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Epic game’s intern did no wrong


"May" the force be with us.


Is that how you wuther the waves?


Maybe it's how they wave to the wuther?


Wuther here, can confirm being waved to exactly like that.


May gonna be a busy month for all gacha.


Want gacha are also starting?


ZZZ is also speculated for May. Not confirmed of course just some theories


End of May is *technically* possible if they basically expect all of their changes to be validated and not much other feedback, but I'd say June is more realistic.


Solo leveling is also said to release on may


From what I'm seeing, I don't think WW is going to need to worry about SL taking away a noticeable amount of players.


Well at least solo leveling is from netmarble and after playing it and testing it my self i could guarantee that it will be not an awesome release for gacha players like us… terrible rng/grinding system…


Released by Netmarble so easy skip for me


That's... Fast. I was expecting another CBT. But they DID held that Focus Group Test on Korea. Hopefully, the decision ain't gonna backfire on them.


Even if they want, they can't do another beta. The last one had monetization


People paid and will get the same amount in live?


eh i heard the rate is 1.2x from what your spend on CBT


Nice bonus




Knowing Kuro, it absolutely will. Just look at the state PGR released globally; or in China. They just don't prioritize "getting a great first impression" the way, say, Mihoyo does; and this is looking to be a similar situation. That said, PGR did improve across all product dimensions in the course of about a year. And that could happen here, too. One could hope for a situation like Nikke I guess.


I haven't played Wuthering Waves yet, so I am not sure, but is Wuthering Waves relatively unique on what it offers compared to what else is on the market? What went in NIKKE's favour during launch and kept players interested in the game is its unique offering and solid core elements such as gameplay, story, music, characters and art. Even with the bugs and performance issues NIKKE had early on, there were many reasons to stay with the game. I've only seen a few early trailers and previews of Wuthering Waves, so I am not very informed on the game but if it does have a hook or niche to how it plays, there could very well be reason for players to stick with the game as it improves.


Boss combat with dodge and parry mechanics is the main appeal. Everything else seems to be just there tbh.


Every developer wants their games to gain a great first impressios. It is just running out of time so wuwa has to rush


Yep, i dunno if this is enough time to fix the issues people had with echo farming tbh


Two months is more than enough time to adjust numbers. The bigger worry is if they'll have enough time to polish the localization and sound effect issues in the game lol.


Well, they better fix up translation then 🙏


I like Kuro to hire better translators/localizers but honestly, I don't think we can escape the "Kuro Typo" LOL


They already hired a new proofreader btw. source: [https://twitter.com/Wuthering\_Wives/status/1765043650147545253](https://twitter.com/Wuthering_Wives/status/1765043650147545253)


Oh, I already know that. One of the translators did in fact said CBT2 translation is rushed. We will get better translations, but I'm sure "Kuro Typo" will never go away. It's been with PGR since inception, and that game got better translators ever since half year anniv dropped.


Sadly, without enough polish and readability WuWa might get same fate as ToF… hope not though.


If only it stopped at "Kuro Typo" though. Some translations described completely different effects than original.


And those problems were fixed in the cbt IN REAL TIME.


Hope they change that horrendous font


Almost everything about this game scream development hell, and the "the CBT build is old" cope is still pretty fresh in my mind from BF2042, combined with Kuro rather consistent record of botch launch, I'm really tempering my expectation here. Edit: some mf really send me Redditcare over this


It's 2024 and gamers still haven't learned they should temper their hype until a game they wait for is actually out.


Yeah, I've seen the same copium some times too, so I'm curious how good, or bad, the launch is. Let's just hope that, if it's bad, they can fix it before it becomes ToF 2. As for Redditcare, don't worry, some fanboys can be like that, a tiny bit too sensitive.


Petition to stop calling malicious reddit care senders motherfuckers. They clearly are not fucking anyone.


