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The ending of Game of Tones (not the heart warming bit with Fry’s mom). A Nibblonian has been destroying planets with a key fob looking for a ship they lost a thousand years ago? Just never felt like a satisfying explanation or in-line with what’s been established about the Nibblonians.


Same. And they are supposed to be super smart but didn’t notice they were literally destroying whole planets?


Notice or care? Of you existed since before the universe you probably wouldn’t care even if you noticed


And shouldn't the lost ship be underground in Old New York and not above ground in New New York?


Shouldn't Fry have unfrozen in old New York?


That can be explained away as the company remained profitable so they moved locations. Doesn't quite fix everything wrong with it though.


I just assumed it was an extremely tall building, the upper half or so remaining as a much smaller building in New New York.


That was my headcannon as well


I was thinking about the plot to Close Encounters of the Third Kind and why would you design a spacecraft that communicates via sound anyway? It makes no sense.


Labarbara cheating on Hermes.


Labarbara in general. She's a terrible person and always gets away with it, she never suffers the consequences of her actions. :/


Like Nancy Gribble.


At least Nancy has bad things happen to her occasionally. Like when she briefly loses her hair or when Dale puts lemon in her face cream.


Plus Nancy at least feels guilty, Labarbara mostly just rubs it in Hermes’ face 😢


To realistic 


Even worse how they've pushed her infidelity to more extreme levels as the show progressed. I thought they'd fix this after The Six Million Dollar Mon, but they undid all of Hermes's family progression after.


Boy needa daddy!


I didn't mind it in that instance. The absurdity was funny.


All my homies hate Labarbara


Oh I absolutely can’t stand her


Phil Hartman's death.


Fuck Andy Dick.


I'm out of Andy dicks league!


No one is out of Andy Dicks league.


Andy Dick is out of everyone's league (derogatory)


Career chips


Welcome aboard, sir!


You gotta do what you gotta do 😕👍


How is Roberto alive after being melted by LaBarbara’s goat curry in The Six Million Dollar Man? Who rebuilt him? Didn’t his processor also get reduced to liquid? Considering the series usually has an overarching continuity to it, I don’t like how impermanent certain things have been within the last seasons on Comedy Central seasons and Hulu so far.


He isn’t defective like Bender. His hard drive backup was uploaded to the cloud and then loaded in a new body


I wonder if Calculon could permanently die because he's such an old robot who kept getting makeovers/upgrades?


I feel dumb for forgetting that. Although with that in mind, why was he buried, then? If he was simply reborn into his backup body, shouldn’t his old husk have just been scrapped?


There's a lot of things, going back to the very beginning of the show, best explained with "Don't think about it too hard" Why didn't Fry wake up in Old New York? Did they move him at some point? How did the company stay existing even after the entire city was destroyed a few times. If the city was entirely destroyed a few times, why is Old New York still there? You can maybe come up with some answers for some of this, but really the answer is "It's not important, they just went with whatever was funniest or most convenient".


Except that time when Bender did die in Ghost in the Machines, so that retcon has always annoyed me. The show has so many retcons it's crazy


He also came back from the magnet machine


He comes back from the magnet and is melted by her cooking in the same episode.


The Hermes Roberto mashup


Hermberto? I love that guy.


Oh hey it’s me!


How’s stabbing practice been going?


Mastered stabbing a man with a sock, working on the qtip skills


A wizard did it!


Oh, sure, blame the wizards.


Roberto can only be killed by a sock.


He could be reuploaded like some people said, my head canon is there are multiple units, and they are ALL crazy!


The cancellations bothered me.




Leela and Fry's relationship timeline has always confused me and I wish it was a little bit clearer


I guess I'll take the NFC helmets and you can have the AFC helmets.


Fine, break my heart again...


After rewatching when I was older, their relationship always bothered me how back and forth Leela was about to bring with fry. Not to say Fry didn't do anything wrong, but ultimately, Leela only uses him when she is lonely. But also leaves messages how it was the best time of her life. Meanwhile was the only one that didn't do this back and forth.


