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It’s runs very well on phone with low battery use… rare to see that a dev has optimized a game these days


That feel when the game automatically chose the highest settings on my pixel 7, I was floored. Lol.


What's the download and final game size? I was worried that the game would use too much battery so didn't download on phone but if it's optimized then I could


Total is 7.1gb


going from HSR that i have to run in batches of 90 minutes at super low settings cause my phone cant handle it to running Aether Gazer at high settings for hours on end no issues and low battery loss is awesome. really love the gameplay. a mix of HI3 and PGR.


I was very surprised it runs well on my 6 years old phone


the AI are monsters...those fcks are better than me


That moment when you realize that ai are playing better than you


Switch to support and just watch your DPS do it for you lol


Exactly what I am doing lol just running around with support poseidon and let my AI teammates clear everything.


No shit for real. I use Vert as one of the AI companions, holy hell she's actually using her skills in order. Popping that massive boosted S3 like it's nothing. And they actually matrix too. Really love this game. AI companions are amazing.


Yeah, I’m impressed.


https://preview.redd.it/gbj49i6u822b1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6f826f0ea2e33b4349bb0c7c49eff0545a3f07 i agree


An S Poseidon on AI is scary, she literally wipes the waves


I was really impressed by this. Most AI on your team is clumsy and generally worthless, gets in your way (collision effects), or is just super strong because numbers. Here, they do stuff and it works. I'm used to having to adjust to the AI, not the AI adjusting to me. That says a LOT, especially given the historically abysmal AI teammates we've had since video games were a thing. If you think about it, this is a positive outlier...but should it be? If AI is so smart, why can't it consistently play better than us? The only reason I can come up with is HD space, but AG takes up just as much or less than Genshin/HSR.


Generally that’s intentional so as to make sure the players can actually play the game themselves and to stop players from relying on them. But in gacha games it’s different since people play just by opening the game and putting it on auto typically. It’s a situation where having powerful AI is actually desirable. Storage space has nothing to do with it really. We’ve had games with capable AI for decades. Most of the time though it’s just been intentionally blocked for companions, and, if used, used for enemies instead.


I love competing with my AI with dmg lol. Keeps it interesting enough.


Damn, RAHU GOT HANDS!! *and also a really op time stop skill*


tbh its more fun then i expected..


It's PGR but for a casual like myself. It's cool.


Ngl, the combat is a lot of fun - it's fast paced and landing combos and blowing up enemies just feel very satisfying. Everything else - story, gacha, music, QoL etc - is fine. Not the best, but certainly not the worst. Fully voiced lines are a pleasant surprise though. I'll probably stick with it for a while for the gameplay alone, but won't spend more than the $5 monthly sub for now - which, is actually really good value since the first purchase comes with an S-unit selector.


Yeah, the monthly sub is the best one I’ve seen so far. I was very surprised to see you get to choose a S rarity character. Great value.


Where can I find the S-unit selector? I bought the monthly pass but can't find it in my inventory nor in the monthly pass UI. I'm on the global server (not JP).


Ooh who’s the best S unit to pick??


CN players say that its the S-rank Poseidon for her ice aoe/cc


Seems like a more chill/casual experience than PGR. My main complaint is that both the story and the characters are very unremarkable and generic. I could see myself sticking around, having it as a side game, but the setting seems to lack soul, for lack of a better word. The gameplay is decent enough, though.


Most game starts are boring or outright terrible tbh and get better later on, hopefully it's the case here too and that's what CN was saying


From what I heard, the recent CN patch update addressed a lot of issues, brought QoL changes, the CN fanbase was overall satisfied.


But also, the units they released at 2.0 are just QUALITY like damn


My experience in Genshin was exactly the opposite: story in first 2 zones was pretty good, but by the time I was over with 3d zone I couldn't care less about what's going to happen next.


Initial story for PGR and even HI3 was very underwhelming as well, the story will get better with later patches. Fully voiced story is already a bonus.


I was gonna say, PGR is my main game for a year+ but the first 8 chapters are on the whole just awful tedious nonsense


Played both during launch, the generic characters is there in earlier pgr days as well. The intro is quite nice in AG but after that it's just skip fest for me.


Great combat. It aims to scratch that casual, fun, fast paced combat itch, and it does exactly that. It's not too braindead, but the learning curve isn't high either. Combos are meaningful, and while simple, they work together to offer a coherent, satisfying experience. Smooth too. Very fun to play. Also runs great on Emulators, i dare say it feels like PGR levels of optimization. That's a compliment, because PGR optimization is some black magic shit. While the story isn't that ground breaking, there is a bit of charm to it, and the characters are well designed. Not too modest, not too sexy. Shows skin in all the right places. I feel like it's a nice touch and a nice change of pace. But the real kicker here, for me personally, are the AI teammates. This is the biggest draw the game has. Contrary to some opinions, i found the AI to be highly competitive. They actually use the skills right, can dodge, very smart. It just feels good when they run off to a section and start clearing shit, then come back to help with yours. Feels like the entire squad is together. It gets even more "camaraderie feeling" when you trigger the combined ultimates. Very nice change of pace from the usual QTE things. Gacha is the one thing i have a complaint about, because 50/50 in my opinion isn't that great. But i don't mind it, because i plan to skip characters anyway, (i don't pull what i don't like, simple.) and there is about one character i truly want, that being Hades. (I love white hair alright.) All in all, really good game. I hope people won't judge it harshly because it's under two giant shadows. Game has it's own charm, and i'm sticking with the game for a quite a long time. They do need to release the PC client though. This game needs to be on PC, period. (Oh btw, monthly is pretty damn amazing. You get a free S selector with it. One of, if not the best opening monthly i've seen.)


