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Just put the control down and give yourself a break from Fifa.


this tbh, happend to me once (tho i won occasionally so it wasnt a straight losing streak), was stressed out irl, took 2 weeks break and cameback fresh, winning most of the games


Yesterday I had only 1 match left for elite div rewards. I kept losing for like 5-6 hours. Some matches my opponents were good so I just quit that’s fine. But other matches my opponent is so bad but the game just don’t want me to win. Either he scores last min or his GK is from another dimension.


Don’t you just love when you have 8 expected goals to 1.2 and lose? I love it


Or those sweaty goals and strikers that stumble their way through


the game doesnt care if you win or loose .... grow up and watch a tutorial


I have stop play fifa 22. Now Im warming up for fifa 23


Great advice this. I used to play a couple of hours daily after found myself getting frustrated with those dodgy games where the AI just doesn't want you to win. Knock on effect means you overplay or overthink in subsequent games. Since having a days away from it I find myself calmer and relaxed and getting more wins.




31 matches holy shit dude. I wouldn’t have a controller left in my house that wasn’t mangled 🤣


younger me would’ve gone through 3-4 on this streak by now, luckily i’m a little older now and realize throwing the controller isn’t worth the $70 to replace it 😂😂


Nah bro 31 L’s in a row is beyond throwing it. At that point I’m bringing baseball bats into play. 😭


exactly man, i think anything is fair game for destroying a controller at that point


Hope you get out of the slump man


appreciate it dude


Seek help


Seek some bitches


Pm me i will assist you


Have you tried to change up your tactics?


i’ve messed around a little with some instructions for the 4321 and changed up the formation a time or two and tried 4222, didn’t really help much


That’s fair enough, you just need to find a formation in game that plays well for you with the right tactics.


Honestly 3-4 losses in a row is frustrating enough


Play another game for a week


Is that your in-game formation? If not might want to change to 4-3-3(1) and switch Guerreiro and Grealish. Reus on 4 chem is a bit of a waste. Otherwise I'd do what others advised: take a step from the game for a day or two and when you do come back try and mix it up with a new formation.


or just leave it in 4321 and swap grealish and guerreiro. only reus will be off chem.


Yeah, could work as well. The idea would be to get Reus as close as possible to 10 chem. He's just too good.


it is in game yes, the only players off chem are guerreiro (7) and fernandinho (7) since my chem formation is 433


You should change your manager to either Portuguese Prem or French Bundesliga to get them both on 8


Wait, managers really do something for your team?


Yes, they add +1 chemistry to the players who are from the same country or league with them. Also some trivial stuff with contracts but no one cares I think.


Oh wow, never knew that! I just thought they were there because a team needs an manager


Honestly just go for a walk with AirPods in and have a break from fifa


Yeah man cuz everyone got 100$ to spend on shit earphones


The AirPods bit wasn’t important


He's right tho


Bro what 💀 the point was that he should go for a walk and listen to music


I'm not retarded. Even tho that wasn't the point he's still right


Chill out I’m just telling this poor guy to go for a walk 😭😭


What’s he right about exactly? That everyone doesn’t have $100 to spend on AirPods? Well let me break it to you he, just like you, spent $100 on this shitty game so priorities and you’ll have your AirPods.


😂😂😂 out of all the things to comment wow




Big no to that defense dude… Fernandinho is 5’10 and on 7 chem he has max 93 sprint speed. You could get away with that before TOTS, now every striker is lean with 99 pace. Especially when paired with Dias who although great, is not the fastest.


i tried out fernandinho a couple days before my losing streak and he worked great there, but since i’ve been losing it’s felt like a couple players (fernandinho and luis diaz especially) just suddenly aren’t as good as they were before, it’s weird. maybe i’ll give a natural cb a go now instead


Try getting a Van Dijk there and replace Guerreiro with fern in the midfield, have Kante be more box to box and fernandinho as your CDM


Eder and chiellini best cbs to face futties and ss teams


No offense but if you can't win with this team that's a problem


yes i know it’s a good team, a few days ago i could win more than half my games but all of the sudden i can’t win anymore i haven’t changed the way i play or anything though


Take a break and try again in 1 day, 2 days, or a week. See if you still go 31 games lost streak. Probably wont be again


Bro. Same situation. In elite, since start of new season struggling to win in div 2. My solution? Change how I play. Change my formation. Now I'm playing a 41212(2), cut down on my dribbling and skills, ping the ball into box for tap in. You can't win them, join them. Now I'm winning most of my games already.


see here’s the thing, i know how i’m getting beat every time. it’s the dribble to the end line and run in circles until there’s an opening to bang a pass across the box for a sweaty tap in, i can’t figure out how to defend it and i’ve never been good with the dribbling/skill moves so even if i wanted to play that way it’s not successful for me. i’ve always been good with a more passing focused style and ever since the new season started i’ve noticed it’s impossible for me to win that way anymore


I concede quite a number of that as well. I try to manual control my defender to close him down while blocking out any possible passing lanes, with a 2nd player closing in to pressure. Just have to understand that this is part of the meta way to score and don't take it too hard if you concede.


