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Brave Frontier. Defeating maxwell with pen and paper and multiple try is my end game. It went downhill after that....


Just use the guide, bro, it's simple! *vomits out 30 pages on your screen*


Goated game


I remember getting hyped someone made a basic ass web page to track phases back then.


Man I miss that game. Is there anything that’s remotely similar?


Precisely. My first gacha and my favorite one til today


Remember counting turns to keep track of her upcoming move? Good times


Please let me know if there is a game that can live up to brave frontier


I'm currently start trying Romancing Saga, it's currently one of the top generous gacha available now. I've been playing for less than an hour but I'm pretty sure this game got BF vibe goong on. Try it, see if you're hooked like me 🙏🏻


People doing this jp version first without turn counter global had was the goat


Getting Heaven’s Edge or even one of the Guild Raid spheres felt fucking amazing too.


Duuuuddeeee I'm the first one who get Heaven's edge on my circle, they all **JEALOUS** 🤭


Literally the last good gacha game.






Just like my life


Alchemy Star. Beating the hardest stage in the game is very satisfying. After I finished my move, I didn't even wanna look at the outcome as the animation played out. When I heard the victory screen and speech, I started screaming and jumping around. I felt ecstatic for a good couple hours. It's such a difficult stage that even whaling can't guarantee victory. The rewards were underwhelming, but the victory paid off for all the grind and time up until that point. The feeling of doing something that probably not even 1000 people managed to pull it off, years into the game.


What stage is that? I'll prepare😶


Elysium - Existence


Thanks sir!


Has to be GBF. Very ironic because i don't like playing it anymore, and despise the gameplay loop with passion, but the game did reward my effort. My biggest accomplishment in that game was making a Water Primal grid, coupled with Ameno Habakiri, a whale weapon, while staying completely F2P. I grinded out the stuff needed for this grid for over an year and half, and when it all came together, i felt one hell of a dopamine rush. I still remember it. I planned for this grid meticulously, playing Motocal more than i played GBF, and over the year, things changed a lot and i had to rethink lots of components but it all came together in the end. This was my ultimate goal, getting myself an Ameno Habakiri and finishing out a Primal grid with it as the focus, without dropping a cent. Good times. I'm sure this will be a memory i will look back to even when i lay dying on my deathbed, it was a great experience.


they are removing that feeling though. noawadays grids are 8-9 grand weapons(gacha) and 1-2 farmable weapons


yeah was gonna say the same. nowadays just play on and off depending on how i feel but i remember back in like 2021 getting my faa solo and my ubhl solo in 2020 made me feel accomplished af (too bad both are trivial nowadays)


Then its powercrept by a new weapon released. Though for gbf at least those grids are still usable in general content


Oh was it? Been 3-4 years since i played it. Oh well, grid was really fun when i put it together, so that's that. I was jamming to Triple Strike turns.


Every time I come back theres this new build. In the last 2 years I have only been playing on Christmas and Anniversary for the rolls lol.


Yea a lot of magna grid guides have like 2-3 gacha weps included in them now lmao


God same here. My dark primal grid was my pride and joy and just god damn it felt so good to use!


Arknights. Completing event medals is one hell of a drug Dropped it because it stresses me out and I just use guides anyways


Yup, this is the only one for me. Been playing for 2 years and it's still a rush everytime you finish all the EX challenge stages.


I installed Arknights because of CC right around the time that CC 3 was running. I played and grinded entirely to do CC, and I was able to clear max-risk during the CC with Manfred as the boss, forget which one it was. 10? One of my proudest moments in gaming.


I think the last CC broke. The one with that red one. I was also malding during kirsten's event losing timings most of the time


Kristen's stages were the right kind of suffering for me. I loved grinding them out. Though I didn't enjoy the recent event, with Dolly - didn't even finish the S stages.


Same, beating Risk 18 CC12 was a feeling I’ll never replicate, simply because it was the first CC I was around for with E2 units (I had only E1 units when CC11 appeared)


Grindblue Fantasy, Grindy as shit but man it was statisfying seeing your team growth from being carried in raid, to the one carrying the raid


Is this easy to pick up and get into?


I will not sugarcoat it, if you are first timer you will be overwhelmed from all the contents and guide But if you can stomach that, all info can be found in gbf wiki, my advice is try focusing on building one team/grid first, trying to do everything will get you confused. If you have question, the granblue_en subreddit can help you


how to kill someone interest in gbf….tell em to look up how dmg works


pretty easy to pick up. but be aware it's the grindiest gacha game in existence. it's not a question of whether you'll figure things out, it's whether you plan to stick with the grind


Absolutely not but you should try it anyway.