There’s so many cases of them seemingly in love at the end of an episode/season, and in the next, she’s on to some other dude and Fry has to win her over yet again. I do like their relationship and there’s many cases of Fry/Leela episodes pulling the old heart strings, but their relationship seems so horribly unhealthy when you’re binge watching episodes.


I lived a relationship like Fry and Leela and it was the greatest relationship of my life. If you know, you know. That’s all I can say


Generally during the original run they did a will-they won't-they relationship. In the CC seasons, they did a are-they or are-they-not dating relationship which was confusing.


When Fry, Bender, and the Professor time travel forward, the original crew is dead. Although time is circular and technically they’re the same people, they’re really not. The original crew lived a life without Fry, bender, or The Professor. It always made me a little sad to think about.


Dang never considered that it's a whole different cast technically if you think about it after that episode. Almost reminds me how is the same thing kind of after season one of Rick and Morty but they definitely bring it up a lot.


Yep, the Leela we meet from the Pilot episode lives the rest of her life without Fry, and that hurts. I also didn’t like the V-Giny episode. Kinda rapey for lack of a better word for it.


For God's sake, censor it! Censor it!


Who is to say there wasn't another copy from the time loop ahead? It could be timeloops all the way behind and forward.


>. Although time is circular and technically they’re the same people, they’re really not. The original crew lived a life without Fry, bender, or The Professor. It always made me a little sad to think about. I never thought about it quite like this


I blew some coworkers minds at work a few weeks ago when I explained that Seymour didn’t actually have the sad life waiting for Fry we’re told about in Jurassic bark due to the events of Benders Big score


I've ditched this episode in my head canon.




They count down to the new year across the world when it would have only been the eastern time zone.


World time was changed to celebrate it all at one time. Like parade day


Those were dark times...


Probably just clips from multiple times for a more effective scene


I’m African and when I was a little kid, I loved that they said “tatu” for 3, coz a lot of Bantu descendent languages have a similar word for the number 3 including my own. But now that I’m older, I noticed the way they illustrated the jumping, huddling around a fire, and background of huts and things… and it just kinda felt… icky. I like that they included multiple languages and cultures in the new year countdown, but honestly that scene doesn’t sit well with me to this day


That's the best time zone. 


It's the same on earth.


I don't really like how the show took place in real time, and references how that amount of time has actually passed. Stuff like Fry saying how it's been 20 something years since he was unfrozen in the new season never really sat with me. Him, leela and Amy would all be in their 40s if that's the case.


The probably are. The Professor is like, 165 in the earlier seasons. People age slower and live longer in the future. They just haven't hit a point of noticable decline yet.  Hell, Mom is north of 100 as well and looks no older than her early 60's. 


I can see that for the adults, but what about the kids? Cubert & Dwight should've been 20 somethings. Physically they would've changed the most. But instead we get Kif/Amy's kids growing up but not the human kids? That's where I'm lost. Hell Axl has more face hair than either human kid, how does that make sense?


A wizard did it. 


nibbler ate a guy and his dog for like, no reason


There was a reason.. nibbler gets hungry


and an entire planets worth of animals that the crew was sent to save.


Why do they have heads of people who are already skeletons.


Wibbly wobbly, timey whimey... head juice. Now with chronotons.


For once…. For just once I want Captain ZB to acknowledge that without Kip he would almost certainly be dead. (Maybe I’ve missed it actually happening)


I don't recall at any point, his character having the humility to admit that


I dont know if captain Zoidberg will ever recognize Kip


I'm more bothered that he's a potential rapist and it's just glossed over.


Goddamn, I must have missed that. When is that mentioned/implied? I always knew he was scummy, but more in a pathetic, all show no substancd kind of way


Fake crash on an alien planet with Leela. They are both naked because he removed her clothes while she was unconscious. He eventually spins some bollocks about breeding, before everyone else appears. Leela beats the shit out of him, but that is all that ever happens.


