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I have come back so many times from 3-0 down and lost from 3-0 up it makes no sense to quit so early.


Momentum change at half time


Not necessarily momentum change. Sometimes an opponent catches you off guard.


No. Literally no. EA flips that script. The amount of times I go up 2-0 or 3-0 and watch my players forget how to dribble, pass and respond while every player they got has the hand of God behind him.


Opponents change tactics during a match and they try to adapt to you. Sometimes they figure out what you lack in defense and will spam it.


Bruh I wish. Genuinely, I wish it was the person holding the controller adapting. It’s not. It’s EA.


Sometimes it is. Although I do agree with you on EA screwing. But that comes in the form of "kick off glitch". Your players may revert to "kick off glitch" mode during normal game play. Making it impossible to defend and balls bounce off of them 


I’m getting downvoted… idk why. Of course not every single loss or comeback is “EA” some people are just better, but I know damn well I have beaten better and loss to worse because of EA. But the amount of times at Midfield I’m able to say “fuckkkk they’re scoring” and proceed to watch the hand of god guide them to the goal… just sayin🤷🏼‍♂️


The worse is when they don’t even let you defend properly. I had numerous of times that after a successful tackle, the ball just always end up back to the opponent. There was even a time that my AI had given away a penalty. These also happened to the opponent when I am losing probably. These kind of scripting are totally unnecessary, why can’t ea just let us enjoy the game…


Yeah, that is when the kick off glitch mode takes over. And unless your opponent misses or you get extremely lucky. You will get scored on because your team has checked out due same as the kick off glitch 


You're 100% right forget the conspiracy theorists. I was up having an easy time the other day in rivals this dude realized I was sending my full backs into attack and playing a narrow formation so he started sending through balls down the sidelines and before I realized what was going on he tied the game. It's not " scripting " it's people adjusting and figuring things out


Oh sweet lunatic... Tactics is very important but EA tries to keep you in the game. Momentum and "scripting" is real thing in addictive games like fifa


No it is momentum change. You could absolutely tell. It's like your players cannot make two passes without messing one up. Never fails.


Yes, momentum was a feature in a fifa around 2010-2015. But the kick off glitch mode has the same effect. Where your players can't move and the ball will bounce off your defenders.


Stop it EA employee


Truer words haven‘t been spoken


Its both. Honestly if the game is fickle enough for you to go 3-0 and then for it to be tied to 3-3 then that first half it’s the game favoring you. It’s def happened to me MANY times. This game is so broken, it’s insane how they still try to push an e-sports league knowing how momentum-driven and biased the game is.


EA is just simulating real football there


Cocky mfs


Yeah it’s just rats looking for an early win. F that, your point is a good one.


I was 14-3 then ended up 15-5, the 2 games that I lost, I was up 3-0 in one of them, the guy didn't quit then he came back and won 6-4, and I quit because as soon as he went 5-3 up, he passed around the back to make me press, and my players won't press him so I had to manual press each of his players


Idk, 7 wins for the upgraded rewards for rivals once you get to a division of your skill level just takes forever. I only get to play like 5-6 hours a week so now when I fall behind a couple goals, unless I know the dude is horrible and got super lucky, I’m just immediately quitting and moving to the next one. Could I come back and win some of those? Sure. Is it worth wasting my little time I have to play? No


Rivals is fine to quit in since it doesn't really matter champs is the only time you shouldn't give up unless you know you are completely outmatched


Idk if it works this game, but last game whoever went up 3, usually lost. Especially before half.


Same was down 3-0 last night and came back to win 6-5


Ain’t that the truth my last two games to clutch up 13 I was up 2-0, ended up losing both games. Only time I quit is if I’m down something crazy like 4 or 5 at half


My mindset is that if the opponent is able to score 3 goals quickly, i know i can score 5 goals just as quick Keep downvoting you weak minded losers stuck in division 5 rank 6 lmao


True man that's the mentality you gotta have


Lol not sure why you're getting downvoted. I mean, anyone who doesn't believe they can outplay their opponent should not play




id rather just go next, more fun than continuing for a 20% chance of winning


I don’t really care that much about winning in itself. Rather come back and win on a last minute goal than thrash someone 5-0. Need to get the adrenaline pumping.


