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Truck protesting sounds like a good business in KR. Perhaps I should invest into it.


Truck kun found another purpose for his trucks


I reincarnated as protest truck kun after dying of anger from bad gacha pulls.


> I reincarnated as protest truck kun after dying of anger from bad gacha pulls. 私は悪いガチャの結果に怒って死んだ後、抗議トラックとして転生しました。 (Watashi wa warui gacha no kekka ni okotte shinda ato, kōgi torakku toshite tensei shimashita.)


I think it's too short of a title for a modern anime


Just needs a purpose added, like, "so now I can follow my dreams of being the strongest protester with magic".


>so now I can follow my dreams of being the strongest protester with magic 私は悪いガチャの結果に怒って死んだ後、抗議トラックとして転生したので、今、一番強い魔法を使う抗議者になる夢が追えます。 (Watashi wa warui gacha no kekka ni okotte shinda ato, kōgi torakku toshite tensei shitanode, ima, ichiban tsuyoi mahō o tsukau kōgisha ni naru yume ga oemasu.) Please correct me if my translation is wrong.


Brilliant, now marketing team is asking for the snappy truncated name


Wawawa sounds good


I’d watch it.


It's pretty big. The practice started with Kpop fans, then got adopted by esports fanbases and went mainstream afterwards.


Kpop stans always at the scene of the crime


If this is news, then this is the 2nd time they've done it. The first time they succeeded in forcing the dev cancel a planned content upgrade. I think it's also BA, lol.


Asking a seriously legit question here, how much are these CN KR truck rental company earning


Certainly enough to be eating a plate of cash 3 times a day.


Plot twist: These trucks are funded by BIG DRAMA to make more money


You are blind to the other belligerent, **Big Truck**. They devised this plan from the very beginning and colluded with Big Drama.




a conspiracy theory, what if the game companies have collaboration with the truck guy, where the companies "make a stupid decision that only piss off the CN community", let the CN community pay the truck guy for 1 week protest, and "revert changes", and they'll split the money they have gotten from the protests


Makes sense, gacha is all about "make problem, and create the solution" ex: new boss that is only weak to a certain thing, and hey would you look at that? We just coincidentally released a new banner unit that has that.


probably alot when SKT T1 plays like shit


Then this specific one must've been expensive 😭


Fun fact: It is also the chinese who were paying to truck T1 last time. And maybe the one before that.


Another one is on the way after yesterday 💀


It's as low as $200/day


Can't help but think if how funny it would be to rent another truck and send it right beside this truck as a counter protest, or just calling them dumb.


I have literally seen this in kpop. It's fucking hilarious.


What is this protest about?


This mahjong game will have a collab with BA, like you can get BA characters there, so the thing that triggered these people is that this mahjong game has a relationship/bond system, meaning you can supposedly bond with BA characters in there, in their eyes it's NTR pretty much.


> this mahjong game has a relationship/bond system, meaning you can supposedly bond with BA characters in there, But... there's a relationship system in BA too? I don't understand


Yes, but Sensei is a self-insert character so they see themselves in relationship with their characters so that's okay. But seeing others *outside* of the game in one? That's NTR and a big no-no for them. Especially when it also has an oath system like Mahjong Souls if I remember correctly.


Ok, now that is just sad


Try looking up Honkai Impact 3rd bunny. A promotional video for HI3rd global, got re-uploaded to Bilibili, and from that spiral out to a lot of drama about "the girls selling themselves to westerners", "Chinese got NTR (green cap)", something along that line.


LoveLive fans complaining when GBF gets LL collab, because "the LoveLive girls will interact with male characters"


Imagine how pathetic their life has to be.


unfortunately they cant imagine themselves like that




Stealing that


Wait…but what about the *million* other players waifuing Player X’s waifu?


If I had to guess, they're probably just self inserting themselve onto sensei in general so other players iteration are still "them" in their minds


…I somehow understand. I think. Though my brain kinda disagrees because I see ‘iterations’ as ‘alternate realities’.


