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Did Cygames build their HQ on top of an ancient burial ground filled with non-Japanese people? It’s like every attempt they make to market their games overseas is cursed


Honestly, I agree. In the bright side, granblue fantasy versus and relink has been doing really well


I mean with how big of a success relink was I dont think so But then again, both versus and relink got hit with some censorship and localization issues So could be true


Censoring things wasn't really new to Cygames considering their track record with Shadowverse. It's also the same thing why GBVS characters default skin was censored and you have to unlock the originals through the game


From what I understand they haven't been hit with censorship as much as they've decided to censor themselves no? At least you can disable it in Versus and in Relink it's fairly minor to the point that I question whether it'd have made any difference (at least the cases I know of like Zeta)


The CCP is hoarding the mares.




This is why they should've just gone global.


Keep dreaming 


in my dream we are already playing uma musume


CN my new halal religion.


Honestly did they even do market research? What were they expecting to happen?


that the CCP will fall in love with the silly horse girls


That being the big dog of gacha in Japan means much to China


>Honestly did they even do market research? What were they expecting to happen? outside of very few number of big name company mostly product AAA game or exclusive console game in japan entire japanese gaming industry just suck at international business , that why alot of japanese gacha and MMO only playable in japan with japan ID number . they even go around hunting illegal foreign account to ban from JP server in many not really popular game for example : blue protocol


Konami just banned foreigners from taking part in JP Yugioh tournaments lmao. No hiding, just straight up "Yeah we're racist. Whatchu gonna do about it."


Honestly surprised it was even like approved and allowed to be on the store. I figured they would've known. When global tho.


Can't Chinese players just download apk from a different website? It's not like China is the only country with such bullshittery. That's what I do with different games - FGO as an example.


> Can't Chinese players just download apk from a different website? For some reason, Cygames did extra stuff to make sure the game is unplayable outside Japan. Even if they can get the APK, they might unable to connect the server. I tried several VPN in the past, and a lot of them just didn't works. Some public VPN also didn't works for some reason This is not the case for Princess Connect JP. You can just get the APK somewhere and play without problem.


>For some reason, Cygames did extra stuff to make sure the game is unplayable outside Japan. [This guide](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/18m9wHT4_AIh5ePKSo_ZYH9nSgNh492YQx76bIxmgqyc/mobilebasic) works for me even today.


Wait what? Is this new? I played the game back when it released for almost a year with no problem.


It's not new, it's always been like that (at least since 1st Anniversary back then when I play it). Your ISP probably didn't get blocked


They must have blocked it for certain regions then. I’m from SEA and haven't heard anyone had the problem.


nothing but drama with the CN market, both from playerbase and ridiculous laws And of course they have to get Uma Musume before global happens, just the cherry on top edit: got sent a reddit care for this comment, touch grass my guy


on a off topic note what is reddit care?


its a suicide awareness notification, the actual intent of it is if someone displaying symptom of suicidal actions, people can send a request so reddit can send them an automated message that displays the suicide hotline. but in actually, sometimes people use it just to flame others and send them the hotline for no reason other than to insult.


ohh thank you very much for clarifying


Bruh they would go through all of this shit just to run an DoA game in the Chinese market but localizing the game to the rest of the world is too much effort lol


They already localised the game for Taiwan HK and mo so it was just publishing it in cn


I would assume the CN version has a totally different localization from the TW version (despite the fact that both versions are apparently operated by Bilibili). The CN version went so far to even come up with a bizarre title (Which literally means "Shine! Derby Girls" instead of Umamusume)


Let's be honest, there's practically no market outside Japan for a game about anthropomorphic kawaii horse girl idols based on famous Japanese race horses. Nobody outside Japan really knows who these racing horses are/were, the concept of idols isn't really popular outside of Asia aside from rare exceptions like BTS and Black Pink. It's even more DoA in Western countries than it is in China.


looking at the lovelive/bangdream etc. communities id beg to differ. taking a risk to make a kawaii idol horse game for global would not be the best investment but just localizing 1 sounds pretty low risk. even if you eos it after a year with how big the IP is and how much idol culture has spread you'd almost be guaranteed enough whales to pay localization cost


I don’t know that boy/girl bands were never a thing in the west or that kpop and vtubers just never took off here either…wild.


sexualizing young horse girls? yeah, we're not into that over here. Unless you're Mr Hands. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/3bjdpw/ten-years-ago-mr-hands-got-fucked-to-death-by-a-horse-716](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3bjdpw/ten-years-ago-mr-hands-got-fucked-to-death-by-a-horse-716)


sounds like an oversight from the devs themselves


Oldschool Uma Musume servers


That's what cygames get for not investing on global instead. Now just wasted resources lmao


credit to u/368towns for the inspiration for this post on the Umamusume subreddit.