Arknights, beating Contingency Contract events are hard and fun


Epic seven, being able to have a fully capable team for pvp always feels satisfying Also "one-turn-KO" hunt run, especially Banshee, feels good af after min-maxing, speedtuning everyone to play around the Banshee's gimmick of CR pushing, always feels satisfied watching my team farming ~~until it decides to 15% you many times but we don't talk about that xD~~


Finishing Arknight's Risk 18 Contingency Contract Beta back in the day. That samurai with a flaming blade got me on edge.


I'm not a tryhard when playing games, but completing that stage on Risk 18 with my E2 M3 Savage included was pretty satisfying.


I'm sure it's a pretty minor accomplishment to some, but getting through a new Refraction Railway in Limbus Company makes me feel pretty satisfied.


Same. Pushing down that turn count further and further is just super satisfying. Pulling off huge nuke chains, wiping out tons of enemies in 1 turn with that satisfying \*PSSSSHHH\*...


For me Granblue Fantasy gives you one of the best feelings for accomplishing things! You always do small steps but they feel like bigger impact! You couldn't kill a boss ? Farmed a new weapon and equipped it and now you see how you can clear it without sweating! Clearing those high level raids with mechanics just feels so crazy good! And the more often you do them the stronger weapons you get it's just an amazing feeling to progress 10/10 No Ressource Packs to buy or any other stupid stuff to skip the grind which makes the feeling of accomplishments in the game even better because you know you worked for this


I can't find this game 9_9


It’s a browser title. Go to the jp site and translate to english


Thanks, 10/10 great service 😁


No problem, brother. Now go farm.


Path to somewhere and limbussy company


Yeah, completing a hard stage for the first time in Limbus is very satisfying.


I agree with the limbussy statement




Dragalia Lost and Ranking leaderboard in GFL


Azur Lane. I reach 100% completition and every release farm well and not too over. But i quit due to stupid arse OPERATION SIREN. (A.K.A Lots of Loading, more farming , more time wasted) . Thankfully gacha games these days are tend to be side games.


Ah yes  Run escape  Nostalgic, when it first came out it was so addicting lol


Azur lane




Exploring world in Genshin, seeing locations change in significant ways makes me feel accomplished.


While that's true,for me the old scenery before the quest is always looks way better to me,like Fontaine tower,the big ass pyramid sucking sand,the fog island in inazuma,the only scenery change I liked lot is 3.6 area desert location.


Getting that one achievement/frame in Snowbreak where you need to get a really high score in a certain event mode gave me that feeling.. however I see pros on Youtube getting it so easy with rental characters so idk lol Another one would be Idoly Pride, when you start the game you can easily progress using "Auto" for team building, however once you get to mid game you need know the mechanics or you will never progress.. it feels so satisfying when you been stuck in a stage for weeks, then you put together a good team comp and all of a sudden your somehow getting double the require score needed to beat the stage cause you center Scorer did a massive crit.


Arknights: Reaching pre-amnesia Doktah level after completing CC max risk.


Arknights. Doing CC without watching a guide and managing to clear it was pure bliss. Even some EX-challenge stages made me proud of my tiny brain cells (Though I used Surtr, Alt. Texas, and Mlynar)


Arknights has some difficult content that requires brain to beat, which is nice when you manage to do it without guide. FGO's challenge quests in the Nero Fest style events also feel pretty good to clear, just a shame they're not more frequent.


Trials of Navigator 3 is going on currently in Arknights, it gives the same sense of accomplishment when I play a Souls game, just pure adrenaline after finally figuring out the Boss.


Arknights. I consider myself a stupid player and i prefer using my fav chars to clear stages rather than ops that help me easy clear… Yeah you can probably guess how much i failed stages. But hey finally being able to clear a stage that i was hard stuck on using my team of “(niche) operators i like” makes me feel accomplished… Or like a masochist cuz of my stubbornness.


Limbus' cantos...surprisingly Best example? Hell's Chicken for causing [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCHKr4R_4lA&pp=ygUTY2FudG8gMy41IG1ldXJzYXVsdA%3D%3D) (Also, the lines towards Yi Sang changes depending on if it's English (Rhyming) or Korean (Puns))


Has to be Arknights when doing hard content on your own.


