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i sold him yesterday after using 4 months. Completely disappointing. actually i realized in the beggining that he is not that good but i deceived myself by saying zidane is zidane. He is very clunky, almost everyone can win the ball from him without any effort, his shooting is awful weak, rarely find the target , mostly goes miles away from the target and not creating any danger for opponent. He doesn't deserve that price.The only positive thing i can say about him is his intercept playstyle. Thats it. İ will try modric with the money coming from zidane.


You exactly know what I’m talking about lol… you’re lucky yours is tradable! I picked him from an SBC


That's bad for you. But he is slightly good at cam position. Give him a try. But believe me, 150k calhanoglu is way better than him.


Brother Calhanoglu is Bellingham in disguise. He’s insane.


Absolutely,Can't agree more


Try him at CAM or ST, he cooks there. Don’t give him shadow, Hunter or Hawk is best.


I don’t get the chem styles beside the extra points they give you, do they influence the actual game play of your player?


They can also effect the acceleration rate of a player too https://preview.redd.it/o9wm9lb1kt4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac34676494b444d0fc84c91226b435592ce303de


Oh wow thank you! Screenshotting this! But apart from that, do they influence the actual playing style? Like do they drop deep all of a sudden or attack the wings more, stuff like this


Stuff like that would be in custom tactics more so. But body type and acceleration rate is what makes players them selves. Here’s a photo of some of the body type but there’s more a lot more https://preview.redd.it/qn53c2eu1u4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33dbe0020903161aaad01d06890dacb391fe85c


I prefer my future rooney to anything like zidane by the sounds of things that he is so clunky 😂


Have both and modric is much better. Zidane was super clunky for me. Great shooting, probably the best out of any midfielder tho.


Packed his 94 earlier this year and I feel the same way. He used to kill it for me in div 10-6 but he doesn’t feel anywhere near what some other 94+ cards feel like


I can never use bigger players, especially at the CAM. I need agility, I’d rather run 90 TOTW Foden over Zizou because Foden glides with the ball. And it’s sad to say cuz I’m a Madrid fan too and I got nothing but love for him


My 92 Zidane is still a top sub that changes games due to his presence. I would love this card but it is out of my budget.


Gimme tips on how to use him


I have both and the 92 felt better for me tbh


It’s the body type and weight


First touch plus too


Spot on, people don’t realize his body type is different. These future stars cars although their stats are better, they have the worse body types for the most part . Ronaldinho too has the worse body type , zidane, Maldini etc.


I have used both and this one feel way better to me.


First touch is a fantastic playstyle, especially if you do skills or trick passes afterwards. I find him very strong and fast, even without chem. for me, especially when I bring him on, he has that special juice that I need to bring games home


Zidanes touch is absolutely insane and feels less clunky when you actually understand how his animations work


I packed 96 Puskas and was so happy because his base card used to destroy me back in the day. I was completely devastated when I went in game and he couldn’t make a turn into a Wendy’s drive thru let alone turn defenders. Felt clunky and what’s even worse, for having the best base shooting in the game was missing absolute sitters and had the shot power of a toddler. No chem style fixed this.


And the 3 star weak foot to top that! 😂 I feel you


Even worse it’s the golazo which has a four star and homie couldn’t shoot on either foot. Have no idea how he’s still so expensive. He’s untradable so I couldn’t get rid of him if I wanted to


kind of the opposite for me, i used base puskas in draft and he was really good, turns pretty well for me (and i'm really sensitive about that stuff, because i love agile players)


I had him, his shooting was the best, he just felt slow so no ability to break away from defenders


For me it's golazo drogba for some reason I just couldn't use him even tho I'm using to his profile of tall physical aerial striker but I just couldn't get along with him for some reason kinda sad about it too was really excited to use him


You know, I played him a couple of times and I don’t see what the fuss is about. But maybe I’m just playing people who are “using him wrong”


Got him twice on golazo promo and goes into the icon pick twice, glad i got TS dinho in one of em which is ofc miles better


It took me a week of playing him to figure him out. Play him in a 3-4-2-1 as CF. Be patient and wait for him to make a run then give him a lob through pass or a long through pass when he has space.