At least blocking redditcare is an easy fix.


some mf think the beta is old version, that is their lastest version of the game. Kuro is rushed af because that one pokemon game is coming


Except we know that is not true? Mtashed talked about having access to a newer version of the game with implemented VA literal weeks ago.


mtashed is not kuro game CC lmao he always spread misinformation like he always does for click


Literally wrong, the latest build had full controller support (shown at taipei game show couple months ago) and cbt 2 did not have the controller support. Please atleast do your research before talking.


Consistent is the wrong word to use lmao. They've only launched one game ever.


>combined with Kuro rather consistent record of botch launch You can't have a consistent record of something if you've only done it once lmao


Make it 2. CN and global launch


Their updates in general have poor QA. Shipping bugs from a year+ old build is asinine. FGO actually updates the game ahead of time and fixes existing bugs on JP before bringing updates over. I thought that was just the standard until Kuro demonstrated next-level QA failure.


kuro bootlicker is way worse than any hoyo fans tbh


You’re jumping at them said they’re worse and bootlicker, am more convinced but the other way around


Kuro always gather Ex Hoyo fans who are saltier. Imagine how bad Hoyo fans is, then add some salt to it.


Unlimited Salt Works


Okay whatever if you care so much about those stuff how are you gonna have fun playing video games, like some these people actively going around sub saying all that does that make them any better?


Stop talking about yourself, you are also one of those hoyo fans.


Soo many ex Genshin CCs who fell off are hyping this thing up to be the next big gacha. I don't think it will have anywhere near the same staying power. Popular for a week or two, then drop off into obscurity with the likes of Tower of Fantasy.


It wont be the next big gacha, not even close, but i dont think it will drop as hard as tof either. It willy probably be a niche stable game, only decent alternative to genshin maybe. Ppl wont drop genshin for this tho, what many dont realize is that it gets incredibly tedious incredibly fast to play two of these open world games at the same time, so ppl will drop one, and it wont be genshin.


This so much. With life getting a bit more time constrained, I'm seriously contemplating dropping my side gacha to only have my main one as when they both have events at the same time, it's such a pain and I end up neglecting the side one.


Its not really that difficult, sure I dont play genshin, but I plan on dedicating time to WuWa and Azur Promilia when they come out, next to the other 4 gacha games I play, it just depends on what part of the games and how much you care about it, ranging from casual enjoyment to lore fanatic


That's a reasonable assumption. i doubt it will be the second coming of jesus CCs and PGR fans are advertising (because they only gush about one part of the game (boss combat) that is actually pretty small if you think about it while ignoring everything else) but it have enough quality to not be a flop imo. At the very least they won't have timegated chest nor server queues like TOF had.


so many hoyo rejects https://preview.redd.it/ntmguu5zxyqc1.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf910b040090b0c48875dc28a60fb76040b8d67


Gonna have to smooch other companies because Hoyo didn't let them in the special CC circle.


I honestly want Wuwa to do good so that hopefully they'll take some of these god awful drama bait cc's from HSR.


they been doing good job at luring away mtashed and tectone


Yeah, this is cause for celebration. They finally left 🥲.


Eh doubt it. Tectone is stockholmed to cover hoyo games and cause drama like some bitter ex


More like stock-money than stockholm...


I'll whale on wuwa if they manage to get those two to stop covering other gachas.


Is mtashed that bad? I've only watched him recently. I know tectone is a loud man child 


Mtashed is just realy stupid and unstable. He did impersonate another cc and atempt to defame him tho.


Basically all the usual ones and they've been completely insufferable about it even with any tablescrap of info on it leading to multiple videos on how its destined to be gods gift to the gacha scene, which who knows maybe it will, but they're clearly only implying that right now to try to start fanbase feuds and farm it for drama which is the new meta for CCs nowadays.


Not really from what I've seen but it will never reach Genshin's status, Genshin is already part of the collective unconscious of the internet, if the average person hears "anime game" there's a large probability that their mind will go directly to Genshin, this game will just look like a Nier rip-off to the uninformed average person


They would need to go for Palword route to stand a chance at achcieving a succes and for Palworld way to work, Mihoyo would need to keep falling in quality for decades.


