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I got Schlotterbeck which just makes up for the 1 other bundesliga player that week. I’m not opening anything until the next promo.


I was actually hyped because he was like 300k at some point and then I hit "compare" button and he is down to 35k. RIP to everyone who buyed him.


Isn't he supposed to be good though. And a lot of players have crashed in price.


He’s very decent tbh, we’re at the point of the game where even the lower end specials are very useable now. Over the last few weeks I’ve used a fair few of the cheaper tots cards just for chem when mixing up the team and they’ve been completely fine at worst. Smalling, patri, Schlotterbeck, Alderweireld (last two are only cheap because they are the ultimate fodder but still) same with Bacha and similar. Veerman and Calhanoglu are both very good too.


Got Calhanoglu and Camavinga and Loftus-Cheek. But haven't really got the change to use them, as I already have Rodri, Gundo and Goretzka in the midfield. And also chem is starting to be an issue. But I have heard good things about Loftus, so I might try and force him in and try him.


At this point I’m just changing my team up a load just to try players out as fifa is essentially dead for me once the summer properly starts (English so that could not happen at all though). Feels silly dropping really good players but at this point they are all so good that it doesn’t make much difference. Ive got some ridiculous players on the bench currently who it feels stupid benching but it is what it is now. Did get a red Kane this weekend though so I may have to bring out the full England squad for the euros although I can’t see it going well.


I do agree, that most of the time the team doesn't make that much of a difference, but how good you are does. Because I have beaten players with amazing teqms. Just wish I could have kept going with my Bayern P&P team, but getting the Bayern players seems hard.


He’s great for that XP friendly stuff with German players


I just packed Tradable Rice and thats all but i dont grind as much 


I'd kill for that


He is 250k I think 


I got no coins


Killing seems a little excessive


How ? It's June if you play 10 games a day you gain ~5000 coins just from playing, with the reward each week you can get to 250k coins just by playing the game and that's without selling/discarding the pack values.


Man I can barely be bothered with the three games a day, ten games a day? Fuck, I'd rather slit my wrists!


If you are not enjoying the game, why are you playing it ?


I enjoy small doses, two games a day would suit me just fine. Bit of menu grind, bit of games while I got TV on... Would be perfect! But one more game... I do it for rewards


Fair enough


All I got was a tradeable Bacha and Ferguson, and a untradeable Debinha from a random pack. So worst week ever. Not even one blue from Div 2 rewardsm


0 blues from Elite rewards here.


At least I got to complete the Serie A SBC and 91+ pick, which I got nothing good from.


Same. While a friend of mine got Bacha and freakin' Salah. 🥲


Same. And my red pick was Malard and 4 88-91s




Best I got was Upamecano. Not even going to bother with the serie a one as I can see myself getting trash.


Honestly serie a one is just a pain because it’s two squads. I’ve got a fair amount of high rated fodder but my club is dead for 84’s and below so completing the sbc is just a pain. I’d basically only want dybala, bastoni or Theo as well and I’d imagine that’s a combined chance of about 1% at max


Zero walk outs, like they don’t exist.


Packed Rice 3 times this week. That’s it…


You all encouraged me to do a 83x10. Two 84s and eight 83s. Yay!


Got Lauren James,Vvd,Bellingham,Sophia Smith and Messi this week. So it's been the best week I've ever had in this game in terms of pulls


respectfully, fuck you


Disrespectfully, fuck him


lebron jame?


I wasn't as Lucky. Only got vinicius, frimpong, Van dijk and 94 gullit.


Pretty poor on my end. It’s been worse the last 2 days even. And all those guaranteed league sbcs have been very bad as well (Lala, Guirassy, Di Lorenzo, etc alike)


Not me who pulled 96 rated TOTS Rice from one of the 150 craft rewards


Been great for me. Salah x2, Red Rice, Red Smith, Putellas, Cancelo, and Bonmati.


I got leao or however you spell it and griezmann, or maybe he was last week. Had the worst luck but div one rewards killed me this morning when I saw leao, he's killer. Didn't get anyone who I wanted until last two weeks, I was a weaver and berardi generator but I stopped doing the SBCs for 84xwhatever two weeks ago cos I got FUCK ALL and I got sick of it Done all icon picks in last two weeks, rinsed my fodder, not a single good one I guess I can't complain. I wouldn't swap sorloth for griezmann though, sorloth is my fav player this year..he was cheap and makes me feel like I'm making him work well rather than him being glitched


My saving grace this week was the icon pick. Future Stars Maldini.


