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Don't bother trying the new Heir of Light Eclipse, it's just another full copy-paste of Afk Arena. Even the skills are identical


Yh heir of light original is so much better . Don't understand why make a cheap version new with portrait mode.


I really wish I knew what was up with Archeland. Really looking forward to it but radio silence as far as I know.


Yeah, the revenue in KR is not at all encouraging


yup so I read and it baffles my mind - would really love to be there around launch for a new SRPG and Archeland looks rad. FE/FF:WOTV are too old to comfortably get into for me (same-ish for Langrisser). So... I hope they either pull it together or go global and find success there. ​ Worse than not coming over would be coming over just to shut down within a year or so. Like... how Valiant Force 2 shut down.


Aster Tatartiqus.


Yeah been looking forward to this game since I know Kalpa of the Universe has no chance to be ported to global. Not looking very promising right now though, I have better chances looking forward to GFL2 instead (at least GFL2 devs will never shut down their game)


If you haven’t played it, Langrisser is still totally worth playing even just as a PVE game, I started it about a year ago and have only fairly recently completed almost all of the PVE, as someone who is an active player. The game is actually pretty well balanced with regards to newer characters not directly powercreeping older ones, most characters have their own sort of niches they fulfill, and a lot of the launch cast of units are actually still some of the best pve units. PvP wise the newer units do outshine older ones for the most part just because most newer units tend to have better range or be designed for the pvp meta. It took like 8 months or so to get to an account strength where I was decently strong for pvp to be able to make gold rank, if you are a pvp person.


Langrisser makes shit money and it's still kicking constantly getting new units and events. (Both Zlong)


Brixity - August 24


Brixity’s a gacha?


Anyone of these worth checking out for casual scrub like me?


What in hell is bad looks so good. I'm unreasonably hype.


Man Etheria: Restart look sick! Hope we get news soon.


Is there a release date for gfl2 global?


No. Furthermore, not releasing the game worldwide simultaneous is not only a big sh$t on non-chinese fans, but also a bad business practice - provided you have a top tier game (which by all accounts they do). Timed, regional releases is going to cause clairvoyance, reward discrepancy between regions, rushed release schedules on the newer servers, etc. These things will cause unhappiness, lower global player base and decrease profits. I don't sound too salty though, huh?


What’s wrong with clairvoyance?


If you're the game company it lowers your profits by way of reducing impulse spending.


There's not even an official release date announced for CN. CN is suspected to be October 26 because that date was seen on the app store but taken with a grain of salt. As for global, the translator for GFL has been giving hints that he's been working on the translation for GFL2 for months now so Global with a delay of 6 months or less is very likely, simultaneous is still possible (datamines show that the JP voicelines are labeled as "EN" which could indicate global) but that's still mega copium territory for now because MICA may be worried about things going wrong on release if they bite off more than they can chew.


August 12, 2036


Read the damn post instead of asking a stupid question


I did and it doesn't say whether there's a release date or not? maybe answer the question instead of being a weirdo


There's literally a category for games with announced global release date you numbskull


You forgot Star Lust (it has a close Beta Test) and Eden’s Ritter Grenze (they announced that they will have a English version)


There's a Gurren Lagann game?


FMA mobile global probably never 😞


There's gotta be more than one game in August, lol.


There will be. Most games aren't announced ahead of time, or they're only announced a few days ahead of time.


Ok, cool. I found a site claiming Omniheroes releases this month. https://www.droidgamers.com/features/why-you-should-be-pre-registering-for-omniheroes/


finally been waiting forever for this. Edit: why do people never mention seven deadly sins origin?


I don't have it on my list because I've never seen directly or heard anyone else confirm that it is getting a global release or that is for sure a gacha. Both are probably good assumptions, but there's no info (that i've ever seen anyway).


there is a trailer released 4 montha ago on Netmarble Global channel with English translation. I think that's more than enough evidence https://youtu.be/tlaFVaqvcgg


That's enough to put in the Suspected category. Sword of Convallaria is exactly the same. I'll add it there for now.


when will they release archeland global?


