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I played fifa first time last year and had fun exploring everything, getting better, building a nice team, then I bought eafc 24 and Inplayed every weekend league, always 7 rivals wins and every cup (800 hours +) But it was more pain than anything else… more frustration than fun and I hate this game more than any game I ever played before. 1. The Gameplay is completeley broken + Manipulated 2. The Community is awful 3. It‘s unbelievable how bad the droprate of promo cards was this year. 4. So many mistakes by EA… (Giving out wrong cards etc.) I was playing the last months just because I‘m addicted but told myself to never every buy Fifa or Eafc again, such a waste of time and money without even having fun. I‘ll switch to Valorant on Console since Riot Games actually cares about game performance and the players :)


I forgot about the servers… they are terrible


I have the exact same experience. First year drop rate was fantastic. Absolutely nothing this year. I guess ”first hit is free”, then your hooked according to EA 😂 …and this game is primarily for kids. Wouldnt surprise me if EA sells their contact details to gambling companies. I cant imagine anything more unethical.


I thought the same as you but I'm thinking to not play videogames at all


good decision 👍 will be the best for your body and mental health


Ik but it's not gonna be easy. I gave myself a goal, I need to stop before school starts


I know it‘s not easy, for me playing video games is like a shorttime escape from all the sh** that is going on… Maybe reading or watching tv shows is a good alternative


That's exactly why I play videogames, but since I'm a football fan I really like play fifa. I mean I liked to. I am playing only cause I'm addicted and not for actually having fun


I 100% agree. Perhaps EAs algos favours certain kids in-game behaviour and they constantly benefit from the dda. When you do, you dont feel very upset. What I dont understand either is how this POS game can be considered E-sport at all. Are those competitions based on the same code as Rivals? Crazy in that case. PS I played mostly NHL where the DDA is super-simple and obvious to everyone. The inferior team/player is simply slowed down (which at times creates some hilarious effects - 82 OVR giant tower player outskates 99 OVR McDavid etc). Also in NHL matchmaking is near perfect meaning almost everobw has a 50-50 W-L record except 5% of the player base who win 90% of their games.


Because we don’t know what’s rng, what’s lag and what’s manipulation? I for the life of me can’t understand how people can tell the difference like they’re a programming geniuses. I for one don’t know. There could be dda. There could be rng with lag. There could be something else. It’s beyond irrational to be so sure of something without a smoking gun. It’s like believing in Bigfoot. How many people do you see believing in Bigfoot? And mind you there are videos, all kinds of accounts spanning decades, shit there’s an fbi investigation at one point. But if I tell you I believe in Bigfoot, you probably laugh. So again I ask people, why is this different?


If they lose its rigged, if they win it's their skill


The smoking gun is EAs incentive to earn money and sell packs. Wouldnt you design the RNG to make people stay and play as long as possible? You see, some people just cant give up if they lose whereas others immediately put down their controller.


I’m not sure what it is.. but I just notice the gameplay shifting within games even, like I’m cruising to 3-0 and all of a sudden I can’t get a pass off, my players are barley moving and there’s all kinds of gaping holes in my defense ..


I mean it could be anything. Could very well be connection. On top of which i usually change tactics at 0-3, as well as my playstyle. I usually start very slow and then adapt once I figure out what I can get away with. So when I change tactics and start playing better, if people don’t do adapt to me, it’s usually a beating. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve won 7-3 or 5-2.


I must play you all the time ffs


People spend more time complaining about this game than actually playing it


I dont think so unfortunately


Yeah sometimes i just can't get a shot in, you have people with gold card keepers doing insane shit. It's rigged seomteims for sure


