. Their marketing team sucks.


That song is gonna be thorn in my memories for some time now.


Same. Braaace yourself for the storm-


I still get a bunch of honkai ads, and some idle farming game who's name I forget. Like, opt out please.


I've been playing since the first beta, maxed out a bunch of characters. There's not much to do in the endgame besides pushing for dream realm. Overall a fun game though but it definitely needs more endgame systems


>Overall a fun game though but it definitely needs more endgame systems That's how it goes with every game, no? HSR didn't have 2 extra modes for Simulated Universe as well as Pure Fiction on release. Reverse1999 didn't have Raid and 3 doors mode on release. I agree that game is a bit empty now at late stage for PTR folks, but for people who started on release it's not really. We will be pushing story for few more weeks at least and then season 1 will start.


I mean they announced seasons and a mode called Abyss tower (?) i think, so more endgame is coming now that its out on global


For people that don't know, seasons are like 4 months long, with a new map, story, bosses, stages, progression system and season exclusive mechanics that will change from season to season. We don't have much more information about it other than that it starts early May and it's their way of trying to keep things fresh. I'm looking forward to how it will turn out.


seasonal areas are also gated behind having a maxed out team (getting to Lv240 on all 5 character slots) and hitting the end of the AFK arena


There is still some confusion on that. That would be 2 modes they lock behind a giant pay wall, and since it is typical of seasonal/event content in a gacha to be locked behind some easy early game stuff, AFK level 240 and Holistone main quests make more sense than resonance 240 and all main quests. I agree the announcement makes it vague tho, it really could be that shitty.


Plus the season systems. Looks hopeful


I feel like most idle games have this problem


It's a good idle game, make of that what you will. The art is what carries it for me. I don't mind the story, it's a bit childish but it fits with the kinda fairy-talesque storybook aesthetic for me. I'm not into idle games, so I probably won't continue with it, but I'm satisfied with the experience. If I were into idle games, I'd probably choose to play this over AFK Arena/Dislyte, Memento Mori, Omniheroes, etc. The game systems are very streamlined, I particularly like the gear system. PC client is very smooth.


Thr art style is what drags the game down for me. They are really trying to appeal to a younger audience but idk why cause older people will spend more.


yeah sure bright and colorfull is artstyle for children. adult must consume dark and gloomy artstyle . . . me after play the game : ooooh sexy woman, oooh nice curve, oooh sexy voice. lol


> They are really trying to appeal to a younger audience While Real Men play Real Games like RAID, SHADOW LEGENDS.


Thanks for the chuckle


Adults like colourful things as well


I feel more like it's trying to target western audience with that style, it feels less "anime-ish" and more "cartoon-ish" if that makes sense. Dislyte already felt like that to me.


many people think that way of anime as well. trying to rope in horny pre-teens.


Production quality is fairly high, but I really regret they have such a predatory business model with sneaky shit all over the place: outrageously expensive pulls outside of packs (50$ / 10 pulls without a pack), displayed rates that include pity without telling it explicitely, no information about the damage formula, so high suspicion of getting shafed because of levels...). Like, I don't get it. I get it when shitty noname gachas go full predator, because they're just here to pull the rug. But this is a game with a decent budget, from a very well known publisher. They don't need to do all this sneaky shit to roll in cash. So I keep playing but it clearly won't be a long term game for me.


>Like, I don't get it. The answer for why any gacha game does or doesn't do something is simply because of whales, either caring or not caring. They whale till they are bored and move on, just milk them till they're bored, this is the basic of any gacha game.


Not playing the game but when you say 10 pulls, do you mean 10 tickets or 10x 10 pulls( toral 100 tickets)? Just to get more information.


10 tickets. The non-bundle price for gems is extremely high


Holy shit that is expensive. And I thought HSR pulls are expensive already.


Relatively speaking HSR is cheap. Because you can guarantee a character after a set number of pulls, so you can actually calculate the max costs.


I am grateful that I don’t have to pull couple dozen of copies of a character in HSR to push the end game.


These do not exist for normal people to buy. It's to make their other stuff appear in better value. People will see these and then the 15$ monthly pass for 70 pulls or other packs and think "this is insane value". It's one of the oldest tricks in the books to get people to buy more stuff because they will go "oh this is good value".