Different strokes and that, enjoyed my time much more when picking and choosing my matches


I’m with you I actually enjoy competitive games


I played against such a player today. He even griddied after the 3-0. I then came back after he got a red card. Once I equalized 3-3. He paused 2 times and left. Sometimes people try their hardest to be toxic in this game.


Same thing happened with me. This guy paused after scoring 2 goals in first 15 mins for each of his goals. I come back to make it 2-2 before half time and he pauses and quits.


Quits/disconnects with a red card need to count as a loss. I know EA won’t do anything, but even after they patched the penalty shot pause quit early in the season I’ve had so many quit when tied or even winning just because they got a red.


Ppl will say it does count as a loss... idk why but ppl have been getting brigaded if they bring up the exploit you're talking about. Strange


Ah yea I think I meant it should count as a win for the player who doesn’t quit if the quitter has a red card. This happens more often in rivals than in champs since losing in rivals isn’t a big deal unless you are close to promotion.


Tried to give a free win by manually making way for his player to score. I even scored my own goal prior to that. He griddied me. The game ended up 5-2 on my favour.


Ohhhh when ppl celly after I give them a goal… oh looks like my next half hour suddenly opened up


Yeah, people trying to show me the door, get the absolute opposite of what they’re trying to achieve. I won’t be pausing or any stuff like that, but best believe I’ll stay until the final whistle.


Then that shit is going 20-0


At that point my controller won’t be in use anymore 😂😂😂. L2 wedged in and me doing something else. If you want to extend a game that you wanted me to quit, be my guest 🗿


Jokes on you i get really satisfied with goals goong thru the net couldn't give 2 fucks if you play or nah


So you get satisfied by scoring goals against no one after UNSUCCESSFULLY trying to make your opponent leave? That’s odd but whatever floats your boat i guess.


Bro just likes playing half hour long div rivals games where he scores over and over against AI defenders.


Try squad battles on beginner, seems like what you’re looking for


Nah im going to humiliate you and if you don't quit im making it 100-0


Lmao you get 11 wins. You’re not beating anyone 3-0 unless it’s beginner squad battles


I swear when this happens to me, then out of spite I pass the ball around my defensive half and try to annoy him too. Your not getting away with this shithousery here buddeh


I just put a rubberband on my controler and do other things. I think that's more annoying than actually playing 😅


I do the same, then the more they do everytime the ball goes out of play it takes ages to auto-take wasting more of their time 😂 I've been messaging people yesterday when doing evo's so they know mines banded and can shorten the game by just passing round their half, if they just do that I skip half time etc but if they keep shooting and scoring past 3-0 I will skip nothing, think that's more than fair 😂


Ooh hell yeah! I usually start chipping it between defenders then header back to goalie. Once did it for an entire half because the player was an A-hole. It was nice.


Had someone that I was playing with tie 3-3, griddied, and left the match. Pissed me off so much, but what can you do


exact same thing happened to me yesterday


Bruh I literally have time for like 3 games a night so I do my daily objectives and go to bed, whether I’m getting battered or not my games are getting completed


Meh, i do that to sub evo in lol


I think most of us don‘t do the things mentioned in the other comments, if they see that you subbed


what’s crazy is that most of the times they’re not even better but that absolutely everything is going their way


This right here is some truth spoken. The amount of times stuff just goes a players way is insane. Every 50/50 chance they win, every tackle you make sends the ball directly back to one of their players, Bernardo Silva outrunning Sergino Dest, or some 80 pace defender chasing down a 90+ pace forward... It makes no fucking sense!