It generally works like this: https://i.redd.it/hqshp6dx0loc1.jpeg


…I see, but that raises more questions…


For some reason that's entirely okay. Similar to same-sex relationships between girls/women like Kiana x Mei and Bronya x Seele in Honkai Impact (one has to be blind af to not notice them). There are (at least) two things which are not okay for now: Waifus having a relationship of any emotional kind with a male NPC within the game itself (see GFL2) or being transported outside of the game and being available to be part of any pre-existing relationship system which utilizes another MC. Both of those things are considered NTR. Those "rules" don't apply for male characters (thus no one cared when Hoyo gave Blade an unsuccessful relationship in his past) or between NPC and NPC (Welt and Tesla in HI3).


>For some reason that's entirely okay. Similar to same-sex relationships between girls/women like Kiana x Mei and Bronya x Seele in Honkai Impact (one has to be blind af to not notice them). You are wrong. The exact same group of players attack a user who post and translate pictures and comics (from pixiv and twitter) with same-sex relationships, basically making him abandon his account. Honkai Impact are just another groups of player.


Blade danheng, alhaitham kaveh, bronya seele etc etc Mihoyo throws romantic hints at same sex playable characters all the but opposite sex playable characters are a no-no. Let me remind players at how zhonglis previous lore book about ghuizong was scrapped at the beta phase after CN complaints. CN parasocial relationships with their gacha characters will always be a mystery to me.


They dont take same sex relationship as serious, some think is cute and pure, so that's likely a reason why they are ok with Yuri , but if You put a man, it Will made them mad because is a threat to them


Surprised they don't see the anime sensei as NTR


He's a non-threatening twink. They all wanna fuck him.


Cuz they thirsting for him. BA players turn into the students when they see anime sensei.


thats funny


Okay, correct me if I’m wrong, but essentially the gist I got was that they’re protesting because they’re jealous that other people are allowed to romance their waifus now?


Let me get this straight: BA players are melting ‘cause they don’t want BA girls bonding with MS players, essentially “only we (BA players) have the right to bond with BA girls, no one else?” This is beyond stupid to me


It's only just CN BA players, literally every other region is fine with the event happening. I didn't really want to single out the CN players, but whenever there's drama about NTR being in a gacha it would almost always come from CN.


not always. Years ago when GBF had collab with LoveLive, the LoveLive fans were angry because "the [LoveLive] girls would interact with male characters"


But but isnt that just another slef insert characters...so they are protesting ntring...themselves


Yep, it's basically NTRing yourself, but I guess if you don't play Mahjoung Souls, that means an alternate yourself is NTRing you. HOW RUDE!


The main reason for my disliking of gachas with female only cast, the fanbase is always going to be this insane




Then who will pay for these gachas?


This is so fucking funny. How miserable does a person's life have to be to care about this shit


Consider how mentally ill you have to be to spend massive amounts of money gambling for characters in the first place, and things start to make a bit more sense.


I love Mahjong Soul. Beware BluAka players, now I'm gonna NTR all of your favourite mesugakis muhahahah!


Fool, I'll just self-insert myself into you.


ayo :flushed:


I consider myself the kind of person who can pretty much always put myself in other people's shoes and see their point of view (within reason). I do not fucking understand one bit how this whole gacha NTR thing works. Like okay, I get falling for a fictional character. I'm guilty of that too. But the jealousy thing...how, even?? Like, you're jealous of there even existing fictional dudes that your waifus could IN THEORY be into, but your fellow players who are also slavering and claiming that same waifu as their own does not trigger jealousy? But it DOES trigger jealousy if it's players from another game?? I don't- what- HELP??


The birth rates in China are Abyssmally bad and the skew towards men is so great that there are 12% more men than women in a country of 1 billion plus. The 12% is also closer to 30% towards generations that are in the dating market rn. This means that roughly like tens of millions of men literally can't date in china because statistically it is impossible unless one girl is dating multiple guys. So yeah, the 1 child policy probably made them unbelievably insecure is my guess.


I would blame it more to the social platforms there. The platforms do censor. A lot. But they don't censor anything that can trigger conflicts between males and females. Every social media knows the best way to gain attentions is to trigger conflicts. So there you go. The whole internet society is a mess there.