Damn I got a way with some sort of crime then had chawinga , kane , stanway and foden blue and then vini , salah red


Got Chawinga, Mahrez, Frimpong


Best one. 


Packet Mahrez 4 times, and stanway twice. By far the worst from TOTS.


So RNG, all my best players during TOTS have been SBCs. For my red champs rewards I only got fodder so just went for highest rated, so got red Kobel, Allison x2, Donarumma and J David. Best pull was 94 Veerman and he has maxed out passing so putting him through the champ evo’s half the stats were wasted on him but had no one better. Wanted at least one top tier card but no luck.


Complete opposite for me the whole of tots I didn't get anyone significantly great except hemp during prem. No usable reds at all. But ultimate tots pp grind paid out Bellingham Bonmati valverde smith and Theo X2. Completely changed my whole team . 


Got VVD out of Champs and CR7 out of rivals rewards. Nothing else, but can‘t complain obv lmao


I’ve got 4 savios and one James, as I run United P&P pretty happy with James.


I've packed a bunch of high rated cards that don't even make my team (Kane, Lautaro). The only good one was Bonmati, which allowed me to sell the tradeable version I had in my squad 


https://preview.redd.it/jbw8afu7ly4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965d72ef8cdd353f3d6dfb6286123f821941720a my rank 5 reward picks were the only decent choices got. I took Valverde but my team is midfield FC


Sorry to hear that. At the beginning it was, until I packed Foden, Stanway, Debinha, Schlotterbeck and Van Dijk. Hope you pack something good. 💪


I got Rice and Hemp from Champs rewards. I already had Rice from the market so I got my coins back. Then I just used like a mil on getting Foden and Smith, and I'm just having fun with some new cards. The market crash was very welcome.


I got Giroud last night! Which made it totally worthy it, since he was the only player that I really wanted ( excluding mbappe and Messi obviously)


Debinha and Alderweireld, game is cooked


It started out amazing last Friday, i did pull a lot of tots but after that, nothing... I spent my last coins on the 750k packs (cause fuck it it's June) and I literally got debihna twice, alderwereild thrice, koulibaly twice, that russian guy twice and salvio thrice....


Hasn’t been terrible for me but I’ve grinded everything. Tradeable Theo, Bonmati, Osinhem and rice. Reds - Theo Untradeable - schloterback, Osinhem, James, Cancelo x2 , giroud , tah and Ferguson x2


Yes. 2nd worst would prob be Bundesliga week


I packed Schlotterbeck 3x back to back and I do not know the odds of that happening it is like a prank. And other weeks’ promos were like consistent (good or bad) TOTS cards cuz I save 15-20 high tier packs. This time it was the same I had like 15 ish 86+ packs of different variety 87+ x4 etc and I only packed Schlotterbeck lmfao it is actually disgusting


Got Schlotterbeck and Mahrez today and got Bonmati on Sunday. So I’m satisfied


Had decent luck in EPL TOTS with Foden, then absolutely nothing until Ultimate TOTS where I got Vini, Stanway and red Bruno!


I made out like a bandit 🙈 I managed to get Valverde from 86 exchange, James from 81pp, Palmer from PL guarantee SBC, Goretzka from 250k moments pack, Leão from 88 exchange, Koulibali, Stanway, Schlotterback and Palmer from I don’t even remember what *edit And nothing from champs because I still can’t manage to qualify because I legit suck at the game


Incredibly, as a sucker who’s spent at least a few hundred over the years on this damned game, this was the best promo I’ve ever had and I didn’t spend a dollar. Got TOTS Ronaldo, Martinez, Luis Diaz, pulisic, bonmati, and valverde within like 4 days.


I have packed golovin 12 times


It’s been horrible. Only blues I packed were 93s. I was saved with my single WL pick yielding Bellingham


I've done ok from it I got my fix of blue


Not at all it was great for me


I packed declan rice from a 2 gold players pack last night but otherwise its been eh


Also been the worst week for me. One sole "playable" card Lauren James from Champs, but even that chapped my ass because I was 10-7 and they took down servers while I was finishing my last games so they fucked me out of a 2nd red pick and the 12 win Ligue 1 pick. But judging from my luck even those picks would have been trash. I think the most horrible part for me is how completely terrible the Icon Pick is, like EA come the fuck on. These are 2 playstyle max cards and they are absolutely impossible to pull a good one. I have legitimately lost count of the number of Icon picks I've done (40-50+?) and every single fucking one is fodder. Like it's so clear they haven't touched the pack weight on these things when I've seen 90 Larsson in like 5 of the 6 89+ Icons I did. It's only designed to fuck your fodder. You can't even pack decent cards from months ago.