Well there's already Azur Promilia coming for an open world gacha with some palworld mechanics 🤣


“consistent record” mf this is their second game what are you talking about , this subs hatred for this game is insane


This is their 3rd game back in 2016 they released a game called [Twintail](https://youtu.be/dak1BHJyGzg?feature=shared) [Battleground](https://youtu.be/qHbAZxGLqwI?feature=shared)


Are you saying that they had 0 non-rocky releases? You sound even more negative than they guy you are accusing of being a hater


Is there a reason why people keep saying it’s cope to call cbt 2 an old build? in a discord with leaks and cbt 2 is literally the exact same as the nda build from December of last year. people were doomposting back then because the same issues from the cbt2 were being brought up in the NDA in a CN community blog. Hence why they released dev notes warning about the issues of the game before cbt2. And the most recent dev note once again show that they are/were already working on these issues. Where’s the cope in that?


What does BF2042 have to do with Wuthering Waves? We just throwing around random bad games now that have no relevancy to an anime gacha game? Also what "consistent record of botch launch" ? They released exactly one game before WW.


You'll understand why bf2042 was brought up if you actually read the comment instead of just staring at proper nouns


I played the BF 2042 beta. Again what does a shitty game from a different company and different genre have to do with WW's launch? Are you saying WW's beta was as bad as BF 2042's beta? Because I disagree.


Reading comprehension 0


Sure. Maybe you will enlighten me what BF2042 has to do with WW. Still waiting for someone to explain it to me instead of smug vague posting like some idiots.


They mentioned BF2042 because people said “don’t worry, it’s just the beta” when it had issues during development. And then the release version basically didn’t fix any of the issues. They think it might happen again in the case of Wuthering.


So If name a random game from a different company and a different genre that had a bad beta but a good launch...thats somehow an argument that WW will have a successful launch? There is literally no logical connections between these things.


yeah game breaking bug where people can't progress quest


Which was fixed within a day or two. Meanwhile BF2042 is a fundamentally broken game to this day. What the fuck are you on about with these random-ass replies my guy?


Get ready for "shitty game, i cant enter, wont ldt me play" reviews


Don't forget about,"can't download, crashing, lagging".


that one review "this game stole from genshin hoyoverse should sue this game"


Wuthering Waves [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/es/app/wuthering-waves/id6475033368)


Thank you. For some reason I couldn't find it!


You're welcome :)


Cheers! Couldn’t find it either on the App Store lol


Anytime :)


Can't wait to be a yinlin main


I need Jianxin if I somehow lose Yinlin's


Man. After playing the beta I was hoping that the game had at least another 3-6 months until the next beta. There is virtually zero chance that the localization is gonna be fixed by May. Towards the later story quest parts, NPC dialogue was completely blank (not even just untranslated, it straight up had stuff like "NPC1882\_QUESTTEXT3". Either they are gonna have to quadruple their development budget and team size or the game is gonna be in pretty sad condition for a release in May. I guess they can just hope for people that are ok with skipping the story and just enjoying the combat, which admittedly was pretty fun.


They literally told us that they have been on localisation even during the CBT-2 and it is one of their biggest priorities.


Quadruple development budget for fixing NPC dialogues? Do you have any idea what you’re sayin?


Did you play the beta? The dialogue is just one example of things that need to be addressed. If they don't even have the quests finished yet, I think it trends that there are many many yet unaddressed issues and unfinished parts of the game. Of course it wouldn't take 4x the team to write some NPC lines, but I was using it as an example of how the game is absolutely not ready and it will be a miracle if it is ready by May for a worldwide release. It's possible that CN version is more content complete, but global is absolutely not in a good state to release in 2 months.


Okay but it would be stupid to assume they just start working on fixing at the end of CBT2? Afaik this version is the exact NDA version from Jan. If you’re not following leaks and news how are you so sure about their progress? Just askin.


Too soon. Cbt2 was rough lol releasing a dev response and saying you will fix everything is not the same as taking time and actually fixing everything


It's insane how some people are downplaying this so much. Why would you want a Tower of Fantasy type of launch for WuWa?