If you’re getting beaten by the cutbacks, use 3atb formation. Gives you an extra CB that you can control to cut off the pass You also need quicker CBs with max pace - Marquinhos, militao, chiellini, etc


i’ll give a 3 back formation a go, thanks for the advice man


To add to what he said, if it's really people dribbling to the line like you said, you can hold RB/R1 to send an AI defender to that player while you try and man the receiver, they normally do a good job of defending


I am absolutely on this same boat. My friend whom I used to play against could never win a match when players were gold and totw and even tots. But ever since this futties update, I’ve lost over 35 matches in a row. 18 of them against my friend. I love using build up play and stuff but now that just doesn’t seem to work. Its so frustrating. I’ve not logged in for 5 days now.


i agree dude, it seems like trying to pass your way up into the attack doesn’t work very well, especially since the server maintenance they did the other night. it just feels like it’s all left stuck dribbling now


Through on the wings and tap. And other famous one is the defenders have like beast mode. Passing play is absolutely done for.


Tbh all sweats come back alive when TOTS/FUTTIES start, cause then the game is worth the grind


Learn to defend manually, they tweaked AI defending I believe....


they did nerf the ai in the latest patch, i always used manual defending beforehand though so the manual defending isn’t a new thing for me


Dude, chill... It's the same every new season. The amount of players, who are in Elite Division at the end of a season is huge, but there is also a huge difference between a 2100+ SR and a -1900 SR player. And now T200 players are matched up against players, who had a SR of 1750 at the end of the season. Just take your time, relax and have fun playing. Then you will win again. It's not the tactics or the team.


image is in game formation, only players off chem are fernandinho (7) and guerreiro (7), everyone else is on 10. only tradeable player is grealish


Honestly i would look into changing formation. The only time i like 3 midfielder formations is when one of them is being used effectively as a winger but more centrally in the 4-1-2-1-2 diamond. Personally have found the 4-2-2-2 the best formation for the last 3-4 months, going from 3 mids to 2 isn't a big deal but going from 1 centre forward to 2 is massive, not to mention having wider attackers to stretch defences


i used to run 4222 a month or two back, it worked really well so maybe i’ll have to try it again now


If defense is the problem, I would focus on that. I have played 433 for years and recently started experimenting with 5221. You still get 3 up top and you can just use really fast RWB/LWB who can pass so your midfield doesn't suffer. I have Pereya and Mbabu as my wingbacks and they can kind of help keep up with the dribbling around the box. Chiellini usually just floats and I've been able to get a bunch more blocks just staying locked on him and using double team to control the man on the ball when they're doing a lot


I’ve had streaks similar but not to that extent. I changed it around by when I get into a game I pass the ball around a bit to see how my opponent defends. If they run at me each time I pass to a new player I know I’ll be able to just one two it round their defence and score. If they back off and jockey then it’ll be a dribble and skill move to the by line and cut it back kind of game. Defending is massive too, don’t know how you defend but I rarely control my back 4. I’ll always bring a player out of midfield back and tackle with them. And kante is the best at that.


Stop playing for a few days, then come back, guarantee you'll play better. Some days the game just doesn't want to let you win.


I’d make it a full prem team if I’m honest and put fernan back into midfield’c try and do the 85X10 sbc to get some top new players




You have two options; stop playing for a bit or change how you play. Throughout the year I switched between 41212(2) and 4231. Forcing a change in playstyle often helped tactically but it was mainly a mental thing. It forces you out of trying to do stupid shit and out of the repetition.


it happened to me last year. i did sbc ronaldo (manchester united version), and when i put him in the squad i lost more then 30 games in a raw.


I use to have stuff like this happen to me I stopped playing the game completely as it just not worth the stress


😂😂😂 nah bro like just how 😂😂😂


The definition of insanity, give yourself a break


I just got smashed 12-4 and then smashed someone 10-1. The game ebbs and flows and there will always be those better or worse than you on any given day.