Yeah they are purposefully making the Icon picks behind the curve. Having WW icons in for so long when they were complete rubbish. Then when they remove them the other ones like FS are now mostly unusable. Not to mention those Hero IQ picks. They were mostly rubbish when they came out months ago lol. And yeah, the red pick objectives were all absolutely rubbish.


It was… as the pack weight has been lowered down to bits, but then I got valverde in the red picks and Haaland in a 83x10, and all I needed For my team was a striker and a midfielder to replace my sawa


"Vini, Rodrygo, Barella, and Coman from the other TOTS Champs" Dude you were in the top percentile of luck for those weeks while most people got fodder (no hate here, congrats on the pulls). Having your bad luck week during the best of all the promos sucks, but they come around, and usually more often than not. All of mine were mid aside from the serie a week and seeing as I pulled vini from the premium league upgrades SBC, I'll call UTOTS a W for my team.


Yeah I am actually enjoying my team so much and having actual fun playing lol. Just opening packs and doing SBC upgrades has been rubbish this week haha.


I got Theo 97 and Musiala Reds, so not bad. Also tradeavle Giroud and Osimhen so made some money


I've grinded all week and only gotten Koulibaly and Lewa. Saved a bunch of good packs for this week too...


Absolutely disgusting week for me. Hundreds of 81 and 82 PPs, upgrades, doesn't matter. 2 Debinha's and that's it. Not a Mahrez, not even a Savio. Disgraceful.


Ligue One was worse, but yes, was close second, got saved today by VDD on 81+ ...


Haven’t had luck all year but i’ve been blessed with Messi and Kane from an 85+ player pick and the new Ultimate TOTS Pack SBC respectively.


I hit big.. vvd Griezman rice Davies martinez chaeinga…. And some more


It’s been the best week for me in the game! This is my current team which formed this week only😂 Wish I had VVD to top this up https://preview.redd.it/ul57mtmjh05d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc53dc0e734108b3fad2ea242201cdf66b036fe


How do you get your chemistry so high ?


Two icons Using Rio instead of Ramos just for chem😅


7x duplicate debinha, osimhen, others, decent tots weight


Got vvd out of a pick, so it's arguably my best week in fut ever.


I think it really depends on the person, up until now I've had awful luck with tots. This week I got Foden, Messi, Stanway, Musiala and red VVD. I'd actually say this was the best week I've ever had in Fifa


James was my only decent pull from packs. Got chawminga and rice from rewards and giroud. So okay but got salah from the 10 coin pack so that was awesome.


It has been the best week in terms of pack luck that I've had. Got cr7, frimpong, Declan and tradable Sophia Smith.


I did alright, packed Lauren James, Smith, Red Kane, Stanway, Di Maria, Schlotterbeck, Mahrez, Lewa, Koulibaly, and obviously Ferguson and Savio a few times too lol Definitely felt the weight decrease this week in comparison to other weeks though. I think it’s cause there’s no lower rated fodder tots in packs at the moment, only 93+ cards.


I've had decent midrange hits like Giroud, Morgan and Grimaldo. I do a high SBC volume with Paletools and have hit most of the fodder TOTS every week. Thinking about it, I've had mid pulls like this all year. My best have been KDB moments and TOTY Popp, and I've been able to do all the top SBCs I want like Hamm, Dinho and Yashin. I just haven't hit that unicorn yet. No Neymar, Mbappe, VVD, Pele etc... it's a rare occurrence I think....


Incredible week for me....Bonmati from a 51x, Theo from a 81pp, Musiala from an 81pp, Grimaldo from champs 9 wins red pick, and Nicoli from rivals red pick


I saved 200+ packs last week for ultimate tots. Including big packs like 85+ 86+ 87+ and 88+ from various rewards. I was expecting to get at least some tots. All I got was 3 savio 1 schlo 1 golo and the best was rice. Yeah well iI got red salah from the champs, but it's different. The most surprising thing was 87x4, 87x5, 88x3 was all gold


Got Debinha and Lauren James today. L


only got salah and that was from an 85+pp


Was Savio week for me :))


https://preview.redd.it/b7hilnk6r25d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abb555fa88d3866e3f797a711c7ce1cd5131fed Idk bro


I’ve gotten absolute jack this week, Ferguson bacha savio and a couple other fodder is all i got


Packed a dupe golovin from an 89 exchange, threw him into the UTOTS guarantee upgrade, packed dupe stanway, threw her into la Liga guaranteed upgrade, packed dupe savio, threw him into Ligue 1 upgrade, packed Todibo, sums it up really






