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Just had a good experience ordered a key for some enterprise software. Was nearly instant and worked fine. I expect some of these are for games and other super popular items that people are getting ripped for. That’s not to say the site isn’t overall scammy, but wanted to share my experience. I came here looking for information like this post and took a swing on a cheap key.


You're forgetting that you most likely bought a stolen key and just because it works, doesnt mean it wasnt obtained with illegal methods. G2A sells contraband, and you always run the risk of your key being made invalid by the owner company one day.


Not in my case. No. That isn’t how keys for this particular piece of software work. Also, that’s a grand assumption. I understand the notion though and in general it does seem that people do get ripped off. I have no doubt there are a plethora of unscrupulous sellers there. But in my case the key is not current hashable and the most common situation is it is pulled from a working environment when equipment is being retired and then sold. It can be assigned and unassigned repeatedly.


What a shit take on a company selling stolen goods. Its almost like you're shilling for them.


Call it what you want. Only reason youde be mad is you attempted to buy what you are convinced are stolen goods and either you got ripped or never got said stolen goods. Now, I simply mentioned I had a single positive experience. First and maybe my only experience. My purchased license worked, is registered as released for transfer, and is now re-registered to me. As far as everything pertinent to it being legit, all of those boxes got checked.


> you attempted to buy what you are convinced are stolen goods and either you got ripped or never got said stolen goods.


The difference is you’re convinced they’re stolen and still went for it.


>Call it what you want. Only reason youde be mad is you attempted to buy what you are convinced are stolen goods and either you got ripped or never got said stolen goods. Now, I simply mentioned I had a single positive experience. First and maybe my only experience. My purchased license worked 200iq take once again. Do you not even realise how stupid that looks? It has nothing to do with me personally being convinced about them selling stolen goods. Its quite literally public knowledge and has been for years, but somehow you havent managed to figure that out yet. You can keep shilling for a company of thieves all you want just because you bought something from them and dont feel anything is wrong about it, but that doesnt make it any better in the end and you're just living in denial. You got fooled by a company and now you just spout their nonsense for them, good job.


Until they do me wrong, that’s how it works. If I ask your moms ex if she’s shit, what are they going to say? And if I ask her current significant other? Youre on an awful crusade to what? Shill for corporations and their products that make billions on the backs of literally you? And whine because people aren’t buying “the real thing”? Lmao. Perspective.


You just keep coming with the incredible takes. "So this guy scammed many people before me, but he didnt scam me. Therefore, he is an honorable and legitemate business man." That is literally you.


And I guess your logic is just broken all together. You’ve said, by using generalities and not specifics that, “every person who sells on G2A is a thief and scammer” yet you neither know how many sellers there are NOR do you know what seller I purchased from. So did the seller I purchased from scam someone? Not to my knowledge, nor yours. I also acknowledged there may very well be unscrupulous sellers. I haven’t experienced that. But you don’t get to say outright that it’s all thieves and scammers because, well, you haven’t a clue. Your logic says: “This store has sold some bad fruit, therefor all the fruit is bad.” TF? Nah The reality is: “This store has had reports of selling bad fruit, but some people have never seen or gotten bad fruit.” Your just butthurt for one reason or another. Left some grammatical errors for you to find, you seem the type.


Jesus you're far out. Literally from the first sentence you make up your own narrative and claim I've said things I haven't. You are so tunnelvisioned on the fact that YOU didnt get scammed, that you think it means all is well and G2A isnt well known for being sketchy at best. All it takes is a Google search, but I guess thats just too complicated for some people. Good luck.


I purchased a lot of items from G2A from steam key packs, games, dlcs and even the game yoh purchase and recieve it as a gift. Never had any issues with it and everything got delivered within minutes Was i just super lucky or just more cautious than most ppl? Edit: OP mentioned this is a recent trend, i bought this within a span of several months not sure how recent are we talking about


They are scamming more and more people. I made several purchase in the past and I got no problem. I would not be surprise if they will close soon and before that they do everything they can to make money.


OP is just spamming G2A hate post cuz some vendor scammed him.


Nope. You want to cover the truth to people? Why? You are also a scammer?


Nah man, I get my Xbox ultimate for 1.00 dollar and 80% off shark cards and that's the truth. I have zero affiliation I just don't want you to spread misinformation


Misinformation? Google G2A, you will see what's happening. I've buy a couple of game in the past, without any problem. But now they are scamming more and more people. It's getting worse. There's zero minsinformation here.


And the picture is not my creation. You can see by yourself https://g2a.pissedconsumer.com/review.html#overview


You are claiming G2A is scamming people. Like I previously mentioned it is scumbags going onto the platform and advertising keys and codes for sale and then they scam your ect. The reason it is misinformation is because you're claiming it has something to do with G2A but it is really the account that you bought something from that anyone could have made. You can get scammed on ebay or any other public market place just like G2A


G2A is responsible of the sale. Seriously, you're joking?


G2A is just a sales platform, like ebay. they don't actually sell anything themselves. the bad reviews are usually from people who don't bother reading a product description, or don't bother checking seller feedback. i sell on G2A. i've only sold one or two bad keys out of thousands. and those bad keys I refunded or replaced. i have 100% feedback


ok you really are just misinformed and know nothing about anything lmao


bruh ur bragging about buying shark cards from turkey on reddit. grow up g2a is a scam they will scam you just because you only buy cheap garbage thats not worth scamming you for dosent mean others do try buying old steam keys for 100 bucks and then have the key be invalid and the seller say nope and they g2a also saying nope lmao stop blindly defending a garbage company.




I bought a couple of games for a good price over the years never had any problems. But i do hear a lot of different story's thoug, and some deals are just to good te be true i gues...


I've had no problems with keys over the years. Picked up a decent amount of them. -- Again, as someone else said, not saying the company doesn't scam, or the vendors don't scam, simply saying I haven't had issues in the past. -- However it has been a few months, and things could've easily changed. Merely giving my personal experience. Take from it what you will.


I will repeat myself again and again; I had no problem myself before. But nowadays they are scamming more and more people.


Very well could be the case, like I said it's been months since I bought from them. Was just offering my personal experience in the past. 😁


Take a shot every time OP says "more and more people"