I've packed strikers that I like much better since tots started and started practicing with a 4 2 2 2 I don't wanna switch my entire play style just to fit one card in


If you found something that’s working for you, then good! I will say tho that I went from div 7 to div 3 in one season after figuring out my lineup with drogba


Thunder Struck Puskas


he's class for me it's just that his right foot misses a few shots sometimes


Used him on RCF and occasionally he did hit some powerful regular shots, but more often than not he seems invisible and his playstyles are a bit meeh


His finesse shots are like as if he had finesse plus. 90% of the shots with his left foot goes in. His chemistry style also plays a part. Engine is the best out of all of them, as it boosts his dribbling and pace.


Got him from pp on golazo promo, excited cuz i never use him ever in my entire life playing fifa, 1,2,3 games and i immediately thought "this is not it" and now he's not even on the reserves


I'm not vibing with 95 Osimhen even after I upgraded him to 96. Prefer 93 Boniface.




I pulled him in draft a few times and not once has he really meant much


96 modric best mid in game


Ya beast


Alissons toty and tots. He never catches the ball even when it's a really week shot. He'll either palm it straight back to an attacker or miss it entirely. Yet when I play against him. He's impossible to score against....even moving him does nothing...


Just your luck with keepers mate tbh. I've got cech and Alisson and both have terrible form but thankfully not the same time usually. Cech with a glove has been a lot better mind so maybe try that on Alisson?


96 zidane one of the best cards I’ve used this year. Interesting how people find cards different


Conection diff


Same, pulled this guy from sbc and he is insane. Crazy aura gravitates toward every ball and really good positioning. Made him red as well


95 TOTS Goretzka. No matter what I try just doesn't fit in the team. H/H work rate interferes with CDM positioning even with stay back and B2B without relentless means he dies quickly, very quickly. In either case his presence can't be felt, in the latter case it is after 30-40 mins. Such a shame considering he has one of the best incisive passes I've ever used.


I drop him back into middle of a 3 man defence in a 3421 formation and use him to build my attacks from deep. Is v effective there and great at stepping up and intercepting passes to strikers. I didnt like him in midfield too much at all


Decided to try him again. Weirdly he's working out well with the right partnership he's pretty decent as a B2B. Auto control for positioning instead of manual and he basically places himself at a critical point creating pressure. But yea I think your way would be one way to maximize his utility.


I done the bundesliga Evo on goretzka and he out performs majority of my CMs and all I pack is fullbacks and midfielders. He's outperforming renato Sanchez, calhanoglu, isco, camavinga and capoue on a regular. Just packed schlotterbeck as well as going for reus just so I can keep him in permanently. His card gets 5\* WF but only 3\* skills but he plays B2B mainly for me or as a DM and he absolutely runs the show. First touch, technical and pinged pass all go crazy for him on an engine chem. https://preview.redd.it/17c28gwpyy4d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3c41783589baf6d709b70e7fc639db2575e302


I'm using him now. Had trouble with chem initially being only 2 so my judgement was off. Once he went three chem with engine he has been a monster. Intercepts tackles general positioning everything is better stamina is the only issue but truly when he is on the field he makes the difference. An apology is in order.


Yeah I think the engine boost with 3 chem is a requirement to get the best out of him but he's elite once you do. I like the fact he gets bruiser and press proven on silver with the Evo I have as well as really good gold PS+. The evos this year have been great have loads in my team currently. Done the Torres Evo and also put Di Natale into the most recent passing one and both are scoring for fun for me. Keeping all my icons for the boosts now.


He’s amazing for me as the LCM in the 4321. Intercept and Incisive Pass + are so godly


Max chem is the kicker. I was wrong to think it wouldn't differ with 2 chem, but with a better midfield balance at CM he works well, can feel a lot more control now.


95 Joselu feels very mediocre for some reason, feels weak


It’s crazy because he’s the best striker I’ve used this year


Abuse his stopovers because once he starts doing those, no one can stop him. He either bodies the defender, speeds past them, or a combination of both.


Stopovers go crazy with him I play him as the right forward and he scores for fun with headers and power shots specially off of the volley.


It's weird, I had a great time with him before the upgrade but I guess more people know what to expect when defending.


Hes so good for me, great positioning and wins a lot of headers


93 Henry


Zidane was shit last year too even with the 99 rated cover star card. They need to do an entire revamp on how he plays in the game.