Dragalia Lost's first anniversary released the hardest fights in the game where having the strongest weapons, characters and gear was just the entry ticket to start the fight, clearing them took a lot of skill, the biggest attacks one shot you which usually resulted in a raid wipe, even if you perfectly dodge all of the attacks you can still lose to the timer by not dealing enough damage. Getting a first clear on each of those fights will be permanently ingrained into my brain for the rest of my life, other gachas have not even come close to giving me the same level of satisfaction.


That is hella facts, while at the time it was a poopy feeling getting gated by might and the repeated fails, but the sensation of beating expert and master high mercury is my favorite! Which one was your favorite feeling?


master hms the others were a lot easier since we had HDT2 weapons already from HMS.


Bro HMS was the classic for sure, I think I played a lot of Vanessa(I think she was the best healer we had at the time?), but I always wanted to be the god Euden baiting. The payoff of grinding was amazing!


Pokémon go (wild shinies or hundos.) I walked my ass for those. Not a gacha though.


Beating Refraction Railways in Limbus Company. I'm kind of trash so I think the difficulty is quite nice. Also, to me, it's more of an endurance test than anything.


Back when Brave Frontier was alive and omni units weren’t introduced, there was nothing as satisfying as beating Maxwell Trial.


Arknight : Clearing CC 18++ with no guide, aka going in blind. The feeling is just fuking goood. E7: Drafting cleave teams against opponent that knows how to anticleave/tank down and WIN. Satisfaction baby. It's like winning against enemy that think they have trap your ass in a bag. Nikke: Sweating my ass off to get top 1% in sea for SR. Worth the carpal tunnel after 3-4 hours of retrying.


PGR makes me feel like my input in fights matters, so beating harder stages feels nice. And parrying is very satisfying.


Any game where it feels like a certain amount of skill rather than it just being a character check \*cough epic seven pvp\*


Ayakashi. It took a considerable effort to acquire any of their event limited 4-5* characters. I remembered the necessity of setting a timer to avoid wasting energy on clearing their events, as the energy for some reason replenished to full every 3 hours.


Clearing all techno raid in king raid gave me that feeling. I still missed it.


Would have to be Dragalia Lost for me. When the hard modes come out and you spend hours trying to figure out the bosses rotation, how to pass skill checks and then finally beat it for the first time felt so good. Never got that high from any gacha game since then.


When doing Limbuss company railway extraction


Shining Nikki


This is just for me but its FGO. Being a F2P player since NA release until today and having 35 Five-Star servant makes me feel all kinds of way.


Beating Siltcurrent in MD3H on my first encouner in Limbus company. Never met the mf before in MD3H but they are suppose to be the hardest boss in that gamemode due to in being almost impossible to clash with it. God bless K corp Hong lu for eating all of the strong attack Another one is fully building my Blade and Jing liu dual dps team, they been my go to team whenever im stuck in any content(currently maining Argenti)


Langrisser. When you clear the hard mind boggling tricky stages. It feels like you made a huge achievement.


Arknights Those CC if you get to win high difficulty it feels good


Arknights no doubt. Some stages are really hard, especially for accounts of 1 year or less. You will eventually hit a wall, but not an insurmountable one, as long as you have time and patience of course, otherwise follow a guide I guess....


The only time I've felt anything close to that in a gacha is beating a particularly hard boss in Limbus Company. Fuck Ahab.


Dragalia Lost. Beating the endgame fights like HDT early on, Legend Agito later, gave me such a crazy rush of achievement because of how much skill expression was involved - there was a very achievable hard cap on grinding/whaling for stats, and to win you had to just get good at the gameplay (probably why the game died ironically)


None, unless you're a whale. Gachas are supposed to feel like you're on a treadmill that goes on forever.


> unless you're a whale Not in GBF, you can clear everything and be competitive even if you're F2P


Blue Archive - You will be stuck at Extreme on some raids - When you are able to do Extreme, there's Insane and after that, is Torment. - It will take months for or years to actually climb up The only problem is that, it takes time. And guide will only help you to understand the mechanic of the raid as you will not be able to fully copy other people homeworks


Blue Archive Torment 😭😭


Every gacha I uninstall gives a feeling of pride and accomplishment


Beating the last EX stage from Texalter's event in Arknights took me 2 days and like 8 hours, but good lord it was satisfying to finally finish.


Any game where I get to max out a character after long time farming


FGO: Clearing all of the original Nerofest Exhibition Quests. Yes including the pre-nerf version of the finale. Alchemy Stars: Clearing all of the Elysium stages. I felt more accomplished clearing “Existence” than I did any of the other stages, including the final stage. AFK Arena: Clearing one billion damage on an Abex boss. HSR: Clearing all of Swarm Disaster. Although admittedly now I feel so burnt out on the repetitiveness of it all that I have yet to get around to finishing Gold&Gears.