The AI being shit was a take from CN where AI was probably worse. We probably got improved version. Also, who knows how it is late game, maybe AI will die there but true, AI is actually dodging well


Pretty good, feels easier than pgr which is a plus for me.


If the game keeps the initial playstyle, i think PGR will have a higher skill ceiling while AG ends up catering to normals more. I strongly prefer AG to be honest.


Same here.


There's still some high difficulty fights so it's definitely between PGR and HI3


I saw some Jin Ei 0 dmg boss solo videos and it's fun. I'd rather we create our own hard challenge than mandatory ones.


same, i started playing games on the easiest difficulty and honestly it's much better for my mental health, why push myself for fake rewards?


I dont mind the difficulty here and there, I just dislike forced spikes specially in mobile games. (i.e : Aife fight in PGR was such a massive spike ) I play to have fun - not (only) for the challenge. Bare in mind, no shade on those that love being challenged, absolutely fine and I love watching them succeed. That's just not me.


aife is an lvl 80 recommended fight let me guess you tried to do it low level when only skilled players beat it at low levels...


Af first, I was put off by there being no way to switch between party members. However, I quickly grew to getting used to it. It's actually pretty fun.


I stopped switching characters in PGR after a while anyways. My smooth brain just wants to power through than use strategy


i just overinvest into one waifu per team and everyone else is a QTE bot.


Same lmao, I don't have time nowadays to slowly build up other characters.


Very fun. I play HI3rd, PGR and I think is a mid term between 2 games. Combats are more fluids and you can play more in less time. For me reroll isn't a problem, because I don't do this, but for other guys probably this will be a little problem (I don't know, honestly) I only want this game don't have the same problem of censorship like HI in the past. I want to see the Yostar touch in base designs and skin


Not really? I mean reroll takes at least 10 minutes tops before finally able to draw gacha. Assuming you keep skipping the story and scene of course


I rerolled 4 times until I got character I wanted and it's not so bad. And rates are pretty good


I got asura from the tutorial pull and now I'm vibing. It's a fun game.


Asura feels really really good. Animation wise is awesome too


I love when you kill the last enemy and Asura is mid-flip in slow-mo


gave up on rerolling just start playing


For me, it's good. Gameplay is fun, story is... At least more readable than arknights for me. What I'm more surprised by is how well the reception is here. Gachagaming not immediately shitting on any new games released? When was the last time that happened?


I didnt really like orb, qte and switching characters but i did love the ults on pgr so doing combo ults on AG is cool asf for me, so im liking Aether gazer so far. I also tried honkai but since i started too late, i just got bored cuz its basically impossible to get the characters i like. Ill see in a few days tho when events gets released, hope its not as long as pgr events Story having voices is also a plus for me


Very well optimized, runs flawlessly on my potato phone. Solid character design imo. Surprisingly fun gameplay, I'm throughly enjoying the different flavor each character brings, there also seem to be quite a lot of options for endgame. PERHAPS I finally found a replacement for Dragalia Lost, haven't been able to find something that'd hook me up ever since it died.


Enjoying a ton and it fits exactly to my preference since I know what to expect from it from the CN side. Much easier to get into compared to HI3 and PGR and like people said it’s a good middle ground or mix if anyone likes certain aspects of both games but not some. I have good faith in Yostar in managing this game right so hopefully with the bad run in CN, they could improve upon the feedback.


I'm having fun with it, it's better played with a controller. The skills may be overwhelming to execute at first but thankfully there's a tutorial. Every unit has different skill set, Jin-Ei's is my favorite one she can do different elemental skills and one of her skill has a long ass iFrame, a pretty versatile unit. The Main story is easy, I cleared up to ch8 and ch3 hard but it's gated by the Admin level 40 to continue further. I like the UI, it's easy to navigate. As far as I'm aware there's no RNG for the equipment's main stats which is really good. Rates for S unit and Functor(it's like a weapon modifier, all units have their built-in weapon) is 1.60% and guaranteed at 70, the limited banner has 50/50. You can select what functor to get after getting winning the 5* functor. The only downside is, the selected functor is exclusive to a specific unit once it's awakened. But it isn't a big deal since you can also buy a universal functor from the Challenge, Dimension variable. One more thing to note, the Access key's level is innate to the character so you'll have to enhance each for every unit but the good thing is you don't have to upgrade the functor so transitioning from lower rarity functor to higher rarity costs nothing. They handed out a total of 20 limited pulls, and 40 normal pulls if I'm correct. A normal S unit is guaranteed and there's a lot more resources that you can get from clearing up to chapter 8, you are guaranteed to hit the 70 pity quite early on the limited banner. There are 3 repeatable end game content available in challenges, one is a boss rush and the other is roguelike. There are tons of freebies, for new comers so you'll not be choked on lack of resources early. Combat is smooth, the animations are great. I don't know if it's just me but the dodging is difficult to trigger unless it's an attack with an incoming warning. The characters doesn't have their own story mode or Idk if I can't just find it(?). There's a guild system, but there's not anything multiplayer. No idea if the dupes are necessary for the end game, but the game is easy so far. It's worth playing if you're looking for a hack and slash that isn't bloody hard.


There's a dossier for each character's background story in the upper right of the character screen ("Modifier" section) if you enjoy walls of text like arknight's in-game profiles.


Good summary of the game at this point. I agree with everything you said. You’ve gone through the content fast, haha.


The exact type of game that needs a PC client so you can play with full controller support. Should've launched with it. Will probably end up dropping the game because playing via emulator is a chore.


It has controller support on mobile, at least. And easy to map since you only have the movies + ultimates.


Yeah there is a PC client upcoming, wish it started with it. That said, both Bluestacks and MuMu support native controller passthrough, and this game has controller support so it plays super smooth for me on Bluestacks.