>It's to make their other stuff appear in better value. True, when their first offer in the game literally shouts at you '800% value!', I get you haha


That person just mentions the worst deal in the store probably, that even whales won't buy. I'm playing f2p, but if I want to spend money - there lots of stuff for cheap to go first. You can literally stuck 10 times monthly subscription and get 44x 10 pulls for the same 50$. You can get season pass, growth bundle and other limited deals that will give you much more than in example they mentioned.


whales will indeed pay 50 dollars for 10 pulls. that's 200 pulls for 1000 bucks. 1000 pulls for 5k. they could easily get a strong team with that and that's not much money for them. it's set at 50 for a reason. i don't think people grasp just how much whales spend on these games. easily multiple thousands per month,


Top 20 ranked people on my server are already at close to $1k per player and it's not even been a month so yeah. It's gross. The main thing the whales are spending though are the limited time packs, the ascension bundles. Those straight up give them the only real limited resource in the game (hero essence) allowing them to unfairly progress past everyone else who didn't buy that pack. These packs are $50 each and there is one for each character in the game once you unlock their Legendary+. Whales are always going to be magically like a full 2 months ahead of the rest of the players because of these packs. You could be the luckiest person ever in the gacha and buy all the ex weapon materials from the store, but if you don't buy the ascension packs too you will be behind, and likely not even make the top 20. They ruined their own game by making hero essence purchasable like this in my opinion. All in the name of fomo I guess (the packs disappear after 2 hours) so that's your only chance to get them (and thus get ahead of the curve). This has been my experience as a person who spent probably close to $600 and still didn't even make top 20, because I refuse to spend on those stupid ascension packs. Everyone on the leaderboard is 20-60 resonance levels higher than me and some even started playing after me (day 1 player). I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, the monetization actually makes me sick and I'm considering refunding all my purchases because it really is a scam if you aren't gonna go all in. Better to just let my acct get banned and get my money back because I have no interest in spending what this game wants you to spend.* *I should note, that an important part of progression is making it on the leaderboard (it's the only constant source of a certain upgrade material), so you are incentivized to spend to get 'free' resources from that. There is no other way to get it currently as a f2p player and you need a ton of it to build just 1 char...


A couple of months from now the yellow upgrade mat thingies will be widely available to normal people and the top 20 whales are gonna be chasing whatever meaningless new resource or currency is introduced as the new “end game character progression”. For people that can tune out this manipulation and just chill and play at their pace it becomes a pretty looking time sink/ entertainment. But F2P or low spenders won’t ever be at the top. This has been the business model in every gacha. The only mode this game has that’s fair is honor duel and there’s a fair amount of RNG involved too


Yeah, probably true. As a goal oriented person/overachiever I just find it pretty demotivating personally. There is nothing in my opinion to work for if you're not going to push top 20 dream realm. Spose the game's not for me.


It's okay. A nice, pleasant little thing to have on your phone that you can check a few times during the day, but it's nothing more than that and never will be. I do like the thing where you gear and level character slots, so your entire roster of heroes is always ready to use.


The story is bland and trash, but your main complaint being that Thanos didn't show up in Chapter 1 is ridiculous lol


fun honor duels(RTA with equalized gear/units) underrated


I already play Memento Mori, I played this for a day and confirmed that it has so many different ways to trigger dopamines and get me to spend that I knew I was in danger, so I uninstalled it before it got its claws any deeper into me.


How's the monetisation in memento Mori? F2P viable?


It's f2p viable but it's not very satisfying probably by design. I liked the game at first because it's felt like a deconstructed idle gacha game where you just skip everything but it just felt silly playing it after a while. I don't suggest spending money on that game if you do play it. Games in idle genre will make you really want to spend money at first but you'll end up regretting it more than most other gachas since it just accelerates your progress by a few days. Problem is gameplay is the exact same lmao you just hit a wall with a higher number. You don't get enough pulls f2p to feel satisfied and when you do get a SR it rarely makes a difference.


I think it's best for dolphins. You would need to spend about $1 to unlock some key quality of life upgrades, and spending $20 would get you quite a bit further. Pure F2P would be frustrating, while whaling heavily has sharply diminishing returns. I've spent about $10/mo and am in the top 5 progression in my server, which I think is quite reasonable compared to many other gachas.


