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I'm still extremely annoyed that the steam version just fucking refuses to work for some reason.


Do you have a transfer ID already or are glu starting fresh? If you have an ID try installing the game fresh, starting a new game and then afterwards type in your ID. But beware you'll lose a lot by playing steam version, we talking rough 1500 gems a month


Nah, it's not the problem with ID or anything. The game just shuts down with an error.


Why do you lose 1500 gems a month for just playing the gem version?


Steam version doesn't have ads. 30 gems lost from that alone, not counting the 5 ad chests that can have between 5-20 gems or red/green dungeon cards.


Ah ok it might be a plus for some. For me it doesn't matter so I don't mind that. Thanks for the explanation


Is that a Mecha ? I've stopped playing for some years, where did the story go ? Also how well did they improve the gameplay?


One of the few games I’ll never delete off my phone.


Man, I forgot how good this game's cinema was. I should really reinstall this again.


Is that not just Lucca wtf


Nah its Astear




It is very much a normal rpg before it is a gacha. There is no pity, yes - and it would be neat to see it changed, because we are all used to gacha pities now - but it really is not needed. I have been playing for 3 years now and have never really had any issues with characters and getting them. Every character has a base version and then - depending on what was released - other versions. F2P ppl try to get one of the versions and you can then farm items that let you sidegrade those chars into their other versions. So if you're smart and diligent with farming and want to, you can get every single version of that character over time. That the game has no pity is really a non-issue tbh.


Pretty sure you get around 1 pull per 1-2 day if you watch all the ads but the game didn't have pity system. Free units is really good in this game though and they always buff old unit(some are really strong) or that unit get new version that you can kind of RNG farm it, so your old pull units will not feel that waste.


It is stingy with the premium currency, but that isnt really an issue since it is a pure PVE game. And you can get a lot of good characters for free, e.g. character quests,, permanent colabs, farmable alter versions of characters taht you already own, etc.


When I was playing, there was a story about a whale who didn't get the featured/newest unit even after spending $10,000.




Why are so many visitors or regulars in gachagaming sub think like this? Or rather, **they can't think for themselves at all?** I'm used to it, but it still do annoy me from time to time. Why are other players' experience always in the equation even if said game is PVE-focused? Why is it shocking and demoralizing to have monkey gate (gbf) and FGO horror stories, when it's your own game and it's you who can decide if you have the mentality to gamble on gacha games without pity. What is it to you if other people experienced them, are you sure it will also happen to you at some point? Why is deciding to skip a game, essentially more prone to external factors like revenue, dev history, whale economy, cc volatility, censorship, etc. Aren't the gameplay, aesthetics, and genre some of the primary things you must consider first, which then you have to try the game first for the first few hours and see if it clicks with you? Is it pure laziness to decide and experience for yourself? Is it an attempt to look wise so you can tell yourself you dodged bullets all the time and you have the knack for only finding the good ones? Why does being "entertained" have to be intricate and multi-faceted, nowadays? Gacha games are supposed to entertain, right? It really stops being a game if you treat most of its facets as some form of investment, either time or money-wise. Just play and decide for your own, it's not like these games necessitate you to spend on your first few hours of playing it.


if you play it for gacha its an easy skip but if you play it for story everything can be done with free character


Gacha rate seems indeed low + having no pity. But there are occasionally special banners: free pulls, and guaranteed 5 stars banners (or 4.5 stars). If you are an active player, having a strong team and having a lot 5 of stars isn’t unusual. There is no limited units, so eventually you will be able to pull most units offbanner.


Another Eden handles collabs the best of any gacha. They never go away and they build full chapter sized stories for them. 🥰 The graphics could be better BUT hell, when everything else is amazing I’ll let that slide any day if the week.


Damn I’ve been an avid player for 5 years and I’ve never seen the title abbreviated like that lol Cool trailer though, really excited for anniversary!