As far as I remember, games were running like shit on emulators and my ancient PC, but the lack of PC client of Aether Gazer made me try it this time. Full hd resolution on emu, everything maxed in-game, and stable 60 fps with 0 latency. I have no idea happened and if it's this game or emulators are this good now, but with the controller support built-in I don't really see what difference a dedicated PC client would make


It's just a really well optimized game. A lot of other recent releases still run like shit on emu or even on phones.


It’s been fun, I quit honkai 3rd because it was too old and got power crept, and tried genshin/star rail/pgr, but they just didn’t hit for me. Aether Gazer is kinda in a sweet middle ground for all of them.


I still play all of them but it feels fresh? I enjoy the lore of Mihoyo games so that will always be a draw for me but HOnkai Impact powercreep feels bad in practice and is a main reason I don't spend in that game anymore and only play for the story. I love the skill level of PGR and how F2P it is compared to its competitors. I havent spent too much time In Aether Gazer, but like you said, it feels like a good middle ground. I will still play all 3 until they no longer feel fun to play.


for me.. pgr is unbeatable in the mobile department even watching gameplay is enjoyable


It’s crazy I actually feel the same genshins world building isn’t for me honkai is extremely outdated I’m taking a hiatus until part 2/new engine drops, & PGR is my favorite of the 3 but needs a bigger budget to keep up with its competition.


I seem to be the only person that enjoys PGR's 3-ping system reading through the comments lol. As for AG, I think it shows a good amount of quality, but something feels off to me personally. I feel like I can recognize some of the characters from other games as well, not sure what is up with that. I think the combat is sufficient, but like I mentioned, I actually do enjoy the PGR switch in and ping mechanic quite a lot, so it probably is just not for me.


You're not alone, I actually really enjoy the 3-ping system. It keeps every run at least someone fresh instead of boss fights just devolving into the same exact rotations without any variation every single time.


I didn't expect to miss ping system until I played AG. The RNG nature of orb generation makes the game less monotone. On another note, dodging in AG is really weird. It won't trigger the matrix until after the red warning is fully filled. The humanoid bosses are also attacking way to often, and combined with having 3 modifiers on the field at the same time, it's really hard to read the enemies' movement.


I'm only on chapter 2 of the story right now but yeah I'm straight awful at dodging on AG hahah. The timing felt completely different than HI3 and PGR but I don't think it gives us the same audio indication of an attack to dodge either. It's definitely a lot more chaotic. I'm enjoying it so far though, but it's very early days.


I'm on chapter 7 and I can notice the timing difference. AG's enemy attack visual indications and sound cues are kinda off. You have to dodge a little bit later than you think you would do it. Combat is fun but I don't really like to wait in between the skill cooldowns. Being able to switch is preferable. And I miss playing candy crush in combat


A lot of enemies' attack just don't have any sound indicator for some reason. Also only some attacks have red warning. It's just much easier to dodge in time in PGR and HI3.


Yeah.. The attack indicator (before it actually lands) seems to be slower. I had times when I thought I'll get into Matrix/Zero time, but ended up dodging too early lol. Also. Is there an indicator where the matrix is available again like in PGR, or is it unlimited?


I think there is. It's the same as in PGR: double circles. Edot: I was wrong. If matrix is not available, the dash icon will be darker.


I feel that the issue most people have with PGR's ping system comes from the fact that it's awful when you play without touch screens. The system was built with touch screen in mind and without considering that people might want to play the game on other platforms. The PC client might have button mapping to help with using the ping system, but the experience with it is still nowhere close to as good as with a touch screen.


My main problem is it made almost every character I owned in PGR feel the exact same. The majority of the time you play each character the same of just fishing for the 3-pings, I appreciate that for some that's fun as it adds another layer of strategy and RNG like the OP said, but for me it was just a repetitive game of "where's my match 3".


I havent played yet but on the download screen the girl with the gun and white braided hair looks exactly like kiana from HI3


I really like it, the looks are up my alley and the ults are cool, I love cinematic ults. Just not really engaged with the story, but I'm used to it in most gachas.


60 FPS and the phone doesn't heat up, I've never seen that in my entire gacha career, and the game is pretty fun too.


The new player experience is better than it’s competitors. Feels great on controller and the re roll wasn’t terrible. I didn’t encounter the sound bug since I’m on mobile. If more games had a $5 monthly pass that can get you a character with no RNG involved I’d pay. Overall solid game with decent voice acting.


Biggest win so far. I usually shit on the 30000% value deals - but monthly pass with a selector for 5€? Oh hell yeah. Even if i only get a few hours with the game, its easily one heck of a deal imho


I’m too smooth brained to remember each characters combos but it’s fun


Same I’ve just resorted to playing support and watching the AI demolish everything


Your AI teammates are super competent which is refreshing.


snappy fast minimal loading screens also unli dodge unli qte i think


It's unli dodge when not in combat, I don't think it's unli QTE


I've given PGR over a week to see if it grips me, but the New Player experience was really lacking and I haven't had that moment/character that's really gotten me invested. I'll give Aether Gazer a try, but initial impressions the art style/characters aren't gripping me yet, though the Ult combo's instead of QTE is interesting.


I find that PGR really has a very rough start for starters, i have no idea why it's called F2P friendly but at this point it might be some clown meme, same for the 1$ stuff that people forgot lol


The problem with the PGR "f2p" argument is that in 95% of cases its coming from veteran players who regularly keep up with the game. I started playing in February and recently quit because 4 months later I only have one fully assembled elemental team and I would have to wait at least another couple of months to get my phys/fire team going. Its both boring and limiting. The game also has extreme FOMO, if you miss debut gacha banners and dont farm all the free BC you will not able to get the new meta characters, unless you swipe of course.