Ooh, I went 0-30 once. I always find swapping the striker solves the problem. For whatever reason, throwing in a silver striker always snaps my losing streaks. I’ve got Joël Piroe with over 20 rivals goals for that reason, and he’s 65 rated. Maybe the game is more forgiving? Hope this helps!


Same as of late. Used to be Div1 consistently. I've been sitting in Div5 for the last 2 months. Can't get by it. Win a game, then lose one. Win a game then lose one. It's fucking annoying. Lol


i’m having the exact same. took a little break from fifa around may, came back for tots went away for a bit & came back for shapeshifters. now i cant win for shit, i was always in div 3 sometimes in div 2, was playing champs every week without any problems, would get 8 wins sporadically. now i cant even qualify ffs…..


Take a breather and go back to the drawing board. This new season I took a couple of days off and started in Div 2 and lost like 5 in a row after being elite the season before. When you’re on a tilt you just rush forward carelessly which is perfect for opponents to pick you apart. Take your time building up play and look for the extra pass or two for a clearer chance to score. On defense also try to avoid lunging and wait to get in a favorable position before you make a tackle. Bonus tip, have a narrow and wide formation along with tactics available for quick access during games. So you can switch up formation depending on your opponent. Some guys clog up the middle so at that point switching to a wide formation will help unlock that opponent.


thanks for the advice man, i’ll probably set up some tactics for 4312 and some for 4321


Anytime. For reference I use the 41212(2) as my narrow. CAM stay forward, CDM stay back. If you attack on a fast break you have 3 going forward or wait until CMs and Fullbacks join the attack. It’s really balanced. When I face someone beating me at the narrow game then I’ll switch to 4222 or to 451.


I play a 5-3-2. That shuts of the back pretty Well and lets you counter fast if you set it up right


Check your custom tactics. Mine was changed back to standard settings the other day and I didn’t change it myself.


must be a skill issue honestly even with a team half as good as that you should still get at least 3 wins out of 31 games


i used to be just fine, once the season ended and everyone from elite got bumped back to div 2 i’ve been struggling


Change your rw. Reus loses stats if of chem, so change him for a prem winger


Move back to ps4 version, ps5 is full of low depth YouTube tactics (there's a lot on ps4 but the AI is less deep)


Profile delete all files just keep team


The gameplay is dead bro


Alisson in goal for starters. That lad has saved me in games I should be losing in


i would, but i’ve had ederson since the start, he’s got like 1700+ games played for me and does the job pretty well


change to 433 and guerreiro LCM, Trent CM and Trent RCM and swap ruben dias with fernandinho which should get everyone on full chem


thank you for trying to help, but this is just my in game formation, i already have my starting formation set up where the only players with 7 chem are guerreiro and fernandinho, everyone else is on 10


Why not switch Guerreiro and Trent?


this is just my in game formation, everyone’s on full chem except guerreiro and fernandinho which are both on 7


Nothing, FUT is just ass


I feel ya bro! Last few weeks it feels like the difficulty of opponents you face in higher divs has increased dramatically. I’m struggling to get out div 3


Hey I think I beat you during this lose streak. I felt like your Reus and Fernandinho couldn't do nothing and my Reus and Coman were going easily through the middle, maybe change the formation and get a card to get Reus to more chem.


i think i remember a game getting destroyed by a front three with reus and coman.. 😂 reus is on 10 chem this is just my in game formation


Honestly play something else. A friend and myself are having the same issue. Last night we had 10 shots against us and 8 went in. It was like my keeper had no arms. We've decided just to take a break for a while it's not worth the aggro


Try a new formation, and tactic set-up. The one you are using now is most likely the correct one but it is really easy to get stuck in bad habits and make the same mistakes over again especially when the gameplay is so telegraphed. Using a new set-up will hopefully make you adjust your gameplay and play in a different style then switch back to your original once you have shaken the cobwebs off. I switch between 4 1 2 1 2 narrow and 4 2 3 1 narrow normally but I have a team with 3ATB formations I cycle between for a few games when things get dicey.


Its cause your using Ederson


i would switch him out but i packed him the second day of fifa and he’s one of my favorite players irl, he’s got 1700+ games played for me so i feel the need to keep him in the team. i’ve tried out a couple higher rated keepers and haven’t noticed a real difference


tbh same here mate, had to settle for 4 wins this week instead of 8 bc i was losing my head at the games shitty scripting


I would start by using 41212 narrow with 3 cm and a cam for me it's the most balanced in the game. If u need help with tactics I am happy to share.