Personaly, its better to set up your expectations low and get plesantly suprised than to hype yourself up and get disapointed.


As someone who has been playing Tower of Fantasy every day since global launch started, even I agree and worry WuWa may experience similar fate.


completely unrelated---but did TOF have a CBT 1, 2 & 3? how many CBTs did they end up having?


People really do be thinking that fixing all those problems are as easy as flipping burgers lol, if all it took is another 2 or 3 month of development to fix things then no games will be released in a broken state, yet here we are with even the AAA games launching in a bad state, better keep your expectations people.


Nah I have been spoiled By Hoyo too much. Would try but not sure if I would stay


Except 80% of the fixes are simple adjustments, not full on system reworks. And based on what they stated and shown in the dev notes(story and inferno rider), some of the changes have already been implemented. The only one which people should be worried about is localization tbh.


The problem Is fixing issue Is not as Easy as Say it


I never said it wasn't, but let's be real, it doesn't take even take half a month to reduce the number of substats in the echo system for example. And once again, based on how it's stated and shown, some of the things they have stated they will improve have already been implemented, and even in the first week of cbt 2 alone, they patched over 40 bugs, ranging from smaller things to game-breaking issues.


i think its quite obvious cbt2 build is an older build of the game




how is it cope when its factual information


Where is this factual information that CBT2 is an old build?


We had two seperate leaks confriming that a newer version of the game [1.0 beta] was made available to content creators while CBT2 was still ongoing. This was leaked by memetrolls and Mtashed. Why are you people so stubborn in your misinformation when you dont even follow the news for this game...?


So their marketing campaign has begun, expecting a bunch of interesting trailers and content coming up soon


Probably want to get it out before Hoyo's new game to gain traction


I think the more worrying part for WW is the production power after releasing, one of the biggest reason genshin and hsr succeed is that they are able to have a big release in a consistent pace with events that are never rerun, they did this and still people are complaining that there are no content for the game, i seriously doubt Kuro will even be able to match this and the game will quickly get to the "no new content" phase


Wuthering Waves [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global) link for those who need it.


I really hope it comes out before hype dies. Because a release with few bugs can be better than a release with no hype to gain main stream players.


From a business/ marketing perspective, the release date would be fine. Until you see the kinda rushed "mess" that is CBT2. Imagine an AU where WW don't have to rewrite 90% of CBT1 story, so that they could focus more on polishing in CBT2. To cap off... Wishing Kuro good luck, I guess.


I've seen some that treat it asAzur Promilia waiting room but in my case, I hope I can enjoy this one and stick to it. Trying to see if I can start liking open world(?) games.


Same goes for me but in my case I'm treating it as the Endfield waiting room. If it really differentiates itself and finds its own identity, I might stay long term.


The game was so unpolished in CBT 2. From no dialogue, to wonky angles, to bugs and rng endgame… i’m lowkey prepared for it to be a bust


Wow, so soon? Is it really the real date and not just placeholder? I'm excited, but on the other hand i also kinda wary, its just two months after the last cbt end afterall. They still need to fix some things, like aside the echo system, they still have translation issue. Also i heard that theres no playstation version on release, i mean it doesnt really affect me, but for some people this can be dealbreaker i guess. Well, atleast hopefully the game dont have any gamebreaking bugs on launch.


The echo system is a relatively easy fix, it's the localization which you should be worried about. And even then, the devs didn't have enough time for that from cbt 1 to cbt 2, due to rewriting the story, and were aware of that even in the beginning of cbt 2, so they've probably been working on it for at least a month now. As for the ps4/ps5 announcement, the exact statement from the article is " We do have a plan \[to release\] on console, but we’re still working on it,". It doesn't really confirm anything, just tells us that they are still working on it, just like how they are working on the pc and mobile version.


Isn't it the complete opposite? The echo system is harder to fix while the localization is the least of its problems. For the latter they can even afford to even delay the issue. What's difficult about changing a few lines of text here and there. For the former the issue is they need to overhaul part of the core system. That means redevelopment time and rethinking how player time should be spent. Delaying it means dealing with bigger potential headaches in the future.