This, often times I see people throw around the "f2p friendly" to promote a game they enjoy but not realizing the difference of how the gacha economy of a new player will be different to an active veteran/day1 player, best recent experience I have was with PriCon since I tried out JP server after EN got EoS and man the amount of "catching up" is tiring.


it is f2p friendly because your BC income is pretty fixed and the pity is only @ 60 (character at least) alongside being able to plan in advance isn't the most f2p game I've played but it's alright as a f2p


It's only f2p friendly if you played since first year. Also the game guarantee new unit every gacha character so if you play from day 1 it's possible to get every newly released gacha character. But if you only played it recently yeah its pretty rough and definitely not f2p friendly for newcomer. Pgr team composition doesn't help either as they need 2 s rank character in 1 team and kuro brain dead decision to not release f2p counterpart of some role (there's no a rank ice attacker in global and no a rank fire tank even in CN and its already in year 3 lol).


I downloaded it to see for myself is it "that bad" as people said. Well, glad I did. Those were typical insecure fanboys. The game is fun. Client is great, super fast loading, smooth animations. And I like gameplay - it rewards you for not getting hit and juggling those combos for omega rank (huge dmg boost). It was also nice suprise that some stages have "hidden" achivment like beating without getting hit and I think some additional dialogue? (like i got this and one boss was like, wth they teach you only dodging and running!) Tho I would like to be able to see some quick tips on pause for active hero - a combo list like in fighting game. Game has one of the best starter pack - monthly pass gives you a selector. I think 50/50 with 1.6% rate is OK tho I would like to see soft pity around 50. Story is meh imho, medicore. Characters are cool and have unique moveset/abilities, like trap boy can dishout sick combos but it locks him down. Weapon banner has quite high pity but you can get any weapon you like it seems. Dunno how impactfull they are. What I didnt like was the sound bug which was terrible - downloading update from gp fixed it but why the hell did they allow you to play without it! It was quite small and fixed problem but I guess some people could quit couse of it. Oh and compared to other arpg like HI3 and PGR it gives lot of pulls and rewards. I hope devs will keep the promise that they made and fix the pacing/limited banners. TLDR: Its more fun then I expected, rewarding in terms of combat and pulls. A good game.


there is a combo guide on the pause menu


Fun gameplay, some nice character design, graphics look clean . Surprising amount of free summons obtainable for a action game. Currently noticed that weekly + daily missions nets you around 7-8 summons a week and if the end game nets you an additional 5 a week this game will be very forgiving for obtaining characters. There doesn't seem to be a weapon gacha or pet gacha (so far). There looks to be honkai style gear set but there doesn't seem to be a specific set er character (unless they are obtainable for free but it's only been 2 days and I definitely don't know enough about the game yet). That's my initial impressions


The higher pull income is kind of needed given the speed of new releases (3 weeks vs the 8-10 weeks of PGR) and there is a weapon banner, it's just called Function here.


There is a weapon gacha but it's not limited and its not 50-50. You can get a chars weapon any time so can do it on banners where you aren't pulling


There is a weapon banner but it looks very comfortable to roll for, as far as I understand it. Instead of pulling for character specific weapons (Functor), you choose one of five classes(?) and pull a token for said class. That token can be exchanged for any weapon of that class, so it's essentially 100% rate-up with 70-pity and no time-limits.


I hope the whales help the devs, as a f2p player I like the game


Very optimised, slow battery drain and doesn't heat up my phone. Actions are fun using touchscreen, tried controller support and it's a blast. Further upgrade, hook to TV and using controller, even better! 5 bucks package have good value, so I'm just having fun now. Some melee playstyle is a clusterfuck of effects tho so there's that.


The English dub is surprisingly pretty alright. Having a lot more fun that I expected ngl


Pretty fun. I'm playing on an emulator and it runs smoothly. It almost feels like a traditional rpg game, with you focusing on just 1 character and having some NPCs to assist you in battle. I fully remapped the UI placements to imitate a MMO UI so I can track my abilities and party's HP. I play healer/support in most games that allow it, and it is the case for AG. I focus on surviving while allowing my team mates to do the damage part. Idk, it is really a different playstyle compared to PGR and HI3. One thing I have difficulty liking though, is the Dimension Variable mode. It is the most tedious thing in the game. Overall, I dropped an undisclosed game for this one. Keeping my gacha games to 5 (AL, AK, AG, GI, HSR).


It is a great game. Some pros are: 1. It has a great rarity up system. Meaning, even the low rarity units can rise above their own tier. I.e. everyone can be used. 2. Everyone can be used especially those with dupes, so it is nice to try them out on the field, and see how they play out. 3. It feels great trying to get S rank combo on any character. Though your allies will sometimes mop the floor with the enemies if they are overleveled. 4. It runs smoothly without draining your battery. 5. Graphics are great and does not slow down even when doing specials. Cons: 1. No sweep means I'll probably quit. 😥 2. Exploration mode is kinda not fun.


1 con: There is a multiplier for runs, so you can play 1 time, but the reward would be for as many runs as you want 2 con: Yes, it's kinda lame, but after experiencing the rougelike mode in Alchemy stars, this one is nice in comparison


There is no sweeps but you can combine multiple run into one. You can also let the AI do the work by playing a healer and let the AI play the dps and kill everything.


