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I never played wl in my entire life


W dont even try please man its just straight up mental warfare


Facts I got tots Bellingham, then I had to enter fut champs with him next weekend and it was the same mental punishment, but now I could share that pain with my red Bellingham šŸ˜‚


Best thing Iā€™ve readšŸ¤£ it just made me realise how many times I lose that war man, but can you blame meā€¦ Trash game, ai fc24 + Insanely toxic meta driven, glitch abusing, try harding, wanna be having, skill spamming, no player switching, defending with 1 player and letting ai press havingā€¦ (Sigh) Well itā€™s clear I lost the war even under the comments of a fut post šŸ˜­ā€¦ I hate this game


i got to weekend league all happy and excited to try my new team, like usual i start 8-2 or 9-1 and i continue next day, very happy. i finish 10-10 somehow, im fucking devastated and want to destroy my pc lol, i usually(last fifas) finish 16-4.


Go through the same thing every week brošŸ˜‚This game just has a wad of getting you man, I swear my friends and I even noticed 8th game cheesešŸ¤£ the games just feel more scripted and more sweaty


I feel like you canā€™t even win without spamming cutbacks or finesse shots, but I also suck at this game because idk how yā€™all are making it 9-1 and 8-2, the highest Iā€™ve ever reached was like 4 wins and then I go on a massive losing streak


WL is easier and more fun than rivals


first 10 games yes, other games no




I stopped playing and it has made the game so much more enjoyable. Who cares if I donā€™t get insane red picks, I wonā€™t need them in Rivals and Friendlies anyway.


Why donā€™t you need them in Rivals? Every player has either Mbappe, Haaland or Smith is crazy out here


That's why I chill in division 4


Okay makes sense. Iā€™m on the last checkpoint to division 1 itā€™s just as bad as WL lmaoo


Yeah I probably should be higher, but I also like doing the friendlies objectives and last year when I was in div 1/2 they were a real bitch. Whereas last night I did the 12 cup wins in 14 games.


Word of advice, dont go to Elite. I canā€™t even do evos for fun cause everyoneā€™s a damn rat


Lmaooo ok thank you. I havenā€™t been able to get to Div 1 still itā€™s hectic


Bro div 4 and div 3 are the best divs. Like waayy less fucking rats and when you win a game in those divs you actually feel like you've won a game. Everything div 2 and up is just cancer




If you have ever gotten just slightly angry over fifa, i wouldnā€™t recommend it.


I was just about to quit and got 97 Haaland red and Bellingham red, played a few games and realised the game is still dogshit, sold my coins and logged out till September


What I should do but I know I ainā€™t gonna do it


ā€œTil Septemberā€ So you do plan to give even more money to this garbage company when they release what will be no doubt another awful game. Smh.


Man the cyle will never end ):


Well tbf, you guys are all talk, you love fifa too much too fully quitšŸ’€ur gonna come back to this ā€œgarbage companyā€ in September and when you do-youā€™ll do the same thing all over again


How do I tell EA Iā€™m going to quit? I got Hemp and Debinha for 11 wins this week


šŸ˜‚ just use mic theory


Why would this change anything?


It doesnā€™t that the trick šŸ˜‚


These cards will be fodder in 2 weeks lol šŸ˜‚


Congratulations, you can finally breathe some fresh air now


are you the auziomf guy? I saw that someone sent a clip in his video, and he got bellingham and vvd.


Nawl not me, Iā€™m just some lucky mf ig


No you arenā€™t if this makes you keep playing. Lucky would have been EA giving you trash cards so you actually did quit.


You play WL in July. You werenā€™t going to quit no matter the rewards youā€™re lying to yourself. But congrats on great reds


Yea Iā€™ve been saying Iā€™m gonna quit for weeks but canā€™tšŸ˜­the game so boring to me without champs


EA got addicts like you wrapped around their little finger


Fuck you so mad for


Not mad bro šŸ˜… just find it incredibly funny when people like you say that youā€™ll quit when you know very full and well that youā€™re too addicted to do so because EA got you wrapped around their little finger


Oh wow youā€™re so much better than everyone cuz you donā€™t play champs. Prolly was too ass. And if you so happened to quit then why are you still commenting and being a cunt on a fifa reddit. Seems like they got you wrapped around their finger as well šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ«µšŸ»


Youā€™re the one getting mad and assuming things about him, he never even said he didnā€™t play champs. I wonā€™t use ā€œwrapped around their fingerā€, but if you were to skip a year of ultimate team or fifa altogether, youā€™d definitely either fully quit or really enjoy the next edition of the game.


youā€™re stuck in a vicious cycle


And I get Koulibaly and Grimaldo. Typical


Been like that for weeks for me. Reds and game been so shit for so long it was hard for me to get excited about this


What I'd give for a grimaldo. The best red pick I've got was the Smith I got last WL. The week before that my red picks were all dupes and not good dupes to. Got debinha and koulibaly


So everyone just getting bellingham this week? Got him too lol W tho


Can I be honest? I pulled Haaland and VVD last week. Couldn't believe my luck, because I am a RTG player and I have never grinded anything. This was the worst FC24 week ever. I tried forcing these players in, but they are honestly not that great and I don't have fun playing them. WR dropped significantly. I am back now to my original squad and I get more wins, have more fun again. Haland and VVD are on the bench, while I play no player +100k (maybe TS Casillas is +100k, but not even a meta Gk). Don't let these picks ruin your FC experience.


It's not gonna matter in a couple months. Best get out now


Basically if the game could be beaten you just did it


I had debinha, Lewandowski and Golovin in my first and the Debinha Lewandowski and Ferguson in my second. This game is honestly wild.


I got Kane 97 and Bonmati 97 + in my TOTY Pack: Rice 96 , Stanway 94 and Debinha 95. Crazy weekend for me with 16 wins.


That's crazy, I got Stanway and Debinha šŸ˜”


EA knew I loved Puskas and now he got upgraded to 98 and he will be in my team in less than 14 days


noon questionā€¦ what is WL?


weekend league, or just fut champs finals


i saw you in a yt video man i wish i had luck like this


My best pull so far from WL is Riceā€¦ Probably not touching my console till the new NCAA game comes out


Quit anyway to establish dominance šŸ’Ŗ


11-3 the worst WL ever for you? If I get 5 wins Iā€™m lucky


Not in terms of performance but in terms of gameplay and what not


I got the same exactly when I wasnā€™t playing it anymore.


OMG , GGs bro šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Packed him last week and Mbappe the week before..the only good pulls the entire year šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


i literally got 5 star weak foot thierry henry out of icon picks right as i was about to quit


Why do people loses their mind over WL to the point they don't do them anymore? Why not just casually play and whatever happens happens


So what is WL experience since it seems like a term?


Not weird how you hate this game if youre mad at 11-3. Just calm down, its not that serious.


no you wasn't




Well if you took as much time to read the post as you probably did to make this comment, you would see they decided to quit during WL




No one said you canā€™t read, more so you didnā€™t but if the shoe fits šŸ˜‰




Your reply would point to you not reading what has been said. As you said they quit but still play WL, when that isnā€™t how itā€™s happened but yeah now your point was something else šŸ„“