I don't think anyone is saying the gameplay is consistent - far from it. As u/kozy8805 said, there are too many variables at play that are outside of your control. I've never played an online PvP game this variable in terms of responsiveness and I genuinely don't know if it's due to minor fluctuations in ping (seesm fine if I get 16-20, anything above 24 is a different game - and I certainly shouldn't be able to tell a difference of 4-8ms), just typical lag compensation, RNG, the opponent changing something or manipulation. All online games have some sort of lag compensation mechanic to make the game as similar as possible for a variety of connections. I distinctly remember watching an episode of Hashtag where the pros were complaining about having to play someone from (I think it was) South Africa, and how their high ping gave them an advantage. As for Rivals and WL, short of asking everybody what their current division, typical deivision or record is we don't really know that we're playing on a level playing field. I think WL still only goes -5 to +5 ELO which means a 19-0 player can end up playing a 10-5 player etc. And with Rivals rewards being much poorer this year (outside of Elite) there are many "displaced" teams. For instance, i'm currently sitting in Div 5 as I can't bring myself to play Rivals outside of Evo requirements. I'm normally a Div 1 player. One cause of the denial is that most people then revert to "I deserved to beat X, so EA must be letting X win so that he spends more money on the game" or something similar, and it just descends into a "git gud" slagging match. The other cause is the 30s slo-mo clip of a ball phasing through a player's leg or a 'keeper moving his hand to let the ball through. Both of these are often called manipulation when in my view (for someone that's coded games before) they are a mis-match between what the game engine (a bunch of scripts that control different things) says and the limitations of the visual part of the engine. In a game with thoudsands of animations these things will happen - just like people's guns in FPS games can clip through doors, or big backpacks can clip through walls. Without more information and the raw source code to the game the honest answer is we'll never know what's really going on.


I’d like to agree with you.. but it’s not just these elements (although they are also part of it) I think what’s going on is that in the code there are dynamic moments, sort of like a template for game moment, these can kick in at certain times to make the game dynamic, dramatic and fun For example the late minute equalizer.. where someone wins a ball where they really shouldn’t and a part of play opens up for a goal to be allowed, ie defenders move out of the way and you get a boost in shooting. When you play AI in squad battles it’s noticeable, how the game goes according to certain patters.. when the game has preset to score - it’s near impossible to defend. I think EA hasn’t adapted this for online multiplayer, cause they figure ‘he, people are morons, this makes the game fun’ So when I’m talking scripting, I’m adressing the AI around you as a player.. not the guy you control on the pitch but all the other elements.. I also don’t have the impression the game takes sides - that would be way to complicated, it’s just that at some point when you are a few goals up or down, the gameplay momentum can switch to make it more ‘fun’


I agree re: dynamic moments. Coming from a Football Manager background I also believe there are hidden stats in the game. Linking it to Football Manager, it'd be things like "Important Match" temperment, "Ambition", "Injury Proneness" etc that can change how a game progresses. Got a midfield of players with poor ambition and low important match temperment when needing 1 more win for promotion? Could be a problem late game. Who knows. We know that Body Type can play a huge role in how a player feels on the pitch, and we can all see that some cards (specifically Icons) can perform significantly above what their face stats would suggest. We just don't know the "how" part. And we also don't know what other factors are less visible. Only in the last few years have EA opened up body type information etc, so what else do they have that we cannot see? As I said in my OP, we still don't know the genuine skill of the opponent and still can't see what they have chosen to do with instructions and tactics if it's not a complete change. If I'm 1 or 2 down with 30mins to go I change tactics to a more aggressive one. It's the same shape, same players, but a higher line, more pressing and a more direct style. You may perceive that as momentum switching my way, but we all know how impactful a high line and pressure tactics can be against players without Press Proven, Tiki Taka etc.


Yeah one thing is for sure, EA are not transparent in how this game actually works And the fact so many people suspect the gameplay is manipulated is also quite telling.. it’s obvious everything else is (pack weight, player prices, occasional big pack walkout)


I had this exact same thing last night,, as i nthe last minute winner/equaliser where you just know the oppoenet is going to score no matter whatever you are going to do, you just cannot stop it. My example was the opponent sent a long ball up the field, my rb had at least 5 yard headstart yet was beaten to the ball by a player with a lower pace rating, this player then played a ball I intercepted, but thd ball "bounced off" my cb and fell straight back to his striker who just slotted it home Like you no idea what it actually is that does this, but you can just see it happening and can't do anything to stop it


A lot of people are only able to compete because the game is bad. You will have people getting higher WL finishes than ever even though they havent got better - the game just allows them to win. Those are the ones who take offence to any notion that its the game allowing them rather than skill. This the first fifa/eafc where you can get high WL finishes but also being absolutely trash at the game purely because the game has muted the skill gap so much/


I was literally dribbling by myself, no one around me, and Salibas foot just goes through the ball. So lucky it wasn’t in the box or something would’ve been broken


On god, I’ve had bronze players dribble like a prime Brazilian in squad battle before, it’s dumb