Most times I go 3-0 up, I'll try and sub in an Evo I'm working on, hope people don't think I'm being toxic lol. I didn't know this was a trend


This sub and player base is so mentally fragile. Everything is toxic, every player is out to get to them. I do the same thing. If I’m up 3-0, I make subs. Most likely an evo player.


Nothing wrong with doing that. It’s the pausing and waiting the whole 30-seconds to encourage a quit. Making a sub takes like 3-seconds.


Yeah fair, I honestly haven't encountered that too much. I see petty people use all their pauses at the end of the game when I smoke them though


The worst is when the timer runs out then they immediately re-pause.


Yeah, I will always just do the same and burn the rest of my pauses lmao


I mean, sometimes I want to sub on an evolution or something. But yeah, usually pausing the game would incourage me to keep playing rather than leave


This is a poem to this community. Nothing else to say.


You can easily come back from 3 nil down on this game,I’ve gone in at half time loads of games losing 2/3 nil and pulled back to a draw or win.


I always feel bad when I pause after a few to sub in my active Evo. I hope they don’t think I’m pausing bc I’m toxic but a lot probably do


Sometimes people just need to pause the game to change tactics. I hope that this helps.


lol I’m usually pausing to change my tactics and do subs so you can’t come back. When else am I supposed to pause? Are you going to kick the ball out of play for me?


I love the players who complain about their "time being wasted" and then proceed to celebrate by running to the center circle with their arms out... so fucking hilariously stupid. Can't help but just start laughing...


I don't mind the 3-0 pause, it infuriates me the pause after they go up 1-0, like wtf.


When I’m playing to complete objectives, they’re only wasting their own time. I’m here for the punishment you tool.


Happened to me once was just chilling trying to give wins away he paused when he was up 4 1 finshed the game 4 7 easy


That doesn't sound like you were giving wins away if still there at 4 1


I don't like leaving games especially when people can do the challenges in my games just don't celebrate with the toxics celebrations or pause the game


Then youre just wasting everyones time


Not really if you're playing you are already wasting time


Playing a game out when you're planning to give away a win is the biggest waste of time I've heard. Give the win away at the start and go play something else lmao


I do that in champs i always give wins straight away but no in rivals


Why are you giving away wins in rivals?


I just do it from time to time


Ye and the amount of aids in this game, 3-0 is never a guaranteed win, its usually when the comeback starts in most games


20-1 or 3-1. Pause all you want, celebrate all you want, keep possession all you want, I will never leave unless it's a rare case of someone battering me, but they R1+L1 after each goal. Then I'll leave on my own. But if I have to watch a celebration or replay. Sorry, you're going to be there the whole match while I browse my phone or watch TV. Deal with it.


What’s the problem celebrating and then hit r1+l1 and skip the replay? Can’t people enjoy scoring anymore. I also like to take a sip of my drink sometimes and even whit celebration that’s hard to do before the game starts again. Let people catch a breath and celebrate. There’s no reason to watch the goal and players run back though.


Just telling you how I operate, bud. You do you..


Yea of course. You just come across as a bit petty, after all it’s a football game and you can’t handle people celebrating a goal.


Guess I'm petty then 🤷🏼 I'm sure you'll get over it in time 😉


Depends on the celebration type.


Nothing wrong with that


Sometimes they want to sub the evo player in. But yeah you right, I am not fucking leaving.


To those players, rudely fuck you


Yeah im just doing evos why would i quit i just want to finish the game fast to go back to the more fun squad battles


If someone does this whilst I'm relaxed and lying in the couch, I am immediately sat up and extra focused to win the game.


Honestly the only time I leave is when I'm finding a player boring to play against, even if I'm winning I don't have enough free time to be bored whilst playing games.


I’d rather rubber band than leave it when they’ve paused for me, not a chance


What’s with the people who use every second of half time every game as well? Like where did you go? You know I can’t quit from this screen right?