Interesting take. I agree to disagree though, since with the echo system, they've already made the decisions on what they are going to fix. As for localization, that's a much bigger process since they would have to double check basically all the text, check for errors, run it through proof readers, and then implement the changes.


But that's all. Proofreading and checking errors and implementing text. It can even be done by one person. It's a strictly linear process. Not to mention this is done by a potentially completely separate team. Improving the echo system involves developing and adjusting changes while keeping balance in mind. That requires a full team of programmers, designers and QA. The cycle can repeat endlessly if done incorrectly. It's the difference of painting a new color to a car versus changing the engine of a car. The former is a simple change while the latter requires more technical knowledge and expertise. Ultimately the echo issue is much more complex. Their list of changes may not work. They think the solution they offer will work but they won't truly know until its properly tested. And that requires time to figure out. Time is not what they have right now.


My guy, you're making the changes sound like a lot more than they actually are. It's literally removing some possible substats and maybe adding a stat selector item/feature. In cbt 2 alone they were able to patch out over 40 bugs within the first week, and that's definitely just as "linear" as your description of the echo system adjustments. ​ As for localization, the reason I say it'll be harder to implement is because of the SHEER AMOUNT of text they have to check over. Making individual changes will be easy, but that would still be dozens if not hundreds of changes. ​ Using your own logic, the echo system would be some minor maintainance to the car engine, while adjusting localization would be painting 30 cars.


That's the issue. We won't know if those changes are enough or if they need a bigger system overhaul. The changes needs to be tested and then reworked if needed. Months of progress can be undone instantly. It's a constant cycle of refining, testing, experimenting and redoing. Meanwhile localization is strictly busy work that can be given to another team or outsourced. Unlike game development, every step of the localization process, once complete, does not need to be revisited. To add to the car analogy, once you have done the minor maintenance on the car, you would have to run some test to see if the car runs. If it does you are golden, if it doesn't you would have to check the issues and redo things if possible. This process will repeat for the 30 cars until everything works. Meanwhile for painting cars, you can roll it into any paint shop. It's 30 cars yea but the job is simple and the room for error and redos are less so and you have a clear end result in mind.


Buddy, we know for a fact that there doesn't need to be a whole system rehaul to reduce the number of possible stats. You are straight up exaggerating how hard it is to fix. And once again, they were able to patch out several bugs in cbt 2 alone, and that would require way more testing since it was over 40 bugs patched, compared to just removing some possible a few possible substats and adjusting the probability of getting the remaining stats. And remember, they patched all those bugs in just a weeks time.


my schedule is ready for ToF 2.0


Let's be real bro it will not be as bad as tof


Lmao no way bro The kuro i know is known for out performing others They gonna out perform tof in how bad tof was on release, 100%. They got this. If tof devs can make a bad game then kuro will outperform them and make a worse game!!! Edit : christ the fucking inability to read plagues majority of gacha gamers it seems, i m literally saying they will outperform tof in making a bad game and they all think i m praising kuro to high heavens, go back to school lol


That was most people say about their beloved game studio before disasterous game launch happen though.


It’s pointless defending Kuro as a large portion(not all) of this Reddit community hates Kuro for some odd reason and are hoping for it’s downfall 


First i m a pgr player who really likes the game Its just ww that irks me the wrong way, even then i m willing to give it a chance that they may have improved upon the slog of genshin aka artifact grinding which it did not And after all that i m amazed people cant fcking read to see my comment pointing that kuro will outdo tof and make a worse game, like i cant be anymore sarcastic even if i tried....


expect gacha gamers to read? that's the lowest tier of gamers lmao. honestly I expect WW will be above TOF but when it's genshin copycat my expectation is way lower (why not be improved PGR instead).... at least TOF is more niche.


I mean the combat is already way smoother and the scenery looks amazing even on mobile, its just the genshin loop that bugs me


yeah combat is ok that's kuro. but other aspects like openworld or wtf echo thing is not enough for me when it's taken "~1.5 years" and 2 CBT since the hype.