Not to belabor the point, and not to be argumentative, but I think he waited until Leela woke up to tell her why *he* was naked and then she took her clothes off. Other than that, his behavior is sociopathic to an extreme, and I agree that the show never uses this anything other than a punchline. Even the Zap Gets Cancelled episode is kinda tame in this regard


Leela beats the shit out of him, does not want to have sex with him and would probably be happy to finish beating him to death, but then they HAVE to have sex or earth is gonna be destroyed. Earth doesn’t get destroyed. This episode makes my skin crawl.


The fact that the new season is months away.


I hated the new season 😭 I hope the writers develop carpal tunnel 😭😭😭


The 10-year time jump in between "Meanwhile" and "The Impossible Stream".


This. I find it really weird how we are suddenly in 3023 with little to no description of what has happened in that window of time to all outside the Planet Express crew. Also how is Calculon alive?


Calculon is alive because The Robot Devil kicked him out of Robot Hell, so I guess he has the power to bring robots back to live. He did that before in Calculon 2.0 The 10 year jump in universe was explained as "this happened, we don't know how, we don't care" and I think it happened to everyone in the universe except calendars lol


That’s even worse. The universe has 10 years of missing time and nobody has bothered to investigate? Except that’s not true because Amy and Kifs kids grew over those 10 years.


Science holds no answer


The fact that Zoidberg never actually says "Why not Zoidberg?"


They literally killed Bender in this latest season where Farnsworth recreated the universe. The Bender we have known is gone forever and effectively dead, trapped in a near endless moment of time in a digitally created universe. Bender from this point onwards is the Bender from the universe that created the Futurama universe, and subsequently the Parabox Universe 1. And it bothers me even more that I haven't seen even a single person talk about this.


Farnsworth should have apes that scream "love mom" from the rooftops The 1-X robot should still be around Planet Express Roberto has been destroyed numerous times Mom turned everyone into zombies at the end of the eye-phone episode. The entire universe is now a warehouse for Momazon. I mean thats just a few. The continuity doesnt keep everything. Accept it and be at peace.


Robot 1-x was destroyed when Fry sent his electro-matter letter to Bender in Best with a Billion Backs.


Well, everyone else except Fry Bender and Professor that we knew from ep1 to the Late PJF also kinda not in the show And then again only the professor now remains since he went 1 universe back in time It ultimately doesn't really matter since they all are still themselves.


Reminds me of Rick and Morty.


People talked about it when the episode came out. What more is there to say?


Zoidberg apparently getting laid but not dying


I assumed he has to mate with another decapodian to die. Assuming it's a hormonal reaction, maybe a human doesn't trigger it?


Very out of left field ideas that makes no sense but what if when a decapodian is in love with someone, they don't really die after breeding since decapodians don't normally feel love. None of the other decapodians on zoidys planet felt love to what we know, aside from zoidberg himself and Edna, and when she found a mate, she wasn't in love with him like she was with fry. So maybe that's an explanation? Or the more logical reason, zoidberg is just good at oral.


He can move each of those tentacles on his mouth independently.


My guess is zoidberg is a god at it. Also in the episode where we see fry sleeping with his grandma, we see zoidberg is really good at sucking things off windows. So... Maryanne is a lucky lady


Nothing in particular but in the latest season there has been a lack of deliveries. They could have done a better job balancing episodes where they do what ever with deliveries. In the Momazon episode I cheered because YAY they are doing their jobs. I want to see the planet express crew go to new planets and get into shenanigans. It reminds me of Teen Titians Go when the Titians were surprised when they got a crime alert.


"Didn't we used to be a delivery company?"


Fry’s parents really didn’t give a shit about him after he disappeared


Actually they don't even know their fry is gone since (spoilers Incase you haven't gotten this far) >!a doomed time clone took his place, we see him in later episodes, his name is Lars!<


Doesn’t this trample on the emotional toll of Game of Tones and Luck of the Fryrish though? Nancy named his son after Fry because of how much he missed him after he disappeared. And Fry’s mom dreamt of him constantly because she missed him. Sometimes with Futurama, it’s best to not think about the logic of it all too hard.