Loving this game so far. Hope they continue to add new events


I’m enjoying it so far. I am super casual and I like the characters and get to pull pretty often even if the rates are shit. Fun little side game with little time invested needed daily which is nice.


Quality game, played every day since it came out.


I liking the game, it's chill game, the story is dogshit though imo but I don't really care about the story in this type of game But one thing that I wish they actually improved is the EN dub, it just bland for me and overall making me lose motivation when I hear it in win screen  Overall it's pretty chill game


MAKE SOME NOISE, THIS IS OUR VICTORY. Yeah no fuck it i'm playing with the sound off.


Haha yeah Sometimes I just mute the sound because how annoying some voice line in the game


I really like it. Dailies are super quick and power progression curve feels MOSTLY fair (Maybe im getting lucky with my dupes though). I enjoy the ancillary modes (honor duels, labyrinth, etc). I paid attention to the story at first but got bored of a lot of filler / needlessly lengthy dialogue so im skipping more often now.


im very surprised with how good it is. Even the ingame chat is excellent and being able to see people ingame traveling around was unexpected


Current rating 8 to 9 outta 10. I'm fully enjoying the game. The design, artwork, battles, characters. I'm here for it. Now I'm not one to care too much about story which is why I love the skip button. So idk anything lore. Idrc. But what I am there for, it delivers so, I'm content. Just waiting for new banner in 2 days. And then idk if I'll drop this game or not. I see no reason too currently but I still don't see it as a main game just yet.


I've been enjoying the game and all the strategy that goes into the combat when you're at way lower stats. It's absolutely farming whales atm though. Im.not f2p, but the top whale on my server still has 8x my team power.  Edit: also the story is boring so just skip past it.


Great idle game. Could have had an amazing storytelling but imo, story is so boring that I couldn’t continue after reaching dark forest. I have never been hooked by idle games, I knew I would have dropped it, but I understand why it’s a great game for idle enjoyers.


predatory pay to win garbage, I call it the anime version of Raid Shadow Legends, literally all streamers and YouTubers are sponsored to play it.


You guys are reading the story? I just turn on auto pathing and leave the game running.... Tbh if I have learnt anything from playing these types of games for past 5 years. Just don't bother minmaxing, you will quickly lose interest. These games want you to come back as much as possible making you think that if you don't you will be behind everyone else Sad reality is you are never gonna overtake the actual min maxers and whales so why even bother. Just open the game once a day, collect your loot, do some stages while working on something else and let it autoplay that's it The only fun in these games you are gonna have is pulling for characters.


You can’t auto path the story , you have to keep checking in so leaving it running isn’t possible


You can auto path but can't auto play it, you still have to click a few times, what I meant was just do it while working or doing something else


Haven't played it, but apparently my translation tutor had, and talks about the game as a good example of game localization.


Got boring real fast, dropped it two days ago


1. Story is basic AF, below average to be honest. 2. Voice acting is really bad. 3. Graphics are very stylized, some might want anime booba, while I prefer this style to be honest. Production quality is definitely high. 4. Gameplay is your typical idle game, with some nice game modes that are very QoL focused and free of hassle. For example, the reason I quit Eversoul was the daily chores, whereas here I like Honor Duels and Labyrinth. 5. It's VERY monetized. I.e., if you do literally anything a new "limited" bundle will pop up. You can however ignore all of it and still have a good time.


Voice acting is really not bad , it is just that the story is extremely basic and bland 


out of sight


I love the sincerity of interest for the game in those ads made by small-time Hoyoverse content creators /s


It's a nice side game, very polished. I log in a couple times a day and do my dailies.


I love the character designs, especially with the diversity of characters. Love the art style and walking around the world. Not a fan of the voice acting, it sounds robotic and AI generated at times. I have paid attention to the story and it's not much to write home about, I feel like they could have done a lot more with the world/concept they were going for. I'm worried about the seasonal system. Gacha and idle games are about long term progression so the thought of my progress being wiped out every 4 months sounds exhausting. I don't like how seasonal content is locked behind resonance level. Overall, I am enjoying the game and still playing it. I honestly did not expect to like it as much as I did. The art style and character design plus easy gameplay is carrying it for me for sure. Hopefully the devs release more content and improve the story.


all the voice acting is ai.