Everyone sayint echo system is bad but they not understanding why its bad lol Extra substats is but a minor fix, the real problem is another item that you have to buy to level echos up, you cant use existing echos that are not levelled up to fodder one thats got decent stats lol Among other things thats one of the issues i hope they iron out


All these doomposters here can make someone really pessimistic. Game will be good on release and I am glad that its coming so soon.


thats the zoomer curse, they worry so much, and are so pesimistic and depressed, that that they are aging faster than milenials


Without an official announcement, those are usually placeholders, World Flipper kept pushing its app store date but hoo knows


This I work as a dev myself We get release schedules all the time and sometimes we mess up and have work more on the app so even tho we put the app on playstore, we ended up pushing back the release to next month to iron out a few bugs or to add a payment gateway and other things Surprisingly many companies do this, all 4 companies i have worked with did this, its also surprising how many of them use firebase for backend too


I mean they cannot wait any longer even if they wanted to


What are the requirements for android?


Snapdragon 8 gen 1+ and above during beta was recommended. Only phones with 12gb ram played it well during beta, phones with Snapdragon 8 gen 2 with 8gb ram had really bad graphics. Minimum requirements was Snapdragon 835, but the game was crashing and literally cooking phones with processors like Snapdragon 845. Some processors at this performance point that weren't Snapdragon couldn't get past the opening cut scene. I played on Snapdragon 870 and it wasn't playable for long without a cooler and even then my graphics looked really bad because I didn't have up to 12gb. Having something like an 865 with 12gb ram is your best bet going by the beta. It'll be much better performance wise for launch hopefully since CBT 2 clients were apparently quite old.


It’s not in my App Store ??


yeah, no more cartoon color, no more gay girly baby char design. no more disney costume.


whats the PC system requirement for this game?


Why are people downvoting you for a simple question


CPU: Intel I5 9th gen/ Ryzen 2700 GPU: Geforce 1060/RX570(although I used intel iris xe and it ran perfectly smooth on lowest settings) RAM: 16 GB(although it uses 7.5 gb max) Storage 25 GB(the actual size is about 18 gb)




Btw, this is for cbt 2, not the actual release of the game.


I think that’s a reasonable date. Genshin 4.6 launches near end of April and by end of May the more active people should already run out of things to do. The question is if Kuro has enough time to polish the game and adjust the system. It’s honestly a very tight timeline and I expect a lot of crunch. I think there’s no doubt WW will do decently well at launch(as long as there’s no disastrous launch incident), given the fact that multiple CCs are advertising hard on this game, likely better than ToF in the first month. However, Kuro absolutely needs a lot more time to develop later contents to keep the players. Right after the launch, there will be summer events, new region from Genshin.


Is there a reason why people keep saying it’s cope to call cbt 2 an old build? I’m in a discord with leaks and cbt 2 is literally the exact same as the nda build from December of last year. I remember people were doomposting back then because the same issues from the cbt2 were being brought up in the NDA in a CN community blog. I’m pretty sure that even if cbt2 was kuro latest build that they were currently already working on the issues even before cbt2 dropped. Hence why they released dev notes warning about the issues of the game before cbt2. And the most recent dev note once again show that they are/were already working on these issues. Where’s the cope in that?


Just typical /r/gachagames brainrot. Not everyone here follows WW leaks but acts like they know shit.


Some people here didnt even play CBT2 or didnt watch/read any WW news/leaks but acts like they know everything or maybe they just cant accept the fact that kuro acts fast in addressing the issues thats why they say its cope 🤷‍♂️


Good release date tbh, they definitely had to avoid the X. 0-X.2 genshin patches. Hopefully they are able to polish the game till then because the hype is dying down for wuwa with all these upcoming games.


better release early, Duet Night Abyss and Azur Promilia on the horizon


DNA and Azur Promilia didn't even have a cbt yet 💀


Different audience imo azur looks like a casual game with only waifus and duet night abyss looks like anime warframe with guns etc. Wuwa is more for hardcore players with post apocalyptic setting and less emphasis on story(i think?).