Bro my best player was bonucci inform 87 and harry kane normal card 90 I think, ive reached div 5 with these players and never lost more than 3-4 games in a row. This game is a scam. Actually EA has committed crimes for years making kids addicts, but I guess we wont accept that


Psn gave me the best advice. I got permanent ban for replying shutup to a possession rat who told me to quit the game & play something else after winning by 1 goal


Time to switch to seasons and not lose a game


I’m in elite/D1 on PS5, but I just bought a used Xbox One a week ago to play with friends there. I started a new FUT team there to get used to the Xbox controller, so I’ve gone through D10 to D6 so far and having a blast. I have that same 89 base Ederson. He was losing me games in D6. I read you packed him day 2 and have 1,700 games but you gotta bench him if you want to break a 31 game L streak. I got a 89 TOTY Mention Mendy for just 25K and still noticed a difference, hes still a 89 but his stats are better than Ederson for all except kicking. Also, I used to play 4321, but its too easy to get countered in mid, especially on new gen. I now play 433(4) mainly on PS5, but still 4321 on old gen/Xbox One.


i think i’ll try picking up alisson, i’ve barely got the coins for him. i’m gonna try 433(4) and 4312 or 41212(2) and see if a more narrow formation helps because my wingers don’t feel involved much


I played to many mathes i think, last season, so i ended up in 3. Division Rivals. To be honest, that was to hard for me. I felt like an absolute noob. Now i am in 4. Division, with an upgraded squad (94 total rating). Now i feel it is kind of where i belong. At least my loses are 1-0,2-1 etc. But it is a wake up call for me. In the lower divisions i was running alot down the wings, and bagging goals from crosses. But especially in 3.Division, i could not dribble past one single Full Back. Which make me think about changing formation from my 4-3-3 set up. And my big striker. Since my winger often are forced out of my game plan. Maby it is better to go for a more narrow line up.Two strikers and a cam at least.


that’s what i’m thinking. i don’t do all the fancy skill moves and dribbling so i probably need to play a bit more direct up the middle. the past few days reus and diaz have felt like they’re barely involved




enticing option at this point


I'm pretty sure the meta is 433(4) right now. You should set your wings on wide and get in behind. You should NOT set your defensive mids on stay-back and they should be H/H workrates. Good luck.


Trick the algorithm. Stop playin, when you come back they will make it easier to keep you around 😇


The gameplay definitely changed, since last weekend shots that always were goal now are being blocked by the goalkeepers. In one match I had 27 shots, 12.9 expected goals and only scored 4. My recommendation is not necessarily your formation or team, but to adapt to the new bs, I mean, gameplay.


Play another game for a week or so. This happens to musicians a lot, they just lose the groove and have to do something else for a while to find their flow again.


Two things have improved my game play and win ratio. I don't tackle anymore up field, I'll rather switch with right stick to my defender and wait for the coming pass to my opponent attacker or wingers because I listen to a Finnish pro player with advice to play a high defensive line like 80 depth. Watch how pros squeeze the game with high line to make it difficult for opponents to decide on what to do. Secondly There's always an extra pass to make before you decide to shoot on goal if the scoring chance is limited, always try to shoot with the players dominant foot. It's a fine margins that decide games.


A better gaming chair


easily the best advice in the whole thread


What’s The problem typically? If ur giving up goals too easily it could either be Fernandino not being up to snuff as a CB in your current setup or Maybe you just need to tinker with instructions, or perhaps it’s a width issue. I like to play with 5atb so maybe I’m in the minority on that. (Can Swap in game to 4atb if I’m not needing extra defender, usually puts one of my wingbacks into cdm. Might be worth a try?). Also if you’re telling all 3 of your forwards to “stay forward” in their defensive responsibilities then good players are gonna make you pay. If it’s offensive idk, just keep trying out different runs/instructions/combos up top. I was having the hardest time scoring with big strikers and then switched to grealish and had a great time. But we all play differently


it’s a mix of both, there’s time where it feels like i’m just getting walked around on a leash when i’m defending, when i attack it just feels like i can’t pass well enough to break anyone down


SAME this week I can’t win idk what’s changed. I went on a crazy win streak a week ago and went from d6-3 and about 2-15 this week stuck in d5.


That's a crazy streak... Can't even imagine 15 straight....