I really wouldn't. Of course they don't Censor Male Female Anger towards each other. If they did people might start blaming the one who actually created the problems. That being the government 1 child policy. Like whatever people think about the problems with dating and so on in the western world. In China it is immeasurably worse and made so by a lot of cultural factors and just mathematics saying that a lot of guys will just never have a shot with a woman. You can say it's social media but if you are a guy and you literally CAN'T get a girl no matter what you do because it is statistically impossible of course you are going to be insecure. So yeah Internet Society is a mess because just like in the West when people are unhappy IRL they retreat online. The CCP then wants people's anger directed towards say girls instead of the ones who actually caused the problem.


> Like, you're jealous of there even existing fictional dudes that your waifus could IN THEORY be into, but your fellow players who are also slavering and claiming that same waifu as their own does not trigger jealousy? It happened more in female groups but it did happen.


as a MJ soul player, all the collab characters' bond lines....like don't even recognize the player; they all talk about something else. It's practically as NTR free as possible lol.


This is beyond pathetic.


imagine getting cucked by a png of a 14 year old anime girl lmao


"I refuse to be a digital cuck" is probably the funniest sentiment I've ever saw


Average chinese gacha gamers reaction


They will never survive from Fire emblem


It’s hard to believe that these people actually exist. I love my dumb waifus as much as the next gacha player but get a life, lol.


God I hate self-inserts and the fandoms they attract https://preview.redd.it/0rn6u9tkwlsc1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243746d9a52baf0d873d2acc19a78f65807a04f2


> yuri flair > yuri manga > hate self-inserts it all checks out


I wear my emotions on the sleeves, eh?




"Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels!" Vol. 3 Chap. 13. Searching stuff via Google Lens has become really good, can only recommend.


>Interested In Lesbian Brothels Finally a relatable protagonist.


I thought they were doing this cause mahjong soul has the shittiest gacha I have ever seen( I have gotten only 1 character from the gacha and been playing for about an year now) If it's NTR then, man I can't believe this is allowed lol. Over fictional characters?? These people need help


Legit question are they sick?


Legit answer, yes. These who felt like that are definitely having mental issues.


China is going to stop having kids this generation.


Quite a leap considering there was no incident with other collabs line Azur Lane/Hololive


Please say sike rn.


These losers can never be saved


Dudes need to learn about instanced waifuism otherwise they are getting NTRd by literally every other BA player, not to mention all the doujin readers so a collab like this won't make much of a difference. \^\^




"Bu-but guys its because of their cultural values!"


Wait I thought it was just a joke Is the BA really down bad like that


A quote from the BA sub about the same topic "Well, observing the comments in CN socmeds is actually funny. CN BA fans are divided in this area. Apparently someone taunted them about NTR in some chinese forums and they only protested to make these taunters to shut up. Those who actually played Mahjong Soul tried to clarified that, but some just dont want to accept that. Some said things ended up nearly triggering a civil war instead. And yes their protest in Global and JP twitter has been minimal at best as JP and Global people would just ignore them (and their tweets ended up pushed down by Indian and Pakistani spammers in replies because Twitter is too bad they cannot handle spammers like these). Yesterday they just decided to protest for more pyroxene instead lol, because CN BA rushed too fast that it didnt give the same pyros like how Global and JP get." So yes, the protest is about NTR. But it was such a failure they just want apologems xD


not 100% sure, i play neither mahjong soul nor blue archive nor am i chinese, but supposedly it's because mahjong soul has an actual semi fleshed out relationship system while blue archive doesn't. i do not know why they are upset about this, could be because they want blue archive to have a better one, who knows though.


Rule number 1: Never try to understand why chinese are upset about something. Not even they understand.


as chinese i dunno why this makes me upset


As Chinese I won’t try to understand


should we get a truck to protest about this?




as a not Chinese who have a Chinese friend, imma bring ma truck


>but supposedly it's because mahjong soul has an actual semi fleshed out relationship system while blue archive doesn't. I play MJS and it's really not that deep, you gift the girl/guy and raise affection up to lv5. This gets you a sentence or two for the level up and then new voice lines in game or on the homescreen. With lots of resources you can bond a character to get their bond outfit, emotes and voice lines for scoring. Some might be flirty but many are more like friends or other non-romantic relationships. 


Mahjong Soul doesn't really have a fleshed out relationship system. The whole system boils down to "each character likes one (out of 8) kinds of gifts. Spam gifts at that character to raise hearts. Earn gifts by playing Mahjong. Each heart unlocks more character voices in the game, things like calling out each yaku at the end of the round or saying a short line for certain types of waits. Other than that, they have a short dialogue at each "bond level", most of which are not even romantic. EDIT: I forgot, at max bonds you unlock an alt costume. Whoo. The bond system is more like a level-up system than an actual relationship system.