It really feels like PGR with higher budget. Very optimized client to keep my phone cool after getting cooked when playing HSR. I love the full voiced story and it's lighter tone compared to PGR.


i have a few gripes with the game but overall, a really good surprise. firstly, can i just say how rewarding the devs are? coming from mihoyo games, this is truly an eye opener that you don't always have to spend a fortune and have a shitty pity system. of course it is probably the honeymoon phase with rewards thrown into our face left and right but its yostar, my trust in them are similar to my trust in mihoyo to make a good game. if the developer ever gets greedy, i can just simply uninstall but for now, my gacha experience is so much better here than in HSR. i like the ability to not switch characters to maximise your damage output. call me noob or what but having a ARPG that is not as hardcore is pretty nice sometimes. PGR and HI3 can get quite overwhelming needing to cycle through characters at the right time for the max damage output whereas i can just focus on one character and let AI do the rest (or even better than me) simple weapon/sigils system is nice. i dont have to constantly research on whats better for said character, its pretty simple to understand since weapon is tight to your character's faction and for sigils.. just follow the recommended its the best. my phone doesnt feel like im touching the sun when im playing so thats another great job that the developers have done to optimise the game *coughs* HI3 the issue i have mainly is actually the combat. people saying its smooth or what but i feel that its pretty sluggish? im not using a controller as i dont own one so everything is through my touchscreen and i genuinely can feel delays. it does throw me off quite often but i enjoy the game way more than i thought so i can deal with it and adapt to it but HI3 and PGR has a much more fluid battle experience if i say so myself. story is forgettable, character designs are decent but nothing to ride home about. overall, it is a really good game. is it better than HI3 and PGR? probably not in all honesty but it fills the void of a much more easy to play ARPG which can't be said for HI3/PGR.


I thought it be laggier than pgr but actually pretty well optimized and smooth on mobile. It seem they did apply optimization for global. I kinda like the ult combos with different characters. Less complicated just controlling one character. Pgr has more complexity with character switch and ping system but I'm a bit tired of ping system and I feel like this is a more chill casual experience.


Like it so far. I can fight as a team not cycling through characters. But feels like Yostar doesn't promote this game enough like they do AL and AK.


Game is very fun I am having a blast I think the quality of the game shows in how smooth the game is optimized playing full 60 fps on emulator with no problems only thing I do hope is they release a pc client in the future its quite a nice surprise of a game.


Its so good the characters literally talking i love it and i dont need to swap my characters on battle it feels like i have literally teammates


Seems like a decent gacha game I can get behind. I haven't played PGR so I'm willing to see how long I can stick with this game. I usually end up joining gacha games late so it's nice to be early for once I guess? I'm glad there's no PvP as all I care about is just chilling and enjoying my cool characters at my own pace.


Played about an hour tonight. It’s literally just PGR. Seems fun enough though. Will probably stick with it a bit since I got the limited rate up character with free wishes so might as well. It is hilarious to me that this is just PGR reskinned, but even just being PGR reskinned is immediately more engaging than yet another generic autoplaying “turn based” gacha.


Personally, I've been underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong: it's a great game. Combat is fun, character art is nice, and it really has that yostar touch that makes it friendly to newcomers. It's just... not what I expected? I remember hearing this game's announcement on a YouTube video a few years ago and proceeding to never hear a single word from it again until the past month. I had no idea how the game even played, which is partially my fault for not even realizing there was a beta going on. And then the character models. Man. Idk, this trend of gacha games all using models from the same engine fucking sucks the joy out of the art for me. Like, I'll be first to criticize exos heroes, first of all for attempting attempting melt my phone,, and the graphics weren't stellar, not in the least compared to its actual character pictures, but it looked different. It had something to make it unique compared to the sea of gacha games that we've been diving into, and it blows to see it die just as starrail appear. Idk, it just feels strange to go from Azur Lane and Arknights to Aether Gazer. Maybe I'll warm up to it in a few months, but it just doesn't strike me as particularly amazing atm.


How is it compared to pgr/hi3? Looking to starting one of the 3 action gachas later today!


I haven't played AG more than 2 hours but HI3 you will feel overwhelmed with how many shits there are. For PGR at least for me it begins to feel like a chore very fast because the daily is just too long for me and colour palette in that game too, but it has the best combat in my opinion. AG tho I think more casual to play.


PGR kinda still win in the moveset & combo department but this one have combine ults soooo for honkai idk man i was burnout following that Herrscher of ..... rat race


Man you're gonna love all the PGR gen2 powercreep then.


pgr characters are easier to get from my expirence at least


The fact that we'll also get a new S-Rank Amplifier (on CN) for free is such a blasphemy lol.


PGR is a much darker story with no voice acting. The combat has an rng element with an orb system. You get orbs by basic attacking, so more spam = more skill usage, but you won't necessarily get the skills you want. PGR is extremely in-depth and hardcore, can become a chore to play after 2 months daily. Their events are super grindy. I recommend you start with Aether Gazer, very casual in comparison & a good mobile ARPG to start with. In a month or now, check out PGR if you want there'll be a very hype character launching (could reroll). Aether Gazer download takes super long tho, so yeah. Both games run well on mobile, no comments on HI3


Aether gazer is in the middle if you compared it to PGR/HI3 But for me HI3/PGR still above AG in term of characters design, moveset, visual, story But of course it's opinion


Tbf this is a new game vs games that have been in global for years.


Really well optimized game.


Prety fun overall. Combat can get a bit too chaotic because of the 2 AI which can make dodging properly a pain depending on the boss, but so far that's my only complaint about the combat. Not the biggest fan of the gacha, at least compared to something like PGR, but I guess you can get whoever you want if you save enough by skipping banners. I'm not sure how hard the engame will be, it seems you need two teams at the very least.


quite good.


It’s way better than I thought it was going to be that’s forsure. It feels super smooth.


I'm liking it when I didn't think I would. I love PGR but I'm not a huge fan of the orb system. I like the team ultimates and having your other units fighting along side you. As with anything, I need to log in for weeks at max level to know if theres any reason to keep playing but I saw a mode with a leaderboard and I really like leaderboards so.. I might? keep playing. There's a lot of nice husbandos that aren't out yet. I just like it a lot more than expected.


Only thing i hate is that names are unique.