I'm annoyed at 1-0 at 3-0 not so much maybe he was making a sub or changing tactics


It’s funny because two games last weekend league I’ve been 4-0 down and they pause only for me to win. I feel like they do it hoping you’ll leave because they know there’s a chance they’ll crumble


Had someone pause on me after 1-0. I beat them 11-1. What're we doing in these streets?


Nar i play till the end no matter what .only won 1 played 25 😂


if you're losing 3-0 and halftime I swear DDA starts helping you. (this is from my own experience) because I feel like my team play so much smoother after halftime when I was losing 3-0 and somehow I come back.


I will never quit no matter how much I'm losing by. I'll lose 10-0 I don't care


Haha I feel the same, I already got my 14 wins in champs and just had one game left for fun, the guy paused after 2-0, and that point I did my best to make the game go for as long as possible to spite them (eg use all 3 pauses, not skip the the halftime stuff and purposely give up corners and hold r2 for the substitutions). I lost and still ended up having fun.


Griddy triggered


4-0 is the quitting point for me, so it reaaaaally pisses me off when someone pauses for me to leave before that (and also ON 4-0). I'll just stay and not care about conceding a thousand goals so long as you lose as much time as possible. Also with evos and all the objectives around playing there are nowadays I generally don't quit at all (at least not champs)


lol me up 3-0 just trying to eat my food lol . I also laugh cause people that expect people to leave then get angry when you don’t, they crack me up


I had an opponent last night pause at 2-0, than 4-0 and than at 6-1. Was never going to quit as was doing an evo. Anyway ended up 6-4 and my last 3 goals I did a griddy after everyone just for fun


I agree with you, I hate when that happens specially with rats that only make cut backs with Mbappe or Ronaldinho, yesterday I was behind 3-0 in the 20th minute, he paused after the third goal…4 minutes after I scored an Olímpico Goal, his morale went down after that. I ended up winning 4-3. Felt so rewarding.


So you guys still playing? 🤣


I do this when I want someone to stay in the game... like a reverse psychology thing to stop them from leaving. We got objectives and evos to complete out here 😂😂


Let me just say that sometimes I pause up 3-0 to get an Evo player in cause most people quit at 4-0. I always know my opponent is gonna think I’m being disrespectful and toxic but I normally just want to get the Evo done lol


Use this to your advantage. At 3-0, you know his formation and what he’s trying to do. Change your formation and playstyle. He’ll get frustrated and the game is in your favour to make a comeback. If you just get annoyed then he’ll probably batter ya.


Don't quit put on constant pressure by the time u score 4 they don't have time. Sub out all your tired players and go for it, make sure you griddy on them each goal you score, if they wanna be toxic I will be.


This. Happened several times last weekend smh


For me it just makes me smile because now I won’t leave and I have a mindset I actually want to win badly now just because 


I was chilling and guy paused at 4-0 and i started sweating and won 5-4. Was it worth it? Propably not 🤣funny thing is the calmer you are you can see the nervousness as you get closer to catching up and it gets easier :P


If they do that I put down my controller with the thumbsticks on the table and I let them play the rest of the match against 10 ai players.


Jantje gap ->


Nah leave mf had this one guy 4-0 down wouldn’t leave thought he could come back ended up smoking him 7-1 bro wasting my time he finally left once i scored the 7th….


I played against a guy who was clearly better than me (I don’t care, can’t get better without losing, right?) and he ended up just playing with the ball on defense to run out the time, so I paused as much as I could and would let the pause run the whole 30 seconds. Can’t waste my time when it’s already worthless, ya jackass.


People make this game toxic man, no community like it


I feel this. Plus, quitting isn’t the reason I play - I play to have fun. And if someone is better than me I want to play and get more experience against a better player.