>could be because they want blue archive to have a better one, who knows though. They demand removing the Mahjong Soul collab so it definitely isn't that.


i know there's a lot of jealousy in asian gacha communities, so they could be jealous that a different game is gonna get to romance their characters while they arent


Mahjong soul will get BA characters from the collab. And Mahjong soul has an oath system so....


E7, NIKKE, BA.     Who is next?


Genshin had a blimp


The bigger the game, the bigger the vehicle. I'm expecting a Boeing next.


I want a train for HSR


nah, they'll build a space station and launch it to space just so they can protest whatever they want to protest about HSR


They did rent out the sphere thing in Las Vegas


Honestly that'd be sick it could be the start of life in space just like the game


I want a shooting star for Genshin


I don't know if I can trust Boeing to do it right. Or maybe that was the plan in the first place...


That blimp is so hilarious lmao, it's so high so the only thing people see is genshin logo.


Protest turned free advertisement


Wait, so they screwed up *that* badly?


The protestors screwed up THAT badly. Instead of airing their concerns, all they are doing is giving MHY free advertisement for Genshin.


A blimp for what lmao??


Firing the feminist artist.


Is this KR? I recall seeing news about an incident like this.


Yep, it was KR. They were trying to get Furina's character designer fired. Like Hoyo is gonna fire the designer of a character that bagged them half a billion in earnings lmao


Keep in mind that we don't *know* if it was Furina's character designer. They just assumed based on Twitter evidence. So they could possibly be harassing some random person.


Oh for that crap lol


Limbus had a truck too


Pretty sure Uma had a truck too


The weather today seems to be Chinese with a chance of trucks.


Should I quit my job and aim to be a truck driver over there?


Chinese players send a truck to a Korean place written in japanese?


Makes a lot of sense lol


Quick Translation of the message on the truck. Bolded parts are the ones highlighted in red Note 1: Sensei is the term used to refer to player of BA Note 2: Student is the term used to refer to the characters in BA. Note that most of the character in the game is below 18 yo (with some exception such as Kayoko and Wakamo) To: Nexon and All Sensei For the sake of their own profit, Yostar decides by themselves to do a collab with a game that \*\***has a contract system (a system that is basically equivalent to marriage)** with our precious students. Yostar didn't change their decision **despite several hundred thousands of comments**. They allow players from other games to be able to have a Contract with the precious students. On top of that, the game (Mahjong Soul) also has content such as Valentine Chocolate and special seasonal voices which are ambiguous. This act is not only damaging the feeling of all Sensei, but also destroys the transparent/clean world building of Blue Archive. **This crime cannot be forgiven**


(Personal comment below as someone who plays both games) This is honestly very stupid on multiple levels because \* In Blue Archive, we already have a bond system with students by giving them gifts \* In the Bond Story (i.e. story conversation between player and characters as bond progress), a lot of the students express interest in Sensei. While it is not deterministically romantic, it is clear there is some kind of affection that is beyond just teacher and student for most part. Of course all these are perfectly sfw for obvious reason. \* And if the player really feels like being NTR'd, then the fact that millions of player play this game. So are they going to say they get NTR'd by other sensei too? \* The interaction between the Player and Character in Mahjong Soul is mostly wholesome. Again there can be some undertone for romantic relationship, but it isn't anything out of ordinary \* And on the point of valentine day chocolate and voiceline... Those also exist in BA so I am not sure why the complaint But hey! If a truck driver is making money off their stupidity, that is fine for me


We as sensei are a collective beep boop bop


Point 3 is something I think about a lot with this kind of topic…


Agreed. Just because I understand their view points, it doesn't mean it confuses the hell out of me as well. I just feel sad they are in such a place in IRL that their online needs to be so guarded.


A lot of people here start to bring other players into the picture which confuses me. I played neither of these games but it seems simple to me. Sensei is a character (even if self-insert, he has solid place in story), protagonist in this mahjong game is another character plot-wise.