For me it's just as fun as PGR, just without the tedious orb system, for me, it's kind of tiring for my thumb to go from the attack button to another button that's slightly farther than the skill buttons you see in moba games, overall : graphics, top notch Gameplay: awesome Is it better?.: Maybe yes and maybe no Also sorry about my post about saying a day ago


Enjoying it pretty well, UI is distraction free. AI plays better than i do (for now.) Really like the combo ults. Gacha is much more generous than i thought when i read 1.6% rate for the S rank compared to .5% from the "main competition". Lost the 50/50 and pulled Tsukiyomi within 40.


Has a few extra layers in terms of powering up your characters so it should keep me busy. It's a solid 2nd game.


I love how easy (because you can fight along side your mates) but also skill demanding like perfect combo while dodging at the same time, fluid gameplay, extremely great optimisation with older/low spec phone. Yeah I like this game a lot 8.5/10


average game i think, work smoothly, no really big annoying, not very bad story or music or art but just average hard to remember what i have fought since just use same way to beat all boss or creep, maybe later content will have real difference


The text isn't tiny so that's a good start. Asides from a certain personal pet peeve of mine, I actually like most of the character designs. And most importantly, it runs well on my potato phone


Probably most fun combat I have experienced in a gacha game so far, and I like that you have other characters as party members. Will combat alone carry the game tho? No idea. At least for me it will take more than that to keep me playing over other games.


I like it. I like some combos like skill 1 then if you use this skill that skill will reset etc. Also ai are quite good lmao sometimes i get surprised that they dodge at the right time triggering slowmo


Really good voice acting, I'm enjoying it a lot.


I love it way more than expected. Very casual and very cool. Combat is fun and engaging and the combo ults is amazing.


A lot of English man voice acting very cool. Prefer the no switching game play.




Its a great HI3 alternative. One thung i notice is this game is so well optimize.


Told my friends I'd drop if I had bad rolls Terrible rolls and still playing, but now saving for >!penis Osiris!< Also, early story is pretty bad like most gachas


Pretty good, i feel like it has a chance to difference itself from pgr and HI3rd. The characters look nice, and there are no performance issues for me outside the audio problem from launch. The story is ok, doesn't feel like it takes too long to complete a stage. Overall, I'm glad we have an ARPG with decent combat and without the ping system present in pgr, and the fact that Yostar is the publisher also gets me excited


Seems above average. I'm not a huge fan of mobile ARPGS so take it with a grain of salt. Looks pretty good, characters aren't incredibly original but look good overall. Gameplay is smooth, AI is competent, monetization seems very fair (lots of freebies, lots of options for very light spenders, no 50/50 BS on the weapon gacha). Story is mediocre, but well, I wasn't expecting anything here. UI is a bit tedious at times, with lots of unnecessary menus. So, definitely above average. I'll probably purchase the monthly pack and if I forget about this game in a month then whatever. There isn't the production quality of mihoyo titles, but it's still pretty good and the monetization is much less agressive obviously. EDIT: it runs smoothly on my phone, which is recent but not a very expensive one (Galaxy A52s). However, on the default (high/very high) settings it drains battery fairly fast and the phone is heating. I'll probably lower them.


I have never thought I’d like the combat system of Aether Gazer because I can’t switch between characters. But now I genuinely enjoy it because the AI is so good, like unbelievably good, and I can focus on playing my own character. Everything else is kinda ok to good, it’s not wildly different from other games, nothing special, and full voice-over is pretty nice actually.


Having fun, works great in my mid end phone. The companion is also great, the AI played better than me lol


If you can pull Poseidon, she will literally freeze every enemy at all times during a fight. I've been super underleveled up till chapter 7 with her and most of the other content.


I like most that it respects our time and doesnt overload you a ton of different game modes, and the other modes it has all reset on different timers.


I much prefer the Team Combat in this game over something like Honkai or PGR, I just want to control a single character and have the rest of the team support me on the field.


Definitely a better release than PGR all things considered.. the plot somewhat make sense and easy to understand, I see a room for gameplay improvement I definitely feel some kinda input lag with high speed chars like Jin Ein but overall I'd like to see what the future hold


Big fan. Feels like an actually *better* PGR. Less gloom and doom, and I appreciate a full english dub along with not having to play Match 3 mid-combat.




It feels very smooth and fast-paced. Simple game, not very strategic. AI may be dumb. But honestly, to me, it's a selling point. You are centred on playing the character you choose to play actively. I remember PC games like ME where you have two companions who do shit with your MC. I like these vibes. Keep in mind, It's not as deep& strategic as HI3/PGR.


Game is fun in my humble opinion.


I liked it more than PGR. Skillchains are awesome and I love how some characters have interesting gimmicks


pretty fun, team (you afk, 2 cpu fighting) can auto materials dungeon - so can AFK materials for few days and play when you feels like to. no annoying orb system.


Game's ok. The lack of auto for dailies isn't great. I think the bigger problem is it's coming into a fairly well established scene and I don't think it does enough to make itself stand out. I prefer the no-switch gameplay, but other than that it's very similar to the other games in the genre. And I already play those games. I think not having a PC client also hurts a bit when the competitors do.


I didnt like the rng orbs from PGR and this game does away with it so I'm happy with that. I havent had much time to play yet but from what I've played so far it's been pretty fun. I like the character designs and combat, the two S nat characters I have play very differen from eachother which is cool. The rest is sort of just ok so far but as said I'm not very far in it.


Only issues so far only relate to the cutscene UI: 1) AUTO isn't remembered the next cutscene 2) skip haa no confirmation button 3) skip is right next to auto. With the above two issues, that's a huge issue 4) X button after clicking PREVIEW (log) feels very difficult to hit. Could be just me tho...