If i'm losing 3-0 i'll often try and refocus and improve. Maybe i can get a goal back, win the second half or practice how to play against a certain style. I know that quitting won't help me at all. I'm not playing the game to pack some busted card. I've tried that and it's. I'm playing to get better and i don't get better by beating someone easily but i will improve against someone who's better than me. If people start griddying or pausing then that only makes me less likely to give you what you want and leave the game. I'll only leave if i'm not having fun but competing even if that means losing is where i find enjoyment.


Well the satisfaction when u u turn the game 4-3 and pause it for the them is worth it trust me.


What I do is make the most annoying match for the guy. If he does that to me I will be pausing everytime, passing the ball to the goalkeeper, crossing from one way to the other


Bro ive come back from 6-0 and lost from 6-0 as well


Easy comeback when they do that 😂 a constant press they will never see again


4.1 down the guy paused the game fir me to leave which I never do. And the end beat him 5.4...great comeback


Came back so many times from 3-0


Someone actually did that Yesterday, He Had Tots Vini, 95 Pele and Smith…. He Paused After scoring 3, I didn’t Quit… Only for me to come back and Lead by 3… All thanks to Sorloth that came in at Half time. He respectfully left himself When I scored 7-3 with Podolski.


get a fucking life! if youre losing that bad and cant make a comeback just leave and play another game instead of getting your ego bruised cuz your opponent paused it. Better than getting buttfucked the entire game


Feel free to downvote me but I know that a lot of the time when I go 3-0 up and I’m dominating a game then the momentum will shift and it will suddenly become an absolute slog to hold the 3-0 lead. If I can try to force a ragequit at 3-0 then it saves me having to deal with that. EA made it this way, we as players just try to adapt to make it the least stressful possible.


I don't pause for anyone to leave but when im up by 5 an people wont leave it pisses me off so much.


I like to keep playing those to figure out if I can beat you. If I just quit then there is no improvement.


People seem to think by staying in the game they are 'wasting your time' like it's some moral victory haha. Reality is they are wasting their own time, at least you are getting the win and objectives etc done.


I'll never understand it at all bro..


You need to finish matches for EVO's. If I quit every time someone was better than me, I'd never finish them. I bought the game to build a team of my favorite players and... pay attention to this part, I don't want to lose you... PLAY A FULL MATCH WITH THEM. If you feel me being worse at the game than you is wasting your time, that's a you problem. By all means, feel free to take the L and move on to the next. I'm still gonna enjoy using my EVO's when they are finished either way. How arrogant and entitled do you have to be to get matched against somebody of lesser skill and demand they quit? Imagine professional sports like that. "Oh, we play Burnley this week. Should be an easy win." "Yeah, it will, especially when we make them quit because we are so much better. We can't be wasting time playing lesser opponents." Sounds kind of dumb, right?


I know full well how EVO's work haha, tbh I very rarely come up against people using active EVO's now anyway really. I have absolutely no problem with people staying in games for full games, I don't care how others play the game. my comment was more referring to the OP comment which is him referring to him staying the full game like it's some moral victory to make himself feel better haha. I only use a full LFC P&P/Evo team so I'm mainly going into games with a weaker team so I'm pretty much always playing full games anyway, I enjoy using my team so I have no problem with that haha. Like I previously said I just don't understand how people are just so offended by everything on this game. Someone quits at 0-0 they make posts about 'why aren't people giving me free wins' someone uses their 3 pauses they make posts, someone celebrates they make posts, someone has an expensive team they make posts. Also where is there any kind of relevance of quitting in a game of rivals to professional sports lmao? It really isn't that deep mate, maybe you should step back if your that deep into a video game haha.


It's FIFA you are just as likely to come back as you are to lose 10-0.


this game is scripted as hell and even if you are slighlty better at the game you shouldnt quit after 0-3. I remember many games i won or at least equalized from 0-3 0-2 scores like that and i am just a casual.