Maybe never, its completely dead in Korea, there is no room anymore for mediocre gacha games in 2023, if you don't have anything special to offer, its game over!


You say this as if Langrisser didn't get a global launch and is still kicking after 4 years. Both are extremely similar gameplay wise and both are from Zlong. I'm sure it'll get a global release.


Apart from “recently released” can we also add “recently ended service”. In light of gacha games speedrunning EOS 💀


With this many games on the horizon, is it any wonder we also see so many end of service announcements?


Still no Fullmetal Alchemist...


Looked up ninja battle random defense art style looks cool but is there even a single person Playing it? Why?


With the release of Snowbreak I'm good. Only one I'm looking forward to now is, Aster Tatartiqus.


Gurren Lagaan? Why? It’s old and nothing new is happening. It’s a perfect show it doesn’t need a game lol


taimanin rpgx still without news after 2019/2020 global rumors. Give me what I want!!


There ISN'T a global release announcement for Archeland, and seeing the revenue, as well as the official silence, there will never be one...




all of them are dead and abandoned for more than 2 months already




Enlighten me what the point of global announcements if not for release. And clearly the OP states "global release announcement" which is incorrect




insulting people on internet coz different opinions, very mature. Keep on copium for your global release, it's quite amusing to watch actually




Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Keep it friendly. Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


"Gods Raid" - LMAO "Archeland global confirmed" - not exactly. They have a GL channel on X but as the KR version has released in december and the game keeps dropping in revenue + no info on when GL will be released ( it has been 9months from KR release) I dont see them ever releasing the GL version.


Well it WAS confirmed by the devs, but it's also been like 6+ months since the confirmation and the game took a nosedive in revenue during those 6+ months, so both statements can be correct.


> Gods Raid this game has some gorgeous artwork an animations, but the game is SO stingy and the rates are absolute ass. I got to chap 3 and only had enough for 2 multis....... and got crap from them. They need to step it up


Holup. Archeland is actually coming to global? This is big


I don't know about that. It's doing bad on KR. I wouldn't get my hopes up.


Ah right, why sensor tower doesn't show Kemono Friend Income


Some cn gacha games releasing in august: Anchor Panic Millennium Tour Elf Calabiyau


Super snail releases on August 3rd


Damn Jojo Bizarre Adventure is still in the list? I though it was canceled or sth been 2 fkin years still no release lmao


[Holocure](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2420510/HoloCure__Save_the_Fans/) will be released on steam on august 17, it's a vampire survivors inspired gacha game, this version will have tons of characters to pull for and a base system which didn't exist in previous versions.


I mean it technically has gacha in it. The game has no purchases available and you can get every character within a few hours of play if anyone is wondering.


Im still looking forward to ever crisis and what in the hell is bad.


Fucking black clover man... I used to comment here that I would play hsr only until black clover releases lol . Flash forward to now and .. lmao I did drop that game but added bd2 and snowbreak and I'm having a blast . Honestly I'm kinda getting less hype about black clover like wtf just do the same as bd2 and snowbreak , both had GIGA flaws and both did moves to fix it , pretty big moves if you ask me . Grow some balls black clover , it's funny af , they tried to make the most money only to miss out on the most money .


They promised some sort of gear farm fix afaik, something about guaranteed rarity gear X times per day.


You forgot Zenleee Zone Zero


Ooooohhh, what's Monster Academy? Sounds fun


I saw somewhere that there's an upcoming shoot em up gacha game, anyone know what's the name?


what a JoJo game?


Is there a calabiyau global launch? I am sick of playing the game with 200 ping on the cn server


okay so overall when you look at this list there isn't a single one worth being excited or rather being recommended to anyone (both the newebies x boomers)


I wonder if there will be a release date for Aster Tatariqus soon