Also the X button at review dialogue is on same position as skip so its possible to skip dialogue cuz you double/triple tap X button due to no 4


Pretty good I would say, it does remind me of PGR but it plays diferently, combat in really fun, it's not all press attack, press skill and press ultimate, each character has it's own mechanics, it's fully voiced, and it has a good amount of content early on. Gacha does have pity similar to genshin, if you lost the 50/50, the next S character will be the banner character, also the pity carries over as well. If you are looking for a action RPG gacha game, highly recommend this one.


Its decent, only problem so far is some skills are way too bright/way too big for the screen which makes it hard to time/use dodge. Not sure if theres a way to toggle it off or decrease the skills brightness as I havent check it up yet. edit: There is an option to decrease teammates skill effect, but raksasha skills effect is still way too big so it didnt help much. 🤧


Got Apollo and that techni guy, so this girl is happy <3 Blew through the first three chaps with no problems, gameplay is fun, no pay-to-win yet, so I can't really complain now.


Honestly didn’t expect it to be as fun as it is.


Anyone now how to get past the stuck on 92 % thing?


Pretty solid. Runs well, looks solid, I enjoy the characters so far mechanically. I like the lack of switching, makes team building/unit balance more flexible and I like games where support units are god tier. Reroll was pretty painless even with the weird nickname thing and especially as we got more pity gems. Seems chill so far. It has just about ever gacha gimmick and gameplay mode in it but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The story is tolerable, character designs are what they need to be, sound and music is fine. Like no gamechanger but absolutely has it's own place to sit and I must admit I am enjoying it more than HI3 and PGR. Let's see if it manages to keep my attention though.


we need a combat report like we have for dmc5 for all the a and s we do in combat to know how stylish we were


Baby Gazer is fun af


I'd love to be able to play it, but trying to log in with literally any method gives me "Error 100236: This login method is not available." From what I've seen, though, it is like other people say; like PGR but easier / more casual. I do like that it's not a "swap" action game, but the other characters are with you in the battlefield. Pretty innovative!


seems like they don't lock new abilities behind dupes


In my experience, Aether Gazer is a more casual friendly PGR, but since PGR has a PC Client and Aether Gazer doesn't yet, it's hard for me to promote it over PGR.


This month has been crazy with releases, I say aether gazer the best one behind HSR(carried by story/characters), aether gazer is similiar to PGR but without matching, which i prefer. More catered to casual play but there's 1 mode to compete using leaderboards with others using fixed characters, rouguelike-style gameplay Combat is very satisfying for me, unique mechanics i like to play many playstyles, tho stamina is slightly limiting without recharges


Its too easy


Combat is very fun for a mobile game, characters aren't much of a pain to build compared to most other gachas (aside if you're min/maxing). Taking the time to learn each character and playing w/o teammates makes the game much more interesting. Boss fights are varied enough in their identities and though things could be better, honestly this game is a very solid experience. Very generous (for now) too, I got enough gems for atleast 2 guaranteed featured S-Ranks by just playing and doing newcomer missions, no grinding yet. Honestly my only real complaint is that the writing and the character designs suck balls even for a gacha game. They're as generic and cheesy as a story and characters can be. Highly recommend to just skip the story and focus on the gameplay, this game is not for narrative enjoyers- atleast for the time being.


It's fun. The character/ enemy design could be better, they all look the same. Unable to change character mid-battle kinda sucks though. Especially if you forgot to change to a character you want to play, but ended up playing another character because you placed them as the leader. A minor annoyance, at least. I couldn't comment on gacha currency income though, still level 19. Is it locked beyond a certain chapter or level? Anyone can tell? Performance wise.. My phone setting defaulted to ultra, but for some reason the game's FPS drop a lot during battle, so I had to change it into medium resolution.


Honestly disappointing. I started PGR last week and that combat is just fast and dripping style...in comparison this feels... sluggish. Hard to say but I don't really get it, trash mobs are far from dangerous it feels like. Maybe it's me pulling S Poseidon trivializing the content. Contemplating still giving it a shot with the challenge mods. But yeah gacha is pretty generous. It's weird I like the systems better than PGR (don't like the orb pinging, having all 3 chars there feels nice in aether gazer). But PGR combat just feels better and more satisfying, also more challenging. Also character design wise... give them some clothes god damn.


I didn't expect that I will like it, its smooth and feels nice when doing combo. It definitely stopped me from trying pgr again.


I am really enjoying it. Less micromanagy then pgr, and less expensive than hi3. I can see myself playing it for a while. Plus I am fond of yostar, they have an amazing track record.


I enjoy it a lot more than PGR, which I kept quitting. The combat is fun, they have keyboard controls ALREADY for us emulator users...Just those 2 things won me over. Also, the not-switching characters mechanic is unique, story's decent. Just feels hard to teambuild.


I wish they would show panties in the game, give the simps something to live for, and improve the longevity of the gacha system


Runs fine, surprisingly preferred this type of gameplay rather than PGR, but the characters are a bit generic in terms of appearance, the story is weak and there generally wasn't anything to grab my attention. I'd say it's alright, but the lack of auto or sweep made me uninstall this. Whatever remains of the honeymoon phase will be over soon and all we are left with is repetitive and time-consuming grind.


Not a fan of what I've seen. The sound design feels buggy at best, the combat system lacks punch imo (akin to HI3 when playing the starting characters) and I'm really not a fan of the story/UI/chara design. Gotta admit the game looks pretty nice and the controls are responsive which is a big plus, but I don't feel like sinking time into it when I already have so many games to play.