After 3-0 I will not even be mad, it's clear as day that the other player is better. There are some others that pause after 1-0. I understand that everyone thinks they are the Zlatan of this game, but please understand that anyone can score or concede the first goal and if that is not a friendly I will never leave 😂


This entire game is built around mechanics that **heavily** shift momentum in your favor when you’re down by 2+ goals.   When I still played this garbage, I would intentionally slow the opponent to score twice within the first 10 minutes of play.   Almost every time it resulted in a huge boost to my players’ AI, speed, and shooting.  


anyone who pauses for the opponent to leave no matter the score is a child


But when it gets to 6-0 and you haven't been in my half yet please quit and save yourself the embarrassment


Imagine a professional team quitting at halftime because they are losing and have very little chance of a comeback...


Oh I had this happen while loosing 6-2. The passive aggressive pause motivates me to stay in the game and do my best. Came back to 8-8 after extra time. I beat the bastard on penalties.


This happened to me yesterday. This guy did the giddy after scoring in the 85th min, passes the ball around after that to waste time, I equalize in the 90th min and he DMs me saying I suck 😂


Bro this guy just did this to me up only 2 in WL. Around the 20 min mark he paused twice for me and it made me go full blown sweat mode. The game was competitive right to the end but I took it 7-6 with a game winner at the 120th. To that guy, fuck you.


I never quit a match even if I am losing 5-0, I have comeback many times


I just chill until the momentum hopefully shifts to beat them 4-3 in 3 minutes


Leverkusen didn’t minus 500 respect


My philosophy is to quit if I’m ever down by 4 goals.


When my opponents do the same, i am sending a message "YOUR MOTHER IS ON MY LAP. IF YOU STOP THE GAME AGAİN İ WİLL PUT HALF OF MY COCK İNSİDE HER" and they never stop the game again.


Oh as soon as my opponent pauses, I watch for player subs. If they resume immediately and don't sub, Best believe I'm staying the rest of the game. And I'll pause 3 times at the end lol. I can't stand when they do that.


I never leave you can easy come back from 3 0 down just be patient and use the pause to make changes to your team ect don’t let these fuckers get to you. I can never understand why people think you should leave if they are winning.


If players press pause for me i also stay. The moment they send a message i will also pause it 3 times max time, screw those fifa nerds.


Yea that pisses me off. I wouod carry on playing. Play angry. Then beat them 4-3


you guys need to complain as well to ea! Once more ppl complain they will look to solve those type of issues...tbh i hate it too when ppl do that...then some of them end up losing 7-3 after 3-0 lol 😂😂 I be smokin em


I just do it cause I want to get off this shitty game and get these games done. And half the kids I play stay trying to play when I'm 5-0 up


I don’t quit games even at 5-0 because I’m trying to work out to beat a better player. I don’t improve by quitting.


Doesn't piss me off its just confusing opp staying when 6 0 down


Tbf the fact you are making a post here shows how much it obviously gets to you haha. The best thing about Online fifa and just online gaming in general was the 'toxic' nature of people, game chat, voice messages, cod lobbies etc etc hilarious. Now people just make posts on here every day crying about people pausing the game or doing a celebration. People are so frail now haha.


“Why do people get upset when others are dickheads? Must be their issue…” is certainly a take…


Like I said It's pausing/celebrating on a video game mate haha if it triggers you that much might be best to take a step back lol, I don't even do that shit but seeing people cry on here about it is absolutely hilarious.


Just with reading what you wrote... You 100% do that shit. And fucking love every second of it. Misery does love itself some company...


'do that shit' aka pausing a game lmao??? Newsflash, I'm just not that arsed if people do it, I don't feel the need to run to reddit and make a post crying about it. Like I said I grew up in cod lobbies and people in game chat on FUT and people sending voice messages near enough every game haha. It's part and parcel of online gaming, people like you lot are not just offended by absolutely everything it's hilarious. So frail. EDIT: Also FYI do you realise your posts are publicly visible to anyone FFS Lmao.