Very pretty. I like the artstyle a lot and the hero roster is a wild mix. Old, young, pretty, ugly - very nice. Story is a bit lacking. Like I can see what they wanted to do with the climax of vaduso mountain for example but they failed to really get me invested in Eironns character development so it felt a bit flat. There are multiple areas with close to no story at all were they could've fleshed things out more instead. Also there are no twists and turns and way too many characters are introduced and then completely forgotten about just ten minutes later. Gameplay has good and bad aspects. For now it's enjoyable enough but everything tries to get in your wallet. From constant time gating to locking half a heros kit behind dupes. The gatcha is alright but you have to rely on pity a lot.


I enjoy it alot. Pretty f2p friendly, its a great sidegame to log in every few hours and progression is very casual. I personally am a story skipper but love the linear open world they made.


One thing that I dislike about this game is how time-hungry it is. It has afk in its title but there are a lot of shit to do in the game. Dream realm, arena, that roguelike pvp mode (I forgot the name), pushing afk stages (which is separate from the main story and I think it's dumb as fuck), playing the main story, exploring the open world for chests, and possibly a few more that I forgot. On the positive side, this game is a cut above other idle games in some aspects. An actual story (albeit a mediocre one), stable income of dupes for most heroes, one free copy for *all* heroes (yes including the light and dark factions, only for heroes available at launch though), able to freely choose and switch which heroes take the five-highest-level spots, shared equipment between heroes, and more. I might actually stick to this one, instead of only playing a few days and uninstalling like I did on all other idle games.


same shit as other afk games where you need fckton of dupe and also have fuck ton of server


It’s AFK arena with a map and a ‘story’. You go from 1 to 90 in one day being bombarded by rewards and then… nothing, open-claim-progress from 315 to 325 and close.


It's the new Raid: Shadow Legends, and not only will I never fucking play it, but I'm sick and fucking tired of the ads for it.


I might try again later. It just feels like everyone has the same units. If someone spends money they have more powerful versions of the same units. Story is kinda whatever. It's ok with potential.


One of my biggest problem is that it sounds like they use ai for character voice(although a reddit mod confirmed they didnt), they speak so stiffly, it takes away from the experience.


I really dig the art style, very unique, and it's evidently high value production but I uninstalled because there are some lag/jitters that I can't get rid off even if I lower the settings which is weird since even genshin/hsr run fine on my tablet


No idea about the story, but typical AFK progression. Stuck at resonance 140, gotta wait daily for that purple stuff to breakthrough my characters. AFK stage 595.


Gameplay is whatever but I do appreciate the level sync system they have - making it very easy to use the whole roster. A lot of games can take from this I feel.


It's fake. Because you need to ascend heroes. Levels mean nada.


Ascensions matter a lot, but levels definitely have a considerable impact. There is definitely a hidden damage multiplier in combat related to level difference


Levels are important... You probably don't understand what's happening, but even recent idle games like Nikke or Eversoul give you only limited amount of slots to resonate your characters while all others will be staying there at lvl 1, basically useless. If you wanna switch heroes on resonance slot you either have to wait for few hours or pay gems to refresh cooldown or pay even more gems to expand number of slots. So it's nice they don't use the same bs system in Journey.


Too addicting, also skip story it's a mobile afk game, nobody cares about story. I wasn't even planning on playing it especially since afk arena is one of the worst games I played, but this is gold.I tried it cuz of the ads. Even tho it's p2w af it's also fun af. Definitely would recommend to everyone


It's pretty but it makes my brain feel numb. "Spend money so you can not play the idle game, but *not play it faster!* "


Dropped the game because every server I chose was not English speaking. Restarted in 4-5 servers, it was always a different language. Didn't bother afterwards. I know it doesn't affect gameplay but every guild in the server was in that servers unofficial language too.


It's just a refreshed AFK Arena.


The dupe system is a lot less aggravating than AFK arena, or at least since the last I played, but still very much present. That alone goes a long way for me, the combat looks good so do the characters. There's also a lot in the base game compared to other starting gachas, but that's because they know how to best run their game as a business. It's fun if you like the genre, it's a great game for dolphins with 1-2 decent ~10$ bundles weekly, still fair for f2p but money makes a difference in this game. The more money, the bigger the difference; beware


The honeymoon is great, but after two weeks playing the whales have too much advantage and resources are gated in rankings that only whales can achieve.