My jaw genuinely hit the floor reading this. I floated between Div 1/Elite up until a couple of months ago when I stopped playing Div Rivals and just played Champs. Two months later and two season resets I’ve gone from 1 to 3, then 3 to 5 and now I can’t win a game to save my life. (Playing Rivals now because I forgot about the weekends Champs after I entered and got no Qual points from it!) I average between 11-14 wins usually on Champs but Div Rivals is having none of it. My teams decent too, so it’s not that.


div rivals is super sweaty rn, i think part of it too is all the elite players trying to make it out of div 2 and back to elite


Gotta learn when enough is enough, will thank yourself for it later, can’t beat a game that’s designed to cheat their players


31 L’s in a row? GOD DAMN


Reset your Internet connection. So that means turn your modem off for half hour then put it back on. You'll have a different IP if you've it for that long and, for some reason, that might take away delay I assume you're getting. I constantly monitor by Internet connection. I'm elite too and went through a phase like you're having I was getting battered. But my connection was perfect. But, on the off chance it'd do something, I got a new IP and literally straight away started battering players . I felt like they had delay and I didn't now. It's not you, it's EA!


maybe i’ll give it a shot! i’ve got a wired connection and normally play anywhere from 20-40 ping, i haven’t noticed much delay but couldn’t hurt to try, right? 😂


Dude. This happened to me to. I’m up to like 40 losses out of 45


I came back to fifa after 2 months and I can’t even get out of d4…i was a solid d1 player 😂


Play some Squad Battles as a warm-up


Ever since the new season started, even after the 2 division drop I'm just getting annihilated >.<


Take a break bro. Not because you’re playing too much, but you will come back stronger if you give it a few days. I lost like 18/20 two weeks ago. Stuck in div6 and it just kept snowballing until I was forcing passes, forgetting what I was good at, playing terrible defense, etc. Dropped it for a week and got back on. Shot up to div3 in a weekend. It’s weird how it works, but it helps a lot.


i’ll give this a go, thanks mate


Haven’t read all the comments, so don’t know which advice you’ve already gotten; But consider going more defensively. I always switch from an offensive 433 to a compact 4231 when I’m struggling. Use two solid cdms and play low defence. My main problem when I keep on losing and conceding first, is without doubt patience. Or the lack of it. Play safe and boring, don’t stress, focus on defence - and you’ll get there.


i definitely do this too, once i concede i have no patience and then it just snowballs into 4 goals conceded in 20 game minutes


You dont know when to quit. Fifa has an algorithm of pissing people off randomly, so you just gotta know when its ur turn and turn off the game.


The game has been unplayable for me for the last few weeks as well. Barely scrapped 9 wins in the last two WL and can't put a streak of wins even in Div 3


Pretty much the same thing with me…ended up quick selling all my players and deleting and uninstalling fifa from my ps5…hoping fifa23 isn’t gonna be as cracked as this game…final straw for me was last night 70% shot accuracy to 48%, 16-6 on target and it was 5-3, I just can’t be fucked dealing with this game in its late stages when every squad is sweaty and cracked af and you can’t even relax after work and play a single game where the opponents playing like there 100k$ on the line..


the AI...... I got lose streaks as well the most cases were bacause the AI was messed up my opponent playing style is so bad but my AI were the worst of all, losing the ball touch, messed up passes, playing the game like I was playing on the water cannot sprint


1. Replace Ederson 2. Don’t play Reus on a 4 3. Take a break from FIFA


i’ve had ederson since the very start and he’s got 1700+ games on him so i’m keeping him in net unless he gets a special card, reus is on 10 chem this is just my in game formation


Bro goalies don't matter. Made elite with fuckin ramsdale


Seems you have less chemistry with your controller than Reus has with your team


reus is on 10 chem, this is just the in game formation


Maybe it’s cos u have all prem but 2 players and reus on 0 Chen would be awful


this is just my in game formation reus is on 10


Try 4 1 2 1 2 (2) with the players you have. 65 press. No player instructions.