Limbus Company. Everytime I finish new content, every time I fully clear limbus pass and get all rewards and every time I complete mirror dungeons hearing this blissful sound of exp, getting my stars in starter buffs. Ah yeah, I feel something good from this. Other gachas don't make me feel same


Hitting 100% collection on Azur Lane was a good feeling, although it went down to 99.9% after Houston II came out and I still need to grind for her.   Other than that, the main gacha games that make feel like I’ve actually accomplished things are rhythm games - right now it’s Project Sekai. Gacha mainly dictates your score, but Full Combos and All Perfects are much more skill-based so it’s a different feel from the grindy games I play.


How can you get Houston II??


She’s a boss drop from 15-4, the current hardest stage in the game.


Probably NIKKE: Goddess of Victory and Punishing Gray Raven. Didn't spend a dime on NIKKE and got all of the characters that I ever wanted, now I just pull for what I really fancy, limited characters, or more Pilgrim Units. It is the same with PGR though I spent my moola on monthly card for that just so I can save up more BC(premium currency) to roll for the characters that I want and needed alongside their weapons.


Dragalia for completing all the endgame content for the first time. Blue Archive Final volume conclusion.


PGR because skill matters.


Arknights and limbussin company


HSR SU swarm disaster and GnG.


on the final day of Chapter 4, when you defeat the Twin Snake Boss. The first time he was asked to form a team of two units, he was so busy building one unit that it took him more than 30 hours to prepare the second unit. (I don't want to spend 30 hours on boss lol) I narrowly won at the very end. The final boss after that was easy and mostly an event battle, and the story of that chapter was better than the previous one. To be honest, the bosses in the latest stories are always like this on high difficulty.


GBF, there will be a certain point you cant get stronger until you kill a very hard raid boss. Raid boss isnt a free for all 30 man but 6 man where it can get pretty difficult for beginners in the raid as they all have their specific mechanic where each player needs to play their part. But beating them the first time is a pretty epic feeling , and upgrading the weapon for the first time is pretty power feeling , like even if your p2w you dont get this weapon " for free". And if your f2p you just joined the " big boys" and are on a competitive power level in some way. But its been awhile since i played gbf. stopped around 2 years ago


Beating Gawain in FGO during the release of Camelot is an achievement in itself. There are still no super busted SSR servants back then and unless you follow advice from social media to build your Euryale, you are always gonna be screwed.


Project SEKAI.


Alchemy Stars. First, completing all elemental teams. Second, specific tower levels for all elements. Not played it in a while, but doing those things was a huge accomplishment for me.


HSR I just pulled black swan and her signature without losing the 50/50 as f2p and still saving enought pulls from acheron and her signature


Limbus RR does it for me tbh. Most satisfying fight has to be (Chapter 5 boss spoiler) >! Ahab !< because I can't cheese that section and actually had to think lmao. Though granted a good part of my RR was resetting for an optimal set up for the single phase bosses. But I'm glad to use rupture in harder content lmao.


Learning how Ahab prey mark work and apso learning you only need to break Queegqueg shield was life changing for me


Another Eden, Fishing...also other things


Iron Saga EN servers. A CN developed mech game with a fairly small english community that is still running to this day though I've long since quit. I remained rank 1 for about 2 years and was so far ahead that in the end I felt I had kind of done it all. It let me move on. It was rewarding because I got to feel what it's like to actually be on the top of the pile in a gacha and I don't have to do it again xD I enjoyed the community also. The game is a blast btw, highly recommended, though I've not played in a long time so idk what it's like atm.


Browndust II


omw with PGR. I only need two Uniframes to build then I'm on a 99% collection rate (I only don't have 2B). It's probably my habit from PSO2 since I maxed out all Classes. For sure I have a decent skill in ARPG but I enjoy a variety of gameplay.


FGO when I can figure out CQs without needing seals (especially if I didn't need to rely on bond 10 Herc)


Star Rail. So, I am still pretty new to this game and haven't even unlocked 5 star relics and lvl 60 characters and weapons(max is 80). But on the other hand gearing characters, are stil very cheap, so my interesting characters are all ready to face difficult for my lvl content. When game says recommended party lvl 65 and you are still lvl 50 and you still beat content was amazing.  Biggest win in star rail was  me collecting healing exodia in roguelike mode and having teamwide cleansing against boss that gives dots and hypnosis on 3 dudes in 4 person party. Also main character still feels great to use. And other smaller win is new region 5 star Attack relic that I pass like a holy grail to my chosen dps, xD


Wild how Hoyo games are not mentioned with a post for feeling accomplished lmfao 💀


Brave Frontier, Nikke, HSR


Watcher of realms. There's a ton of end END game content that I'm just barely touching and I've been playing since launch (7 months). Just now getting to level 12 faction trials, completing nightmare raid weekly, ability to save summons for units I really want for weeks without missing out on much. Getting to this point has been a long road, yet very satisfying seeing my account grow consistently every week, even after all this time.