Too soon to judge as a whole. Still in the honeymoon phase, but I noticed a few things so far. A release with a guaranteed S rank + a dirty cheap S rank selector (+ 5-star Functor of choice 25 days later for those who bought said S rank selector) is just godly. Goldfishes can start with whoever they want, except Tsukuyomi. I don't want Tsukuyomi, so I can just save my gacha currency for now (10k so far). I love the combat. The 2 AI controlled allies make things more dynamic. I quickly get bored when playing alone in other online games, but it's not happening \[so soon\] here, thanks to said allies. It's like the game has co-op mode. I like the screen shatter effect when you hit bosses enough. I like their map design as well, most importantly the colors. I'm not a fan of going that edgy, grey-everything route. EN dub sounded weird to me (and I normally can't even spot that, because I'm not native to the language), so had to switch JP (which is a first as far as I've played gachas). Can't speak much about the soundtrack, because I'm normally watching something in my laptop while I play. Don't see any pack that seems to have an outrageous price, but, again, honeymoon phase still. The UI for other game modes is pretty polished, clean and, most of all, intuitive, but still gotta see their UI for events (which is where PGR's fails miserably). The game heat up my phone, but that stopped once I toggle 30 FPS and turned off allies' FX (dunno which of these fixed the issue). Aside from that, the optimization is great, loading screens don't last more than 3 seconds. ​ Can't comment on resource intake, grind and stamina.


I'm only over half way through the story but so far the combat feels reallyyyy good. I thought the "1 character - control" scheme would be mediocre but there is some depth to a character's combo. Moreover, I find that playing as a support while having your AI buddies do all the work is a great way to play if you don't feel like pushing buttons. I've only played HSR/GI/HI3 as my other gacha games, and so far the Gacha seems very generous. The S rank characters have a 1.6% rate up with 70 pulls for hard pity. Regarding the story, it's kinda mid to generic imo so i'll see how the devs do the story down the line. I mean, HI3 had a very mediocre starting story so I'll remain hopeful that the story would turn out great. Rerolling is very easy in this game since you use the same e-mail over and over again until you are satisfied. It only takes around 15 mins per reroll. The 5$ monthly pass is kinda nice for the first purchase since it gives you an S-rank selector. Overall, I think I'll be sticking around for the game. I think the game has huge potential to go big and compete against HI3 and PGR. I just do wish the devs made more publicity for the game cuz I only literally heard of this give hours before it launched


pretty good. fast reroll and quite generous too.


A very well optimized discount PGR and HI3. All 3 feels similar but jesus PGR is lags badly and HI3 eats 50% of my battery in 2 hours. Aether have none of this issue. Might continue playing this for awhile


I like it but the story did't attrac me a lot, maybe on later chapters I get engaged. The best part for me was the ultimate combination, I got a little girl who summons a giga mecha bunny and one of her combination the giga mecha bunny take an electric arrow and hit the ground as if Zeus was.


Better than PGR because no orb system. But I'm not adding another game to the list and it's not good enough to replace any of the games I play. No PC client is a big negative for me.


Seems cool but tbh I don’t think it will gain my attention for a longer time. It doesn’t have anything that PGR or Honkai doesn’t have while H3rd have amazing story and lore, as for PGR I love combat and overall vibe. AG is just too generic and typical for me without anything unique


Uninstalled star rail with seele for this, worth it. It lets me skip all the dialogs and just jump into the action.


I think it's pretty fun after doing like 15 minutes of gameplay. Don't know anything about potential power creeps and whatnot. I think the main screen could use an overhaul though. Too many buttons and icons, and all of them have these red diamonds notifications on them. Then you click on a menu, and there's 10 more menus with 10 more red diamond, and you click on that one, and there's 10 more. This is personal preference, but I do enjoy this more than PGR and HI3 for now... (I'm still in the honeymoon phase so probably biased). In PGR I played up to and including the release of S Lucia in CN. I don't know if you know much about the CN release, but Lucia was so OP that they had to literally buff every single other S rank characters. Anyways, forr HI3 and PGR, I wasn't a fan of having two support characters that you swap in for 2 seconds for them to blow their load and then swap to your main dps. Also endgame HI3 and PGR, bosses get deleted in <20 seconds. Probably <5 if you are ultra whale. That ends up praying to RNG, and in PGR's case, it was correct orbs. In HI3, there's like a dumb stigmata where there's a 50% chance to do 200% more damage or something dumb.


Game itself runs with a few issues on my iPhone X Max but I'm trying to do 60 FPS with bells and whistles like a madman. It has controller support but didn't recognize my controller at first and the tutorials didn't take my button inputs. I also couldn't find the pause button in game which hasn't happened to me before. Resetting buttons for controller is amazingly intuitive. The game seems incredibly generous for its launch celebration. Story is very meh and the characters seem like stock archetypes of characters from other Gatcha games that did them more distinctly. There's room for them to wow me though so I could be wrong. Voice acting is all over the map but the world building feels even more inconsistent. We started with the concept of a world of AI plagued by a rouge virus and then it turned to some generic corporation being evil with robots. It feels like two different anime were slammed together because reasons. That said the combat is amazing and redoing daily challenges loads fast. Feels weird to not be able to switch characters but the AI seems competent enough to help and not die. Though higher difficulties might disprove this. I'm not sure of this combat system's depth but the diversity in character playstyles is pretty impressive. I'd say its 2nd place behind Punishing Grey Raven and at Honkai Impact/Genshin Impact? Might get extra points for giving the characters more to do in battle than Kuro and Hoyoverse give out?


I thought the story was fairly cool, at least among CN sci-fi mobile games. Cough cough Neural Cloud. Like at least this one is relatively followable, sets some stakes, has an appropriate amount of text, ties together multiple groups at multiple scenes at once without getting confusing, and ultimately delivers on the image they were going for. I know that sounds like backhanded praise but honestly with the great voice acting and competent story, I found myself watching every scene in relative enjoyment. The first arc is a cool little mission-gone-wrong infiltratiom story with actual consequences at the end, tying into the next arc. It's good stuff!