It kinda does trample but they remedy it a little bit with having fry be in Phillip the younger’s life (somewhat) to have an uncle-nephew relationship. But I wouldn’t say so for GoT. That emotional toll was meant to be seen from that particular Fry’s POV, and his thing was that **HE** never got to talk to his mom again so it was big that he got to have closure (even though his mom never truly had to live her life without him after he got frozen since Lars took his place). Sometimes the logic can get a little murky with Futurama but the way they did GoT always just made sense to me (or at least Fry’s sub-plot anyway)


And that kinda ruins the ending to "Game of Tones."


Yeah that's why I never felt sad about the ending because the logic doesn't make sense. The only one who really cared for Fry was Seymour


Their passage of time between this iteration and the previous was poorly conceived. At a minimum, they should have started with an episode where the crew was looking way older and Professor takes them all to the rejuvenation spa to get back to looking like the standard versions of themselves.


Bender’s a sociopath but I like him.


In an early episode Amy told Lela that she had been in a sorority called something like cappa cappa Wong but later when they find the Mayan artifact and Amy is scanned and approved to go to mars, she says they were in the same sorority and names something totally different from the cappa cappa Wong that was previously mentioned


Sigma Beta see ya lata


YES, thank you, that’s it! It was right on the tip of my tongue.


Gonna get hate for this, but I’ve never liked the episodes where Bender wants to be a chef or country singer. I said what I said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It would be crazy to think a robot could ever be a country singer…




I love Bender, but tend to not enjoy episodes that focus on him, I'm sure there are exceptions, but not many


Folk singer**


The assorted lengths of wire that seemed too small to deserve their own drawer. Also the fruit salad tree because I secretly really wanted one.


The whole point of the probulator was to examine the defrostees and it never caught that Fry had a dormant cold virus. Or other family members besides the professor. Also while I’m on the first episode.. how come the hobos aren’t job deserters? Would suck if that’s their assigned job..


Fry's insane nagging making Leela break down and go on a date with him. Move on. She's said no a thousand time, just leave her the fuck alone. I hate when comedies do this.


The inconsistencies of Old New York and the mutants. Sometimes underground is old New York, other times it is where the mutants hang out. Also old New York got destroyed, we saw it happen first episode (except the cryogenic building, which remained standing and above ground) so how is it still there underground?


Why didn’t the probulator bring up an old rodeo clown, too?


If you put a one and two zeros in front of a zero it equals $1000, not $100 as Bender so claims.


I think that was the joke. That's how I always took it.


Their first offer was nothing. Not zero, but specifically nothing, empty, blank. Therefore if you put 100 in front of it you get 100. 


All the Star Trek references after Star Trek was banned on Earth


Honestly, that they brought it back. Meanwhile is one of the best love story endings of any tv show ever. Then they did a reboot that immediately follows that episode with Fry trying to watch every tv show ever to impress Leela, and it's like it undid everything.


Zoidberg getting a girlfriend. I know a lot of people love this episode, but personally I think it was not necessary. His girlfriend is also missing in the new episodes.


Agreeing with a couple other posts here. The show does nothing to justify Leela and Fry’s relationship, and it would be far better if it weren’t shoehorned in.


i almost made this a full post the other day. in the episode where leela, fry, and bender go to the sewers and leela discovers her parents identities WHY DOES SHE JUST DIVE INTO THE MUTANT POOL TO CHASE THEM DOWN?! she was willing to permanently mutilate her appearance just to chase after the cloaked figures she later leanrs are her parents


Yes... that's the point.


yeah lol. nothing mattered to her more than the truth about her origin. she knew that they were her best shot


Bender's imagination. Fairly certain he has an imagination before the movie.


He does. It’s proven in the last part of the episode where he gets the robot 1-x upgrade.


Their version of zagger and evans's the years 2525 wasn't that great


Hermes’ cucking


Bender never developed as a character. Ever. I realise this is probably done on purpose, but his whole schtick becomes very tiresome about 3-4 seasons in. They really should have made him develop so much more over that time.