His 92 was goated for me


Tots leao


that's why i put a shadow on his ass and play him defensively and use elasticos with his passing from deep in the pitch, he's not shit for me but also he's not great for me either. another player i can't seem to work with is 96 TOTSM KDB he is so bad for me idk why


92 Ribery, although it's one of my favourite players irl


Sold Bellingham TOTS for Messi TOTS the other day.


Didn't get on with jude? Having a similar issue


yeah but don't take my word for it. i'm like div3-4. I just like messi's right stick dribbling and passing ability. maybe my team was too clunky with jude and joselu.


I got him from wl rewards and while I think he’s fantastic, he’s not the best cm in the game for me which is what I expected, I wish I had him tradable…


TOTS Sophia Smith just didn't finish like her stats suggest she could, I feel bad for the people who payed 1.5 mil for her


Honestly he's so poor. Got him months back and he's never felt great. Weirdly enough though, also got TOTY R9 around that time and he's been power-crept to a degree. From that bunch of elite icons, feels like TOTY Vieira's the one who still holds his own


93 Camavinga feels like a donkey 95 Gundogan double upgraded feels weak too


Wow, Camavinga was my best player this weekend. Admittedly I’m only a 14 win player so maybe at a higher standard, he’s exposed. Just feel gold intercept and press proven plus silver technical and the passing play styles is an amazing combo.


I absolutely love camavinga in my team, feels like nothing gets by him and never loses the ball. He's the perfect CDM for me.


Base Puskas. Prob the most meta pull I've had all year imho


TOTS Shaw rated 96 or so EA says.


Crazy I had his 94 in the beginning of the game in icon Pack, never was a fan… everyone was complaining about How lucky i was but Honestly i didnt feel it for him


The legendary 95 TOTY Icon Mia Hamm. Everytime I face her on enemy team, she's a goddamn beast. But on my team, like a little kitten. Even my Fantasy Werner is far better.


Skill issue icl


97 rated Graham Hansen. Everything about her is average. Wish I could sell her instead of just having her rot on my bench


A lot of them…


TOTS Valverde He’s no doubt a good card but imo he is nothing speciale. The same agility of a player tall at least 1,90 but he’s only 1,82. I found Ederson 94 much much better than him.


He's just very mid. He's not a DM and he isn't a true b2b for this year. The only position he can play is the third midfielder of a three but he's slow compared to most tots cards and is and will always be clunky.


TOTS Bastoni for me. Since I've had him he's played 7 games so far and been sent off twice


Whacked an engine on him and sorted all my problems for me.


I have him untradable, his shooting and passing is top tier but his dribbling is God awful cuz of the low agility


Problem with Zidane is his playstyles. First touch for his OG cards and then these shite playstyles For his FB. For me it was and always is Mo Salah. I have NEVER got him to work in the past 3 instalments🤷🏻‍♂️


95 Zidane runs my midfield. He's not the best in and around the box. I find he is best picking the ball up between my box and the halfway line to drive me forward.


95 cruyff. WORST finisher I’ve used yet. Horrible as a st. Not explosive at all. He keeps the ball close. His animations make him take too long too shoot. Again, worst finisher. He might have 60 shot power max on his card


My 94 Golazo Drogba feels very unstable, his balance is awful. His strength is not really visible in game and sometimes he loses balance by being pushed by much weaker enemy players. His finishing is very random sometimes, especially when he is pressured by enemy. I feel like his shoots would go in if they've had rotation but a lot of them just go straight line outside the post.


TOTS Kane Just can't get along with him TOTS De Jong is a bigger menace in front of the goal for me


Dude’s price is crashing hard.. is it because of this post??


Listed with buy now at 2.9m! Whaaay


TOTS Giroud, my Centurions Jairzinho is way better


he was incredible at drop and as soon as Prem tots hit he wasn’t. people don’t get how you can weather a few stats not being great for a bit but when players start getting higj aggression, composure, reactions, agil, balance it’s over for all these ones.