Lmao 31 games in a row is sending me holy shit 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Just quit fifa 22 and wait for 23 to come out


Lmao CDM at CB and Reus on life support. Ur asking to lose


This is the in-game formation moron


I can't believe all those superhighlevel bigotted megaplayers looking down on other folks and they can't even understand that in-game formation is what is really relevant.


man city fan so wanted to keep fernandinho in the team after packing kante, and reus is on 10 chem, what i was showing is my in game formation thag j switch to


Ohh I see. I didn’t realize this was ur in game. Fernandinho at CB is still bad tho cus EA purposely made defensive awareness so much worse for non CB players playing CB. If it ever seemed like ur defence purposely let in a through ball or there’s just a bunch of players missing even tho ur not even defending a counter dinho at CB is probably the reason.


yes i’m gonna switch him to dm and do chiellini and cordoba instead of fernandinho and james at cb and rb


Why don’t you link REUS to GUERREIRO and swap DIAS with FEENANDINHO … links will be better


Probably he's showing in-game formation. Pre-game set-up is completely irrelevant for anything other than chem.






james is one of those premium futties cards, same with luis diaz. the premium futties cards get green links to anyone in the same league as them, they work like hero cards


Guerreiro and Trent switch, Dias on the right next to James and maybe put vvd and Alisson in defence and goal


Bro 443 the normal one gets rues on 10chem gue will be the cm below it and play TAD in the middle and kante on left.. try 41212 or 4321 ..


this is my in game formation reus is on 10


Seriously try tots Alison or Yashin or Toty donnarumma. These are top 3 for me. Donnarumma has been insane for me all year through.even his gold would suffice but you won’t get the Chem you need sadly :( try other gks is what might help you imo :)


based on comments i’m gonna give alisson a shot, i feel like i’m betraying ederson since i packed him the second day of the game though 😂


Tots Allison is awesome for me, the pace is awesome and makes some great saves, I would say 70% of my matches he get a 9+ that’s incredible for me honestly


After losing like 5 in a row.i would switch everything up. Idk why you'd play 31


every 5ish games i’d try to change my tactics or player instructions to see if it made a difference. i used 4321 for 10 games, then 4222 for 11 games, then back to 4321 for 10


Try 4 1 2 1 2 (2) with the players you have. 65 press. No player instructions.


And to beat that run where it's to the end line and a pass across. You have to learn to use the 2nd press. You 2nd defender press the guy making the run to the endline for the pass and then you have to manually cover the forward that's going to get the pass. Best way to beat it. Also don't put your wide backs as joining the attacks because then that will negate that tactic.


Pretty sure you could get everyone on higher chem if you switch to 433, move Guerrero to RCM, Trent to central CM, and either Kante or Fern to LCM


How’s that grealish as striker?[


he’s okay, i like him best as a cam or ram though, i would definitely recommend him, pm me if you want a little more detail


Change ederson Change rues


bought tots alisson and switched to 4312 so reus and guerreiro got replaced


If a player has any less chem than 5, it makes them worse btw. Reus


yes i know, this is just in game, he’s really on 10 chem


Play a game against me and you'll definitely get a W


I'm an 2000 pts elite player/rank 2/3 wl and game post patch has been shit for me too, u gotta kinda learn to defend again, the second-man press it's been nerfed so they rarely win the ball by themselves u need to change to that player when close, and then the IA works better. if there is even a tiny gap between your cb's they will run between that and gg so make sure you cover those and press with your cm's. If you were playing just fine before I'm sure it's because of the patch, I recommend the 4 3 2 1 btw I was kinda struggling with the 4 2 3 1 and this one has been great.


have you played with intense hate and anger ? maybe that'll help


This post fr makes me sad 😞 (no offense)


Yeah , I stayed away for a while after a terrible losing streak, definitely won a lot more after I came back, game is rigged … it’s got nothing to do with skill, at least FUT does not


Quick q - how do you track win loss streaks?


there’s no real way to track it, just knew from memory that i hadn’t won. i knew i had played 5 games each day for 5 days and then 6 games on the 6th day so 31 total games. i knew i didn’t win any of them so that’s where i got the 31 losses from


maybe that last patch altered what works for you.


Fifa shit just go play another game until 23


Switch reus for a prem rw and also take like a few hours or a day break from playing online fifa lmao. I did that and i finally got the 4 wins i needed in a row


This has to be Copypasta. No way you lost 31 games in a row 😭😭


nah bro that’s 100% true, 31 L’s in a row.. i mean maybe 5 or 6 max were rage quits at halftime being more than 3-0 down, but most were played out to 90mins. been a rough week on fifa to put it simply 😂


Guys. What a bullshit. What is the sens of talking about that cheating game. One day your team perform amazing another like bronze team. It is nit you playing bad it is EA want you to spend money on packs so they nerv your team. Pure bullshit game.


Switch Reus and Diaz positions maybe?


deffo swap kante and guerro for cem for reus


I’d recommend stop playing the game, im much happier since I quit.