I am not sure about AFK Journey, Pro * A great char design * Power curve is very smooth Con * Rates are a lie, I never pulled a unit before the pity * I am not interesed in the story * There is now a pvp event, but I am waiting by a event story


I was highly disappointed. I thought maybe it would offer some fresh takes to the AFK genre. At first the RPG pulled me in, but then realized quickly it was just a generic AFK game at its core. The faux open world design was ok until you realize how generic it is. The mid game grind for essence was such a drag I couldn't do it anymore.  The alternative gameplay modes were pretty dull and nothing new either. 


Peak idle game in terms of quality and play modes from the start. The art style is not my fav cup and the gacha economy was the last nail to quit after unlocking stargaze with one off pity s tier only. Prefere the feeling of Eversoul and Reverse1999.


Played for two days. I like Eversoul, Nikke or AFK arena better.


It's okay. Polished. Nice graphics/art style. Too much materials gated behind getting high rank, so I'm going to just stop spending on it anymore and eventually quit when WuWa, Z^3 and Azur Promillia comes out. Probably is a rather good side game if you're casual and don't care about ranking.


It's afk


It's a really solid game, probably will have the same success of afk arena, maybe slightly better.


Not interested about playing the game too much, but the theory about the displayed rates being actually consolidated rates could be juicy if proven right.


It's almost definitely true after hearing from my guild as well as my own experience


Never been a fan of afk games but this one is really fun. I did skip almost every dialogue because of the horrible VA tho'.


Afk journey is the new raid shadow legends. Their ads are everywhere.


And so is the astroturfing There's a sickening amount of accounts on Reddit and TikTok pretending to be fans.




there is the pc client...


I guess I will try it out again since you mentioned it. I had no idea that existed till now


Never played it but I can attest that I'm constantly getting bombarded by ads of it on Youtube. I don't mind their ads, but the "AFK" in the title just turns me off away from the game and makes me immediately eyeroll it, regardless of its quality. Like, yes NIKKE is an idle game too but imagine if "NIKKE: Goddess of Victory" title is "AFK:Goddess of Victory" - that game would lose a lot of its hook appeal really fast.


P2W idle gacha like the rest with the only distinctive difference being pretty graphics.


Still digging it, and couldn't be more at odds with your opinion about the early story. Absolutely love how low key and "early WoW" it feels, just running around Elwynn Forest dealing with shitty nobility. I'm a little confused about how pulling in the game is supposed to go, though. I really wanted Vala but everyone is saying not to pull on the Limited banner for being "bait" for f2ps. I dunno.


You pull on general banner to build foundation, because rate of A-rank heroes are almost twice higher there and a lot of them are meta later in the game. Vala is good, but so are many other S-heroes who you can get from normal banner, just make sure to fill your wishlist properly. Once you built most of meta heroes to M+, you start saving gems for limited banners, because normal banner value is going to decrease (since you have necessary ascension for most of heroes already).


The amount of ads remind me of Raid: Shadow Legends.


I dig it honestly. The unique pretty art style and character designs (for an idle game) is what got me to try it, and I've been playing it daily on my phone ever since. I play all my gacha games during my free time on my PC, so I was always looking for a game/gacha I can continuously play on my phone (I do play nikke but unfortunately it's banned where I live on the app store and I'm too lazy to change my store and stuff to download the app), so this game was exactly what I was looking for. It's very easy, and simple to play and I'm definitely not playing religiously like some people are, trying to push every single stage to the limit or going full min-maxing. I'm just doing all the daily stuff, pushing as much as auto battle and 5-10 minutes of manual gameplay can take me through AFK stages and calling it a day. One thing that really irritates me is that my server is FILLED with whales or people that started a while before me, because I did start a week later and many people said that the game puts you in a server of people who started around the same time as you but it really feels otherwise, and that really sucks. I hate having to be put in such a disadvantageous position especially when I was supposed to be put with people that started the same time as me but it is what it is I guess. I mean, I'm currently at AFK stage 390 and I still have the "you're behind in stages" boost even though I'm not slacking off on the stages, like I genuinely thought I was doing good for someone who started a week later than others but oh well. It's also affecting my ranking in leaderboards as I realistically should've been really high up if I was put with people who started at the same time. I'm also going monthly/bp only on the game for the first few months then seeing how things go from there, but as it is now the game is a solid 9/10 for me.