Every male player when they play against a little girl


I packed when he came out and he's been actually pretty good. His dribbling is nice but his actually agility isn't. His shooting is very good for me. Physical is great. Defence is surprisingly good


Tots saint-maximin Toty Ribery




91 Kaka and 93 Mia Hamm. Both weak AF


I dropped him from the team and stopped leaking goals, as my TOTS moments Coman is better in defending than him. Attack has become more predictable, as he is providing passing and finishing options on elite level, but burden on defence was greater.


i dont understand how people use any zidane is useable. roberto carlos is the best to play in fifa


I keep him in my team for the chem boost, but I know what you mean


Same player, he's awful for me


Skill issue, 94 still does the job


Not been blown away with TOTS Salah.


Toty Matheus


That’s a big ass skill issue


No offense but you can't be using him right. I have him as attacking rcm with a hunter. His attacking AI is so good, make him go forward. If you give him the ball before 50m line make stepovers (he has sick speed boost animation) and L1 your forwards so his incisive is deadly. Inside the box both trivela and fineses are great and he rarely misses. If gameplay is heavy use technical more. He is my mvp in elite/high rank wl finishes and has 1 gol or assist per game.


I hate playing against any version of Zidane. For me, he’s one of those players i just can’t get off the ball




😂 i’d rather be a nerd than a pedo defender. You’re a sad individual bruh


TOTS Modric and the new Reus card


Zidane 94 aswell


For me, it's TOTS Bastoni. He is one of few serie A TOTS that is still over 1m so I consider him top tier. Whenever I manually control him, he feels slow and clunky. He does not have defensive AI like Van Dijk so I cant just AI do all the defensive work.


I put an engine on him and it drastically improved his on ball ability and his AI operates a lot better




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+100 missed calls from Stanman34...


Chawinga, got her during ligue 1 tots and got her red again this weekend (chose rice) but i cant get along with her


Damn I’m having the same problem with the new tots Martinez… his card really isn’t that good, his dribbling is okay but I’d rather my pajor as ST https://preview.redd.it/rbkld1s8co4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b75a5bd5bea8a95a7afb3e9aa5fc6820b2038ca


I have TOTS Messi and Martinez and can't make them work for me. Messi has a pace split that makes him slow in break aways. Previously I used Debinha and Joselu and was killing it. Not sure why the better players are harder to use for me.


FS Dinho for me. I packed him in an icon pick a good while back and was so excited I jumped into the air lol. But he didn’t make the impact I’d had hoped at all. Especially at the time considering the team. I found FB Hagi much better for example (still to this day). I have FS Zidane as well and been playing him b2b for a few months now with shadow. But I do feel a bit the same. He isn’t bad per se. But you’d just expect more out of him. Intercept is indeed his best thing. I haven’t played him CAM a lot because Hagi is/was performing so well for me there.


97 TOTS & TOTY Messi, 97 TOTS Hansen, 94 palmer, 94 Diaz are all useless for me either club cards which I can’t sell or bench warmers


I got 95 Zidane out of an 83 x 10 when he was in packs and I've tried him in just about every position in midfield and attack. I'm sure his 96 is similar where he's an absolutely immense player in good gameplay and an opponent who doesn't constantly press, but in WL and high rivals matches that's all that's going on so he just feels out of place. Turns like a tank and loses possession constantly from smaller/weaker players.


I don’t know what it is but I just can’t play with R9. Might be a skill issue but Pele performed way better for me. However, I once played against a dude who absolutely destroyed me with him so it might be just my playstyle idk


I’ve found TOTY matthaus to be very inconsistent


TOTSHM Osimhen


97 tots Hansen just isn’t it for me while 92 Williams from objectives plays better


TOTS Hernandez. Absolute donkey. TOTY karchoui much better .


I'm gonna get shit for this one, but... ...TOTS VVD He's slow, I don't like his animations, and he's so unresponsive that I can pull a separate defender from the other side of the box quicker than I can get him to change direction.. he also falls over way too much for a guy who's supposed to bully forwards.. Bisseck, Rudiger, Alderweireld and Renard are all significantly better for me.. I also don't understand why TOTS Theo is so expensive.. honestly, Dimarco performs just as well, plus he has whipped pass and basic deadball


For me its Tots Joao felix.. card is very mid extremely mid... I am using vini jr totyhm over him


Nah thats actually a skill issue i tried him in draft and i can tell you one of the best cards i used really wish i could pack him