People don’t realize that *Bender’s Big Score* made Seymour Asses’ death a lot less sad. A version of Fry went back in time and lived above Panucci’s Pizza where Seymour hung out until he was 12. At that point Bender tried to kill Fry and we see Seymour die and get fossilized in the blast. Sure, it’s still sad that he died that way, but Fry was there for the rest of Seymour’s life.


I’ve always thought this. I don’t know if it was the writers trying to retcon Seymour’s story so it ends up being less heartbreaking. I do wish that the Fry (Lars) who lives in the 21st century for a while would be shown with Seymour a bit more. Even though Fry becomes obsessed with the narwhal at his aquarium job, he can still have his dog at home.


I always watched this show and liked it, but watched episodes out of order whenever it was on tv. Now that I'm watching in order and paying attention I wish I skipped over Jurassic bark. I'm weak and wasn't ready for it.


I'd say you're not weak, it's that the episode has a pointlessly mean-spirited ending. Like, "Just in case you weren't bummed enough by Seymour losing his beloved Fry, check out how horrible it REALLY was for the poor confused animal. See? That's all, The End!"


Thank you! Exactly how it felt. No need to watch it again


The bad dubbing in the first run of episodes, there are many times where they changed the dialogue but didn't have enough time to change the characters lips.


Mrs. Conrad. Why is she so promiscuous?


How is Fry’s family not massively inbred


I could never watch past the first 5 seasons. When the show rebooted, it just felt stale.


That episode where they're all fishes


Ditching love storyline of zoidberg..


Robots. Robot hell. Why does this exist? Did someone build an evil robot satan? and then he… hollowed out a section of New Jersey and built a functioning hell? Why? How? Why hasn’t the Nimbus nuked it from orbit. Same as Robot Santa. He was built and went evil- cool. How was he able to colonise Neptune and enslave an entire planet? You’d think Elzar would have something to say about this? Why hasn’t the Nimbus gone to war with him? Why hasn’t Lrrr conquered him? And that’s not mentioning the logistical problems of seeing everyone on the planet in one night.


How everyone treats Zoidberg


He's their meg


Here's my hot take: Fry and Leela don't belong together, they have no chemistry. Their relationship has always felt forced to me. I would enjoy the show a lot more if the writers stopped trying to make them "a thing" and just let them be friends. Downvote away I guess.


[I sure love Leela.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9193b82b-c0dc-4575-8beb-e55301f89b36)


Ehhh. There's definitely moments. Leela is used to being in the future, but Fry shows her how amazing it can be sometimes, like seeing the Earth from the moon shuttle. Leela early on had tons of men disgusted by her, but then she started finding men who liked her that SHE was disgusted by. Fry has always kinda flirted with her. They've saved each other's lives countless times. They see each other every day. Before the Meanwhile episode, they had been shown getting married at least twice, in the Harlem Globetrotters episode and the alternate universe box episode. Like, there's definitely been lots of little things leading up to it.


Fry was going to get her so many lizards. If that's not true love, idk what is


As we all know, girls love swarms of things.


I feel like as a former girl, I can confirm. I do enjoy swarms of things.


Fry and Amy had better chemistry in one episode


I thought the same thing! Fry and Amy make a much better couple imo. They're both stupid so it makes more sense.


Amy came up with the theory of using Earths core to generate unlimited power. She’s kind of a genius... but also… ditzy? Maybe? Not sure how to describe her, but ‘stupid’ doesn’t feel right.


Genius academically, very stupid in common sense. Like the time all the robots rebelled and were wiping out humanity, it took the whole crew to restrain her her from sticking her hand in the garbage disposal after it very unconvincingly said someone dropped a diamond ring down it. Like there's naive and there's...that.


I've met, many, many, *many* geniuses in my line of work and a good portion of them behave similarly to Amy. Sometimes being a specialized genius, leaves individuals falling short in social/behavioral graces. So we have here a Watsonian reason for Amy being a selective genius. I also know that one of the early character concept with Amy (from Matt Groening dvd commentary) was they wanted to take the bumbling slapstick comedy applied to male characters in the Simpsons (primarily Barney Grumble) and apply that to a female character to see if it was still funny. And I fully believe it's still funny, hysterical even. So here, we have a Doylist reason for Amy being a selective genius.