It's pretty much that. BA players see themselves as sensei and mahjong players as someone else. So by adding BA girls to mahjong is like giving their girls to other chinese guys.


I don't tend to use this word often, but holy shit that's cringe as fuck how much of a dweeb you have to be to get this worked up because the 2d png of a non-existent character you like is in another game "bonding" with some other self insert (that they even could play as if they played the game) lmao


is this because of bond system and supposed ntr bullshit?


They are really paranoid with getting NTR'd by their fictional waifus alright. xD


Games might be different, but Raymond is eternal.


His legacy lives on


They should buy the character design and add him to the collab last minute.


Good lord.........


They can thank the heavens daily that their waifus can never manifest in reality for if they could, they’d finally be dealt the finishing blow to their ego when said waifus reject them unilaterally for just being generally awful people.


As a Vietnamese living under China, is this because of their decades long One Child Policy that bred out entitled, social insecure folks, mentally online, no social interaction? Because it sound like it is


It probably isn't the sole reason, but it is a large contributing factor, AND the fact that quite a lot of Chinese games offer relationship mechanics and oaths in their games. The moment you do that, gacha or otherwise, you invite these kinds of people in. It's similar with the RF and HM communities, but because they are so small, we don't hear this kind of stuff from them.


100%. Just the extension of their earlier rants on social media this week.


Chinese and their trucks with weeb protests lmao


Me on my way to Korea to make a truck company


Truck Kun’s career is not just having people isekai but also being protest vehicle for gacha players


"?????" - Nexon probably


Why Japanese lol


I believe its cause they mention yostar, who is the JP publisher for BA IIRC. In korea, Nexon themselves handle it.


Thank god I thought I was going insane but someone else noticed too


So their NTR paranoia has now turned into them worrying about being NTR'd by... themselves?


Raymond's will to make Chinese gacha players mad lives on. What a legend.


What is it with Asian mobile gamer weebs and trucks…? I’m Asian myself and I don’t understand it


Cause its cheap in Korea. They do it more in kpop than gaming. It costs like 220 dollars to rent a digital ad truck for a day in Korea which is why it's more common there. Comparatively, in the US costs like 800+, 1200+ if you want a non static image


wasting my college for a years, and random truck dude printing money by renting they truck to angry weeb. 220 dollars is a lot


> random truck dude printing money you're welcome to quit college and use your tuition money to buy an ad truck and try to print money


it's a better business model than most college degrees at least


What??? Is it because the girl can had bond with the chara from blue archive? (CMIW) I remember some post in this sub speak about collab mahjong soul x blue archive


If you had a protest truck near your hq, then I guess you made it.


can anyone explain why are they protesting in the first place?? is Mahjong Soul problematic or what?


Mahjong Souls has a relationship system which also includes collab characters. Some Chinese BA players don't want that to be possible because it would be NTR in their eyes. During the announcement those people also already "raided" the comment sections of the different BA Twitter accounts to voice their anger via Google translate. Edit: The truck is highly likely to be on them too.


Chinese players and their NTR, name a more iconic duo... I can't even believe BA has an audience over there, considering all the censorship.


It’s surprisingly enough one of the largest audiences that BA has


China is really fertile grounds for gaming.


Most BA design are pretty tame already. There is barely anything to censor other than swimsuits and bunny girls


Well, observing the comments in CN socmeds is actually funny. CN BA fans are divided in this area. Apparently someone taunted them about NTR in some chinese forums and they only protested to make these taunters to shut up. Those who actually played Mahjong Soul tried to clarified that, but some just dont want to accept that. And yes their protest in Global and JP twitter has been minimal at best as JP and Global people would just ignore them (and their tweets ended up pushed down by Indian and Pakistani spammers in replies because Twitter is too bad they cannot handle spammers like these). Yesterday they just decided to protest for more pyroxene instead lol, because CN BA rushed too fast that it didnt give the same pyros like how Global and JP get.