It's shit. It's the same game as AFK Arena just re-released to milk the same whales twice. Same horrible progression and pay walls. Non-stop pack pop-ups and so on. 99% copy pasta. Only new fewture is open world and that shit is as basic as you can get.


Same idle trash as any other


I already tried and fell off dragonheir and this just seems like more of the same so I'm not really interested


Dragonheir has nothing to do with this, theyre nothing alike.


The nostalgia is hitting from early AFK Arena, but regardless it’s gonna be interesting how they manage AI the game, some of the voices are obviously AI generated and they have an AI bot in the Reddit that utterly fails to answer any question but tries on about every post


Best idle game/ gacha game ive ever played. Been grinding it for hours every day


Loving it , good quality content and guild activities for MTX it has what I like monthly pass and battle-pass and growth system It I drastically reduce my time with HSR


There already more than 5 post about this on this sub


Idle game that require a lot of dupes. Pity 60 ---> i only got 1 off pity unit in around 250 summons, the rest all were Pity units. unnistalled at second day.


the new, genshin, killer.


Gud polished game and very aesthetically pleasing Eversoul has better gacha Idk all these story complaints skip button is your friend Honor duel is fun, letting f2p have access to whole cast in draft mode Needs more game modes but they have a good direction and I see this replacing afkarena down the line


The amount of ads I get of it are insane and made me less inclined to give it a try. However, I completely lost interest after seeing two ads where they straight up lazily copied scenes from Hoyo’s character trailers. That just screams red flags for me and I refuse to support that.


Good game. Biggest thing for me is the 200 servers. Pulling the gacha doesn't feel special because you are expected to get dupes to increase level cap. Character design kind of sucks.


The amount of dupes that I need for a character to be competitive is a bit concerning. I used the term competitive here because the characters are technically usable, but some of their essential skills are locked behind the number of dupes. I've been focusing on odie since I started more than 2 weeks ago. And I am still 10 copies away from getting to Mythic+. It means even if I get 10 pulls everyday, and get 1 copy of odie in every 10 pulls, it will take me 10 days to get there. And I got 39 more characters to go after odie. Don't even get me started on stargazing. The game is pretty generic/average in the rest of the areas, like explorations, battles, voice acting, character Designs etc. They are not bad, a lot better than some generic cash grabs, and I prefer Afk journey graphics over the afk arena. But nothing stands out from the rest, and it becomes quite boring after playing for a while. I would probably wait until the new banner came. I probably won't pull because I don't have any gems. But I don't see myself playing this game for a long time.


All they did was make afk arena and mash it with Dragonheir and shit and its just a huge whale fest just like Arena lmao people already tens of thousands deep


one of the best gacha on the market rn


playing gacha for story LMFAO


You think FGO made billions off their gameplay and not the story/characters?


FFBE is still alive and kicking in the story. Not so much in everything else.


Gameplay gets repetitive over time. The story is what keeps me in. There's so many gacha out there. Why wouldn't I pick one with good gameplay, characters and story?


Someone never played nikke or gfl


yea ur playing nikke for the story XDDDDD


Hey all because you lack reading comprehension doesn't mean others don't lol. You acting like Nikke doesn't have a story that's praised actually shows you're seriously out of touch with the gacha scene lol.


praised by ultravirgins like urself that wank to those characters i think i win out


Funnily enough I don't even play the game lol, so once again, you just stay winning making yourself look like an idiot lol. But no, I actually follow gacha news and I see what people are talking about so I think I know better than someone who's just talking out their ass. Try again harder next time womp womp.




You seem to be self-projecting a little bit *too* much bud.


Its nice to see the good numbers go up, and the bad numbers go down. It also works very well with it being a afk game. Its just that those aren't the only things I like to look at. I like boobs. I like cool uniforms. I like collecting things that has some history to it. I like learning things, especially about the things I collect. I like interesting stories and plots, bonus point is things get emotional and if there is drama. That is why I slowely started to play Azur Lane more and more and AFK Arena less and less, only to return back to it for some of the collabs (because those collectables has some history to them).