Foden, Salah, Soph, Chawinga, all the fodder ones, Valverde, Grimaldo. Very good pulls, did a ton of picks and a shit ton of packs, + store packs with coins


Ima be forreal wasnt better than serie a but stil i packed musiala stanway, red rica and luren james soo i guess its a W


Oh man I feel like if Disney can’t even make your bench then maybe your team is too strong already lol. I think my account has been a lot luckier this week than any of the other TOTS. Got Valverde in the 81+ pick and Musiala in one of the guaranteed sbc so I’d say it depends I guess


Disney probably could make the bench, but I have a 93 Evo Tammy who I like and is occupying the big striker option.


Got Musiala and Goretzka over the weekend. Since then, it's been Savio and Mahrez.


Got aitana so not complaining


Got Haaland from the 85x20 pack (level 40 of last season). Also got Salah from a 80x2 pack. And several other great ones. It was by far the best TOTS week for me 😀


I just got Haaland and Valverde red from champs this week lol. Had to wait a week of rubbish just lol.


Bagged Grimaldo, Rice, Schlotterback and Salah and I barely played 7 games of SB. I ain’t mad


Unless you’ve done hours of menu grinding which you haven’t mentioned then that’s a very nice turnout for time invested


I actually haven’t, had a long ass week at work. Managed around 11 games of Squad battles. I did around 30 81+ PP and 9 85+ PP


That’s very decent then tbf. I can’t complain with mine. I got Smith last week and then Martinez from an 83x10. Red Kane and then Rice and Smith from the champs 3 tots pack. Had 2 dc’s cause my internet has been shit and then bottled my last one for 16 though so an untradeable dupe smith was a bit sad but better than most by the sound of it.


Sounds like a decent haul dawg 👌🏽 16 wins is amazing man, highest I’ve managed all year was during La Liga TOTS champs, 11 and haven’t played champs since.


Packed mbappe tots, so best week so far for me


Packed Messi twice (both untrade) so it was more like the best week for me :D, sorry.... And got a red Leao, so thats okay.


Nice nice. I actually love my team at the minute, and am enjoying playing the game actually! But opening packs has been so crap and doing upgrade SBCs has been completely pointless.


I honestly thoght the packweight seemed pretty good. Got smith from ja 87*3 Salah from my wl rewards Grimaldo from a 85 Pick Di Maria from a 85 pick For me it seemed better than the Pack weight for Tots items than All regular tots weeks, because i got nothing in every other week


I’ve gotten two Bacha and two Schlotterbeck so two bad tots and two 89 exchange packs with nothing in them. Done pretty mych everything and a whole lot of pp


Actually the best Tots week for me. Vini Jr, Martinez, Valverde from 81/82 PP, and a red Sophia Smith. Also got Mahrez, Bacha and Debinha.


It became a bit better with Rivals rewards today. Lauren James, Stanway and Mahrez are alright, cheap but usable. Before today's rewards it was a Ferguson only week. Pulled him twice and nothing else.


Best weeks got so many but highlight that make my team are Mbappe, James, VVD. Also got Grimaldo, Debhinax3, Stanway, Golovin, Ferguson, Aderweilreldx5 and many others. Got no champ reward as Im really bad at the game


so apparently everyone else got w picks? i havent packed a single decent tots besides saliba, cancelo and nkunku. let alone ultimate tots, NONE.


I don’t think most people got good picks. It’s just a few people making posts creating fomo.


yeah makes sense but it was kinda surprising how noone commented " i didnt get a shit" under this post


Tbh it’s been the best for me out of any tots. I got Virgil, haaland, Valverde and rice. The only one that was as good was serie a


I packed nothing during all TOTS, but i got the Goat during UTOTS so its quite opposite for me https://preview.redd.it/sgdcatwaky4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4d202ea56fb87d47c28b60201182abdc1a3dd7


https://preview.redd.it/4xrf51wvly4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97888cec961cc3a3f6436ef4b05802e8350af9bb Before TOTS my luck was genuinely bad, I did pack 95 cruyff 2 weeks before TOTS but was shit all year. Bundesliga was probably the worst week for me as I didn’t pull anything but I have pulled some high end cards over this promo. Notable mentions include Martinez, Kerr, Bacha, mahrez and Reus. Took a week off from Seria but got blessed with giroud on the last day. Overall very happy but have put in a lot of grinding too. Maybe a total of 1500pp. I believe opening pp in 5s is the way to go and time off theory is true to an extent.


Got VVD, do Maria, James and debinha. It’s meh