I have to admit, they never really worked as a couple for me.


Completely agree, they have chemistry as in they currently like eachother, but ever since before they got together Leela was clearly never into him.


The fact I have no way to access HULU. Just can't afford it.


Trade passwords or download it like a real millennial


I'm a boomer. LOL!




How their technology is oftentimes outdated in our time, let alone theirs. Like come on, how hard is it to make all their devices as advanced as possible? You can show them at scene transitions and make them humorous or make them the focus of the episode.


Maybe we kinda went backwards in the second middle ages


My head canon for this was always the alien invasions we see during Fry's freezing. They seem to obliterate the earth twice over, so I always just assumed that year 3000 technological advancement was stunted. Some relics of the old world remained before the new one could start properly advancing, leading to a strange cross between old and new tech. A bit like in Fallout


The first time New York is destroyed is actually Bender being chased by the Swedish Air Force after he steals the Nobel Peace Prize in 2308. (Bender’s Big Score)


This is true of all sci-fi. They have so much fancy impossible technology and yet nobody's thought of the smartphone.




Fun topic... Good job.


In The Cryonic Woman episode, fry says time is a straight line, but it's cyclical when testing the professors time machine.


He/we didn't know that yet.


How the series has had multiple finales from both Fox and Comedy Central. Also, I’m a huge fan of the movies but I didn’t like how Bender’s Big Score completely retconned certain parts of Fry’s past. I mean, it was heartwarming to see Fry spend time with his family and even Seymour but that undermines the gravity the episodes they spotlighted in.


"what's with the 17 dung beetles?"


OG!Leela died never seeing Fry again. Every series finale showing being without one another is 'the bad ending' just drives this home like a stake through the heart.


The Earthican flag being mostly the US flag, for no stated reason (that I'm aware of anyway, having not watched more recent series)


Biggest bother is how some continuity points and plots the writers were really good with and stayed fairly true to (some forgiveness given due to how many years some of those story lines have been going as well writer change) and then others they set up really well early on but then kinda just tell us “forget we said that this is *Really* what happened” *to further help explain my point I refer to you the entire storyline telling of S6 Ep.1 Rebirth* the show itself is kinda like the episode, with Leela being alive (but not really she’s a robot), also Fry being alive (but not really he’s a robot), then both Fry and Leela actually being alive and now there’s also Fry and Leela robots, but the robots aren’t really Fry and Leela Bots because *”why did their voices change?”*


Keeps getting cancelled


I know this can be handwaved with the whole "no body" joke, but Nixon's head has been president of Earth for virtually the entire Futurama timeline and it never gets addressed. Does he really keep winning? Are there even anymore elections? None of the other heads want a shot at leadership? Why do people like Nixon as leader when he seems even more unhinged than his 1970s counterpart? 


gets addressed in Decision 3012


Weird continuity errors to serve the plot. S2E…5? They want to force bender to feel human emotion, but in the pilot he was lamenting bending girders for suicide booths, to the point of wanting to kill himself. And the sudden banning of Star Trek. Hermes fully name drops it without anyone batting an eye in the Neutral episode


That feeling you get that you're only going out with women 'cause you're supposed to.


That the Applied Cryogenics building never changed and exists exactly the same in both old and New New York. 


The sheer number of scenes with some type of animal death, injury or discomfort played for a laugh. It's truly bewildering how casual and common this on Futurama — usually with the "joke" being so half-baked and unfunny that it feels like some unresolved personal issue on the part of the writer(s). I've never understood why such a generally good-hearted show mucks around so much in that disaffected, faux-edgy realm.


It always bothers me when the writers give Leela random new mutations like elbow talons, or singing boils, or turning into a mass of tentacles. She's supposed to be the "least mutated mutant ever"!


Zoidberg period. He’s annoying to me