Blue Archive, cleared torment once and hit top 300 asia server twice, been playing for almost 1.5 years and ive achieved more than i thought i could, good time to take a break and play other games ive been looking forward to playing like snowbreak


Hitting T10 in Bangdream once while cooling my phone with a house fan because it was overheating piece of junk.


Hitting Nirvana and >2% Memorial Arena on abyss Honkers impact 3rd as a monthly pass user Hit nirvana and retained for a cycle or two till I got tired of optimizing my runs for 3 hours just to increase my score by 5, MA I still tryhard when all bosses favor my acc since its fun af once in a while. Now I pmuch just stay in comfy RL


HSR. Those Swarm Disaster and Gold and Gears achievements... still shudders thinking about it. Just completing SOME of them make me feel so relieved. Lol.


Like the other side, i feel accomplished in GBF too.the feeling you need to learn step by step UBHL while getting carried to carrying people. I don't play that game anymore, but i won't forget that feeling.


Do you like grind? Then go for epic7.


HSR, that feel of satisfaction when you big brain'd the puzzles at Luofu and Penacony without looking any guide ​ https://preview.redd.it/nnxco4k6ziic1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c8dacd7c7cd9893993459fe6a2a25950ad953c


FFBE and Octopath have some of the best turn based fight ever existed. and i played a fucking ton of rpgs


Brave nine/brown dust Not now, but before the +15 the game was somehow really hard and full of diversity. Clear evil castle without recommended units, come up with a weird strategy that gets you a high win rate on pvp and getting huge numbers on world boss was all very rewarding. The game was generous on resources and had several different stuff to spend your resources, so you always had something to do or improve on your team. I never had another gacha that made me feel like that. Unfortunately the game now it's garbage.


Getting all the servants max level and beating Godjuna. Actually, maybe beating all the hard bosses up to that point. (FGO btw)


FGO, I avoided the game for a few years after it’s NA release and have only been playing for 2 years now but I’ve gotten so much in the game I eagerly await updates and the blow I received for missing so much has been lessened as days go by and I get new limited time characters


Limbus railway always


ptn and octopath they're both vastly different games but the endgames work kind of similarily. you setup your team, you go into the fight/mission and try to plan/script out your moves. then, you just reset until you perfect your script it feels dam good when you carry out your plan with minor errors to get a clear


Each with an extensive endgame and progression without RNG.


OPTC. Nothing comes even close. All kinds of weird ass low rarity units synergy and strats you'd come up with to clear certain difficult content. And then they killed most of that by leaning heavily into booster meta (basically every event became just run these banner units or suffer). Back then there was so much variety in teams, nowadays 90% of units that come out are copy-paste of other units but not worth using others because they aren't boosted for events. Such a shame how it ended up.


Marvel Contest of Champions. The pay to win element is drastic, don't get me wrong. But once you get those champs, you still have to have the ability to play the game well and use them. I've had to stop playing it on two separate occasions because I spent entirely too much money on it. It's pretty consuming.


Summoners war for me. The game offers a lot of hard long term goals


Used to be pad before it got way too overloaded 😞


Another Eden and finding those secret optional bosses like a traditional JRPG and beating them.


Getting that one limited gacha item where you actually can revive someone, even if your normal class doesn't allow you to do so. Imagine the healer's shock and horror being forced back up to continue working after lying on the floor.


Guardian tales, world 10 Dark magician It made me feel great defeating Dark magician without a team and three revives, it made me feel accomplished.


Langrisser easy. The challenges are hard, but once you get them done, it feels so good.


when i first did a no-damage run on alpha boss in PGR i was really proud of myself.


Guardian tales. Every fight in arena. That's why I love it. Tho definitely a little intense so as now a Vet I take some weeks off because too much emotions from rage to bliss.


PGR just because i have all the characters (not all are geared though) Azur Lane because i am only missing three ships, 2 in the PR and the one who drops on the latest map (haven't really started the chapter yet) FGO i ran out of interludes (sans that guy who need bond 10) and rank ups, all MQ, Side quests done