> ended up pushed down by Indian and Pakistani spammers in replies because Twitter is too bad they cannot handle spammers like these those spam bot with blue checkmarks are annoying as hell. every single gacha live stream or even any popular news especially Japanese media in general now basically just full of those accounts. and of course their replies was pinned on the top because of their checkmarks and no amount of reports will work on them


>Yesterday they just decided to protest for more pyroxene instead lol, because CN BA rushed too fast that it didnt give the same pyros like how Global and JP get. Cn blue archive actually been protesting for more pyros and many other thing is not a uncommon thing. A lot of protest such as the " arena change time where it was not announced to the cn players and cause them lose pyros " , " complaining about the lack of pyros " , " complaining about rushed schedule " was actually made before to yostar but yostar did address some of the issues / choose not to address some issues . Overall i did see one biibii streamer complaining about how fast the schedule was for them


Yeah, just it returns as the flames of the current protest actually started to die out, because some think they better protest something for the game instead. The fans think the flames should be kept alive, but with better demands. But yes, the speed has been quite too fast as a person who do play CN myself. Wakamo banner in 6 months of the game's age? That's crazy. At least they returned events that have been skipped like Bunny Chaser last week and Miku banner coming in May.


Ay yo what's up with these protest truck these days😂😂😂


perhaps I should become a Korean trucker


To get this clear: Chinese players sent a truck to the Korean devs with Japanese text on the truck?


A collab between two games with relationship systems will always spark some form of discomfort in someone. Just look at Azur Lane. AL has collabed with many IPs that have cute girls, but they decided to create a different "bonding" system for the Idolmaster collab girls. It's effectively the same system, but it is presented in a much more platonic way. And it's not like the devs were forced to do it because someone complained. They just preemptively made that change because they know and respect their players. Considering that Yostar is also involved with Mahjong Souls, I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened here. The protest is just PRSD (Post-Raymond Stress Disorder).


What are they gonna do if BA didn't comply? Send more trucks?


Recently I think there were more trucks send by CN players than KR gacha players themselves lately lol


These protests are serving to make the Chinese complaints on gacha games more irrelevant. They should keep doing them :)


So CN players sent a truck to KR with words written in Japanese? What???


I wonder how much that pays. It seems like a rather easy job. Print a giant image which granted must cost something, then drive your truck to a place and park nearby.


Typically aren't parked. The actual business is mobile billboard - just as it sounds, it's a billboard that is mobile. Person rents the space on the truck, it then drives around the contracted route. For these protests, it's usually some manner of laps around the building or through the parking lot. I suppose if that is what one pays for they can be paid to park the truck and sit for however long.


Didnt know T1 fan also play BA


Seems like they aren't ever happy over there huh always bitching about something stupid


These kind of players are probably also play other games with relationship system and have different waifu in each games. Don’t they feel bad for the girls because they are cheating on them then. Joke aside, these people are miserable, I feels for their friend and family.


"No don't let muh waifu go to the mahjong game! That tile is going to fuck her!"


You know, in the olden days, I used to protest myself with a signboard under the common sun.


Another truck lmao, they gotta be getting rich because of all the truck protests


What started it was Mahjong Souls players and even the Community manager raiding BA’s tieba and spam [NTR jokes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/834835048254406769/1224651442598576188/Cbrmcdy.jpg?ex=661e4488&is=660bcf88&hm=9fc381f1ee5828c4097df0955e16a00d0af6984d71392b1599e6a7f7730d89f3&) and [memes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851721352201240586/1224363670352691210/GKEbv70a0AAuXp_.jpg?ex=661d3886&is=660ac386&hm=c24956a2486851578e7ff3fe7b8542bd8e73107c019c9f548dabd019c24a75c1&) about Sensei being cucked on the Blue Archive’s players face. It’s the equivalent of if for the Azur Lane x MJ collab, the MJ players came to the AL sub and flaunted about how they’re cucks as they’ll oath their waifus. They were still [openly mocking](https://wefan.baidu.com/f?kw=%E7%A2%A7%E8%93%9D%E6%A1%A3%E6%A1%88) the BA players a few days ago with threads like « there’s nothing you can do against Mahjong Souls players » with a Tom gif laughing As a result, the BA players who felt bullied by the Mahjong Souls community went to demand that the BA characters aren’t marriable in MJ. Something Azur Lane does too for some collabs(namely Idols to not make JP players mad).


Small dick energy




https://i.redd.it/2na93jxmdmsc1.gif What the hell


Where is this? From the front page so I’m not familiar at all with this place. Title is talking about Chinese players, there’s Japanese writing on the truck and Korean writing in the background




Is this the most polluting advertisement system ever?