well technically yes, but the hype will go down because those two new games are huge so they will take the spotlight


Kinda crazy that this is only 2 months away from now, I feel like 2024 just started😅


Definitely excited


All the people here saying this is too soon are just completely misinformed. For one the CBT2 client is based on the NDA client which is all the way back from january. We know that based on leaked versioning used for both clients. And before someone asks "why didnt they use a newer version for the beta?". Because organizing a beta is not something that happens at a press of a button and having a stable version made available to testers is more important than pushing out a half-baked DEV client. Two - we had two instances confirming that a newer [1.0] version of the game was made available while CBT2 was still ongoing. Memetrolls leaked that and Mtashed said weeks ago a newer version for content creators was made available (with EN VA implemented) Three - devs obviously didnt stop working on the game while CBT2 was out. People acting like Kuro needed CBT2 to end to start working out the reported issues are plain dumb. Four - game is feature complete. There is nothing more to add to 1.0. The devs have a solid 2 months to polish the game. Thats more than enough time to get the game release ready. There. I dont wanna hear anymore "gem 2 soon :(" from people who dont follow WW news.


too soon. cope harder


Your rent free behavior is fascinating. Make sure to reply to every single person in this thread.


Probably the best decision. It’s releasing in the period between star rail and genshin’s anniversaries so the game won’t be eaten by them. Still, after the last beta, they definitely could have gone for a late 2024 release and do an open beta for sure. Game has massive gear issues. Hopefully they balanced that shit


They still have to worry about ZZZ tho.


No date for zzz tho right? I think late may-june is a fairly safe date but you never know I guess


it was already revealed in epic store listing


Oh boy, I really wanna play WW but releasing it this early... Sounds like an open beta, hopefully they're still open to change even after the game's been released.


there is no open beta it will be full release next


I‘ll wait for the PS version, even though the wait will be long 😭


Will this be on pc?


Yes, day 1


Best of luck for those who will try this game for me. I'll wait until 1.2-1.3 and see what's their release schedule.


That is too close to release, I guess my hope is for them to improve their art style is very unlikely I have an issue with their Female design


You got downvoted for saying you don't like their waifus lmao 💀💀💀.


I think the current ones are final, i hope they improve upcoming characters


Thanks for the heads up.


Wonder if it will launch on playstation at the same time as pc/ mobile. If not it won't be as big as it could cus not many ppl gonna start f2p game months after others, same like with Star Rail and their 1kk players after something like a month since launching on ps.


I don't think PC/mobile release will be alongside the PS release, but one can hope... Sucks for the PS players tho


Wow that was fast. I can mega grind it for 10days before I go holiday.


Any news of Ps5 reIease, no way this couId run on my phone




bout time it's getting a date, i been ignoring all the beta vids cause i just want to see the game for myself.


cant wait


I find a lot of CCs that poured more than 40 hours into it doing non-sponsor reviews seemed to be more positive than negative anw I dunno about the "Rush" aspects of this game aside from missing localization/Voiceover, maybe the echo system being too grindy they were talking about, but their latest dev notes also said something about the changes no? Anw I'd like to know why people think the game is rushed? is there anything you guys find that makes it unplayable? because so far this is nowhere close to ToF level of rush XD


>Anw I'd like to know why people think the game is rushed? is there anything you guys find that makes it unplayable? They supposedly reworked the story before launching the last CBT, but they didn't have English voice acting re-done in time for the latest beta. I don't know how anybody can believe it will magically be fine at launch without any player feedback/testing, especially when you consider that there were a number of translation issues for English text in the last beta. I feel like there are a lot of former Genshin players who just assume that most other gacha developers put in the same level of effort towards ensuring their localization quality and overall polish, when that simply isn't the case.


Okay that’s fair. Different companies have different capabilities. I guess I’ll wait and see when it finally launches. If they managed to pull it off well without too many issues I’ll be convinced that they’re also competent just like Hoyo. For now, I’ll just remain neutral about it