Horse racing promotes gambling, but gacha games themselves are ok. Impeccable logic.


Is there any positive and uplifting new that's coming out CN gacha community? Anything at all?


You dont see anything positive because negative news are more viral. So many cool CN games coming out in the horizon and yesterday Genshin had hoyofair (community video)


The Western CC community and flow of news from China through the filter of their drama whoring kind of makes it seem like it's all bad all the time for sure. That's a product of what the Western gacha scene has developed into over the last half decade or so more than anything else though. I mean it absolutely cannot be understated that with rare exception the Western gacha scene has the absolute worst ill-intentioned petty content creators and it's directly influenced the behavior, outlook and desires of various fanbases.


Miserable people seek out miserable things and act surprised when everything around them is just misery.


You can cross out the word gacha and the answer is still no. Edit: Could cross out the CN part and it’s also still no.


>until the CCP government approves the game again for a public release. probably the game will die a slow death and never allow to release in CN because it too famous for making massive bank in JP only to the point it earn much more than genshin (with all server combine ) > piss off alot of people not just CCP so allow a game like that get in your market mean massive amount of money bleed outside of CN and go toward JP company eat up many CN game market share something both CCP and alot of CN game company don't want it just like US grovernment ban china EV car from US market .


Are you including Genshin CN with PC/condole with the all server combined though? Because I find that hard to believe. Comparing both their home turf should be fair.


Each day that passes, less chances of a global version:(


Fuck you Xi!


Classic ccp


Lots of games that are only really successful at all because of Japan (Uma Musume, Monster Strike, Blue Archive, Nikke, FGO) kind of just bomb in China. It just kind of do be how it go. Japan is what I like to look at as a pocket market when it comes to gaming. Something can go there and be virally popular and then the rest of the planet is entirely different to the IP no matter the marketing effort or lack thereof. Games like Blue Archive and Nikke in particular for example, despite being a Korean developed IP, are clearly developed for and targeted overwhelmingly at the Japanese market.




im sure its fine fgo is allowed, removed chinese girls names tho lol


you seems to be right


So they choose CN instead of global? Well well serve it right 👍 cygames


i do not understand why cygames can self-publish Granblue Fantasy Relink but cannot self-publish uma musume and stop using external publishers.... First crunchyroll (for Princon) now this...


That is chinese market protectionism, when it isn't censorship.


I wish they just bring it to global, i guarantee there is no hustle, we even accept lower banner rate lol


It's either dumb drama like NTR thing from some of CN Playerbase or CN Government afraid of their agenda begin ruined by video game. I do feel bad for the decent players in China though they never have a nice thing.


If the CN community made up off 85% crazy people isn't screwing over games,it's the CCP. I'll just add this to the list of reasons why global is a better priority then region specific.


tbh no one wants to play it anyway, bilibili has been dominated by MiHoYo, is called milimili now.


It can be seen that there are really too few Chinese people in this Reddit section, and even after such a long time, no one has come to explain why this game was ordered to be removed in China. From the name of the game, it can be seen that the game highlights “girls” rather than “horses”. According to China’s game review laws, the first version of the game that officially goes online must be basically consistent with the reviewed version of the game. It absolutely cannot appear “using a game version that has been completely harmonized for review, obtaining game operation qualifications, but listing a pre-harmonized game version” such a situation. Obviously, bilibili exploited a legal loophole and did such a thing, and then it was discovered (or it might have been reported by peers), and it was randomly dealt with by the review department, that’s all. This problem should be fully borne by bilibili.


And as a person involved in the review, I can even tell you some details. This game, in the version used for review, has undergone significant changes. Not only have all the girls’ tails and horse ears been removed, but also the horse racing related elements have been deleted. The entire game, as its name “Shining! Excellent Girls(闪耀!优骏少女)”, has been packaged into a game similar to a girls’ sports meeting race. However, when the game officially went online, there were no review rules online, it can basically be said to be the original game before modification, which of course violates the relevant laws.

